• Published 14th Jun 2016
  • 627 Views, 15 Comments

My Ponified Adventure - VioletVixen77

Hello my name is Amethyst Rose and I used to be human, One day my best friend, my sisters and I began turning into ponies, beginning the biggest adventure of our lives, So you better get comfy because this is my story.

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Chapter 10 First Day of School


During Dinner is when Twilight decided to give us the News

“Alright, Girls I have some News tonight, Tomorrow you will be starting school, I already have all your school supplies packed for tomorrow” Twilight said

“Nuuuu!” Raven Complained looking up from her Ponime Manga “then I won’t have as much time to read my Ponime”

Twilight Smiled and rolled her eyes “The teacher, Miss Cheerilee is really nice and you can still read Ponime later”

“PONIME EQUALS LIFE!!!!!!” Shadow Screamed then fell to the floor laughing

We stared at Shadow rolling on the floor for a moment before I spoke up Facehoofing “You are so weird”

I was about to head upstairs to get some extra sleep before my first day at school but stopped when I remembered something I was going to ask Twilight “Oh and Twilight, Could you maybe um help me learn how to use my magic?” I asked Twilight

Twilight smiled “Of course Rose, How about we have Lessons Every other day after you get home from school starting tomorrow, is that alright with you?” Twilight asked

“Sounds like a plan” I said tiredly heading to my room.

*Early in the morning*

“I groaned slightly as I woke up and glanced at the window and could see the sun rising over the horizon, I was content just laying in bed for a few minutes calmly waking up….. I was… until Somepony decided to continue with her wake up calls.

“Rose Wake Up!” I heard Shadow Screamed as I felt her jump on me, causing me to fall off on the other side of the bed “Rose are you awake?” Shadow asked looking down at me from my bed

“Ugh” I groaned “No, I’m dead” I replied sarcastically

“No Rose don’t die” She said, shaking me

I rolled my eyes “Alright stop I’m getting up,” I said, getting back on my hooves

“Ok,” she said before… was she bouncing like Pinkie Pie? I shook my head nah I'm probably just tired

I walked over to the stand next to my bed and grabbed my two bows and made my way out the door “Alright, was the bathroom down the left or the right?” I said aloud, trying to remember the layout of the castle.

I groaned “I'll try the right first and hope it's down that way,” I said taking a right “I Really need to ask Twilight for a map”

thankfully, it was down that way so it didn't take too long to find it

I looked at my mane and saw it was matted on the side, I slept on and sticking up on the other I sighed “I still get horrible bed head even as a pony”

I looked around and spotted a brush and looked at it and frowned “I've been here for at least 2 days and I haven't learned to use a brush yet the first time Twilight helped and the second my mane was burned by discord… and both were done with magic… which I don't know how to use yet… great”

I first tried to use my mouth to pick it up and brush my mane, you can probably figure that failed, then I picked it up with both of my front hooves… then slipped and fell… and then I face hooved as I had a light bulb moment… not literally, thankfully, because that would mean Discord and I don't think my sanity can deal with him right now… Remembering that ponies can pick up objects in their hooves I grabbed the brush in my right front hoof and began brushing my mane…

Although I gave up with putting the bows in my mane since I have no clue how to tie knots with hooves, so instead I decided to ask Twilight…. Who was currently checking, rechecking and Triple checking our saddle bags to make sure we had everything… but me wanting to eat breakfast first before (Probably) getting stuck listening to Twilight go over a list of something, I silently went into the kitchen to find spike getting cereal

“Hey Spike!” I said

“Oh, hi Rose, I didn't hear you come in,” he said

“yeah, I'm trying to avoid Twilight just until I finish breakfast” I said

Spike looked at me confused “Why are you avoiding Twilight?”

“Well, figuring it's our first of school, I'm sure she will be going over a list of something I just don't know of what” I replied

“Yeah, that does sound like something Twilight would do” Spike said Chuckling

I giggled “Yeah, so Uh Spike, could you um get me a bowl of cereal.. I am still getting used to having hooves and I haven't tried using my magic yet”

“Sure thing what kind of cereal do you want?” Spike asked

“Is there any Uh…” I thought “Is there any Cocoa Puffs?” I asked

“Ok” Spike said as he pulled out a box of Cocoa Puffs from a cupboard and began pouring some into a bowl for me and once he finished pouring me a bowl of cereal he placed on the table in the main room

“Thanks Spike” I said and trotted over to the table and used my forehooves to pull myself onto the chair and began eating my breakfast.

*10 minutes later*

“Hey Twilight? Can you help me put Ponytails in my mane?” I asked giving the Bow’s to Twilight

“Alright Rose, Hold still this won't take long” She said as I felt the Bow’s being levitated with Twilight's magic and tie my mane back in two ponytails

Smiling, I said “Thank you Twilight”

“Could You get your sisters, since this is your first day of schoo,l I think that you should go together a few minutes early so you can get everything ready before class starts and your Saddlebags are over by the door” Twilight said

“OK Twilight” I said, trotting down the hallway towards my sister's rooms

“Shadow! Raven! It's time to go to school!” I shouted

“Coming!” I heard Shadow shout then I heard the sound of flapping wings and I began to get a bad feeling as I saw Shadow flying down the hallway right at me, then right before she flew into me I jumped out of the way, then a moment later I heard a loud crash and falling books and her shouting in frustration “Oh come on!”

