• Published 14th Jun 2016
  • 628 Views, 15 Comments

My Ponified Adventure - VioletVixen77

Hello my name is Amethyst Rose and I used to be human, One day my best friend, my sisters and I began turning into ponies, beginning the biggest adventure of our lives, So you better get comfy because this is my story.

  • ...

Chapter 2 The Bet

“Uh Courtney?” I asked as Courtney continued to stare into the mirror “Alright then... I’ll just go downstairs and... Start researching now?” I said as I grabbed my laptop and walked down the stairs

“Alright Courtney seems to be in shock right now, ” I muttered to myself while sitting on my bed booting up my laptop “I’ll check back up on her in a while and if she still won’t snap out of it I will either let Midnight in or I’ll get cold water”

I opened up my browser and began my search….

*40 minutes Later*

“Let’s see, nope, Spam, Spam, Troll, Spam, Hate, and more Spam” I sighed, still scrolling through search results “Ooh, this looks promising” I said clicking on a video of some news channel.

The Video

“This is Gertrude, reporting from Scotland and we are getting reports of people beginning to change into Oc ponies that they have made apparent from the show My little Pony: Friendship is Magic back to you Larry” she said before the screen changed to a guy in an office.

“Thank you Gertrude, That is correct and it turns out that this phenomenon is happening worldwide, So far it only appears to be affecting fans of the show and those who have made an OC, We are also receiving news that 2 College students are taking responsibility for the outbreak apparently one of them plugged a computer into a particle accelerator that they built and plugged in a laptop to charge while watching the show My little Pony, they are currently planning an emergency convention in Chicago later this week, Specialists worldwide from Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are asking citizens to please remain indoors and not to travel anywhere to minimize risk of spreading the Disease if it is confirmed to be Contagious” Larry Said “Tune in next time for more details on the situation”

“Wait, 2 college students built a particle Collider?” I Thought out aloud “And we're turning into our Oc’s?... Oh! So I’m turning into Amethyst Rose” I facepalmed “That’s why my tail seemed so familiar”

Katie slammed my door open suddenly stopping my train of thought “Hey Will, did you find anything?” Katie asked

“Yeah, actually, but I think we should get Courtney first I will not keep repeating myself, ” I said as I made my way to Courtney’s room she was still in the same position staring at the mirror in shock “Hey Courtney, Snap out of it” I said

Courtney didn’t show any sign of hearing me, I sighed “Courtney do I have to get ice water?” I asked her, that seemed to work

“What?” She asked, looking confused

“Good then I don’t have to get the Ice water, Alright, I found out what happened…. More or less” I Shrugged “I’ll give you the short version, This is happening worldwide to fans of My little pony we are turning into our OC’s and 2 College students are claiming that it was their fault and they are holding a convention in Chicago in a few days and the CDC are thinking it may be contagious, so we may have problems if we want to attend to learn what is going on” I said gasping in air

No one said anything and in an attempt to break the silence, I started talking again

“I’m not sure how long it will take to get to Chicago so we should figure out when we're going once mom get’s home….” I trailed off “Shoot, I completely forgot, how are we going to tell mom?” I asked.

*1 time skip later*

I groaned as I looked at the clock “That was a very unproductive hour” I said “all we came up with was ways to keep her from panicking long enough for us to tell her and how to keep her from getting hurt if she faints” I glanced at Katie “and I don't think she is going to faint” I said

“Alright then how about this if she faints you owe me 5 dollars and if she doesn't faint I owe you 5 dollars, Deal?” Katie said evilly.

I thought about it for a moment,

“Deal, Now does anyone know how long until mom will be back-” *thunk* I heard the sound of a car door closing “well, it sounds like she just home, let's go explain”

“Hey mom, can you come over here and sit down for a moment we need to talk to you” Courtney said leading mom to the living room

“Ok, what is it you need to tell me?” she asked, sitting down on the couch

“Okay mom before we tell you, please promise you won't panic” I asked her calmly

“Okay, I'll try, but, tell me what?” mom said, looking suspicious of what we had to say

“This” Katie stated bluntly pulling off her hat revealing her pony ears *Ka-thunk*

I glared at Katie, “a little blunt don't you think?”

She shrugged “you owe me 5 dollars” she said grinning

I sighed and went to Make sure that she was alright. What happened to us putting pillows, down?

After a while we managed to wake her up and explain things to her, Contradictory to what happened earlier, she took it surprisingly well and was supportive about it,

Mom was making lunch when she asked “So when do you plan on leaving to that convention you mentioned earlier?”

I gave her a confused look “What do you mean?”

“I can’t just take off on a few days trip without any warning I need to watch Sara along with the pets and I will have to explain what’s happening to your dad when he gets home, in a few days” She sighed “ So even though you only have your driver's permit you're going to have to drive you and your sisters down to Chicago you three need to find out what’s happening, And seeing as it’s in another day or two you need to pack up and get a move on so you don’t miss it”

“Alright, I will let them know to start packing” I said, walking into the living room to tell everyone to start packing “Hey Courtney, Katie! We're leaving soon so start packing!” I paused, then added to what I said “And don’t bring too much stuff that is unnecessary!”

I walked into my room and pulled open the suitcase I had forgotten to unpack from last weekends slumber party at my friends “Eh it looks like that’s everything, Convenient” I said next I grabbed my computer off the top shelf of my room and started packing it with my laptop, Mouse and chargers before I left my room, I took one last look around just slightly sad like it was the last time I would see this place for a long time, but not wanting to be the reason we missed the convention I quickly shook the feeling off and went to check if my sisters were finished packing yet.

It was about 10 minutes later when they were finally finished packing I looked at Katie's suitcase and noticed how it looked like it was about to explode from how full it was “What did you put in there” I asked suspicious to the answer

“Stuffed animals, ” she said sheepishly

“I said to only pack what you needed” I sighed “Oh well, there isn't any time, come on and load up your stuff”

I heard my phone as it started ringing and checked to see who was calling I was relieved that I had remembered to turn it off silent mode when I saw that it was Zoran calling “Hello?” I asked

“Hey, uh Will, could you please come quick I really need a ride to Chicago none of the cars over here will start, I will explain everything when you get here” Zoran said nervously

“Alright, don’t worry, we were actually planning on leaving already we will be there as soon as possible” I said

“OK, thank you I will get my stuff ready for when you get here, you remember my address right?” he asked

“Yeah, don’t worry, I still remember” I said, chuckling slightly I honestly probably had the worst memory out of everyone I knew

“Alright, cya then Will, bye, ” he said

“Bye Zoran” I replied

I hung up, then turned to my sisters who were already getting in the car Katie taking the passenger seat and Courtney sits in the middle row of seats on the right side of the van “Change of plans we are going to pick Zoran up first, ” I said

“Is he a pony too!?” Katie asked excited

I facepalmed “I completely forgot to ask, but I’m assuming so if he is also planning on traveling” I said

I put in Zoran’s address and began to pull out of the makeshift driveway beginning the start of what would soon be the craziest road trip we would ever have.