• Published 2nd Apr 2016
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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Anarchy - Simply Anarchy

Peaceful times have settled over Equestria. In fact it's kind of boring... that is until crime erupts from out of nowhere. Now Twilight and her friends must face perhaps their greatest foe yet, an evil mastermind that goes by the name Simply Anarchy.

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Chapter 13: Not Over Yet

After failing to kidnap (ponynap?) Twilight's parents, Simply Anarchy was apprehended by Celestia's royal guard. He has been escorted to the Canterlot Castle dungeon, where he will be contained until his trial. He showed no interest in resisting the guards, as they lead him to his cell.

One of the guards opened the cell, as another pushed the gray stallion in without hesitation. "Enjoy your stay. I hope your room is to your liking." The guard chuckled sarcastically.

Anarchy looked around inside his cell noting that the bed had been stripped bare, with not even a pillow on it. Just a metal bed frame was left. Anarchy huffed bitterly. "Joke's on you. I don't sleep much anyways."

The guard ignored the villain's remark and walked back to his post at the entrance of the dungeon.

"Well well well. Look at what the cat dragged in!" A voice boomed from the other side of the room. Anarchy recognized that tone immediately. It belonged to one of those ridiculous ponies he hired to rob the Rich family. "What's wrong, dirtbag? Is someone pissy because he failed to do as he promised?" Mortar teased without remorse from within his own cell. "No wait! You did keep your promise! Looks like I got my front row seat after all! Hahahaha!" Anarchy refused to acknowledge the orange stallion. "Awwww. Why you givin' me the silent treatment? Huh? You're hurtin' my feelings!"

Anarchy chuckled to himself. Then he sighed ignorantly. "And you are?"

Mortar's expression changed from jolly to enraged in an instant. "You son of a bitch! You know damn well who I am!"

His reaction was enough to send Anarchy into a laughing fit. "Don't take it personally. I don't remember any of the garbage I throw away." He stated smugly.

Mortar was beside himself. "Why you little--"

"Don't let him get to you, Mortar." Twilight interrupted his profanity. She was accompanied by her friends, as they approached Anarchy's cell. "He is just trying to get under your skin. A last act of defiance from a pony who has failed his mission. He is not worth wasting your anger on."

Mortar took a deep breath and regained his composure. "Haha. Sorry, princess! You're right! I'm still working on my anger issues." He responded realizing what he had done. Twilight smiled at his response and gave him a nod.

"Last act of defiance, huh? You seem like you've got it all figured out. I promise you, looks can be painfully deceiving." Anarchy retorted with an evil chuckle.

"You got that right. You're pretty painful to look at." Rainbow Dash beamed back at the gray stallion.

Anarchy laughed at Rainbow's insult. "Ouch. That one hurt a bit. Speaking of something that hurt, Rainbow's first show with the Wonderbolts... now that was a doozy!"

Rainbow was visibly angry, as she blushed with embarrassment. "Oh, I'll show you pain! Come here you sack of sh--" Rainbow was restrained by her friends, who once again saved a pony from her wrath.

Mortar chuckled in his cell. "You might not want to make this one angry, boss." He added knowingly.

Anarchy shot him a spiteful look. "Unlike you fools, I have no fear."

Twilight turned to her enemy with a newly found confidence in her eyes. "You might change your tone when you find out what your punishment will be." She declared definitely.

Anarchy rolled his eyes at her threat. "Oh! I'm shaking now!" He stated with sarcasm, as he sat on the metal bed frame in his cell. "Spare me your empty threats, Sparkle. We both know you won't do anything. You have nothing against me. I, on the other hoof, have leverage over you. Soooo.... where could the good doctor be?"

Twilight's confidence was shaken, but she tried to remain calm. "If you want even an ounce of mercy from the princess, you will release him now!" She commanded fiercely.

"Touched a nerve there, didn't I? Good." Anarchy hissed angrily. "Besides... I enjoy watching you squirm."

Applejack decided to intervene. "Now look here, you no good varmint! If y'all know what's good for ya, you'd best be tellin' us what we're needin' to know!"

Anarchy cackled even more. "In due time... pardner." He mocked in a country accent.

Now it was Applejack's turn to want to strangle him. But before she could even react, Starlight placed her hoof on her shoulder. Applejack took a deep breath to calm herself. Starlight approached the evil pony. "What do you mean 'in due time'?" She quizzed uncertainly.

