• Published 11th Apr 2016
  • 287 Views, 4 Comments

Mystic Wonder. - Mystipony

A young colt goes to his sister to ask if he can try on her tiara, which begins a new chapter in his life.

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Chapter 1

Mystic Night paced back and forth in his room, talking to himself, rather nervous about what he was about to do.

"Come on, you can do this, you just have to go there, knock on her door, and ask. That's not hard, right?"

The black rainbow haired alicorn colt opened his door, took a deep breath, head over to his sister's room knocking on the door with his hoof gently.

"Um...Blade? Can I come in?" A gray pegasus filly, a little bigger than Mystic Night opened the door and spoke.

"Sure, do you need something Mystic?" Mystic Night was very noticeably nervous about this, but he really needed to ask this, so he took a deep breath and started to speak again.

"Can I...um...please..." He blushed very deeply then asked in very quick voice

"Can I please try on your tiara?" he covered his face with his white wings and almost hoped that she couldn't understand him. Blade blinked a for a minute, unsure of what to do. After a minute of deliberation, she took a hoof and pulled Mystic's wings from his face.

"You want to try on my tiara?" Blade asked, thinking that maybe she could get some quality time with her brother, he'd been a bit reclusive since their mother passed away a year ago. This was the first time he'd come to her with something he wanted to do, so she thought it might be a good opportunity to do something nice for him.

"Alright, you can try it on, let me get it." Mystic nodded and waited for her to get the tiara. Blade went into her closet, retrieved a very ornate looking pink and purple box, and came back. Mystic looked at the box with wide eyed wonder, he much preferred it to the blue one his crown was held in. Blade noticed him looking at the box excitedly, and it made her wonder about things. For now, she opened the box and revealed a rather simple but beautiful golden Tiara with a pink gemstone in a diamond shape as the center piece, followed by some smaller purple and pink alternating gemstones in the same shape flowing from each side of the tiara's center stone in an arcing pattern.

"It's beautiful" Mystic said in a voice filled with wonder and anticipation. He had seen it before, but not this close, only during the ceremonies where the family needed to gather in formal wear to address the kingdom his father ruled over.

"Are you really going to let me?" He was nervous again. Blade smiled, seeing her brother like this, made her giggle a bit. that made Mystic blush again, embarrassed a little. Blade then speaks up to answer his question.

"Yes, but first, let's do something about your mane so it looks better okay?" Mystic blinks he didn't think that his mane was all that messy or anything, but nods in agreement to Blade's suggestion. She sits him down at her makeup table and starts brushing his mane in front of the mirror, soon, she's braiding the white and black stripes in it together. The other colors shes brushes and makes a little smoother, otherwise leaving them unchanged. then she ties the end of the braid with a pink ribbon from one of the drawers in her makeup table. Mystic can't help but smile as he gets this treatment.

"Alright we're ready for the tiara, please be careful with it, okay?" Mystic nods lightly, almost as if he is already wearing the tiara. Then Blade brings it out and places it delicately on her brother's head and deciding that it should be just slightly off center so that his white horn wouldn't get in the way of the center jewel. Mystic looked into the mirror of the makeup table and his eyes lit up, as he saw his own image rather beautifully done up with the braided mane and tiara. He wanted to cry and hug his sister but remembered to be careful with the tiara so he first took it off and placed it gently in the box it came in before rushing to hug his sister tightly.

"Thank you so much Blade, that made me really happy! You're the best!" Blade blushes at the praise and hugs her brother back.

"No problem, Mystic, I'm glad you liked it so much" She untied the ribbon from his mane and un-braided his white and black stripes.

"You looked pretty good in that. with a little more work..., oh, never mind, sorry, just thinking out loud." Mystic Night blushed at the comment, before slowly walking towards the door.

"Maybe next time?" He asked with a twinge of hope on his voice, before smiling to his sister and leaving to return to his room.

The castle silent at night, Mystic Night lie in his bed, awake with thoughts rushing through his head. 'What's wrong with me?' 'Why did I have to be so different?' 'I didn't ask to be a prince!' 'I don't wanna be a girl' 'I just want to feel pretty.''Why is it so hard.' 'Dad can't find out.' 'He can't know any of it.'

"NNnng!..." after a while of tossing and turning on the bed he got up and sighed.

