My Little Pony: Friendship Is Anarchy

by Simply Anarchy

First published

Peaceful times have settled over Equestria. In fact it's kind of boring... that is until crime erupts from out of nowhere. Now Twilight and her friends must face perhaps their greatest foe yet, an evil mastermind that goes by the name Simply Anarchy.

Peaceful times have settled over Equestria. In fact it's actually kind of boring... that is until crime erupts from out of nowhere. Now Twilight and her friends must face perhaps their greatest foe yet, an evil mastermind that goes by the name Simply Anarchy. Twilight is convinced that with the power of friendship and a positive outlook, there is nothing they can't do. It is, in fact, her destiny to spread that very idea. She is about to learn the hard way, that not all ponies share her ideals. Some aren't after friendship, money, power, or anything obvious to that extent. Some ponies just want to watch the whole world crumble.

Takes place well after the events of episodes 1 and 2 of Season 6.

Simply Anarchy is a villainous OC of my own twisted mind!

Chapter 1: A Filthy Heist

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All is quiet in Equestria. The sun hasn't quite risen yet, still hiding behind the green hills in the distance of Ponyville. No creature in their right mind would be awake at this time. Not even Pinkie Pie herself, and that is really saying something. Filthy Rich, however, is a very sleepless pony. After all, he is a business pony. He finds himself piled up to the chin in paperwork very often. It is of no surprise that he has to endure many nights without getting any sleep whatsoever. But it is what keeps his business booming and his pockets full. It is during these dreadful times that Filthy thanks Celestia for the creation of coffee. He is uncertain that the princess is directly responsible for such a wonder. All he knows is work would be unbearable without it. Yeah, a cup sounds pretty good about now, considering he still has about eight more papers to go through. Little does he know that his morning is about to get a bit hectic.

A couple of ponies are approaching Ponyville in a carriage being pulled by two white stallions. Their intentions are about to be made quite clear for the Rich residence.

"So, why are we doing this so early in the morning, Mortar? Why not wait until it's dark and there is nopony around?" The orange pony questions his blue comrade, while picking up a slightly rusty crowbar.

"The boss said that if we were to ever pick a time to rob these rich snobs, then the earliest hours of morning would be the best time, Pestle. Are you really going to object to his helpful advice? Now quit complaining or you aren't getting your share of the dough!" Mortar explains to his partner. Pestle had never been the brightest crayon in the box, and Mortar found himself constantly having to remind him of how much of a moron he is. Mortar, himself, was the textbook definition of the word hotheaded. He had no patience for his friend's stupidity at times.... and now was one of those times.

"And he is sure these ponies are asleep at this time? I mean, morning is an awfully risky time to be breaking and entering." Pestle adds looking more and more nervous as they approach their destination. "And how does the boss even know all of this stuff?" At this point, he is practically drenched in his own sweat.

Mortar slaps Pestle in the face, not hard enough to really hurt him, but hard enough to bring him to his senses. "Look, would you just calm down? It is a simple job. We dig under the fence at the South end of the yard. We crawl under it, climb through a window, crack open Filthy's safe, grab a couple bags of money, and leave. See? Easy as pie? Am I right?"

Pestle rubs his cheek, which is now red with a fresh hoofmark. "Ow, Mortar! You didn't have to slap me! Fine, alright! Let's just get this over with."

The carriage pulled up to the south side of Rich manor. The sun still has yet to even peek from behind the hills. Pestle and Mortar both put on their black ski masks. Mortar looks over at Pestle and nods his head, then he quietly approaches the ten foot tall fence. Pestle hesitantly grabs a shovel and follows his partner in crime. The two stare at the mansion beyond the fence with wide eyes. The house was gigantic! Much bigger than they could have anticipated. Pestle nervously looks around as if expecting to be assaulted by some undercover security just for looking at the place.

Mortar pats Pestle on the back in an attempt to put his mind at ease. "Relax," he whispers, "Just follow my lead and stick to the plan, and we will be okay. Got it?" Pestle takes a deep breath and releases, then he nods his head in agreement. "Good! Now get to digging! We're burning daylight!"

Meanwhile, Filthy has began the journey through his house to the kitchen. Just the thought of coffee at this time is making his mouth water. Ordinarily, he would have his butler, Randolph, get him his coffee, but at this point any excuse he could have to get away from those papers he would welcome with open hooves. He finally made it to the kitchen after what seemed like an eternity in his drowsy mind. He already had a fresh filter in the machine. He was always prepared for mornings like these. He freshly ground some coffee beans and put them into the filter. The aroma of the beans being freshly ground was driving him mad. He then poured water in the pot and turned the machine on. Rather than leaving to wait on the coffee to be ready, he just stood there and watched in wonder as each drop of coffee hit the inside of the pot. Such a thing of beauty.

At that moment, the two thieves are quickly making their way through the yard while avoiding Filthy's security. Why would Filthy have security detail anyway? No crime ever really happens in Equestria. Just the thought perplexes Mortar, but he decides it is best to just focus on the job at hand. Besides, there's only a couple of guards anyway. They successfully make it to the side of the house. Pestle quietly pushes open a window. At least the window wasn't locked. They both climb through the window making as little noise as possible. They both look around the dark room. It was hard to tell which room it was, but Mortar was willing to bet it was a living room based on the various pieces of furniture around the room.

"So where is Filthy's safe anyway?" Pestle broke the silence. Mortar was about to say something sarcastic, but then realized that Pestle may have a point. This house was enormous! Where the hell were they going from here?

"I assume it will be in his room. We just need to find his room." Mortar whispered in response. Now comes the real trouble. Actually finding Filthy Rich's room in this labyrinth.

Just then, Filthy came around the corner, walking past the duo with a cup on a plate balanced carefully on his muzzle. Thankfully, he didn't seem to notice the duo as he passed by the semi-dark room. It was just early enough in the morning that the room hadn't quite been illuminated yet. Why was he still awake?! Does he not know what time it is?! Then Mortar thought about it for a moment. Perhaps, they can use this to their advantage. Mortar gestured at Pestle to follow behind Filthy.

Eventually, he led them to a room lit bright with candles. Then, Mortar signals for Pestle to grab Rich and cover his mouth. But before Pestle could grab him, Filthy had already turned around. Just before he could scream, however, Pestle stuffs his hoof in his mouth. Mortar was repulsed at this, but he wasn't going to question the action, due to its effectiveness at stifling Filthy's shriek. Instead, Mortar waves a crowbar in Filthy's face.

"If you scream, we will beat you to a pulp. We don't plan on hurting you or your family. We just want the money from your safe. All of it. So how about you open it for us, huh?" Mortar states while placing the end of the crowbar on Filthy's cheek. Filthy nods in terror. Mortar looks at Pestle with a sly grin on his face and nods. Pestle just nods back and stands there. After a few moments of awkward silence, Mortar finally sees Pestle isn't taking the hint. "Get your damn hoof out of his mouth, you moron!"

"Oh.... right. Sorry, Mortar." Pestle apologizes.

Mortar glares at his partner. "You aren't supposed to use my name, dumbass!" Mortar exclaims with rage. "That's why we're wearing masks! Did you forget that we are in the middle of a robbery!"

Pestle puts a hoof to his mouth suddenly realizing what he had done. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to!" he pleads.

"Just forget it!" Mortar interjects angrily. Then he looks back to Filthy. "Just open the safe so we can get our money and we will be on our way. Please?!"

Filthy begins leading them downstairs. They come to a giant metal door. Filthy hesitates opening it at first, but is reminded of the situation when Mortar jabs him in the back with the rusted crowbar. Finally, the wealthy pony dialed in the correct passcode and opened the door. It was very creaky as it opened, which startled Mortar into believing somepony might have heard, so he had Pestle stand guard at the door to make sure the security didn't sneak up on them. Fortunately, it didn't appear as though anypony heard anything.

Mortar sighed in relief. Then, he flipped the light switch in the vault. Mortar's jaw dropped at the sight of the vault's contents. Piles upon piles of 100 bit pieces! It was as if he had died and gone to heaven. He had never seen so many bits in his life! This was enough to retire on. Mortar snapped himself out of his wealth-induced stupor, and tossed Filthy a duffel bag. "Start filling up the bags! The sooner you finish, the sooner we will leave! And make sure to really fill them. If you try to skimp out on me, I'll drag your daughter down here and beat the stuffing out of her!"

At the mention of his daughter, Filthy does not waste any time. He fills all the bags in just under ten minutes. Then, Mortar grabs two of the hefty bags full of gold and gestures Pestle to grab the other two. They were definitely heavier than he had anticipated. He then pushed Filthy into the vault. "It's best that you stay in here. Can't have you ratting us out to your security, now can we?" Mortar chuckled as he saluted the business pony and closed the door. Then the criminals proceeded back up the stairs. Each step burning the muscles in their legs. When they finally made it back up, they noticed that the sun was finally beginning to shine through the windows. It wasn't too bright just yet, so Celestia is just now beginning to raise the sun. Now they just need to leave back through the way they came.

Just as Mortar spotted the window they came in through, a little pink filly comes from around the corner and spots the two ski mask wearing ponies. Naturally, she screams. Loudly. Very loudly. She would give a banshee a run for its money. Speaking of which, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. "Run!" Mortar shouts no longer worried about being silent. They have been made. By a little pony.

Mortar crashes through the window and bolts as fast as he can towards the side of the fence they entered through. His hooves were practically on fire, but his adrenaline was rushing through him so fast he just ignored them. Pestle wasn't much further behind him. Mortar's eyes lit up at the sight of their getaway carriage waiting just on the other side of the fence.

"Toss the bags over the fence!" One of the stallions instructed upon the duo reaching the fence.

Pestle and Mortar nod to one another in agreement. The bags were so heavy, that they would have to toss them over one at a time. They both grab a handle on each side of the rather large duffel bag and toss it over. That's one. Then they immediately grab the second and do the same thing. That's two. The third bag was a bit more difficult to get over the fence, but they manage to get it over. That's three. Finally, with every last ounce of strength in their bodies they force the fourth and final bag over. Four! They did it! Now all they have to do is crawl back under the fence and.... wait.... where is the hole they dug to get in?!

"What's going on?!" Mortar exclaims in panic. Pestle looks like he is having a nervous breakdown at the sight of the freshly filled hole where their entrance once was.

"Excellent work, boys!" A grey pony with red eyes wearing a black trench coat strolls out from inside the carriage, which is now loaded with the money they had just stole. "Now I am one step closer to bringing Equestria to its pitiful knees! Your contribution will not go unnoticed! After all, you are the ones who have ignited the revolution! I will make sure you have front row seats to the main attraction! Now for your final task. I need you to send a message for me. A message to Princess Celestia. Tell her: Anarchy is here." The pony throws his head back and lets out a very maniacal laugh. He then enters the carriage and closes the door. The white stallions take off at the very second they heard the door shut. In the distance, wicked cackling can be heard as the carriage rolls out of sight.

"We've been played?! Son of a b---" Mortar was cut off before he could finish spitting out his profanity by Filthy Rich's security. He was tackled hard and hit the ground even harder. He looked to his right and saw Pestle was in the same situation. He looked to his right and saw the little pink filly, who had spotted them, with tears in her eyes, standing next to what could be assumed was her mother, who appeared to enjoy seeing the two robbers struggle. They had been caught and now they were going to be detained, and the worst part of it all was that the lunatic who hustled them had gotten away with their money!

"When ponies trot in circles it's a very, very.... Mad world.... mad world~♪" Anarchy sings as his ride drives out of Ponyville, just as the sun reaches its peak in the sky.

Chapter 2: The News

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"Breakfast is ready! I made pancakes!" Spike announced to the crowd of ponies surrounding the map of Equestria. He took a moment to take in the echo his voice caused. It still amazed him that this massive crystal tree was now their home. The smell of freshly made pancakes immediately snapped him out of his deep thoughts. He pulled the cart stacked at least 4 feet high with pancakes. His stomach produced a rumble more vicious than anything he could ever muster out of his own mouth.

Rainbow Dash heard the growl and started giggling. "Geez, Spike! Are you sure you brought enough for all of us? It sounds like you could probably eat the whole cart by yourself!" She teased as a wide grin spread across her face.

Spike blushed slightly. "Hey! You try staying up most of the night organizing Twilight's library and not be hungry afterwards! I didn't even have enough energy to eat dinner!" he stated in rebuttal. Then he turns his gaze to Twilight, who his sitting on her throne. "Of course, I might have had time for dinner, if Twilight hadn't made me start over after I was already halfway done. All because I was organizing in alphabetical order instead of classification order."

Twilight rose from her throne. "Order is important, Spike. It is what keeps everything in line and from falling into a chaotic mess." the alicorn lectured. "Spell books should not be mixed with history books unless it is a book about ancient magic, even then I'm not sure.... wah wah wah." The aroma of pancakes began to corrupt Spike's senses. He starts tuning Twilight out and just stared wondrously at the skyscraper of pancakes that towered before him. They were made according to his own special recipe he discovered with Pinkie Pie a while back. A perfect blend of cinnamon and other sweet ingredients. "Wah wah wah wah wawa. Wawa? WAH? Spike!"

Spike was once again brought back from his food-induced trance, this time by Twilight's irritated voice. "Spike, were you even paying attention to a single word I said?" the princess asked agitated.

"Huh? Uhh.... yeah, sure. Order is important! Gotcha!" Spike retorted quickly to avoid another lecture. Judging by the look on her face, he had a feeling she wasn't buying his answer. The other five ponies just laughed. They truly fought like brother and sister, and the annoyed look on Twilight's face was, in a word, priceless. Spike felt another grumble in his stomach. "Can we eat now? Please? I'm starving!"

"Not yet." Twilight commanded, ignoring Spike's obvious evasion of the argument. "We have to wait on Starlight."

"Is she still sleepin'? Ah know she's been workin' hard on her friendship lessons, and whatnot, but sleepin' past breakfast is kinda pushin' it a little. Don't cha think?" Applejack questioned concerned for their friend.

"A lady does need her beauty sleep, darling." Rarity chimes in her usual majestic tone, while looking at her reflection in a pocket mirror. She pats her purple mane while batting her lashes. "And after all she has done in these past few weeks, I believe she is entitled to a little extra rest."

As if on cue, the pink unicorn comes bolting through the door. Her forehead is dripping in sweat and her mane is a bit wild in some parts. She looks like she's already had quite a morning already. "Sorry that I'm late!" Starlight interjected frantically. "I spent a lot of time trying to find the bathroom, and when I finally found it, I lost my way back. So I spent even more time trying to find my way here that-"

"Woah, woah! Take it easy, Starlight." Rainbow Dash intervened cutting Starlight off before she caused herself to have a heart attack. "It's no biggie, really. You're acting like missing breakfast would have been the end of the world."

Twilight smiled at Starlight. With a gesture from her hoof, the princess instructed her friend to take a deep breath. Then, she motions her to release. Starlight did as she was told and felt a whole lot better. "Thanks, girls. I needed that." the unicorn stated calmly. It was times like these that made her feel so lucky to have met these girls.... and Spike, too. "Some signs on the doors might not be such a bad thing either. I'd even settle for a map of the place." The girls all laughed, and Starlight did as well, even though a part of her wasn't joking. She has been living in the castle for a little while now and still can't figure out which door leads to her bedroom and which leads to just another broom closet. But most of the time, it's the broom closet.

"Soooo? What are we waiting for? Let's eat already! My tummy's ready to chow down!" Pinkie Pie exclaims in her typical hyperactive manner. Only Pinkie could have the ability to be this happy in the morning. But it does liven the mood, so there are no real complaints there.

Spike stacks six pancakes on his plate and pours an ungodly amount of maple syrup on them. He jabs his fork in and goes to take a bite. But before he could even lift the fork to his face, he feels an all too familiar burning sensation coming from within his chest. He belches, and as expected from said feeling, a scroll emerges from the flames. The scroll bared the royal insignia of Princess Celestia herself. It was unusually early for Celestia to be sending scrolls now, so it must be important. Breakfast would have to hold for just a moment.

Twilight grabs the scroll with her magic and unravels it in front of her. She quietly reads it to herself. The other girls look on waiting for their alicorn friend to say something.

"What does it say, Twilight?" Fluttershy asks timidly.

Twilight looks up almost forgetting that there were other ponies eagerly awaiting for the news from Celestia. "It says that the Rich family was robbed this morning." the princess stated with concern. "And it says that their security caught the robbers before they could escape."

"Well, that's a relief! But if they were caught, why couldn't this news wait until later? Y'know when it's not so early?" Applejack asked confused.

"Because the two claim that they were set up by somepony who actually escaped with the money that they stole." Twilight responded. She scanned the scroll further as if not wanting to miss even the littlest detail. "And Celestia wants us to talk to them to get more details."

Rarity looks to Twilight puzzled. "Why would Celestia want US to talk to a couple of petty thieves? Isn't that the job of her guards?" She asks.

"Ordinarily, yes." Twilight answers sounding just as confused as she did. Twilight pondered to herself for a moment trying to figure out Celestia's reasoning. "Maybe this other pony is such a major problem that she needs our help in capturing them?"

"In other words, the princess needs our awesomeness to kick yet another bad guy's butt." Rainbow Dash interjects in excitement. "I mean, it's not like we have ever failed her in the past. Besides, now we have a seventh member on our team. Which is like, twenty percent cooler!" The rainbow pegasus can barely contain herself. She just wants yet another chance to show off how awesome she is, which doesn't surprise Twilight in the slightest. But for once she kind of agreed with Rainbow. They have always pulled through together in the end. There is no evil that their friendship can't endure.

"Rainbow's right. If we stick together, we are unstoppable!" Twilight stated, obviously inspired by her friend's speech. One thing she had to give Rainbow credit for, besides her undying loyalty, was her determination and ability to get ponies pumped up. "Now let's go to Canterlot, and talk to some bandits!"

"Can we eat first? Pleeeeeeeeeeease?" Spike begged putting on his best puppy-dog face.

At this point, Twilight could feel her own stomach grumbling. She looked around the table and saw her friends with eager expressions on their faces as they stare hypnotically at the pancake mound. Just the sight alone was enough to make the alicorn giggle. "Fine." She replied as she gave them all the okay to dig in. After all, it's hard to work on an empty stomach.

Chapter 3: Interrogation

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The girls arrive in Canterlot at a little past noon. Twilight was determined to play her part as a princess in Equestria. If that meant interrogating criminals, than she would do it without hesitation. Although, interrogation wasn't exactly her forte, she knew that her friends would be right there behind her if she needed them. Besides, how hard could it possibly be?

They approached the big door to Canterlot Castle, after practically swimming through swarms of royal guards. They bowed as the purple alicorn passed by each of them. Twilight blushed slightly. She has been a princess for quite some time now, and she still could not get used to ponies kneeling before her. To her, she was just a pony. No more special than any of her friends or any other pony for that matter. She actually missed how things used to be. Back when ponies treated her as an equal, rather than showering her with unwanted attention. But she is a princess now, and she must maintain her composure and be willing to accept a bit of praise every now and then.

The door opens and Twilight and her friends enter the castle. Celestia's home was breathtakingly gorgeous from its stain glass windows, highlighting historical feats, to its choice his elegant tapestry. The princess of the sun was sitting upon her throne looking at a scroll of some sort, probably something very regal and important.

"Your majesty," One of the guards proclaimed as he knelt before her, "Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends are here to see you."

Princess Celestia immediately looked up from her scroll at the mention of her pupil's name. She couldn't help but smile at the purple pony and her friends. Her most faithful student, who at first knew next to nothing about friendship, was now the shining example on which the term is based upon. She could not be more proud to have been her mentor. Even more so, she was proud to be able to call Twilight her friend. "Twilight. It's so lovely to see you and your friends again. I apologize that it is under such circumstances." Celestia stated pulling her student in for a warm hug.

Twilight embraced her teacher. It had become a tradition for them to greet each other in such a manner. After all they had been through, they were practically family now. "It's alright. We are here to help in any way we can!" she reassured her mentor.

Rainbow Dash flew down beside her smart friend. "Besides, it just wouldn't feel the same if we weren't gearing up to kick evil butt during our visits!" the athlete teased. This remark earned her a giggle from the sun princess.

"Perhaps, but it would still be nice to meet up at a time when something isn't going wrong." Celestia responded. Her expression went from one of joy to one of business in nearly an instant. "Now then, time is of the essence. If you are ready, I will take you all to the holding cell where the two thieves are being contained. You can speak to them in there." the royal pony looked to her former protégé and her friends with a look of genuine confidence. She truly believed in them, and that faith has never steered her wrong.

"You can count on us, Princess!" Applejack interjected tipping her hat to the royal pony.

Celestia grinned slightly and nodded in assurance. Then she turned and motioned for the group of friends to follow her. Twilight and her friends followed her instruction with not even an ounce of hesitation.

They walked down countless hallways. Some familiar, due to past visits to the castle, and some they had never seen before. Not that it seemed to matter, they all looked just about the same. That is until they came to a giant metal door. Celestia ordered the guards to open it. In a matter of seconds, it swings open revealing a dark stairway leading downwards. "They will be in the cell at the end of the room on the right." She states sternly. "Good luck girls." Twilight looks back at her friends, who look just as nervous as she does, except for Fluttershy, who is shaking like a scared puppy. The alicorn gulps, but puts on a brave face for her friends. She must be strong. For their sake. Twilight then begins the trek down.

"Oh.... I think I might have left my oven on in my cottage. I should probably run back home and turn it off. You girls go ahead without me." Fluttershy said sheepishly.

None of the girls were buying her sad attempt to get out of talking to the criminals. "Come on, Fluttershy! We don't have time to fool around! We have to find out what they know, otherwise more ponies could get hurt!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed trying to talk some sense into her timid friend.

Starlight places her hoof on the shoulder of the yellow pegasus. "We can do this, Fluttershy. But we have to do it together." she replied trying to lift the shy pony's spirits.

Fluttershy shakily looked at her friends, then let out a long sigh. "Okay." she muttered quietly.

Twilight had already made it to the bottom of the staircase. She looked around the poorly lit room. The room was lit by torches, but clearly not enough of them. Not to mention, the room wreaked of rust. Yep, there was no doubt about it. This was definitely a dungeon. There were at least twenty cells, but only one of them appeared to be occupied. Which was of no surprise, considering Equestria doesn't normally have enough crime to even need a dungeon. There were three guards watching the single occupied prison.

The other six finally make it to the bottom to join Twilight. The princess points to the cage that holds the two crooks and whispers for her friends to follow her lead. She slowly approached the small confined imprisonment and stopped directly in front of it. Twilight relieved the guards leaving her and her friends alone with the two pony prisoners. Well, here goes nothing!

"Hello there. My name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends." she tells the duo. She decided to be kind to them, so that maybe they would be more open about why they committed the crime. "We are here to listen, not to prosecute. And we certainly don't want any trouble with you. So if you wouldn't mind--"

"Who are you working for?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed interrupting the alicorn. "Come on! Spill it!"

Twilight smacked herself in the forehead. "Rainbow Dash." She muttered trying to get the rainbow haired pony's attention.

Of course, Dash was too busy to hear her. She was in her own world right now. "You think you're in a bad way now? Wait until we're done with you! Now start talking! Don't make me come in there and--"

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight interjected with force. The athletic pony looked over stunned by her friend's sudden change in tone. "A word, please?!"

Rainbow nodded and walked towards her friend, but not before glaring at the two prisoners making them both flinch. "What is it? Can't you see I'm cracking these guys?" the pegasus questioned irritably.

Twilight shook her head. "And what kind of approach would you call that?"

"It's the good cop, bad cop routine. It works every time. Daring Do does it all the time in her books. It's a classic move." Rainbow retorts with a smug confidence.

"This isn't a book, Rainbow." Twilight explains. "We are trying to get these ponies to trust us. And that isn't going to happen if you keep threatening them."

Dash pouted like a child with a temper. "Ugh! Fine! We'll do it your way." She musters disappointed. Twilight could hear the blue pony mumble under her breath, "Way to kill the fun."

The princess turns back to the encaged ponies. "Heh. Sorry about that." She apologizes, rubbing the back of her neck. " What my friend was trying to say was that we would like to know why you ponies did what you did."

"All you had to do was ask!" Mortar said still shooken up by the rainbow pony. "You didn't need to scare the piss out of us! We've had a bad day already, and Celestia sends that crazy broad to bark at us?! Does she have any mercy?"

"Hey! You want crazy?! I'll show you crazy!" Rainbow scorns as she tries to jump at him. Luckily, Applejack and Starlight were there to hold her back. The criminal might have had worse problems than anything he had ever endured if that angry pegasus had managed to get to him first. Fluttershy and Rarity spent the next few moments trying to calm her down.

Twilight turned back to Mortar uneasily. "Sooo.... anyway. Why did you try to rob the Rich family?" she asked trying to change the direction of the conversation.

"We didn't try to rob those wealthy snobs! We did rob them!" Mortar corrected the alicorn princess. "And we would have gotten away with it, too!"

"What happened?" Twilight asked puzzled.

"We were betrayed!" the blue thief scowled. "By our so-called boss!" He turned to his partner and sighed. "That punk left us out to dry."

Twilight wanted to feel sorry for the two thieves. To have put their faith in somepony, only to have it returned with a knife to the back? That had to feel terrible. But then she remembered the situation. She was talking to criminals, who just tried.... err... did rob a family of innocent ponies. There could be no sympathy for their crimes.

"Who is your boss? We have to find him!" Twilight interrogated.

Mortar began pacing in back and forth in the tiny cell. Then he sighs. He looks to the princess with shameful eyes. "I don't know his name. We met a few times, but never exchanged names. He came to us, after overhearing me and Pestle talking about--" the pony stopped dead in his tracks. Tears began forming in his eyes. "We were talking about our family. Pestle over here is my step-brother. He is married to my sister." Mortar winced when he mentioned his sister. "The thing is, she isn't doing so good. She has ovarian cancer. The doctors said he could help her.... but the cost for surgery is more than we could ever afford."

Twilight begins to choke up a little. "I'm so sorry to hear all that." She manages to say, while trying not to cry herself.

Tears continue to stream down Mortar's cheeks. "Anyhow, this gray pony comes up to us and says that he knows where we can get the money. But we had to be willing to break a few laws in the process. How could I refuse? She's my sister! I would take her place in a heartbeat." He rubbed his eyes and tried to calm himself down for a moment before speaking again. "He told us exactly what to do and what time would be best to do it."

A single tear fell down Twilight's face, which she quickly wiped away in a feeble attempt at hiding her emotions. She looked back to her friends, who were also trying to hide their sorrow for the prisoner. By the looks of it, Rarity was having the most difficult time, due to her masquera running down her cheeks.

Twilight regained her composure. "So you really have no clue who this stallion is, huh? What did he ask for in return for your service to him?"

"You probably won't believe me when I say this, but it's the truth." Mortar says shakily. "A favor. He asked for nothing else. Not a single bit. Not even a thank-you card. Just a favor." He looks to Pestle who is laying on his bed, crying to himself. "We thought that there had to be a catch. There was, but it didn't seem to be major at the time. The catch was that he could cash in the favor whenever he wanted to and that we would have to oblige."

"What was the favor?" Twilight asked feeling unsettled.

Mortar just shook his head in disgust. "If I told you, I would be doing exactly what he asked for."

"You need to tell us. We can help catch him, but we need your help to put the pieces together." Twilight responded. "If you don't tell us, he wins. You do understand that right?"

Her last question sent a chill down Mortar's spine. That could not be allowed to happen. He approached the bars of his cell door and stood face to face with the princess of friendship. "Alright, I'll tell you. But I need you to promise me one thing."

"What would that be?" Twilight inquired.

"Catch that son of a bitch." the blue stallion asserted bluntly.

Twilight was caught off guard by the sudden profanity, but she nodded back at him. "You have my word as the princess of friendship. Now what did he ask for?"

Mortar smirked for a moment at the alicorn's promise, then it was replaced by a look of sheer hatred. "Before we were captured, he asked me to deliver a message. He said to tell Celestia and I quote: Anarchy is here."

There was a cold chill in the air that followed the cryptic message. Twilight and her friends looked at each other, each pony looking startled by such an eerie pairing of words. Twilight stepped toward the girls with a determined look on her face. "We better go inform the princess of what we have learned." She stated trying to rally her friends.

They began walking away, but before Twilight could follow, she was stopped. "Oh and one more thing, princess!" Mortar shouted catching her attention.

Twilight approached the cage once again. "What is it?"

"Tell that family, I'm sorry.... for everything." Mortar added shamefully.

Twilight no longer felt bad for sympathizing with these ponies. With proper incentive, anyone could be forced into doing something like this. They had their reason. A valid one. Family. What kind of monster would possess ponies into becoming criminals all just to send a message? She looked back up at the blue stallion. "You got it."

Chapter 4: Confrontation

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The ponies exit the dungeon and proceed back to the main throne room. An uneasy feeling has hushed the group and left them deep in their own thoughts. Even Pinkie Pie had nothing to say about what they had just heard. Pinkie Pie had nothing to say. That right there should say something. That would be like Rainbow Dash, in peak physical condition, losing in a race against Fluttershy. It just simply doesn't happen.

"I still can't believe somepony would manipulate another into petty robbery." Rarity commented breaking the silence amongst the group of friends. "I mean, that is about as low as one can get." The white unicorn was brushing dust off of her coat. She didn't want a single trace of that filthy dungeon on her.

Applejack rolls her eyes at the sight of her fashionable friend doing this. Although she did share her grief of the current situation. "Ah hate to admit it, but ah kinda feel sorry for those two." the country pony stated adamantly. "Imagine somepony you love and care about in that same position. Wouldn't you do anything in your power to help them?"

Starlight looked to the orange mare with uncertainty. "Hopefully, none of us will ever have to make such a decision." she answers, while picking up the pace a bit to walk beside Twilight. "Are you okay?" Starlight asks the alicorn with concern in her voice.

"I'm fine." Twilight responds snapping out of her thoughts. The truth is that she doesn't exactly know what to make of their predicament. "I just keep thinking about that message. 'Anarchy is here.' Why go through such lengths to tell us that?"

"Sounds like a lot of hot air to me!" Rainbow Dash snorts. She is flying about two feet from the ground beside Applejack. Flying was the one thing that calmed her down. Stress, anger, sadness, no matter what the problem, it could be conquered by a good flying session. But even that wouldn't filter her opinion. "It's probably just another bad guy trying to scare us. We just have to show him that we aren't afraid of him. When he sees that he's outnumbered, he'll curl up in a corner and cry like the little schoolfilly that he is!"

"Wow, Dashie! That was harsh even for you!" Pinkie Pie adds noting the blue pony's hostile insult.

"Well, he deserves whatever he gets for ruining all these ponies' lives." the pegasus retorts standing firmly by what she said.

Twilight turns back to Rainbow Dash and nods. "Which is why we are going to catch this pony and bring him to justice. For the Rich family and Pestle and Mortar's family, as well." Her determination was very evident, and it actually surprised her friends a bit. But they all nodded in agreement. "Now let's go tell the princess what we have just learned."

Meanwhile in Ponyville, in an abandoned workshop, another diabolical plot unfolds.

"Those two foolish ponies are in Celestia's custody, Mr. Anarchy." A bald white stallion states sternly. "But from what I hear, they haven't been talking."

"It makes no difference." The trench coat wearing villain swivels in his leather office chair. "A statement has been made, regardless of their incompetence on delivering a simple message."

"There is something else you need to know, sir." Another maneless white pony chimes in. His body shape and size exactly resembled the previous stallion's. "The princess of friendship was spotted en route to Canterlot castle. Intel informs us that she has been asked to talk to them."

The gray pony rubs his chin and smiles deviously. "The princess of friendship, you say? Well, this could still work out then."

The white henchpony approaches his boss once more. "How should we proceed?"

"Don't you see?" Mr. Anarchy quizzes his minion. "We have been graced with an opportunity here." He climbs on top of an old creaky desk, which appears to be quite sturdy for its age. "Listen up, everypony!" He grabs the attention of every pony in the shop. There are twelve of them in total and they were all standing at attention awaiting for their boss's speech. "There has been an unexpected turn of events! The princess of friendship herself has decided to stick her muzzle where it doesn't belong. Now she stands between you and your redemption against Princess Celestia. So tell me.... Are you going to stand for this?"

"NO!" the gang of white stallions exclaims in unison.

"That is what I like to hear! With that said, we are left with two options." the sinister villain proclaims. "We can proceed with our attack on Celestia, knowing full well that Princess Twilight and her pathetic friends will intervene, slowing our efforts down tremendously. Or.... we can postpone our invasion, for the time being of course, and teach her the true meaning of the word 'anarchy'."

"Let's bring Twilight down!" one of the pale ponies interjects. This causes the rest of them to shout in unanimous agreement.

Anarchy laughs maniacally as his soldiers rally in unification over their common goal. "Fantastic! It's settled then! Let's bring Twilight Sparkle down to our level and stamp her out like the insignificant mare that she really is!" he boldly asserts.

"YEAH!" His troops all burst out chanting.

"This is going to be fun!" the evil mastermind muttered. Then he threw his head back and let out a long dreadful cackle.

Several hours later, Twilight and her friends have returned to Ponyville, after speaking with Princess Celestia. The sun was still high in the sky, as it shone brightly over the crystal tree that she calls home.

Twilight approached the giant door to her home. "Well, that definitely didn't go as planned." the princess huffed in disappointment. She opened the door and let her friends inside.

"At least Princess Celestia agreed to help Mortar's sister." Rarity stated optimistically. "Despite all that those two had done, she still displayed such remarkable mercy. Truly inspirational!"

"You said it." Applejack agreed while tipping her hat to the unicorn. "It was mighty kind of the princess to do such a thing for them. Hopefully, after they get out of jail, they will follow her example."

Rainbow Dash flew down beside her orange friend. "Another job well done." Rainbow added patting herself on the back. "It's no wonder the princess always chooses us for these missions. We're awesome!"

Twilight grins at her friends' remarks. But then she remembers that the real mission is still underway. "I'm happy that we have helped Mortar's sister, too." the alicorn said assuredly. "But it is not time to celebrate just yet, girls. We still have their 'boss' to worry about. This isn't over until we find him."

"Awwww! But I already brought out my party cannon!" Pinkie whined. "Can't we celebrate just a teensy bit?" Pinkie puffed out her bottom lip trying to do her best puppy dog face to convince the purple alicorn to reconsider.

Twilight just shakes her head. "Not yet, Pinkie." she says neglecting to acknowledge the party pony's facial expression. "Let's focus on our mission first."

Rainbow Dash sees Pinkie's shoulders slump in disappointment. She swoops down and lands beside her hyper friend. "Besides, you'll need to save all of that confetti for when we catch this guy!" the pegasus chimed in an attempt to cheer up the pink pony.

Pinkie's expression lit up with excitement. "Yippee! I can't wait!" she exclaimed loudly.

Twilight and the other girls laughed together. Moments like these made her thank Celestia for sending her to Ponyville to learn about friendship all those years ago. She could not imagine what her life would be without them. Twilight looked to her friends with a determined smile. "Let's get started then, shall we?" she inquired rhetorically. "I was thinking that maybe we should start--"

Spike bursts through the front door of the castle cutting Twilight off. He was sweating quite profusely as he approached his pony friends. "Uhh.... Twilight. I think there's something you should see." Spike mutters nervously.

"What is it, Spike?" Twilight questions feeling concerned for her dragon friend.

"Come outside!" Spike cried out frantically. He runs out the door with his friends trailing not too far behind him.

He leads them outside the castle. There is a large crowd of ponies gathered around in a circle for some strange reason. Twilight and her friends begin making their way through the crowd to the center to see what all the fuss is about. They finally made it through what seemed like the entire town of ponies to see a gray pony wearing a black trench coat standing on a crate. His eyes were red and his hair was jet black, including his goatee. He is surrounded by eight or so buff white stallions, all of which were bald and bared no cutie mark on their flanks. The gray one smiled wickedly at the sight of Twilight.

"I was wondering when the princess was going to grace us with her presence!" He declared blithely. "Fillies and gentlecolts, Princess Twilight Sparkle! The pony who has been held up to you as the prime example of friendship and unity! Clearly.... Celestia is getting desperate." He begins laughing as if he told a hilarious joke.

A very unamused Twilight gives him a stern look. "Who are you?" she asks.

The gray pony stops laughing, but the smile never leaves his face. "Oh, how rude of me. I just assumed you already knew me. Some ponies just can't deliver a message." he states slyly. Then he glares at the purple alicorn. "Then again, the message wasn't for you in the first place. It was for Celestia. But I do understand the confusion. You both have significantly large sticks up your as--"

"Enough!" Twilight interjects cutting off the stallion before he could finish his insult. She looks back to Rainbow Dash, who is trying to hold back a laugh but trying to stay serious at the same time. Whose side is she on anyway? Twilight dared not to ask that. She looks to the red-eyed stallion again. "Message? The only message I know about is...." the alicorn stops abruptly in realization of who she's talking to. "It was you?"

"Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner everypony!" he proclaimed excitedly. He then pulled a bit out of his pocket and held it up for the whole crowd to see. "Here! A little something for your clearly strenuous efforts!" He then tossed the bit at Twilight. It bounced off of her muzzle and rolled on the ground at her feet.

Twilight rubbed her muzzle while she looked at the ground for what hit her. It was a piece worth one hundred bits! She gazed back up at the sinister pony. "So, you were the one behind the robbery?"

The stallion just sighed and let a grin slip across his face. "A bit slower than I gave you credit for. If this is how things are going to be, then this will be easier than I thought, boys." he teased as he tapped one of his henchponies on the shoulder. "Yes. It was me, your highness." He let out with a hiss.

