• Published 22nd Jun 2016
  • 392 Views, 8 Comments

Apple Bound - CarbonCoffee

When AppleJack is caught on the wrong end of a bad deal with Flim and Flam, it's up to her to take back what is rightfully hers for the sake of family and livelihood; even if it meant taking another ponies' life.

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Chapter 2: Good, Bad, and Somewhere in Between

The evening was conquered by the sounds of a mild zephyr; ash from the cindered trees blew with each gust into a deceitfully hopeful sunset. If it were any other day, ponies would sit along the open fields to embrace such winds and beautiful horizons. Young fillies would trot about with their kites pulled ever higher into the sky, and laugh and tease one another if one would drop back to the earth. Couples and families might sit under their favorite tree, letting the passing breeze flow through their manes as it would the branches. It would have been the perfect mixture for peace and serenity. But this was not any other day. Today, the wind meant something else.

"How could anypony do such a thing?" said Twilight as she gazed to the edge of the orchard. Rainbow, Rarity, and Fluttershy accompanied her at the front porch of the Apple home. Twilight's question lingered for several moments. They all glanced at one another, each slightly opening their mouths at separate intervals as if they were about to answer, but no words followed. She didn't expect one, anyhow. Conversing was kept to a minimal since noon. Only subtle noises, apart from the wind, were made. Knocks, creaks, and sighs were all they were willing to muster. Any deviation would've felt unfitting, given the situation. Even Pinkie knew.

A familiar pink pony sauntered out the swinging doors of the house - her eyes fixed to the floor. The others turned to face her, expecting some sort of news. Still looking at the ground, she slowly shook her head. They continued to gloom in relative silence. They were not alone, however. Mayor Mare organized a clean-up crew, but only a few volunteered to help preserve what was left. The rest were probably too disheartened by the scene to stay. You couldn't blame them. Four generations of livelihood: gone in just a few moments. The crew swept up rows of ash and scattered wood. Others helped repair some of the fence that were broken down or burnt. The animals were placed in temporary pens while their original quarters were being restored. But the homestead was not to be touched. Not yet.

A pair of Royal guard and a team of investigators were a few meters away from the porch, waiting for the all-clear to do a proper search of what went down and maybe interview a few witnesses. Among them was Time Turner, surprisingly. Seems the stallion had a wider range of professions than originally believed. "I can't help but feel like we're under prepared," said Turner; he held a hoof against his chin.

"Of course we are," one of the guards responded, "No one has committed something like this in centuries."

"I honestly don't know where to start. Murder? Arson? Destruction of private property? It's practically unheard of . . . around here, at least."

"Just wait until we get inside, then do what you can," the guard stated plainly. Turner lowered his brows in discomfort, and paced around a while - glancing here and there at scorched trees and those picking up after them, then to the girls on the porch. "I could only imagine how they feel." He felt his stomach twist at his words. A caramel colored stallion appeared from the swinging doors. The five on the porch turned their heads including the princess, approaching him with her mouth moving inaudibly. "That's him," said Turner. He started to walk in his direction, but was ceased by an armor-clad hoof.

"He has not given the signal."

"Oh. Right."

The doctor appeared to engage in conversation with the alicorn. She looked at him with worry, like she was hanging on his every word. He stepped aside and let her enter, and only then did he beckon to Turner and the rest. "Let's get to work." The guard led the way.

"Be careful in there. It's quite the mess." said Dr. Horse as the team entered the homestead. They nodded in return.

"Wait. Who are these guys?" Rainbow Dash intervened. She stepped away from the wall she was leaning on.

"They're the investigation team." His demeanor was calm and stout.

"Hold on. They shouldn't be messing with any of AJ's things." She approached him in defense, and rustled her wings impatiently.

"Don't worry, they're just here to observe. They'll only be looking for evidence."

"We should be the ones investigating. We're her friends!" Dash moved in closer to the stallion, and was almost muzzle to muzzle with him.

He held his ground, however. "Well I'm afraid this is a job for professionals. Emotional support can only help so much."

"Look, I'm not letting some random strangers touch anything in there!" She hovered just above Horse; trying to intimidate him, no doubt. The others took notice.

"Rainbow, please." Rarity stepped in.

"No! You're letting us in or -" Horse took a bounding step forward, interrupting the mare's fuss.

"Ms. Dash, given the circumstances your attitude is not going to help your friend in any way. I can understand your concern, but they are simply doing their job. Besides, I have no say in this anyhow. I'm just here to make sure Applejack is in a stable condition." He struggled to keep a professional tone. There was a moment of tension; Rainbow was staring daggers at the stallion, while he kept his eyes relaxed, almost lazily. Smug bastard. She thought, before she walked away.

"Where are you going?" Rarity asked.

"Farm needs cleaning up," she mumbled. Her voice still felt harsh. She scuffled through the dirt path, making her way towards the volunteers. Rarity watched her grow smaller into the distance, and couldn't help but sigh.

