• Published 8th Jun 2012
  • 5,872 Views, 80 Comments

Dash Eats Some Skittles - Trials

Taste the rainbow? More like eat the whole goddess-damned thing.

  • ...

Taste The Rainbow

Dash Eats Some Skittles

Chapter 1: Taste the Rainbow

By Trials

Proofread by f0xhole

It had been a long day.

After that absolutely ridiculous and rambunctious celebration, Rainbow Dash was exhausted. Pinkie Pie certainly knew how to throw a party, but sometimes it just seemed trivial. No matter how much Dash would party one day, she would always be tired the next. Which, of course, always contained another party. It was an endless, monotonous routine, often filled with either parties or more parties. Due to the recent influx of these festivities, Dash had become much busier. She found herself doing more things than she had ever done before.

Not to mention the other countless jobs she had fulfilled as a weather pony that day. As well as just performing her usual duties, such as cleaning the sky or placing rain clouds, Derpy Hooves had just so happened to mess up on her own, which forced Dash to clean up her mistake. It was a hard task considering the situation: how anypony could manage to transport half of Town Hall up to Cloudsdale is anyone's guess, but it was Dash who had to sort it out.

It was always Dash's responsibility if someone screwed up. Always. Even if the pony in question had no relation to Dash, she would still have to take care of the problem. That wasn't her job–she was a weather pony. Not a guardian, and certainly not a baggage mule.

One day, a specific pegasus won't be around Ponyville to save the apple orchard from certain doom. She won't be able to escort a flock of birds back home safely every day, nor shall she have the time or patience to douse the accidental flames of Sugarcube Corner. It's not like any other pony would be able to protect Ponyville. Where would the town be without that amazingly-awesome, stunningly-sporty legend of a pony? Down the drain is where it would be.

Down the goddess-damned drain.

The pegasus lazily opened her wings before jumping into the air, her multi-coloured mane flowing elegantly in the evening breeze. Occasionally flapping her wings with ease, Dash made her way back to her home in the sky. She flew low above the orchard of apple trees, giving her a rush of air and adrenaline. Even in her lazy mood, the mare couldn't help herself when it came to aeronautics.

She scooped her hoof downwards, retrieving a rather common-looking apple. Well, let's be fair here–it's not like she didn't deserve it. After working her plot off for the entire day, Dash expected a parade of ponies to showcase her efforts and general awesomeness, not just a simple apple. Seriously, Pinkie Pie sings one obnoxiously soppy song, and suddenly she's got the whole town singing along. It would be nice to have her own song for once. Not that she enjoyed them, but for basic principle.

What does it take to get a little recognition around here?

After a small munch, Dash threw the apple from her hooves. The fruit flew through the air before eventually hitting the ground with a satisfying crunch. It finally came to rest at the foot of an abnormally large tree among the discarded leaves. Dash just wasn't hungry anymore; she had lost her appetite for plain apples. She needed more than just normal, garden-variety food. Maybe something a little extravagant; new food was always welcome to the mare, no matter the smell or look of the dish.

With an exasperated sigh, Rainbow Dash continued on her way. She leisurely flapped her wings against the wind beneath them. Her floating mansion came into view just above the horizon. Soon, she could do whatever the hay she wanted to. Instead of being bossed and forced around all the time, Dash could finally embrace some freedom...

What is that smell?

The scent was almost indescribable, as if it was something that Dash had never smelt before. It was like... the fresh morning dew resting on newly-cut turfs of grass. Like the intoxicating smell of smoke rising from a roasting fire. Like the salty breeze of a fog-ridden sea wafting into an empty harbour. Like the faint aroma of plump blackcurrants growing in the summer heat.

Exactly like a rainbow.

The smell disappeared almost as soon as it had appeared, leaving a certain pegasus to search the air desperately for it. She just had to try–an aroma like that is extremely rare to find, and the mare wasn't willing to give up just yet. Dash sniffed deeply, hoping, begging and pleading to catch another whiff of the mysterious scent. She racked her lungs, sucking in all the air she could. But to no avail; the scent had gone.

Dash's entire body slumped as if she had just literally deflated like one of Pinkie's patented party balloons. She was never going to smell the beautiful scent again, instead to go about her life without it. Dash decided to make a slow descent, flapping her wings in an upward direction. As she dropped closer to the ground, the mare gave a sigh. Rainbow had to return back down to the earth. Back to the reality of her mediocre lifestyle. Back to the arduous, ceaseless labour. With her trembling hooves on the ground, Dash looked up at the stars.