"Why would you come here knowing full well that we were looking for you?" the princess of friendship asked feeling unnerved.

The trench coat wearing pony just laughed at her confusion. "You sure do have a lot of questions. Aren't you supposed to be the smart one?" he questioned mocking her. "I wanted an audience! I wanted your whole precious town to be here for what I have to say!" He looked around at his captive audience. The sight made him smirk wickedly. "Citizens of Ponyville! For years now, you have had to hear the same spiel over and over and over again. 'Friendship is magic.'" He winced as he said the quote. "Let me ask something, princess. If friendship is so pure, then why are there little ponies being bullied in school by other ponies? Why are there so many gang muggings on city streets? Why are ponies forced to change who they are when other ponies don't approve of them?"

Twilight was left speechless, as she just stood there and took in his many questions, most of which she really didn't know the answers to herself. Applejack stepped forward to defend her friend. "Nopony can make you change who you are!" the orange mare intervened.

"Really? Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hey! Starlight, is it? Care to say anything about that?" the gray pony retorted. Starlight just frowned as she took a step back. "Fine, I'll help. You believed in equality. A fair, albeit absurd, concept. And rather than letting you share your ideals with the world, Miss Friendship over here forced you to change!" he gleamed at the alicorn princess now. "Or what about my fallen idol, Discord? A creature of chaos forced into resenting his true nature. I suppose if it isn't convenient for your precious Princess Celestia then it is bad, am I getting this right?" He quizzed angrily.

Fluttershy stepped forward timidly, still hiding behind her hair as if it will protect her from the evil pony. "Princess Celestia just wanted Discord to stop using his magic for bad." she insists shakily.

"For bad? So he isn't allowed to act like himself because it is viewed by others as bad? Exactly my point. Thank you for proving me right!" the villainous pony sneered. "And that is why I'm here. To prove you wrong. To prove you all wrong! Above all, though, I'm here to embrace MY special talent. To fulfill my destiny!"

"Oh yeah?! And what would that be?!" Rainbow Dash interjected angrily.

A dastardly smile formed on the boss pony's face. "Watching Equestria burn! That is my special talent. Causing mayhem and misery wherever I go!" he proclaimed deviously.

"Nopony's talent could possibly be that! Obviously, you have misread your mark!" Twilight implied.

"Have I?" the gray stallion riddled. He then removed his trench coat to reveal a red 'A' enclosed within a circle, the universal symbol for anarchy. "It is my destiny to be your undoing. I represent everything you hate. I am what Discord was and should still be. I am disorder."

"We don't want or need your chaos here, ruffian!" Rarity states in a posh manner.

"How blunt and shallow of you to say. Let me propose something to you then, my dear. And it certainly isn't marriage, you self-indulgent mule. It is a question. Could there be order without chaos?" the stallion scorned.

His comment was enough to make Rarity burst into tears. Pinkie hugged the sobbing pony to comfort her.

Twilight looked around and saw the crowd of ponies talking amongst themselves, obviously shaken up by what this pony had to say. Then, she looked to her friends, one of which was sobbing uncontrollably. She glared at the chaotic pony. "Enough talking. We won't let you get away with what you have done! It's time for us to bring you to Princess Celestia. You will be punished for your crimes." the alicorn declared trying to remain civil, but a hint of anger still managed to escape her voice.

The sinister pony let another smirk cross his face. "Well, as enticing as that sounds, I am going to have to decline. I have major plans for the world, Twilight!" he exclaims menacingly. Then, he steps off of the crate and notions them to crack it open. He beams at the alicorn princess. "You asked me what my name was earlier. I will tell you now, and I'm sure you won't forget it. My name is Simply Anarchy. There! Now you know me, and I know you. I know all of you!" He points to Twilight and her friends. The crate finally cracks open and the lid is removed. Anarchy dips his arms into the crate and pulls out an armful of bits. His henchponies do the same. He looks to the alicorn and her friends, then to the crowd of ponies surrounding them. "It's time to spread the word! And the word is anarchy!" He proceeds to throw the bits into the air. They scatter all over the ground. This causes the crowd to look with envy at the glistening currency covering the ground. Then they all simultaneously look at the villain. He looks back at them. "Have at it! Take what belongs to you!"

After his command, the ponies begin swarming in to collect the money. Ponies begin trampling over one another just to get to the bits. Twilight and her friends get separated in the sudden swarm. Twilight managed to get one last glimpse at her evil adversary before he and his crew disappeared into the crowd. All the while, she could still hear his voice. He was singing in a very sinister manner. "No I can't slow down. I can't hold back, though you know I wish I could. No there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good♪" He let out a very evil laugh, and then, just like that, he was gone.

Twilight emerged from the crowd, looking left and right for any trace of the villain. Of course, as she expected, there was none. She then searched for her friends, but before she could even begin to look, they were all running towards her. They had all made it out. Thank, Celestia.

Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight frantically. "Where's Anarchy?" she asked.

Twilight looked to the ground and shook her head. They had him! And just like that, they lost him. How would she explain any of this to Princess Celestia? Even worse than that, what will Anarchy do next?

Chapter 5: Fallout

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The frenzy finally died down after what felt like an hour. Twilight and her friends were helping any pony that needed help, as a result of the chaotic outburst. At least twenty ponies had been injured. It was a surprise that there weren't more hurt, or even dead. Thank Celestia that nopony had died in the process. Needless to say, Ponyville Hospital was going to be very crowded for a bit. Luckily, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had arrived to help clear up the damage done by Anarchy. Twilight, however, really wished that Celestia didn't arrive before she had time to come up with something to say to explain what had happened.

The sun princess turned to Twilight after assisting a pony onto a stretcher. "What happened here, Twilight?"

Twilight couldn't look at her mentor. All she could feel was shame. Celestia had given her on job, and she had failed. What could she say? She just kept staring at the ground. She sighed. "We found the pony responsible for the robbery earlier today. His name is Simply Anarchy. He was standing right in front of us!" Twilight's eyes began to water. "Before we could apprehend him, he tossed an entire crate of bits to the crowd, causing them to go berserk." A tear fell down the purple alicorn's cheek. "I'm.... so sorry I failed you."

Celestia approached her former student and wrapped a hoof over her shoulder. "Twilight, look at me." the white alicorn stated comfortingly. Twilight was hesitant at first, but she did as she was told. Princess Celestia had a look of concern on her face. "You didn't fail, Twilight." She assured the purple mare. "Nopony could have predicted what he would do. I underestimated him. We should have been here to help you. And for that I am sorry." She then pulled Twilight in for a hug.

"What I don't quite understand is why he would go through the trouble of hiring two ponies to rob the Rich family, just to turn around and throw away the money they stole." Princess Luna questioned in confusion.

Starlight saw Twilight was still in no state to answer all of these questions, so she stepped in. "He claims that it is his destiny to create mayhem in Equestria." the unicorn responded.

Luna looked to her sister in shock, then turned to Starlight. "His destiny? What could he mean by that?"

"His cutie mark.... it was the insignia of anarchy." Starlight answered nervously.

The pink unicorn's response took the alicorn sisters by surprise. Luna was visibly shook up. "That's.... not possible. Is it, sister?" the princess of the night asked her elder sibling.

"I don't know. I have never heard of anything like this happening before." Celestia replies sternly. "But I do know that we cannot let this pony wreak havoc upon our world. We must do everything in our power to stop him."

"Pardon my bluntness, princess, but where do we even begin? None of us even saw where this guy went. He just vanished." Applejack intervenes.

Princess Celestia appeared just as puzzled as the rest of them, and yet she maintained her composure rather well. "We will have some guards stationed here. We must find him as soon as possible." she stated while gathering her thoughts. She then turned to Twilight. "You and your friends should go door to door to make sure everypony is alright."

"Good idea. We will split up in pairs of two. Safety in numbers. Spike and I will take the north side of town." Twilight proposed.

"Me and Fluttershy will cover the south side." Applejack proclaimed, while wrapping her arm around the yellow pony's shoulder.

"Oh oh! I call dibs on Dashie!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed while constricting the blue pegasus in a hug. "We'll go east!"

"Uh.... Pinkie.... I can't.... breathe...." Rainbow Dash managed to utter, while Pinkie practically squeezed the life out of her.

"Looks like it's you and I together, Starlight." Rarity chimed. "And I believe that leaves us with the west side of Ponyville."

Princess Celestia smiled at how well the friends got along. "My sister and I will go through the archives and see if we can find anything about this Simply Anarchy. If we know more about him, maybe we can determine his next move."

Twilight nods to her teacher. "Let's get to it." Celestia and Luna nod to one another and take off to do their part. Twilight turns to her friends once again. "Alright, let's do this. You all know your sections of town. Please be careful, girls." She cautioned. They all gathered for a group hug. Such an embrace had always comforted Twilight. She knew that no matter what lies ahead, there is no challenge they could not overcome together. Their friendship has been strong enough to conquer evil time and time again. From Nightmare Moon to Discord, and even Queen Chrysalis and Tirek. Simply Anarchy is no exception. Right?

"Sir, Celestia's royal guards are roaming around Ponyville." Anarchy's henchpony stated bluntly.

Anarchy smirked at his guard's statement. "Of course they are. So predictable, aren't they? All just pawns in our master plan."

"How should we proceed?" the pale pony asked.

"Go capture a few of them. We will need them in order to commence the next part of our plan." the villain plotted deviously.

Another one of his minions approached him. "Sir, Princess Twilight and her friends are going door to door checking in on the ponies around Ponyville."

Simply Anarchy looked repulsed. "Damn. She just couldn't die, could she? I guess I can't say I'm surprised." He then turned his attention to another one of his crew. "Who does this house belong to?"

The pale mare turned to a brown pony who was tied to a chair and had duct tape over his mouth.

Anarchy approached the bound pony with an almost giddy demeanor. "Now before I remove the tape, I need you to promise that you won't scream. After all, that is an awfully nice tie. I would hate to have to tarnish it with your blood."

The stallion nodded in agreement. Anarchy the ripped the tape from his mouth. "Ow! Was that really necessary?" the brown pony grimaced.

"No, but it sure was satisfying." Anarchy retorted sounding content with what he did. "Now what is your name, good sir?"

"I am Doctor Hooves, and if you ask me you are in way over your head!" the pony claimed angrily.

"Maybe I am. But that is what makes it fun!" the evil stallion chuckled. Then he put a new piece of tape over the Doctor's mouth. "And don't worry, I'm not going to kill you. In fact, I'm going to reward you for your cooperation! You will get a front row seat to my next lesson for Princess Twilight." He pats Hooves on his shoulder, which causes him to mumble something indecipherable, due to the tape. "No no. Don't thank me. It's my pleasure!" He looks over the doctor again. "You know, I really do like that tie of yours."

Twilight and Spike had been going door to door for what seemed like hours, trying to help out in any way they could. The ponies were understandably scared by what had happened. Some ponies needed more comforting than others, but it was all part of the job. Mopping up this mess was never going to be easy.

"Alright, Spike. I think we are just about done. Hopefully, the others are making progress as well." Twilight uttered looking very exhausted. Spike also appeared very tired. She rubbed the dragon's head. "Just a few more, and we'll be done. Now, who's next on our list?"

Spike sighed and pulled out Twilight's list. Even in times like this, she was still so organized. He found that both impressive and slightly annoying, mainly because he had to do all of the writing. And there were quite a few ponies that lived on the north side of Ponyville. The extent of his claw cramp was getting a bit unbearable. But he never doubted Twilight's organization. After all, it had gotten them through some very dire situations. "Let's see.... Ah ha! Up next is Doctor Hooves."

Twilight smiled at her assistant and proceeded to the door. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After a few moments, the door opened. "Hello? Doctor Hooves?"

"Why, hello, Princess Twilight. To what do I owe the honor of you gracing me with your presence today?" the doctor asked graciously.

Twilight blushed slightly. "Oh, I uh, er.... I mean, Spike and I were just stopping by to check up on you. You know, after what happened earlier." Twilight managed to say. She wasn't used to getting greeted in such a manner.

"Oh yes, such a tragedy that was. Is everypony alright?" Doctor Hooves questioned with his charming accent.

The sudden question made Twilight frown. "A few ponies were injured in the process. Not to mention, the bad guy got away, but at least everyone is still alive." she reassured, mainly trying to make herself feel better.

"Bad guy? You mean, the pony who was throwing away all of those bits?" Hooves inquired.

"Yes. His name is Simply Anarchy. And I can assure you, he is only here to cause trouble." the princess stated bluntly.

Doctor Hooves had a puzzled look on his face. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but he was just giving this money away. I mean, sure, he stole the money from Filthy Rich, but it's not like he kept the money for himself. He just gave it to the ponies who needed it more. How does that make him a bad guy?" he quizzed.

Twilight could not believe what she was hearing. Was he actually praising Anarchy? "He only threw the money out to create chaos. There was nothing chivalrous about it. He is certainly no Robin Hood." Twilight retorted. She looked over to Spike, who looked a bit mortified at her sudden change in tone. She then took a breath to regain her composure. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. It has just been a long day, and I think he is getting to me a bit."

"That is quite alright, princess. I didn't intend to press any buttons. My apologies." the doctor replied sincerely.

"You shouldn't be apologizing. It was wrong of me to yell at you for asking a question. I guess, I need a lesson on keeping my composure a bit." Twilight presumed feeling ashamed of her own behavior. Spike patted her on the back, causing her to smile.

"I don't think the schoolhouse offers a class on composure." Doctor Hooves grinned.

Twilight giggled at his remark. "That's a shame. I guess I'm on my own, then." It felt good to have a laugh after the day she has had. "So are you doing alright?" She asked concerned.

"I will be fine. Don't you worry about me." the stallion reassured.

"I'm glad to hear that. With that being said, I highly recommend that you stay indoors as much as possible." Twilight encouraged. "With Anarchy still on the loose, we wouldn't want to risk your safety."

"Of course. I will try to remain home as much as possible." Hooves stated taking her words to heart.

"Thank you very much." Twilight expressed her gratitude. "We should probably get going, Spike. We still have a few more houses to go. Thank you for your time, Doctor Hooves." She smiled and waved goodbye to the doctor.

"Allons-y!" Hooves exclaimed waving back. Then, he closed the door behind him.

Twilight turned to Spike and nodded. "That could have gone smoother." She murmured sadly.

Spike walked up and gave her a hug. "It's okay, Twilight. It happens to all of us from time to time. Don't beat yourself up over it." He said trying to comfort his friend.

Twilight smiled a little at his embrace. "Thanks, Spike. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Twilight and her friends gathered back at her castle. Everyone looked exhausted, even Pinkie Pie. It had been hours since they split up, and they finally have a moment to sit down and comprehend their day.

"Ugh.... I'm pooped!" Pinkie Pie moaned exhausted.

"You're pooped? I had to drag you all the way home. If anypony is tired, it's me!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed looking like she was about to collapse.

"They all looked so terrified. I feel really sorry for them." Starlight sympathized. "Of course it doesn't help that the pony who caused all of this is roaming free."

"Hopefully, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna find some sort of information on him in the archives. Anything we learn about him can be used to predict his next move." Twilight postulated.

"Until then, it's a good thing that the princess has the royal guards patrolling Ponyville. I feel so much safer knowing that they are watching over us. They will catch that ruffian in no time." Rarity added trying to lift their spirits.

Just then, Celestia came into the castle. Twilight rushed over to her teacher anticipating some good news. "Princess Celestia! How did the search go?" she asked anxiously.

Celestia frowned at the question. "I'm afraid it isn't going so well. We have searched nearly the entire pony archives. There is no trace of anypony named Simply Anarchy. Which means-"

"It's an alias." Twilight finished the princess's sentence. Celestia nodded. Twilight pondered for a moment and then looked back to her teacher. "So, you'll have to go through every pony's file to find his real name."

"Precisely." Princess Celestia affirmed. "Which means, this could take much longer than we anticipated."

"What do we do now, princess?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

The princess looked at the group of friends and sighed. "We will have to hold out as long as we can. We will keep Ponyville under surveillance at all times. Until we can find out who we are dealing with, we will have to move forward with caution." Celestia declared firmly.

"Is there anything we can do, princess?" Applejack asked trying to be helpful.

"There is." Celestia stated directly. "I want you girls to keep an eye on everypony. Make sure they all stay safe. We don't know what Anarchy's next move will be. Anypony could be in danger."

Twilight saw something in the princess's eyes that she had never seen before. Uncertainty. Usually, she had a plan, or at the very least a general idea of what to do. But now she looked almost powerless. Twilight turned to her teacher. "You can count on us. We will do all we can." She imparted boldly.

Princess Celestia grinned. She knew that she could rely on Twilight and her friends for anything. "I have never doubted you girls. Now I must return to Luna. There is no time to lose. Good luck to you all. And stay safe." With that the princess of the sun left the castle to continue her mission.

Twilight looked at her friends and smiled. They can do this. They just have to work together. "Okay, girls. It's been a long day. We should get some rest. Tomorrow, we will do another sweep of town." she proclaimed diligently.

As the girls left the castle Twilight couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Now she was responsible for keeping all of Ponyville safe. What if she failed again? Spike put his claw on her shoulder. It was almost as if he could sense that she was in distress. It reminded her that she was not alone. She brought Spike in for a hug. What was there to worry about? With their combined efforts, they will find Simply Anarchy and take him down. If there is one thing she is certain of it is that good will always triumph over evil. This time will be no different.

Chapter 6: A Lesson In Anarchy

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The sun shines high in the sky over the schoolhouse. School is about to be in session, as young fillies and colts all make their way into the building. The young ponies take their respective seats and chat with one another, while waiting for their teacher, Miss Cheerilee, to arrive.

"Hey, Diamond Tiara, are you holdin' up alright?" Applebloom asks sounding worried.

Diamond Tiara looked down out her hooves for a moment. "I don't know. Last night, I couldn't sleep because I kept having nightmares about those robbers coming back." she huffed sadly. Her best friend Sliver Spoon patted her on the shoulder.

"I don't blame you. I would probably have nightmares if that happened to me, too." Sweetie Belle chimed in. "But you don't have to worry about those ponies anymore."

"Yeah! 'Cuz Princess Celestia is gonna make sure that those two pay!" Scootaloo interjected, her wings flapping spontaneously.

Diamond Tiara sighed. "I know, I know. It's just.... I can't wrap my head around why they would do this to my family." She responded glumly. "Was it because of how I acted before?"

"You can't blame yourself for any of this!" Applebloom intervened. "You have changed and everypony here knows it." The other two Crusaders nod in unison to their friend's statement.

Diamond smiled at her new friends. "Thanks, girls. I needed that."

The classroom door opens, and the students begin to quiet down. They eagerly wait for their teacher to step through the door. Instead, however, two bald, pale stallions and mares step into the room. Everyone in the room looks at the strange crew puzzled. The room is completely silent.

A few moments pass before Applebloom breaks the silence. "Uhhhh.... hello? Who are you?" She asks in confusion.

"Oh don't you worry about them, little filly." A gray pony steps into the room. He is wearing a green tie and has an 'A' on his flank. What could that mean? He had a smirk on his face the entire time, as he began walking around the room. "Good morning, class! My name is.... Mr. A, and I will be your substitute teacher for the day!" He states before letting out a short laugh. "And don't mind them. They are my.... teacher's aides.... Yeah, that's it! They are here to assist me as I need them."

"Substitute? But, what happened to Miss Cheerilee? Is she sick?" Sweetie Belle asks curiously.

Anarchy looked to the little white filly in front of him. "She's a bit tied up at the moment, so she graciously asked me to fill in for her." He replied contently. "If there are no more questions, then let's begin, shall we?" He scans over a notebook that was set on Cheerilee's desk. "Alright, it says here that you all had a worksheet for homework last night. Everypony get those out, please."

Scootaloo begins to fidget nervously in her seat. Applebloom sees her and leans over to her. "What's wrong, Scoot?" She whispers trying to be discrete.

Scootaloo leans over, as well. "I uhh.... completely forgot about that homework." She responds in a equally hushed, yet panicked tone.

Applebloom looks to Scootaloo with a disappointed expression. "How could you have forgotten? Miss Cheerilee announced that it was due today like a bajillion times before we left yesterday. What were you doin'?" Applebloom muttered.

"Heh, I might have been doodling on my paper. See?" Scootaloo shows her fellow Crusader her rather crude drawing. "It's a giraffe!"

Applebloom facehoofs and shakes her head. "Seriously? You can't just ignore-"

"And where is your homework?" Mr. A quizzes raising his eyebrow.

Scootaloo's eyes get really wide, as if she was caught committing a crime. She slowly turns to her teacher. "Umm.... it's right here.... but the thing is.... I kinda, sorta.... forgot to do it." Scootaloo flinched as he grabbed the paper, as if he was going to hit her for not doing her homework.

He looked over the paper for a moment, while Scootaloo watched nervously. Then, to her surprise, he grinned. "That's a very nice giraffe. Looks like we have an artist in the room!" He stated happily.

Scootaloo's expression changed from a look of nervousness to a look of shock. "Wait, that's it? You aren't mad?" She questioned dumbfounded.

"Of course not. I never liked homework either.... or rules for that matter." Anarchy added with a smirk. He trots to the front of the classroom. "You could all learn a thing or two from Miss Scootaloo, here." Then, he jumps up onto Cheerilee's desk. "Which is why, today, we are going to be learning a very important lesson. A lesson that your beloved Princess Celestia refuses to teach you. Today, my little ponies, we will be learning about.... freedom of expression." He announces proudly, as he points to Scootaloo. "That young filly has the right idea. Now I want you all to take your worksheets.... and rip them to shreds!" The entire class looked to him hesitantly. "Go on! Do it. I'm not kidding!" He reassured them with a smile. He then ripped a piece of paper from the notebook on the desk and began tearing it apart, in an effort to encourage them further.

Slowly, the students began tearing their homework apart. "That's it! I'm sure there were some questions on there that aggravated you last night. Take out your frustrations now!" The gray stallion exclaimed ecstatically. The little ponies began to smile and giggle, while tearing up the papers. "Good! Now throw the pieces into the air!" Anarchy directed as he watched the students follow his commands joyfully. Soon, shards of paper were raining down from the ceiling as the young fillies and colts cheered and laughed. "Confetti! To celebrate a job well done!" he interjected gleefully. Students even started picking up the paper and throwing it at one another, like they were having a snowball fight.

As the last of the paper falls to the ground, Anarchy looks around at what he had caused and laughs. "The moral here, class, is that you should never let anypony tell you what you can or can't do. You are your own pony. If you want to be an artist, be an artist. If you want to tame manticores, then go tame manticores. If you want to rule the world.... then let nopony stop you." Anarchy declares wickedly. The students giggle, thinking that he was joking. He joins in their laughter, before regaining his composure. "Seriously. You do whatever you want to do. Let nopony stop you." He then jumps off of the desk and claps his hooves together. "Alright! Enough teaching for now. Who's up for a little recess?" The whole class erupts with cheer. He chuckles at their overwhelming response. "Everyone outside! We will continue class in one hour."

The ponies begin to rush out the door. Even the Cutie Mark Crusaders, are happily galloping to the outside. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon start to head out behind them, but are quickly interrupted. "Miss Tiara, may I have a word with you, please?" Anarchy asks.

Diamond Tiara looks back to him. "Umm. Sure, I guess." She responds puzzled. "I'll meet you outside in a sec, Silver Spoon." Silver Spoon nods and trots out the door merrily. "What's up?"

"I don't mean to pry, but I heard that you were recently the victim of a robbery, is that correct?" He questioned curiously.

Diamond looked to the floor wistfully. "Yeah, it's true."

"You have my sympathy, but I'm sure you aren't looking for anything like that. What you want is to see those criminals pay, right?" The gray pony asked bluntly.

At first Diamond was going to argue against his rather intrusive question, but instead decided against it. "Those ponies are in custody now. Princess Celestia will make sure they are punished for their crime." She retorted confidently.

"I don't know about that." Anarchy stated as he walked to the front of the classroom. "It is true that those two are in Celestia's custody. But that doesn't mean that she is going to punish them."

Diamond Tiara had a look of shock on her face at his remark. Why would he say that? How could he be so cold, especially about the princess? "What do you mean? Of course, she will!" She claimed slightly angry at her teacher's negativity.

Anarchy's expression was very serious, however. Then, a slight evil smirk appeared on his face. "Really?" He quizzed, as he walked to one of the white mares, who handed him a newspaper. He dropped the paper on the ground in front of Diamond. "Then what do you call that?" He gestured to the headline on the front page. 'Rich Family Robbers' Sentence Reduced'

Diamond Tiara stared in utter disbelief at those words for a few seconds. "How.... could this be?" She manages to mutter. "Why would she do this? After what they did to us.... how could she let them off so easily?" Tears began rolling down her cheeks.

Anarchy puts his hoof on her shoulder. "The truth is hard to bear sometimes. And the truth is that Celestia does whatever she wants, no matter who she hurts. And she punishes only those who don't do what she wants them to. Those robbers fed her a sob story, and she just ate it up." He replied bitterly, while pulling Diamond in for a hug. "I know your pain. Celestia has done me wrong in the past. And nopony questioned her for it." He turned her to face him. "The difference between our situations is that you have the money and influence to do something about it. Injustice ends when we finally take a stand. Be the change you want to see, and it will become a reality." He brought out a tissue and wiped the tears from her eyes.

Tiara thought to herself for a moment. Then, she nodded. "You're right! I won't stand for this!" Diamond Tiara stomped her hoof on the ground in anger. Then, she gave Anarchy a determined smile. "Thanks, Mr. A! I won't let you down!" She began trotting towards the exit. She opened the door, then turned back to her teacher. "By the way, I really like your tie!" She flashed him a bright smile.

Anarchy cackled at the compliment. "Why, thank you! I just got it!" He smirked evilly. He watched as she closed the door behind her.

Then, he turned to his crew, and a wide grin spread across his face. "Well, that went swimmingly!" He giggled like a schoolpony. "Now we just sit back and enjoy the show!" He dances around the room, singing all the while. "I've listened to preachers. I've listened to fools. I've watched all the dropouts, who make their own rules. One pony conditioned to rule and control. The media sells it and you live the role. Mental wounds still screaming, driving me insane! I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train! I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train!♪" He lets out a maniacal laugh. Then, he prances over to the storage closet in the corner of the room. He opens the door, to reveal Miss Cheerilee tied to a chair, her mouth covered in duct tape. Angrily, she mumbles something incoherently, desperately trying to talk through the tape, but to no avail. Anarchy looks at her amused. "Don't take it personally. You aren't the first pony I've done this to this week.... but you are the first pony I've done this to today. Lucky you, huh?" He declared wickedly. The two pale stallions lift Miss Cheerilee, still bound to the chair, from the closet and set her down in front of her desk. "So good to have you back in front of the classroom again! Your students were very well behaved. You should be proud!"

He picks up a piece of chalk and begins writing on the board. Then, he steps back to appreciate his work. "What do you all think of my handywork? You think Princess Twilight will get the message?" He questions looking back at his crew who laugh hysterically at what he wrote. "Oh! I almost forgot!" He exclaimed as he opened the notebook on the desk and pulls out a sealed scroll bearing the Anarchy insignia on it. "This is for Princess Twilight. Do make sure she gets it, would you?" He nudges Cheerilee, as if he told a joke. He put the scroll in her desk and closed it. He turned back to his crew and smiled deviously. "Alright everypony! I believe it's time for us to make our exit!" Then he glances back at the constricted Cheerilee. "Miss Cheerilee, we bid you a most respectful farewell." He salutes her, then turns back towards the door. "Let's go."

A little over two hours has passed, as a panicked Twilight and her friends are bolting towards the school being led by the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"You just found her tied up there?" Twilight asked the three young fillies.

"Yeah. We were outside having recess. When we came back in two hours later, we saw Miss Cheerilee tied to her chair and our substitute, Mr. A, was missing." Sweetie Belle squeaked shakily.

"Wait, who's Mr. A?" Applejack intervened.

Just then, the friends arrived at the schoolhouse. Twilight opened the door and stepped inside, only to gasp at what she saw.

Rarity looked around the messy room. "This place looks simply horrid!" Rarity stated brusquely.

"You're telling me!" Miss Cheerilee walked through the back door of the building. "This is not exactly the way I would have liked for this day to go, you know? Now could somepony please give me an explanation for all this!" She demanded irritably.

Starlight wanders around the classroom. "Well, it certainly looks like Anarchy has been here. What do you think, Twilight?" She asked her alicorn friend. But she got no answer in return. Twilight's eyes were transfixed on something else. Worried, Starlight walks up to her. "Twilight? What's wrong?"

Twilight's heart sank as she read the message on the chalkboard. In very large print on the board was written 'Composure 101.' She then panicked once again. "We've got to get to Doctor Hooves's house now!" She managed to interject before bursting back through the schoolhouse door.

The girls immediately took off after her. They weren't going to let there friend face this alone. They followed her all the way until they got to the doctor's house.

Twilight began knocking at the door frantically, only for the door to open when her hoof pounded on it. The ponies stepped inside the house nervously. This wasn't looking good.

Twilight had to stay calm, though. "Hello? Doctor Hooves? Are you home?" She got no answer in return. The ponies continued to search the house all over. Moments later it was concluded. He was simply not there.

"Maybe he had to run an errand." Fluttershy proposed, her voice visibly shaken with nervousness. Then again, it nearly always sounded like that.

"I would rethink that theory." Rainbow Dash stated pointing to a chair surrounded by rope.

Twilight approached the chair, but was stopped when she stepped on something. She lifted her hoof and discovered that she had stepped on a piece of duct tape. This particular piece had brown fur stuck to it in a way that looks like it was wrapped around a pony's mouth. Twilight gritted her teeth in anger.

"What is it, Twilight?" Applejack questioned concerned.

Twilight's horn lit up with a deep pink aura as she used her magic to throw the chair across the room. The chair shattered as it met the wall. Her friends were left stunned by her reaction. Twilight snorted angrily for a moment, before tears filled her eyes. The girls gathered around their friend who was now sobbing with her face buried in the floor. She made a promise to Celestia. She made a promise to Equestria. And once again, she failed.

Chapter 7: What Will Be

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Twilight and her friends returned to the Crystal Tree after yet another loss to Simply Anarchy. The girls and Spike sat around the table in stunned silence. Twilight was lost in her own thoughts. How could one pony cause so much mayhem? Not to mention, how could he keep alluding them for so long? She had so many questions, and yet she didn't have a single answer to any of them. For once in her life, she was left clueless.

Starlight sees Twilight battling her own thoughts and decides to speak up. "Twilight, please, say something. We need your help." Glimmer pleaded concerned. The alicorn princess continued to stare blankly at the floor beneath her. This only worried her friends even more.

Applejack looks over to Twilight. "Twi? What happened isn't yer fault."

"Yeah. Nopony could have predicted what he was going to do next. Not even a princess!" Rainbow Dash adds.

Twilight lifts her head up and glances around the table at her friends. "I'm sorry, girls. It's just.... I'm trying to wrap my head around a few things." She replies with a huff. "I don't get it. We have faced so much evil in the past. Nightmare Moon, King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis, Tirek.... No matter how powerful they were, we always rose above all else to defeat them. Why is this time so different?" Twilight lays her head back down on the table.

A few moments pass before Spike runs into the room. He is holding a scroll and breathing quite fast. With the immense amount of sweat dripping from his scaly body on top of that, it was clear that he ran all the way here. "Twilight!" He called out. He stopped, leaning against the table, to catch his breath.

"What is it, Spike?" Twilight asked with a look of concern. Then, she caught glimpse of his tired stature. "And why are you all sweaty?"

Spike took another moment to breathe before speaking. "You all rushed off so fast, Cheerilee didn't have time to give you this." Spike replied holding the scroll out to his alicorn friend. "She says that he left it for you. And he seemed pretty keen on making sure you got it."

Twilight growled in anger as she took the scroll from Spike with her magic. She unraveled it slowly, as her friends watched in anticipation. Then, she clears her throat and begins to read it aloud.

Dear Princess Twilight,

I hope this letter finds you well. It is so hard to find good help these days, and the incompetence of most ponies can never be overstated. I write this letter as a gesture of good will.... or it could be my inner Discord (the classic version, not the new, crappy one) coming out to play. I'll leave that for you to decide, but don't spend too much time focusing on that! Wouldn't want anypony else getting hurt on your watch, now would we? Ha ha! But don't let my words discourage you, princess. You are only doing what Celestia asks of you.... like a good little dog. If she truly cared about you or your friends, then why isn't she here helping you? I'll tell you why. She is too busy cracking the whip over her sister's back to even be bothered by your needs. But by all means, continue following her orders. After all, treason is an act punishable by banishment to the moon for a thousand years.... or being turned into a glorified garden decoration. Anyways, it has been fun catching up, but I'm afraid I still have much to do. Ta-ta!

Warm regards,
Simply Anarchy

P.S. You look a bit unwell, princess. I, personally, have never been a fan of hospitals. You know what they say, though. An apple a day....

The group of friends sat there speechless for a bit. None of them were sure exactly what to make of what they heard. Twilight would break the uneasy silence. "And now he's just gloating!" She huffed irritated.

Applejack would walk over to comfort her friend. "Don't you listen to him, sugar cube. He doesn't know what the hay he's talkin' about." She stated with her usual country drawl.

"I agree with Applejack, darling." Rarity added. "It seems to me that this 'Anarchy' character is just trying to get under your skin." She places her hoof gently on Twilight's shoulder.

"Yeah. And besides...." Rainbow Dash leapt into the air and landed on the table in front of her. "We always come through! We just need to keep our spirits up and not let him push us around!" She interjected confidently.

"Oh oh! Cupcakes always lift spirits up! I'll go get some!" Pinkie Pie blurted out, before taking off like a bullet to who knows where.

Starlight, with her eyebrow raised, looked in the direction that the hyperactive pony took off in. Then, she turned back to her friends. "Anyways.... what we are all saying, is that we are behind you. No matter what. We can do this!"

Twilight smiled once again. "Thanks, girls." She expressed feeling a bit more relieved. She looked back to the scroll. "There's gotta be a clue here some-"

The princess was interrupted abruptly by Spike's loud belch. Green flames erupted from his throat as a scroll magically appeared in front of him. Twilight was surprised. She thought that the princess would be too busy to even send her a letter. She picking up the scroll and began reading it to herself.

After a few moments, Fluttershy would speak up. "What is it, Twilight? Did Princess Celestia find something?" She asked timidly.

"It says she needs me in Canterlot at once." Twilight looked up from the scroll and to her friends. "It doesn't say why, though."

"Then it must be too important to discuss over a letter." Starlight replied.

Rainbow Dash flew into the air swiftly. "Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" She exclaimed excitedly. She bolted towards the doorway, but was stopped just as fast.

"No, Rainbow!" Twilight called after her friend.

Dash looked back to her alicorn friend, who was shaking her head. "What? Why not?" the pegasus questioned confused.

Twilight stands up from the table. "We can't all just leave. Anarchy is still here. What if he tries something else, while we are all in Canterlot? Ponyville will be completely defenseless!" She responded with a stern look on her face.

Rainbow pondered for a moment, then turned her attention back to Twilight. "So, what now? We can't just ignore Princess Celestia!" She stated impatiently.

"I'll have to go alone." Twilight declared intently. "You all stay here and look after Ponyville. Continue patrolling around and make sure that everypony is accounted for. I will go see what Princess Celestia needs." She began walking towards the door.

Spike ran after her. "Wait, Twilight!" He called out. Twilight turned to face her scaly friend. "Let me come with you! After all, you never know if you'll need your faithful assistant!" He insisted with a wide grin.

Twilight couldn't help but giggle at his remark. "Well, that's true. Hop on!" She gestured for Spike to climb onto her back, which he did without hesitation. "We won't be long, girls. We'll be there and back before you know it!"

The girls wished her luck as she ran out the door and soared into the sky. They all watched as she flew towards Canterlot, before disappearing out of sight.

"You heard her, girls! Let's all do our parts!" Rarity stated with her typical elegant confidence. "Onward- aah!"

Rarity was cut off as Pinkie Pie crashed into her. The two laid on the ground groaning in pain. Rarity was lying flat on her back with a pink cupcake splattered across her face. Pinkie just sat up and looked uneasily at Rarity, who at this moment was giving her a very spiteful stare. "Heh heh.... sorry, Rarity! But look! I brought cupcakes!" She exclaimed proudly. Then she looked to her other friends. "Soooo.... what'd I miss?"

"Two hours? Really? That's hysterical!" Anarchy erupted with laughter. He wiped a tear from his eye. "Oh, that's rich! Cheerilee must have been so ticked when they finally found her. She can't blame me, though! I told those children one hour. I can't be held responsible if she didn't teach them how to tell time."

His henchponies laughed along with his crude sense of humor. One of the white mares stepped forward. "This all took off without a hitch, just as you said it would." She praised.

Anarchy trotted over to her. "Of course it did! You didn't doubt me, did you, Firefly?" He quizzed.

The mare's eyes went wide with panic. "No no no! Never! It's just.... I thought they would put up a little more of a challenge. That's all." Firefly corrected herself nervously.

Anarchy grinned at her rapid response. "Relax! You know I could never be mad at you, my dear." He reassured the mare. "You are my number one! Through the harshest of times, you have always had my back. And you will be the reason that I finally claim what's mine!" He lifts her chin up, looking into her eyes.

Then, another one of his crew interrupts. "Sir, we have acquired the gasoline you asked us to attain." The bulky stallion states firmly.

