• Published 2nd Apr 2016
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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Anarchy - Simply Anarchy

Peaceful times have settled over Equestria. In fact it's kind of boring... that is until crime erupts from out of nowhere. Now Twilight and her friends must face perhaps their greatest foe yet, an evil mastermind that goes by the name Simply Anarchy.

  • ...

Chapter 18: Ambush

"I don't mind tending to the baby, but I have to ask... Is changing to Cadance really necessary?" Firefly asked as she changed from the princess to her typical changeling appearance.

Anarchy chuckled at her question. "Of course it is. If we want little Flurry Heart to despise her and the other princesses, we have to give her a little hope first. She will be raised by her cruel and abusive mother for a few years. And just when she thinks that there is no hope, I will be there to pick up the pieces. I will give her a purpose in life. I'll teach her all that I know. She will dedicate her life to bringing down the rulers of Equestria."

He put his front leg around the commander's shoulder, causing her to blush slightly. "Imagine it. A world where creatures of all kinds can live together. Free to express their special talents however they wish. No matter what that talent may be." He gazed down at his own cutie mark.

Firefly pictured his dream becoming a reality... and it was truly beautiful. Then again, in her eyes, anything he did was a work of art. "I'm so happy for you! You have planned this for years, and now, your moment is finally here!"

The villain looked back at her and grinned. "Isn't it fascinating? How ponies choose to define their lives by singular moments? Whether it be marriage, the birth of a child, or even finding out that they have a terminal illness. To most, the quality of their lives is determined by the amount of good things that happens to them. If only they knew..."

"If only they knew what?" Firefly asked curiously.

Anarchy looked at her with a serious expression. "The bad moments shape who you are as well. Take me for example... Do you think I got where I am because I was happy all my life? Spoiler alert... my life sucked!"

The evil pony walked over to the large window in his office. He glanced through it, observing the city ponies going about their daily routines. "I have had to claw and kick my way to get to where I am! My parents were not around to see me through my childhood. I raised myself! No one loved me! No one cared what happened to me. And you know what... I could not have asked for more!"

A wicked smile appeared on Anarchy's face. "Through all of the doubt... all of the hate... despite being told I was destined for nothing... here I stand on the pinnacle of a new world order! Everything I have worked to achieve has become a reality, and now I lead a revolution that will change the surface of Equestria forever!" He turned back to face Firefly. "So you see? Moments don't define you... How you overcome the obstacles that life throws at you, that is what makes you who you are."

Firefly looked at her boss thoughtfully. "How do you do it? How do you remain so strong, despite the world being against you?"

Anarchy opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by another one of his soldiers. "Forgive my interruption, sir. But you may want to see this." The changeling assured bluntly, as he held a newspaper up to his leader.

Anarchy took the newspaper and read the headline.

'Anarchy Sucks' Festival To Be Held Tomorrow In Ponyville

Anarchy read the paper with wide, fire-filled eyes. Firefly looked on as she saw her master's change in expressions. She had never seen such a flurry of emotions go through him in all of the years she had worked for him.

After about two minutes of silent reading, Anarchy revealed a spiteful smirk. "You want to know how I remain strong?" the villain asked inquisitively. He handed the newspaper over to Firefly and gestured to the front page. "Rather than living for a moment... I live for now." He walked out of his office and proceeded to the barracks, where his troops awaited his command.

He pulled out an air horn and sounded it off for all to hear. Immediately, all soldiers were standing at attention to their boss. Anarchy grinned as he walked around the room. "It certainly has been one helluva week for us. Making statements... defying authority... doing what we want to do! It has been a barrel of laughs watching them run around helplessly, hasn't it? Like the saying goes, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull colt.' And I do believe that... but do you want to know what's not funny?" Anarchy gestured to Firefly, who had just walked into the room. She walked beside him and held up the newspaper.

"It appears Celestia thinks we are some kind of joke! Now let me get this out of the way... I could care less about what they say about me. Their opinions are irrelevant and useless. And this festival is quite simply the last act of a desperate pony. No, it doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I find it rather pitiful. What upsets me... is that they are taking us for a bunch of fools..."