“Why can't something good ever happen to me!? Just for once?” The pegasus shouted out to the indifferent sky with reckless abandon. Her yell echoed throughout the valley, scaring several birds out of their nests. After waiting several seconds for some form of answer, Dash decidedly gave up. With an exasperated sigh, she lay down on the ground. The mare buried her fore hooves in her face.

Nothing exciting ever occurred in Dash's time anymore. Even after all she'd done for life, life always had to have the last laugh. It always had to come back to kick her in the teeth. She had only caught a teaser of the darned thing–just enough to pique her interest. Nothing more. It was just a smell for Pete's sake!

Her head hidden under her hooves, Dash took in the rich aroma of the grass. If she couldn't find that mysterious scent, she would just have to make do with this one. It was only common, and she knew it, but it was better than nothing, right?

Suddenly, the smell became overpowering as if it had been multiplied a dozen times over. Instead of just a daintily sniff of grass, it felt like it was being rammed down Dash's nose. It still was the same aroma, but it had become much stronger. So strong, in fact, that she had to stand up from the ground to escape the strong odour of grass.

That's when she saw it: the small, curiously green blob.

Spherical in shape, the mysterious green shape bore a faint, white 'S' on the middle of it. Curious as to what the new object was, Dash gave the thing a poke. Unsurprisingly, the anomaly reacted as any other thing would by moving back slightly. Well, at least it didn't create a brand new list of unsolvable problems. That was a start.

No longer so cautious, the mare moved in to sniff the object. Maybe this was the thing giving off the smell! Dash could only wish as her muzzle descended upon it. She took in another deep sniff. Again, the smell of grass was simply intoxicating. It drew the pegasus in with its powerful scent.

The smell was most definitely this thing, whatever the hay it was. Considering its sweet aroma, Dash could only guess that it was some form of confectionery. The feel of the brightly-coloured object indicated that it had a hard exterior, just like most other sweets. After all the candy Pinkie had given her, the pegasus considered herself to be a master of sweets–a connoisseur of sugary goodness.

Only one way to find out, Rainbow Dash thought. Here goes nothing.

Dash opened her mouth wide and dropped the green sphere inside. Rolling over it with her tongue, she waited for any kind of taste. Almost instantaneously, Dash felt a burst of taste bounce around her mouth. The extreme zest made her giggle with delight. It was almost so intense that Dash nearly had to spit out the sweet. Whatever it was, it was causing her teeth to suddenly ache. The taste, however, was absolutely sensational! As the flavour tantalized and excited her taste buds, Dash could only lie on her back and soak up the evening sky above her. At least something had gone right today.

There was something inexplicably funny about the sweet, though. Something undeniably recognisable and yet completely new and original at the same time. It almost reminded her of the first time she touched down on solid ground. The first sniff of fresh grass as a filly. The feeling of something beneath her hooves, instead of a soft, fluffy cloud. It was all way too familiar, and yet the emotions came to her as they did originally–with the same amazement and confusion as she felt before...

Wow, this sweet is weird, the mare noted. Dash had done a good day's work and all, but her so-called reward was just so abnormal that it completely took her by surprise. Not necessarily in a bad way either, just in a sort of strange, unexpected way.

The cyan pegasus remained on her back until the aftertaste disappeared. Considering how long it took to finally eat it, it was over relatively quickly. With a satisfied sigh, Dash continued to stare up at the stars glimmering from a place far away. Everything looked so much better when it was slowed down. Instead of rushing around all the time, completing chores or just general activities, Dash should just stop sometimes. Just to take in the scenery. Look at the beautiful place around her.

Maybe eat some more of those sweets.

That would be the case if she had any. Unfortunately, Dash was too caught up in the spur of the moment to notice the source of the mysterious sweet, explaining why she was now left empty-hoofed, possibly to never experience another magical 'S' sweet again.

As soon as the thoughts left her mind, however, she heard a gentle rustle from the left of her. With a curious expression, Dash turned to face several more of the multi-coloured, magical delectables. Each one was a different colour to others, and it even included another green one. Looking around cautiously, Dash tried to find the origin of this confectionery. She soon lost interest. Nothing could keep her attention longer than the five rainbow-themed sweets sitting on the ground in front of her.

With an exclamation of victory, the mare proceeded to scoop the sweets in her hooves. Finally, her actual reward. She looked at each of them equally, trying to size up how much flavour each one would release. Dash had all the time in the world to eat these sweets, so she might as well enjoy them while they lasted. Eventually, however, she just decided to give in to her natural instinct. She was not a slowpoke, and she probably never would be.