Anarchy turns to the pony. "Good! And now we wait for Twilight's next move." The sinister pony grinned deviously. "We'll hit her where it hurts the most. Her greatest strength will become her greatest weakness. If everything goes according to plan, we will have Equestria pleading for mercy in no time!"

Twilight rushes through the door of Canterlot Castle. She darts her head around looking for the princess. After a few minutes, Celestia walks through the door. Twilight immediately runs up to her teacher. "Princess Celestia! Did you find something on Simply Anarchy?" She says getting her hopes up.

Princess Celestia sighed. "No. Not yet. Luna is still searching. But I'm afraid another problem has just come to my attention." She responded glumly.

"What do you mean? What pro--" Twilight tried to finish her question, but would be cut short when she catches glimpse of a peach colored mare wearing a black power suit and red framed glasses. She had dark brown hair put up in a bun and her eyes were a very bright green. And she certainly didn't look like she was here for a casual visit. "--blem? Umm.... hello. Who are you?" Twilight finished.

The pony adjusted her glasses and looked to the purple alicorn. "Hello, Princess Twilight Sparkle. My name is Swift Justice. I am here on behalf of my clients.... the Rich family." She stated bluntly. "I'm gonna cut to the chaste. The Rich family is filing an injunction against Princess Celestia.... and you."

Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Wait.... what?!" She managed to let out. "Why?!"

"Oh, I don't know.... maybe it has something to do with your blatant abuse of power?" She glares angrily at Twilight. "How could you two, do such a thing, anyway? Letting two criminals off with only a two month sentence for robbery? Have you gone crazy?" She stomps her hoof with authority.

"There's a huge misunderstanding here! Pestle and Mortar are not the masterminds of that robbery! We are currently trying to catch the pony responsible." Twilight retorted, defending herself and her teacher.

The lawyer pony stood unshaken. "Regardless of who planned it, Pestle and Mortar were the ones to carry out the action, therefore they are just as much at fault. They were not forced to do what they did. They made their choice, and now they must pay their dues." She declared sternly.

Twilight was starting to become frustrated. "Look.... just give us more time. We will catch this pony and make him explain it all to you. I promise!" She proposed nervously.

Justice looked at the princesses. She noticed the fire in Twilight's eyes. She was bound to catch this so-called mastermind. Then, she sighed. "Okay, look." She removed her glasses to wipe a smudge off of them. "I might be able to calm the Rich family down a little. Maybe convince them to reconsider." She replied putting her glasses back on. She noticed Twilight's eyes light up at her statement. "That doesn't mean they'll drop the case! But it could buy you some time."

Twilight, instinctively, hugged Swift tightly. "Oh, thank you thank you thank--" Twilight stopped her cheering when she noticed the look on Celestia's face. It was a look that said 'let her go before she changes her mind.' She gingerly set the legal pony back down. A blush formed on her face. "Heh heh.... sorry."

Swift Justice giggled a bit. "It's no problem. But you should act quickly. I will head to them immediately." She said energetically. "I'm on the case!" Then she trotted out of Canterlot Castle.

Celestia looked to her star student with amazement. "Excellent work, Twilight."

Twilight turned back to her teacher. "Hopefully, I bought us enough time."

The princess smiled at her apprentice. "Well, I told you how my search is going. How about your own? Any signs of Anarchy in Ponyville?" She questioned.

Twilight sighed in realization that she hadn't quite told her what happened at the schoolhouse. "Anarchy did strike again. This time his target was the school. He left a scroll for me to find there. Even worse, one of Ponyville's citizens has gone missing." Twilight frowned, waiting for her teacher to scold her for her carelessness. "I'm sorry for failing you again."

Princess Celestia looked down at her student. But she never got angry with her. "This is an unfortunate loss. But we cannot dwell on it now. We must stay focused on the task at hand." Celestia stated regaining her composure.

Twilight glanced back up at her teacher and nodded in confirmation. "You're right. What's our next move?"

Princess Celestia stood there thinking for a few moments. Then, she sighed, all the while still maintaining her regal posture. "You said he left a scroll, is that correct?" She asked curiously. Twilight nodded. "And did it contain anything important?"

Twilight brought out the scroll and gave it to her teacher. "It was just a bunch of gloating and evil banter. Not to mention, rude comments about the two of us." She replied sadly.

Celestia scanned the note over and over. Then, she looked back to Twilight. "So it seems." She huffed.

Twilight held the scroll up in front of her. "The part I don't get is at the end. Why go through the effort of telling us he doesn't like hospitals? That isn't at all relevant to what has been going on...." Twilight proclaimed frustrated. Then, she thought about it for a second. "Or maybe it does. What if he's trying to hint that his next target is a hospital?"

Princess Celestia thought about Twilight's theory. Then her eyes went wide with horror. "You need to return to Ponyville. Gather your friends and evacuate Ponyville Hospital immediately!"

"But what about you?" Twilight asked frantically. "What are you going to do now?"

Celestia looked thoughtfully at her student. What she had in mind was a bit unorthodox.... quite a bit.... okay very unorthodox. But as they say, desperate times call for desperate measures. "I have a call to make." She replied directly. She sat down on her throne and pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill. She took a deep breath before beginning to write. "I believe I know just who can draw this pony out."

Chapter 8: An Apple A Day....

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Twilight and Spike arrived back in Ponyville as fast as they could. Her timing could not have been any better, as her friends were all gathered in the center of town.

Pinkie Pie would be the one to see Twilight first. "Hey look! It's Twilight! Yoo-hoo! Over here!" She waved ecstatically.

Twilight landed in front of them. She had a panicked look on her face. There was definitely something wrong and Starlight could tell. "Is everything alright, Twilight?" She questioned concerned.

"No, but I'm glad you are all together already." Twilight proclaimed. "There's no time to explain, but we need to evacuate Ponyville Hospital now!"

Rainbow Dash was ready without hesitation. "You heard her, girls! Act now. Questions later. Let's go!" The pegasus commanded determined. Her words were enough to get the others to follow Twilight's lead. Thank goodness for Rainbow's incredible ability to rally ponies without question. They all followed behind Twilight, as she rushed to the hospital at full speed.

When they arrived, Twilight looked toward the front counter, which had a considerably long line of ponies in front of it. Fluttershy looked at the ponies in front of them uneasily. "They sure are busy today. It might be a while before we get to the front of the line. Maybe we should come back later." She muttered sheepishly. Rainbow Dash facehoofed at the yellow pegasus's shy stature.

"We don't have time for this!" Twilight stated agitated. She began walking around the line, causing many ponies to become angry themselves. She tried to ignore them as she made her way past the other ponies. She eventually made it to the front of the line, despite being yelled at to go back to the end. She approached the receptionist's desk.

The receptionist seemed rather stressed, most likely due to the big group of ponies that were shipped here courtesy of a certain villainous pony. Trying to be professional, she forces a smile anyway. "Hello, Princess Twilight. How can I help--"

"Look, we need to make this as fast as possible. Princess Celestia and I believe that this hospital has become a target of a criminal known as Simply Anarchy. We need to evacuate all ponies out of the building now!" Twilight interrupted her eagerly trying to express the importance of the situation.

The receptionist pony looks shocked at the princess's abruptness, but then frowns. "It isn't funny to joke around like that." She says disapprovingly.

Twilight's expression goes from eagerness to sheer panic in almost an instant. "It's not a joke! These ponies are in danger! We have to move it!"

Applejack walks up beside Twilight. "What she's sayin' is true. We need everypony to leave. Now." She states reassuringly.

The receptionist looks to AJ stunned. "Wait, you're serious, aren't you?"

Rainbow Dash swoops down beside the farm pony. "This is Applejack you're talking to here. You know?" The blue pegasus retorted causing Applejack to blush slightly. "Element of Honesty. She can't lie."

The receptionist's expression changed to one of concern. "Well then, how should we proceed? Not to state the obvious, but this building is pretty big."

"We'll have to split up. Each of us take different sectors of the building." Twilight instructed calmly.

"Then let's get to it!" Applejack exclaims with determination.

"I'll use the intercom to alert everyone here." the receptionist adds.

"Good idea. We'll help get everypony out of here safely." Twilight affirms with confidence. She looks back to her friends. "And if any of you happen to come across Anarchy, don't try to take him on alone. Come find the rest of us, and we'll take him on together." The girls nod to one another before splitting up.

Twilight rushes down the east wing. She attracts the attention of many of the nurses and doctors. She advises them to help her clear the building, which at first they are rather hesitant. But then a voice comes over the intercom sending a warning to evacuate immediately. They promptly began escorting patients out.

Within moments, the hallways are filled with patients and doctors making there way towards the exit. There had to be at least a hundred ponies trying desperately to squeeze out of the building. Floor by floor, the hospital was becoming less and less occupied. In less than thirty minutes the whole hospital was empty, with the exception of Twilight and her friends.

"It looks like that's everypony! Way to go, girls!" Rainbow Dash praises, while hoof-bumping Applejack.

Twilight still felt uneasy. "This isn't over yet. We still have to find Anarchy." She says sternly. She turns her attention to the receptionist. "I need you to take roll call on every pony standing out there. Doctors, nurses, patients, and even janitors. We need to make sure they all are accounted for. If there is any problem, come find me." The receptionist nods and runs back outside. Then, Twilight looks back at her friends. "Come on, girls. Let's continue searching the place for Anarchy." With that, the girls began looking all around the hospital, desperately trying to find any sign of the villainous pony.

"Applebloom? Have you broken them there eggs yet?" Granny Smith beckoned at her granddaughter, who was being very cautious with an egg.

"Ah'm tryin' not to make a mess outta this, Granny!" Applebloom asserted, while keeping her attention glued on what she was doing. "Steady.... steady...." She tapped the egg on the edge of the bowl. The result was.... the exact opposite of what she wanted to happen. The egg split in half.... as in, half went inside the bowl and the other spilled onto the counter. "Darn it! Every time!"

Granny Smith giggles at the filly's reaction. "Now don't go and beat yerself up over it, young'n. That there happens to many ponies." She reassured her. "Big Mac, mind givin' her a hoof with that?"

"Eeeeeyup!" Big McIntosh bellowed with his usual deep tone. He picks up an egg and walks over to the bowl. Then, he taps the egg on the rim of the bowl, cracking it just right. He placed the egg over the bowl and broke it in two, emptying its contents into the bowl. All that without making a mess.

Applebloom looks up at her brother and smirks. "Showoff." She mutters in annoyance. This causes Granny to laugh even harder. The yellow filly then walks over to the window and looks outside. Sweet Apple Acres always looked so serene, especially when the light caught the apple trees in the right way. The fruit would glow a bright red, looking both beautiful and mouth-watering. Something was off today, though. Applebloom noticed something very peculiar. The lights in the barn were on, even though nobody was in there. Considering herself, Big Mac, and Granny Smith were all in the house and Applejack was in Ponyville with the others, there was no reason for the lights to be on. Maybe, Applejack just left them on by mistake? Just then, she started to hear a faint sound coming from out there. "Wait. Do y'all hear that?" She questioned, her ears perking up in the process. The two older ponies walked over to the window and listened. "It sounds like music!"

"Them girls must be havin' some kinda party or somethin'. You know how that Pinkie Pie can get." Granny Smith responded shaking her head knowingly.

"Come on! Let's go see!" Applebloom exclaims excited.

She runs out the door and toward the barn. Country music can be heard from within. Eagerly, Applebloom opens the barn doors with a big smile. But that smile soon disappears when she beholds what's inside. A huge group of white ponies are spread all throughout the barn. All of which resemble the helper ponies of Mr. A.

At that moment she sees him sitting on a bale of hay in the center of the room. He is playing an acoustic guitar and singing. "You've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run. You never count your money, when you're sittin' at the table. There'll be time enough for countin', when the dealin's done♪" He stops playing when he notices the little pony standing in the doorway. "Hello again, Ms. Applebloom." He smirks then puts his guitar down. "How have your studies been going?" He quizzed deviously.

Applebloom looked back at him in terror. Then, Big Mac walked into the barn alongside Granny Smith. His eyes widened when he saw the gray pony. He went to open his mouth to say something but was cut off by Granny Smith. "Can we help you with somethin'?" She asked with suspicion.

Anarchy stood up and approached them. "Well, now that you mention it...." Anarchy thought to himself for a brief moment before looking back to Granny. "How good are you at delivering messages?"

Applebloom tugged on Big McIntosh's leg. "That's him! That's Mr. A! He was the substitute teacher ah was talkin' about. The one that tied up Miss Cheerilee!" She interjected fearfully.

As soon as Applebloom mentioned her teacher, Big Mac began walking toward the gray stallion, with anger in his eyes. Anarchy grinned at his approach. "Uh-oh! I think we touched a nerve there! What do you think boys?" Anarchy gestured to his henchponies.

On cue, the pale stallions began assaulting Big Mac. They were merciless, to say the least. Though they outnumbered him greatly, he put up quite a fight. He threw one stallion all the way up into the rafters, and bashed another's head off of the wall. He held his ground rather well.... at least until Anarchy intervened. He struck Mac with a crowbar, targeting his left hind leg. Anarchy was extremely calculated with his strikes. His second hit would take out his other hind leg, a loud crack could be heard as a result. As soon as the red stallion was grounded, Anarchy began smashing his ribs, knocking the wind out of him. He didn't stop swinging until Mac was bleeding out of his mouth.

Anarchy laughed sadistically. "Not so tough now, are you red?" He stated rhetorically. A sly grin appeared on his face, as he turned his attention back to the other Apples. "Now, where were we? Oh yes! I need you to deliver a message for me. Actually, it's more of an invitation, really." He patted Applebloom on top of her head. Applebloom was in tears looking at her beaten brother. "I want you to tell your sister and her friends that I want to meet with them face to face in Ponyville. I think it's finally time that we have a heart to heart." He walked back up to Big Mac and kicked him in the ribs again.

"Please, stop!" Applebloom cried out worried about her brother's well-being. Tears were flowing down her cheeks and onto the floor beneath her. Granny, who felt just as helpless, held her granddaughter tightly trying to comfort her.

Anarchy began walking towards one of the pale stallions in the room. "Is everything ready?" He asked feeling proud of his work.

"Yes, sir." the white stallion confirmed.

"Goodie!" Anarchy shouted giddily. He looked back at the Apples. "Oh, and make sure the princesses show up to our meeting!" He walked towards the door. "All of them! Wouldn't want anypony to feel left out, now would we?" With that, he exited the barn leaving the family to themselves.

Applebloom was sobbing uncontrollably. "Big brother, are you okay?" He was still breathing, but he was in far too much pain to speak.

"He'll be alright, Applebloom. We just need to get'im to a doctor." Granny responded, holding back tears of her own. She stroked Applebloom's hair trying to put her mind to ease.

Anarchy stood outside the barn, admiring its design. His crew stood behind him. "On your mark, sir." One of them states readily, whilst handing him a match.

Anarchy took a moment to breathe in the fresh country air. "It's the little things in life that make it worth living, you know?" He posed as he lit the match.

"Applebloom. Ah'm gonna need ya to go into town and find yer sister. She can help me get him to the hos--" Granny Smith began to say before something caught her attention. She sniffed the air recognizing the familiar smell of smoke.

Applebloom sniffled trying to regain her composure. "What is it, Granny?" She questioned.

"I smell smoke. Why in tarnation would there be--" She paused in realization. "Applebloom. We need to get him outta here now!"

"What's goin' on?" Applebloom asked nervously.

Granny notioned the young filly to help her pick up Mac. "He set the barn on fire!" As she says this, fire began erupting inside the barn.

"I fell into a burning ring of fire. I went down, down, down and the flames went higher! And it burns, burns, burns. The ring of fire, the ring of fire!♪" Anarchy sang maniacally. He laughed evilly as he watched the structure become consumed by flames.

Within seconds, the rafters were engulfed in flames. Granny and Applebloom draped Big Mac's front legs over their shoulders and slowly started making their way across the barn and towards the door. The heat from the inferno was strong at this point, which didn't make dragging Mac's heavy body any easier.

"Come on, Applebloom! Ah need you to be strong, ya hear?" Granny interjected trying to rally the young filly.

"Ah'm sorry! Ah'm tryin' mah best!" Appebloom claimed struggling to hold her brother's weight.

Eventually, they made it to the front of the barn. Pieces of the ceiling began to drop down. They were nearly crushed by a piece, but managed to pull back quickly enough. They hustled around the embers and burst through the door, just as some debris came tumbling down behind them. The two Apples managed to drag Mac another twenty feet beyond the barn before collapsing from exhaustion.

Trying to catch her breath, Granny turned to her granddaughter. "Good job, young'n. Ah'm proud of ya."

Twilight and her friends had searched every possible room in the hospital, to no avail. Every single floor, every single office, and even every single closet. All of which yielded no results. Needless to say, they were all becoming just a tiny bit frustrated.

"This is very frustrating!" Twilight exclaimed angrily. Spike put his claw on her shoulder trying to calm her down. "I just don't get it! Why would he even include his hatred for hospitals in his letter, if he isn't even bothering to do anything about it!"

"Maybe we scared him off!" Rainbow Dash proposed arrogantly.

"Ah don't think, he's the type of pony to be scared easily, Rainbow." Applejack stated bluntly.

Twilight pondered to herself. "Let's try searching one more--"

"Oh come on, Twilight! Try thinking outside the box for a change!" A familiar voice catches all of their attention.

"Hi, Discord! What are you doing here?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

Discord is practically gleaming with delight. "Hello, my dear Fluttershy! It is so good to see you! I'm here to--"

"Cause trouble?" Applejack intervenes unamused.

"Help, actually. But it's good to see that my reputation still perceives me." Discord replied proud of his status. "I was sent by Princess Celestia to help you find this pony." He pulls a newspaper out of thin air and holds it up. "A pony that dares to challenge my rule as master of chaos. Quite frankly, it's insulting!" Discord grimaces at the thought. "Well anything he can do, I can do better!"

Twilight grins at Discord. "This is perfect! Who better to know a chaotic mind than Discord? He might just be the advantage that we need." She stated firmly.

"Finally! My talents are recognized!" Discord took a bow. "Now, let me take a look at that letter he gave you." Twilight handed him the letter, which he read to himself. After a few moments, a look of disdain appeared on his face.

"Well, what do you think?" Twilight asked with uncertainty.

"I think he needs to come up with his own tricks.... instead of stealing mine." Discord declared blithely.

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked timidly.

"At the end of this letter, he gives a clue as to where he's going next. Cryptic riddles. Sound familiar to anypony?" Discord posed to the friends, who looked in confusion at one another. "It's the same trick I pulled on you, Twilight. You remember that, right? That time I hid the Elements of Harmony from you, and you thought that I said that they were in the Canterlot Castle labyrinth? Ahh.... good times."

"We get it. What's your point? Twilight responded annoyed.

"My point, princess, is that just like before you are not looking at the big picture." Discord pulls out a magnifying glass and holds it up to the end text of the letter. "Look closely at the very last thing he wrote."

"I know the old saying, Discord. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Everypony knows that! That's why we're here!" Twilight affirmed angrily.

Discord slaps himself on the forehead out of frustration. "If he doesn't like hospitals, why would he come to one?" Discord quizzed, causing Twilight to think. "Obviously, he'd want to avoid the hospital. Soooo, how would he do that?" Before Twilight could answer his question, he would cut her off. "By eating apples! And where does one get apples in Ponyville?"

All of them looked to Applejack immediately. Applejack's eyes widened in horror. "Ah need to go home.... NOW!" She blurted out before bolting out the door. As soon as she exited the hospital, she turned to the direction of her home. She shrieked when she saw a large cloud of black smoke. "Oh no!" Panic consuming her, she began running as fast as she could towards home. Her friends following behind her. She looks up to Rainbow flying as she's running. "Rainbow! You can get there quicker than us! Ah need you to fly there and see if everypony is okay!"

"You got it!" Rainbow confirms as she takes off like a bullet to Sweet Apple Acres.

Dash made it to the farm far before any of the others did. She didn't have to look very hard to find Granny Smith, Applebloom, and Big McIntosh outside of the blazing barn. She swooped down to meet them. "Are you all oka--" Rainbow Dash started to speak but noticed the shape Big Mac was in. "W-what happened here?"

Applebloom looked to Rainbow with tears stinging her eyes. "He came back."

Minutes later, Applejack came running down the path. She spotted Rainbow and rushed towards her. "Big Mac!" She exclaimed terrified. "Big brother, what happened here?!" She was shaking uncontrollably. Big Mac didn't speak, instead choosing to control his breathing. "We have to get'im to the hospital, now!"

Twilight and the rest of the group arrived to the scene, as Rainbow and AJ were loading Big Mac in the back of a wagon. Twilight looked to her friends, despair consuming her. She wanted to cry, but it was almost like she was all out of tears. All she could feel was pure anger. Once again, Anarchy struck, and she was nowhere to be seen. She was going to make him pay for this.

Chapter 9: Face To Face

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It is evening as the girls have gathered at Ponyville Hospital to support Big Mac's recovery. Applebloom has not stopped sobbing, despite Granny Smith and Applejack trying to comfort her.

"H-he didn't even d-do anything. Why would anypony d-do such a thing?" Applebloom cried shaken.

Applejack hugged her sister tightly, a tear of her own escaping her eye. "Ah don't know, sugarcube." She said sadly. "Ah just don't know."

Outside Big Mac's room, the other girls are talking amongst one another, trying to figure out Anarchy's plan.

Rainbow Dash appears to be much angrier than any of them. "He's gone too far this time! If I get my hooves on him, I'll--"

"Calm yourself, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity commanded. "We have to keep our composure. Otherwise, he wins."

"Rarity's right, Rainbow. He wants us to react. So that we will be too blinded by anger to focus on him and his plan." Twilight explained calmly. "What happened was horrible, yes. But if we give him what he wants, then he will remain free to run over Equestria."

Rainbow collects herself a bit before saying anything else. "So, what now?" She asks puzzled.

Twilight walks beside the blue pegasus. "Now, we wait for the other princesses to arrive. Hopefully, this meeting will end in Anarchy's arrest." She says.

Starlight had her doubts. "About the meeting.... it sounds like a trap to me."

"It probably is." Twilight affirmed her friend's suspicion. "But what choice do we have? We can't just pass up this opportunity to capture him. This could be our only chance."

"Besides," Rarity intervened. "We aren't alone this time, darling. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance are coming to help us deal with this ruffian. He is highly out-classed."

"I'm still not sure." Starlight spoke still hesitant.

Applejack walked outside her brother's room. She was visibly upset, which is surprising, as she was never a pony to let her emotions get the best of her. "Y'all are still talkin' about Anarchy, I reckon." She snorted bitterly.

"Yeah. We're trying figure out what his plan is and how we can stop it." Starlight explained.

Applejack's expression became very stern, yet determined. "Well, whatever we do, count me in." She stated firmly.

Twilight started feeling very concerned. "Applejack, it's alright. We can handle-"

"Twi, with all due respect, ah won't take no for an answer. This theivin' varmint has a lot comin' to him. And ah wanna be there when we catch him." Applejack responded.

Twilight was shocked by Applejack's demeanor. Normally, she was calm and collected, but now she was showing a lot more anger and frustration. "We will get him, Applejack." She assured her. She placed her hoof on the farm pony's back. Applejack was silent, but she nodded to Twilight in agreement.

A voice over the intercom caught everyone's attention. "Princess Twilight, you are needed outside immediately."

Twilight's ears perked up at the announcement. "Come on, girls. I think the princesses are here."

The ponies proceeded outside to find all three alicorn princesses standing together looking out towards Ponyville. Twilight quickly rushed over to them. "I'm so glad you could all make it!" She exclaimed with a relieved smile. The princesses immediately turned back when they heard the purple alicorn's voice.

"I just wish we could have been here sooner!" Cadance replied sadly.

Twilight hugged her sister-in-law comfortingly. "You're here now. That's the important thing."

"Any luck on finding anything, Princess Luna?" Rainbow Dash questioned curiously.

Luna shook her head. "Unfortunately, my search has not yielded any results thus far. If I didn't know any better, I would suggest that this pony is a ghost." She claimed bluntly.

"Well that would begin to explain how he keeps disappearing." Spike stated sarcastically.

Twilight shot Spike an irritated look before turning back to the princesses. "So what's the plan?"

"We meet up with him. With our combined efforts, we may be able to convince him to surrender." Celestia declared boldly.

Discord appears from out of nowhere and begins his usual antics. "Ooooor.... we can do it my way! Turn him into a fish and threaten to keep him out of water until he begs to be put in jail!" He interjects gleefully.

"Ah can't believe ah'm gonna say this, but for once ah agree with Discord!" Applejack said, making Discord jump for joy.

"Nopony is getting turned into a fish!" Twilight confirmed glaring at the draconequus.

"Fine! Way to kill the fun." Discord pouted grumpily.

"Hold up! Does anypony even know where we are meeting this guy?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Umm.... girls...." Fluttershy mumbled quietly.

"I don't know. Did Applebloom give us a time?" Twilight asked uncertainly.

Fluttershy tried speaking louder (well, her version of louder)."Girls.... there's something-"

"Maybe he left us some kind of clue?" Starlight proposed.

"If you look over there-" Fluttershy would begin before being interrupted.

"Girls! Look up there!" Rarity gasped as she pointed to the sky. A small puff of black smoke could be seen coming from somewhere within Ponyville.

Fluttershy sighed. "That's what I was trying to-"

"A sign from Anarchy, if I ever saw one!" Rainbow Dash replied.

"Then, what are we waitin' for? Let's go!" Applejack exclaimed eagerly.

The group began bolting towards the source of the smoke, unaware of what could possibly be awaiting them.

It wasn't too long before they found a large pile of logs sitting outside of an abandoned store. The logs were burning brightly, indicating that the fire had been lit not too long ago.

Twilight looked at the fire. "We should probably put this out." Twilight suggested.

"Put it out? But we haven't even brought out the s'mores, yet!" A voice boomed from behind the group, causing everyone to turn around. Anarchy stood there with a wicked grin on his face.

Celestia took a few steps toward him. "You must be Simply Anarchy." She stated.

Anarchy took a bow. "In the flesh." He confirmed proudly. "I must say, I am surprised."

Luna gave him a quizzical look. "And why is that?" She questioned.

"I've actually got Celestia's attention. And all it took was.... let's see.... a robbery, an angry mob, a school invasion, a few ponynappings, and a severe barn fire. Bravo, princess! Bravo!" Anarchy applauded with spite.

"You are trapped! There is nowhere to run this time!" Twilight interjected.

"Twilight! The apple of my eye!" Simply Anarchy exclaimed excitedly. "It is so wonderful to see you again!"

"The feeling isn't mutual." Twilight scorned.

"I believe it is." Anarchy scoffed. Then, he turned his attention to Applejack. "Speaking of apples.... how's big brother doing?"

Applejack snapped and tried to attack him, but was ultimately stopped by Cadance's magic. "Y'all best hope ah don't get mah hooves on ya!" She declared consumed by rage.

Anarchy laughed at her reaction. "Oh, you're angry now? Consider it all a warm-up. I'm just getting started!" He stated arrogantly.

Princess Cadance decided she had heard enough. "Enough of your nonsense! This ends now!"

Anarchy smirked at her remark. "Princess Cadance.... you seem very confident. That'll change. I promise you." He hissed. He walked up to her and patted her on the head. "But not to worry! We'll get to know each other more very soon." He approaches the still burning pile of logs and stares deeply into the inferno. "Remember.... I called this meeting, not you."

"And, why pray tell, would you want to gather all of us in the same place at the same time, knowing full well that you are a wanted criminal?" Princess Luna interrogated.

Anarchy continued to gaze into the flames. "Tell me something, my dear. Did you ever dream during your banishment on the moon?"

Luna was caught off guard by the sudden question. "W-what?" She managed to say.

"I know what banishment can do to a pony. It makes you question your worth. Why me? How did it come to this? Is this what I deserve?" Anarchy turned back to face Luna. "I have been in your position. And let me tell you, the worst thing you can do to a pony is make them question their own self-worth! Everypony is worth something! They feel, they cry, they bleed. But then there are those, who believe that they are what the world needs! And if we don't bow to their will, then they will make an example out of us!" He glared at Celestia with that statement. Then, he brought his attention to Luna once more. "Celestia may think she is the center of the universe, but the truth is she is just a bully. To have all of that power, all of that wealth, just to abuse it for her own selfish gain. It's time for a change. And that's why I'm here. To end the façade."

The blue alicorn was left speechless and conflicted. She became lost in her own thoughts. Her sister would try to snap her out of it. "Luna, don't listen to him, little sister! He is trying to turn us against each other!" Celestia pleaded.

"No, Celestia. I am merely opening her eyes!" Anarchy snapped. "She doesn't have to live in fear! You do not own her! You do not own anyone! It's time that Equestria knows it."

Celestia stomped her front hoof angrily. "No more mind games! Surrender now! Our forces outnumber yours!!"

"I showed up alone, genius. Of course your forces outnumber mine!" Anarchy mocked. "I have allies, too. But I wanted to take the time to get to know you all personally, before I bring them in again."

Twilight stepped up to the villain. "Well, let's review, shall we?" She began pointing out each of her friends. "On our side we have all of the elements of harmony, a very powerful unicorn, the princess of the night, the princess of the sun, and the princess of the Crystal Empire. And, of course, I'm the princess of friendship, as well." Twilight stated determined.

"I have an army!" Anarchy retorted.

"Oh yeah? We have a Discord!" Rainbow Dash bragged with confidence.

Discord then appeared in front of Anarchy. He looked the evil pony right in his eyes. Then, he turned to his friends. "Okay, time out for a moment. Why does this sound so familiar?" he replied, as he pondered to himself.

Anarchy looked up at the draconequus. "Well, I never thought I'd see the day where the spirit of chaos and disharmony would team up with the very beings that embody the exact opposite of his beliefs."

"What can I say? I'm full of surprises!" Discord chimed merrily.

A wicked smile spread across Anarchy's face. "Maybe in the past.... but now you are as predictable as Celestia."

Discord's expression quickly shifted from happy to angry. "Predictable?! You have the audacity to call ME predictable?!" He questioned angrily.

"Now that you are Celestia's lap dog.... yes I do." Anarchy shot back evilly. "And to think you were my idol for most of my life."

"I'll have you know that I am nopony's- wait.... idol? Really?" Discord looked at Simply in surprise.

"Of course! You were a force to be reckoned with! A symbol of freedom! You stood up to Celestia for your right to be free. All you wanted was to embrace your special talent. And how did she react to that?" Anarchy quizzed.

Discord tried to come up with a rebuttal. "Well-"

"Oh that's right! She turned you into a glorified lawn ornament!" Anarchy interrupted. He walked up to his former hero. "That didn't stop you, though! With your immense power, you broke free of your stone prison! You can't imagine the joy I felt when I heard of your return! I caught a train to Ponyville just to see it for myself! And.... it was breathtaking!" Anarchy recollected gleefully. "It truly was the chaos capital of the world! A sight to behold. Your friends were there too. I'm sure they thought the same thing, hmm?"

Discord looked to his friends. They all seemed to resent Anarchy's speech.... but his words were painfully accurate. "We had to stop him! What he was doing was wrong! That's the same reason we have to stop you!" Twilight spoke up, interrupting Discord's thoughts.

"What he was doing was wrong? So being yourself classifies as wrong?" Anarchy inquired bitterly. "Of course it does! Because Celestia said so! How silly of me to ask!" he rolled his eyes, then looked back to Discord. "If turning you back to stone wasn't enough, they would bring you back, just so they could re-purpose you to follow Celestia's orders. So tell me.... who are you? Discord, master of chaos.... or Discord, slave of Celestia?"

"That's enough!" Fluttershy snapped, to everyone's surprise. She then, looked around at her friends, who were staring at her with wide eyes. She blushed, realizing what she had done. "Umm.... sorry everypony." She apologized to her friends before turning back to Anarchy. "Discord chose to change because he saw the benefits of friendship, not because we forced him to. He is happier now then he has ever been! Right, Discord?" She looked back to her friend, who was deep in his own thoughts. He looked absolutely conflicted about everything that had been said. "D-Discord?" She asked again, now becoming a bit concerned.

Discord backed away. "I.... I think.... I have to go...." Discord mumbled, before disappearing yet again.

Everyone was silent, before looking back to Anarchy. "Don't be sad for him. You have no right to grieve for him. Not when you were the ones that caused him to lose sight of who he actually is." the villain scolded viciously.

Fluttershy frowned, as her eyes began to water. Rarity would try to comfort her. "Don't be upset, darling. It's not any of our fault. He is just trying to manipulate us into turning on one another."

"Actually, I'm just stating facts. But enough fun. It's time to get down to business." Anarchy declared.

"The only business here is your arrest!" Twilight beamed irritated.

Anarchy grinned slyly. "Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"And why is that?" Twilight questioned spitefully.

"I have something you want. More specifically, somepony you want." Anarchy stated coyly. "Does the name Doctor Hooves ring any bells?"

Twilight's eyes were wide with anger now. "Release him! NOW!"

Anarchy smirked at her reaction. "In due time. For now, he is my.... insurance, if you will. To make sure nopony tries to do anything rash." He picks up a clock that was sitting a few feet away from the fire, and looks at it. "It is 8:43 right now. In seventeen minutes, if I have not reported back to my crew, they have orders from me to kill the good doctor. Do you think you can arrest me and find him before they gut him like a fish. It's a terrible way to die."

Celestia looked to her peers, who looked worried and uncertain about how she will react. Finally, she sighed in defeat. "Why have you called us here?"

Anarchy smiled victoriously. "I want to make one thing perfectly clear." He looks around at his now captive audience. "By the end of all of this, I will make a believer out of one of you princesses. Count on it." He declared boldly. The princesses looked amongst one another, before looking back at the others. Anarchy began singing aloud. "Once I rose above the noise and confusion, just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion. I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high. Though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man. Though my mind could think, I still was a mad man. I hear the voices when I'm dreaming. I can hear them say: Carry on my wayward son. There'll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don't you cry no more♪" He cackled wildly as he finished singing.

He looked to the group that once stood determined to take him down. Now they just looked defeated, much to Anarchy's delight. "Is that all?" Celestia huffed.

Anarchy grinned, turning his attention to Pinkie Pie, who to his surprise hadn't said a thing since they had been here. "What's with the glum face, Pinkie Pie? Aren't you supposed to be the overly happy one?"

"Kinda hard to be happy when you're killing all the fun." Pinkie groaned unamused.

"Awww.... don't be like that." Anarchy put on a fake frown. "I know what will lighten your spirits up! A present!" He exclaimed excited.

Pinkie looked up puzzled. "Wait.... a present? Really?"

"Of course!" Anarchy interjected in agreement. "I'm so excited to show you it that I feel like I'm going to explode! It'll definitely light up your day! It's something.... the whole family will enjoy!"

The others gasped at his proclamation. Pinkie just stared at him puzzled. "Umm.... okaaay. Soooo, what is it?"

Anarchy was dumbfounded for a moment. "That was supposed to... err... you were supposed to get the hint."

"What hint?" Pinkie asked genuinely confused.

Anarchy thought for a moment, then he tried relaying the message again. "Listen carefully. It'll.... LIGHTEN UP.... your day. Something.... THE WHOLE FAMILY.... can enjoy."

"Riiiight...." Pinkie sat there still unsure of what he is talking about. Then her ears perked up and she gasped, causing Anarchy to grin deviously. "Oh oh oh! It's a flashlight! That's something that will lighten things up, and the whole family can use it!" Pinkie exclaimed proudly.

Anarchy's grin changed to an irritated scowl as he slapped himself on the forehead. "Oh for Discord's sake.... It's a bomb!"

Pinkie Pie sat there trying to put the pieces together. "Waaaait. Why would a family enjoy a bomb? Bombs are dangerous." She responded uncertainly.

"What? You... err.... they... I mean.... I was being... UGH!" Anarchy threw his hooves up in frustration. He took a moment to gather his composure before returning back to their discussion. "Look, forget being coy! I am going to set off a bomb and bury your family in rubble! You have three hours to get there before it's too late. Capiche?" He explained as clearly as possible.

Pinkie shrieked in horror. "That's a horrible gift!"

Anarchy sighed in annoyance. "Sorry, I didn't keep the receipt. You can't return it!" He stated trying to regain his composure. He turned back to the others. "Just get going, so that I can be on my way, please!"

"Come on girls! We have to hurry! Three hours doesn't give us much time!" Twilight exclaimed as she began running towards the train station. The other girls would follow suit, leaving the three princesses with Anarchy.

"Now then. If I were you, I wouldn't even think about following me. If I see any of you pursuing me, the doctor dies. Have you anything to say before I leave?" Anarchy asks.

"I do." Princess Celestia steps forward. "It is my duty to let you know that you will end up regretting your actions on this day!" She beamed intently.

Two of Anarchy's henchponies arrive pulling a black carriage. Anarchy sneers at the princess's threat. "I can live with that." He turns around and enters the carriage. Before closing the door, he looks directly at Princess Luna. "Think about what I said. You know it to be true." Without another word, he closes the door, and the henchponies take off into the sunset. The princesses knew it was futile trying to pursue him. Not to mention, they couldn't gamble with another pony's life like that. All they could do was watch as the carriage drove out of sight.

Chapter 10: Rock Bottom

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The friends hastily boarded a train to get to the Pie family rock farm, before disaster could befall Pinkie's family. Fearing, that the train ride would take too long, Rainbow Dash and Twilight decided to fly there, in hopes of warning them sooner.

"Come on, Twilight! Can't you fly any faster?" Rainbow complained.

