• Published 2nd Apr 2016
  • 1,824 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Anarchy - Simply Anarchy

Peaceful times have settled over Equestria. In fact it's kind of boring... that is until crime erupts from out of nowhere. Now Twilight and her friends must face perhaps their greatest foe yet, an evil mastermind that goes by the name Simply Anarchy.

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Chapter 19: Art Of Deception

Having successfully infiltrated Anarchy's changeling militia, Thorax is now following Anarchy straight to his place of operations. He flew in the way back of Anarchy's changeling pack, mainly out of paranoia that he might be found out if he were to fly in plain sight. He was aware that most changelings look the same, but he wasn't going to take any chances. This mission was too important. He was determined to do his part. He just hoped that Twilight's tracking spell will work when the time comes.

In the midst of his thoughts, the group began landing. He followed suit, descending next to the carriage. Thorax looked at the sizable opera house that was in front of them. The building appeared very rustic and abandoned, which was ideal for a criminal gang to set up a base. On the outskirts of Fillydelphia, no less.

The changelings lined up and stood in attention as the carriage door opened. Anarchy stepped out and stretched his legs. "You know... sometimes I wish I was born a full blown changeling... At least then I could fly around from place to place, instead of being stuffed in these cramped abominations of modern transportation!" Anarchy steamed as he cracked his neck. "Ahh! Much better! Now, back to the objective at hoof!" The stallion looked amongst his soldiers carefully, almost as if he were analyzing something. Thorax swallowed nervously as his gaze passed him. He hid it well enough that Anarchy didn't seem to question it.

"What are our orders, sir?" One of the changelings spoke up, breaking the silence.

Anarchy grinned evilly. "Now... we wait... Our next move will be based on Twilight's final decision."

Thorax sighed in relief. At least he wouldn't have to partake in any of Anarchy's plans while he waited for Twilight to arrive. Now all he had to do was wait and--

"Actually... I did have something in mind to keep us entertained in the meantime." Anarchy announced giddily. "I'll tell you all about it once we get inside! Oh, I can't wait!" He was practically shaking with anticipation.

Thorax began feeling very uneasy. If he was this excited about something, it couldn't be anything good. He slowly trotted behind the other changelings as they entered the old opera house. Thorax looked around the open room. Something didn't seem right here. If this was their main base, then why was everything caked in dust? It almost looked as if nopony had set foot in this place in years.

Thorax was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of somepony tapping on a microphone. He looked up to see Anarchy standing on an empty stage. A spotlight shined on him, as he gathered everyone's attention.

"Attention, my sons of Anarchy! I bet you're all wondering why--" Anarchy bellowed happily, before being interrupted by another changeling, who whispered something into his ear. "Wait... really? By who?" The evil pony gave a quizzical look to the changeling, before having something else whispered to him. Anarchy had a very confused expression on is face. "Well... I'll be damned... This is embarrassing, truly..." He turned back to his audience. "I have just been informed that the name 'Sons of Anarchy' is apparently trademarked. My apologies... I should pay them a little visit and ask them very politely to give me the rights, shouldn't I?"

He had his troops crippling with laughter, all except for Thorax. He let out a very forced chuckle. Anarchy stood proudly on the stage, basking in the reaction he created. He waited for the laughter to die down before he spoke again. "Now, I know some of you had your doubts about the job we just pulled. But despite those negative thoughts, you managed to suck it up and carry out your orders without question. That deserves praise, so..." Anarchy gestured to the changeling behind him. The changeling was holding something in her hooves. "I am officially promoting all of you. You shall no longer be mere grunts in our army! From this moment forth, you shall be the personal guards of the new Princess of Liberation, Flurry Heart!" Suddenly, another spotlight beamed down on the changeling who was cradling the baby. The crowd roared with applause.

Thorax gasped in horror. There she is! He was only a few feet away from her. The only thing in his way was Anarchy and his wall of troops. A part of him wanted to just grab her and take off as fast he could, but he knew that such an act would not end well for either of them. But what else could he do? This might very well be his only shot at getting her back. If Twilight were here, she would be telling him to be patient and wait for backup. But what if they get here too late? He must do something...

