• Published 14th Jun 2016
  • 627 Views, 15 Comments

My Ponified Adventure - VioletVixen77

Hello my name is Amethyst Rose and I used to be human, One day my best friend, my sisters and I began turning into ponies, beginning the biggest adventure of our lives, So you better get comfy because this is my story.

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Chapter 1 Rude Awakening

Ok, um, Dear Diary, I guess?… Is that a good start? Sorry, this is my first time writing my thoughts down, Alright Twilight said I should start writing like a Diary or something to get all my thoughts out on paper, so I guess I will begin my story with the day things started going crazy.

I was just a normal 15 year old guy who went to High school I was in 9th Grade Freshman year... You know what fine, No I was not normal the opposite in fact, No matter how hard I tried I could never fit in anywhere, that is until now. My name is Amethyst Rose… Well, for now you probably know me as Will, this is the story of how my life all changed one day, along with the rest of the world of course.

*Beep! Beep! Beep! *

My alarm clock beeped, 6 A.M it was time to get ready for school

"Ugh, Already? It feels like I just went to sleep" I complained.

Then, as if to confirm it My door slams open and my sister Katie came running in jumping on me yelling "come on Will time to get ready for school!" She Yelled

"Alright, Alright! I'm up" I complained again "Do you have to wake me up like this all the time?"

"Yep!" She said like she was stating the obvious, Then she left the room probably To wake up Courtney for some reason,

I have three sisters, Katie, the one who just woke me up... After I was already awake, then there is Courtney, she is the oldest out of my sisters and is obsessed with her phone, probably why she fell off her bike and broke her collarbone, she 'Says' she was just holding it not texting or anything, but no one really believes her, we tend to tease her about it from time to time. My third sister who's the youngest is Sara, she is not the easiest to get along with, one moment she is nice the next she is grumpy and as talkative as a rock... Actually, the rock is more talkative when she is in one of her 'Moods' best to steer clear when she is in one of her ‘Moods’.

I looked at the clock, 6:50 I still had a few minutes before I had to leave so I pulled out my phone put on some music and went online to see if the Early Morning Discussion was up on Friendship Daily yet, seeing that it was I typed a quick message something along the lines of "Good Morning! How is everypony doing this morning?" Almost instantly I had a few replies I scrolled through them for some pony to start a conversation with

"Hey Rose I'm doing good, How are you?" Grazie replied

"Hey Grazie! A little stressed out I completely forgot to study for my Science Test today, I have to go now, bye Grazie!"

"See you later Rose, Good luck on that Test!" I read.

Yeah, I’m a fan of Mlp along with 2 of my sisters Katie, Courtney and of course Zoran my Best Friend, I think he was the one who got me started watching Mlp, not at first of course he mentioned it and awhile later I decided to check it ou and of course I loved it ever since, I turned off the screen and grabbed my bag.

"Will, come on, it's time to leave" my mom said "Coming!" I quickly ran outside and sat in the front seat my sisters, Katie and Courtney had the day off school today, Why is it that they had the day off and I didn't? Our schools had the same schedule and it couldn't have been anything major seeing our schools were right next to each other…

(Later that day)

I looked around suddenly aware that someone was calling

My name "Will, are you alright?" Mrs. Hesson my algebra teacher asked

"What? Oh, um yeah, I'm fine, I just um, yeah, I'm fine." I said. She looked at me for a moment before continuing with class.

huh, I must have spaced out just then, I was currently in my 3rd period class. I inwardly groaned as I remembered that I had a Test in science next period, I hate going to that class I like chemistry, but the teacher there makes me so nervous he calls me out all the time and I swear it’s like he is doing it on purpose.

I was leaning on my elbows and looked back to the homework assignment that Mrs. Hesson handed out, then suddenly my vision blurred and a blinding white light was all I could see, I tried to call out to someone when I felt myself go limp as I passed out.

