• Published 2nd Apr 2016
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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Anarchy - Simply Anarchy

Peaceful times have settled over Equestria. In fact it's kind of boring... that is until crime erupts from out of nowhere. Now Twilight and her friends must face perhaps their greatest foe yet, an evil mastermind that goes by the name Simply Anarchy.

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Chapter 6: A Lesson In Anarchy

The sun shines high in the sky over the schoolhouse. School is about to be in session, as young fillies and colts all make their way into the building. The young ponies take their respective seats and chat with one another, while waiting for their teacher, Miss Cheerilee, to arrive.

"Hey, Diamond Tiara, are you holdin' up alright?" Applebloom asks sounding worried.

Diamond Tiara looked down out her hooves for a moment. "I don't know. Last night, I couldn't sleep because I kept having nightmares about those robbers coming back." she huffed sadly. Her best friend Sliver Spoon patted her on the shoulder.

"I don't blame you. I would probably have nightmares if that happened to me, too." Sweetie Belle chimed in. "But you don't have to worry about those ponies anymore."

"Yeah! 'Cuz Princess Celestia is gonna make sure that those two pay!" Scootaloo interjected, her wings flapping spontaneously.

Diamond Tiara sighed. "I know, I know. It's just.... I can't wrap my head around why they would do this to my family." She responded glumly. "Was it because of how I acted before?"

"You can't blame yourself for any of this!" Applebloom intervened. "You have changed and everypony here knows it." The other two Crusaders nod in unison to their friend's statement.

Diamond smiled at her new friends. "Thanks, girls. I needed that."

The classroom door opens, and the students begin to quiet down. They eagerly wait for their teacher to step through the door. Instead, however, two bald, pale stallions and mares step into the room. Everyone in the room looks at the strange crew puzzled. The room is completely silent.

A few moments pass before Applebloom breaks the silence. "Uhhhh.... hello? Who are you?" She asks in confusion.

"Oh don't you worry about them, little filly." A gray pony steps into the room. He is wearing a green tie and has an 'A' on his flank. What could that mean? He had a smirk on his face the entire time, as he began walking around the room. "Good morning, class! My name is.... Mr. A, and I will be your substitute teacher for the day!" He states before letting out a short laugh. "And don't mind them. They are my.... teacher's aides.... Yeah, that's it! They are here to assist me as I need them."

"Substitute? But, what happened to Miss Cheerilee? Is she sick?" Sweetie Belle asks curiously.

Anarchy looked to the little white filly in front of him. "She's a bit tied up at the moment, so she graciously asked me to fill in for her." He replied contently. "If there are no more questions, then let's begin, shall we?" He scans over a notebook that was set on Cheerilee's desk. "Alright, it says here that you all had a worksheet for homework last night. Everypony get those out, please."

Scootaloo begins to fidget nervously in her seat. Applebloom sees her and leans over to her. "What's wrong, Scoot?" She whispers trying to be discrete.

Scootaloo leans over, as well. "I uhh.... completely forgot about that homework." She responds in a equally hushed, yet panicked tone.

Applebloom looks to Scootaloo with a disappointed expression. "How could you have forgotten? Miss Cheerilee announced that it was due today like a bajillion times before we left yesterday. What were you doin'?" Applebloom muttered.

"Heh, I might have been doodling on my paper. See?" Scootaloo shows her fellow Crusader her rather crude drawing. "It's a giraffe!"

Applebloom facehoofs and shakes her head. "Seriously? You can't just ignore-"

"And where is your homework?" Mr. A quizzes raising his eyebrow.

Scootaloo's eyes get really wide, as if she was caught committing a crime. She slowly turns to her teacher. "Umm.... it's right here.... but the thing is.... I kinda, sorta.... forgot to do it." Scootaloo flinched as he grabbed the paper, as if he was going to hit her for not doing her homework.

He looked over the paper for a moment, while Scootaloo watched nervously. Then, to her surprise, he grinned. "That's a very nice giraffe. Looks like we have an artist in the room!" He stated happily.

Scootaloo's expression changed from a look of nervousness to a look of shock. "Wait, that's it? You aren't mad?" She questioned dumbfounded.

"Of course not. I never liked homework either.... or rules for that matter." Anarchy added with a smirk. He trots to the front of the classroom. "You could all learn a thing or two from Miss Scootaloo, here." Then, he jumps up onto Cheerilee's desk. "Which is why, today, we are going to be learning a very important lesson. A lesson that your beloved Princess Celestia refuses to teach you. Today, my little ponies, we will be learning about.... freedom of expression." He announces proudly, as he points to Scootaloo. "That young filly has the right idea. Now I want you all to take your worksheets.... and rip them to shreds!" The entire class looked to him hesitantly. "Go on! Do it. I'm not kidding!" He reassured them with a smile. He then ripped a piece of paper from the notebook on the desk and began tearing it apart, in an effort to encourage them further.