"Now I must warn you. This job is not to be taken lightly! Flurry Heart is the key to bringing Celestia down! Guarding this child is our highest priority! Failure in this task will result in the collapse of everything we've fought so hard for... and the punishment for that, well... try thinking of a fate worse than death... Am I clear?" Anarchy leered around the room, as if trying to find any ounce of hesitation.

"Sir, yes, sir!" The room erupted with approval and obedience. Thorax never took his eyes off of Flurry. If anything were to happen to her under his watch he would not be able to forgive himself.

"And now it's time to choose which one of you lucky fellas will be watching over her first. I have a very complex and well thought out way of deciding just that..." Anarchy approached the front of the stage and raised his hoof. "Alright... let's do this..." The crowd was silent in suspense, as he brought his hoof back down and pointed at the changeling next to Thorax. "Eenie." Then, he pointed to another changeling. "Meenie." And then the next. "Miney... Mo..." Anarchy continued his 'foolproof' method for what seemed like an eternity in Thorax's mind. He definitely had a thing for being dramatic. Is this really the best way to choose who will be guarding--

"You!" The sudden outburst snapped Thorax out of his thoughts. He then realized that Anarchy was pointing right at him.

"M-me?" Thorax stuttered nervously.

"No, the guy under you. Yes, you!" Anarchy replied sarcastically. Thorax was hesitant. Why did he choose him out of everyone? "I think he's nervous, fellas! Let's all give him a bit of encouragement!" The evil pony started clapping, and the other changelings in the crowd followed his example and began cheering him on.

Thorax uneasily made his way up onto the stage. He stood next to Anarchy. All he could hope for was that his cover wouldn't be blown at this point. This was way too much attention for him. He was supposed to be laying low.

"Congratulations, brother! You have been selected to watch over her first! No need to thank me!" Anarchy stated trying to seem humble. "I am counting on you to keep an eye on her, while we carry on with our other plans. I want you to take her and wait in the dressing room. The rest of us are going to the storage area to discuss our next objective. Any questions?"

Thorax almost objected to the villain's orders, but then it dawned on him. Maybe he didn't have to wait for Twilight to get here. While Anarchy and the others are away, he can take the baby and leave this forsaken place before anypony even notices they were gone. This could be his chance! Thorax shook his head at Anarchy. "No, sir. I understand my orders."

Anarchy grinned deviously. "That's the spirit! You all know your orders! Let's move!" Anarchy walked off stage and led the pack of changelings out of the large room.

The changeling holding Flurry Heart approached Thorax, grinning all the while. "Follow me! I will bring you to your room." She stated as she turned back towards the curtains and proceeded through them. Thorax took a deep breath and then trailed behind her.

The opera house was actually a lot bigger than it appeared to be on the outside. It was a labyrinth of rooms and corridors. A pony could get lost in here. Finally after what seemed like ten minutes, they arrived in the dressing room... actually one of the several dressing rooms. The changeling seemed to be in bit of a rush to lead them here. "Here we are! And here's the baby! Don't let her out of your sight!" She gave the young filly to Thorax without another moment of hesitation. Thorax held her close to him. Then, the female changeling chuckled hysterically. "She's your problem now! Ha ha! Freedom!" She bolted for the door, but not before turning back to him once more. "Oh, and one more thing... She's had diarrhea all day, soooo... See ya!" The door slammed after she blurted that out.

Thorax hugged the little filly in his hooves. "It's okay, Flurry. I've got you. I'm here to bring you home." He nuzzled the baby, causing her to giggle happily. He couldn't help but smile at her display. "Let's get out of here."

He opened the door and looked down each side of the hallway. No changelings in sight. He quickly made his way across the corridor. He peeked around the corner cautiously. Luckily, there was still no sign of any guards roaming the halls. The majority of them were probably with Anarchy discussing their next move. He rounded the corner and made his way into the auditorium. Unfortunately, there were several guards patrolling in the big room. If he tried to make a move in here, his cover might be blown. But he's come so far, and he's way too close to the finish to quit now. There has to be a way.

He had to create a diversion... but how? They definitely won't listen to anything he has to say... With that thought, he got an idea. They may not listen to him... but there is one pony they would never question.

"Stuck on patrol duty... again. This sucks..." One of the changeling troops said as he continued inspecting the room.

His partner just chuckled. "Yeah? Would you rather be on shit detail?"