"Well, if I can't sleep, maybe now's a good time to try that on." Mystic thought he'd never have gotten this into his room and under his bed without anyone noticing. He was sure a guard or somepony would have noticed and said something, luckily things were pretty lax at the castle that day.

He pulled out a box from under his bed, it was a box you'd put clothing in. He opened it and inside was a pink and white garment with gold trim. It was a dress he had purchased at one of the dress stores around the island that was his homeland, Inferno Valley. He took the dress out carefully, as if he was holding a holy relic, not wanting to ruin it he didn't even want to wrinkle it much as he carefully put it on. It was quite contrasting with his pitch black coat. His rainbow mane seemed quite nice with it, it was a little messy though, from him tossing in bed. He took his brush and proceeded to brush his hair humming lightly.

"Let's see if I can get my mane in that style from earlier, it was pretty cute." He giggled a bit at that. Soon his mane was styled and all the colors of his hair were shining softly in the dim light of his desk lamp. He went over to look at himself in the full length mirror, he looked quite nice. The dress fit him better than he thought it would, especially considering he couldn't try it on in the store. Even if they would have let him, he'd have been far too embarrassed to even think of asking.

"Blade was right, with a little more work, I could maybe pass, almost." Mystic thought about that and looked over to his bookshelf he'd been studying magic lately as a pastime, and this might be a good time to learn a new spell. He was sure that one of this books had a spell that could work.

"Hmm, Illusions and You, this might have it." After a bit of skimming through the index, he found the entry he was looking for, a spell called 'Change Visage' it seemed it could alter the physical appearance of living creatures, for a limited time.

"target; self or friendly creature, duration; 3 hours plus one additional hour per caster level after 5 up to 8 hours or until dispelled, Spell level 3. 'a suitable form should first be considered before attempting to cast the spell, as previous attempts by various casters have caused undesirable results with many being the first thing that came to their mind, some more monstrous than others.' Good to know. Might be best to start with the base and not have anything covering it then." Mystic Night said as he took of the dress and carefully put it away in the box under his bed again.

"okay what should I look like if I'm going to go as a filly? Hmm, I don't wanna drastically change too much. The horn and wings might be a good start to change, maybe go as an earth pony? Maybe I could even go shopping for my own things if I manage to do this well enough. Then the rainbow mane is a dead giveaway that it's me. Also gonna have to change my cutie mark. This might be harder than I thought." He spends the next hour or so writing down things that he should and shouldn't change and after a while, he gets a picture of what he would like to look like.

"If only I was a better artist, I could just draw it and have a picture to go off. Oh well, I'm happy I'm at least half decent with magic. Can't ask for everything. Now, I've got the image in my head, I just need to recite the spell from the book." The spell was written in an old language that most didn't use much anymore almost everyone just spoke the common pony language, and if they didn't simple spells and amulets would let them translate flawlessly with each other. Mystic began the incantation.

"Kio Thera Hocho Albeedi Bal Ther!" The glow in the room intensified for a moment and then subsided as the colt in the room had been transformed into what looked much more like a filly, with a dark gray coat instead of the pitch black, fiery reddish orange mane and tail with yellowish orange stripes, and the cutie mark was now a red heart with white wings set upon a fiery circular background with flames at the top. Mystic looked at himself in the mirror again and was taken aback by how much he had changed. His frame hadn't much, but he was not too much different in size from a filly his age to begin with.

"Wow, that worked better than I thought it would, and on the first try!? Mom was right I do have a knack with this stuff!" For a moment, reminding himself of his mother he got rather sad, missing her, but knowing she wouldn't want him to feel that way, he shook it off.

"Sorry Mom, I just miss you." Mysti smiled as he remembered his mother and then returned to get the dress again. Putting it on once more, he looked in the mirror again and saw a rather beautiful filly. This made him smile very happily and giggle a little more. He very much liked this look, but he had to remember that he was under a spell and needed to make sure no one saw him like this, at least not yet. He also wanted to surprise his sister tomorrow with this. Maybe they could even do some work on his makeup.

"I'll save it for later, but I think I can sleep now. Too bad I can't sleep in this, I don't want to ruin it though." He took the dress off and returned it to it's hiding place and got back in bed, as he slept the spell wore off, and he returned to his colt state. He slept rather peacefully for the rest of that night.

Author's Note:

This story will be continued as frequently as I can, and my muse holds out.

~Mysti Inferno