• Published 10th Mar 2016
  • 3,537 Views, 29 Comments

Sunset's mother, Celestia - miiohau

It’s never easy to get along with one’s parents. It’s even harder when they gave you way and denied you your birthright. This is the story of Sunset Shimmer and how she fell out with and returned to speaking terms with her mother Princess Cele

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After the party

Sunset ran down the hall of Canterlot High until she reached her locker. She attempted to dial the combination but her fingers kept flubbing it. She kicked the stupid thing.

Sunset started to get blurry with tears. She turned around and slid to the floor. Why? Why did I do that?

Her hands spasmed into fists. You know why! Because she deserved it!

Sunset shook her head. No. She didn’t. I was the disobedient one.

*Snort* Sure, that explains why she couldn’t wait to get rid of you.

She had her reasons.

Sure, terrible ones. Face it, she never deserved to call herself a mother.

Sunset looked to the side. That doesn’t change that she is. Or excuse dragging Twilight into it. The other half of Sunset was silent as the tears flowed.

Suddenly the voice of Twilight said “Sunset?”

Sunset stood up. She spun towards and glared at Twilight. “What do you want!?”

Twilight, Spike, and her five human friends flinched back.

Sunset closed her eyes and rubbed her nose. “Sorry, you didn’t deserve that, Twilight. Just don’t talk. The others can talk but I’m not sure I can control myself because—” Sunset shook her head. “Never mind. You will see. Let’s go to the music room and I’ll explain everything.”


Later in the music room.

“So, Celestia abandoned you?” asked Rarity.

“Technically she had a guard drop me off at the orphanage. But basically ya,” replied Sunset.

“One thing, aye don’t get is what any of this has to do with Twilight,” said Applejack.

Pinkie jumped up. “Sunset felt replaced because Twilight is her cousin and she became Celestia’s student right after she left Equestria and Celestia made Twilight an alicorn princess.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Pinkie, what makes you think Sunset and Twilight are kin?”

“Because Pinkie told me so,” said Pinkie Pie.

“I know, you know, Pinkie.” Applejack blinked and covered her face. “You mean the other Pinkie Pie. I think it’s going to take my brain a while to accept there’s two of you.” She shook her head. “And the rest?”

Pinkie bounced in place. “Well, Sunset and Twilight couldn’t have met before the fall formal because otherwise they would have history and if they had history it would change their whole relationship. And if Celestia had two students she would have introduced them to each other, so Twilight had to had become Celestia’s student after Sunset already left. And Twilight told us she’s an alicorn princess and Sunset said she wanted to be an alicorn princess. Therefore, Sunset felt Twilight replaced her in Celestia’s heart.”

Pinkie’s friends blinked. It was easy to forget Pinkie got straight A’s.

“So ya, basically that,” said Sunset. “I don’t want or deserve to be an alicorn anymore but the rest still hurts.”

Twilight reached over and touched Sunset’s shoulder. “I didn’t replace you. Celestia still cares for you.”

Sunset knocked Twilight’s arm off. “Do the math, Egghead! Your entrance exam was the very next day!”

Twilight jumped back. “What?”

Sunset covered her face with her hand and took a breath. She put her hands to her sides. “Sorry. I understand it’s not your fault up here-” She pointed to her head “-but in here-” Sunset pointed to her heart “-I still feel betrayed. I can ignore that most of the time but-” She looked to the side “-with my issues with that mare coming up again. I keep lashing out at everybody.”

Twilight looked at Pinkie. Pinkie looked at Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked at Spike. Spike looked at Applejack. Applejack looked at Rarity. Rarity looked at Rainbow Dash.

“What?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Tell Sunset about Celestia,” replied Rarity.

“Why do I have to tell her?”

Pinkie cut in. “Because you couldn’t possibly be on Celestia’s side.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and looked at Sunset. “Fine. Celestia turned into a big ball of blubber after you left.”

“Rainbow!” said Twilight.

“You delegated it to me. Don’t complain how I handled it.” Rainbow turned back to Sunset. “So, ya. Celestia broke down and our Equestrian counterparts are trying to calm her down.” She turned back to the others. “Is that everything you wanted her to know?”

Fluttershy raised her hand. “She seemed very upset and she wailed louder when Twilight told her you didn’t want her at the party.”

“I didn’t mean to I forgot she was there!” cried Twilight.

“How could you miss her? She was a huge ball of wailing blubber,” said Rainbow.

“As uncouth as Rainbow is, she is right. Celestia was very noticeable,” replied Rarity.

Pinkie jumped in. “Speaking of what happened over there. Don’t you have something to tell Sunset?”

“Pinkie, really, now?” asked Twilight.

Pinkie nodded. “Sunset deserves an apology.”

Twilight turned to Sunset and hung her head. “Sorry, Sunset. I forgot to tell Spike your wishes.”

Tears gathered in Pinkie’s eyes. “Me, too. I should have worked with my other self to make sure she didn’t come.” Twilight and Pinkie looked at Spike.

Spike looked at the two girls. “What? Oh, sorry Sunset. If Pinkie—of all ponies—didn’t invite Celestia I should have known there was a good reason.”

“Will you three stop? I don’t blame you for—Ok, I did a little but I’m over it.”

Pinkie bounced back. “Good. Now how do we make you feel better Sunset?”

“You already have, Pinkie,” said Sunset.

Pinkie paced. “No. No. This won’t do. You deserve an apology from Celestia. But she’s hurting as well.” She spun around. “You need to apologize to each other!”

Sunset turned away and folded her arms. “I don’t need anything from that mare. I have been doing fine on my own.” A drop of water ran down Sunset’s cheek and fell to the floor.