Slowly, the students began tearing their homework apart. "That's it! I'm sure there were some questions on there that aggravated you last night. Take out your frustrations now!" The gray stallion exclaimed ecstatically. The little ponies began to smile and giggle, while tearing up the papers. "Good! Now throw the pieces into the air!" Anarchy directed as he watched the students follow his commands joyfully. Soon, shards of paper were raining down from the ceiling as the young fillies and colts cheered and laughed. "Confetti! To celebrate a job well done!" he interjected gleefully. Students even started picking up the paper and throwing it at one another, like they were having a snowball fight.

As the last of the paper falls to the ground, Anarchy looks around at what he had caused and laughs. "The moral here, class, is that you should never let anypony tell you what you can or can't do. You are your own pony. If you want to be an artist, be an artist. If you want to tame manticores, then go tame manticores. If you want to rule the world.... then let nopony stop you." Anarchy declares wickedly. The students giggle, thinking that he was joking. He joins in their laughter, before regaining his composure. "Seriously. You do whatever you want to do. Let nopony stop you." He then jumps off of the desk and claps his hooves together. "Alright! Enough teaching for now. Who's up for a little recess?" The whole class erupts with cheer. He chuckles at their overwhelming response. "Everyone outside! We will continue class in one hour."

The ponies begin to rush out the door. Even the Cutie Mark Crusaders, are happily galloping to the outside. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon start to head out behind them, but are quickly interrupted. "Miss Tiara, may I have a word with you, please?" Anarchy asks.

Diamond Tiara looks back to him. "Umm. Sure, I guess." She responds puzzled. "I'll meet you outside in a sec, Silver Spoon." Silver Spoon nods and trots out the door merrily. "What's up?"

"I don't mean to pry, but I heard that you were recently the victim of a robbery, is that correct?" He questioned curiously.

Diamond looked to the floor wistfully. "Yeah, it's true."

"You have my sympathy, but I'm sure you aren't looking for anything like that. What you want is to see those criminals pay, right?" The gray pony asked bluntly.

At first Diamond was going to argue against his rather intrusive question, but instead decided against it. "Those ponies are in custody now. Princess Celestia will make sure they are punished for their crime." She retorted confidently.

"I don't know about that." Anarchy stated as he walked to the front of the classroom. "It is true that those two are in Celestia's custody. But that doesn't mean that she is going to punish them."

Diamond Tiara had a look of shock on her face at his remark. Why would he say that? How could he be so cold, especially about the princess? "What do you mean? Of course, she will!" She claimed slightly angry at her teacher's negativity.

Anarchy's expression was very serious, however. Then, a slight evil smirk appeared on his face. "Really?" He quizzed, as he walked to one of the white mares, who handed him a newspaper. He dropped the paper on the ground in front of Diamond. "Then what do you call that?" He gestured to the headline on the front page. 'Rich Family Robbers' Sentence Reduced'

Diamond Tiara stared in utter disbelief at those words for a few seconds. "How.... could this be?" She manages to mutter. "Why would she do this? After what they did to us.... how could she let them off so easily?" Tears began rolling down her cheeks.

Anarchy puts his hoof on her shoulder. "The truth is hard to bear sometimes. And the truth is that Celestia does whatever she wants, no matter who she hurts. And she punishes only those who don't do what she wants them to. Those robbers fed her a sob story, and she just ate it up." He replied bitterly, while pulling Diamond in for a hug. "I know your pain. Celestia has done me wrong in the past. And nopony questioned her for it." He turned her to face him. "The difference between our situations is that you have the money and influence to do something about it. Injustice ends when we finally take a stand. Be the change you want to see, and it will become a reality." He brought out a tissue and wiped the tears from her eyes.

Tiara thought to herself for a moment. Then, she nodded. "You're right! I won't stand for this!" Diamond Tiara stomped her hoof on the ground in anger. Then, she gave Anarchy a determined smile. "Thanks, Mr. A! I won't let you down!" She began trotting towards the exit. She opened the door, then turned back to her teacher. "By the way, I really like your tie!" She flashed him a bright smile.

Anarchy cackled at the compliment. "Why, thank you! I just got it!" He smirked evilly. He watched as she closed the door behind her.