Anarchy grabs the paper and tears it to shreds in front of his army. "They expect us to fall for such a pathetic ploy. Apparently, they have forgotten with whom they are dealing with. This is clearly an ambush in disguise. A very poor one, but a disguise no less. Now we could easily ignore this whole fiasco, and just go about our usual routine... but where's the fun in that?"

Firefly looked at him in confusion. "What are you suggesting, sir?"

The villainous stallion jumped onto one of the desks in the room. He stood tall over the enormous swarm of changelings. "I'm saying... let's spring their trap!" He exclaimed giddily. A bunch of his soldiers looked at him with uncertainty. He raised one of his eyebrows. "My brothers and sisters... you aren't doubting me... are you?" He glared around the room, making everyone in the room cringe nervously. Then, he laughed deviously. "You need not worry about a thing. I would never lead you astray! I have a plan to turn the tables, should they feel froggy enough to jump..."

Firefly saw the doubt in all their eyes. He had not been wrong before. In fact, he has never been wrong. Why would they doubt him? "Hey! All of you! Listen up!" She snapped angrily. All of the troops looked at her in shock. Even, Anarchy looked at her with surprise. "How dare you question an order from your superior! After all he has done for you, you should be stepping up without hesitation! He has never led you wrong! Without his guidance, we would still be slaves to a deluded queen who doesn't care about us! To her, we were disposable! Has he ever thrown any of you out like garbage?" The crowd shook their heads in response. "Then, why question him now? He wants what we all want... to live in peace. But in order to get there, we must fight the ones that stand in our way! We need to follow his lead, for he will be the one who brings us to the change we truly seek!"

Everyone in the room was inspired by her speech. One by one, each changeling knelt before their leader. Within a few moments, they were all bowing as if he were royalty. Anarchy looked at Firefly. She knelt down has well. Then, he chuckled a bit. "You certainly do have a way with words, my little minx."

She giggled, a bit more girlishly than she normally would have. She had never been called that before. Had it been anyone else, she would have probably beat them to a pulp... but for him... she always made an exception. "I learned from the best. Now... what are our orders?"

The next day in Ponyville, the whole town was decorated for the festival. Ponies were setting up stands to sell various goods. A lot of food stands were selling treats in honor of the occasion. Even Pinkie Pie and the Cakes had a stand. They offered Anarchy Sucks cupcakes, cookies, and other various treats.

Pinkie Pie hopped over to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow! You have got to try the cupcakes! They are soooo yummy! And don't get me started on the cookies!" She licked her lips in thought of the goodies.

Dash chuckled at her friend's excitement. "Sounds good, Pink! But you have to check out the float I made for the parade!" She exclaimed eagerly as she dragged the party pony over to her float. It was a childish rendition of Anarchy with chicken wings and a chicken hat.

Pinkie laughed so hard that she snorted. "He's a chicken! That's hilarious!"

Rainbow smirked mischievously. "I know! Very lifelike, am I right?" Rainbow extended her hoof to the pink pony.

"Totally!" Pinkie chuckled as she bumped Rainbow's hoof.

Applejack walked over to the two ponies. She looked up at the float and giggled. "Not bad! But you should see the Crusaders' float. Those girls really have it out for him fer what he did to Big Mac. That and fer trickin' them into believin' he was their teacher."

Rainbow nodded and stomped her hoof. "Yeah... He has a lot to answer for." She huffed in annoyance at the thought of what he had done to them. Then, her sense of arrogance took over again. "The Crusaders made a float too, huh? Does it resemble his actual appearance perfectly like mine does? Because mine--"

The Crusaders roll in on their float, interrupting Dash's bragging. She looks up wide-eyed at their creation. It was a true piece of art. It showed Celestia standing over top of Anarchy, who appears to be begging for mercy at her hooves. Tears streamed down his cheeks, while she bared a victorious grin. Poetic justice personified.

Dash's jaw was on the ground. Pinkie walked up to her and closed her mouth for her. The pegasus shook her head, snapping herself out of her stupor. "This float is... AWESOME!"

Scootaloo jumped off of the float and walked up to her. "You really like it?"