"Isn't that what we're doing right now?" The grunt questioned confused.

"Usually... but word from the grapevine says that the baby is sick." The other retorted.

The changeling looked at his buddy. "Sick? Wait... Do you mean..."

"Yep... The kid's got the squirts... and bad too..." The soldier began laughing uncontrollably.

The other started laughing as well. "You know, suddenly this job doesn't seem so dreadful."

The two were lost in fits of laughter. They failed to see who was approaching them. "You two! Just what do you think you're doing?!" Anarchy inquired furiously. He was most certainly unamused.

They straightened up almost immediately. "Nothing, sir!" One of them spoke up.

"Nothing, huh? You are soldiers in my army. And you are doing nothing?" Anarchy hissed grimly.

The other guard smacked his partner in the back of the head. "What he meant to say was that we are patrolling the stage as you asked, sir."

"Really? Because it looked like you were laughing to me. Do you think this is a joke, soldier?" The villain riddled, stomping his hoof on the floor.

"No, sir! We apologize for our carelessness. Please, forgive us." The guard pleaded fearfully.

Anarchy maintained a serious expression. "Perhaps I will... after you clean the bathrooms."

The changeling minion looked at his partner, then back to his boss. "But, sir--"

Anarchy raised his hoof, interrupting him. "Is there a problem with that? Because if you can't handle it, then I will have no choice but to--"

"N-no! I mean, no, sir... There is no problem at all!" The grunt claimed intimidated.

"Good... Now get to work!" The evil pony scolded, demonstrating his authority.

The pair of guards didn't waste any time walking away as fast as they could. The grunt turned to his partner. "You're the one who brought up shit detail!" He smacked him in the back of the head. The two continued bickering, even after they left the room.

Anarchy walked through the door leading out of the auditorium. He walked through the hallway until he came across a janitor's closet. He opened it up, to find little Flurry Heart staring back at him with innocent eyes. He knelt down in front of her. He sighed, and then smiled with relief. "Let's get you home."

Thorax transformed back into himself. He picked up the princess and began making his way back down the hallway, back towards the auditorium. He entered the large room, yet again. This time, the room was empty. Now all he had to do was leave out the main door. He approached the giant door, and pushed it open. At last, he can bring the child back to her family. And, that crazed psychopath Anarchy and his crew will have no leverage against them. He will finally be brought to justi--

He walked through the door, only to be stopped dead in his tracks. "My, my... Look at what we got here, brothers." A sinister voice left Thorax cold. "Hello, Thorax... We've been expecting you..." Anarchy stepped menacingly toward him.

"Stay back! I'm warning you!" Thorax threatened feebly.

Anarchy cackled madly. "Relax, brother. I just wanna talk! And bee-tee-dubs, if you are going to threaten me, try doing so with more confidence otherwise your threats hold no--"

"I am not your brother! You are a parasite to Equestria!" Thorax retorted angrily, gripping Flurry Heart tight.

Anarchy sighed in disappointment. "You seem a bit defensive. You should loosen up a bit. I hear yoga can do wonders for--"

"Enough of your taunting! We are leaving!" Thorax exclaimed as he readied himself for take off.

"That's rather selfish, don't you think? Have you even asked her what she wants?" Anarchy asked thoughtfully.

"She wants to be back home! With her mother! Her father! Everyone who cares about her!" Thorax claimed with certainty.

Anarchy shook his head at Thorax's absent-mindedness. "Is that so? How about it, Flurry, my dear? Where do you want to go?"

Thorax glared at Anarchy. But then he looked at the baby, who appeared to look over at Anarchy. "I want to stay with you." She muttered, leaving Thorax shocked in terror. The baby looked back at the starstruck changeling holding her. "We got you!" She giggled, before turning into a changeling right before his eyes.

"Surprise!" Anarchy exclaimed as he watched Thorax retreat away from the changeling that had once wore Flurry's face. The villain tossed his head back and laughed maniacally.

Thorax slowly backed up into the door. Before he could open it, he was knocked unconscious by one of the changeling soldiers.

Anarchy winced as the changeling fell to the ground hard. "Ouch! I bet that hurt... but that is nothing compared to what comes next..."

"Come on, come on! Can't this train go any faster?" Rainbow Dash whined impatiently.