Twilight was exerting as much power as she could into flying faster, but even with her best efforts, she could never come close to the blue pegasus's speed. "I'm trying! Not all of us are Wonderbolts, you know!"

Rainbow looked further ahead and spotted a silo in the distance. "There! I can see the farm! Come on!" All Twilight could see was a flash of colors, as Rainbow bolted towards the rock farm faster than Twilight could calculate two plus two.... and that's really saying something.

Rainbow touched down in front of the Pie house and knocked on the door as fast as she could. When no one answered after two seconds. she knocked again.... and again.... and again. Quite literally, she wasn't wasting any time. After about what felt like a whole minute of knocking, the door opened. In the doorway stood Cloudy Quartz with her typical serious expression. "Can I help thee?"

Rainbow still couldn't believe that this rather serious pony was Pinkie's mother. "Look, we don't have a whole lot of time, so I'm going to make this quick. We need to get you and your family out of here now!" She was straight to the point.

Cloudy raised her eyebrow at the multicolored pony. "And why exactly should we leave?" She questioned unconvinced.

Rainbow's eye twitched impatiently. "An evil pony set up bombs in the mountains not too far from here! They are set to go off at any moment! You will all be crushed by a massive landslide!" Rainbow exclaimed frantically.

Pinkie's mother refused to believe her. "My husband, Igneous Rock Pie, was up in those mountains, not even an hour ago. If there were any other ponies up there he would have mentioned them by now." She explained bluntly.

Rainbow remained persistent. "Where is he now?"

"He is over yonder, in the silo." Cloudy responded.

"Can I talk to him for a sec? I have some questions I'd like to ask him." Rainbow had to be sure for herself.

"He mustn't be interrupted, child. He is immersed in his labor and must be permitted to complete it without delay." Cloudy Quartz insisted firmly.

"Look, I just want to make sure he didn't see anything unusual! Please?" Rainbow pleaded.

Cloudy saw the desperation in Dash's expression, and though she seemed a bit pushy, her intentions seemed genuine. "Very well, but do so with haste."

Rainbow's eyes lit up. "Thanks! I'll be quick I promise!" With that said, she turned to make a run for the silo, only to slam into Igneous Rock, who was walking towards them. Rainbow moaned painfully. "Ugh. Sorry about that, I didn't know you were coming behind me." She apologized, while rubbing her head.

Igneous stood up and dusted himself off. "Apologize not. I should have alerted thou of my presence. It is I, who apologize to thee." He stated heartily. "Now how may I be of assistance?"

Rainbow once again focused on the task at hand. "Your wife told me that you were up in the mountains earlier. Did you happen to see anypony suspicious up there or notice anything out of place?" She inquired eagerly.

Igneous gave his wife a confused look, before turning his attention back to Rainbow. "I haven't the slightest idea of what thou art speaking of. I have been in here for most of the evening. I haven't been up those mountains at all today." He claimed with certainty.

Cloudy Quartz was confused now as well. "What? But, I saw thou go there with my own eyes."

A look of panic quickly crossed Rainbow's face. "It was Anarchy! We need to get everypony out of here right away!"

Twilight, covered in sweat from trying to catch up, finally landed beside Rainbow. She struggled trying to catch her breath. "I.... am.... here...." Twilight managed to let out between breaths.

Rainbow nudged her alicorn friend. "No time for resting, slowpoke! We have to get Pinkie's family to safety. Double time!" She dictated hastily.

Twilight wanted to object to her teasing, but was too tired to retaliate properly. Instead, she nodded in agreement.

Igneous and his wife ran inside to retrieve their kids. Limestone Pie was in her room, when her parents rushed in. The moment she saw the looks on their faces, she immediately knew something was wrong. "What is it, father?" Limestone asked concerned.

"We must leave, posthaste!" her father responded.

Limestone usually did whatever was asked of her by her parents, but she was worried by how nervous her father was acting. "What's going on?"

"Now!" Igneous raised his voice, not in a mean tone, but in the way one would to get others to move, instead of ask questions.

Limestone's eyes widened in shock. Her father had never used that tone of voice before. Whatever was going on must be serious. Without another word, she ran through the doorway and outside of the house.

Igneous looked around the house trying to find her other two daughters, Marble and Maud. There were no signs of them anywhere. His wife ran into the room. The nervousness apparent on her face. "Hast thou found our other daughters?" He asked. She shook her head fearfully. He puts his hoof on her shoulder. "Fear not. We shall find them."

Rainbow Dash was searching the open field to the north for any sign of Pinkie's sisters. The frustrating part of this all was the fact that her sisters all had a bland color scheme that blended them in with these kinds of surroundings.

Rainbow's eyes lit up when she saw a gray pony standing out in the middle of the field. She descended and ran toward the figure.

"I'm glad I found you! There's no time to explain, but I need to get you out--" Rainbow Dash paused abruptly as she realized that she was talking to a rock statue of a pony. She growled with irritation at her own foolishness, before taking off into the sky again.

Twilight began looking in the rock fields. She tried calling out to see if she could get any response. "Hello? Marble? Maud? Anypony out here?" She continued scanning the area, while keeping her ears open. Her ears perked up when she spotted Maud Pie sitting out near a tree. She was examining something with a magnifying glass. "Maud! I'm so happy to have found you!"

Maud turned her attention from what she was doing to greet the alicorn. "Hello, Twilight. It's good to see you too." She said in her typical monotone fashion.

"What are you doing all the way out here?" Twilight asked raising an eyebrow.

Maud handed Twilight the magnifying glass and pointed to some sort of stone sitting on a black cloth on the ground. "I am studying this specimen and analyzing its properties." She stated, her face still showing no emotion.

Twilight took the magnifying glass and looked at the stone carefully. It was very unique to say the least. "What is it?" Twilight questioned curiously.

Maud looks at the rock. "It's an uncommon lead tin iron antimony sulfide called cylindrite. It is a very rare mineral found in Ponivia." She explains.

Twilight is a very intelligent pony. She knows just about everything there is to know about academics and magic. In fact, she was a straight A student at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. A 4.0 student, to be precise. Point being, she's extremely smart. With that being said, she was completely dumbfounded by Maud's explanation. "Uhhh.... sounds interesting." Twilight replied uncertainly.

Maud nodded her head. "What makes it a truly fascinating specimen is that it is the only naturally occurring mineral species with cylindrical crystals." Maud added with enthusiasm (well, her version of it).

Twilight shook her head, realizing that she still had a job to do. "Listen, Maud. We have to get you out of here! The farm is about to be struck by a terrible rockslide! We have to find your sister, Marble! Do you have any clue where she could be?" Twilight quizzes anxiously.

"I saw her go towards the crystal caves." Maud answers.

"Let's go get her, then! There isn't much time!" Twilight exclaims determined.

Igneous, Cloudy, and Limestone are all inspecting the areas around the house, in search for the other two missing family members. Despite their desperate efforts, none of them could find any signs of the girls.

Rainbow Dash lands in front of the family. "Any luck finding the others?" She inquired fretfully.

Igneous shakes his head dolefully. The others look distressed beyond belief. "Hast thou made any progress?"

Rainbow wished she had better news to give, but her search yielded no results as well. "No. I looked all across the big field. There was no sign of anypony. I'm sorry." Rainbow sighs woefully.

"Look over there!" Limestone interjects, causing everypony to turn in her direction. They looked to where she was pointing. Twilight and Maud were racing towards them. The family quickly unites with Maud, wrapping her in their embrace.

Twilight walks over to Rainbow. "Rainbow, I need you to get them all out of here! They need to be as far away from here as possible!" Twilight instructed sternly.

Rainbow looked at Twilight uneasily. "What about you? What about Marble?" the pegasus interrogated.

"I'm going to get her. I just need you to make sure they make it out of here safely." Twilight replied.

"I'm not just going to let you go by yourself. If your going, I'm going!" Rainbow declared loyally.

Twilight shook her head. "Rainbow, listen. I don't want to risk anypony else's lives. I will go in, get her out, and meet up with you all as soon as I can."

Rainbow was hesitant. "Fine. Just.... be careful, Twilight." She cautioned perturbed. Twilight nodded before bolting to the crystal caves. Rainbow looked in Twilight's direction one last time before instructing the family to run to the hills beyond the rock farm.

Twilight flew as fast as she could. Had she not been in such a hurry, she may have patted herself on the back. But she was focused and determined. She had to find Marble as fast as she could. Anarchy could not be allowed to win this time. She spotted the caves and quickly made a landing. She looked into the blackness of the cave in wonder. It was huge! This was not going to be easy. She entered the cave, and quickly lit her horn, so that she could see in the darkness. There were certainly a lot of rocks in this cave, but this was referred to as the crystal caves. So, where were all the crystals? Well, no sooner did Twilight have that thought did she spot an ominous purple glow coming from around the corner. She quickly rounded the corner, and what she beheld was.... awe-inspiring. Massive violet crystals stood all around the cave, complimented by clusters of smaller crystals scattered throughout the space. She stared with wide eyes and her jaw dropped. No words could describe such a sight. She quickly returned from her daze. She had to find Marble.

Just then the ground started to shake, followed by a huge 'BOOM'. Then another.... and another.... and another. Twilight's heart started beating faster. Her eyes wide with horrific realization.... Those were explosions, which means at any moment, this cave was going to be flooded with rubble. She looked around frantically. "MARBLE! Are you there?!" Twilight shouted. She went around another crystal structure to find another open area. She scanned the area quickly, but carefully. Still no sign of anypony. "MARBLE! If you can hear me follow my voice!" No response... wonderful. This cave was about to become a tomb for them both. She could always teleport out of here, but she was not going to abandon Marble. Even if it means her own end, Twilight was not going to leave without her. "This is hopeless." Twilight muttered to herself. "We're done for."

Just as she had almost given up and accepted her tragic fate, she spotted an orange glow coming from the room up ahead. She began to approach it... but then the cave began to quake. She could hear the sound of the cave beginning to collapse behind her. This was it! The cave was being crushed by an avalanche of boulders and rocks. Twilight turned to see a wave of rocks quickly coming right for her. Twilight turned back and made a run for the faint orange light. At this point, Twilight hoped to Celestia that Marble hadn't already been crushed. She raced forward as fast she could. The glow was coming from around the next corridor. She briskly made the turn and saw the source of the light. It was a lantern. Somepony was definitely here, but where could--

That was when she saw her. Marble was laying flat on her stomach. She looked up and saw Twilight, who was merely thirty feet away from her. Tears filled the gray pony's eyes as she cried out in pain. Her legs had been buried under piles of big rocks. She couldn't move! Luckily for her, she won't have to. Just as Twilight had analyzed the situation, the ceiling above them began to crumble. Twilight looked up in horror as stones began falling to the ground. She quickly dodged one by leaping forward. She looked back... big mistake. The wave of rocks was only twenty feet behind her. Out of pure instinct, Twilight bolted for Marble. If she could just grab her, she might be able to teleport them to safety. Twilight was less than fifteen feet away from Maud, dodging falling debris in a way that would impress even the Wonderbolts. The ocean of rocks behind her was beginning to close in. With one last burst of adrenaline, Twilight flapped her wings faster than they've ever gone before, as a purple streak of light trailed off of her. She swoops over to Marble and quickly grabs her. She fires up her horn and.... they teleport out of the cave just as rocks collapsed onto the spot where Marble was pinned down.

Twilight opened her eyes, unsure if she had gotten out of the cave safely, or if she was dead. She looked around for a moment. Her eyes widened when she saw Marble Pie limping towards her. They made it out! Thank, Celestia. She walked over to Marble and sat down in front of her. "Are you okay, Marble?" She asked concerned.

"Mmhmm." Marble nodded bashfully. Twilight had heard that she was a shy pony from Applejack. She was used to having Pinkie speak for her. Twilight smiled slightly. "Don't worry. We just need to find the others, and then we can get you to a hospital."

Marble smiled timidly, hiding behind her hair. She nodded once more in understanding. With that, Twilight used her magic to shoot a signal up into the sky. Hopefully, Rainbow and Pinkie's family will see the signal and rush to their aide.

About ten minutes pass, as Twilight begins to get exhausted from keeping the signal lit up. She might have lasted much longer, if she hadn't used all of her energy trying to save the family. Twilight turned off the signal. "I need to take a break. I'll try again in about five minutes." Twilight assured Marble. The two ponies nodded to one another as they looked at the moon. It shined especially bright tonight, regardless of all the bad dealings that have occurred throughout the entirety of the day. Twilight was relieved to have saved Marble. She would not have been able to forgive herself, had anything happened to her. What's more, she actually foiled Anarchy's plan. There was only one more thing that could make this moment better.

"Hey! Over here!" Twilight could hear a voice calling to them from a distance. Twilight squinted in an attempt to see who was shouting. It was Rainbow!

Twilight shined the signal once again. The light immediately caught their attention. Pinkie's family began sprinting in their direction. Rainbow bolted over to Twilight immediately. Twilight smiled as her friend tackled her with a hug. "Are you both, okay?" Dash asked worried.

"We're alright. Marble hurt her leg, but we're alive. That's what matters most." Twilight said relieved to have been reunited with her friend.

Igneous Rock and his family were all hugging one another. They were so glad to have been reunited. Marble was crying having just been through such a terrifying experience. It definitely took its toll on her.

Twilight turned to the group. "Come on, everypony! Let's make our way to the train station. The others should be arriving at any minute, if they aren't already there already." Twilight stated. Everyone nodded in agreement as they began the trek back to civilization.

After a long three hour ride, the train finally arrives at its destination. Pinkie bursts through the door. Her head frantically darts around the station, searching for her family. She was feeling just a tiny bit nervous for her family.

"Where are they?!" Pinkie exclaimed timorously. "What if they didn't make it in time? What if they were caught in the rockslide? What if--"

Starlight put a hoof to the pink pony's mouth. "Calm down, Pinkie. I'm sure they made it. This is Twilight we're talking about here. Everything will be fine!"

"Girls, look! There they are!" Fluttershy interjected happily.

The girls livened up at the sight of the group approaching them. The girls hugged one another, elated to see their friends were safe. Pinkie embraced her family in a group hug. She had tears of joy, flooding down her cheeks.

"Way to go, y'all!" Applejack congratulated the girls on a job well done.

Pinkie stopped sobbing for a moment. "Thank you both soooo much!" Pinkie squeezed Twilight and Rainbow tightly.

Everyone was happy to be alright, and that was all that mattered at this moment. With the Pie family saved, they all boarded the train back to Ponyville. Time for some much needed rest. They certainly earned it.

"Sir, the rock farm has been destroyed." Anarchy's henchpony informed him.

Anarchy smiled deviously. "Very good, and what of Twilight and her friends?"

"They managed to save the whole family, sir." the white stallion choked nervously.

The villainous pony's smile grew even wider. "Ha ha! I knew that Twilight had it in her! She certainly keeps making this more and more interesting!" He exclaimed joyfully.

Another one of his crew steps forward. "Pardon my bluntness, sir, but don't we want Twilight out of the way?" the pale mare questioned puzzled.

"Patience, my dear. There will be plenty of time for that later." Anarchy reassures her. "Besides, this was never about killing the princess." He walks up to one of several crates sitting in the middle of the large storage building. He removes the lid and gazes inside the crate. "This mission was about erasing evidence!" He looks up at his henchponies. "We couldn't have anypony knowing what we were up to under that farm. Now that we have what we were after, we couldn't just leave our little excavation sight for them to find, now could we?"

Firefly, the captain of his crew, looks into the crate. "What is that?" She inquired curiously.

Anarchy grinned wickedly. "This.... is what will bring about Celestia's demise."

Chapter 11: What Lies Ahead

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After successfully rescuing Pinkie Pie's family from certain doom, the girls have returned to Ponyville to get some much needed rest. Of course, rest is the last thing on Twilight's mind.

"Is something wrong, Twi?" Applejack asked noticing her friend's troubled look.

Twilight was preoccupied with her own thoughts. She looked at her friends. "I know I should be happy that Pinkie's family is safe, and I am.... but I also can't help feeling like there is more to Anarchy's game than just blowing things up."

"Whatever could you mean, darling?" Rarity questioned curiously.

"I mean, it can't be a coincidence that he targeted the Pie family. Especially since they are so far out of his way." Twilight explained, while rubbing her chin.

Rainbow Dash was just as lost as Rarity. "What are you getting at, Twilight?"

"Think about it. He orders a robbery in Ponyville. He causes a riot in Ponyville. He terrorizes a school in Ponyville. Everything he has done thus far has been in Ponyville. So, why would he change his pattern now?" Twilight posed to her friends.

Starlight pondered for a moment. "Maybe he's just trying to get under our skins. I mean, he did burn down Applejack's barn." Starlight looked over at Applejack, who frowned as a result of her last statement. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up so abruptly." Starlight apologized sincerely.

Applejack gave a weak smile. "It's alright, Starlight. You were just tryin' to help." She said sadly.

Twilight was still fighting her thoughts. "There has to be more to it than that. I just know it." Twilight assured herself.

"Maybe he got bored of Ponyville, and decided to expand his efforts elsewhere. He has to know we are hot on his trail here." Rainbow inputted.

"That hasn't stopped him before." Twilight stated doubtfully. She began thinking to herself once more. Then, the wheels in her head began to turn. "There is something strange about what he said to us earlier. He said that he would have a princess sharing his ideals by the end of all of this. What did he mean by that?"

"I assumed he was referring to you." Starlight replied uncertainly. "After all, he does seem to have an obsession with making you miserable. Maybe, he's trying to turn you against Princess Celestia."

"But what about Princess Luna? He sure seemed to know an awful lot about her. Maybe he's tryin' to bring Nightmare Moon back." Applejack added.

"But Nightmare Moon is gone for good, right?" Fluttershy questioned nervously.

Pinkie hops next to the yellow pegasus. "Duh! Don't you remember? We gathered the Elements of Harmony, and used them to shoot her with a gigantic rainbow of friendship!" Pinkie exclaimed energetically.

"I don't think Nightmare Moon will be a problem for us anymore. But Princess Luna could still be a target.... although..." Twilight paused for a second to think about the other possibility. "What about Cadance? She is the only one of us that he didn't try to manipulate. He just warned her of what he was capable of. He didn't even attempt to bring her into the spotlight. Almost as if he didn't want her to fear him."

"That's a bit of a stretch, don't you think?" Starlight inquired uncertainly.

"Maybe." Twilight lowered her head and sighed.

"I think we should sleep on it." Rarity chimed in. "Tomorrow is a new day. We will have a less troublesome time answering these questions after we all have had some much needed beauty sleep."

Twilight nodded her head in agreement. "You're right, Rarity. It's been a long day. Everypony go get some rest! We will need it for tomorrow." Twilight assured her friends. "Goodnight, girls... and stay safe."

"Don't you ever sleep?" Firefly quizzed as she approached her boss.

Anarchy was looking out a window. He chuckles at her question. "When you have a mind as active as mine, sleep is something you tend to get very little of." He stated directly. He gazes at the moon, which shone brightly upon his view. "You know me.... always thinking of what lies ahead."

Firefly looked at her boss uncertainly. "Why not attack them while they are all sleeping? Then, you could focus less on scheming and more on sleeping." She proposed trying to be helpful.

Anarchy turned away from the window to look at his ally. "I guess you could call it my code of honor." He began explaining. "Our goal is to inspire ponies to rise up against the tyranny of their rulers. Ponies won't rally behind a coward." He picks up an apple and takes a bite out of it. "Besides, I would rather defeat them at their best than crush them while they are most vulnerable." He says while chewing. He swallows the remnants of apple in his mouth. Then, he smirks. "I want them to know that I beat them. But enough about me! Why are you still awake, my dear?"

Firefly smiled. "Honestly, I just can't sleep. I guess I am just as eager as you are." She responded gleefully.

"I admire your dedication. It is a major reason we have made it thus far." Anarchy praised. "Our numbers are small, but with your determination, we have outsmarted those princesses time and time again."

Firefly blushed at his compliment. "Th-Thank you. That... means a lot coming from you. We couldn't be in more capable hooves than yours, sir."

Anarchy put his hoof on her cheek. "They will suffer for what they have done to us. For what they have done to you. We will make it all right." He reassured the pale mare. "Do you trust me?"

"Always." Firefly declared loyally.

A wide grin appeared on Anarchy's face. "Good." He pulls a file out of his desk. "Because our next move is the most crucial part our plan. And it can only be carried out by our most loyal and dedicated soldier." He hands her the file. "And that... is you." He watches her as she looks over the file carefully. She looks back to him uncertainly. "It is up to you. If you want to back out now, I would understand. This is your choice to make. If you walk out of here, I will not stop you. But should you stay... we will avenge our fallen brothers and sisters... together." He extends his hoof to her.

Firefly looks back down at the file in front of her. This plan... it is very risky... not to mention dangerous. She looks back at Simply, who continues to hold out his hoof. She had always felt safe with him. She had never questioned his orders, and look how successful they have been. He was never wrong. He always had a plan... and that is why she loved him. She put her hoof in his. "I'll do whatever it takes. I won't let you down. I promise!" She stated with certainty.

Anarchy smiled with elation. "That's my girl."

The next morning, the friends have gathered at Twilight's castle once again to figure out Anarchy's plan.

"Where's Twilight? Normally, she's here by now." Applejack wondered.

"Tell me about it. Usually, everypony beats me to the table." Starlight responded feeling surprised.

"She was up most of the night pacing. I swear, she wore some grooves into the floor in the process." Spike said bluntly.

Rarity was sitting in her chair applying masquera. "The poor dear must have a lot on her mind. I don't blame her one bit."

"These last few days have been so hard on her. We should let her rest a bit longer." Fluttershy added.

Rainbow was unsure. "I don't think that's such a good idea. She would never forgive us if we let her sleep in, while Anarchy is out there causing trouble."

"I'm with Rainbow on this one." Starlight agreed. "We need all of us if we are going to figure this out."

"Good point. Spike!" Rarity calls out.

Spike immediately rushed over to Rarity. "Yes, Rarity?"

"Be a dear, and go wake up Twilight." the white unicorn commanded.

"Wait. What? Why do I have to do it?" Spike questioned puzzled.

Rainbow Dash chimed in. "You're the one that lives with her! And besides that, you are her assistant."

"Well, I know... it's just... I... umm... she..." Spike stutters nervously.

"What's wrong, Spikey-Wikey?" Rarity asks with concern.

"Well... Last time I woke her up, she kinda... sorta... turned me into a pinecone." He managed to say, as he winced having endured a painful flashback.

The girls looked at Spike like he told a bad joke. "A... pinecone?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"You're kidding, right?" Rainbow adds in disbelief.

"Why would I make that up?" Spike reassures them.

Rainbow's eyes water with joyful tears. "Pffft..." She attempted to hold back a laugh... to no avail. "Bahahahahahaha!" She erupted with laughter.

Spike was very unamused. "Ha ha ha... Go ahead! Laugh it up!"

Rainbow continued laughing for a good minute or two, before Rarity elbowed her in the ribs. "Ow! Hey!" Dash cried out in pain.

"What Rainbow is trying to say is that we will be right here in case you need us!" Rarity reiterated on Dash's behalf. Dash pouted grumpily at Rarity as she gave her a stern look.

Spike stood idly for a moment. "I don't know..."

"For me?" Rarity batted her eyelashes and put on her best puppy dog face.

Spike blushed wildly. "Alright. I'll do it for you." Spike ran towards the hallway door, but turned back to Rarity before going any further. "If I don't come back... I just want to let you know... I lov--"

As if on cue, Twilight comes bolting around the corner frantically. "Girls! Thank goodness you're here!"

Spike sighed in relief. "Whew. I thought I was a goner for sure!"

Rarity walks over to Spike. "What were you going to say, Spikey? You love what?"

Spike's eyes widened in terror. "I uh... I love... a-prons? Yes! Aprons! I love aprons! They are so helpful! That's what I was going to say! I really do love aprons!" the young dragon blurted out in defense.

Rarity tilted her head in confusion. "Umm... o-kay." Wanting to change the subject, she turned her attention back to Twilight. "Anyways... Twilight! What has you so riled up this morning?"

"I've been thinking more and more about what Anarchy could be trying to accomplish." Twilight declared tiredly.

"Twi, did you get any sleep last night?" Applejack asked spotting bags under the alicorn's eyes.

Twilight tilted her head as if she didn't understand the question. "What? Oh... yeah... a little. But I have--"

"How much is a little?" Applejack interrupted.

Twilight huffed. "I don't know... about two hours? Something like that. But that's not important right now! I think--"

"Two hours?! Darling, he is not worth losing your precious sleep over." Rarity claimed absolutely.

Twilight began growing impatient, mostly due to her lack of sleep. "Look, will everypony just stop worrying about me?! I'm fine!" Twilight exclaimed harshly. She snorts angrily, but then looks around at her friends who are all wide-eyed as a result of her vicious tone. She sighs shamefully. "I'm sorry, girls. You're all right. I should have gotten more sleep. And I shouldn't be taking it out on you."

Rarity smiles weakly. "It's quite alright, dear. Now what did you want to tell us?"

Twilight took a deep breath and released it to regain her composure. "Last night, we were debating which princess he could be targeting, and it got me thinking. Everything Anarchy has done, he has always left clues for us to figure out his next move. Well, what if everything he has done has also been a clue?" She proposed hypothetically.

"A clue to what?" Starlight asked curiously.

"His main goal." Twilight stated. "I know it sounds like a stretch, and I questioned the idea myself. But then, I made a realization." She glanced over to her friends to make sure they were following along. "All of his crimes have had one thing in common... family."

Rainbow looked at Twilight in confusion. "Family? What about it?"

"Just think about it. He wants to take us down, but he knows that in a direct confrontation, he would undoubtedly lose. Soooo... he used our families to break us down. He knows us... maybe too well. He knows who we are, what our specialties are, and even worse than all of that, he knows who our loved ones are." Twilight explained.

"So what you are saying is that he is targeting our families. So, we just need to get all of our families out of his way, before he can get to them. Sounds simple enough!" Rainbow concluded proudly.

"I'm not finished yet." Twilight smiled coyly. "I may also know who he is going after next."

Rarity lit up with anticipation. "Well, what are you waiting for? Tell us, darling."

"He wants to scare the princesses, right? He has two options in that case. Either Princess Celestia's family, which consists of her sister Luna, or... mine and Cadance's." Twilight postulated. "If I were a betting pony, my money would be on the latter."

"You think he's goin' after yer folks?" Applejack inquired unsure.

"Well, Cadance is my step-sister, and Celestia and Luna's parents aren't exactly around anymore.... so yeah." Twilight stated affirmatively.

"So, what are we still doing here? Let's go pay your parents a visit!" Rainbow exclaims eagerly.

"Not just yet." Twilight commanded calmly. "We need a plan. This is just a theory after all."

Starlight stepped forward. "What did you have in mind?"

"Considering that I have been wrong about him in the past, here's what I'm thinking. Since he has already hit their families, Applejack and Pinkie will come with me to my parents' house. The rest of you should go and get your families to safety. We'll meet back at Canterlot Castle." Twilight declared with determination.

The girls looked to each other and nodded. "Sounds like a plan to me." AJ stated positively.

Twilight smiled with confidence. "Okay. Then let's do this."

At her command, the girls all departed immediately to their respective families. This was their chance to catch Anarchy, before he can do something to anypony else. His overconfidence will be his downfall. And, Twilight was going to make sure of it.

Chapter 12: One Step Ahead

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With determination in her heart, Twilight travels to Canterlot accompanied by Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Meanwhile, an evil plot is already unfolding within the walls of Canterlot. Simply Anarchy and two of his crew are currently en route to the home of Twilight Velvet and Night Light.

"Sir, with all due respect, shouldn't you have brought more of us? This is the mother of two princesses we're dealing with." the bald stallion questioned nervously.

Anarchy chuckled a bit at the stallion. "Getting cold hooves, are we?" He quizzed deviously. The henchpony shook his head fearfully. Anarchy gave a wicked grin. "Good, because next time you question my authority, I will personally cut those hooves off, deep fry'em, and serve'em to your family."

The white stallion winced at the thought. "Sorry, sir. It won't happen again."

"Excellent. We're here." Anarchy approached the front door of Twilight's parents' house and knocked on it giddily. The group waited about a minute before the front door opened.

"Hello there. How can I help you, gentlemen?" Twilight Velvet asked sincerely, looking at each pony carefully.

Anarchy put on a innocent smile. "Hello, Miss Velvet. My name is Simply Anarchy, and I am a personal friend of your daughter, Twilight Sparkle."

"Oh? I don't recall her ever mentioning you." Twilight stated unaware.

"That's probably due to the fact that she has been sooo busy lately. I hear, she's been dealing with quite the troublesome pony in Ponyville as of late."

Twilight Velvet nodded in agreement. "I do remember her mentioning that. She had said that some pony was wreaking havoc out there, but she hasn't talked to me in a few days since."

Anarchy looked to his crew with an evil grin. "That's unfortunate to hear. I could probably fill you in, if you'd like." He declared devilishly.

Velvet smiled innocently. "That would be wonderful! Night Light and I have been wanting to hear more about it. Come on in." She stepped aside, allowing the villain access inside their house. Velvet hummed to herself as she lead the gray pony and his pale associates to the living room. "Night! We have guests!" She chimed merrily.

Night Light was sitting on the couch. He looked up happily. "Hello, gentlemen! And who might you be?" He asked curiously.

Velvet stepped over to her husband. "This young stallion is a friend of our daughter's! His name is Simply Anarchy. And those two are... who again?" She quizzed the gray villain.

"Oh, where are my manners? To my right is Domino. To my left is Ace. They are brothers, but more importantly, they are my chauffeurs. They are friends of Twilight as well." Simply introduced casually.

"Nice to meet you all! How can we help you today?" Night Light asked cheerfully.

"Actually dear, they were about to tell me more about what is going on in Ponyville!" Velvet inputted.

"Wonderful! I was beginning to worry a bit about that." Night Light said with relief.

"Well, it is a very troubling tale, indeed." Anarchy ensured glumly. He looked at the couple sitting on the couch in front of him. He took a seat in the armchair across from them. "This pony has been causing soooo much chaos in Ponyville. From what I understand, he is targeting the princesses and trying to convince them to see things from his point of view. Of course, you know better than I how Twilight was going to take that." He picked up a picture of Twilight and her brother from off of the coffee table in front of them. "She has always been very defensive, especially for her teacher, Princess Celestia." He scanned the picture he was holding. "I almost forgot that she wasn't born an alicorn. And... who is this with her here?" Anarchy pointed at the pony in the picture with her.

Velvet smiled at the picture. "That is her brother, Shining Armor. They have always been so close." She replied memorably.

"Oh, this is the Shining Armor she speaks so fondly of. I had no idea she even had a brother. Where is he now?" Anarchy questioned eagerly.

"He is in the Crystal Empire, where he serves as captain of the royal guard. He is married to Princess Cadance, and together they have a beautiful baby girl they are raising." Velvet responded proudly.

"Wow. He certainly sounds like he has his plate full. Captain of the royal guard, a prince, and a father... he should be proud. And so should you two." Anarchy praised.

"We are." Night Light spoke for them both. The couple smiled to one another. Then, they turned their attention back to their guest. "But enough about us. I do have a question, if you don't mind."

"Not at all!" the gray stallion claimed.

"You have a very unique name. How does such a well-mannered pony receive such a name." Night asked out of curiosity.

Anarchy smirked wickedly. "Now that is an interesting story! My specialty is demolition, and you know very well how chaotic that can be." He claimed never losing his smile.

"I can only imagine! You must have interesting stories to tell about a job like that!" Night Light commented.

"Oh, you have no idea! In fact, just last night I had to destroy an old farm. It had been in the way for so long. My superior demanded that I level it right away." Anarchy recalled coyly.

"Sounds serious." Velvet added with interest.

Anarchy smiled once again. "That's the nature of the job. I don't question my orders. I just carry them out. My boss knows what he's doing, and I would never question his authority!"

"You sound like quite the loyal worker!" Night Light complimented the villain.

"I appreciate that." Anarchy bowed his head out of respect.

Velvet realized how off topic they had all gotten. "Goodness! I can't even remember what we were talking about before all of this."

"I believe we were talking about Ponyville's current situation." Anarchy reminded them. "Which brings me to why I'm here..." He looks to his henchponies, who walk behind the couch that the couple is sitting on. "I have orders from Princess Twilight, herself, to get the two of you out of here. Supposedly, this bad pony is coming for you both, and your daughter has asked moi to guide the both of you to one of my safehouses." He informed them woefully.

"Oh my!" Velvet sounded appalled. She looked to her husband with concern.

"I know. And believe you me, if there were any other way around this we would have taken it. But unfortunately, this pony seems headstrong about capturing you both. It cannot be allowed for this terrorist to gain any amount of leverage over our leaders. We need to get you far away from here. We must leave now, if we are to stay ahead of him." Anarchy insisted evilly.

"Trust me, we are ahead of him." A voice came booming from around the corner of the room. Anarchy stood up and looked back in the direction of the voice. "Don't act so surprised, Anarchy. You had to know we would find you eventually." Swift Justice emerged from the shadows behind him.

Anarchy chuckled a bit. "You weren't expected to be here." He stated spitefully.

Swift allowed a smug smile of her own to appear across her face. "Obviously. But you'll come to find that I have a knack for that."

"You are quite clever..." Anarchy quickly turned to the mare and threw a firecracker at her. "But naive!" He interjected as Justice was blinded by the flash of sparks in her face. He ordered his henchponies to grab Twilight's parents. "Well, so much for doing this the easy way! I would have preferred a more subtle approach, but I guess this will have to do." He looked to his crew as they grabbed their hostages. "Get them outta here! I'll deal with the little lady!"

The white stallions bolted for the door, dragging the couple with them. Twilight's parents tried to struggle, but were quickly tied up. The grunts put tape over their mouths to silence their screaming. Another pale pony arrived in front of the house driving a black buggy. They tossed the couple inside the carriage and closed it after they entered as well. As commanded, they took off at full speed away from the house.

Anarchy pulled a crowbar out of a bag that one of his henchponies was carrying. Swift Justice rubbed her eyes to regain her vision. "What's with the crowbar? Don't think you can take me on without it?" She questioned coyly.

Anarchy gave a vicious smile. "I'm an equal opportunist kind of pony. Why should you get anything less than what I gave Applejack's brother?"

Justice glared at him, but gave him a smug smile. "You wouldn't hit a lady, would you?"

Anarchy laughed wickedly, before flashing her an evil smirk. "I would never hit a lady... but I won't hesitate to kill a bitch!" He exclaimed before swinging the crowbar at her.

She quickly dodged the shot and landed a few of her own to his stomach. Then she hit him with a roundhouse kick to the chin, which sent him over the couch and onto the floor, making him drop his weapon in the process.

He quickly stumbled back to his hooves. He growled at her with disdain. She gave him a cocky smile. "What's the matter, big boy? Am I more than you anticipated?"

He wiped a speck of dirt that had appeared on his face from the fall. He looked at the remnants of dirt that he wiped onto his hoof, checking for spilled blood. Then, he grinned deviously. "This just got a bit more interesting." He replied complacently.

"Well what are you waiting for? Show me what you're made of!" Swift Justice interjected as she jumped at him. She went for a high kick, but got caught and was sent crashing through the wooden coffee table. Anarchy cackled as he quickly scooped her up and threw her at the wall next to the fireplace. She tried to shake herself off, but he quickly kicked her in the gut, sending her into the wall again.

"Where is that smug attitude of yours now?" Anarchy inquired as he pinned Swift to the floor. She began struggling, trying to break his grip, but to no avail. He lifts one of his hooves off of her to go for a punch, but she jerks her head to the side and makes him punch the floor instead. "Argh!" He winced in pain. She used this moment to scan the area around her for something that could help her. She immediately grabs one of the fireplace pokers and hits him with it hard on the back of the neck. He immediately falls back off of her.

Swift Justice looked at him once again, trying to catch her breath. She let another overconfident smile appear across her face. "I hope you weren't expecting this to be that easy." She huffed smugly.

Anarchy made his way back behind the couch and picked up his crowbar. "I can do this all day, my dear. You, on the other hand, don't have quite my range of time." He cackled viciously at his adversary. "By now, my crew has gotten Twilight's parents far away from here! Even if I were to lose here by some divine miracle, I still achieved my goal. In other words, I win, and you lose!" He declared victoriously.

Justice laughed at his remark. "I know that you have been trying to distract me. All of you criminal types are the same. You always think you're in control... that is until somepony comes along and thwarts your plans completely."

Anarchy looks at her annoyed. "What are you getting at?" He asks irritably.

"We knew you were coming here. Twilight alerted the other princesses and I long before you arrived." Swift Justice stated cleverly. Anarchy's eyes went wide with shock. "It is you who has lost!"

Anarchy was beside himself. "No... this... this cannot be..." Anarchy said in disbelief. "You can never beat me!" Anarchy threw his crowbar at one of the large windows in the room. He quickly leaped out of the window and almost began running away, but something was holding him back.

"I sincerely hope you were not thinking about leaving." An all too familiar voice came calling out behind him. Anarchy looked back to see Princess Celestia flying towards him. Then, Cadance landed in front of him. Her horn was glowing, which meant she was holding him back with her magic. Celestia touched down beside him. "I've been waiting very patiently to say this. *ahem* Simply Anarchy, you are under arrest for crimes against Equestria. Swift Justice, care to read him his rights?" the princess asked the lawyer pony playfully.

"Stuff it!" Anarchy scorned bitterly, as he thrashed about trying to break free of Cadance's grip.

Justice giggled at his reaction. "Don't worry Anarchy! If you need representation, I'd be more than happy to help!" She teased, as she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Something tells me that even your exceptional law abilities couldn't save him from his punishment. Guards! Take him away!" Celestia commanded as ten guards swarmed in and surrounded him. One of them cuffed him, making sure to shove his head into the dirt in the process. Then, they picked him up out of the dirt and began making the trek back to Canterlot Castle.

Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie all arrived in Canterlot shortly after. They made their way to the castle to see Princess Celestia. Although she wasn't there, Princess Luna was, and she was accompanied by Twilight's parents.

Twilight's eyes lit up when she saw her parents. She ran in and embraced them both, a tear falling down her cheek. "Thank goodness you are both okay! I was so worried!" She exclaimed shakily. Then she looked at Luna. "Wait.... does this mean..."

Luna smiled and pointed back to the front door. The door opened, and Celestia and Cadance entered. They were followed by ten guards, who were surrounding none other than the villain who has caused them all endless suffering. Twilight smirked at the evil pony, who refused to acknowledge her. Twilight walked up to Anarchy. "Looks like we were one step ahead of you for a change." She declared with satisfaction.

He huffed angrily at her. "We'll see." He muttered as the guards lead him to the dungeon.

Twilight turned back to her teacher. "Thank you for all of your help, Princess Celestia! Without your quick action, he would have taken my parents away to who knows where." She credited her mentor.

Celestia smiled gracefully. "I should be thanking you, my faithful student. Without your warning, we never would have known where to go." She reassured the purple alicorn. "Besides, if you really want to thank anypony, you should thank her." Celestia pointed to Swift Justice, who was walking toward them. "She had originally come here for business, but ended up joining in on our siege against Anarchy."

Justice grinned at Twilight. "It was my pleasure. I'm just glad we can finally close this case up!" She replied as she rubbed her aching ribs.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked with concern.

Justice looked back to her. "Yeah yeah. Just a bit dinged up after my encounter with him, that's all."

Twilight hugged the lawyer pony. "You were very brave, and we couldn't have captured him without you."

"Oh! I just remembered something!" Swift exclaimed as she turned back to Celestia. "The reason I came here in the first place was to let you know that the Rich family has agreed to drop their case. Once I explained to them the situation, they calmed down a bit. Of course, now, they have a new found hatred for a certain gray pony. I can imagine that they will do everything in their power to make sure Anarchy stays locked up for life."

"That's amazing news! You really are good at your job." Twilight praised with excitement.

"The best." Justice adjusts her glasses and straightens up her tie. "Now, if you will excuse me, I have to get back to work now! There are many cases to be won!" She declares as she bows to the princesses. Then she turns away and walks out of the castle proudly.

Twilight looked up at her teacher. "The others will be along shortly. They will all be happy to know that Anarchy has been taken care of at last."

Celestia sighs. "It is true that he has been dealt with... but there is still a pony missing. Not to mention, his henchponies are still out there running around. Hopefully, with their leader locked away, they will fall apart without him. As for the doctor, we will need to interrogate Anarchy for more information about his whereabouts." She concluded remaining well-composed.

Twilight put on a determined expression. "Once my friends get here, we'll have a little chat with Anarchy. We'll find Doctor Hooves. And as for his crew, they will not last long without his guidance."

Celestia smiled at her student and pulled her in for a hug. "Have patience, my student. Have patience."

Chapter 13: Not Over Yet

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After failing to kidnap (ponynap?) Twilight's parents, Simply Anarchy was apprehended by Celestia's royal guard. He has been escorted to the Canterlot Castle dungeon, where he will be contained until his trial. He showed no interest in resisting the guards, as they lead him to his cell.

One of the guards opened the cell, as another pushed the gray stallion in without hesitation. "Enjoy your stay. I hope your room is to your liking." The guard chuckled sarcastically.

Anarchy looked around inside his cell noting that the bed had been stripped bare, with not even a pillow on it. Just a metal bed frame was left. Anarchy huffed bitterly. "Joke's on you. I don't sleep much anyways."

The guard ignored the villain's remark and walked back to his post at the entrance of the dungeon.

"Well well well. Look at what the cat dragged in!" A voice boomed from the other side of the room. Anarchy recognized that tone immediately. It belonged to one of those ridiculous ponies he hired to rob the Rich family. "What's wrong, dirtbag? Is someone pissy because he failed to do as he promised?" Mortar teased without remorse from within his own cell. "No wait! You did keep your promise! Looks like I got my front row seat after all! Hahahaha!" Anarchy refused to acknowledge the orange stallion. "Awwww. Why you givin' me the silent treatment? Huh? You're hurtin' my feelings!"

Anarchy chuckled to himself. Then he sighed ignorantly. "And you are?"

Mortar's expression changed from jolly to enraged in an instant. "You son of a bitch! You know damn well who I am!"

His reaction was enough to send Anarchy into a laughing fit. "Don't take it personally. I don't remember any of the garbage I throw away." He stated smugly.

Mortar was beside himself. "Why you little--"

"Don't let him get to you, Mortar." Twilight interrupted his profanity. She was accompanied by her friends, as they approached Anarchy's cell. "He is just trying to get under your skin. A last act of defiance from a pony who has failed his mission. He is not worth wasting your anger on."

Mortar took a deep breath and regained his composure. "Haha. Sorry, princess! You're right! I'm still working on my anger issues." He responded realizing what he had done. Twilight smiled at his response and gave him a nod.

"Last act of defiance, huh? You seem like you've got it all figured out. I promise you, looks can be painfully deceiving." Anarchy retorted with an evil chuckle.

"You got that right. You're pretty painful to look at." Rainbow Dash beamed back at the gray stallion.

Anarchy laughed at Rainbow's insult. "Ouch. That one hurt a bit. Speaking of something that hurt, Rainbow's first show with the Wonderbolts... now that was a doozy!"

Rainbow was visibly angry, as she blushed with embarrassment. "Oh, I'll show you pain! Come here you sack of sh--" Rainbow was restrained by her friends, who once again saved a pony from her wrath.

Mortar chuckled in his cell. "You might not want to make this one angry, boss." He added knowingly.

Anarchy shot him a spiteful look. "Unlike you fools, I have no fear."

Twilight turned to her enemy with a newly found confidence in her eyes. "You might change your tone when you find out what your punishment will be." She declared definitely.

Anarchy rolled his eyes at her threat. "Oh! I'm shaking now!" He stated with sarcasm, as he sat on the metal bed frame in his cell. "Spare me your empty threats, Sparkle. We both know you won't do anything. You have nothing against me. I, on the other hoof, have leverage over you. Soooo.... where could the good doctor be?"

Twilight's confidence was shaken, but she tried to remain calm. "If you want even an ounce of mercy from the princess, you will release him now!" She commanded fiercely.

"Touched a nerve there, didn't I? Good." Anarchy hissed angrily. "Besides... I enjoy watching you squirm."

Applejack decided to intervene. "Now look here, you no good varmint! If y'all know what's good for ya, you'd best be tellin' us what we're needin' to know!"

Anarchy cackled even more. "In due time... pardner." He mocked in a country accent.

Now it was Applejack's turn to want to strangle him. But before she could even react, Starlight placed her hoof on her shoulder. Applejack took a deep breath to calm herself. Starlight approached the evil pony. "What do you mean 'in due time'?" She quizzed uncertainly.

"Finally! A pony who isn't such a buzzkill!" Anarchy threw his hooves up in over-astonishment. "What I mean, my dear, is that you will get him back. I promise that much."

"A promise? From you? Yeah, we'll definitely trust you now!" Rainbow added with skepticism.

"You should. I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a liar. Believe it or not, I do have a sense of honor." Anarchy huffed with reassurance.

"Like we will believe a single word that you say." Rarity said bitterly.

The evil pony looked at the white mare. "Your sister sure did." He laid back against the wall. He watched as Rarity's face burned red with anger. "Children are the key to the future. One day, you will pass on what you have learned to her, and she will in turn pass that knowledge on to the next generation after her. The truth is that none of us will live forever. Yes, even Celestia herself will die. How long it takes is uncertain. Whether she dies this year, or next year, or a hundred years from now, or even a thousand. It does not matter. What does matter is what it all amounted to. It isn't who we are that ponies will remember. It is what we leave behind for them that is ultimately cherished. That is what I live for... and what I'll die for. The key to immortality itself. In a word: Legacy."

Applejack remained unimpressed. "Nice speech. Who'd you steal that from?" She reclaimed causing Anarchy to roll his eyes.

Starlight thought about the evil pony's words carefully before saying anything. "But why choose to live only to cause pain and suffering? You have the right idea, but you are going about it in the wrong way."

Anarchy glared at Twilight. Then he turned back to Starlight. "There would be no pain and suffering, if you ponies would just wake up!" Anarchy exclaimed infuriated. "Twilight Sparkle is living proof of what I'm talking about. You go through your life as Celestia's personal puppet. Have you even a single thought that is your own, princess?" Twilight went to answer his question but was immediately cut off. "Don't even try to answer that. If I wanted to hear Celestia's words, I would go to her and listen to them from her mouth. I don't need to hear them coming from her ass!"

Twilight wanted to be angry, but she was in legitimate shock from what she heard. Never in her life had she ever been called Celestia's puppet. It can't be true. Celestia only wants what's best for Equestria. She would never use her like that... right?

Anarchy took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "If it's of any consolation, I feel sorry for you." He sympathized seriously. "I have lived my whole life knowing that I am in control of every single aspect of my existence. I make my own decisions. I don't look to others for approval. How much is it going to take to get you to see the truth? Answer me this. How much... is enough?"

Seeing that Twilight was becoming overwhelmed in her thoughts, Starlight intervened once more. "What do you wish to gain from keeping an innocent pony hostage?"

Anarchy smirked at her question. "I appreciate your attentiveness, Miss Glimmer. It seems your friend there has a bit on her mind at the moment." He gestured to Twilight, who did not acknowledge him. She was clearly lost in thought. Anarchy laughed victoriously. "I guess I'm finally beginning to get through to her. That's good!" He scooted himself off of the metal frame and stood in front of the bars. "As for your question, I will disclose this much. One day soon, I will call for you. On that day, I will tell you exactly where he is located. Until then, however, you will just have to be patient. You could search for him yourself, but I doubt you will find him." He smiled wickedly as he turned away from the girls. "You'll learn soon that I keep my promises... all of you."

Rainbow was far past reasoning with at this point. "Quit stalling! Tell us what we want to know! Now!" She scolded with fury.

Anarchy shook his head disapprovingly. "Or what? Are you gonna beat me up? Hmm? Or do you need Celestia's permission first?" He teased relentlessly.

Once again Rainbow had to resist the urge to rip the cell door open. She walked to the back of the group to avoid any rash decisions, despite how wonderful they would be.

Anarchy watched as Dash backed down. "Okay then. Was there anything else you ladies needed from me?" He posed to the ponies. Starlight was about to ask another question, but she would be cut off before she could even utter a word. "Fantastic! Now get out!" Anarchy interrupted gesturing them to the exit of the dungeon.

The girls looked to one another unsure of what they were going to do. They all turned to Twilight. The princess was visibly unnerved. She didn't want to leave without knowing the doctor's whereabouts, but what choice did she have? She nodded to her friends and led them out of the dungeon. The only consolation for this whole ordeal was that Anarchy was imprisoned and couldn't harm anypony else.

"Commander Firefly! We have confirmation that the boss has been captured by Celestia and her guards."

Firefly looked to the pale stallion that stood before her. "Then, everything is going exactly as he planned. Now we must do our part! Is everyone in place?"

"Yes, ma'am. Just waiting for orders!" The henchpony affirmed proudly.

Firefly gave the stallion a stern look. "Good. And the doctor?"

"Delivered to our safehouse in Manehattan, as per instructed, commander." The stallion stated as he straightened up his posture.

Firefly was feeling anxious about the whole ordeal. She still couldn't believe that Anarchy has put so much faith in her to carry out this major part of his plan. If she failed, not only would she be locked up for the rest of her life, but Anarchy would be as well. Not to mention, she would be single handedly responsible for ending his dreams for the future. With that hanging in the balance, she turned back to the pale pony. "I want you to double confirm that everything is exactly where it needs to be! Everything needs to be perfect, if we are to hold true to our boss's vision!" She ordered forcefully.

"Right away, ma'am!" The henchpony exclaimed without hesitation.

"Time is of the essence! Tomorrow is our big night! We must stay on schedule, if we are to succeed." She reassured strictly. She dismissed her soldier to carry out his orders. Then, she looked out the window. She could see Canterlot Castle in the distance. She sighed nervously as she spoke quietly to herself. "Your vision will become a reality. I promise."

The girls have all gathered in Celestia's throne room to discuss what their next move will be. With no clue of where to begin, Twilight tries desperately to rally her friends and keep their spirits up. Celestia, Cadance, and Luna are also joining her efforts.

"There is nothing to fear. We will find Doctor Hooves. It's only a matter of time before Anarchy's troops make a mistake. Once they do, we simply interrogate them." Luna proposed.

Twilight thought about the blue alicorn's plan. She wasn't quite convinced. "I'm not sure. The few of them we have captured haven't said a word. What makes you think that any of the others will?"

"Every army has its weakness. We just have to find theirs." the princess of the night added with confidence.

Celestia nodded in agreement. "Precisely what I was thinking, little sister. We must pull out all stops in this situation. We can do it. We just have to keep our minds clear."

Twilight began thinking up some ideas. "Perhaps, we can try bribing one of them. Money seems to be a common interest for most criminal types. Maybe not Anarchy's, but what about his crew?" Twilight postulated.

Cadance looked to her sister-in-law proudly. "That is a great idea, Twilight! Maybe with the right price, we can persuade one of them to give up the doctor's location." She stated with certainty.

The girls all nodded in unison. Applejack still had her doubts, but she was just glad to know that there was a plan. "But what if this don't work? Then what do we do?" The country pony asked curiously.

"Then we will just have to come up with another way to get them to talk." Rainbow Dash answered bluntly. "I'm thinking that we could try giving them the Pinkie treatment. It worked so well against Applejack that one time!"

Pinkie smiled cluelessly at the orange pony. Applejack shuddered in fear of the memory. "Maybe... but let's not go resortin' to torture unless we have to."

"Okey dokey Loki!" Pinkie agreed unknowing of what she was actually agreeing to. She was just happy to be with her friends.

The door to the throne room opened abruptly, causing the ponies to look back. One of Celestia's messengers entered the room. He immediately knelt before the princesses. "Forgive me for the interruption, princesses. But I have a letter here for you, Princess Celestia. It is from your nephew."

Celestia thanked her messenger and dismissed him. She took the scroll and began reading it to herself. She huffed after she finished reading. Her sister looked at her puzzled. "What does Blueblood want, sister?"

"He wants to know if we are still intending to hold the Grand Galloping Gala here tomorrow." Celestia sighed in response. "Honestly, I had forgotten all about it. With everything that has been going on, it just slipped my mind." The girls agreed with her.

Luna looked to her sister. "Perhaps, we should postpone the event for another day?"

After thinking about the situation for a moment, Celestia shook her head. "No. We will hold the Gala as scheduled. After everything that has occurred as of late, it will be good to give everypony something to raise their morale. Not to mention, they have a reason to celebrate. I will send some guards to search for Doctor Hooves. I believe that you all deserve a break as well." She smiled at the friends proudly.

Twilight returned her teacher's smile. "Great idea! It will be nice to see everypony smiling and laughing again, instead of being panicked and fearful."

"It's gonna be soooooo great! I will make sure to bring my party cannon to ensure maximum happiness! This is going to be the funnest Grand Galloping Gala EVER!!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed barely being able to contain her excitement. In, fact she looked like she was going to positively explode with joy.

"The Gala is tomorrow?! That's barely enough time to get ready! What ever am I going to wear?" Rarity questioned overwhelmed.

Starlight laughed and rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you'll figure it out, Rarity. You always do."

"Maybe I can convince Shining Armor to go as well. He has been running things on his own for the past few days, while I have been here. He could use a breather too." Cadance stated happily.

Twilight walked up to her sister. "He's probably ready to collapse from exhaustion by now." She giggled playfully.

Cadance chuckled as well. "Probably! He isn't used to handling everything himself. The empire, the royal guard, not to mention the baby." The pink alicorn thought to herself for a brief moment, putting a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. "I had planned on bringing Flurry Heart to Canterlot for a visit. I think she would enjoy the festivities that the Gala has to offer!"

Twilight squeed in excitement. "I can't wait to see my little niece again!"

"Her very first Gala, and she isn't even a year old yet. She is one lucky filly!" Rarity replied with admiration. Now she really wished she was a princess.

Princess Celestia grinned once again. "Sounds like everyone has a plan. It would be best to start now, if you are to be ready for tomorrow night!" She reassured the group.

"You're right! I'd better get back to the Crystal Empire before Shining pulls his hair out. I will see you all tomorrow!" Cadance exclaimed before hugging her sister-in-law. Then she proceeded out the door.

"We had better be going as well! There are things to be done back home, before we can even focus on tomorrow." Twilight proclaimed giddily. She turned to her friends and lead them out of the castle.

"So what are you going to do, AJ?" Rainbow asked her orange friend.

The farm pony knew exactly what she was going to do. "Ah gotta check in on Big Mac. The doctors say that he should be released later tonight. Though, ah'm thinkin' he won't be movin' around too much."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "What about you, Rainbow?"

"I'm actually going to practice some routines for the Wonderbolts. I've fallen behind recently. I think it's high time that I catch up." Dash responded confidently. "Nothing I can't handle!"

"Oh oh oh! I'm going to get some more confetti for my party cannon! I gotta make sure it's fully loaded and ready for tomorrow!" Pinkie gasps with excitement. "I just got the best idea ever! I should load it with candy! I mean, who wouldn't want to be bombarded with candy?!"

AJ looks disapprovingly at Pinkie. "A pony who enjoys livin' I'd imagine." She added in an attempt to dissuade the hyperactive pony. Unfortunately, Pinkie was in her own little world and didn't acknowledge her remark.

Twilight looks over to the yellow pegasus walking beside her. "And you, Fluttershy?"

"I was thinking about writing to Discord. I haven't heard from him since the other day after Anarchy said all those mean things to him." Fluttershy said worried about her friend.

"Let us know if he says anything." Twilight stated also feeling a bit concerned. Discord may have been slightly irritating at times, but he was still their friend. And whether she wanted to admit it or not, she did care about him as much as she would any other one of her friends.

"Of course I will be figuring out what I will be wearing to the Gala. But what about you, darling?" Rarity posed to Twilight.

Twilight laughed. "Well, after what transpired this morning, I think I'll take a page out of Rainbow's book and take a nap."

"Hey! You make it sound like I nap all the time!" Rainbow exclaimed defensively. Her friends all look at her with raised eyebrows and serious expressions. She looks at all of them carefully before saying anything else. "Okay, admittedly, I may tend to nap a bit from time to time, but not all the time."

Starlight rolled her eyes knowingly. "Well you certainly deserve to catch up on your sleep a bit, Twilight. I'll get some chores done around the castle... or at the very least work on mapping out the place." She replied sarcastically. "I'm not bitter about it."

The girls laughed together. It was nice to finally be able to laugh again without worrying about letting their guard down. Anarchy was imprisoned and his crew was going to follow suit. It was only a matter of time before Celestia's guards found the doctor. Everything was going to be better. From here on out, things can only get better.... right?

Chapter 14: No Time For Celebration

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It is the night of the Grand Galloping Gala. Twilight and all of her friends have just arrived in Canterlot and are on their way to the castle. It had been a long, terrible week. It was about time that they all got to enjoy themselves.

"You will simply love the Gala, Starlight. It is the pinnacle of celebrations. And it is absolutely fabulous!" Rarity exclaimed with excitement.

Starlight looked to the white unicorn. "I don't know. I'm not really into these high-class social events. You know.... being a reformed villain and all. What if my presence causes a problem?" She asked nervously.

Twilight placed her hoof on Starlight's shoulder. "Don't worry, Starlight. Everypony knows you have changed. Just be yourself, and you will be fine." She reassured her friend.

Starlight smiled back weakly. "Alright. I'll try."

"Besides, you look fabulous, darling!" Rarity bragged knowing that the dress she designed for her was gorgeous. She never ceased to amaze herself.

Starlight blushed at the complement. She was about to thank her friend when she would be cut off by a very eager Pinkie Pie. "Oh my gosh! I'm so excited that I think I might explode! Mr. and Mrs. Cake are helping out with the treats for the Gala. I got to sample everything that they are bringing, including a super yummy secret dessert that Mrs. Cake made specially for this event!" Pinkie interjected while licking her lips with anticipation.

"Sounds good. What is it?" Starlight quizzed curiously.

Pinkie giggled. "I can't tell you that silly! It's a secret!" Pinkie stated in a secretive hush. She smiled and patted Starlight on top of her head.

Starlight stared back eagerly. "Come on, Pinkie. Can't we have a hint?"

"I wouldn't bother wastin' yer time, sugarcube. Pinkie can keep a secret til' she falls apart. Trust me." Applejack stated with certainty.

Pinkie chuckled sheepishly. "That only happened once. And it was a big secret!"

Starlight blinked in wonder. "I'll take your word for it. Forget I asked." She turned back to Twilight. "So Twilight, are you excited about seeing your niece again?"

"I can't wait to see little Flurry Heart! I'm her favorite aunt you know." Twilight stated gleefully.

"You're her only aunt." Rainbow Dash pointed out bluntly.

Twilight's face reddened with embarrassment. "Well, yes... I guess so. But I'm still her favorite!" She retorted boldly.

Starlight smiled and rolled her eyes. "She's very lucky to have a family that cares so much."

A loud gasp from Pinkie Pie got everyone's attention. "Look, girls! We're here!" She shouted with excitement.

The girls basked in the glory that was Canterlot Castle. Even though they had been to the castle many times in the past, it was still quite the spectacle to behold. Ponies were all crowding around getting ready for the big event. Everypony was smiling and having a good time, and the Gala has barely even begun. The girls looked at each other before eagerly entering the castle.

Inside the castle was just as vibrant and lively as the outside. The room was decorated beautifully for the occasion. Celestia sat on her throne, while many ponies gathered before her in anticipation of meeting her highness. Celestia saw Twilight and her friends and quickly gestured them to her.

"Twilight! It is so good to see you here! And for once the world isn't in peril." The princess stated joyfully.

Twilight smiled as she bowed to her mentor. "It's definitely a better change of pace from how things have been, that's for sure." She said recollecting the events of the past few days. "How are you and Princess Luna doing? It must be nice to finally be out of the archives."

Celestia sighed at her statement. "Actually, Luna is still there. She is determined to find more about Simply Anarchy. I fear that she may have let him get in too deep. Hopefully, I can talk some sense into her soon."

"I hope so. She deserves to relax too, after all." Twilight added showing sympathy for her teacher. "Speaking of which, have Cadance and Shining Armor arrived yet?"

"Over here, Twilight!" A voice came from behind the friends. Cadance waved at them, as her and her husband approached the throne.

"Twily! It's good to see you again, kid!" Shining Armor exclaimed as he pulled his sister in for a hug.

"It's good to see you too, BBBFF!" Twilight lovingly embraced her brother. They barely ever saw each other any more, but each time they did, they cherished the moment.

Shining let go of his sister and gave her a worried look. "I heard about what happened. Are you all okay?"

"Yeah. We're all doing fine. Things got a bit chaotic for a time, but we managed to pull through it like we always do." Twilight reassured her brother.

Shining chuckled at his sister's statement. "Of course you did. You're all making me look bad, doing my job all the time. How about saving some of the bad guys for me?"

"We'll think about it, but no promises." Twilight stated coyly, resulting in laughter among the group. Twilight looked toward Cadance. "Where's the baby? Didn't you bring her?"

Cadance nodded. "Of course. She's with Sunburst at the moment. He has to help contain her magic before bringing her in here. Wouldn't want another incident like the one in the Crystal Empire to occur, now would we?"

Twilight cringed at the memory of the whole Crystal Heart ordeal. "Absolutely not. I'm just a bit eager to see her again. She is so adorable!" She exclaimed joyfully.

"Well, it's great that you feel that way! Maybe you would like her to stay with you for a few days... or weeks..." Shining put on a very wide smile in an attempt to sway her into accepting his offer.

Twilight laughed at her brother's act. "Nice try, big brother! But she's your responsibility, not mine."

"I know, I know. I'm just messing with you..." Shining responded nonchalantly, causing everyone to laugh. "No, but seriously... how about just one day?"

"Let me think about it... no." Twilight teased.

"Shining, quit trying to pawn our daughter off on other ponies!" Cadance scolded her husband, as she pulled at his ear with her magic.

Shining huffed in defeat. "Darn it. Well, you can't blame a guy for trying, right?" Shining shrugged innocently.

Cadance rolled her eyes at her husband's antics. "Anyways... it's so good to see all of you here tonight. After all that has happened, you girls deserve a bit of a break."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "That's the plan. Tonight, we are just going to have fun and rela--"

One of Celestia's royal guards interrupted Twilight before she could finish her sentence. "Excuse the interruption, princesses, but I bring urgent news of the utmost importance." The guard stated bluntly.

"What is it?" Princess Celestia questioned curiously.

"It seems that the prisoner, Anarchy, is ready to give up the location of that missing pony." the stallion explained.

Celestia stood up from her throne. "Very well, then. I shall go to him at once."

The guard pony cleared his throat. "Actually, your highness, he specifically requested to speak to Princess Twilight and her friends... and well... not you..." He looked as though Celestia would smite him where he stood for saying such a thing.

"Wait... me? Why does it have to be me?" Twilight questioned the guard.

"That was his condition. He doesn't want to talk to anypony else." He stated nervously.

"It's alright. Grant him his condition. Finding this missing pony is top priority." Celestia declared boldly.

Twilight nodded in confirmation. "She's right. Doctor Hooves has been gone long enough. It's time to bring him home. We'll go to him immediately."

"I'm sorry this has come up during your time of relaxation." Celestia apologized sympathetically.

"It'll be worth it to finally not have to worry about Anarchy having any leverage over us. And to finally bring the doctor home safely." Twilight replied with determination. She turned to her friends. "Come on! There's no time to lose!"

"You should relax a bit, newbie. When they tell us to watch the prisoner, they don't literally mean we have to watch him. We just have to make sure he doesn't escape." The stallion told his fellow guard pony. The guard refused to speak, instead kept his eyes fixed on Anarchy in his cell. "Hello?! Anyone home in there?" The stallion tapped on the helmet to try and get his partner's attention, to no avail. "We don't have to do this unless royalty is around. I don't see any princesses around here, do you?" Still no response. The stallion decided that his efforts were pointless. "Aren't you just a pleasure to work with..." He huffed sarcastically.

"He is taking his job seriously, you fool. And if you were wise, you would too. You have no idea with whom who you are dealing with here." Simply Anarchy stated somberly.

The guard pony turned his attention from his partner to the prisoner. "I'm dealing with a scumbag, who doesn't know when to shut his mouth. You don't intimidate me. You're just garbage who thinks he is mighty because he set a few things on fire. Big deal! The filly scouts light all kinds of fires when they go camping!" He scoffed at the gray stallion.

Anarchy laughed with mirth. "Yes, but do the filly scouts have the princesses and their guards dancing around like puppets for their amusement, like I do?"

The guard pony was red with anger. He opened his mouth to retort, but was cut short when he saw Princess Twilight and her friends approaching them. He quickly straightened up before they reached him.

"Hello, sirs. I need you both to give us a few minutes alone with the prisoner, please." Twilight ordered seriously.

The guard saluted respectfully. "Yes, princess!" The two guards walked away from the area without another word. The stallion took one more look at Anarchy before completely departing. To his disgust, Anarchy was waving his hooves in a puppeteer-like motion. All he could do was snort angrily and proceed to walk away.

Anarchy chuckled to himself proudly. "These ponies have been absolutely fun to mess with. And to think that is Celestia's finest! Hysterical, if you ask me!" Anarchy mocked bitterly. "Speaking of which, it certainly took that guard long enough to get you here. If I didn't know any better, I would think that you didn't care about that pony's life any more."

Twilight was already beginning to be irritated. "Enough of your games. Just tell us where Doctor Hooves is!"

"Straight to the point tonight, are we? No annoying speech about friendship? No ridiculous questions with obvious answers? Not even any empty threats?" Anarchy quizzed acting shocked by the princess's bluntness.

Twilight didn't want to play any of his games. She wanted only to recover the missing pony and get on with her life. "No more childish antics. Tell us where he is, and we can all move on with our lives." She stated, unmoved by his insults.

Anarchy sighed in disappointment. "Well, aren't you a buzzkill? I was hoping for more of a challenge. Another battle of wits between Equestria's resident anarchist and the Princess of Friendship, herself. I guess we don't always get what we want."

Rainbow Dash banged the cell door with her hoof. "Stop stalling and start telling us what we need to know!" She snapped with anger.

"Such brutality... Wits may not be something you're familiar with, Dashie, but ponies like myself are master manipulators. And as such, I was hoping for more of a war of words with Twilight here. But since she has clearly given up, I guess we should just get straight to what I've called you here for." Anarchy stood from his bed frame and approached the bars. "But before I do... could any of you, please, tell me what time it is?"

The girls looked at each other in confusion. "Why the hay does that matter?" Applejack questioned in annoyance.

"Time is everything, Miss Applejack. What's the difference between saplings and trees? Time. The difference between day and night? Time. The difference... between life and death?" Anarchy lectured grimly. "In this case, time controls the little surprise I left for you girls."

"I don't think I like the sound of that..." Fluttershy said nervously.

"What surprise would that be?" Twilight asked fearfully.

Anarchy smirked evilly. "I can't tell you that, now can I? Then, it wouldn't be a surprise. I will give you a hint, though. It will result in... an explosively good time." He laughed at his own joke. "Consider it a bonus... for keeping me amused this past week."

"You are a disgusting brute!" Rarity interjected with rage.

"And you are a bitter, old cow! Now that we've gotten the pleasantries out of the way, let's move on. Soooo... the time?" Anarchy hissed spitefully.

Twilight stepped forward. "It's about fifteen minutes past nine."

Anarchy smiled. "Good! Then, you still have time! If you take the train, you might just make it to your precious doctor before your surprise... goes off..." He made an explosion gesture with his hooves to emphasize his point. "Your doctor is in Manehattan... at one of my safehouses. It is located about two blocks over from the hat emporium. It's the old abandoned umbrella factory. It should be easy to spot, due to the umbrella neon sign on it. I even left the light on for you."

"I don't like this. Something isn't right here." Starlight added feeling suspicious.

"It's probably another trap! You planning on having your crew jump us when we get there? How do we even know the doctor is even there?" Rainbow questioned also not buying into Anarchy's act.

Anarchy shook his head discouragingly. "I've already told you, I have no intention of lying about his location. He is there, and the more time you spend overthinking this, the less time you will have before... BOOM!"

"You aren't seriously buying this, are you, Twilight?" Rainbow inquired, slapping herself in the forehead.

Twilight thought to herself for a moment. "We don't have much of a choice. We can't just ignore this." Twilight turned to Dash. "What if he is telling the truth? We can't just abandon Hooves on the off chance that he is lying."

"I have to agree with Rainbow Dash a bit on this one. If we are careless, we could be running right into a trap! Then, he will not only have the doctor, but he will have us too." Starlight intervened cautiously.

Anarchy knocked on the cell door. "Ahem. As much as I enjoy watching you struggle with your current predicament, I feel obligated to remind you that time is not exactly on your side here. At midnight, the choice will be made for you." He sat back down on the bed frame and began humming to himself.

Twilight was beginning to get anxious. "Look, we don't have time to discuss this. We will just have to watch our backs." She looked at her friends, who seemed just as worried about the whole situation as she was. "Let's go, girls!" Twilight immediately bolted to to the exit of the dungeon. Her friends followed behind her.

The friends rushed through the castle. They had already wasted enough time discussing their next move. They were not going to stop running until they were on the train bound for Manehattan. The girls even passed Princess Celestia and the others, who were talking with one another. Cadance went to ask Twilight what was wrong, but she couldn't stop her in time. She had already rushed out the door. At this point, Twilight was beyond concerned that they may not make it on time. But she wasn't about to let that fear overtake her. She cannot fail everypony again. She will not fail them again.

A wicked smirk grew on Anarchy's face, as he continued to hum and sing to himself in the confines of his cell. "Sweet dreams are made of these. Who am I to disagree? I travel the world and the seven seas. Everybody's looking for something. Some of them want to use you. Some of them want to get used by you. Some of them want to abuse you. Some of them want to be abused!♪"

Chapter 15: Quid Pro Quo....

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Determined to reach Doctor Hooves before their time runs out, Twilight and her friends quickly boarded a train headed to Manehattan. Understandably, the girls have mixed feelings about what to expect once they reach Anarchy's safehouse.

"So what's the plan here exactly? Are we just gonna rush the factory, in hopes that Anarchy's henchponies aren't there waiting to jump us?" Rainbow Dash quizzed bitterly.

Twilight huffed. "Honestly, I'm not sure. While rushing the place seems like a bad idea, we also don't have a whole lot of time to waste." She said with uncertainty.

"We can't afford to be reckless either." Starlight intervened. She rubbed her chin curiously. "Does anypony know how long it usually takes to get to Manehattan from Canterlot?"

"I know that it takes about two hours to get there from Ponyville. I usually take a nap on my way there, but I've been back and forth so many times that I started keeping track of the time." Rarity stated, while brushing her hair out of her face. "I have made one or two trips there from Canterlot, but I haven't a clue of exactly how long it takes. It feels like less time, though."

Twilight turned to Rarity. "Are you sure about that?"

"I'm fairly certain." The white unicorn confirmed.

Twilight thought to herself for a moment. "If what you are saying is true, then we may have a chance. Do you happen to know anything about the umbrella factory he is talking about?" She questioned her fashionable friend.

Rarity thought carefully. "I may know what place he is referring to. It has been closed up for years, due to budgeting issues. It's known as the Parasol Palace. It was once a very popular tourist attraction in Manehattan."

"Sounds like the right place to me. What do you think, Twi?" Applejack asked.

Twilight nodded confidently. "I agree. Now all we have to do is come up with a plan of attack."

"Oh thank goodness. I thought we were just going to storm the place unprepared." Rainbow sighed in relief.

Applejack raised an eyebrow at the blue pegasus. "Ah gotta say, Ah'm surprised to hear you say that, Rainbow. Yer normally all about actin' now and askin' questions later."

"This guy has been toying with us for about a week now. Needless to say, I'm sick of falling for his tricks. If we're going to beat him, we're going to have to think like him." Dash explained emphatically. The pegasus looked around at her friends, who were nodding in agreement.

"Very well put, Rainbow! I couldn't agree more. Anarchy thinks he will have his final laugh. Let's not give him the satisfaction." Twilight declared boldly.

The friends all cheered in unison. With newfound confidence, they were ready to take on anything Anarchy was going to throw at them. They were not going to allow him to win again. Not this time.

Anarchy sat in his cell, quietly counting to himself. The same guards were still posted at his door, continuing to keep an eye on him. While the one guard remained silent, the other was still continuing his rant towards their prisoner. "The princess is going to find that pony. It's only a matter of time now, before we ship your ass to Tartarus for your crimes. You have anything to say now?" The guard mocked bitterly.

"Just one thing... would you mind telling me what time it is?" Anarchy asked innocently.

The guard looked puzzled. After a few moments, he just chuckled. "Yeah... Time for you to shut up and learn your place!"

The evil pony shook his head in disappointment. "Tell me something. Why did you become a royal guard in the first place?" He asked curiously.

"None of your business!" the guard responded bluntly.

Anarchy was a bit persistent. "Oh, come on! You can trust me! Who am I gonna tell? You said it yourself. I will be in Tartarus soon."

The guard was beginning to become very irritated. "You'll be dead before you make it there, if you don't shut the hell up!"

Anarchy cackled at his reaction. "What's the matter, huh? Afraid to open up? I would expect a little more dignity... from someone named Fierce Might."

The guard pony froze. "H-How do you know my name? I've never told you. And no guards are referred to by name."

Anarchy smirked wickedly. "I have my ways... It's funny, isn't it? The amount of trust ponies place in their so-called friends... just to have them turn on you to save themselves. When it all comes down to it, ponies will always choose themselves over anyone."

"What has that got to do with me?" Fierce questioned uneasily.

"Quid pro quo." Anarchy retorted.

Fierce looked at the gray pony cluelessly. "What?"

"You want to know more, I deserve a little something in return. Quid pro quo. Now you answer one of my questions." the evil pony explained.

"Why should I agree to that?" the guard pony asked.

"You want answers, that is my condition. I gotta make this interesting for myself." Anarchy replied nonchalantly.

The guard was hesitant for a moment. He definitely did not trust him, but he had to know what else he knew. "Alright, I'll play along. You want to know why I became a guard, right?"

"For starters..." the villain hissed.

"It has always been a dream of mine, ever since I was a little colt. I wanted to be strong, like my father. And now I am." Fierce stated proudly.

Anarchy clapped his hooves. "What an inspiring story! I bet your father is very proud."

Fierce's proud smile turned into a look of pure sadness. "Yeah..."

Anarchy caught the expression on the guard's face. "Unless of course... he's dead." He watched as Fierce tried to hold back tears. "Let me guess... He died in the line of duty."

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Fierce scolded with hate filling his eyes.

"I do actually. My father died courtesy of the crown, as well. And do you want to know something? His life didn't matter to them. He was expendable. Just another sacrifice they demanded to keep their self-righteous cause alive. Your father was no different." Anarchy concluded hardheartedly.

"Princess Celestia is a saint! She works hard to make sure the citizens of Equestria live happy and free! My father died defending that belief!" Fierce exclaimed as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Anarchy chuckled at the display of emotion. "That's what she wants you to believe! Here's the harsh reality of it. Your father did not die defending Equestria. He died... because Celestia needed a meat shield at the time, and your father happened to be the next idiot on the list."

Fierce snapped. "Shut up! Shut your mouth right now! You motherfu--"

"Riddle me this, sir." Anarchy interrupted the guard's profanity. "If your precious princess cares so much, then why isn't she fighting with you?! Why are ponies laying down their lives, while she sits quietly on her throne? A real leader is right there on the battlefield standing beside their troops. Not watching from the safety of their castle, while their troops die to defend their name."

Might was beside himself. Conflicted. Was Anarchy telling the truth? Has his whole life been a lie? So many emotions were going through him. It was hard to tell which thoughts were his, and which were the ones Anarchy was trying to plant in his head. "You- You're a monster! You just live to manipulate others. The princess devotes her life to ensure evil scum like you don't terrorize the world."

Anarchy shook his head in response. "She is determined to silence ponies like me. Ponies who don't fear her, or bend to her whim. Those who won't conform to her tyranny. She is the reason ponies like me exist. And that... will be her undoing."

"Enough!" Might stepped away for a moment to clear his head. Anarchy was clearly getting to him. What if he's right, though? She does keep the royal guard close to her at all times. It isn't very common for her to go anywhere without them. What if that is all they were to her? Just shields to cover her at all times. What if-

A thought dawned on Fierce Might. This sudden realization made him smirk. He turned back to Anarchy. "That was good. You almost had me there. Was that your plan? To get me all riled up to the point where I help you? It was clever, I'll give you that." the guard praised sarcastically.

"That wasn't my intentions, but it's good to see that I almost had your attention. It's unfortunate that Celestia's influence has blinded you from the truth. Oh, and that technically counted as your question." the villainous pony claimed.

"Ha ha! I suppose it does. But I think this game is over." the guard pony declared.

"Not before you answer one last question." Anarchy insisted.

Fierce laughed at the prisoner's persistence. "Fine, I'll humor you. Shoot."

"What time is it?" Anarchy posed inquisitively.

"As I said earlier, it's time for you to shut up." Fierce mocked with hostility.

Anarchy huffed in annoyance. "Look, I would love to trade jabs with you all night, but I am on a rather tight schedule. So if you would be ever so kind-"

"Schedule? Ha! You don't get it, do you? You've lost!" the guard scoffed at the evil pony. "The only schedule you'll be on is a life sentence in Tartarus!"

Meanwhile, the girls have arrived in Manehattan. They quickly hopped off of the train and made their way through the city.

"Are you sure it's this way?" Rainbow questioned anxiously.

"I'm fairly certain. I don't exactly go this particular direction when I come to Manehattan. I am usually in the fashion district. We are heading into the industrial part of the city." Rarity explained while catching her breath. Moments like this made her wish she had the cardio of Rainbow Dash. If there was one think she knew for certain, it was that she was definitely not an athlete.

Twilight looked at the building they were approaching. 'Stinky Bottom's Discount Hat Emporium.' Twilight recalled what Anarchy had said. "I think this is the hat emporium he was talking about. If he was telling the truth, it should be two blocks from here."

"Well, I'll be! Maybe after we rescue the doctor, I can treat myself to a new hat!" Applejack exclaimed happily.

"If we can pull this off, I'll treat us all to some dinner!" Rainbow added.

"Let's not celebrate just yet. First, we have to get the doctor to safety!" Twilight interrupted their premature victory plans.

Starlight nodded to Twilight. Then, she looked ahead to see a neon sign shining brightly in the night. "Girls! I think that's it ahead!"

"That is definitely it. The Parasol Palace!" Rarity recalled as the light illuminated the ponies.

The building was rather big, but Twilight refused to be intimidated. "What time is it?" Twilight asked nervously.

"Hang on juuuuust a second." Pinkie stated in her usual silly demeanor. She reached into her puffy pink mane and pulled out a small clock.... because you know.... she's Pinkie. "Looks like it's 11:19!"

Twilight sighed with relief. "We still have a chance! Here's the plan. We will divide up into teams. Starlight and I will be one team. We'll take the West Wing. Pinkie, Rainbow, and Rarity, you head down the East Wing. AJ and Fluttershy, go north. Try to avoid any confrontations with Anarchy's crew. If you find yourself in need of help, come find one of the other groups. If you find the doctor, same deal. Come find us. If none of us find him within thirty minutes, we should all meet back here. Is everypony clear on the plan?" She devised confidently.

The girls all nodded to one another. "Well, what are we waiting for? Hearth's Warming Eve?" Rainbow inquired rhetorically.

Pinkie Pie perked up. "Ooooh! I can't wait for Hearth's Warming Eve! The aroma of fresh hot cocoa, the amazing holiday goodies, the festive decorations, and of course, the presents!" She interjected with glee.

Rainbow slapped herself on the forehead. "Is it too late for me to switch teams?" Before the blue pegasus could even look at her friends, they all rushed inside the building. "Hey! You can't just pawn her off on-"

Pinkie jumped on Rainbow's back. "Lead the way, Dashie! Hey, would you like to hear the story about how I got my head stuck in a watermelon? Well, it's a funny story! You see, I was working on this new recipe I had come up with..."

Rainbow huffed in annoyance. "I am going to get you all for this!" She interjected angrily. Then she looked over at Rarity.

"Not so funny when it happens to you, is it?" Rarity quizzed bitterly.

Rainbow stared at Rarity in astonishment. "Did- Did you just hold a grudge?"

"Whatever could you be talking about, darling?" Rarity inquired coyly as she snickered at the blue pegasus. "Now, let us continue our search. We're wasting time just standing here."

Rainbow was now glaring at the white unicorn. "Is this about that time we were chasing AJ through the desert, and you fell off of the cart?"

"I haven't the slightest idea of what you're talking about..." Rarity glanced back at Pinkie. "Oh Pinkie! Care to explain to Rainbow what a cherrychanga is?"

Pinkie's expression lit up. "Absolutely! A cherrychanga is mashed up cherries in a tortilla that's deep fried. Although, I kinda like the sound of chimicherry. What do you think, Rainbow? Chimicherry or cherrychanga? They are both tons of fun to say! Chimicherry. Cherrychanga. I also had the thought of combining them. Chimicherrychanga! I invented it, you know! Wanna hear about how I came up with the idea? Wellll... it all started a few years back..."

Rarity smirked wickedly at a very frustrated Rainbow. Rainbow huffed bitterly. "Sweet Celestia, please smite me now..."

"You think, you're in control here? Think again. You can try to manipulate me all you want. I will never betray the princess!" Fierce declared unmoved by Anarchy's antics.

Anarchy remained sitting on his bed frame. "Loyalty is a fickle concept, isn't it? It can be so strong to the point where you will lay your life down for the one you are devoted to. And yet, it can be easily turned on its head by material things, such as money, power, and lust. I, for one, never believed in loyalty. Loyalty can lead you astray. Like your father. He was loyal to Celestia and look where that got him."

Fierce pounded on the cell door. "If you don't shut your mouth, I will kill you myself." He exclaimed with rage.

Anarchy clicked his tongue, as if he were scolding a child. "It burns you up inside, doesn't it? You would like nothing more than to rip open this cell door and beat me to a bloody pulp... but then you would be going up against your beloved princess's will. Another prime example of blind loyalty."

Twilight and Starlight searched thoroughly through the West Wing of the factory, to no avail. At this point, Twilight was hoping that the girls were having better luck than they were at the moment.

"How long's it been?" Starlight asked eagerly.

Twilight illuminated the small office room with her magic. "It's been about twenty minutes. At this point, I really hope the girls have found him." She stated discouraged.

Starlight continued looking around, but she couldn't shake a feeling she had. "Something's not right here. Shouldn't we have come across some of Anarchy's crew by now?"

Twilight had to admit. She also wondered the same thing, herself. "It is a bit weird. But I'm not going to question it at this time. If you ask me, he probably has them all posted where the doctor is."

Just as Twilight finished speaking, a loud thump could be heard throughout the building. Twilight looked at Starlight. "Did you hear that? It came from this way!" Twilight motioned the pink unicorn to follow her lead, to which Starlight obliged without hesitation.

The noise led them to a large, open room filled with many conveyor belts. There were many old umbrellas scattered all across each of the belts. A muffled moan could be heard from somewhere in the room, but it was too dark for either of them to see.

All of a sudden, light illuminated the room, blinding both Starlight and Twilight. "Get ready for a fight!" Twilight commanded her friend to brace herself.

Starlight's horn was already lit and ready to go. "Way ahead of you!"

When their eyes finally adjusted to the light, they were surprised to see no henchponies surrounding them. Instead, Applejack and Fluttershy entered the room.

"That oughta brighten things up a bit." Applejack said, having turned on the lights. "Ah take it y'all heard the noise as well?"

"Yeah, we actually thought we were about to be attacked by Anarchy's troops. You scared the daylights out of us!" Twilight sighed in relief.

"Oh, you wanna know scary?!" Rainbow stomped into the room. "Scary is what I am going to do to all of you for leaving me with the pink menace!" Rainbow scolded the girls.

Starlight glanced curiously around Rainbow. "Hey. Where is Pinkie Pie?" She asked confused.

Rarity walked into the room with a giant grin on her face. Pinkie followed behind her. Pinkie hopped happily towards the group. "Sooooo, are you all here to find out what that loud noise was too?"

Twilight nodded. "Actually, yes. We were just about to--"

A loud, muffled moan could once again be heard. It was coming from above them. The girls looked to one another. Then, they slowly looked up to see a cage dangling from a large chain in the center of the room. Inside the cage... was Doctor Hooves.

"I get it now. You want me to kill you! So that you won't have to suffer a lifetime in Tartarus!" Fierce Might assumed grimly.

Anarchy laughed evilly. "How about I make you a promise, huh? Just leave the keys in the door, and I promise that you won't get hurt too bad. Deal?"

Might approached the door. "Was that a threat?"

"I don't deal in petty threats. I deal in facts. The fact that Celestia is a power-hungry dictator. The fact that you're all puppets bending to her will. The fact... that if you step in this cell with me... only I will walk back out." Anarchy declared spitefully.

"Sounds like a challenge to me." Fierce replied pulling out the key to the villain's cell. "You're going to wish you chose your words more carefully."

"He's in here!" Rainbow exclaimed eagerly. "Hang on! We're gonna get you out."

Mmmm mmm mm mmmm!" Doctor Hooves tried to talk through the tape wrapped around his muzzle. Unfortunately, his efforts were fruitless.

"We need to find a key to open this cage up!" Dash reclaimed. She noticed a clock beside him. When she read it, she gasped. "Uhh, girls we only have five minutes left!"

"Alright girls! Spread out and look for the key! It's gotta be here somewhere!" Twilight commanded with urgency.

"Umm, Twilight... this note was pinned to the billboard back there." Fluttershy stated quietly.

Twilight quickly scanned the note. "It says that the key is inside one of the umbrellas in here."

"What?! But there's hundreds of umbrellas in here! How do we know which one has the key?!" Dash interjected furiously.

"It'll be the one with the Changeling design on it." Twilight added.

Just like that, the girls scattered the room looking for the specific parasol. After three and a half minutes, things were looking hopeless. None of them could find the key.

"It's not looking good! How much time do we have?" Starlight asked anxiously.

"One more minute!!!" Rainbow shouted, now in full-blown panic mode.

Pinkie was tossing some umbrellas aside, when she noticed a small blue light coming from underneath one of the piles. She dug through it to find the exact umbrella they were looking for with a blue glow stick keychain attached to it. "I found it! I found it! Rainbow, catch!" She tossed the parasol to Rainbow.

Rainbow quickly removed the key from the umbrella and began hastily unlocking the cage door. After some nervous fidgeting, she finally got the door open and pulled the doctor out. Twenty seconds remained on the clock. "There's no time to escape!" Rainbow exclaimed in pure terror.

"Everypony gather around!" Twilight ordered her friends. Without even a moment of hesitation, the girls cuddled up around Twilight. Ten seconds remaining. "Starlight! Help me cast a shield around us!" She called out to her unicorn friend. Starlight immediately fired up her horn and formed a dome around the group. Twilight reinforced Starlight's spell with her own. "Brace yourselves!"

5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

But there was no explosion. Instead, a bunch of confetti bombs went off. Gold confetti scattered throughout the room. Streamers fell from the ceiling, and party horns went off in unison. But no explosion...

"Wait, what just happened?" Rainbow questioned completely baffled.

"Pinkie... what did you do?" Twilight asked feeling equally confused.

Pinkie shrugged her shoulders. "It wasn't me!"

Twilight looked around the room. "I- I don't understand."

"Mmmm mm mm mmmmm!" Doctor Hooves grunted in another attempt to speak.

Fluttershy carefully removed the tape from around his mouth. "There! Are you alright?" She asked with concern.

"I'm fine! I tried to tell you..." The doctor said between breaths.

Twilight looked at him carefully. "It's okay! You're safe now. We're here to take you home!"

"You have more pressing matters to deal with at the moment." Hooves expelled dryly.

"What are you talking about?" Twilight quizzed eagerly.

"This whole thing was a trap. And you all walked right into it." the stallion responded.

Twilight looked up at her friends, then back to the doctor. "Trap? What do you--"

"Just think about it... Why would he give you his last bit of leverage? Why ask for you all specifically?" Hooves quizzed.

Twilight thought to herself. "To exchange for his freedom? But he would have asked to be freed before he handed him over. And he certainly wouldn't have gone through all of this trouble just to hand you over... unless..." Twilight's heart dropped.

"What? What is it, Twi?" Applejack asked fearfully.

Twilight swallowed nervously. "This was all a diversion to get us away from Canterlot."

The door to Anarchy's cell swung open. Fierce stepped in ready to eviscerate the prisoner he swore to guard. "Celestia will forgive me. I'll just tell her you were attempting to break out, and that I had no other choice."

Anarchy still sat on the metal bed frame. "I'm simply quivering in fear. Whatever shall I do?" The villainous pony mocked.

"You seem so sure of yourself. You didn't expect me to actually come in here, did you?" Might towered over Anarchy.

"Well, of course I did. In fact, I counted on it. You're the only one who has the keys to the cells around here. I just needed to goat you into unlocking mine." Anarchy stated cleverly.

"Time to shut you up... for good. You've got until the count of three to get your sorry ass up." Fierce threatened.

Anarchy cackled maniacally. "More games? Alright, then. One... Two... Three..."

Fierce raised his hoof to hit Anarchy, but before he could make contact, he was hit in the back of the head, knocking him down. He hit the floor hard. "Wh- What the? You? W-Why?" Might said trying not to pass out. Standing over him was Anarchy... and his fellow guard.

"Gasp! What a twist?! What you didn't see that comin'?" Anarchy teased. "I guess I should thank you. This would not have been anywhere near as easy without you... or as fun." Anarchy chuckled evilly. "But as I said earlier, I'm on a very tight schedule, so I'm gonna have to wrap this little game up. Until next time..." The gray stallion kicked the delirious guard directly in the jaw knocking him out cold. "...thanks for playing!"

Anarchy skipped out of his cramped cell and into the dungeon. He took a deep breath and smirked wickedly. "Smell that? That's freedom... that and I'm pretty sure he soiled himself after I kicked him." Anarchy stated to the guard that once watched over his cell. "What time is it, brother?"

"One minute 'til midnight, boss." the guard replied obediently.

"Fantastic! Time to kick this gala up a notch." Anarchy looked around the room. Two other guards approached Anarchy. "What do you say, boys? Ready to party?" The guards saluted the evil pony. Anarchy grinned sinisterly. The villain began singing. "Tell me exactly what am I supposed to do? Now that I have allowed you to beat me! Do you think that we could play another game? Maybe I can win this time? I kind of like the misery you put me through. Darling, you can trust me completely. If you even try to look the other way, I think that I could kill this time!♪" Anarchy laughed maliciously. "Alright! Let's go have a chat with the princess!"

Chapter 16: Party Crashers

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The Gala has been going on for nearly three hours. Celestia sat on her throne, lost in her own thoughts. Twilight and her friends had left the party with little to no warning. Hopefully, they are alright, wherever they ran off to.

Cadance approached the sun princess. "You look worried. You know that Twilight and her friends are more than capable of handling themselves. They will find that pony and bring him home safely." She reassured with confidence.

Celestia sighed. "I just can't help but feel that there is more to Anarchy's scheme than meets the eye." She rubbed her chin quizzically.

"Well, even if it is a trap, the girls will just have to get their hooves a little dirty. Anarchy's troops are not a problem for them. If they can take on a power-hungry tyrant and the spirit of chaos, I'm fairly certain they can handle a few bulky earth ponies." Cadance pointed out.

"I suppose you're right. It's still unfortunate that they had to miss out on most of the Gala." Celestia sympathized.

Cadance nodded in agreement. "I'm sure they will be even more happy to have saved that pony and brought him back safely."

Celestia smile optimistically. "Perhaps. We can make it up to them--"

"Sister!" Luna came bolting towards the other princesses.

"Luna! It's so good to see you out of that dusty old room at last!" Celestia stated in delight.

"Better late than never! The night's still young! There's still time to enjoy the party!" Cadance exclaimed happily.

Luna looked at the pink alicorn. "What? Oh, right the Gala. That's not of importance at the moment. Look, I found somethin--"

"I'm back! Sorry for leaving so abruptly!" Shining Armor apologized. "Flurry Heart was getting tired, so Sunburst and I brought her into one of the spare bedrooms to let her nap in peace. He's keeping an eye on her."

"One of the guards could have watched her. He could be out here enjoying the party." Cadance said feeling bad for the wizard.

"I tried telling him that, but he kept insisting. I think he is kinda disappointed. He was hoping to spend some time with Starlight, but she took off with the others." Shining replied.

"Oh, that's too bad. He really deserved to have some fun after all of the hard work he's been doing for the baby and us." Cadance stated with pity. She looked back over at Luna, who was looking a bit impatient. "Oh sorry! What was it you were saying?"

Luna pulled out a document and handed it to her sister. "I wasn't convinced that Anarchy was untraceable, so I dug a little deeper. I searched every cabinet in the archives. Including, the really old abandoned section."

Cadance looked at the night princess puzzled. "And you found something about him?"

"I did not... but I did find this document. Does that pony look familiar to you, sister?" Luna interrogated.

Celestia was shocked by what she was looking at. "This... this isn't possible. Where did you--"

"That's not all!" Luna stated, as she pulled out another document. "Look at this one, as well."

Celestia grabbed the paper from Luna. She scanned it carefully. Her jaw dropped. "But these two ponies... they look exactly like..."

"Anarchy's henchponies?" Luna finished for her elder sister.

"But this isn't possible... according to this, these ponies passed away from stage four brain cancer nearly a decade ago." Celestia could not believe what she was reading. "How are they walking around causing panic? On another note, how is there so many of them?"

"I haven't a clue." Luna responded in confusion.

Celestia thought to herself for a moment. "They are Earth ponies, so magic is out of the equation."

"What about the Mirror Pond? You and I both know about the truth in that legend." Luna theorized.

Celestia shook her head. "I don't think so. Twilight and her friends claimed to have sealed that up. Supposedly, there was some apocalyptic event caused by it that nearly destroyed Ponyville, so they shut it off at the source."

"Sounds terrifying!" Luna was curious as to who or what could have been so fearsome that they terrorized the entire town. Shrugging it off, she got back to the task at hand. "Well, I am stumped. Do you have any ideas?"

Celestia sighed with uncertainty. "I am just as lost as you. If it isn't magic, then what could it--"

Celestia was interrupted by a bunch of loud screams coming from outside. Cadance looked at her husband. "What was that?"

Shining slowly stepped up to the large door. Before he could open it, the door swung open. One of Celestia's royal guards barged in. "Your majesty! Anarchy's troops are storming the castle! We have to--"

The doors swung open once again. This time, dozens of Anarchy's crew rushed through the entrance and began attacking everypony in sight. Ponies were scattering all about. The room was being occupied by Anarchy's army at an alarming rate.

Celestia looked to the other two alicorns. They all knew what had to happen next. With Twilight and her friends far away from Canterlot, the princesses would have to defend the homefront themselves.

Celestia's horn started gleaming brightly as she readily charged her horn preparing to fire. A few of the minions darted toward her. She drew her horn back and shot two of them. One of the bald mares jumped on her back and tried to choke her out. Luckily, a couple of her guards were close by and saw the struggle. They immediately took action to aid their ruler. They yanked the pony off of her back and threw her at one of the support pillars. With no time to recuperate, the sun princess returned her attention back to the battle at hand.

Luna blasted a few pale stallions that were charging the throne. She then flew into the air and launched a massive attack at a larger group of henchponies. Her assault worked better than she had hoped, as it took out at least seven or eight of the enemies.

Cadance and Shining Armor were fighting back to back, not allowing their opposition to take them by surprise. As always, their teamwork was working tremendously. They managed to ward off a bunch of the henchponies, who were attacking the innocent ponies.

"Soldiers! Keep standing your ground! They may have us outnumbered, but we have the combat experience!" Shining commanded valiantly. His fellow guards followed his orders, fighting harder than they had before.

Celestia looked back at her sister. "We have to push them back, sister! If we can take back the castle, then we will have the upper hand!" She shot an incoming anarchist with extreme precision, tossing him back at least five feet.

Luna nodded in agreement. "Then, let's give it all we've got! No holding back!" The princess of the night lifted four of the evil ponies off of the ground with her magic and tossed them one by one at the hordes of them that were engaging the guards. She launched a beam, which took out a long line of Anarchy's soldiers. As quickly as she took them down, more of them took their place. She turned to fire in another direction, only to be tackled from the side by one of the large white stallions. A group of the white mares began stomping on her chest while she was down.

Celestia saw what was happening and snapped. In a fit of pure rage, she let loose a barrage of high powered blasts at her sister's attackers. Each blast hit its target sending them crashing down on the floor with brute force. She flew over to her sister. "Sister! Are you alright?!" She questioned worried for her well-being.

Luna was bleeding from her mouth. She winced in pain, looking over towards the epic battle that was ensuing around them. "Errgh... There's too many of them! We will have to change our course of attack, if we expect to win this battle." She coughed up a bit of blood.

Celestia shook her head in concern. "Luna, you can't keep fighting in your condition. You should seek cover. We can handle--"

"Don't lecture me about my well-being, sister! I can still fight!" Luna exclaimed boldly.

Her sister was unconvinced. "No! You can't! You are just going to get yourself killed! Quit trying to oppose me. I only want to help you!"

Luna grunted in annoyance. "Maybe I am in over my head. Maybe I am just putting on a brave face. And yes, maybe I shall die trying... But it is our duty as leaders to continuing fighting, despite how hopeless it may seem." Luna grimaced in pain, rubbing her damaged ribs. "I may be hurt, but I'm not dead yet. And if I can't help win this battle, then I shall perish trying." She smirked at her sister. "You want to help me? Then help me back up!"

Celestia looked into her sister's eyes. She knew that look. She was not going to change her mind anytime soon. If there was one thing she admired most about her sister, it was her fighting spirit. Her passion. She always felt that she was obligated to die for the citizens of Equestria as a sort of penance for the pain and suffering she caused as Nightmare Moon.

She smiled and extended her hoof to the blue alicorn. "You are so bull-headed. But since your mind is made up, then let's take a stand!"

Luna nodded and grasped her sister's hoof and struggled back to her hooves. She wiped a trickle of blood off of her bottom lip. Another group of anarchists began backing the two sisters against the wall. The siblings stood side by side, not showing any signs of being intimidated. They looked at one another, before looking back at their foes. "Together!" The sisters exclaimed in unison, as they began blasting pony after pony, taking them all on. One by one, the enemies were dropping like flies.

Though it seemed hopeless at first, the princesses slowly began gaining the advantage. But the battle was far from over. Shining noticed that they were trying to get further into the castle. His heart was beating hard, as he remembered that his daughter was in the castle. And she was definitely not heavily guarded. He ran over to his wife. "They are still coming in strong! You have to go get our daughter and get her out of here!" He interjected while hitting a stallion in the chest, dropping him hard.

"What about you?" Cadance asked, as she blasted two mares.

Shining kicked one of the anarchists in the stomach. He dodged a punch by another, and countered it with a left hook to the jaw. Then he picked the pony up with his magic and flung him at the other. "Our troops and I have this under control. Our daughter needs you more than we do at the moment. Get her to safety!" He saw his wife looking back at him with worried eyes. "I can handle these punks. But if anything were to happen to you or the baby, I would never forgive myself!"

Cadance thought for a few moments before sighing. "Just... make it back to me... okay?"

Shining lifted up her chin and planted a kiss on her lips. When he pulled away, he looked her in the eyes once more. "I always do."

Cadance began trotting away, but not before turning back around. "And, Shining... Show them how it's done!"

Shining gave his wife a determined smile. "Don't I always?"

Cadance smiled. Then, she ran deeper into the castle. She was surprised to see that the halls were empty for the most part. Now, she had to find which room her daughter was in. She went to each door, and looked in each room. She searched frantically, hoping that her daughter was still safe. Perhaps, Sunburst had grabbed the baby and evacuated her out of here. At this point, the pink alicorn was just trying to ease her thoughts, but it was rather difficult, due to the nature of the situation.

Finally, Cadance approached the final bedroom at the furthest end of the hall. She did not hesitate to burst through the door. Once she entered, she was relieved to see Sunburst's trademark blue wizard cape and hat leaning over the sleeping baby's crib.

She sighed in relief. "Oh thank goodness! Sunburst, we have to get Flurry Heart out of here! The castle's under attack! Anarchy's goons have taken over! Are you two here alone? What happened to the guards that were supposed to be posted at the door?" She asked anxiously. There was no response from Sunburst. Cadance thought that perhaps he just didn't hear her. "Sunburst? Did you hear me? We have to go!" Still no response. She was starting to become a bit nervous. She could hear the baby moan in her sleep, but Sunburst was silent. She walked up to him and patted him on the back. "Sunburst?" She slowly turned him to face her. When she finally got him turned around, she gasped in horror. It wasn't Sunburst under that wizard getup.

"Surprise!" Anarchy exclaimed wickedly, spraying the alicorn with a mysterious purple mist. He laughed maniacally, as he removed Sunburst's mage robe and hat. Two of his crew walked out of the closet within the room and surrounded the pink alicorn. Anarchy trotted up to her giddily. "Princess Cadance! It is so delightful to see you again!"

Cadance's paternal instincts kicked in as she prepared to strike him down with her magic. But there was something wrong... Her magic... wasn't working. To make matters worse, she couldn't move a muscle either. She couldn't even open her mouth to speak. She was completely frozen in place. Unable to help her child, who lied dormant in her crib. All she could do was listen and watch as Anarchy tormented her.

Anarchy smiled at his handiwork. "You know. When I was a young colt, I used to love reading comic books. I found that they were a gateway to escaping the harshness of reality." He lectured to the frozen princess. "Ponies with superpowers performing incredible feats, all for the sake of protecting the common good."

The villain picked up a chair and sat in front of her. "But I'll admit, what I really enjoyed was the struggles that our beloved heroes had to endure to defend the peace. The 'bad guys' would come along and make their nefarious intentions known to the world and the 'good guys' would stand up above all else to stop them."

He brushed the alicorn's hair out of her face, so he could get a better look at her eyes. "Of course the good guys would always win because we are supposed to believe that good always triumphs over evil. But the bad guys never made it easy. Even with superpowers, the heroes would still have their word cut out for them. No matter how powerful our hero was, they always had something to make them vulnerable."

Anarchy looked over at the baby, who was still sound asleep. Then, he looked back to Cadance, who at this point wanted to tear his head off. "What do you think of my spray? It was inspired by a comic book villain. The Mane-iac! The Power Ponies' most dangerous nemesis! Hairspray Ray of Doom! Sounds silly, I know. But the concept wasn't too far off. It just needed a little... dose of reality..."

The evil stallion leaned forward in his chair until he was face-to-face with the crystal princess. He smirked, noticing the fear in her eyes. "Yes, I did love my comics... but I knew full well what they were designed for. They were created to give you a false sense of hope. To steer you away from the real world. And the real world... is a much more terrifying place. The corruption is real. The danger is real. The bad guys are real. And the good guys... well... they are nowhere to be found... until now."

Anarchy pointed to the baby's crib. "You see, that child is the hero this world needs. The face of change... the bringer of a new world order. A world of true harmony. A world where creatures can express who they really are without fear of being imprisoned unjustfully. A world without tyrants. Do you get it now? She is the dynamite needed to tear down this corrupt system... I just happen to be the match that will light it up."

The villain gave a sinister grin. "I promised you, didn't I? That I would make a believer out of one of you princesses? True, it will take some time, a lot of discipline, and a bit of patience. But in a few short years, I will have her scorning the very crown that has so corrupted this beautiful world of ours. And rightfully so. How else will she lead the rebellion against Equestria's dictators?" He cackled insanely, as he stood from his chair.

"Well, it's been fun, but I'm afraid that I'm going to have to cut our visit short. I hear that the castle is under attack. Wouldn't want the baby to be caught in the crossfire, now would we?" Anarchy teased viciously. He looked into Cadance's eyes once again. They were glistening with tears. All the rage within was long gone and replaced by pure genuine terror. "Don't you worry yourself too much, my dear. I will take good care of her. I'll raise her like she is my own." As he said this, tears began pouring down the alicorn's cheeks.

Cadance's mouth finally loosened up a little from the spray's hold. She still had trouble opening her mouth, but she could at least speak. "There's one problem with your plan."

"Oh? And what might that be?" the evil pony quizzed.

"My husband, Luna, and Celestia are all at the entrance of the castle. If they see you with her, they will stop you before you can even say a word." Cadance was tearing up in anger. "There is no escape. Just surrender now."

Anarchy looked at his two henchponies, then back at Cadance. "You hear that, boys? Sounds like she has us all figured out! She's right... Whatever shall we do? We should surrender now! I don't know about you, but I don't want Shining Armor to beat me up! Oh, woe is me!" Anarchy exclaimed putting his hoof on his forehead dramatically.

"Aaaaand scene!" Anarchy bowed as his henchponies clapped at his performance. "Haven't you learned by now, princess? We're full of surprises...." Anarchy clapped his hooves. On cue, his crew began... changing. Changing from the bald, white stallions to members of Celestia's royal guard. Cadance couldn't believe her eyes. Anarchy laughed as he inspected his new guards. "Excellent work, boys! Lookin' good!"

Cadance felt her heart sink. "Y-you... you're... changelings?"

"Well, they are." Anarchy pointed out. "But, I on the other hand..."

Suddenly, Anarchy began to change. But it wasn't into a guard as she had anticipated. No. What he changed into frightened her more. She watched as he changed into... her. Once the transformation was complete, he did a little twirl. "What do you think? Not a bad likeness, huh?"

Cadance's heart was beating fast, her fear engulfing her mind. "B-but you said you weren't--"

"...a changeling? Not exactly... I'm sort of a freak of nature... Half pony... and half changeling. Mommy was a changeling, and daddy was an Earth pony. Long story short, I'm the best of both worlds!" Anarchy laughed, all the while sounding and looking exactly like the princess, herself. "Now I know what you're thinking... Chrysalis has already done this! Wanna know the difference between us? I will actually get away with it!"

Cadance began sobbing violently. "Please! Don't take my baby! She doesn't deserve this! Take me instead! Anything but her, please!" Her tears formed a small puddle on the floor.

"Tempting... nah! No offense, Mi Amore, but the world needs fresh blood. You had your chance!" Anarchy picked the baby up and held her in his arms. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a new world order to raise!" Anarchy walked to the door. One of the guards sprayed Cadance once more so that she couldn't do anything once again. She watched helplessly as her baby was being carried away. Before leaving, Anarchy stuck his head through the door one last time. "Oh, and don't you worry! This won't be the last time you see her... but the next time you two meet, she'll be trying to kill you!" Anarchy laughed evilly, as he closed the door to the bedroom, locking it behind him.

Anarchy began running down the hall, the baby tucked in his arm. He ran back through the castle, until finally he stood in the throne room. It was certainly as bad as Cadance was describing it. Speaking of which, he spotted Cadance's husband, Shining, fighting off a few of his crew. Shining saw him and ran up to him.

"Cadance! Thank, Celestia, you're both safe! There's a royal carriage waiting to escort you and the baby out of here! Go! I'll clear the way for you!" Shining exclaimed while taking down two more anarchists.

Anarchy nodded as he ran past Armor and out the door of the castle. He was in the clear! Now all he had to do was get to the carriage. A bunch of guards ran past him, clearing his way to the golden carriage parked at the bottom of the stairs leading to the castle. Anarchy ran, taking care as to not drop the baby. Once he got to the carriage, he got in immediately. His two guards followed him to the cart. They knocked out Luna's guards, who were originally going to pull the cart. They quickly gained control of the vehicle. Anarchy pounded on the door of the carriage to get his henchponies' attention. "Let's get going!" He commanded eagerly. Without hesitation, the cart began moving at full speed away from Canterlot Castle.

With Cadance and his daughter in the clear, Shining was now fighting with a clear head. Luna and Celestia were working flawlessly as a team, despite a few minor setbacks along the way. As a result, Anarchy's crew was beginning to fallback, sensing that they were outmatched.

After about thirty minutes, the battle began to turn in Celestia's favor. A female voice could be heard commanding Anarchy's troops. "Fallback! Soldiers of Anarchy! Fallback! We shall live to fight another day!" Commander Firefly demanded, pulling her soldiers off of the battlefield. And just like that, Anarchy's crew retreated back to the shadows from whence they came.

Celestia sat down on her throne, panting heavily after the long fight. Luna collapsed onto the floor, out of both pain and exhaustion, having pushed her body beyond its limits. Shining sighed, but refused to let his guard down. His job prevented him from getting his hopes up to easily. He scanned the castle, which was now a total wreck, to see if there were any other evil ponies still present. When it was finally confirmed that it was all clear, then he could, at last, catch his breath. At last they had won the battle...

...little did he know the war was far from over.

Chapter 17: Played

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The castle was silent after what felt like an eternity of hectic fighting. The royal guards were hard at work assisting all those who needed medical attention. Shining watched on helplessly as ponies were carted off to the nearby hospital. Dozens of innocent ponies, who were just there for the Gala, had been assaulted mercilessly by Anarchy's goons.

Celestia helped her sister onto a stretcher. "You fought valiantly, little sister. You've made everyone proud." She praised as she held her sister's hoof.

Luna looked up at the sun princess. "I hardly call that a win. Anarchy's troops merely retreated. They could be back at any time." Luna winced as a sharp pain shot through her body.

"Don't you worry about that right now. Just focus on getting better." Celestia insisted with concern. The medical personnel wheeled her stretcher away, leaving Celestia behind them.

The white alicorn looked at her throne room, which was completely trashed. It would take weeks to fix all the damage done to her castle. Celestia was still trying to comprehend the whole ordeal. It all happened so fast! Was this Anarchy's attempt at seizing her castle?

At that moment, Celestia had a terrifying thought. She gestured to a few of her guards. They immediately stood before her, ready for her command. "I need you to head to the dungeon! Make sure Anarchy is still there!" She ordered anxiously. The guards saluted her and took off to the dungeon.

Shining Armor approached the princess. "We managed to keep them in the throne room. Not to mention, we had several guards posted down there. There's no way he could have escaped."

Celestia glanced up at the prince. "We have underestimated him time and time again. I refuse to give myself and my subjects any more false hopes. No... I have to know for certain!" She explained seriously.

Shining nodded in comprehension. "I get it. I just don't think--"

Celestia's guards returned with a brutally beaten guard. Shining stared in disbelief at the sight of his injured comrade. "Fierce... what happened down there?"

The stallion could barely keep his eyes open. Blood trickled down his forehead and chin. He could barely move his mouth, appearing to have broken his jaw. "He... played... us..." He managed to mutter, as the guards assisted him out of the castle.

Princess Celestia felt powerless. She tried desperately to stay calm. Her mind was a jumble of emotions. Anger and self-loathing began to settle in. He was here! She had him imprisoned in her own castle. How could he just slip through her hooves like this? For the first time in a long time, she truly felt defeated.

Shining saw the princess struggling with her own thoughts. "We will find him. As you've told me many times before, you just need to be patient."

Celestia shook her head in disbelief. "His forces overwhelmed us... We are supposed to be the protectors of Equestria! How do we expect to defend the ponies of Equestria if we can't even defend ourselves?"

The white stallion had never seen Celestia like this. She was normally the calm and collected one, who always had a plan. Now, she was completely helpless. He had to bring her back. "We can win! We just have to--"

A loud shriek could be heard from within the castle. Celestia and Shining both jumped to their hooves. The sun princess looked at him anxiously. "Is it just me or did that sound a lot like--"

"Cadance?!" Shining shouted nervously, as he ran in the direction of the scream. He ran through the castle as fast as he could in search of the source. He rounded a corner and that's when he saw her... his wife. She was still here? He knew for a fact that he saw his wife leave the castle. But, why was she here now?

Cadance looked up and saw her husband running toward her. She couldn't hold back her tears. She even lost her will to stand. She felt her legs give way, as she dropped to the ground.

Shining wrapped his wife in a tight embrace. He tried to comfort her to the best of his ability. He ran his hoof through her mane, brushing it tenderly in an attempt to soothe her. He looked down at her. "Are you hurt? Why are you here? What happened?" He showered her with questions, which ultimately was not his greatest idea.