"Finally! A pony who isn't such a buzzkill!" Anarchy threw his hooves up in over-astonishment. "What I mean, my dear, is that you will get him back. I promise that much."

"A promise? From you? Yeah, we'll definitely trust you now!" Rainbow added with skepticism.

"You should. I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a liar. Believe it or not, I do have a sense of honor." Anarchy huffed with reassurance.

"Like we will believe a single word that you say." Rarity said bitterly.

The evil pony looked at the white mare. "Your sister sure did." He laid back against the wall. He watched as Rarity's face burned red with anger. "Children are the key to the future. One day, you will pass on what you have learned to her, and she will in turn pass that knowledge on to the next generation after her. The truth is that none of us will live forever. Yes, even Celestia herself will die. How long it takes is uncertain. Whether she dies this year, or next year, or a hundred years from now, or even a thousand. It does not matter. What does matter is what it all amounted to. It isn't who we are that ponies will remember. It is what we leave behind for them that is ultimately cherished. That is what I live for... and what I'll die for. The key to immortality itself. In a word: Legacy."

Applejack remained unimpressed. "Nice speech. Who'd you steal that from?" She reclaimed causing Anarchy to roll his eyes.

Starlight thought about the evil pony's words carefully before saying anything. "But why choose to live only to cause pain and suffering? You have the right idea, but you are going about it in the wrong way."

Anarchy glared at Twilight. Then he turned back to Starlight. "There would be no pain and suffering, if you ponies would just wake up!" Anarchy exclaimed infuriated. "Twilight Sparkle is living proof of what I'm talking about. You go through your life as Celestia's personal puppet. Have you even a single thought that is your own, princess?" Twilight went to answer his question but was immediately cut off. "Don't even try to answer that. If I wanted to hear Celestia's words, I would go to her and listen to them from her mouth. I don't need to hear them coming from her ass!"

Twilight wanted to be angry, but she was in legitimate shock from what she heard. Never in her life had she ever been called Celestia's puppet. It can't be true. Celestia only wants what's best for Equestria. She would never use her like that... right?

Anarchy took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "If it's of any consolation, I feel sorry for you." He sympathized seriously. "I have lived my whole life knowing that I am in control of every single aspect of my existence. I make my own decisions. I don't look to others for approval. How much is it going to take to get you to see the truth? Answer me this. How much... is enough?"

Seeing that Twilight was becoming overwhelmed in her thoughts, Starlight intervened once more. "What do you wish to gain from keeping an innocent pony hostage?"

Anarchy smirked at her question. "I appreciate your attentiveness, Miss Glimmer. It seems your friend there has a bit on her mind at the moment." He gestured to Twilight, who did not acknowledge him. She was clearly lost in thought. Anarchy laughed victoriously. "I guess I'm finally beginning to get through to her. That's good!" He scooted himself off of the metal frame and stood in front of the bars. "As for your question, I will disclose this much. One day soon, I will call for you. On that day, I will tell you exactly where he is located. Until then, however, you will just have to be patient. You could search for him yourself, but I doubt you will find him." He smiled wickedly as he turned away from the girls. "You'll learn soon that I keep my promises... all of you."

Rainbow was far past reasoning with at this point. "Quit stalling! Tell us what we want to know! Now!" She scolded with fury.

Anarchy shook his head disapprovingly. "Or what? Are you gonna beat me up? Hmm? Or do you need Celestia's permission first?" He teased relentlessly.

Once again Rainbow had to resist the urge to rip the cell door open. She walked to the back of the group to avoid any rash decisions, despite how wonderful they would be.

Anarchy watched as Dash backed down. "Okay then. Was there anything else you ladies needed from me?" He posed to the ponies. Starlight was about to ask another question, but she would be cut off before she could even utter a word. "Fantastic! Now get out!" Anarchy interrupted gesturing them to the exit of the dungeon.

The girls looked to one another unsure of what they were going to do. They all turned to Twilight. The princess was visibly unnerved. She didn't want to leave without knowing the doctor's whereabouts, but what choice did she have? She nodded to her friends and led them out of the dungeon. The only consolation for this whole ordeal was that Anarchy was imprisoned and couldn't harm anypony else.

"Commander Firefly! We have confirmation that the boss has been captured by Celestia and her guards."

Firefly looked to the pale stallion that stood before her. "Then, everything is going exactly as he planned. Now we must do our part! Is everyone in place?"

"Yes, ma'am. Just waiting for orders!" The henchpony affirmed proudly.

Firefly gave the stallion a stern look. "Good. And the doctor?"

"Delivered to our safehouse in Manehattan, as per instructed, commander." The stallion stated as he straightened up his posture.

Firefly was feeling anxious about the whole ordeal. She still couldn't believe that Anarchy has put so much faith in her to carry out this major part of his plan. If she failed, not only would she be locked up for the rest of her life, but Anarchy would be as well. Not to mention, she would be single handedly responsible for ending his dreams for the future. With that hanging in the balance, she turned back to the pale pony. "I want you to double confirm that everything is exactly where it needs to be! Everything needs to be perfect, if we are to hold true to our boss's vision!" She ordered forcefully.

"Right away, ma'am!" The henchpony exclaimed without hesitation.

"Time is of the essence! Tomorrow is our big night! We must stay on schedule, if we are to succeed." She reassured strictly. She dismissed her soldier to carry out his orders. Then, she looked out the window. She could see Canterlot Castle in the distance. She sighed nervously as she spoke quietly to herself. "Your vision will become a reality. I promise."

The girls have all gathered in Celestia's throne room to discuss what their next move will be. With no clue of where to begin, Twilight tries desperately to rally her friends and keep their spirits up. Celestia, Cadance, and Luna are also joining her efforts.

"There is nothing to fear. We will find Doctor Hooves. It's only a matter of time before Anarchy's troops make a mistake. Once they do, we simply interrogate them." Luna proposed.

Twilight thought about the blue alicorn's plan. She wasn't quite convinced. "I'm not sure. The few of them we have captured haven't said a word. What makes you think that any of the others will?"

"Every army has its weakness. We just have to find theirs." the princess of the night added with confidence.

Celestia nodded in agreement. "Precisely what I was thinking, little sister. We must pull out all stops in this situation. We can do it. We just have to keep our minds clear."

Twilight began thinking up some ideas. "Perhaps, we can try bribing one of them. Money seems to be a common interest for most criminal types. Maybe not Anarchy's, but what about his crew?" Twilight postulated.

Cadance looked to her sister-in-law proudly. "That is a great idea, Twilight! Maybe with the right price, we can persuade one of them to give up the doctor's location." She stated with certainty.

The girls all nodded in unison. Applejack still had her doubts, but she was just glad to know that there was a plan. "But what if this don't work? Then what do we do?" The country pony asked curiously.

"Then we will just have to come up with another way to get them to talk." Rainbow Dash answered bluntly. "I'm thinking that we could try giving them the Pinkie treatment. It worked so well against Applejack that one time!"

Pinkie smiled cluelessly at the orange pony. Applejack shuddered in fear of the memory. "Maybe... but let's not go resortin' to torture unless we have to."

"Okey dokey Loki!" Pinkie agreed unknowing of what she was actually agreeing to. She was just happy to be with her friends.

The door to the throne room opened abruptly, causing the ponies to look back. One of Celestia's messengers entered the room. He immediately knelt before the princesses. "Forgive me for the interruption, princesses. But I have a letter here for you, Princess Celestia. It is from your nephew."

Celestia thanked her messenger and dismissed him. She took the scroll and began reading it to herself. She huffed after she finished reading. Her sister looked at her puzzled. "What does Blueblood want, sister?"

"He wants to know if we are still intending to hold the Grand Galloping Gala here tomorrow." Celestia sighed in response. "Honestly, I had forgotten all about it. With everything that has been going on, it just slipped my mind." The girls agreed with her.

Luna looked to her sister. "Perhaps, we should postpone the event for another day?"

After thinking about the situation for a moment, Celestia shook her head. "No. We will hold the Gala as scheduled. After everything that has occurred as of late, it will be good to give everypony something to raise their morale. Not to mention, they have a reason to celebrate. I will send some guards to search for Doctor Hooves. I believe that you all deserve a break as well." She smiled at the friends proudly.

Twilight returned her teacher's smile. "Great idea! It will be nice to see everypony smiling and laughing again, instead of being panicked and fearful."