“But there’s things you need to say. So put it in a letter. That way if it comes out wrong you can try again. Celestia writes a letter before she sees yours. That way you know how she really feels and not just the reaction to your letter. Twilight can play messenger.”

Sunset looked at Pinkie. “Pinkie that’s the stupidest-” She paused a moment. “On second thought, that isn’t half bad.”

Pinkie ran over to the side of the room and got a paper and pencil. “These are for music writing emergencies, but we can repurpose them.”

Sunset grabbed the paper and pencil and sat down to write.

Dear Princess Celestia, Mom

Pinkie, suggested I write this letter. So here it is. I was a horrible student. I was rude, condescending and egotistical. You were right to keep me away from the mirror. I’m both glad and ashamed to have used it anyways. On one hoof I used something without permission—going someplace I didn’t belong. On the second hoof, having to live without magic taught me valuable lessons and kept me from interfering with Twilight. I hate to think what I might have done if I was still in Equestria when she was your student.

Now that is out of the way. What were you thinking!? You gave me away and then expected me to treat you as my mother when you didn’t even acknowledge me as such. Even after I gained my cutie mark and our connection was clear, I was still a student to you. Do you want to know what inflated my head? You! You did! I looked up to you! I wanted to be you! I wanted you to be proud of me! I wanted you to love me! But that wasn’t going happen! All because you had to keep your image up in public and protect me! Didn't it ever occur to you I could take care of myself! Didn’t it ever occur to you that all I wanted was a little love?

Signed Your former daughter Your former student Sunset Shimmer

Sunset started to tear up her letter but stopped. She folded it instead and handed to Twilight. “It not perfect and is likely to hurt her, but a lot of it needed to be said.”

Twilight, Sunset and the rest of their friends walked down the hall, but as they passed Sunset’s locker they noticed a glowing light flashing from within. Sunset dialed her combination, grabbed the book she used to talk to Twilight with and opened to the last entry.

Dear Glow Light, Sunset, my daughter, my student,

There is are so many things that need to be said, but I think I will start with ‘I’m sorry’. Recently another family member I had issues with returned. Namely, my sister Luna and let's just say that she had some choice words for me when she heard the full story about me and you. I’m sorry I gave you away. I’m sorry it took you coming back into my life and gaining your cutie mark to tell you who you were and who I am. I’m sorry I kept you at wing width. I’m sorry I lost my temper that night and banished you from the castle.

Your aunt Luna and I send our love. We can talk more if you see fit to see me in person.

Your mother, Celestia

Sunset grabbed a pen from her locker and scribbled out the name Glow Light then wrote:

Dear Mom,

Twilight is coming back with a letter from me, you won’t like everything it says but I needed to say it.

Your daughter,

Sunset Shimmer (The rules about my other name still apply. Do not use it again. Especially in this journal)

Sunset closed the journal, sending her message back to Equestria. Then she took the letter from Twilight and added “P.S. sorry Mom, but like I said, it needed to be said. P.P.S. Love you, Mom.” By the time she completed her addendum tears were falling from her eyes. She handed Twilight the letter and pushed her towards the portal. “Go. Before I have second thoughts.”

As Twilight and Spike walked towards the portal, Sunset accepted the group hug from the rest of her friends.

Comments ( 16 )

Yay a update love the feels

Awwww, it's complete? I wanted to see Celestia's reaction to the letter, and possibly them meeting again, and making up.

glad you update thoe sunset should have said she is also glad about going through the mirror as it lead her to her friends

also i dont recall was it said before sunset and twilight are relacted cus i dont like that revelation

7273330 Agreed, and I would also like to see them hash out their issues more deeply. Celestia has a lot to explain.

I would also like them to reconcile but I could do in the space I had. The main problem is this was Sunset's story but Celestia also needs to change. Right now I am working on prequel/side story covering Luna 'talk' with Celestia. After exploring Celestia's side of the story then we will see if they can get past thier differences and reconcile in a sequel.

7289695 Ah, all good then, and other side of the story? Even better! Keep up the good work!

7289695 I look forward to it.

it feels incomplete. :applejackunsure:

I rather nto see them reconcile at all. Celestia fubar it baddly, and there no way Sunset should see her as a mother, she was never there for her as she should been.
Even if they do make peace it won;t be as mother/duaghter or student ethier, the damage was done and would take years to heal or fix.

i also hate to say this but Celestia handled everything inthe past like Politcs, and not a mother.
Adopting Candance as she did was a political move in the end.

I love to see what or how Candance woudl react if she heard the story, shock hurt horrfied for Sunset and understanding why Sunset dispised her if they met a few times alone.

7289695 yeah! cuz this just feels like it is incomplete and cut off halfway through.

This really does still feel incomplete, but I like it.

I read it, but felt that it could have been longer. It was short and to the point. Nice idea, but overall for a story it felt it could be longer.

I Loved this story, honestly I wouldve liked to see more of Sunset and Celestias relationship rekindle or Sunset meeting Luna, hopefully this gets a sequel eventually

Actuallly, rereading this on second thought, nah, I dont think Sunset and Celestia should reconcile, from rereading this I can definitively say that Celestia has no right to have a happy ending in this scenario. At least, I would say Luna and Sunset could possibly have a relationship to some extent as it is completely fair since Luna didn't do anything wrong in this circumstance, Celestia on the other hand just abandoned her daughter, picked her back up and delegated her to only being a student position and not even daughter. Just to rub in the burn an ascended Sunset after the friendship games would've been nice.

Whoopie Doo Dad Daaa...Doesn't change anything she took cadence in and the message was sent.

Are we gonna get a sequel, its desperately needed and I would love it.

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