Then, he turned to his crew, and a wide grin spread across his face. "Well, that went swimmingly!" He giggled like a schoolpony. "Now we just sit back and enjoy the show!" He dances around the room, singing all the while. "I've listened to preachers. I've listened to fools. I've watched all the dropouts, who make their own rules. One pony conditioned to rule and control. The media sells it and you live the role. Mental wounds still screaming, driving me insane! I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train! I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train!♪" He lets out a maniacal laugh. Then, he prances over to the storage closet in the corner of the room. He opens the door, to reveal Miss Cheerilee tied to a chair, her mouth covered in duct tape. Angrily, she mumbles something incoherently, desperately trying to talk through the tape, but to no avail. Anarchy looks at her amused. "Don't take it personally. You aren't the first pony I've done this to this week.... but you are the first pony I've done this to today. Lucky you, huh?" He declared wickedly. The two pale stallions lift Miss Cheerilee, still bound to the chair, from the closet and set her down in front of her desk. "So good to have you back in front of the classroom again! Your students were very well behaved. You should be proud!"

He picks up a piece of chalk and begins writing on the board. Then, he steps back to appreciate his work. "What do you all think of my handywork? You think Princess Twilight will get the message?" He questions looking back at his crew who laugh hysterically at what he wrote. "Oh! I almost forgot!" He exclaimed as he opened the notebook on the desk and pulls out a sealed scroll bearing the Anarchy insignia on it. "This is for Princess Twilight. Do make sure she gets it, would you?" He nudges Cheerilee, as if he told a joke. He put the scroll in her desk and closed it. He turned back to his crew and smiled deviously. "Alright everypony! I believe it's time for us to make our exit!" Then he glances back at the constricted Cheerilee. "Miss Cheerilee, we bid you a most respectful farewell." He salutes her, then turns back towards the door. "Let's go."

A little over two hours has passed, as a panicked Twilight and her friends are bolting towards the school being led by the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"You just found her tied up there?" Twilight asked the three young fillies.

"Yeah. We were outside having recess. When we came back in two hours later, we saw Miss Cheerilee tied to her chair and our substitute, Mr. A, was missing." Sweetie Belle squeaked shakily.

"Wait, who's Mr. A?" Applejack intervened.

Just then, the friends arrived at the schoolhouse. Twilight opened the door and stepped inside, only to gasp at what she saw.

Rarity looked around the messy room. "This place looks simply horrid!" Rarity stated brusquely.

"You're telling me!" Miss Cheerilee walked through the back door of the building. "This is not exactly the way I would have liked for this day to go, you know? Now could somepony please give me an explanation for all this!" She demanded irritably.

Starlight wanders around the classroom. "Well, it certainly looks like Anarchy has been here. What do you think, Twilight?" She asked her alicorn friend. But she got no answer in return. Twilight's eyes were transfixed on something else. Worried, Starlight walks up to her. "Twilight? What's wrong?"

Twilight's heart sank as she read the message on the chalkboard. In very large print on the board was written 'Composure 101.' She then panicked once again. "We've got to get to Doctor Hooves's house now!" She managed to interject before bursting back through the schoolhouse door.

The girls immediately took off after her. They weren't going to let there friend face this alone. They followed her all the way until they got to the doctor's house.

Twilight began knocking at the door frantically, only for the door to open when her hoof pounded on it. The ponies stepped inside the house nervously. This wasn't looking good.

Twilight had to stay calm, though. "Hello? Doctor Hooves? Are you home?" She got no answer in return. The ponies continued to search the house all over. Moments later it was concluded. He was simply not there.

"Maybe he had to run an errand." Fluttershy proposed, her voice visibly shaken with nervousness. Then again, it nearly always sounded like that.

"I would rethink that theory." Rainbow Dash stated pointing to a chair surrounded by rope.

Twilight approached the chair, but was stopped when she stepped on something. She lifted her hoof and discovered that she had stepped on a piece of duct tape. This particular piece had brown fur stuck to it in a way that looks like it was wrapped around a pony's mouth. Twilight gritted her teeth in anger.

"What is it, Twilight?" Applejack questioned concerned.

Twilight's horn lit up with a deep pink aura as she used her magic to throw the chair across the room. The chair shattered as it met the wall. Her friends were left stunned by her reaction. Twilight snorted angrily for a moment, before tears filled her eyes. The girls gathered around their friend who was now sobbing with her face buried in the floor. She made a promise to Celestia. She made a promise to Equestria. And once again, she failed.

Author's Note:

And the train keeps on rolling. No pun intended.... or maybe it was. The lyrics he sings this time around are from the song Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne. I do not own, nor do I pretend to own the rights to this song. Anyways, I hope Chapter 6 proved to be what I said it would be. If so, leave a thumbs up. Hell, leave a comment telling me what you think! I always appreciate feedback! And as always, I thank you for reading my story. This roller coaster ride is far from over. So stay tuned for Chapter 7.