"It's gonna be soooooo great! I will make sure to bring my party cannon to ensure maximum happiness! This is going to be the funnest Grand Galloping Gala EVER!!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed barely being able to contain her excitement. In, fact she looked like she was going to positively explode with joy.

"The Gala is tomorrow?! That's barely enough time to get ready! What ever am I going to wear?" Rarity questioned overwhelmed.

Starlight laughed and rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you'll figure it out, Rarity. You always do."

"Maybe I can convince Shining Armor to go as well. He has been running things on his own for the past few days, while I have been here. He could use a breather too." Cadance stated happily.

Twilight walked up to her sister. "He's probably ready to collapse from exhaustion by now." She giggled playfully.

Cadance chuckled as well. "Probably! He isn't used to handling everything himself. The empire, the royal guard, not to mention the baby." The pink alicorn thought to herself for a brief moment, putting a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. "I had planned on bringing Flurry Heart to Canterlot for a visit. I think she would enjoy the festivities that the Gala has to offer!"

Twilight squeed in excitement. "I can't wait to see my little niece again!"

"Her very first Gala, and she isn't even a year old yet. She is one lucky filly!" Rarity replied with admiration. Now she really wished she was a princess.

Princess Celestia grinned once again. "Sounds like everyone has a plan. It would be best to start now, if you are to be ready for tomorrow night!" She reassured the group.

"You're right! I'd better get back to the Crystal Empire before Shining pulls his hair out. I will see you all tomorrow!" Cadance exclaimed before hugging her sister-in-law. Then she proceeded out the door.

"We had better be going as well! There are things to be done back home, before we can even focus on tomorrow." Twilight proclaimed giddily. She turned to her friends and lead them out of the castle.

"So what are you going to do, AJ?" Rainbow asked her orange friend.

The farm pony knew exactly what she was going to do. "Ah gotta check in on Big Mac. The doctors say that he should be released later tonight. Though, ah'm thinkin' he won't be movin' around too much."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "What about you, Rainbow?"

"I'm actually going to practice some routines for the Wonderbolts. I've fallen behind recently. I think it's high time that I catch up." Dash responded confidently. "Nothing I can't handle!"

"Oh oh oh! I'm going to get some more confetti for my party cannon! I gotta make sure it's fully loaded and ready for tomorrow!" Pinkie gasps with excitement. "I just got the best idea ever! I should load it with candy! I mean, who wouldn't want to be bombarded with candy?!"

AJ looks disapprovingly at Pinkie. "A pony who enjoys livin' I'd imagine." She added in an attempt to dissuade the hyperactive pony. Unfortunately, Pinkie was in her own little world and didn't acknowledge her remark.

Twilight looks over to the yellow pegasus walking beside her. "And you, Fluttershy?"

"I was thinking about writing to Discord. I haven't heard from him since the other day after Anarchy said all those mean things to him." Fluttershy said worried about her friend.

"Let us know if he says anything." Twilight stated also feeling a bit concerned. Discord may have been slightly irritating at times, but he was still their friend. And whether she wanted to admit it or not, she did care about him as much as she would any other one of her friends.

"Of course I will be figuring out what I will be wearing to the Gala. But what about you, darling?" Rarity posed to Twilight.

Twilight laughed. "Well, after what transpired this morning, I think I'll take a page out of Rainbow's book and take a nap."

"Hey! You make it sound like I nap all the time!" Rainbow exclaimed defensively. Her friends all look at her with raised eyebrows and serious expressions. She looks at all of them carefully before saying anything else. "Okay, admittedly, I may tend to nap a bit from time to time, but not all the time."

Starlight rolled her eyes knowingly. "Well you certainly deserve to catch up on your sleep a bit, Twilight. I'll get some chores done around the castle... or at the very least work on mapping out the place." She replied sarcastically. "I'm not bitter about it."

The girls laughed together. It was nice to finally be able to laugh again without worrying about letting their guard down. Anarchy was imprisoned and his crew was going to follow suit. It was only a matter of time before Celestia's guards found the doctor. Everything was going to be better. From here on out, things can only get better.... right?

Author's Note:

To quote the title of this chapter, this story is not over yet. But will it be soon? I guess you'll have to stay tuned to find out! Thank you so much for sticking with the story thus far. I really do appreciate it! Feel free to leave a like or a comment telling me your thoughts! Chapter 14 will be coming at ya soon! Until next time, sayōnara!