• Published 14th Jun 2012
  • 1,167 Views, 15 Comments

Brothers of the Balance - bronypanda

When a spell goes awry, two alicorn brothers surface and are forced to intervene in a royal conflict

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Canterlot Hospitality

Author's Note: what up all you bronies and pegasisters? BronyPanda again giving you a new chapter for anyone who still might be reading this. This chapter was a little shorter but i'll get another one up soon enough. ENJOY!

Canterlot Hospitality

(perspective Twilight Sparkle)

The sun had already made it's descent and it was now nightime. There was still akwardness flying through the air as we reached Canterlot Castle, I was still walking behind everypony trying to figure out what had gone so wrong.
We entered the royal throne room as the princesses sat at their thrones with the brothers standing before them. Princess Celestia and Alduin were in deep discussion."

"Right then" Princess Celestia began, "We welcome you to Equestria, but as it's rulers, we must know all your intentions to ensure that you will not be a problem while you are here". She said.

Luna was still really, I mean REALLY upset about the court earlier, and looked at Princess Celestia with disgust for adressing 2 important alicorns like common ponies.

"Please do not take this personal, we are only watching over our subjects". Princess luna tried to sugercoat her sister's words.

Alduin and Septimus looked at each other with discomfort and confusion.

"Our intentions"? Alduin asked.

I feared for the worst when I realized why the spell performed with mixed results. The Balance wasn't a spell to unite 2 ponies, it was a spell to SUMMON 2 ponies, specifically, Septimus and Alduin. As far as we knew, the spell had been a success. I knew that we were to blame for this accident and Shining Armor and Cadance would suffer because of my childish behavior and tampering.

"I assure you Princess, it was not by our intentions, that we arrived in Equestria". Said Septimus with determination.

The princess looked over to us with an angry glare then looked back to Septimus.

"I cannot blame you for that Septimus". Celestia admitted. "But i still need to know more before we can truly trust you".

"Very well". Alduin replied reluctantly.

The 2 brothers looked at each other, nodded and summoned their magic to tell their tale by a display of magic, showing us images of their life. Finally some answers...

Lights filled the royal throne room and being nightime outside, added more affect.

Alduin began,

"Together, my brother and I form the Balance, a way of life in which creation cannot exist. My brother, spirit of Unity and Honor, and myself, spirit of power and duty. Septimus and I are spiritually one form of magic, we are connected and act as one. One unable to exist without the other. We are the overseerers of reality, we level out two sides of the universe creating the Balance as your world knows it".

The room was filled with beams of magic, almost like the northern lights, images of Alduin and Septimus flew threw the air, we could see the stars, and the very sun and moon that the princesses themesleves controlled. We were all moved at the beautiful lights and the story of their history, but there was more.

"But". Septimus continued, " Now that we have been brought to the mortal world, we know not of how it will affect us. No offence to you all, but mortality is infamous for it's natural ability of corruption, in which my brother and I are powerless against, this is why we do not belong to here".

Alduin continued from where Septimus left off. "If my brother and I do not return to our world, one of us could unfortunatley become corrupted, destroying the Balance with you all along with it".

We all listened very carefully, like ponies around a camp fire.

The show then ended, all lights disappearing, and throne room lights resumed. All of us still curious, Celestia was the first to ask questions, "Although you are now here, do you still posses your abilities"?

"But of course", Septimus replied, "We can control the balance from anywhere in the universe, which is why it would be devastating for one of us to become corrupted by your world...no offense".

"You mentioned coming here, not part of your intentions"? Luna asked.

"She just had to ask".

"Yes well, it seems we have been summoned here by ancient equestrian magic, a magic that we thought no longer existed". Alduin responed.

The truth finally dawned, Celestia had witnessed us cast the spell and knew this was all our fault. Shining, Candence and I backed away like cowards, afraid to face the princess.

"Then i have misjudged", Celestia spoke up, "You clearly have no intentions of doing any harm and you are permitted to take your leave if you desire, I have....buisness, to attend to". She said, still glaring at us.

The brothers looked at each other again with uneasiness.

"You mean.......you...cant return us"? Septimus asked, panic in his tone.

"I beg your pardon"? Luna asked.

"Unfortunately, we where forced to come here, princesses....we dont know why or how this was possible and we dont know how to travel back and forth to our demension" Alduin informed.

