• Member Since 27th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I am a man from Massachusetts who graduated on June 9, 2011. I have been a brony since 2014 and I hope you enjoy my stories.

Comments ( 94 )

I hope you know that you don't have to have a picture on every single story you post. Especially when the picture you use for every single story doesn't work with most of them.

7070024 But MERICA is everywhere!

And so is Derpy, apparently.

7070152 She's going to free the shit out of you.

That can be read in multiple ways. Should I prepare myself?

7070024 I'll remember that in the future. Thanks.

7070158 No.


Why not both?

I must ask you, the author of this piece, something. Is there by any chance if the wording errors are part of the story as maybe, indicating the reader's insanity? For example, you wrote that "A small came to Twilight's face," when maybe, you could've wrote 'smile' instead. Don't worry, I thought it might be a great story idea too; confusing the reader with wording errors, possibly relating with the sleep deprived Twilight with the piece. :twilightblush: :twilightsmile:

Care to elaborate on the plot synopsis?

7123429 Well (now don't get me wrong, this story sounds good) the plot synopsis is rather short. I'd like to know more about what happens in this story.

7153779 Um, okay. In the Season 3 premier, Twilight used dark magic to find the room hidden under the throne in the Crystal Empire. However, it had adverse side effects and now her mental condition is slowly eroding. The others try to help Twilight while a mysterious yet familiar voice begins talking to Twilight.

Let's see.. your English is terrible, grammar is terrible but the story itself? Not bad!

Lots of potential. But can easily be ruined by bad writing. Very disappointing.

7153792 Now you should put that synopsis in the actual synopsis for the story. I'm not 100% sure, but I think you can edit it.

7238314 You are correct and I did that. Thanks.

come to the dark side we have cookies

You jumped the gun on the 'master' shtick.

7302838 really? how? she would most likely consider him a pony to turn to before he actually gets to the teaching dark magic part and all.

7302865 Everypony though he was dead after being shattered to pieces by the Crystal Heart plus Twilight was corrupted by dark magic. I think the next chapter might help change your mind.

Oh fuck.

Shit just got real. x10.

Can't wait for the next one.

I'm enjoying this.

you need more descriptions for the setting.

Shits about to go down!

Though I noticed Celestia say, lower the moon? Didn't she mean lower the sun after you put in before she lowered the sun she helped herself to a piece of chocolate and?

I do wish that some of these scenes were longer and smoothed out rather than rushed every chapter.

Oh snap, its goin' down!

Here we go! Let the games begin!!

This chapter looks and feels rushed, multiple spelling and some grammar mistakes, over-all it was okay though.

This Fic is off the chain, I love it!!!:twilightsmile:

I really wish you wouldnt rush this story as fast as u have been doing.

Unless you're writing it and having readers have it flip like an episode.
Ill still follow. But take your time on these chapters. Theres just too much character interaction and not enough dialogue with the setting, mood and infrastructure of the story as a whole.

"Yeah. I'm glad I'm here too." said Sunset.

Both of the unicorns' eyes shot open.

"I'm falling for Sunset." thought Twilight.

"I'm falling for Twilight." thought Sunset.

Oh god yes, SunLight!

Well that crush was quick. Oh well I'm always up for more Sunlight.
Also, why am I not surprised that Sombra plans to betray them?

I wasn't aware "Dark Twilight" was a genre.

Eeey, i'm liking where this is going.

Could use some light editing noticed some word missing but not enough to ruin the flow its easy to get the right word in other then that interesting start

Twilight thought and fired a magical beam at the Timberwolf which

Missing something there this needs some editing still a good chapter but a good number of missing words

Well celastia that plan backfired

So wait is there a twilight ship in this story

Im so expecting twilight to trick them in to hitting the heart

"It's very likely Sombra will attack Equestria. Plus, we have forces in the Crystal Empire to help us." said Sombra.

Opps i think

"I don't know." answered Twilight.


Just started reading, I like it so far! are you going to make a sequel eventually?

Where’s the chapter at

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