Cadance began sobbing uncontrollably. "H-he took her..." She mumbled quietly.

The prince looked at his wife uneasily. "Took who? What are you talking about?"

The pink alicorn stood up. "I tried to g-get her out of h-here. H-He got to her f-first. It's all my fault!" She exclaimed shakily. More tears poured down her face.

Shining tried hugging his wife again, but she pushed away from his embrace. He was surprised by her rejection. "Cadance, whatever happened, you can't blame yourself. Just tell me--"

"He took our daughter, Shining! He has our baby!" Cadance finally snapped. She fell back down once again. "That monster has our little girl!" She cried inconsolably.

Shining felt his heart drop. He started tearing up. "W-What? He... but I saw you and her leave the castle... How could he--"

"They were changelings... He tricked all of us..." Cadance managed to say through her sobbing.

Shining stared blankly at his wife. It took a few moments for what she said to sink in. As it did, tears of his own fell from his eyes. He couldn't believe it. His baby... was gone...

Celestia came from around the corner followed by Twilight and her friends. They all looked at the sad scene ahead of them. Twilight walked up to her brother. She saw something in his eyes that she had never seen before. Pure terror. She looked down at Cadance, who was too emotionally distressed to even acknowledge her presence. Twilight felt her throat go dry. "What happened?

"You see? I told you that everything would go as planned." Anarchy stated in a hushed tone, minding the sleeping infant in his arms.

"I never doubted you, sir. I was more unsure of myself." Firefly said softly.

Anarchy smirked. "Unsure of yourself? My dear, Firefly. What is it that I always tell you about self-doubt?"

Firefly rubbed her neck. "Follow your orders and everything will be okay..." She recalled.

"Precisely. And besides, I knew you could do it. I wouldn't have put you in charge if I didn't trust your ability to lead." Anarchy pointed out.

The commander gazed at her boss knowingly. "You put so much faith in me. I'm just an ordinary changeling. What if I had failed?"

"Then I would have enjoyed your company in Tartarus..." Anarchy claimed coyly, causing them both to laugh. the villain wiped a laugh-induced tear from his eye. "And you are no ordinary changeling... no, you are more than that..."

Firefly blushed ferociously. "I only follow orders. I'm no different than any of the others."

"Such modesty... I don't trust my life with just anyone. You have proven your dedication to me time and time again. And now, my dream can finally be realized! We will raise young Flurry Heart here to be the savior Equestria needs." Anarchy declared boldly.

"There are four alicorns besides her. She is severely outnumbered, not to mention outgunned. How could she possibly take them all down?" Firefly asked puzzled.

Anarchy grinned wickedly. "She doesn't have to... They won't attack their own flesh and blood... Even if Celestia sees her as a threat, the others won't allow her to hurt Flurry. And if she ever did, Mommy Cadance would strike her down." the evil pony brushed the baby's hair gently. "No matter what happens, I win."

Firefly glanced dreamily at him. "You thought of everything... How do you do it?"

Anarchy thought to himself for a moment. "We live in a world where power dictates who rules it. Ponies will claw and kick their way just to assume a place next to the throne. Because the closer you are to the throne, the closer you are to power. It is all one big struggle to seize Equestria. And no one will hesitate to take you out, when you stand in the way of their ascension to power. In this world, you have to either adapt or perish..."

The changeling commander rubbed her chin curiously. "So, the plan is to put an end to Celestia and take the throne?"

Anarchy shook his head. "The plan is to eradicate the throne. The world belongs to the creatures that occupy it. Not by those who hold the most power. Let the ponies choose how to dictate their own lives."

"And if they don't agree with each other, then what?" Firefly quizzed.

"The only thing that solves all conflicts... war..." He responded with no hesitation.

"War? Aren't we trying to bring peace?" the changeling questioned.

"Si vis pacem para bellum." Anarchy replied instantaneously.

Firefly looked at Anarchy in confusion. "What?"

"It's a Latin expression." the villain explained.

"What does it mean?" Firefly asked in wonder.

Anarchy looked at the baby, then grinned. "If you want peace, prepare for war."

Firefly nodded in comprehension. She looked at Flurry Heart sleeping soundly in her boss's arms. She smiled in adoration. "May I hold her?"

Anarchy handed the child over to her. "Be my guest."

Everyone has gathered in Celestia's throne room to discuss the terrible events that had just occurred. Cadance was understandably quiet. She just kept sobbing quietly to herself. Shining held her close. Just the sight of his wife in this state was enough to make him want to cry as well. Of course, his daughter being taken didn't help either.

"He wanted to be caught. He wanted to be thrown in the dungeon. He even timed everything just right. Not to mention, he predicted how we were going to act. I just have one question... how did he do it?" Twilight questioned hopelessly.

"Maybe he can see into the future!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Yeah... I don't think that is possible, Pinkie. But I have to admit, it would start to make sense of this all..." She admitted with uncertainty.

Starlight stepped forward. "He seems to know everything about us. All of us. Our strengths. Our weaknesses. Even our past. It's not clairvoyance. It's psychology." The pink unicorn proposed.

Shining Armor snapped. "I don't care what it is! He has our daughter! And now, we are at his mercy!"

Twilight looked at the group. "Unfortunately, he's right. And that's what hurts the most." Twilight lowered her head in defeat. "I underestimated him... severely. And now Flurry Heart is paying for it. That is on me."

"Twilight, it isn't your fault. We all fell for his tricks." Fluttershy stated with emphasis.

Applejack put her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "Fluttershy's right. Y'all aren't alone in all this! We're a team! We just need to work together!"

Twilight sighed in grievance. "I've failed you all so many times... What if I--"

"Enough!" Celestia interjected stunning everyone in the room. Twilight couldn't recall the last time she heard the princess raise her voice in such a manner. The white unicorn took a deep breath. "Twilight... you know that I've always valued your input. Besides Luna, there is no one I trust more than you, my student. But as of recently, you have been letting your losses get the best of you. Failure doesn't determine who you are. It merely serves to guide you." Celestia knelt down in front of her protege. "By letting your defeats get the better of you, you are setting yourself up to fall once again. It is through failure, that we learn how to better ourselves." She sat up and looked down at her student. "I know at times, it feels as though the weight of the world is on our shoulders. But you don't have to carry it alone. Do you remember what you stand for?"

Twilight thought to herself quietly. Her mentor's wisdom awoke something inside of her. She gazed up at her friends with determination in her eyes. "I... no... we are the ones who defeated Nightmare Moon. The same ponies who defeated Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, and Tirek. Sure, there were moments where things looked bleak, but through it all we stood strong. Friends that embody the very ideals that Equestria was built on. The keepers of peace. The guardians of harmony..."

Celestia smiled at her student. Her friends all looked at her in awe. The silence was finally broken by Rainbow Dash. "Nice speech, though it was a bit dramatic, don't ya, think?"

Twilight giggled. "Maybe a little, but I stand by what I said!"

"That's the Twilight we all know and love!" Rarity exclaimed joyfully.

Shining sighed shamefully. "I'm sorry for snapping on all of you. I know it isn't your fault. I just can't--"

"It's alright, big brother. Nopony is blaming you for reacting the way you are. But, we need to focus all of our attention on getting her back." Twilight interrupted her brother.

Shining wiped a tear from his eye. "You're right, Twily. So what's the plan?"

Twilight rubbed her chin quizzically. "Let's just start with what we know." She conjured up a quill and paper to begin doing what she does best. Making a list. "He is remarkably smart. He is cunning. He has an army of changelings ready and willing to do his bidding. Not to mention, he is a changeling himself!"

"Almost sounds like you admire this guy, Twilight..." Spike huffed at her.

Twilight facehoofed herself. "I do not! But if we are going to figure out how to beat him, we need to list every single thing we have come to know about him. Does anypony in here have any objections about how I've described him so far?" She looked around the room for any sign of opposition. Not surprisingly, they all agreed with what she had said. Twilight let a proud smirk appear on her face. "Good! At least we're being honest here!"

Pinkie raised her hoof, as if she were in school waiting to be called on by the teacher. Twilight rolled her eyes. "Yes, Pinkie?"

Pinkie clapped her hooves gleefully. "I was just wondering... If Anarchy is half changeling and half Earth pony, then he isn't really a changeling, is he? More like a Changepony. Or, oh! How about an Earthling? Which do you think sounds better? Changepony or--"

"Oh, dear Celestia! It's the cherrychanga thing all over again! For the love of all that is holy make it stop!" Rainbow Dash cried out in agony.

Pinkie looked at the blue pegasus in confusion. "Umm... Rainbow. Are you alright?"

"Of course, she is, darling. Here! I brought you some yarn to play with!" Rarity gestured the pink party pony.

Pinkie shrieked in delight. "Yay! I love yarn!" Pinkie propped up in front of the white unicorn as she rolled the ball of pink yarn in the other direction, causing Pinkie to chase it hypnotically.

"Thanks, Rare! I don't know how much more I could take!" Rainbow sighed in relief.

Twilight shook her head in disbelief. "Can we get back on track here?" She asked rhetorically. "Anyway, as I was saying, we need to think. What else do we know about him?"

"Well, we know that he loves bein' in the spotlight." Applejack said in annoyance.

"That's true. Perhaps we can use that to our advantage." Twilight stated confidently. "I mean, if we can lure him out somehow, we might be able to catch him yet again."

Celestia nodded. "That may work... but we will need a bit more than that to go on."

"You're right. Anypony have an idea?" the purple alicorn questioned the group.

They all sat in silence. Everyone in the room was in deep thought trying to come up with any solution to their problem. Unfortunately, they were having no luck. Twenty minutes pass and after passing around a few thoughts, they were still no closer to forming a plan.

Twilight huffed in disappointment. "Ugh! This is ridiculous! He's just one pony! How could he stump us like this?"

Spike patted his friend on the back. "It's okay, Twilight. We'll think of something eventually. It's like you always tell me. Patience is a virtue. I mean, it's not like the answer is going to come bursting through that door..." He claimed as he pointed to the entrance of the room.

Just as Spike finished his statement, the front door opened. "Hey everypony! It's me, Thorax! You know, the changeling that doesn't want to enslave you all?" The young changeling stepped into the room.

Spike looked down at his claw in wonder. "Woah... Twilight... I think... I think I'm a wizard!" Spike then pointed to the table in front of him. "And a giant pile of gems won't just appear on a silver platter in front of me!" He shouted into the air. Sadly, his luck didn't hold up. The young drake frowned with disappointment.

"Did I miss something or what?" Thorax asked in confusion.

Twilight giggled in delight. "Not really. Spike's just being silly." She looked at the dragon, who stuck his tongue out at her in annoyance. "But, you did show up during our time of need."

Thorax smiled. "Oh, that's good to hear. Is there any way I can help you all? I mean, I still owe you for what you did for me!" The changeling replied gratefully.

"You don't owe us anything. It is the least we could do for being so judgmental of you before." Twilight felt more in debt to him than she did anything else.

Thorax raised his hoof. "I insist, princess! Tell me what's going on."

Twilight looked to her friends, who were ready to welcome any ideas at this point. She turned back to her changeling friend. "Well, I'm sure you're aware by now of the troubles we've been having lately..."

He thought to himself for a moment. "Yeah, I remember hearing something about a pony causing trouble around Ponyville recently. But I thought he had been apprehended already."

"He was... But as it turns out, that is exactly what he wanted. Hours ago, he escaped... and he took my niece with him." Twilight stared at the floor gloomily.

Thorax's eyes went wide with shock. "Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry to hear that."

The princess looked back up at him. "Thank you. But we aren't here to grieve about it. We're here to get her back." Twilight declared boldly.

Thorax gave a determined smile. "And now so am I! Count me in!"

Twilight's eyes lit up happily. But she wasn't too quick to accept his help. She had to be sure. "Are you sure? You really don't have to risk your own safety..."

"And what? Let this guy keep that little filly away from her real family? No way! I'm in this, whether you want me or not!" Thorax insisted without hesitation.

Shining Armor looked at the changeling. "Thank you. I owe you big time..."

Thorax chuckled. "Now if we keep going back and forth like this, we'll never be out of debt! How about we leave it at that's what friends do?"

"Sounds good to me." Shining agreed letting out a laugh as well.

Thorax smirked, before turning his attention back to Twilight. "So, what's the plan, princess?"

Twilight smiled. "Well first of all, we need to get you up to speed on who we are dealing with." Twilight levitated a few articles of newspaper over to the changeling.

Thorax gazed at each of the articles. He couldn't believe what he was reading. Theft? Arson? Ponynapping? This was definitely no ordinary bad guy they were dealing with. "This guy is the real deal, isn't he?"

"What do you mean?" Starlight asked curiously.

Thorax shook his head, realizing how he must have sounded. "Oh, I didn't mean... I only meant that there are always bad guys talking about doing bad things all the time. They never really do anything. This one actually means business."

Starlight remembered what she was like, before Twilight had reached out to her. She giggled in realizing how correct his statement really was. "I suppose you're right."

"Now that you know what we're up against, are you still with us?" Twilight questioned.

The changeling looked at the newspapers once more, then he glanced back up at her. "What is my mission?"

"I admire your determination." Twilight replied respectfully. "It turns out that Anarchy and his henchponies are all changelings as well. Does that change your mind?"

He looked nervously at the ponies around the room. "Hey, I'm on your side! I never claimed that all changelings are as nice as me! I will do whatever I can to help you!"

Celestia stood from her seat. "Why would changelings be following Anarchy's orders anyway? Shouldn't they be serving their queen?"

Thorax didn't even realize that the princess of the sun was even in the room. Needless to say, she caught him off guard. "Uhhh... I... erm... You see..." He muttered incoherently. He took a minute to gather his thoughts before continuing. "Much like myself, a lot of changelings left the nest to get away from our Queen's evil influence. A majority of us just want to be left alone to and live in peace." He tapped on his chin thoughtfully. "However, there were also those who left seeking redemption against ponykind for all of the things they've done to them."

"And what have ponies done to them exactly?" Celestia posed quizzically.

"Princess, I mean no disrespect!" Thorax apologized. "It isn't what I think! There are just those who believe that you all left us to starve. They don't realize that there is another way, without all of the violence!"

Princess Celestia sighed. "I understand. I am not upset at you. But they must understand that I do what I do to defend my home. Anyone who tries to cause harm to any of my subjects must be dealt with."

"I understand as well, your majesty." The changeling stated. "I just think that this Anarchy fellow has them brainwashed into thinking that this is how they can exact their revenge."

"That makes sense. But it doesn't change the fact that they hurt innocent ponies under his guidance. And thus, they must be dealt with." Celestia frowned as she sat back down in her throne.

At that moment, Thorax realized that he was going to be helping Twilight, at the expense of his fellow changelings. "It's alright. I will do what it takes. What am I going to be doing?"

Twilight nodded in affirmation. "Anarchy's henchponies have taken the form of a bald, white stallion. It won't be too hard for you to slip in as one of them. You blend in with them, and follow them right back to their headquarters."

Thorax rubbed his chin. "That sounds pretty foolproof... but there is one minor problem. How will we know where he will strike next? Or even if he will strike next?"

Twilight thought to herself. Then, she got an idea. "Applejack, isn't the Summer Harvest Parade coming up?"

"Sure is! Applebloom has been waitin' for it for three months now! Even Babs is comin' down from Manehattan to see it!" the country pony exclaimed giddily.

Twilight clapped her hooves together. "Great! Now we just need to find some way to draw his attention to it..."

"Oh! I think I know how we can get his attention!" Rainbow Dash quickly intervened. She looked around the room. She spotted Pinkie Pie in a corner rolling the ball of yarn around, as if she were some kind of overly hyperactive pink feline. She flew over to the pink pony. "Hey, Pinkie. How would you like to help make the largest 'Anarchy sucks' parade float of all time?" She asked deviously.

Pinkie lit up like a Fourth of July firecracker. "Yippee! That sounds soooo fun!" Pinkie gasped after realizing something. "I just got a better idea! What if we all made one?"

Rainbow looked at Pinkie in admiration. "I like the way you're thinking!" She gave the pink party pony a high-five (high-hoof?).

Twilight thought about it for a second. "So instead of a Summer Harvest Parade... we should have a--"

"Anarchy Sucks Parade!" Rainbow interjected with laughter.

The girls all laughed at the idea. Even Twilight found it humorous. But she had to admit... it was a good idea... a very good idea.

Rainbow finally stopped laughing after what felt like five minutes. "Whew! Yeah, that would be funny!"

"More than that... It would draw Anarchy out." Twilight stated seriously.

Rainbow chuckled again. "You do know that I was joking, right?"

"But I'm not! Think about it! Anarchy prides himself on being the center of attention. Why don't we give him a hoof with that?" Twilight inquired confidently.

Starlight was even starting to agree with the purple alicorn. "Actually, that is a brilliant idea! We can get the Ponyville press to start circulating the news about the parade and eventually, it will reach Anarchy. He will come out of hiding to ambush the parade, but we will be there to get him. When he finds out that it is a setup, he will retreat as he always does. That is when Thorax slips in and follows him home."

"This may very well work. But we will need to get started right away!" Twilight affirmed eagerly.

The group looked at one another. Then, they all smiled and nodded.

"I can give word to some of the press to spread the word about the parade. With my influence, word will travel fast!" Celestia added as she rose from her throne. She immediately took off to get a hold of her contacts.

"The rest of us shall get started on getting the town ready for the parade." Rarity said with determination.

"Let's get to it y'all!" Applejack exclaimed with confidence.

The friends all cheered as they made their way out of the castle to begin their scheme. They had their word cut out for them, but with what is on the line, they knew that they must do whatever it takes. Flurry Heart will be brought back home. No matter what.

Chapter 18: Ambush

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"I don't mind tending to the baby, but I have to ask... Is changing to Cadance really necessary?" Firefly asked as she changed from the princess to her typical changeling appearance.

Anarchy chuckled at her question. "Of course it is. If we want little Flurry Heart to despise her and the other princesses, we have to give her a little hope first. She will be raised by her cruel and abusive mother for a few years. And just when she thinks that there is no hope, I will be there to pick up the pieces. I will give her a purpose in life. I'll teach her all that I know. She will dedicate her life to bringing down the rulers of Equestria."

He put his front leg around the commander's shoulder, causing her to blush slightly. "Imagine it. A world where creatures of all kinds can live together. Free to express their special talents however they wish. No matter what that talent may be." He gazed down at his own cutie mark.

Firefly pictured his dream becoming a reality... and it was truly beautiful. Then again, in her eyes, anything he did was a work of art. "I'm so happy for you! You have planned this for years, and now, your moment is finally here!"

The villain looked back at her and grinned. "Isn't it fascinating? How ponies choose to define their lives by singular moments? Whether it be marriage, the birth of a child, or even finding out that they have a terminal illness. To most, the quality of their lives is determined by the amount of good things that happens to them. If only they knew..."

"If only they knew what?" Firefly asked curiously.

Anarchy looked at her with a serious expression. "The bad moments shape who you are as well. Take me for example... Do you think I got where I am because I was happy all my life? Spoiler alert... my life sucked!"

The evil pony walked over to the large window in his office. He glanced through it, observing the city ponies going about their daily routines. "I have had to claw and kick my way to get to where I am! My parents were not around to see me through my childhood. I raised myself! No one loved me! No one cared what happened to me. And you know what... I could not have asked for more!"

A wicked smile appeared on Anarchy's face. "Through all of the doubt... all of the hate... despite being told I was destined for nothing... here I stand on the pinnacle of a new world order! Everything I have worked to achieve has become a reality, and now I lead a revolution that will change the surface of Equestria forever!" He turned back to face Firefly. "So you see? Moments don't define you... How you overcome the obstacles that life throws at you, that is what makes you who you are."

Firefly looked at her boss thoughtfully. "How do you do it? How do you remain so strong, despite the world being against you?"

Anarchy opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by another one of his soldiers. "Forgive my interruption, sir. But you may want to see this." The changeling assured bluntly, as he held a newspaper up to his leader.

Anarchy took the newspaper and read the headline.

'Anarchy Sucks' Festival To Be Held Tomorrow In Ponyville

Anarchy read the paper with wide, fire-filled eyes. Firefly looked on as she saw her master's change in expressions. She had never seen such a flurry of emotions go through him in all of the years she had worked for him.

After about two minutes of silent reading, Anarchy revealed a spiteful smirk. "You want to know how I remain strong?" the villain asked inquisitively. He handed the newspaper over to Firefly and gestured to the front page. "Rather than living for a moment... I live for now." He walked out of his office and proceeded to the barracks, where his troops awaited his command.

He pulled out an air horn and sounded it off for all to hear. Immediately, all soldiers were standing at attention to their boss. Anarchy grinned as he walked around the room. "It certainly has been one helluva week for us. Making statements... defying authority... doing what we want to do! It has been a barrel of laughs watching them run around helplessly, hasn't it? Like the saying goes, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull colt.' And I do believe that... but do you want to know what's not funny?" Anarchy gestured to Firefly, who had just walked into the room. She walked beside him and held up the newspaper.

"It appears Celestia thinks we are some kind of joke! Now let me get this out of the way... I could care less about what they say about me. Their opinions are irrelevant and useless. And this festival is quite simply the last act of a desperate pony. No, it doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I find it rather pitiful. What upsets me... is that they are taking us for a bunch of fools..."

Anarchy grabs the paper and tears it to shreds in front of his army. "They expect us to fall for such a pathetic ploy. Apparently, they have forgotten with whom they are dealing with. This is clearly an ambush in disguise. A very poor one, but a disguise no less. Now we could easily ignore this whole fiasco, and just go about our usual routine... but where's the fun in that?"

Firefly looked at him in confusion. "What are you suggesting, sir?"

The villainous stallion jumped onto one of the desks in the room. He stood tall over the enormous swarm of changelings. "I'm saying... let's spring their trap!" He exclaimed giddily. A bunch of his soldiers looked at him with uncertainty. He raised one of his eyebrows. "My brothers and sisters... you aren't doubting me... are you?" He glared around the room, making everyone in the room cringe nervously. Then, he laughed deviously. "You need not worry about a thing. I would never lead you astray! I have a plan to turn the tables, should they feel froggy enough to jump..."

Firefly saw the doubt in all their eyes. He had not been wrong before. In fact, he has never been wrong. Why would they doubt him? "Hey! All of you! Listen up!" She snapped angrily. All of the troops looked at her in shock. Even, Anarchy looked at her with surprise. "How dare you question an order from your superior! After all he has done for you, you should be stepping up without hesitation! He has never led you wrong! Without his guidance, we would still be slaves to a deluded queen who doesn't care about us! To her, we were disposable! Has he ever thrown any of you out like garbage?" The crowd shook their heads in response. "Then, why question him now? He wants what we all want... to live in peace. But in order to get there, we must fight the ones that stand in our way! We need to follow his lead, for he will be the one who brings us to the change we truly seek!"

Everyone in the room was inspired by her speech. One by one, each changeling knelt before their leader. Within a few moments, they were all bowing as if he were royalty. Anarchy looked at Firefly. She knelt down has well. Then, he chuckled a bit. "You certainly do have a way with words, my little minx."

She giggled, a bit more girlishly than she normally would have. She had never been called that before. Had it been anyone else, she would have probably beat them to a pulp... but for him... she always made an exception. "I learned from the best. Now... what are our orders?"

The next day in Ponyville, the whole town was decorated for the festival. Ponies were setting up stands to sell various goods. A lot of food stands were selling treats in honor of the occasion. Even Pinkie Pie and the Cakes had a stand. They offered Anarchy Sucks cupcakes, cookies, and other various treats.

Pinkie Pie hopped over to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow! You have got to try the cupcakes! They are soooo yummy! And don't get me started on the cookies!" She licked her lips in thought of the goodies.

Dash chuckled at her friend's excitement. "Sounds good, Pink! But you have to check out the float I made for the parade!" She exclaimed eagerly as she dragged the party pony over to her float. It was a childish rendition of Anarchy with chicken wings and a chicken hat.

Pinkie laughed so hard that she snorted. "He's a chicken! That's hilarious!"

Rainbow smirked mischievously. "I know! Very lifelike, am I right?" Rainbow extended her hoof to the pink pony.

"Totally!" Pinkie chuckled as she bumped Rainbow's hoof.

Applejack walked over to the two ponies. She looked up at the float and giggled. "Not bad! But you should see the Crusaders' float. Those girls really have it out for him fer what he did to Big Mac. That and fer trickin' them into believin' he was their teacher."

Rainbow nodded and stomped her hoof. "Yeah... He has a lot to answer for." She huffed in annoyance at the thought of what he had done to them. Then, her sense of arrogance took over again. "The Crusaders made a float too, huh? Does it resemble his actual appearance perfectly like mine does? Because mine--"

The Crusaders roll in on their float, interrupting Dash's bragging. She looks up wide-eyed at their creation. It was a true piece of art. It showed Celestia standing over top of Anarchy, who appears to be begging for mercy at her hooves. Tears streamed down his cheeks, while she bared a victorious grin. Poetic justice personified.

Dash's jaw was on the ground. Pinkie walked up to her and closed her mouth for her. The pegasus shook her head, snapping herself out of her stupor. "This float is... AWESOME!"

Scootaloo jumped off of the float and walked up to her. "You really like it?"

"Like it? It's amazing! Look at the detail! Princess Celestia standing proudly over a feeble and pathetic Anarchy! Every feature is perfect! The princess's flowing mane, the crown on her head, and--" Rainbow sniffed the air and her face contorted in disgust. "Ugh! What the hay! What in Equestria is that smell?" Rainbow sniffed around looking for the source. The smell seemed to be emanating from the Anarchy portion of their float. Her nose scrunched up as she found the culprit.

Applebloom laughed hardily at the rainbow pony's reaction. "Smells bad, right? Good! That was the plan!"

Rainbow held back the urge to vomit. After a few moments, she laughed as well. "Heh, I'm all for realism, but this may be a little too real. I have to give you credit, girls. You even captured his smell!"

The ponies laughed together. They were cut off by the bell ringing, signifying that it was noon. Applejack patted Rainbow on her shoulder. "It's almost time fer the parade! Don't wanna be late, now do ya? Let's go!"

Hours go by and the festival goes off without a hitch. Everypony was wrapped up in the celebration. Every single pony in town had gathered to spite their common enemy. Ironically, the villain managed to bring ponies together, rather than causing a rift between them as he had been doing for the past week. Everyone was having fun and all was good in Ponyville.

Twilight huffed in disappointment. "This isn't going how I thought it would." She turned to Starlight. "Where could he be?"

Starlight shrugged. "Perhaps, he realized this was a trap? I mean, he is pretty smart." Her eyes shot open after realizing how she sounded. "I, uh... That came out wrong... I meant that for a pony who is evil, he is rather intelligent." She rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

Twilight lifted an eyebrow at her friend. "You didn't have to correct yourself... you aren't wrong. He is smart. That's why he's been able to evade us so easily. He knows how we think. If we are going to beat him, we have to think like him." The purple alicorn looked around, trying to spot any suspicious activity.

"Let's just hope that his ego overshadows his sense of judgment." Thorax approached his friends. "Otherwise, this whole thing was just a waste of time." The changeling was disguised as Crystal Hoof, one of his former aliases he used when he first arrived in the Crystal Empire.

"Just stick to the plan... He might be waiting for the right moment to strike." Twilight insisted patiently.

The parade was about to begin, with all the floats lining up. Each float that passed was more insulting than the last. It was apparent by how accurate and lifelike each one was that these ponies didn't like Anarchy very much... which was exactly the point.

Rainbow Dash gathered to Crusaders for one last pep talk. "Remember! We need be alert. If any of you spot Anarchy or any of his goons--"

"We are to yell for you immediately." Scootaloo finished.

"And don't try to be a hero. This guy is extremely dangerous. I don't want any of you getting hurt. Got it?" Rainbow Dash was unconvinced that they understood the nature of the situation... and with who they were dealing with.

Scootaloo and the other Crusaders saluted the pegasus. Rainbow nodded and spread a determined smile. "Alright, then. Let's show this punk exactly what we think of him!"

"And what, pray tell, would that be?" A sinister voice boomed from behind the ponies. They turned to see a very unamused Anarchy slowly approaching them.

Rainbow wasted no time stepping between the little fillies and him. "Take another step and I'll rip your head off! You hear me?!" Rainbow snapped furiously.

Anarchy seemed rather bemused by her reaction. "Don't you worry your polychromatic head about them. If I wanted to hurt them, I would have done so by now." Anarchy hissed bitterly. He looked around at the floats that were standing in line. He stepped toward the Crusaders' float and almost instantly winced at the smell emanating from it. He turned back to Rainbow. "I gotta say... the commitment on this float borderlines on terrifying. If the goal here was to say I smell, then... well done." He discretely sniffed himself, then shrugged. He happened to think that he smelled rather good. The villain looked at Dash's float next. He chuckled and shook his head. "Judging by the childish humor and its failure to impress, I'm going to guess that this one belongs to... you, Miss Dash."

Just as Rainbow was about to make him eat his own words, a small pack of his soldiers emerged from the house behind them. They all surrounded Rainbow, circling her in an act of intimidation. Rainbow snorted angrily. "Is this all you got? We picked off more than this on Princess Cadance's wedding day!"

Anarchy laughed evilly. "We aren't here for a war... at least not today..." Anarchy gestured his soldiers to the floats, which were all abandoned by their respective owners. "No... today is about sending a message. Consider this a declaration of war... courtesy of the future Princess of Liberation."

Anarchy's troops began pouring gasoline on the empty floats. Just as they were all being covered, Twilight and the others arrived. The evil pony smirked as he turned to face the Princess of Friendship. "Well, now this seems familiar. Anypony else feeling a bit of déjà vu?"

Twilight was not in the mood to play any games with him... not that she ever was... "Quiet! If you expect any sort of mercy, you had better tell us where Flurry Heart is!"

"Oh no! She's giving me her angry eyes! I should definitely cooperate now." Anarchy shot her a very sarcastic expression. Twilight remained unamused by his antics. He chuckled. "No offense, Twily, but you trying to intimidate me is just plain sad... not to mention a complete failure... oh wait... I forgot who I was talking to for a moment there. My apologies, princess!"

"Enough! You are surrounded! Just give up now!" Twilight commanded fiercely.

The villain gazed at his adversary with no sign of fear in his eyes. "Tell me something, my dear. Where are the other princesses right now?" He questioned seriously.

"Princess Celestia and Luna are cleaning up Canterlot Castle, no thanks to you. Cadance is too distraught to leave her husband's side, so she is more than likely back at the Crystal Empire, worrying about their daughter." Twilight thought of excuses quickly on the spot. Of course, with how Twilight can be, she stood up late the night before coming up with every possible outcome of this day. Needless to say, she was prepared for anything.

Anarchy shook head. "It's as I thought... Rather than meeting me face to face, they chose to hide in the safe confines of their castles, while their mindless drones do all of their dirty work. Bravo, Celestia!" He scowled bitterly.

"Doesn't seem like they were needed, anyway. Did you really think you were gonna get away with what you did?" Rainbow asked.

The gray stallion looked back at the blue mare. "You're not much of a challenge, little filly. I got you right where I want you." Anarchy winked teasingly at the angry pegasus. She looked as though she was about ready to explode on him. "I mean, how boring would it be if I just remained hidden the entire time? I gotta keep things interesting for all of us! And what better way to do that..." Anarchy walked straight up to Twilight and looked her dead in her eyes. "...than to spring a trap you set for me?"

Twilight remained unphased by his advances. "Well you got caught! Congratulations! Now what?"

"Now... we have ourselves a little heart to heart. You know? Clear the air between us all!" Anarchy stated.

The girls were all looking at him completely dumbfounded. "Seriously?" Applebloom finally spoke up.

"Of course! Is there a problem with that?" The stallion asked genuinely.

"Yes, there's a problem! You fillynapped my niece, burned down Applejack's barn, hurt her brother, and robbed Filthy Rich. And that is only to name a few of the crimes you've committed." Twilight raged, stomping her hoof to emphasize her anger.

"Not to mention you have to actually have a heart, in order to have a heart to heart." Applejack spat harshly.

Anarchy nodded affirmatively. "You are both absolutely right. Especially you, Miss Applejack." She walked up to him and was ready to tell him off, but he put a hoof up to stop her. "Wait. Let me explain myself a bit. As I said, I'm here to clear the air." She still wanted to clobber him, but a look from Twilight made her dismiss the idea and back down. Anarchy waited for her to back away before saying anything else. "Thank you. Now where should we begin?"

"How about with where Flurry Heart is?" Fluttershy stepped up trying to be brave.

Simply looked at the shy pony with seriousness. "She's in a safe place. You shouldn't worry about her, though. I've said it before, I have no intentions of harming the little filly."

"And we're just supposed to believe that?! Coming from you?!" Rarity exclaimed angrily.

Anarchy looked at Rarity. "Believe what you want, but I have yet to lie to any of you." He walked over to his small group of soldiers, looking at each of them carefully. "Now I get to ask you a question." He returned his attention to the friends. "Why do you continue to serve a pony, who only has herself in mind?"

Twilight stepped forward. "Princess Celestia is selfless. I don't know what she could have done to you to make you think otherwise, but she only wants what is best for Equestria!"

"What is best for Equestria and what is best for Celestia are two entirely separate things. That heartless witch has no consideration for the ponies of the world. She only cares about herself!" Anarchy had a pained look on his face. Twilight was actually surprised by his sudden show of emotion. "She doesn't care about who she hurts in the process to get what she wants."

Rainbow Dash had heard enough. "And you do? You just stole a baby from her family just to make a point to her!"

"I do care, actually. My problem is that I care too much. I will fight until my last breath, if it means making Equestria free for all. And if ponynapping a filly will bring me closer to making that a reality, then that is what I will do. Am I a bad guy? Absolutely! I don't wear a white hat. But if you think for one second that I will kneel before that self-righteous tyrant, then somepony has had their head in the clouds for too long." Anarchy glared at the blue pegasus, who returned his scowl.

Starlight interrupted their war of glances. "It doesn't matter, anyway. We have you cornered. Just give up and come quietly."

Anarchy chuckled with amusement. "I quiver in fear!" He mocked sarcastically. "Let's be real here. You only have me cornered because I allowed it."

"Yeah, not one of your best ideas." Starlight pointed out.

The gray stallion shook his head unconvinced. "Isn't it? What do I have to lose? You have no leverage over me. I on the other hoof..." He clicked his tongue and gestured to Twilight.

"You just said that you weren't going to hurt her!" Rarity stated angrily.

"And I am true to my word. I won't lay a hoof on her! But if you try to arrest me then well..." Anarchy walks over to his changeling troops. He wraps his forelegs over the shoulders of two of them. "I can't be held responsible for what they might do to her."

Everyone stared at the evil pony in horror. He couldn't possibly be so heartless. He wouldn't... would he?

Rainbow gave him a look of disgust. "You always have your goons do your dirty work?"

Anarchy raised an eyebrow at her. "Would you prefer me to do it instead?"

"Your grudge against the princess has nothing to do with Flurry Heart! Bring her back now!" Twilight snapped irritably, tears of anger stinging her eyes.

The villain was taken by her sudden burst of anger. He smirked wickedly. "I can tell that she means a lot to you, Twilight. I don't blame you for that. I've only had her for a day, and even I am starting to become attached." Anarchy thought to himself for a moment. He looked at Twilight, who was shaking with fear at not knowing if her niece was safe. "I'll tell you what... I'll make you a proposition."

"What kind of proposition?" Twilight sniffled.

"It isn't something I would normally do... but I feel like we have really gotten close over the past week. As a professional courtesy, I will make you a deal. I will give you Flurry Heart in the exact same condition as you last saw her..." Anarchy proposed.

"Nothin' with you is ever that simple. What's the catch here?" Applejack prodded impatiently.

"Right, yet again, AJ. I give you props for knowing that a deal consists of two ponies getting something they want." He pats the orange pony on the head, as if he were praising a little foal. "She can be taught, fillies and gentlecolts!"

Applejack steamed angrily. "Just tell us what you want before I pound you into cider!"

Anarchy was only encouraged by her comment. "Aren't we a feisty one? Very well..." Anarchy walked up to Twilight. "I will give you your niece... in return... I want Celestia..."

Twilight shook her head. "You can't be serious."

"As a heart attack..." Anarchy hissed grimly. "If you want the baby, that is the deal--"

Rainbow tackled the evil pony to the ground. "By the time I'm through with you, you'll wish you had a heart attack!"

Anarchy's soldiers began to run to his aid, but he held up his hoof, signalling for them to stand down. Anarchy looked up at the mare pinning him to the ground. "This kind of brutality probably works on most ponies... but I am not like most ponies. Figuratively... and quite literally." He laughed maniacally at her seething anger.

Rainbow stomped on the ground next to his head. "Stop talking! Here's my deal! You give us Flurry Heart, and I won't stomp you into the ground like dirt!" She exclaimed furiously.

"That is one intriguing offer, Dashie... Very tempting... I have a better one..." Anarchy kicked Dash directly in her stomach sending her hurdling to the ground. He jumped to his feet and dusted himself off. He let out a sinister cackle. "I am not normally one to resort to such violence but you kinda had that coming."

Applejack and Starlight ran to Dash's side to help her. The blow hadn't done too much damage to her, but it did manage to knock the wind out of her. Once she regained her breath, she stood up and charged back at Anarchy. Anarchy's troops swooped down in front of him and readied themselves for her attack.