I rolled my eyes, “It’s your own fault, you tried to crash into me!” I shouted at Shadow

“But I want to!” Katie complained I rolled my eyes again and turned my head as Raven opened her door and trotted into the hallway

“Hey Raven!” I said

“Yes? Sorry I was thinking about Senpai” Raven replied, still in a daze

“Do you mean Discord?” I asked confused

“Yeppers! I hope he can train me one day!” She said with an evil grin

“Uh, that will never happen” I said

“Yes, it will! Believe it!” She said, punching the air with her hoof, before losing her balance and face planting into floor

“.....” I stared at her with a blank expression

“Ow…” she moaned

“.......” I continued to stare at her with a blank expression as she was still on the floor with her

KITTY CAT MEW NYA MEW (Said by the most awesomeness pony hehehe >:I~Mew)

{Face still on the cold hard floor}(Is what I was GOING to say before somepony interrupted me hint hint)-Rose


(Raven stop writing in my diary!)-Rose

(I don’t wanna >:3 too awesome for dat)-Raven

(Well, I’m trying to write our story not to mention this is my diary)~Rose

(Ohhh, so this is your diary well, I might have read it ALL.. oopsie :P hehehe~) ~Raven

(“.....” I know where you keep your Ponime Manga’s)-Rose

(YOU WOULDN'T DARE I know where you live I can kill you with a blunt knife! Hehehe~ then Senpai might notice me YAY! ^~^)~Raven


(You do know that Twilight put a lock on the drawer with the knives in it after reading those books on how to take care of foals, right?)-Rose

( *ignored* fiiiine~ I'll just eavesdrop instead! ,>.<, )

(Ima read manga then and be awesome! And hang out with Senpai! And Midnight Blizzard)~Raven

(SHH! Spoilers! It hasn’t happened yet!!!)-Rose

(it will though one day… >:I Well bye!! ^~^)~Raven

(Finally! Back to the Story! Geronimo!)


“Alright, Raven come on get off the floor now, we have to go to school” I said watching Raven still lying on the floor

“Fine, Maybe I will spot Senpai on the way to school!” She Said excitedly finally getting off the floor

I shook my head “I don’t think you will spot Discord on the way” I said

“Just watch and see one day Senpai will notice me and will train me” Raven said, bouncing on her hooves almost Pinkie like with excitement

I giggled at how she was acting “Well, if that happens just don’t take after how Discord was in his before semi-reformed ways or you could end up having a stone statue of your very own” I said teasing her

“I won't! But I think it would be kinda cool like to have a statue of me!~” She said

I face hoofed “You do know that you would be the statue right?” I asked

“So?” Raven asked

I sighed “Let’s just go we don’t want to be late to school on our first day!” I said taking the lead

“I already told you Shadow, we are not lost the school building is just down this road I remember it from one of the Cutie Mark Crusader Episodes” I said for about the hundredth time

“I can fly and I saw where it is at it's just over that way” Shadow said flying above us pointing a hoof in the direction where there was no road and it would difficult to go through without flying

“You can fly we can't,” I paused “Well, I can't anyways, I'm not sure if Raven knows how to fly or not yet”

“Uh, I haven't tried to fly yet” Raven said, looking at the ground

After walking along the path I finally spotted where we were going “See? I told you I know where we were going” I said, pointing a hoof at the school “I just hope we're not late since we had to ask around for directions”

*We actually made it on time… Early…*

As we entered the classroom, Miss Cheerilee looked up from her desk and smiled at us “Hello there you must be my new students I'm Miss Cheerilee” she paused and looked up at a clock on the wall and looked back to us “I can understand that you're probably excited for your first day of school, but don't you think you're here a little early?”

We looked at her confused “What do you mean? What time Does class start?” I asked

“Well, it's currently 6am and class starts at 6:45am so you still have another 45 minutes minutes until class starts” Miss Cheerilee said

I felt my eye slightly twitch as I spoke with disbelief “Twilight woke us up at nearly 5am? And had us leave about an hour before school starts? When the walk is only 15 minutes when you know where to go?” I complained (It only took us 10 extra minutes so you know)

“Well since you're here already you can go choose any desk that doesn't have a name tag attached to it and put your stuff away, then you can go play outside until class begins” Miss Cheerilee said

We nodded “Ok Miss Cheerilee” I walked around the room looking at who sat at each desk until I finally spotted where Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle’s desks were

I quickly walked over to the empty desk behind Scootaloo and to the right of Sweetie Belle, I then began pulling out my books, notebooks and pencils and storing them in my desk and not wanting to continue wearing my saddlebags while I'm playing outside I set it down next to my desk and quickly walked over to the door to meet my sisters outside.