Princess Celestia thought long and hard about this and finally spoke.

"Very well then, you have my permission to stay here at the castle until you can find your way back to wherever you came from. Since you 2 are both alicorns, you are considered royalty and I will alert our subjects of your presence. My student, Twilight Sparkle will aid you in anyway". She declared, shooting eyes at me.

I knew at that moment, that THAT was my punishment. Yet, I feared what Cadance and Shining would undergo.

The brothers bowed at the princess's generosity, but Septimus had somthing else in mind.

"We are grateful to your offer princess, but tommorow, with your permission of course, I would like to see Equestria with my own eyes". Septimus asked.

"Granted, I have no problem with your request. If you wish, Twilight Sparkle can give you a tour of Canterlo-

-Actually, i think i will have the honor of taking care of this myself sister". Luna interrupted

"Luna, you and i still have matters to discuss, i strongly advise tha-

-A marvalous idea indeed"! Septimus shouted out."I would be thrilled to have the lovely Princess by my side"!

Princess Luna blushed fiercely.

Reluctant at first, the Princess agreed to letting Princess Luna join Septimus, thinking that Luna would enjoy herself and clear her mind before the next court session.

"So be it, In the morning, my sister will fetch you for your little date through the city". Princess Trollestia joked. Septimus and Luna blushed deeply.

"And what of you Alduin"? Luna asked, "What will you do during your stay"?

"With all do respect, I think I will just focus on trying to get back home". Alduin declared. Everypony was deflated at that moment. Noticing, Alduin had no choice.

"But....I would...Love to walk around the castle for a bit, see what it's like to have a royal life i guess, learning about pony lifestyle sounds fascinating". Alduin said, trying to bring everypony's spirits up.

"Splendid". Princess Celestia continued, "My captain will show you both to your chambers were you can rest till tommorow. But for now, I bid you 2 goodnight". After speaking, she along with Princess luna took their leave, Luna gently waving to Septimus, Septimus returning the wave.

Shining Armor approached the brothers to escort them to their rooms, "Right this way my lords"

Alduin noticed Luna's wave to his younger brother and couldnt help but tease him a little. "Hehehe be careful there lad". He warned.

"Corruption can come in many forms and in many shapes and curves". Alduin joked, winking at his younger brother.

"Yeah.....shapes and curves.....shapes and...WHAT"?! Septimus yelled, snapping out of his trance. Alduin only laughed more. My brother couldn't help but giggle a little.

"I remember when the older guards used to tease me like that about Cadence". He thought, blushing.

Cadence and I were about to sneak out of the throne room but failed when Princess Celestia teleported infront of us, blocking our exit. We jumped back in fear

"As for you 2". She said, with evilish humor. "Do not think that I have forgotten your little experiment, you still have a punishment. You along with Shining Armor will meet me in my Study tommorow evening".

We nodded humbly and nervously but thinking that it was over, Cadence and I started to walk away when we were stopped again by the Princess.

"After...of course you keep an eye on my sister tommorow on here date". She added, a grin on her face".

"Tommorw"?! Cadence groaned like a teenager who had been given a chore by her aunt.

"Date"? I asked curiously.

"Yes tommorow, and yes her date. Come now, dont tell me you both didn't see the way they both looked at each, they clearly like each other. I've seen this before". She said winking at Cadence.

"Ohhhh". Cadence and I both said then giggled, along with the princess like some highschool fillies.

Then the Princess became serious. "If everything goes perfect between those 2, it might aid Luna in forgeting about her frustration".

We nodded.

"Oh and Twilight, you might want to invite your friends over, you might be here for a couple more days". After that, the Princess teleported back to her chambers for the night.

-Well...I guess we should get some rest too Cadence. Got a big day tommorow...

"Alright, see ya tommorow Twilight".

There you go guys i hope you like the SeptimusxLuna, and a little note, if anyone is still reading this, let me know please so im not posting these chapters for nothing, Thanks!

Comments ( 6 )

Yay new chapter.:rainbowkiss:
I knew you didn't magically disappear.

Thanks mccall12, what i do is i usually try to post a new chapter every friday or at least once a week :twilightblush:

intend to see it this through to it's end :twilightsmile:

Hey, mccall12 and Nova007, have you guys heard about my other story "im having nighmares"? I think you guys would enjoy it:raritywink:

Nice job keep it up.

Another good story dead.

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