"Like it? It's amazing! Look at the detail! Princess Celestia standing proudly over a feeble and pathetic Anarchy! Every feature is perfect! The princess's flowing mane, the crown on her head, and--" Rainbow sniffed the air and her face contorted in disgust. "Ugh! What the hay! What in Equestria is that smell?" Rainbow sniffed around looking for the source. The smell seemed to be emanating from the Anarchy portion of their float. Her nose scrunched up as she found the culprit.

Applebloom laughed hardily at the rainbow pony's reaction. "Smells bad, right? Good! That was the plan!"

Rainbow held back the urge to vomit. After a few moments, she laughed as well. "Heh, I'm all for realism, but this may be a little too real. I have to give you credit, girls. You even captured his smell!"

The ponies laughed together. They were cut off by the bell ringing, signifying that it was noon. Applejack patted Rainbow on her shoulder. "It's almost time fer the parade! Don't wanna be late, now do ya? Let's go!"

Hours go by and the festival goes off without a hitch. Everypony was wrapped up in the celebration. Every single pony in town had gathered to spite their common enemy. Ironically, the villain managed to bring ponies together, rather than causing a rift between them as he had been doing for the past week. Everyone was having fun and all was good in Ponyville.

Twilight huffed in disappointment. "This isn't going how I thought it would." She turned to Starlight. "Where could he be?"

Starlight shrugged. "Perhaps, he realized this was a trap? I mean, he is pretty smart." Her eyes shot open after realizing how she sounded. "I, uh... That came out wrong... I meant that for a pony who is evil, he is rather intelligent." She rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

Twilight lifted an eyebrow at her friend. "You didn't have to correct yourself... you aren't wrong. He is smart. That's why he's been able to evade us so easily. He knows how we think. If we are going to beat him, we have to think like him." The purple alicorn looked around, trying to spot any suspicious activity.

"Let's just hope that his ego overshadows his sense of judgment." Thorax approached his friends. "Otherwise, this whole thing was just a waste of time." The changeling was disguised as Crystal Hoof, one of his former aliases he used when he first arrived in the Crystal Empire.

"Just stick to the plan... He might be waiting for the right moment to strike." Twilight insisted patiently.

The parade was about to begin, with all the floats lining up. Each float that passed was more insulting than the last. It was apparent by how accurate and lifelike each one was that these ponies didn't like Anarchy very much... which was exactly the point.

Rainbow Dash gathered to Crusaders for one last pep talk. "Remember! We need be alert. If any of you spot Anarchy or any of his goons--"

"We are to yell for you immediately." Scootaloo finished.

"And don't try to be a hero. This guy is extremely dangerous. I don't want any of you getting hurt. Got it?" Rainbow Dash was unconvinced that they understood the nature of the situation... and with who they were dealing with.

Scootaloo and the other Crusaders saluted the pegasus. Rainbow nodded and spread a determined smile. "Alright, then. Let's show this punk exactly what we think of him!"

"And what, pray tell, would that be?" A sinister voice boomed from behind the ponies. They turned to see a very unamused Anarchy slowly approaching them.

Rainbow wasted no time stepping between the little fillies and him. "Take another step and I'll rip your head off! You hear me?!" Rainbow snapped furiously.

Anarchy seemed rather bemused by her reaction. "Don't you worry your polychromatic head about them. If I wanted to hurt them, I would have done so by now." Anarchy hissed bitterly. He looked around at the floats that were standing in line. He stepped toward the Crusaders' float and almost instantly winced at the smell emanating from it. He turned back to Rainbow. "I gotta say... the commitment on this float borderlines on terrifying. If the goal here was to say I smell, then... well done." He discretely sniffed himself, then shrugged. He happened to think that he smelled rather good. The villain looked at Dash's float next. He chuckled and shook his head. "Judging by the childish humor and its failure to impress, I'm going to guess that this one belongs to... you, Miss Dash."

Just as Rainbow was about to make him eat his own words, a small pack of his soldiers emerged from the house behind them. They all surrounded Rainbow, circling her in an act of intimidation. Rainbow snorted angrily. "Is this all you got? We picked off more than this on Princess Cadance's wedding day!"

Anarchy laughed evilly. "We aren't here for a war... at least not today..." Anarchy gestured his soldiers to the floats, which were all abandoned by their respective owners. "No... today is about sending a message. Consider this a declaration of war... courtesy of the future Princess of Liberation."