"I'm sorry about that." She directed her words to the doctor.

"It's fine," Horse let his chest soften, "Happens more often than you think."

"Oh god!" Time Turner was revolted when the guards lifted the covers. The body began to smell the few hours it's been here. The rest of the team was disgusted as well.

"Do your thing, Turner," one guard stated as calmly as he could. Turner moved his hooves away from his face and took a deep breath to composed himself.

"Yeah. Yeah alright. Uh - write this down," he gestured to one of the investigators, "Individual identified as Big Macintosh. Large adult male. Red coat. Green eyes. Orange hair. The cutie mark is a large green apple cut in half, exposing the inside. There appears to be two - three bullet wounds. One in the right humerus, one in the chest, and another in the neck." He shuffled over to the front of the body. "The entry points suggest the victim was facing the attacker. None appear to be immediately fatal. He must've bled out."

"Bullets wounds, huh?" one guard commented, "Guns are hard to come by."

"Well, criminals are criminals. And considering they were capable and willing to burn down a whole farm, I think they'd have access to that sort of contraband."

"Mmm." the guard mumbled. Time Turner wandered off to the rest of the room, examining broken glass, blood stains, toppled furniture; anything that showed signs of struggle.

"Must have been one hell of a fight," added Turner.

"Do you have any clue to how many there were?" the guard approached him. Turner stroked his chin.

"Hard to say. They must have been able to strike fast. Able to set the field on fire while simultaneously raiding the house. So, a large many I'd have to guess."

"How are you so sure?"

"There had to be. Else they would've been too slow, and otherwise caught."

"Not too many though. A mob-sized equivalent of them would've been easily noticeable."

"Right. Just small enough to slip past our noses. Although magic could've been used, but it's unlikely."

"Why not?"

"If any of them were good at it, they wouldn't need a gun to take somepony down."

"Hmm," the guard's face contorted for a moment, "Good observation."

"That's why I'm here," Turner sighed, "But really it's just speculation. Can't confirm anything 'til we get more clues."
The guard nodded. "We have time. The more details the better."

The upstairs was dimly lit; the result of ash gathering on the window sills around dusk. The air was deathly still as everything else: stagnant, gray, and unfeeling. Granny Smith and Applejack held up in her room, the latter laying down on the bed. The bit of light that seeped in shone on her as she lay on her side with only her head and neck exposed, the rest covered by tattered blanket. She wasn't quite asleep. Just resting; eyes slightly open. Granny sat bedside in an old wooden chair, eyes closed, slightly creaking as she rocked.

"Applejack?" Twilight stood in the doorway. Her voice held sincerity. Granny opened her eyes, not bothering to turn her head to her guest. Even more so with AJ; she didn't bother moving at all as she still faced the pane.

"Come'n child." Granny said to Twilight. Twi was still hesitant to walk in, despite the assurance of her host. She took her first step as if she was testing the water. It must've been warm enough, as she continued to make her way bedside. She sat down and faced her friend, holding her breath to see if Applejack would say something. The effort was vain, however. In truth, neither knew what to say. What could one say? Sorry for not coming sooner, because if we did, your farm wouldn't have been on fire. Sorry that your brother is dead. Sorry that they kidnapped your sister. Sorry that your livelihood is now entirely undermined by this horrific incident. Sorry indeed. They instead settled on silence. Seems nothing could be said. Just then, Twilight encompassed a small object with her magic and set it down on the window sill; just in front of AJ. Applejack's eyes widened. Gently reaching out, she placed it in her hooves and sat up on her bed. It was a pink bow.

The rims of her eyes began to swell with tears, but she wasn't weeping. Streams found themselves on her cheeks, but they were not the product of sorrow. It was something else; something Twilight didn't really understand as she watched her friend lament silently at the sight of the bow. Still with nothing to say, Twi headed to the exit.

"Sometimes -" Applejack spoke, still staring at the bow. Twilight stopped and looked back, "Sometimes bad things happen to good ponies for no real reason." A short pause. "Sometimes bad things don't always show themselves as somethin' we can see. And justice doesn't always take the form of law or gavel. Sometimes the right thing to do isn't always seen as right. Sometimes -" she looks at Twilight, "we have to take everything we know and believe -" she faces the window again, "and throw it out the window."

The sky was no longer painted with yellows, oranges, and dusty reds, but now a deep violet. Usually it was speckled with distant celestial bodies and bright burning dots, but strangely enough, they were not in sight. No longer somber, everything felt - okay. Not bad. Not good. Just so-so. The majority of the ash had cleared, and the winds had died down. All but a few souls had retired for the night. "You sure you'll be alright?" asked a certain yellow pegasus. Rainbow Dash patted her friend on the shoulder, "I'll be fine. I'm just watching Applejack. Nothing bad is gonna happen."

"That's . . . kinda the point."

"You know what I mean. Go. Head home with the others." Rainbow gestured towards the troop walking Northward past the gate.

