• Published 10th Jan 2016
  • 450 Views, 3 Comments

Letters from Ponyville Community College - MLRNitevision

Nitevision's returned to Ponyville to attend college! But a peaceful visit turns dark when a mysterious virus begins infecting ponies at random! Or, is the virus following a pattern? Can it be stopped? If so, HOW?

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Pumpkin Spice

Chapter 3: Pumpkin Spice

Dear Nitevision,

The Cakes are doing wonderful! Pinkie Pie is continuing to attract business for Sugar Cube Corner. Rainbow Dash and the Cloudsdale Weather Corporation have been working overtime to keep the skies clear. The Tavern is drawing a ton of business from locals, as well as travelers! We’re putting in a second story soon. You’ll love to see it!

Visit soon!


Silver Spoon had a lot on her mind. Believing that Diamond Tiara was going to share with her the secret of how she had gotten her eyes to be so, hypnotic, the mare had allowed the Earth Pony to step close to her. Silver Spoon had leaned towards her, thinking that the secret had to be whispered, but when Diamond Tiara had gotten close enough to her, instead of whispering, she had BITTEN the mare. Silver Spoon let out a small shriek, but had ultimately not panicked. She had gotten used to random displays of affection from unfamiliar ponies, but this was not the case. She knew Diamond Tiara was not the kind of mare to pay attention to any pony other than herself. This seemed odd, but Silver Spoon dismissed it without a further thought. Walking alone on her way to the Gym, she noticed Snips, Star Quarterback for the College’s football team. Had his muscles always been that…huge? It was impressive, even she had to admit. She could almost feel her mind begin to change. In a matter of seconds, she had gone from despising the stallion with every fiber of her being, to feeling a great emotional attachment to him. Snips didn’t notice her until she stood right behind him.

“Hey Snips,” She greeted casually.

“Hi pretty pony,” Snips said, failing to notice the pink bands running up and down her eyes. “What want with Snips?” Clearly, his English had NOT improved since he had joined the hoof ball team. Silver Spoon smiled.

“How about a hug for luck?” She asked. Snips shook his head.

“Snips no believe in luck. No want hug from pretty pony.” He explained. Silver Spoon gasped.

“Did you just…reject me? How DARE you reject ME? It’s bad enough that daddy is forcing me to go to this…awful school. He wants me to learn how to socialize with ponies that AREN’T rich like me, but to top it all off, you just REJECTED ME?” She snarled, rushing the Quarterback and sinking her teeth into the stallion’s throat. The Love Potion raced from her teeth and into the stallion’s bloodstream, rushing directly to his brain. Once there, the virus took control of the pony’s mind, manipulating his thoughts to do it’s will. Beside him, Silver Spoon’s energy drained from her body, and she collapsed. Featherweight and Fire Alloy watched from the shadows cast from the library building.

“Interesting,” Featherweight said to his partner. “Did you see that? It’s almost as if…Silver Spoon’s energy transferred to Snips…” Fire Alloy nodded.

“That’s an interesting observation, I suppose.” He agreed. “But we can’t prove exactly what happened.” Featherweight swallowed nervously.

“You’re not going to like this,” He started slowly. “But I think I know who can explain this.” Fire Alloy’s eyes grew wide.

“Oh no. We are NOT bringing TWIST into this. No way.” Featherweight sighed, and looked his old friend in the eyes, putting a hoof on the Unicorn’s shoulder.

“Look Fire Alloy. This is an extremely dangerous…whatever you call it…that could potentially start infecting many, many ponies. We need to stop it, and if it takes interacting with some pony we don’t like, then so be it, because saving the population is far more important than a petty rivalry!” The Pegasus explained. Fire Alloy shook his head.

“No.” He growled. “Twist has a dangerous obsession with Apple Bloom. I can’t work with her.”

“And just why not? The fate of Ponyville could be in our hooves. You have to look past your rivalries with-“ A thought occurred to the stallion. “You’re in love with Apple Bloom, aren’t you.” His eyes narrowed. “You’re jealous of Twist! So THAT’S why you don’t want to work with her, ISN’T it?” He asked. Fire Alloy groaned, and shook his head.

“I always knew you were destined to be a reporter Featherweight.” Fire Alloy replied, “But I suppose you’re right. I shouldn’t be putting my feelings ahead of the fate of Equestria.” The Unicorn rolled his eyes. “You certainly have a knack for finding things out that you’re not supposed to know, but you’re a lot better at blowing things out of proportion.” Featherweight grinned.

“So do you want to call Twist, or should I?” He smirked.

“Featherweight, you know we’ve been best friends since elementary school.” Featherweight nodded. “So then you know I’m not going to feel bad about pounding your skull into your throat.” The Pegasus swallowed nervously.

“So…I take it that means you want me to go talk to Twist?” He asked. Fire Alloy glared at him.

“Figure it out.” He said. The Pegasus grinned and nodded sarcastically.

“I’ll go get her.” Featherweight replied.

Twist sighed in frustration. The Love Potion she had created was supposed to be moved into the final stages of testing, and then to be put to the ultimate test: getting Apple Bloom to make herself the center of the mare’s attention, but something had gone horribly awry. Pumpkin Cake had escaped, and as a result, the Love Potion had spread from her to her brother, and from her brother to Diamond Tiara. Something had gone wrong with the creation of the potion. She cursed, and hurled a beaker at the whiteboard that stood at the front of the room. The object shattered, which brought Twist great satisfaction. She picked up another beaker, and was about to hurl it, when the door to the classroom opened. Twist threw it regardless, causing Featherweight to duck in order to avoid being hit by the projectile.

“Jeez Twist! Are you TRYING to kill me?” He snapped.

“No,” Twist said cheerfully. “If I were trying to kill you, I would have hit you. I just wanted to see if you could react quickly enough to get out of the way before the object collided with your skull.” She laughed. “What do you want, anyways?” She asked. Featherweight eyed the mare suspiciously.

“I know you’re behind this Love Potion pandemic, Twist.” He stated flatly.

“Hm. Blunt, accusatory, and straight to the point! All the elements of a great reporter.” Twist smirked. Featherweight rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, I’m a great reporter. I know. I’m here to investigate this outbreak. Congratulations, Twist. You’re our prime suspect.” The mare chuckled.

“What makes you think I had anything to do with that?” She grinned. Featherweight took the notebook from his saddle bag, and flipped to the most recent entry.

“Quote: ‘Oh, I just heard you were going to school here, so I thought I’d come see how you’re doing. I’m working on getting my major in chemistry.’ Traces of Love Poison were found in the chemistry lab, after you were observed leaving the classroom. Incident number two, you were observed explaining the differences between Love Potion, and Love Poison. Shall I continue?” He asked. Twist shook her head. She had heard enough.

“I’m not here to prosecute you, or publicly humiliate you. I’m here to see if you can help us determine what’s driving this potion to take control of ponies.”

“So you noticed that too.” Twist observed. “Alright, I’ll help you out, but, for my OWN reasons. This has nothing to do with my having a ‘change of heart’ or something like that.” Featherweight shrugged.

“Fine by me. Now let’s go, the photography and campus newspaper offices are empty most of the time, and we have multiple whiteboards to work with.” The Pegasus explained.

Twist entered the dark room, followed by Featherweight.

“I thought this room was used for photography?” Twist asked. Featherweight shrugged.

“It is,” he said. “And isn’t.” Twist shook her head. She was confused by this statement, but didn’t ask further questions. Fire Alloy turned on the light, causing Twist to jump.

“Oh hello there!” Fire Alloy said with a sadistic grin. “I’ve been expecting you.” Twist shook her head.

“You didn’t say he would be here!” Twist gulped.

“You are correct. I didn’t say he would be here. I implied it.” The Pegasus grinned.

“Is there a problem, Twist?” He asked. Rage and grief warred on the mare’s face, resulting in a look of confusion. She swallowed hard, then relaxed.

“No. There isn’t a problem. Let’s get to work.” Twist growled. Fire Alloy nodded, but failed to notice as the mare slipped a syringe from her saddlebag, and hid it behind her back.

“What do you know about the Love Potion?” Fire Alloy asked.

“What don’t I know?” Twist shot back.

“Fine,” The Unicorn spat. “What do you know that can help us?” He corrected.

“This Love Potion is…different. I created it with the DNA of the Tantabus. In other words, it’s conscious. Thus, it is capable of taking over it’s host’s mind and body. It can alter the pony’s behaviour, and in turn, it’s personality. Once it takes control of a pony, it drains their energy, replacing it with the energy that drives the potion.” She looked at Featherweight, and smirked. “Shouldn’t you be taking notes?” Featherweight groaned. “Anyways, once it’s finished draining the pony’s energy, it takes over their personality, thus gaining complete control of them. Once it’s finished, the potion leaves a portion of itself behind in the pony’s brain, before it regenerates. Each time the Potion leaves a portion of itself behind, it continues to control the pony. Make sense? Perfect. Now, that’s not the only problem. The Tantabus takes the pilot’s chair in the pony’s brain, by forcing the pony’s brain to take the passenger’s seat. Personality, control, it’s all still there, but it’s just not in control. The only reason the Potion can’t infect certain ponies, is because it can only tell that a pony is infected by the effect left on the creature’s eyes. If it can’t see their eyes, then it will automatically assume that is has been infected.”” Featherweight exchanged glances with Fire Alloy, and both shrugged.

“What does that have to do with anything?” The Unicorn asked.

“What I’m saying is, if we can isolate the Potion within the host’s brain, then we can force it out. Once it’s hosts start fighting back, the creature will flee.” Fire Alloy nodded slowly.

“Do we know what can force it out of a creature?” The Unicorn asked, feeling a piece of ceiling tile fall onto his shoulder. He looked up at the grate covering the vent into the room, and nodded. Twist grinned.

“Oh, I know.” She said as she slammed Fire Alloy’s head into the table, then raced towards Featherweight, attempting to stab him with another dose of the Potion. Featherweight reacted immediately, grabbing then needle from the mare’s hoof, and jabbed it into the mare’s leg. She shrieked in pain as Featherweight ran from the room, barricading the door behind him. Twist pounded on the wall until it shattered, then raced after him.

Nitevision lay flat in the vent above the darkroom, watching through the grate. He looked up, thinking about what he had just heard. The Bat racked his brain, trying in desperation to think of another pony that would be immune to the Love Potion’s effect. He slowly cycled through the ponies he knew. Sketch…Sweetie Belle…Screwball...Scootaloo…

Screwball! The mare would be perfect! If not a little loony. He watched as Twist attacked Fire Alloy, then Featherweight. Featherweight fought back, but Fire Alloy was knocked unconscious. He resisted the urge to cry out, but didn’t. If Twist found him, he would probably be infected as well. ‘Screwball would know what to do.’ He decided, as he watched Fire Alloy stir, and stand up after Featherweight left the room, Twist hot on his hooves. Fire Alloy looked up again.

‘Meet you at the rendezvous point.’ He mouthed. Nitevision nodded, and began to crawl backwards through the vent.

An hour later, the pair met in the library.

“You caught all of that?” Fire Alloy asked. Nitevision nodded. “Did you understand any of that?” He asked. Nitevision shook his head. “I have a feeling, you and I had the same thought when Twist said that it effected a pony based on the status of their eyes.” The Unicorn said.

“Screwball.” The pair said at the same time.

“Exactly!” Fire Alloy exclaimed. “She’ll be perfect. Absolutely perfect. We can use her to be under cover. Although…since your eyes are always covered…you may be valuable too.” Fire Alloy looked up to see Nitevision snacking on a piece of paper. “Or…knowing you, it could set us back a few steps. I’ll get in contact with Screwball. You go see if you can find Sweetie Belle. Just…stay out of trouble, will you?” The Bat nodded enthusiastically. He greatly enjoyed any activity that involved spending time with the snow-white Unicorn. “Wonderful.” Fire Alloy said. “Run along now.”

Twist felt a new energy coursing through her veins. The consciousness of the Potion gave her a new strength. The mare could feel saliva dripping from the corners of her mouth as she looked at all of the potential hosts for the creature that now lived within her brain. Since her current consciousness had begun to work with the Potion, the creature’s strength had nearly doubled. Twist loved the thought of having this creature in her mind, if only for the purpose of research. However, she could feel the creature’s insatiable hunger captivating her thoughts. She had to feed the creature, and soon. Once it had infected the entire college, nothing could stop it from conquering all of Equestria.

Or so it thought.

Dear mom,

Something REALLY weird is going on. This creature thing, infected Pumpkin Cake. I think it’s coming for me soon. Fire Alloy and I have a plan. I’m not afraid mom, because I trust Fire Alloy. I miss you, and I’ll come visit you, just as soon as I get things straightened out here.

Your son, Nitevision.