I was currently running away from Shadow with Raven playing tag when I began hearing more hoofsteps and talking

“Raven! Rose! Come on! I think class is going to start soon!” Shadow shouted from behind us

“Oh, OK let's go in that case,” I said stopping

I suddenly felt a hoof tap me as I heard Shadow say “Tag! You're it!”

I gave her glare as she ran towards the door “That's not fair! We stopped the game already!” I said chasing Shadow back to the classroom

“Oh, hello again” Miss Cheerilee said as we came in “Could you just wait over there until class starts?”

She waited a few minutes as a few more ponies walked in and took a seat

“Hello class, before we get started We have some new students joining us today” Miss Cheerilee looked over at us and I could see her just slightly frown and say under her breath “There should be one more student joining us today”

Shaking her head slightly, she spoke up loud enough for everyone to hear “Could you introduce yourselves to the class?”

Looking at everypony in the classroom, I gulped and took a small step forward “H-hi my name is Amethyst Rose, but I normally just go by Rose for short” I said then started walking over to my desk.

I must have spaced out as my sisters introduced themselves, but I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the door to the classroom quickly open and somepony I knew for so long came rushing into the classroom

“Sorry I was late, I got lost on the way here” Star apologized

Miss Cheerilee nodded “Alright Lightning Star you can choose any of the desks that are empty” Miss Cheerilee said before continuing with the lesson

As she began writing on the board, I realized that I forgot to see if I could read Equestrian as well as speak it… Yeah, I know I live with Princess Twilight Aka Ponyville's Librarian, anyway, it turns out I can both speak and Read Equestrian I will have to ask Twilight why that is

“For today's lesson we will be learning about how the first Hearth’s Warming Day came to be so please take out a notebook and a pencil to take notes” Miss Cheerilee said

I grabbed my notebook that was already labeled history and I picked up a pencil in my mouth ready to take notes secretly glad that I write a Diary so I had practice with my... hoof writing? Is it hoof writing even though ponies use their mouths or magic to write with? Anyway, I was pretty confident with my hoof writing.

“So before we begin does anypony know what’s special about Hearth’s Warming Day?” Miss Cheerilee asked

Remembering that one episode where they did a Hearth’s Warming a play I decided to try and answer and raised a hoof “Yes Rose?” Miss Cheerilee asked

“It’s when the 3 pony tribes came together in harmony?” I said

“That’s correct, Back then there was a fragile relationship between the 3 tribes The earth ponies grew the food, and the Pegasi provided the weather and the Unicorn tribe raised the sun and moon….

*learning time skip… Yeah I know lazy writing... so?* (I'm pretty sure you already know this anyway)

…. And as the Windigos continued to approach they realized that all the arguing between the 3 tribes is what brought the Windigos causing the blizzard and together in friendship they forced back the Windigos through the magic of the fire of friendship” Miss Cheerilee finished

“Alright, you may now go eat lunch and have recess, but remember to be back in class in 30 minutes” She said

As soon as I was outside I looked around for my friends when suddenly spotted them with Diamond Tiara approaching them, as I got closer she turned to me “Oh, look, is this the newest blank flank of your group?” She asked “If I were you I would just ditch these blank flanks although I’m not you since I have my cutie mark and you are still a blank flank”

I took a deep, breath calming myself down “Normally I don’t argue back when it comes to bullies since I don’t care what they say about me, but don’t insult my friends Diamond Tiara” I said

It looked like she was about to say something but was interrupted as I saw my sister Shadow called out “Leave them alone”

Diamond Tiara turned around “Why are you trying to defend these blank flanks?” She asked “If you know what's good for you better stay out of this” she said

“Diamond Tiara leave my sister and her friends alone” Shadow repeated while I watched it play out while I was secretly grinning Shadow is usually silly and jokes around alot, but when someone she cares about is being picked on she can get really scary… hmm I guess almost like Maud pie… except Shadow shows her emotions more but I think you get the idea.

Diamond Tiara looked between Shadow and us glaring then turned to Silver Spoon muttering something then both walked off

Once they were out of earshot, I turned to

Shadow and then I glimpsed something on Shadow’s flank, a cutie mark, it was a set of blue headphones

“Shadow when did you get your cutie mark?” I asked curiously

“What?“ she asked, confused

I pointed at her flank and she looked and I saw the realization in her eyes “Oh, I Uh forgot..oops” she said

I facehooved at the fact she forgot about getting her cutie mark “So when did you get your cutie mark and what did you get it in” I asked happy for her earning her cutie mark

“Well, I was helping Pinkie throw a Pinkie Party and then I was helping Vinyl Scratch set up and she let me play a song and then I got my cutie mark” Shadow said

“So you got a cutie mark in being a DJ?” I asked

“Yep,” she replied

“Come inside everypony Recess is over” Miss Cheerilee called us back inside.