Anarchy's troops began pouring gasoline on the empty floats. Just as they were all being covered, Twilight and the others arrived. The evil pony smirked as he turned to face the Princess of Friendship. "Well, now this seems familiar. Anypony else feeling a bit of déjà vu?"

Twilight was not in the mood to play any games with him... not that she ever was... "Quiet! If you expect any sort of mercy, you had better tell us where Flurry Heart is!"

"Oh no! She's giving me her angry eyes! I should definitely cooperate now." Anarchy shot her a very sarcastic expression. Twilight remained unamused by his antics. He chuckled. "No offense, Twily, but you trying to intimidate me is just plain sad... not to mention a complete failure... oh wait... I forgot who I was talking to for a moment there. My apologies, princess!"

"Enough! You are surrounded! Just give up now!" Twilight commanded fiercely.

The villain gazed at his adversary with no sign of fear in his eyes. "Tell me something, my dear. Where are the other princesses right now?" He questioned seriously.

"Princess Celestia and Luna are cleaning up Canterlot Castle, no thanks to you. Cadance is too distraught to leave her husband's side, so she is more than likely back at the Crystal Empire, worrying about their daughter." Twilight thought of excuses quickly on the spot. Of course, with how Twilight can be, she stood up late the night before coming up with every possible outcome of this day. Needless to say, she was prepared for anything.

Anarchy shook head. "It's as I thought... Rather than meeting me face to face, they chose to hide in the safe confines of their castles, while their mindless drones do all of their dirty work. Bravo, Celestia!" He scowled bitterly.

"Doesn't seem like they were needed, anyway. Did you really think you were gonna get away with what you did?" Rainbow asked.

The gray stallion looked back at the blue mare. "You're not much of a challenge, little filly. I got you right where I want you." Anarchy winked teasingly at the angry pegasus. She looked as though she was about ready to explode on him. "I mean, how boring would it be if I just remained hidden the entire time? I gotta keep things interesting for all of us! And what better way to do that..." Anarchy walked straight up to Twilight and looked her dead in her eyes. "...than to spring a trap you set for me?"

Twilight remained unphased by his advances. "Well you got caught! Congratulations! Now what?"

"Now... we have ourselves a little heart to heart. You know? Clear the air between us all!" Anarchy stated.

The girls were all looking at him completely dumbfounded. "Seriously?" Applebloom finally spoke up.

"Of course! Is there a problem with that?" The stallion asked genuinely.

"Yes, there's a problem! You fillynapped my niece, burned down Applejack's barn, hurt her brother, and robbed Filthy Rich. And that is only to name a few of the crimes you've committed." Twilight raged, stomping her hoof to emphasize her anger.

"Not to mention you have to actually have a heart, in order to have a heart to heart." Applejack spat harshly.

Anarchy nodded affirmatively. "You are both absolutely right. Especially you, Miss Applejack." She walked up to him and was ready to tell him off, but he put a hoof up to stop her. "Wait. Let me explain myself a bit. As I said, I'm here to clear the air." She still wanted to clobber him, but a look from Twilight made her dismiss the idea and back down. Anarchy waited for her to back away before saying anything else. "Thank you. Now where should we begin?"

"How about with where Flurry Heart is?" Fluttershy stepped up trying to be brave.

Simply looked at the shy pony with seriousness. "She's in a safe place. You shouldn't worry about her, though. I've said it before, I have no intentions of harming the little filly."

"And we're just supposed to believe that?! Coming from you?!" Rarity exclaimed angrily.

Anarchy looked at Rarity. "Believe what you want, but I have yet to lie to any of you." He walked over to his small group of soldiers, looking at each of them carefully. "Now I get to ask you a question." He returned his attention to the friends. "Why do you continue to serve a pony, who only has herself in mind?"

Twilight stepped forward. "Princess Celestia is selfless. I don't know what she could have done to you to make you think otherwise, but she only wants what is best for Equestria!"

"What is best for Equestria and what is best for Celestia are two entirely separate things. That heartless witch has no consideration for the ponies of the world. She only cares about herself!" Anarchy had a pained look on his face. Twilight was actually surprised by his sudden show of emotion. "She doesn't care about who she hurts in the process to get what she wants."