"It beats walkin', don't it?" Applejack shot back optimistically. "Besides, it'll all be worth it when we catch that no good varmint once and for all!"

Twilight sat quietly, thinking to herself. She had to admit that she was worried about this whole plan a bit herself. The sooner they could get to Thorax the better.

Starlight sat next to Twilight. "Are you doing okay? You haven't said anything since we got his location."

"I'm just concerned for Thorax's safety. That and Flurry Heart's." Twilight sighed with uncertainty. "We all know what Anarchy is capable of doing. I just don't want anypony getting hurt because of my risky plan." The alicorn gazed out the window, watching the hills in the distance. "I just... I want this to be over with."

Starlight put her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "It will be. Now that we know where he is, there is nowhere he can hide."

Twilight continued to be lost in her thoughts. "Yeah... I sure hope so."

"Hope so? I know so! After all, I still owe him one for when he kicked me!" Rainbow intervened enthusiastically. "When I'm done with him, he will be seeing rainbows in his nightmares! And when he wakes up, I'll be there to whoop him some more and remind him that he isn't safe awake or asleep!"

"Gosh, that's a bit excessive... don't you think?" Fluttershy muttered looking a bit shocked at Dash's threat.

Dash huffed bitterly. "Excessive? He deserves everything he has coming! If for nothing but fillynapping Flurry Heart!"

"He also put Mac in the hospital and burned down mah barn! He's gotta pay fer everythin' he's done." AJ agreed with the blue pegasus.

Pinkie Pie jumped into their discussion. "Aaaaand... He almost crushed my family in an avalanche! That is, like, the rudest thing ever!" The party pony squeezed a balloon so hard that it popped right in her hooves. "Great! Now he's making me pop innocent balloons! He's crossed the line this time!"

"No... He crossed the line when he ordered Pestle and Mortar to rob the Rich family. Now it's time for him to answer for the crimes he has committed." Twilight turned back to her friends. "It's time to end this..."

"Wakey wakey, Thorax!" Thorax could distinctly make out a voice. His head was throbbing, not to mention the ringing that was piercing his eardrums. "It's time to wake up. You don't want to sleep all day, do you?" Thorax opened his eyes. He was inside of a small cage and his legs and wings were tied up. He looked up to see a certain evil pony tapping on the bars of the cage. "Well, good morning, sleepyhead! I hope you enjoyed your little nap!" Anarchy mocked him without remorse.

"Why... didn't you just... kill me..." Thorax muttered in annoyance.

Anarchy looked appalled at his statement. "Kill you? Now why would I do that?"

Thorax coughed, feeling the dryness in his throat. "Because you're evil. It's what monsters like you do."

Anarchy chuckled in response. "Monster? Oh, now you're hurting my feelings." Anarchy pouted giving an effortless performance at looking sad. Then he smirked with amusement. "But you are right about one thing... I am evil." He opened the cage door and sat down beside the restrained changeling. "I am what I like to refer to as 'necessary' evil. It is creatures like me that help keep the world balanced. You know the whole deal. Good cannot exist without evil and blah blah blah. Anyways, my point is... without me, Celestia's rule would go unchallenged. And I can't let that happen. She must face what she has wrought on this world. The very evil she created will be her undoing."

"You really believe she created you? Sounds like an excuse to me. To hide the ugliness in your heart!" Thorax retorted angrily, trying to work himself free of his restraints.

Anarchy sighed in pity. "I don't need to hide... Unlike Celestia, I embrace my past! I am stronger for having endured it!" He stood up and clapped his hooves together. "Well, this has been a fun chat but, I have to go. But don't worry! I'll see you during the show!"

Thorax looked at him puzzled. "Sh-show? What show? W-what are you talking about?" Before he could ask any more questions, Anarchy closed the cage door and covered the whole cage in a red cloth. What did this lunatic have planned? What was going to happen to him?

Author's Note:

And thus, the story continues! Sorry for the delay, blah blah blah... Work has been keeping me busy, excuses, excuses, excuses... Now that we got that outta the way! I appreciate all those who have been patient with me and my story! It means a lot. If you liked what you read, leave a like and a fave! Also, feel free to leave a comment! I read'em all... and I value your input! And as always, stay tuned for the next chapter! :raritystarry: