• Published 10th Jan 2016
  • 452 Views, 3 Comments

Letters from Ponyville Community College - MLRNitevision

Nitevision's returned to Ponyville to attend college! But a peaceful visit turns dark when a mysterious virus begins infecting ponies at random! Or, is the virus following a pattern? Can it be stopped? If so, HOW?

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Dear Nitevision,

I’m worried about you…the Cakes stopped by again, and it sounds like it was their daughter that got bit, but that’s not the worst part. Pound Cake was infected too. I’m not sure if the story is just a publicity stunt for the college or not, but I hope you’re staying safe. I hope you can visit this weekend!

With love,

Berry Punch

Screwball stood over the seemingly lifeless form of Pumpkin Cake.

“You did the right thing coming to me when you did.” Screwball said casually. “There’s a chance we can get her back.” Nitevision’s face lit up with hope.

“How?” He asked, trying in vain to keep his excitement under wraps. Fire Alloy’s eyes narrowed as he watched his friend pace back and forth next to the mare’s body. Screwball sighed as she considered how to explain things to Nitevision.

“It’s like Twist said,” she explained. “Pumpkin Cake isn’t gone, her personality is just on auto pilot. Basically, if we can get her current personality drained, then we can restore her control once more. It’s not impossible, it’s just extremely difficult. There’s just one little catch. The magic we need to restore her control is wielded by one person, and one person alone. I have just enough of the power to help ONE pony, if that…but we have far more than one pony to help here.” Fire Alloy raised an eyebrow.

“Who’s the pony we need? You make it sound like they’re some sort of supervillain.” He said. Screwball chuckled nervously.

“It’s not a pony, Fire Alloy. Do you know what a Draconequus is?” She asked. The Unicorn’s eyes grew wide with shock, and he nearly choked.

“You don’t mean…” He started, but was cut off by a flash of lightning. Screwball nodded.

“My father is the only one for the job. But it will take a day or so for Discord to get here from his realm. I sent for him earlier.” Fire Alloy groaned. Screwball grinned, and Nitevision watched a teal balloon drift by on the wind generated by a vent in the room.

“Now…this might hurt a little bit, but…it’s for her own good.” The mare said. “Nitevision, you know Pumpkin Cake the best…so I need you to hold her down. Be gentle, but firm, understand?” He nodded, and placed his hooves on hers, effectively pinning the mare to the ground. Screwball pulled an needle from her saddle bag and tapped it with her hoof.

“Ready, Nitevision?” She asked solemnly. The Bat Pony nodded as Screwball slid the needle into the mare’s front leg. Pumpkin Cake jolted, then opened her eyes. Fire Alloy watched as the stripes slowly faded from the mare’s eyes. Nitevision looked at Fire Alloy, and smiled.

“Pumpkin?” The Bat Pony asked. “Are you alright?” Pumpkin Cake nodded.

“I have a slight headache…” she complained.

“That’s a side effect of being in a room too long with Nitevision.” Fire Alloy rolled his eyes. Pumpkin Cake giggled.

“I’ll be fine, I just need to get something to eat, that’s all.” She said. Nitevision broke into a grin.

“It’s no wonder you two are such good friends,” Fire Alloy said. “You’re both obsessed with food. It’s all you can think about, even when you’re in grave danger!” The Unicorn snapped. A thought suddenly occurred to Nitevision.

“Sweetie Belle…” He said. “Apple Bloom…they’re both out there somewhere! We need to go find them!” Fire Alloy gasped.

“You’re right!” He said. “Pumpkin Cake, Screwball, you two stay here. I’m going to go with Nitevision, so we can go save them!” Pumpkin Cake nodded, and hugged the Bat pony.

“Stay safe.” She whispered.

“Where’s the fun in that?” He teased.

“Come on, Sweetie Belle!” Apple Bloom whispered. “We have to move, NOW!”

“But we haven’t found Scootaloo yet!” Sweetie Belle hissed. Apple Bloom shook her head.

“There’s no time. We have to keep moving. You know Scootaloo, she’ll be fine on her own. We told her where to meet us in the event that we’d be separated.” The Unicorn explained. Apple Bloom rolled her eyes.

“Everyone makes that kind of thing up, ‘In case we get separated’. Everyone knows that it isn’t likely to happen.” She snapped.

“Isn’t LIKELY, doesn’t mean isn’t POSSIBLE!” Sweetie Belle shot back. “Let’s just keep moving. If we can get out of here before one of…them…notices us…I hate to say this, but we have to believe Scootaloo is fine.” Apple Bloom nodded sadly as the pair observed the campus map.

“Now, if we’re here,” She said pointing to the cafeteria. “And the rendezvous point is there,” the mare drug her hoof across to the opposite end of the map, stopping on Nitevision’s dorm. “Then all we have to do is get past the…” Her statement was cut off by a small shriek emitted by Sweetie Belle.

“The commons…” she breathed. “That place is the most infected of all of them! Are you sure there isn’t another way to get to the dorms?” Apple Bloom shook her head sadly.

“There’s no possible way to do this without going through there. Unless…” She looked over at one of the buildings nearby. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” She asked.

“The vents!” Sweetie Belle said excitedly. “Apple Bloom, that’s brilliant! We just need to find a classroom that can get us access to…” She paused.

“The closest classroom to our current point is,” she used her hoof to trace a pathway from their current position to the classroom nearest to their location. The mare gasped, putting a hoof over her mouth. “The Science Lab.” Sweetie Belle gulped.

“That…is NOT good.” She said. A sound from behind her caused the pair to turn around. Snips stood a few hoof lengths away, the effects of the Potion causing his eyes to glow in the semidarkness.

“Uh, we gotta go. NOW!” Apple Bloom shouted.

“Good idea!” Sweetie Belle said, grabbing the mare’s hoof and dragging her towards the Science Lab. Apple Bloom watched fearfully as Snips began to charge at the pair, his sheer speed a testament to the College’s training camp.

“He’s gaining on us!” Apple Bloom called. Sweetie Belle pushed herself to her physical limits, and beyond. The pair barely made it to the building, slamming the door behind them. Snips couldn’t slow down in time, and ended up barreling into the door, and knocking himself unconscious. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom took a moment to catch their breaths, then looked down the hall. Something strange had happened. Papers were scattered all over the floor, lights flickering on and off.

“Woah…” Sweetie Belle whispered. “What happened here?” She wondered aloud. Apple Bloom shrugged.

“No doubt in my mind, this is a side effect of the Potion’s possession.” Sweetie Belle nodded grimly.

“Let’s not spend more time here than we have to.” She said as the pair made their way down the hall and towards the chemistry lab. Apple Bloom pushed the door open, and stepped into the darkened room. Bottles of unidentified liquid and the shattered remains of beakers lay scattered about the lab. A single desk had been positioned directly beneath the vent, as if some pony had tried – and failed – to escape through it. A dark red liquid dripped from the edge of the desk, streaked with marks that indicated that a pony had been dragged off of it. Sweetie Belle shivered at the sight of it.

“Come on, I’ll give you a boost.” She said to her Earth Pony companion. Apple Bloom stepped up onto the desk, then balanced on Sweetie Belle’s shoulders and climbed into the vent, turning to offer a hoof to her partner. Sweetie Belle climbed into the vent after Apple Bloom, and the pair looked around.

“Alright, I think we need to go this way.” Sweetie Belle said, her voice echoing through the steel walls of the air ducts. Apple Bloom nodded in agreement. The Earth Pony and Unicorn set off through the cold metal passageway. The mare’s hoof steps echoed as they made their way to the dorm buildings.

Nitevision flapped his wings silently. Night had begun to fall on the campus, acting as a natural veil to mask his flight. His movement attracted no attention as he landed on the roof of the dorm building. Moments later, his partner Fire Alloy joined him.

“Let the record show. I hate stairs.” He panted.

“Yeah, I know.” Nitevision said casually. “But this is the only place that we can see the entire campus from.” Fire Alloy cleared his throat angrily. “Sorry,” the Bat apologized. “This is the only place I can see the entire campus.” As much as he hated to admit it, Fire Alloy knew Nitevision’s ability to see in complete darkness was a…useful gift.

“Do you see anything?” The Unicorn asked. Nitevision scanned the commons.

“There are a couple of ponies patrolling. From what I can tell, they’re under the Potion’s control.” He said. “Wait a minute…there’s Apple Bloom! Sweetie Belle too! They’re going to the Chemistry lab.”

“I think I know where they’re headed!” Fire Alloy said. “Do you still have the key to your dorm?”

“I do, somewhere around here.” The Bat replied. “Why do you ask?”

“I need to borrow your history notes.” Fire Alloy said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

“But…I’m not taking History this semester.” Nitevision said in confusion. Fire Alloy groaned in disgust.

“I was being sarcastic.” He growled. The Bat scratched his head. “Never mind. The important thing is that we get to your dorm, and get it unlocked so we can meet them there. I hope they’re not in trouble…” Nitevision nodded, then leapt from the building, unfolding his wings in midair, and gliding to the ground. “Showoff.” Fire Alloy groaned before using a minor teleportation spell, landing inches from Nitevision.

“Come on. My room isn’t far from here. We should be fine as long as we can get there without attracting any attention.” Nitevision turned to walk away, then shrieked. Screwball clamped one of her hooves over his mouth.

“Sh! You don’t want any of them to hear you!” She snapped. “I came to help you.”

“Where’s Pumpkin Cake?” Fire Alloy asked in confusion. “Is she alright?” The mare nodded.

“She’s fine. There’s nothing to worry about.” Screwball explained. “You guys are in danger. I’m here to make sure you don’t make any mistakes with the Love Potion.” Fire Alloy looked at Nitevision, and both shrugged. “If I let go of you, do you promise not to scream?” Screwball asked. Nitevision nodded, and the mare released her hold on him. Nitevision took a deep breath in, and sighed.

“I thought you were going to choke me to death!” He said.

“Believe me, on several occasions, I’ve thought of doing just that.” Fire Alloy interjected. Screwball laughed. The trio resumed walking in silence, headed for Nitevision’s dorm. The door to the building creaked open, and the Bat pony looked into the dark hallway. A single light flickered on and off at the end of the building.

“All clear.” Nitevision whispered. The Earth Pony and Unicorn entered the hallway, with Nitevision following close behind. Less than a minute later, the group slipped into the dorm. The light had been left on since the last time Nitevision had been in the room, so he turned it off. Screwball closed the door silently behind her, and looked up at the ceiling.

“See that?” She asked, pointing at the vent. “I bet you ten bits that the ventilation system would be the perfect way to get anywhere in the college.” Nitevision nodded, even though this made no sense to him. Screwball was going to continue, but was cut off by a knock at the door. Nitevision went to open it, but Fire Alloy stopped him.

‘Check the peephole’ he mouthed. Screwball did as she was told. Looking out into the hallway, she saw Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, huddled together and looking over one another’s shoulder. Fire Alloy walked over to the door, and peered out, observing each mare’s eyes in turn.

“They’re clean.” He whispered. Screwball opened the door, and the mares raced in, closing the door behind them.

“Nitevision!” Sweetie Belle said as she pulled the bat into a hug. “I was so worried about you!” Nitevision grinned happily. Screwball looked back and forth between the door and the window.

“I hate to break up the happy reunion, but we’re not safe here.” She said as she opened the door again. A lone silhouette of a Pegasus patrolled the halls. “Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, come over here for a second.” Screwball whispered. The pair did as they were told, looking out into the hallway just as the shadow stepped into the light. Apple Bloom gasped, and Sweetie Belle bit her tongue to keep from screaming.

It was Scootaloo.

“We’ve got to get out of here!” Screwball hissed. Apple Bloom shook her head.

“We can’t leave without Scootaloo!” She spat. Screwball groaned.

“We have no choice!” The mare said. “If we don’t leave now, then there’s a greater risk of getting attacked here!” Sweetie Belle walked over to stand next to Apple Bloom.

“If she’s not leaving, I’m not leaving.” Sweetie Belle said. Nitevision nodded, and followed the snow white Unicorn.

“I’m with Sweetie Belle.” He said. Fire Alloy nodded in agreement.

“Fine. Stay here.” Screwball snapped. “I’ll be in the vent if you need me!” The mare crawled up onto Nitevision’s shoulders, then into the air duct. Hearing a noise, Fire Alloy looked out the window. Two shadowy forms were moving towards him at a high speed. Before he could react, the door behind him flew open as four more ponies, lead by Scootaloo, entered the room. Sweetie Belle shrieked as the Pegasus sunk her teeth into the mare’s flank, just below her Cutie Mark.

“NO!” Nitevision screamed as the mare fell to the ground. Apple Bloom was the next to fall. The window behind her shattered as Snips and Snails entered the room.

“Go!” Fire Alloy ordered the Bat Pony. “Follow Screwball! It’s what Sweetie Belle would want!” Nitevision shook his head. The Unicorn put a hoof on the stallion’s shoulder. “Listen to me Nitevision. I can handle myself.” Fire Alloy said as he used a blast of magic to subdue three of the attackers. He looked his best friend in the eyes, feeling the Bat’s body trembling with fear. “You’re gonna have to trust me, Nite.” He said. “Can you do that? Can you trust me buddy?” Nitevision nodded. “I’m going to be fine.” Nitevision looked at his friend.

“Promise?” He asked. Fire Alloy nodded.

“I promise.” The Unicorn replied. Nitevision trusted his best friend. He flapped his wings and crawled into the vent, turning to look watch his friend. Fire Alloy looked up and waved. Snails took advantage of the opportunity, pouncing on the red Unicorn’s back. Nitevision screeched as he watched Snails sink his fangs into Fire Alloy’s neck.

“YOU LIED!” Nitevision shrieked. “YOU LIED TO ME!” Tears streamed down the Bat’s cheeks. “You promised…” Screwball patted him on the shoulder comfortingly.

Dear Mom,

Pumpkin Cake recovered with the help of Screwball! I’m happy to have my friend back. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom and I met in my dorm. Fire Alloy is here, too. We’re going to be fine, as long as we stay together. I’ll come to see you soon.



Comments ( 2 )

A fun little Easter Egg for those of you who play Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder: All of the Chapter names have to do with the name,
(or flavour text) of a Ship card. Keep an eye out for other little references, too!

Interesting turn that is connected with the Chemistry Lab too. And I like the idea so much! It smells like a good detective narration with the suspense and mystery. Such are the main features of the Gothic Tradition, you know. I wrote one story using this genre motifs (will to mystery, haunting, etc.)

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