Rainbow Dash had heard enough. "And you do? You just stole a baby from her family just to make a point to her!"

"I do care, actually. My problem is that I care too much. I will fight until my last breath, if it means making Equestria free for all. And if ponynapping a filly will bring me closer to making that a reality, then that is what I will do. Am I a bad guy? Absolutely! I don't wear a white hat. But if you think for one second that I will kneel before that self-righteous tyrant, then somepony has had their head in the clouds for too long." Anarchy glared at the blue pegasus, who returned his scowl.

Starlight interrupted their war of glances. "It doesn't matter, anyway. We have you cornered. Just give up and come quietly."

Anarchy chuckled with amusement. "I quiver in fear!" He mocked sarcastically. "Let's be real here. You only have me cornered because I allowed it."

"Yeah, not one of your best ideas." Starlight pointed out.

The gray stallion shook his head unconvinced. "Isn't it? What do I have to lose? You have no leverage over me. I on the other hoof..." He clicked his tongue and gestured to Twilight.

"You just said that you weren't going to hurt her!" Rarity stated angrily.

"And I am true to my word. I won't lay a hoof on her! But if you try to arrest me then well..." Anarchy walks over to his changeling troops. He wraps his forelegs over the shoulders of two of them. "I can't be held responsible for what they might do to her."

Everyone stared at the evil pony in horror. He couldn't possibly be so heartless. He wouldn't... would he?

Rainbow gave him a look of disgust. "You always have your goons do your dirty work?"

Anarchy raised an eyebrow at her. "Would you prefer me to do it instead?"

"Your grudge against the princess has nothing to do with Flurry Heart! Bring her back now!" Twilight snapped irritably, tears of anger stinging her eyes.

The villain was taken by her sudden burst of anger. He smirked wickedly. "I can tell that she means a lot to you, Twilight. I don't blame you for that. I've only had her for a day, and even I am starting to become attached." Anarchy thought to himself for a moment. He looked at Twilight, who was shaking with fear at not knowing if her niece was safe. "I'll tell you what... I'll make you a proposition."

"What kind of proposition?" Twilight sniffled.

"It isn't something I would normally do... but I feel like we have really gotten close over the past week. As a professional courtesy, I will make you a deal. I will give you Flurry Heart in the exact same condition as you last saw her..." Anarchy proposed.

"Nothin' with you is ever that simple. What's the catch here?" Applejack prodded impatiently.

"Right, yet again, AJ. I give you props for knowing that a deal consists of two ponies getting something they want." He pats the orange pony on the head, as if he were praising a little foal. "She can be taught, fillies and gentlecolts!"

Applejack steamed angrily. "Just tell us what you want before I pound you into cider!"

Anarchy was only encouraged by her comment. "Aren't we a feisty one? Very well..." Anarchy walked up to Twilight. "I will give you your niece... in return... I want Celestia..."

Twilight shook her head. "You can't be serious."

"As a heart attack..." Anarchy hissed grimly. "If you want the baby, that is the deal--"

Rainbow tackled the evil pony to the ground. "By the time I'm through with you, you'll wish you had a heart attack!"

Anarchy's soldiers began to run to his aid, but he held up his hoof, signalling for them to stand down. Anarchy looked up at the mare pinning him to the ground. "This kind of brutality probably works on most ponies... but I am not like most ponies. Figuratively... and quite literally." He laughed maniacally at her seething anger.

Rainbow stomped on the ground next to his head. "Stop talking! Here's my deal! You give us Flurry Heart, and I won't stomp you into the ground like dirt!" She exclaimed furiously.

"That is one intriguing offer, Dashie... Very tempting... I have a better one..." Anarchy kicked Dash directly in her stomach sending her hurdling to the ground. He jumped to his feet and dusted himself off. He let out a sinister cackle. "I am not normally one to resort to such violence but you kinda had that coming."

Applejack and Starlight ran to Dash's side to help her. The blow hadn't done too much damage to her, but it did manage to knock the wind out of her. Once she regained her breath, she stood up and charged back at Anarchy. Anarchy's troops swooped down in front of him and readied themselves for her attack.