I groaned as I sat up and noticed I was no longer in class, but in the nurse's office,

“Looks like you're awake now” the nurse said “They thought you just fell asleep but after you wouldn’t respond they brought you down here”

I tried to sit up, then I felt I painful pinching in my lower back, She must have noticed since she said “Take it easy, the buses are about to arrive, but if you don’t feel up to it I can call your parents to take you home”

My parents wouldn’t be home with my dad was out of the state working on a job and my mom would still be at work for the next 3 hours “No I’ll be fine” I said

“Alright, you can rest here for the next few minutes until classes are over then you can leave” she said leaving the room.

Was I really out that long? That was what 3? 4 hours ago? Well, Atleast I won't have to worry about the test for another day

I sat up again, feeling that familiar pinching in my lower back, I sat up and walked to the bathroom by now I could feel that there was something definitely strange was going on like there was something attached to my back there, but that doesn't make any sense.

I turned my head as best I could, I froze Dumbfounded at what I was staring at, attached to my tailbone was a Cyan and pink striped tail, It looked familiar, but I couldn’t decide where it seemed familiar from, snapping out of it I stuffed my tail in my pants hopeing that it would be hidden from sight, Leaving the bathroom I saw the school nurse walk over to me again

“You can get what you need from your locker the bell is about to ring” She said

“Ok, ” I replied I opened the door and walked out of the office half expecting to hear people talking about me having a tail, but I was relieved when that was not the case it was slightly awkward walking the new appendage throwing off my balance as I grabbed my stuff and rushed to the bus not willing to miss it especially when something was obviously was going on.

*Later, at Home*

As soon as I was home, I Put my backpack on the hook and ran into my room, annoyingly finding Katie waiting in my room.

“Finally, your home, Want to play Minecraft?” She asked “Oh, and earlier today when I was watching YouTube I passed out and these grew” She said pulling off her hat revealing 2 Light Blue Bat Pony Ears

I sighed “Alright, So it’s not just me, and no I'm not playing Minecraft right now ” I said Pulling out my tail and showing it to Katie

“So it's the pony apocalypse?” She said looking out the window

“Uh….. No, ” I said Facehoofing…. Even though I don’t have hooves…..

“Awwww” She complained

“Alright anyway do you know where my laptop is I want to see if others are changing too” I asked Katie

“I know, Courtney is on it” She replied

“Of Course she is…” I sighed “I’ll be back” I said, leaving my room and walking up the stairs to Courtney’s bedroom

“Courtney? I need my computer!” I said walking up the stairs

“What? Nuuuu!” Courtney complained hiding the computer

“I need my computer so give it to me…. Or else, ” I said

“Or else what?” She asked

“Or else, I will bring Katie in, ” I said, reaching the top of the stairs

Courtney stared at something behind me for a moment before answering, “I didn’t know you were into cosplaying” she said surprised

“What do you mean Cosplay-” I stopped mid sentence before I mentally smacked my head into the wall, I had forgotten to hide my tail

“What is taking you so long Will?” Katie said coming from behind me with her pony ears showing

“You’re cosplaying too?” Courtney asked, confused while I was still struggling not to smack my head into the wall and give myself any more of a headache

“Ugh, great alright, how should I explain this me and Katie are-” I stopped as I spotted A slight Twitch beneath Courtney’s hoodie “Uh Courtney could you pull your hood down for a moment?” I asked her

“Ok…?” She said confused by what was going on and pulled her hood off her head, revealing 2 black pony ears almost invisible underneath her brown hair

“Alright, well Courtney, welcome to the club” I said vaguely confusing her more “Katie, me, and now you seem to also be changing, Katie grew pony ears, I grew a tail and you also have grown pony ears” I said grabbing a mirror and giving it to Courtney. “So, uh Courtney can I have my laptop so I can find out what’s happening now?” I asked her.

Author's Note:

Hello everypony and thank you for reading my first Mlp fan-fiction, I hope you will you enjoy!