Unconcerned and unsure about the circumstances, Dash threw the five mysterious wonders in her mouth. Instantly, her mouth became heavy with flavour. Drool escaped through her busily-chewing mouth as she attempted to handle the multiple flavours. Her magenta eyes closed in focus as she tried to fend off the assault of colourful, vibrant tastes.

Dash was definitely tasting the rainbow.

Streams of happy tears rolled down her contorted face when she managed to take several bites out of the colourful sweets residing in her mouth. Much like her first experience of these strange sweets, Dash started to recollect certain events in vivid detail. So many memories packed into her mind, all of them forcing her to buckle under the pressure. If it continued like this, Dash wasn't going to last very long at all.

All kinds of old memories drifted into her mind, which reminded her of the awesome life she led. Even memories she had previously forgotten passed through. The race that led to the acquisition of her Cutie Mark. That amazing prom night with Thunderlane. Even flashbacks regarding her early fillyhood took hold of her mind as she battled with the seemingly endless might of the 'S' sweets.

Eventually, the feed of recollected memories began to slow. The sugary goodness was losing its power, which allowed Dash to regain some of her own. Still under an extremely heavy barrage of senses and emotions, several beads of sweat fell down Dash's exasperated face as she ate.

After a couple of minutes, the mental onslaught had stopped. Dash sat perched on her two hind legs as she panted hard every couple of seconds. The taste still remained in her mouth with remarkable power, but thankfully not as strong as the first several minutes of her encounter.

The flyer continued to stare curiously up at the stars as faint memories relished her mind.

A small rustling occurred behind her again. With the effects of the mysterious sweets still lingering, Dash was in no hurry or mind to pay attention. Still, she slowly tilted her seemingly heavy head in the direction of the disturbance.

Coming face to face with a particularly pink party pony, Dash grunted.

“Oh, hey there, Dashie!” Pinkie Pie began, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. “I was just out with my bag of Skittles here when I overheard you talking! Well, thinking really, but I still...”

Given the fact that Dash found herself unable to speak, she could only make primitive noises to indicate her feelings. Rainbow Dash gave another, rather uncouth grunt. She wanted Pinkie to get on with it, and manners weren't exactly at the top of her agenda at the moment. Her friend apparently took no notice.

“Where was I? Oh, yeah! I heard you complaining quite a lot, so I decided to cheer you up!” Pinkie put on one of her most ridiculous grins before continuing. "I thought, why don't I give Dashie some entertainment? That'll certainly... brighten up her day!”

The party pony gave a small wink at the pause, trying to help Dash understand. When the pegasus kept the same, unamused expression, Pinkie waved the red bag in front of her friend. Suddenly, Dash became more interested. The crimson bag in Pinkie's hoof was so close, and yet so far away. She licked her lips, as if readying herself to receive more.

“I threw some Skittles over to you, and to be honest, you devoured them! There's plenty more where that came from, Dashie, you only had to ask!”

So, those little sweets were called Skittles... That's what the 'S' must stand for... It made sense! The earth pony instantly noticed Dash's ears prick up at the mention of “Plenty more.” The pegasus looked at her friend with an apologetic smile. She was obviously attempting to make amends for her previous rudeness.

With a small giggle, Pinkie teasingly waved the Skittles bag just out of Dash's reach.

“I don't know, Dashie. You did call my song obnoxiously soppy!”

A/N: Not really sure what to think of this one. Woke up one morning with a humdinger of a headache and this. After giving the story a bit of love and editing, this was the result. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and please comment--I'd like to hear your reactions.

Comments ( 75 )

The concept alone is worth a severed thumb.

I don't what... BAHHWWWWWWW

Buck yes! , Gah now I want some skittles!:pinkiesad2:

I was in a bad mood when I started reading, but when I finished the story, everything was like:
:rainbowderp: Whoaaaaaaa...
:trollestia: Were those Skittles laced?

Oh gosh! I laughed so hard at Dash's reaction to that first Skittle! She did seem almost utterly enamored with them! In some ways, I wanted it to just keep going and going on forever!

Now I want to squeeze the life out of Rainbow Dash for being so unbearably cute! ...and I'm suddenly craving Skittles... :rainbowlaugh:

716765 I know I want some as well... Alas I have 5 family fun bags all for my lonesome:rainbowkiss:

:flutterrage: GIVE ME SOOOOOME!


that made me lol so hard i think i broke my laugh box

thats gonna take a while to recover from. impressive!