"Did I mention that if I don't make it back home in time, my men will off the kid anyway?" Anarchy inquired coyly.

Dash stopped dead in her tracks. She looked back at the others, who were just as terrified by what they heard as she was.

Twilight lowered her head in defeat. "Let him go, girls. We have a lot to think about."

Rainbow turned back to Twilight. "You aren't seriously considering his offer, are you Twilight?"

Anarchy grinned deviously. "Finally... I was beginning to wonder when you would listen to reason. I'll even give you some more time to think it over. You have two days. We'll meet at your castle to discuss your final decision." The evil pony put his hoof on Twilight's cheek. "You're doing the right thing, Twilight. Celestia's rule is over. And she must pay for all the pain she has caused."

Rainbow couldn't believe what she was seeing. Twilight was... giving up? "Twilight, no... you can't--"

"We have no choice, Rainbow. Maybe... maybe he's right..." Twilight sighed in defeat.

Twilight's friends looked at her in awe. Twilight was never one to just quit, even when things looked bleak. She always found a way to win in the end. But now, she was completely helpless.

Anarchy basked in his victory. He finally broke Celestia's prized pupil. "You could all learn a thing or two from Twilight here. Her selflessness will be the reason that Equestria is brought forth into a new era. An era where harmony truly exists. One in which all creatures can express their true nature without being punished for it. After all... we are who we are. And isn't that what life is all about?" He posed his question as he gestured for his changelings to finish pouring the gasoline on the parade floats. He wraps his hoof around Twilight, as they watched his troops do as they were commanded. "You see, Princess... I have spent my entire life working up to this moment. A lifetime of vengeance planned out in perfect sequence. At last, it all comes full circle. It's all relative, you know? Applejack's barn... Celestia's reign... even these parade floats... In the end..." Anarchy nodded to his soldier. The changeling understood his cue, as he lit the floats on fire. Anarchy smiled fiendishly. "Everything burns..." The floats blazed brightly as the flames completely engulfed them. They began moving slowly in parade formation, moving past the citizens of Ponyville. The ponies watched in horror as inferno trailed down the streets casting an intense glow upon all of them.

"Don't just stand there! We have to put out those fires! Now!" Applejack interjected, getting her friends' attention.

They all followed behind her, grabbing buckets to fill with water. Rainbow took to the skies to gather some rain clouds. Only Twilight had stayed behind. She looked to Anarchy. "How... How could you do all this? Don't you see the pain you are causing?"

The gray pony approached her one last time. He looked her right in the eyes. His expression wasn't the same carefree one he always wore. This one showed... something else. He took a deep breath, almost as if he wasn't certain of the answer himself. Then, he finally spoke. "Sometimes... it is Hell trying to get to Heaven." With that statement, he turned to look at his troops. They had already loaded up his black carriage. One of his crew opened the door for him. Anarchy stepped inside. He looked back at Twilight one final time before the door closed and the changelings readied for take off.

Twilight frowned as she watched her enemy prepare for his leave. Was this right? How would she ever explain this whole ordeal to Celestia? Not to mention, how Cadance and Shining would react to the possibility of getting their daughter back in exchange for the Princess. Would they do it? Could they do it? The future was not looking good... Will Equestria ever be safe again? Twilight huffed as all these thoughts jumbled together making her head hurt. She looked at the changelings around his carriage. None of them were worried. They knew they had won. They paid no mind to her presence. They were untouchable, and it was made abundantly clear by her inactivity. She glanced at each one, observing them carefully. One of them caught her gaze and looked right at her. He went to turn back to what he was doing, but before he did... he winked at her.

Twilight let a slight smile cross her face. The carriage took off, leaving her behind. She watched as it disappeared into the distance. She and her friends had done their part. The future of Equestria... the fate of Celestia and Flurry Heart... It all rests on Thorax now...

Chapter 19: Art Of Deception

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Having successfully infiltrated Anarchy's changeling militia, Thorax is now following Anarchy straight to his place of operations. He flew in the way back of Anarchy's changeling pack, mainly out of paranoia that he might be found out if he were to fly in plain sight. He was aware that most changelings look the same, but he wasn't going to take any chances. This mission was too important. He was determined to do his part. He just hoped that Twilight's tracking spell will work when the time comes.

In the midst of his thoughts, the group began landing. He followed suit, descending next to the carriage. Thorax looked at the sizable opera house that was in front of them. The building appeared very rustic and abandoned, which was ideal for a criminal gang to set up a base. On the outskirts of Fillydelphia, no less.

The changelings lined up and stood in attention as the carriage door opened. Anarchy stepped out and stretched his legs. "You know... sometimes I wish I was born a full blown changeling... At least then I could fly around from place to place, instead of being stuffed in these cramped abominations of modern transportation!" Anarchy steamed as he cracked his neck. "Ahh! Much better! Now, back to the objective at hoof!" The stallion looked amongst his soldiers carefully, almost as if he were analyzing something. Thorax swallowed nervously as his gaze passed him. He hid it well enough that Anarchy didn't seem to question it.

"What are our orders, sir?" One of the changelings spoke up, breaking the silence.

Anarchy grinned evilly. "Now... we wait... Our next move will be based on Twilight's final decision."

Thorax sighed in relief. At least he wouldn't have to partake in any of Anarchy's plans while he waited for Twilight to arrive. Now all he had to do was wait and--

"Actually... I did have something in mind to keep us entertained in the meantime." Anarchy announced giddily. "I'll tell you all about it once we get inside! Oh, I can't wait!" He was practically shaking with anticipation.

Thorax began feeling very uneasy. If he was this excited about something, it couldn't be anything good. He slowly trotted behind the other changelings as they entered the old opera house. Thorax looked around the open room. Something didn't seem right here. If this was their main base, then why was everything caked in dust? It almost looked as if nopony had set foot in this place in years.

Thorax was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of somepony tapping on a microphone. He looked up to see Anarchy standing on an empty stage. A spotlight shined on him, as he gathered everyone's attention.

"Attention, my sons of Anarchy! I bet you're all wondering why--" Anarchy bellowed happily, before being interrupted by another changeling, who whispered something into his ear. "Wait... really? By who?" The evil pony gave a quizzical look to the changeling, before having something else whispered to him. Anarchy had a very confused expression on is face. "Well... I'll be damned... This is embarrassing, truly..." He turned back to his audience. "I have just been informed that the name 'Sons of Anarchy' is apparently trademarked. My apologies... I should pay them a little visit and ask them very politely to give me the rights, shouldn't I?"

He had his troops crippling with laughter, all except for Thorax. He let out a very forced chuckle. Anarchy stood proudly on the stage, basking in the reaction he created. He waited for the laughter to die down before he spoke again. "Now, I know some of you had your doubts about the job we just pulled. But despite those negative thoughts, you managed to suck it up and carry out your orders without question. That deserves praise, so..." Anarchy gestured to the changeling behind him. The changeling was holding something in her hooves. "I am officially promoting all of you. You shall no longer be mere grunts in our army! From this moment forth, you shall be the personal guards of the new Princess of Liberation, Flurry Heart!" Suddenly, another spotlight beamed down on the changeling who was cradling the baby. The crowd roared with applause.

Thorax gasped in horror. There she is! He was only a few feet away from her. The only thing in his way was Anarchy and his wall of troops. A part of him wanted to just grab her and take off as fast he could, but he knew that such an act would not end well for either of them. But what else could he do? This might very well be his only shot at getting her back. If Twilight were here, she would be telling him to be patient and wait for backup. But what if they get here too late? He must do something...

"Now I must warn you. This job is not to be taken lightly! Flurry Heart is the key to bringing Celestia down! Guarding this child is our highest priority! Failure in this task will result in the collapse of everything we've fought so hard for... and the punishment for that, well... try thinking of a fate worse than death... Am I clear?" Anarchy leered around the room, as if trying to find any ounce of hesitation.

"Sir, yes, sir!" The room erupted with approval and obedience. Thorax never took his eyes off of Flurry. If anything were to happen to her under his watch he would not be able to forgive himself.

"And now it's time to choose which one of you lucky fellas will be watching over her first. I have a very complex and well thought out way of deciding just that..." Anarchy approached the front of the stage and raised his hoof. "Alright... let's do this..." The crowd was silent in suspense, as he brought his hoof back down and pointed at the changeling next to Thorax. "Eenie." Then, he pointed to another changeling. "Meenie." And then the next. "Miney... Mo..." Anarchy continued his 'foolproof' method for what seemed like an eternity in Thorax's mind. He definitely had a thing for being dramatic. Is this really the best way to choose who will be guarding--

"You!" The sudden outburst snapped Thorax out of his thoughts. He then realized that Anarchy was pointing right at him.

"M-me?" Thorax stuttered nervously.

"No, the guy under you. Yes, you!" Anarchy replied sarcastically. Thorax was hesitant. Why did he choose him out of everyone? "I think he's nervous, fellas! Let's all give him a bit of encouragement!" The evil pony started clapping, and the other changelings in the crowd followed his example and began cheering him on.

Thorax uneasily made his way up onto the stage. He stood next to Anarchy. All he could hope for was that his cover wouldn't be blown at this point. This was way too much attention for him. He was supposed to be laying low.

"Congratulations, brother! You have been selected to watch over her first! No need to thank me!" Anarchy stated trying to seem humble. "I am counting on you to keep an eye on her, while we carry on with our other plans. I want you to take her and wait in the dressing room. The rest of us are going to the storage area to discuss our next objective. Any questions?"

Thorax almost objected to the villain's orders, but then it dawned on him. Maybe he didn't have to wait for Twilight to get here. While Anarchy and the others are away, he can take the baby and leave this forsaken place before anypony even notices they were gone. This could be his chance! Thorax shook his head at Anarchy. "No, sir. I understand my orders."

Anarchy grinned deviously. "That's the spirit! You all know your orders! Let's move!" Anarchy walked off stage and led the pack of changelings out of the large room.

The changeling holding Flurry Heart approached Thorax, grinning all the while. "Follow me! I will bring you to your room." She stated as she turned back towards the curtains and proceeded through them. Thorax took a deep breath and then trailed behind her.

The opera house was actually a lot bigger than it appeared to be on the outside. It was a labyrinth of rooms and corridors. A pony could get lost in here. Finally after what seemed like ten minutes, they arrived in the dressing room... actually one of the several dressing rooms. The changeling seemed to be in bit of a rush to lead them here. "Here we are! And here's the baby! Don't let her out of your sight!" She gave the young filly to Thorax without another moment of hesitation. Thorax held her close to him. Then, the female changeling chuckled hysterically. "She's your problem now! Ha ha! Freedom!" She bolted for the door, but not before turning back to him once more. "Oh, and one more thing... She's had diarrhea all day, soooo... See ya!" The door slammed after she blurted that out.

Thorax hugged the little filly in his hooves. "It's okay, Flurry. I've got you. I'm here to bring you home." He nuzzled the baby, causing her to giggle happily. He couldn't help but smile at her display. "Let's get out of here."

He opened the door and looked down each side of the hallway. No changelings in sight. He quickly made his way across the corridor. He peeked around the corner cautiously. Luckily, there was still no sign of any guards roaming the halls. The majority of them were probably with Anarchy discussing their next move. He rounded the corner and made his way into the auditorium. Unfortunately, there were several guards patrolling in the big room. If he tried to make a move in here, his cover might be blown. But he's come so far, and he's way too close to the finish to quit now. There has to be a way.

He had to create a diversion... but how? They definitely won't listen to anything he has to say... With that thought, he got an idea. They may not listen to him... but there is one pony they would never question.

"Stuck on patrol duty... again. This sucks..." One of the changeling troops said as he continued inspecting the room.

His partner just chuckled. "Yeah? Would you rather be on shit detail?"

"Isn't that what we're doing right now?" The grunt questioned confused.

"Usually... but word from the grapevine says that the baby is sick." The other retorted.

The changeling looked at his buddy. "Sick? Wait... Do you mean..."

"Yep... The kid's got the squirts... and bad too..." The soldier began laughing uncontrollably.

The other started laughing as well. "You know, suddenly this job doesn't seem so dreadful."

The two were lost in fits of laughter. They failed to see who was approaching them. "You two! Just what do you think you're doing?!" Anarchy inquired furiously. He was most certainly unamused.

They straightened up almost immediately. "Nothing, sir!" One of them spoke up.

"Nothing, huh? You are soldiers in my army. And you are doing nothing?" Anarchy hissed grimly.

The other guard smacked his partner in the back of the head. "What he meant to say was that we are patrolling the stage as you asked, sir."

"Really? Because it looked like you were laughing to me. Do you think this is a joke, soldier?" The villain riddled, stomping his hoof on the floor.

"No, sir! We apologize for our carelessness. Please, forgive us." The guard pleaded fearfully.

Anarchy maintained a serious expression. "Perhaps I will... after you clean the bathrooms."

The changeling minion looked at his partner, then back to his boss. "But, sir--"

Anarchy raised his hoof, interrupting him. "Is there a problem with that? Because if you can't handle it, then I will have no choice but to--"

"N-no! I mean, no, sir... There is no problem at all!" The grunt claimed intimidated.

"Good... Now get to work!" The evil pony scolded, demonstrating his authority.

The pair of guards didn't waste any time walking away as fast as they could. The grunt turned to his partner. "You're the one who brought up shit detail!" He smacked him in the back of the head. The two continued bickering, even after they left the room.

Anarchy walked through the door leading out of the auditorium. He walked through the hallway until he came across a janitor's closet. He opened it up, to find little Flurry Heart staring back at him with innocent eyes. He knelt down in front of her. He sighed, and then smiled with relief. "Let's get you home."

Thorax transformed back into himself. He picked up the princess and began making his way back down the hallway, back towards the auditorium. He entered the large room, yet again. This time, the room was empty. Now all he had to do was leave out the main door. He approached the giant door, and pushed it open. At last, he can bring the child back to her family. And, that crazed psychopath Anarchy and his crew will have no leverage against them. He will finally be brought to justi--

He walked through the door, only to be stopped dead in his tracks. "My, my... Look at what we got here, brothers." A sinister voice left Thorax cold. "Hello, Thorax... We've been expecting you..." Anarchy stepped menacingly toward him.

"Stay back! I'm warning you!" Thorax threatened feebly.

Anarchy cackled madly. "Relax, brother. I just wanna talk! And bee-tee-dubs, if you are going to threaten me, try doing so with more confidence otherwise your threats hold no--"

"I am not your brother! You are a parasite to Equestria!" Thorax retorted angrily, gripping Flurry Heart tight.

Anarchy sighed in disappointment. "You seem a bit defensive. You should loosen up a bit. I hear yoga can do wonders for--"

"Enough of your taunting! We are leaving!" Thorax exclaimed as he readied himself for take off.

"That's rather selfish, don't you think? Have you even asked her what she wants?" Anarchy asked thoughtfully.

"She wants to be back home! With her mother! Her father! Everyone who cares about her!" Thorax claimed with certainty.

Anarchy shook his head at Thorax's absent-mindedness. "Is that so? How about it, Flurry, my dear? Where do you want to go?"

Thorax glared at Anarchy. But then he looked at the baby, who appeared to look over at Anarchy. "I want to stay with you." She muttered, leaving Thorax shocked in terror. The baby looked back at the starstruck changeling holding her. "We got you!" She giggled, before turning into a changeling right before his eyes.

"Surprise!" Anarchy exclaimed as he watched Thorax retreat away from the changeling that had once wore Flurry's face. The villain tossed his head back and laughed maniacally.

Thorax slowly backed up into the door. Before he could open it, he was knocked unconscious by one of the changeling soldiers.

Anarchy winced as the changeling fell to the ground hard. "Ouch! I bet that hurt... but that is nothing compared to what comes next..."

"Come on, come on! Can't this train go any faster?" Rainbow Dash whined impatiently.

"It beats walkin', don't it?" Applejack shot back optimistically. "Besides, it'll all be worth it when we catch that no good varmint once and for all!"

Twilight sat quietly, thinking to herself. She had to admit that she was worried about this whole plan a bit herself. The sooner they could get to Thorax the better.

Starlight sat next to Twilight. "Are you doing okay? You haven't said anything since we got his location."

"I'm just concerned for Thorax's safety. That and Flurry Heart's." Twilight sighed with uncertainty. "We all know what Anarchy is capable of doing. I just don't want anypony getting hurt because of my risky plan." The alicorn gazed out the window, watching the hills in the distance. "I just... I want this to be over with."

Starlight put her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "It will be. Now that we know where he is, there is nowhere he can hide."

Twilight continued to be lost in her thoughts. "Yeah... I sure hope so."

"Hope so? I know so! After all, I still owe him one for when he kicked me!" Rainbow intervened enthusiastically. "When I'm done with him, he will be seeing rainbows in his nightmares! And when he wakes up, I'll be there to whoop him some more and remind him that he isn't safe awake or asleep!"

"Gosh, that's a bit excessive... don't you think?" Fluttershy muttered looking a bit shocked at Dash's threat.

Dash huffed bitterly. "Excessive? He deserves everything he has coming! If for nothing but fillynapping Flurry Heart!"

"He also put Mac in the hospital and burned down mah barn! He's gotta pay fer everythin' he's done." AJ agreed with the blue pegasus.

Pinkie Pie jumped into their discussion. "Aaaaand... He almost crushed my family in an avalanche! That is, like, the rudest thing ever!" The party pony squeezed a balloon so hard that it popped right in her hooves. "Great! Now he's making me pop innocent balloons! He's crossed the line this time!"

"No... He crossed the line when he ordered Pestle and Mortar to rob the Rich family. Now it's time for him to answer for the crimes he has committed." Twilight turned back to her friends. "It's time to end this..."

"Wakey wakey, Thorax!" Thorax could distinctly make out a voice. His head was throbbing, not to mention the ringing that was piercing his eardrums. "It's time to wake up. You don't want to sleep all day, do you?" Thorax opened his eyes. He was inside of a small cage and his legs and wings were tied up. He looked up to see a certain evil pony tapping on the bars of the cage. "Well, good morning, sleepyhead! I hope you enjoyed your little nap!" Anarchy mocked him without remorse.

"Why... didn't you just... kill me..." Thorax muttered in annoyance.

Anarchy looked appalled at his statement. "Kill you? Now why would I do that?"

Thorax coughed, feeling the dryness in his throat. "Because you're evil. It's what monsters like you do."

Anarchy chuckled in response. "Monster? Oh, now you're hurting my feelings." Anarchy pouted giving an effortless performance at looking sad. Then he smirked with amusement. "But you are right about one thing... I am evil." He opened the cage door and sat down beside the restrained changeling. "I am what I like to refer to as 'necessary' evil. It is creatures like me that help keep the world balanced. You know the whole deal. Good cannot exist without evil and blah blah blah. Anyways, my point is... without me, Celestia's rule would go unchallenged. And I can't let that happen. She must face what she has wrought on this world. The very evil she created will be her undoing."

"You really believe she created you? Sounds like an excuse to me. To hide the ugliness in your heart!" Thorax retorted angrily, trying to work himself free of his restraints.

Anarchy sighed in pity. "I don't need to hide... Unlike Celestia, I embrace my past! I am stronger for having endured it!" He stood up and clapped his hooves together. "Well, this has been a fun chat but, I have to go. But don't worry! I'll see you during the show!"

Thorax looked at him puzzled. "Sh-show? What show? W-what are you talking about?" Before he could ask any more questions, Anarchy closed the cage door and covered the whole cage in a red cloth. What did this lunatic have planned? What was going to happen to him?

Chapter 20: Come On Down!

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Twilight and her friends arrived at the opera house, ready to take down Anarchy and save Princess Flurry Heart. Fully aware of his army's capabilities, they did not show up alone. Princesses Celestia and Luna, as well as Shining Armor and at least a couple dozen royal guards from Canterlot, not to mention a nearly equal amount of soldiers from the Crystal Empire. Needless to say, they were ready for a fight. Unfortunately, they are completely unaware of the trouble that awaits them inside.

Twilight stepped up to the large front door. She turned back to her friends. "Alright, everypony. This is it. When we get in there we need to be ready for anything. This is Anarchy's base of operations, so it will most likely be swarming with changelings."

Shining nodded in agreement. "We don't want to get mixed up with his men. They have changed into us before. I'm sure they will try again... So stay in formation, and stay close!" The white stallion commanded. Everyone nodded in comprehension. "Alright, sis. On your mark."

Twilight took a deep breath. This was it. The fight of her life. The fight for Flurry Heart's life. Time to bring her home! With that mindset, the purple alicorn burst through the front door, her friends following swiftly behind her.

Everything was dark. Not a single light was on. Twilight lit her horn, allowing a purple light to illuminate the room a bit. The other princesses lit their horns as well, as did all the other unicorns. The ponies were surprised to see the seats in the large auditorium were filled by changelings, who appeared to be looking towards the stage. A few of them turned back to the source of the bright, blinding light.

"Hey! Could you show some respect?! The show's about to start!" One of them barked angrily, waving his hoof at them.

Starlight raised her eyebrow in confusion. "Show? What show?"

At that moment, a changeling made her way to the center of the stage. A spotlight shined upon her as she flashed a very bright smile. "Fillies and gentlecolts! Please put your hooves together for your host for the evening! He is the savior of Equestria and the one who will bring Celestia to justice! Equestria's resident anarchist! The one... the only... Simply Anarchy!" She introduced with glee, as the velvet curtain rose from behind her. The changelings cheered and applauded loudly for their boss.

Anarchy stepped out to greet his thunderous audience. He was dressed up in a fancy tuxedo, and he was smiling without a care in the world. "Thank you, thank you! I know, I'm pretty great! Ha ha ha!" He bowed and laughed as his soldiers continued their applause. Anarchy waved to calm them down. Eventually, the large crowd went silent to allow him to speak. "Welcome one and all! Thank you all for coming out just to see little, old me!" Anarchy looked out toward the entrance to the room to see Twilight and her friends standing in wonder at what was happening. He smirked deviously. "Looks like our contestants have arrived! These friends have 'saved' Equestria many times from the forces of evil! Nightmare Moon, Discord, your *cough* beloved *cough* Queen Chrysalis... and even Lord Tirek! Through it all, they rose to the challenge and prevailed! Let's see if they can do it yet again! Ladies... come on down!"

The changelings cheered once again, trying to encourage them to step onstage. Twilight growled irritably. "Enough of your games, Anarchy! We've got you! Give up now, or we will make you!" She demanded boldly.

The villainous pony chuckled at her demeanor. "Enough games? There can never be enough games! Especially, when there are such extraordinary prizes to be won!"

"What are you goin' on about?" Applejack questioned impatiently.

"I'm glad you asked, my dear." Anarchy patted the country pony on her head and proceeded to turn his attention back to his changeling audience. "We have some very special rewards for our contestants, should they play along and win! But before we begin, allow me to explain the rules--"

"Do you ever shut up?!" Rainbow Dash snapped. The audience of changelings began booing the blue pegasus for her outburst. Rainbow glared at the crowd. "Can it! All of you!"

Twilight rolled her eyes at the display of Anarchy's delusion. "What Rainbow is trying to say is that you're antics are done! There will be no more of your twisted charades! It's all over."

Anarchy grinned slyly. "Over? Why my dear delusional Princess of Friendship... It hasn't even begun." The changelings began cheering once again at their boss's declaration. The villain waved to the crowd. "Obviously, our participants need a little... incentive... to get them properly motivated and ready to play." He gestured to his helper on the stage. "If I could have the help of my lovely assistant here... Please show them the grand prize for winning."

The female changeling pulled the first curtain open. Sitting in a cage dangling from the rafters was none other than Thorax. The crowd exploded with cheer at the sight of the fallen changeling. Twilight and her friends looked on in horror as Thorax was presented to them as if he were a mere plaything. Thorax looked at his friends. "I'm sorry... He tricked me..."

"Let him go!" Twilight interjected angrily.

Anarchy cackled at Twilight's display of rage. "Sounds like I've got your attention now!"

"Enough!" Princess Celestia launched a beam toward Thorax's cage in an attempt to teleport him out. The beam stopped as soon as it hit the bars. Celestia's eyes went wide. "Wh- What happened?!"

Luna gave her magic a shot... but the results were much the same. "My magic didn't work either? What kind of sorcery is this?"

Anarchy had a very amused expression on his face. "Now, now you two! That isn't the way to play our game!" The gray stallion laughed at their confusion. "I would have figured that you learned by now. There is more to me than meets the eye. I guess I gave you too much credit." He shook his head in disappointment. "You see... I've had to deal with the forces of magic my entire life. Life can be easy... that is if you are born with the gift of a horn and magical ability. To possess such unfathomable power... there is no limit to what you could do. Unfortunately, such gifts have been squandered by greedy, power hungry fools with no other objective than to crack a whip over everypony else's backs."

"We're done trying to explain to you that you're wrong." Twilight objected spitefully.

"And I'm done repeating myself in response." Anarchy veered at the purple alicorn. Then he turned his attention back to Celestia. "Allow me to cut to the chaste. When your aren't bestowed with magical capabilities, you are forced to use your own ingenuity to better yourself. To put it simply... You have your magic... and I have my superior scientific intellect." He pointed to Thorax's cage. "That cage is crafted of a special kind of metal that repels magic, no matter how strong it may be."

"And what's to stop us from going over there and breaking him out ourselves?" Rainbow inquired smugly.

"I suppose a demonstration is in order." Anarchy approached the microphone again. "Alright, folks. Let's show our guests what should happen if they disobey the rules! You know what time it is! It's time to..."

Anarchy gave the crowd a verbal cue to chant in unison. "FLIP... THE... SWITCH!"

At that moment, Thorax's cage began to spark. An electrical surge pulsed through the cage and delivered a body shaking shock to the entrapped changeling. Thorax screamed in agony as electricity flowed throughout his being.

"Stop it! You're going to kill him!" Twilight exclaimed with fright.

Anarchy looked at her uncertainly. "You see, I would, but I can't help but feel that we are still not understanding one another. I have to make sure we're on the same page, if we are ever to--"

"Please! Stop!" Fluttershy cried out desperately, tears flowing uncontrollably down her cheeks.

"Aww... I want to, believe me, my dear. But your friends here... They just aren't getting the idea..." The villain sympathized with the shy pegasus.

"Okay! You've made your point! Now stop!" Rainbow shouted furiously.

"Hey, don't blame me. You're the one who asked for this..." Anarchy shrugged innocently.

"We'll play your game! Just stop hurting him! Please!" Twilight pleaded helplessly.

Anarchy nodded, as he gestured for the electrocution to stop. Immediately, the cage returned to its normal state. Thorax collapsed onto the cage floor. His body continued to tremble and twitch from the voltage.

"Thorax! Are you okay?!" Twilight questioned deeply concerned.

Thorax grimaced in pain. He struggled to lift his head back up. "I- I'm fine... Y-you need to get everypony out of here. Don't w-worry about me..."

"We aren't going to leave you! We're gonna get you outta here!" Rainbow declared.

"How touching... So... are we gonna play... or not?" Anarchy riddled without remorse.

Twilight looked at her friends, then to the princesses. All of them nodded in defeat. She sighed. "We'll play your crazy game..."

Anarchy lit up like a tree on Hearth's Warming Eve. "Fantastic! I knew you'd see things my way!" Anarchy walked back to the microphone at the center of the stage. "Fillies and gentlecolts... and creatures of various origins! Our contestants have agreed to play!" The crowd erupted in excitement and thunderous cheers. Anarchy gestured Twilight to walk on the stage with him. "Come now! Allow me to explain the rules."

Twilight approached him uneasily. She eventually made her way to the center of the stage with the villain. "What are the rules?"

Anarchy threw his hoof over Twilight's shoulder, as if they were good chums. "Well I'm glad you asked, Miss Sparkle... It is still Miss, right? I mean you haven't... y'know... wink wink..."

Twilight's face turned beet red. She wasn't sure if it was from the comment, or if it was due to the intense anger she was bottling up inside. "Just get to the rules already..."

Anarchy sighed in disappointment. "You're no fun sometimes, you know that? Alright then, moving on. The rules are simple. There are three rounds. Each round you will have a chance to win a prize. Round three is the grand prize round! Win it, and you win Thorax's freedom! Sound easy enough?"

Celestia stepped forward. "Let's get this over with..."

"I don't think so, Tia. The only thing you are going to get over is yourself." Anarchy booped Celestia directly on her nose, causing her to snort bitterly. "That's another rule! There are only six contestants in these games. None of whom is your pompous, sunny butt, so you will have to sit this one out."

"I will not stand by idly and watch as any of my subjects are harmed in your twisted scheme!" Celestia declared with certainty.

"What? Now you have a problem with letting other ponies do your job for you? How noble..." Anarchy mocked coyly. Then, he grinned wickedly. "Besides, you'll do exactly as I say... or I'll fry that traitor like an egg..."

Luna put her hoof on Celestia's shoulder. "We have to play along, sister. We have no choice."

Celestia sighed in defeat as she took a seat in the front row of the auditorium. Luna took the seat next to her and instructed all of their guards to do the same.

Shining Armor stepped up to the villainous pony. "I will make you sorry for what you've done."

"For which part exactly? Taking your daughter... or fooling you into believing I was your wife?" Anarchy laughed uncontrollably at Shining's expense.

The prince almost made a move to attack the evil pony, but his body was immobilized by a familiar magenta glow. He looked back at his sister, who was shaking her head discouragingly. He snorted at Anarchy before taking a seat.

"Excellent! It's good to see that everyone knows who is in control here." The villain taunted confidently. He turned his attention to Starlight. "Miss Glimmer... You're going to sit this one out as well."

"What? Why?" Starlight questioned puzzled.

"It's nothing personal, my dear. I just want a little bonding time with Celestia's original six pets." Anarchy teased maliciously. He gestured for the six friends to join him at the center of the stage. "Now if you would so kindly take your seat, so that we can get this show on the road."

Starlight hesitated at first. There is no way she could sit on the sidelines while her friends faced whatever dangerous plan Anarchy has in store for them, especially after all they have done for her.

Twilight saw Starlight struggling with her thoughts. "Starlight, it's okay. We can handle this. Just sit this one out."

Starlight looked around at her friends. All of them were nodding in confirmation. She bit her lip with uncertainty. Then she sighed and decided to do what the villain said. It was up to them now.

Anarchy clapped his hooves with joy. "Alright! It's time for the moment you have all been waiting for! It's time to get these games under way! But first, allow me to introduce our lucky contestants!" The devious stallion walked over to the six friends. "Raised in the high society of Canterlot under the tutelage of Princess Sunbutt, herself, this purple pony is the living embodiment of Grade-A brownnosery. She is Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

Twilight growled angrily, as the crowd laughed at her expense. Shining Armor was struggling not to jump from his seat and rip the villain's head off.

"Contestant number two is a prime example that they will let anyone become a Wonderbolt these days. Here's Rainbow Dash!" Anarchy announced.

The changelings were cheering and cackling at the expense of the blue pegasus. "All of you can just bite me!" Rainbow seethed angrily.

Anarchy patted Rainbow on her head. "She's also quite a mouthy little birdbrain, isn't she? Ha ha ha!" The gray pony pushed her over to join Twilight. Then, he turned back to the others once more. "Our third guest has more rocks in her head than the rock farm she was born on! Even after I blew it up... Put your hooves together for Pinkie Pie!"

Pinkie was far from her normal bubbly self. She didn't even crack a smile. She just walked over to Twilight and Rainbow, who attempted to comfort her.

Anarchy continued his verbal onslaught. "Now our fourth player is far from the innocent little filly she wants to make you believe she is... She is the very pony who converted the mighty Discord into a whipped, mindless lapdog. Fluttershy, everypony!"

The audience began booing and jeering the yellow mare. Fluttershy quickly made her way over to Twilight, keeping her face hidden behind her hair all the while.

Anarchy looked back at Fluttershy and smirked. "Don't tell me that broke you... If that was all it took to shake you... then you'll be a hollow shell after this is all over." He turned back to the last two ponies. "Moving on to contestant number five. She is a drop-dead gorgeous fashionista who continually proves that the only thing bigger than her generous heart... is the massive stick up her flank. Folks, I present to you Rarity!"

Rarity gasped in disgust. The crowd, however, was bursting with applause and laughter. The white unicorn blushed in both anger and embarrassment, as she held back the urge not to strangle the villainous pony on the spot.

"Right this way, my dear. Watch your step. Don't trip! Wouldn't want that thing to go up there any further..." Anarchy scoffed. He put his hoof on Applejack's shoulder. "And finally... our last guest! She is a regular work-horse... and a recent graduate of Ponyville Elementary School!"

Applejack snapped and took a swing at Anarchy. He managed to dodge the attack with rather quick succession. The country pony charged at him again, but was stopped by Twilight, Pinkie, and Rainbow.

Applejack kicked and struggled to free herself, to no avail. "Y'all better hope ah don't get mah hooves on ya! Ah'll-"

"You'll do what? Beat me up?" Anarchy inquired bitterly. "Riddle me this, AJ... Do you think you can take me out before Thorax up there is cooked golden crispy? It's a terrible way to die."

"Applejack, just calm down. He's messing with your head. He's toying with all of us. We can beat him. We just have to keep a level head." Twilight insisted.

Applejack snorted angrily as she looked at the devious villain. Anarchy approached her and stood directly in front of her. "So... how about it, Applejack? Step up... or step back? Your choice... but don't think about it too long... I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself..."

The orange mare took a deep breath and nodded. "You're right, Twi. Ah'm sorry fer losin' mah temper there. Let's just beat this no-good varmint."

"That's what I like to hear! A fight would have been fun, sure, but it would have ruined all of the exciting surprises I have here for you tonight!" Anarchy assured giddily. He adjusted his tie before turning his attention back to the friends. "And to think... none of this would have happened, if you had just followed my orders like good little sheep."

Twilight stepped up to him. "We weren't just going to let you get away with everything you've done. You stole a little filly from her family, and you thought we weren't going to have a plan of retaliation?"

Anarchy looked at Twilight unamused. "Unfortunately, you still haven't learned your place. And now, not only do I have young Flurry Heart, who is far away from here, by the way, but I also have that pesky little roach Thorax." He looked up to Thorax, who was still lying on the cage floor, trying to pick himself up. Anarchy let a sly grin appear across his face, as he looked back to Twilight. "If he dies tonight... the blood is on your hooves, Princess."

Twilight dropped her head in shame. "You're right..." She was responsible for this. Her plan failed in the most catastrophic way possible. And now, someone else was going to pay for her mistake. How could she let this happen? How can she possibly live with the fact that she endangered not only the life of Flurry Heart, but of Thorax as well?

"Princess Twilight, listen to me!" Thorax called out to the alicorn. Twilight immediately looked up. Thorax shifted his position, so that he could see her better. "Everything he's saying... it isn't true. I made my own decision. I chose to go on this mission. It is I who has failed, not you." Thorax flinched in pain. "But if you let him get in your head now... then he wins..."

Twilight closed her eyes and began thinking over his words very carefully. "He isn't wrong... My careless planning has only resulted in more pain. What happens if I'm wrong again? How do I live with myself?" Tears streamed down Twilight's face.

"I know I was very skeptical of him when we first met, but I actually agree with Thorax on this one, Twily." The sound of her brother's voice caught her attention. Shining was walking toward her on the stage. "Look, I'm not saying that this is going to be easy, but we have to keep fighting. As long as we don't give in, we have a chance, and that's gotta mean something." He wiped the tears from his sister's cheeks. Then, he smiled. "Do you remember that time when we were both still in school, and I had that huge chemistry project that I had to do? I kept saying that I couldn't do it because I was too dumb to figure any of that stuff out. Mom and Dad tried to help me, but I kept getting frustrated. I had already accepted that I was gonna fail that class. But then, a certain little sister of mine trots up to me and gives me advice that I will never forget. Do you remember what you told me?"

Twilight thought deeply for a moment. "Failure is only definite if you stop trying." She looked up at her older brother.

Shining nodded. "That's right. Heh. Even at that young age you were still the smartest pony I knew... With your help, I aced that project, and went on to pass that class. You helped me learn to believe in myself, little sis. And now, I'm here to pass that same advice on to you. I have faith in you, Twily... It's time for you to have faith in yourself."

Twilight sniffled, before wiping her eyes. She smiled, then hugged her brother. "Thank you, B.B.B.F.F. I needed that. I won't let you down."

"How sweet... Moments like this make me wish I had the same luxury you two have. Family is a powerful motivator." Anarchy stated seriously. For once, Anarchy did not seem to have a quirky remark. In fact, he seemed almost... sympathetic. He had a genuine smile on his face, as he closed his eyes for a moment. After what felt like a minute, he scowled in disgust. "But that luxury was ripped away from me. Celestia took my family from me... and now she will pay in blood!" He snarled viciously.

Celestia stood from her seat. "I still don't know what-"

"Silence, you pretentious mule! I'm aware that you have no idea what I'm talking about! Why would you?! You don't care about the casualties you leave in your wake... so long as you remain in power." Anarchy snapped furiously. Then, he took a deep breath and chuckled. "Heh heh... sorry... I lost my composure there for a moment. It doesn't matter anymore... what happened to them. They are dead. But I don't weep for them... because I know you'll be joining them soon enough!"

"Wrong, Anarchy... You will lose... Evil always does in the end." Twilight proclaimed boldly.

Anarchy laughed at her declaration. "Let's find out, shall we?" The villainous stallion walked to the front of the stage. "I hope you're all ready!" The audience cheered and uproared with anticipation and exhilaration. They began chanting his name. The room was in absolute chaos! Anarchy picked up the microphone and turned to Twilight and her friends. He smirked deviously and spoke with pure malice in his voice, "Let the games begin..."