"If anything happens, you let us know right away," she said, now further away.

"I know!" Dash projected, "I know . . ." She watched her friends grow smaller and smaller in the distance until they fell under the horizon.

Rainbow made her way back to the farmhouse porch and peaked over the space of the swinging doors that lead to the living room. It was still quite a mess, with the furniture flipped and other things still strewn about on the floor. They would have cleaned up, but it would be considered "tampering with evidence". What bull. She thought. She stopped peaking and settled on the porch. Her front hooves were crossed, and her eyes were fixed to the sky. Thoughts couldn't help but manifest in her head. A few of them were about what might come of all this, but most were about her friend, Applejack. Dash could only imagine what she's going through right now. She was probably burying her face in her pillow, crying her eyes out from all the pain, both physical and emotional. A slight frown appeared on Rainbow's face. I should've been here sooner. There's no excuse for it. I'm faster than the speed of sound and somehow, we were all too late. I was too late. Her thoughts were interrupted by an audible thud in the distance. It came from the shed.

The door to the shed was open. Not wide open, but just enough to let someone in. This can't be good. Dash thought. Her heart began to pick up the pace. Best case scenario would be just the wind's doing, or an animal going bump in the night. Worst case scenario would be . . . well, let's just say it's bad. Rainbow controlled her breath, and crept ever closer towards the door. With her hoof on the handle, she gently pushed it open. The door creaked, however. Just then, a pony covered in all manner of battlements was inside the shed. They were shuffling through an old crate, but stopped and lifted their head as they heard the door open.

"Wait, AJ?" Rainbow was surprised.

"Yeah it's me," Applejack's voice was stern. She donned several bandoleers across her body, decorated in all sorts of bullets, shells, and munitions. Two holsters were secured on both of her hind legs, each one holding a sidearm and accompanied by a complimentary pouch. A bulky saddlebag rested on her right side which bridged the gap between the rest of her things. However, one piece of apparel stuck out from all the tactical gear; a pink ribbon, rapped around her bruised hoof. AJ continued to search the crates.

"What are you -" Dash was interrupted by Apple's glare. She didn't say a word, but the look she gave was something along the lines of are you sure you wanna know the answer? Dash gulped her fear down. "W-why do you have so many guns?"

"Well one," AJ blurted, still arming herself, "I'm a country pony, of course I have guns. Two, the explanation as ta how I've obtained all these weapons is somethin' I'm not exactly willin' ta disclose, but it's along the lines of being prepared." She pulled out an antique of a rifle from the crate, and slung it across her back. "Now if ya have anymore questions, best ask'em now. I'm just about ready ta leave." She threw on a maroon poncho, concealing the majority of her armaments.

"Leave?" Rainbow asked, "To where?" She stood a good distance away from her friend. She's never seen this side of AJ, and frankly she was afraid of what she might do.

"Ta where ever those bastards are hidin' out, that's where!" AJ trudged passed the blue mare.

"W-who?" asked Rainbow Dash. Applejack gritted her teeth at those words.

"Flim and Flam, Rainbow!" AJ scolded, muzzle to muzzle with her friend, " Flim. And. Flam." She continued walking. Rainbow was dumbfounded. Her vision became misty as tears formed around her eyes. She couldn't believe what had become of here friend. Was the Element of Honesty truly going to commit the most unlawful of deeds? She wasn't about to let her go.

"But you're still hurt!" Rainbow followed, "You need to rest!"

"I'm fine."

"But you're limping!"

"I said, I'm fine!"

"AJ, you don't have to do this!"

"Yes I do."

"No you don't. There's another way! We can help! We'll do like we usually do, and solve this together!"

"That's a nice thought Rainbow, but it ain't gonna work."

"And why not?"

"Because these are criminals we're dealing with. It isn't the same."

"What makes you so sure about that?"

"Look, I don't have time ta explain ta you why I'm better off doing this alone. They messed with my farm, so it's MY problem. Simple as that. Go right on ahead an' tell the others! It won't change my mind." With that, Rainbow stopped trailing her, and flew back to the farmhouse. Applejack kept her pace, passing all the ruins of her once flourishing home. Stumps and burnt trees still stood, littering the fields. She came across a sign that once hung proudly upon the gate of Sweet Apple Acres, now blackened and scorched. It was a horrible reminder of what she failed to protect. She let these images fill her. A rage built up inside of her, and a different feeling as well, something she hasn't felt in a long time. Something - dark. Just then, she heard flapping behind her. Turning around, it was Rainbow Dash yet again. In her hooves was a familiar brown fedora. AJ stopped this time; the scrunched expression on her face loosened just a bit. She reached out and placed the hat on her head.

"Get her back, AJ." Rainbow's voice was a little shaky. Applejack nodded, walking further into the starless night. She remembered what that feeling was in the back of her head; the one she felt before.

It was vengeance.

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And so, it begins the journey!

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