• Published 14th Jun 2016
  • 627 Views, 15 Comments

My Ponified Adventure - VioletVixen77

Hello my name is Amethyst Rose and I used to be human, One day my best friend, my sisters and I began turning into ponies, beginning the biggest adventure of our lives, So you better get comfy because this is my story.

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Chapter 7

I groaned as once again the sun decides it was going to try and blind me as I woke up, I cast a quick glare out the window and stretched, avoiding the edge of the bed to keep from having a complete repeat of yesterday and another meeting with the floor.

I looked around the room that I found myself in and recognized the design of the room as one from Twilights castle more than likely one of the many guest bedrooms within the castle, there was a desk with a small lamp in the corner of the room and a small table next to the bed.

I took a step towards the edge of the bed and carefully jumped on all hooves to the carpeted floor, I took a step towards the door, relieved to see that it was the kind with the lever and that it was low down enough for me to reach, I pulled the handle down and let the door creak open.

Looking both ways I saw that to the left lead down a long hallway with other rooms on either side and the right lead to a left turn probably into the main room, Not wanting to get lost by going farther into the castle I took a right and was relieved that after some walking found myself in the map room where Twilight was sleeping with her head in a book.

When I was coming to the table I called out calmly “Hey Twilight” she must have been having a weird dream because her head snapped out of her book and she suddenly called out “The answer is (5S/4+25) * T=X”

I just stared at her confused and she looked embarrassed “Did I say that out loud?” She asked

I nodded my head “Oh, Well, anyway I guess you are probably hungry, I’ll go make something for us to eat does Daffodil Sandwiches sound OK?” I was about answer but was cut off by a loud crashing sound coming from down the hallway as Shadow came flying in the room and she smashed into the pile of books Twilight has stacked next to the table, causing them to go tumbling down, Twilight sighed as she began levitating the books back into a pile then Raven came walking into the room rubbing her eyes with a hoof obviously less than awake almost sleepwalking and said “I want Pancakes”

“Alright, Well, I will go make us breakfast since it looks like everypony is awake” Twilight said

“Don’t worry about it Twilight I’m already on it!” Spike called out from the kitchen

A few moments later, Spike came out of the kitchen somehow carrying the five plates of pancakes

“Thanks Spike” Twilight said and levitated the plates of pancakes from Spike and set the table

Everypony took a seat and then Shadow did a Pinkie and took a huge bite out of the bottom pancakes and Twilight just sat there her eye twitching and Raven Continued eating tiredly

“Oh, um, Twilight I forgot to tell you Pinkie took on two apprentices Shadow and some other filly…” I said cautiously to Twilight “to teach them the ways of the party ponies”

After a while Twilight managed to calm down, although her eye still twitched seeing Shadow eat her pancakes, once it was obvious that Twilight wasn’t going to have a full freak out about the illogicalness of it all Spike asked twilight a question “So, Who are these fillies?” He asked

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, sorry, Spike, this Amethyst Rose, Shadow Heart, and Raven Shade, they will be staying here for the time being” Twilight explained Everyone finished with their breakfast Twilight teleported the empty dishes away “I will be busy today supervising a few projects so I won’t be around for the rest of today” Twilight said

“Alright, I’ll go hang out with derpy today” Shadow said happily running from the room before anyone could say anything “And I will go around ponyville again and see if I can find Discord, he has to be around here somewhere” Raven said Twilight frowned slightly at that not too keen on the idea of her talking with Discord but didn’t argue

“I don’t know what I will do today, but I’m sure I’ll find something to do maybe I’ll go crusading with the crusaders” I said, but before twilight took off I added “and thank you Twilight for letting us stay here”

Twilight seemed taken back by what I said for a moment “It’s fine, you didn’t have anypony to look after you and I wasn’t just going to leave you alone” She said “And besides there is plenty of room in the castle”

Slightly awkwardly I gave Twilight a hug “Bye Twilight, see you later!” I said making my way to the door, Chucking twilight said “Bye Rose!”

I made my way through the town looking for the Cutie Mark Crusaders or somepony to talk to when I arrived at the town park I thought I heard somepony shouting my name and something that somewhat sounded like a warning when I felt somepony slam into me once I stopped seeing stars I recognized the pony as a Pegasus that I knew really well “STAR!” I shouted excitedly getting back up “Where have you been?”

“What do you mean where have I been? When I woke up everypony was gone,” he said

“Oh, so we must have been teleported earlier than you,” I said “So where did you end up?”

He pointed a hoof at where he came crashing into me from “when I ended up in Equestria I was in the air ” he said

I thought about it for a moment before saying anything “Eh Still better than where I ended up at” I said chuckling slightly

“And where did you end up at?” He asked

“In the Everfree Forest” I said “I was then chased through said forest by a pack of Timber Wolves until Rainbow Dash saved me” I said

Star started laughing, then through his laughter, he said “Oh wow that is some bad luck” He paused to catch his breath from laughing

“Hey Rose!” Scootaloo Said “Who is this?”

“Hey Girls!” I said “This is my best friend Lightning star. Star, this is the Cutie Mark Crusaders Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle” I said

“Well, nice to meet you Star” Apple Bloom said

Then suddenly there was a loud crash from behind us as Shadow crash landed into the ground her head stuck in the dirt

“I’ll go make sure she’s alright” Star said Rolling his eyes laughing while making his way over to my sister who was still trying to get free from the ground

Giggling Sweetie Belle asked “is he you’re special somepony?”

Blushing furiously I said “No! He’s just a friend he is like a Brother to me” Pausing, I added trying to change the topic “Well, I have to go make sure my sister is alright, I will meet up with you three either sometime later today, or I will try to find you tomorrow” I said galloping over to my sister to make sure she was alright

“Are you alright Katie?” I asked her

“Yeah I’m fine, I’m just going ostrich style today” she said, her voice muffled by the ground

“Alright Star, help me get her unstuck you grab and pull her hooves and I will try to dig some of the dirt away” I said

As Amethyst Rose walked away Sweetie Belle turned towards Scootaloo and Apple Bloom

“I know we already tried to get our cutie marks this way, but want to give it another go?” Sweetie Belle asked

Scootaloo groaned “Ugh, I still don’t get what's so special about ‘love’” she said fake gagging at the last part “oh come on Scootaloo” Apple Bloom said

Scootaloo sighed “Alright”

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Match Makers, Attempt #2!” They shouted and walked back to the Treehouse to come up with a plan

And somewhere nearby a certain draconequus chuckled “this should be interesting”