716862 muhaha they're all mine!:pinkiecrazy: mine!:pinkiecrazy:

Methinks Pinkie modified those Skittles in some way...:trollestia:
...can I haz one (or eight)? :rainbowwild:

716637 It belongs to my drunken mind, I'm afraid! I'll make sure to pass it on though. :yay:

716645 Was it cute? I didn't realise Dash was being cute... :rainbowhuh:

716656 Truth be told, I haven't had skittles in ages. I must buy some to celebrate. :twilightsmile:

716930 Silly author, skittles don't come from a red packet. All you have to do...uh, all Rainbow Dash has to do is clop and BAM, Skittles.

:rainbowlaugh:taste the rainbow more like devour the god dammed thing I laughed so hard

I wonder what would happen if she tried airheads.

716741 I'm glad it cheered up your day! As for the question, I have no clue. I'll have to ask drunk-me sometime, as I don't even remember writing this...

716765 I think she was totally enamoured, and I'm glad you laughed! I think because of the success of this story, I'm going to have to buy some skittles...

716824 Thank you! It means a lot to me. :rainbowkiss:

716865 Hahah, that picture made me laugh. One spike, just for you. :moustache:

716885 It's always great to hear someone enjoyed my story, even to the point of broken laughing boxes. Thanks for saying so! :scootangel:

716915 Maybe she did...maybe she did. :pinkiecrazy: Sadly, I have no Skittles in my possession right now. Ultra sad-unhappy face.

716959 Ah, but she didn't about that way...I guess one day she'll find out. On that day, I'll be there to write a story about it. :trixieshiftright:

716991 Thank you! It's the only way to eat skittles, anyway... :twilightsmile:

717003 That's another story for another day, my friend...Perhaps the day in which I learn what airheads are. :yay:

:rainbowderp:717084 Where did Pinkie get the skittles?

:pinkiecrazy: >"And that's how I became Rainbow's drug dealer!"

717119 Pinkie defies the laws of life, not the just the laws of physics. Does that answer suffice? :pinkiesmile: Or she just bought them.

717336 She bought the results of RD's clop? Meh, I don't blame her.

717351 No wonder your name is Kinky Pie... :pinkiegasp:

717360 I don't see how skittles being the results of Dash's clop and Pinkie buying them qualifies as kinky, but whatever.

717386 The fact that you don't blame her for the product being produced by clop. I dunno, it just seemed...kinky.

717390 Thank you! I'll be sure to check over it again. :twilightsmile:

717462 I don't blame her because it's skittles. SKITTLES.

717483 Okay! I give up. :fluttershyouch: But you have to admit, skittles are kind of...kinky.

717502 If you put it that way, it kinda is...

you know, there was a comic that said Rainbow Dash's ponylicious food is Skittles.:rainbowhuh:

aside from that, Dash has offitcally tasted the rainbow.

Hold on, if Rainbow Dash eats the Rainbow, isn't that ponybalism? :pinkiecrazy:

Then Dash becomes hopelessy addicted to Skittles and resorts to selling herself on the street to pay Pinkie for another shot.

If you guys want me, I'll be buying some Skittles.

Now, we can only hope that Skittles will see the obvious marketing ploy, and put her on the bag. I'd buy em. Just sayin. Anyways, good little story! Made me laugh, and there was some definite d'aww at Dash getting a proper reward for all her hard work. Please keep writing, I'll keep reading.

718504 Not exactly, because skittles are the results of her clop.

718169 Yep, she definitely has. I'll have to keep an eye out for that comic though. Anything to do with skittles... :rainbowkiss:

718504 Maybe it is, but who's keeping count? Certainly not Dashie. :rainbowderp:

718919 That's the unofficial part 2, but yes - that was eventually where it was going. I think. :unsuresweetie:

719405 Just a heads up, you probably won't experience anything like Dash did. That being said, who knows? Skittles are always amazing.

720196 I would too, believe me - I'd be first in line. :rainbowkiss: Happy to know you laughed, and thank you, I will continue. Thinking of doing these kind of simple, yet complex stories for all the mane 6. Might be quite an interesting project...

Ah reminds me of my first taste of skittles. lol


If that's really where Skittles come from, then my favorite candy just became about 220% cooler.

724565 You know it.

716741 yes didnt you know that it is quite common to lace such sweets with acid

731098 ....... :facehoof:
Of course I did, it was a jokish thing... :ajbemused:

thanks to stiory, i shall now be buying 30 bags of skittles

Well... ah... I liked it! *upvotes*

Oh my gosh! I remember reading this when it first came out! I think it might even have subconsciously inspired my story 'The Cupcake Files'. :rainbowdetermined2:
:heart: it!

1176725 Glad it was inspiring, then. :pinkiehappy: Might have to pay it a visit...

Truthfully, it's not that great. Just something I work on during writer's blocks and waiting for feedback from my friends. But yeah, that would be awesome! :rainbowdetermined2:

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