"Did I mention that if I don't make it back home in time, my men will off the kid anyway?" Anarchy inquired coyly.

Dash stopped dead in her tracks. She looked back at the others, who were just as terrified by what they heard as she was.

Twilight lowered her head in defeat. "Let him go, girls. We have a lot to think about."

Rainbow turned back to Twilight. "You aren't seriously considering his offer, are you Twilight?"

Anarchy grinned deviously. "Finally... I was beginning to wonder when you would listen to reason. I'll even give you some more time to think it over. You have two days. We'll meet at your castle to discuss your final decision." The evil pony put his hoof on Twilight's cheek. "You're doing the right thing, Twilight. Celestia's rule is over. And she must pay for all the pain she has caused."

Rainbow couldn't believe what she was seeing. Twilight was... giving up? "Twilight, no... you can't--"

"We have no choice, Rainbow. Maybe... maybe he's right..." Twilight sighed in defeat.

Twilight's friends looked at her in awe. Twilight was never one to just quit, even when things looked bleak. She always found a way to win in the end. But now, she was completely helpless.

Anarchy basked in his victory. He finally broke Celestia's prized pupil. "You could all learn a thing or two from Twilight here. Her selflessness will be the reason that Equestria is brought forth into a new era. An era where harmony truly exists. One in which all creatures can express their true nature without being punished for it. After all... we are who we are. And isn't that what life is all about?" He posed his question as he gestured for his changelings to finish pouring the gasoline on the parade floats. He wraps his hoof around Twilight, as they watched his troops do as they were commanded. "You see, Princess... I have spent my entire life working up to this moment. A lifetime of vengeance planned out in perfect sequence. At last, it all comes full circle. It's all relative, you know? Applejack's barn... Celestia's reign... even these parade floats... In the end..." Anarchy nodded to his soldier. The changeling understood his cue, as he lit the floats on fire. Anarchy smiled fiendishly. "Everything burns..." The floats blazed brightly as the flames completely engulfed them. They began moving slowly in parade formation, moving past the citizens of Ponyville. The ponies watched in horror as inferno trailed down the streets casting an intense glow upon all of them.

"Don't just stand there! We have to put out those fires! Now!" Applejack interjected, getting her friends' attention.

They all followed behind her, grabbing buckets to fill with water. Rainbow took to the skies to gather some rain clouds. Only Twilight had stayed behind. She looked to Anarchy. "How... How could you do all this? Don't you see the pain you are causing?"

The gray pony approached her one last time. He looked her right in the eyes. His expression wasn't the same carefree one he always wore. This one showed... something else. He took a deep breath, almost as if he wasn't certain of the answer himself. Then, he finally spoke. "Sometimes... it is Hell trying to get to Heaven." With that statement, he turned to look at his troops. They had already loaded up his black carriage. One of his crew opened the door for him. Anarchy stepped inside. He looked back at Twilight one final time before the door closed and the changelings readied for take off.

Twilight frowned as she watched her enemy prepare for his leave. Was this right? How would she ever explain this whole ordeal to Celestia? Not to mention, how Cadance and Shining would react to the possibility of getting their daughter back in exchange for the Princess. Would they do it? Could they do it? The future was not looking good... Will Equestria ever be safe again? Twilight huffed as all these thoughts jumbled together making her head hurt. She looked at the changelings around his carriage. None of them were worried. They knew they had won. They paid no mind to her presence. They were untouchable, and it was made abundantly clear by her inactivity. She glanced at each one, observing them carefully. One of them caught her gaze and looked right at her. He went to turn back to what he was doing, but before he did... he winked at her.

Twilight let a slight smile cross her face. The carriage took off, leaving her behind. She watched as it disappeared into the distance. She and her friends had done their part. The future of Equestria... the fate of Celestia and Flurry Heart... It all rests on Thorax now...

Author's Note:

Once again, I apologize for the delay on this chapter. As it turns out, being an employed citizen of society doesn't leave much room for writing. Hopefully, this extra long chapter makes up for the wait. I also hope you are enjoying the story! If so, leave a thumbs up or even a comment! I am very keen on reading your thoughts on the story! Until next time, my friends, stay tuned for the next chapter! :pinkiehappy: