• Published 22nd Dec 2015
  • 524 Views, 0 Comments

What Will Will Do? - JusSonic

Iron Will works on redeeming himself in his own way.

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Chapter 1

What Will Will Do?

During the events from the Umbrum Event that went off in the Crystal Empire, a pony named Radiant Hope had once gathered some who would help her in plans to bring back King Sombra & free the Umbrum. But as fate would have it after Radiant Hope gather those in an attempt to return King Sombra & deal with the Mane Six & their party, a truth was exploited that none knew about. Queen Chrysalis revealed to the members about what the Umbrum are really like, that the promises made would change if such things were freed. And declaring that the Changeling Queen doesn’t care what happens to her allies when looking for guidance to stop such a madness, many of them have fled the scene when the Umbrum threat was dealt with. Right now, those that played their part in aiding in stopping the heroes to help revive King Sombra & unleash the Umbrum, those members aside from Queen Chrysalis & her Changelings are as follow: Lightning Dust, Iron Will, & the Flim-Flam Brothers.

We focus on someone here, who was actually not a pony, but…a Minotaur! None other than Iron Will, an occupation as a Self-help guru, who holds assertiveness seminars, & has a habit of referring to himself in the third person & using various, often rhyming, catchphrases. Long ago it put on a seminar in Ponyville to turn doormats & pushovers into assertive tough guys. But Fluttershy, the shyness & most liable doormat & pushover of all, was not satisfied & by a guarantee and would not pay because her new attitude drove her friends away, so she refused to pay. While not getting an argument, Iron Will departed, only for later to return in seeking Fluttershy’s help to get in touch with his inner pony so he may better support his wife & son. But when having a problem on the road, Radiant Hope approached him & his goats to partake in ‘Returning King Sombra’ with promises that Iron Will hoped to regain his lost charisma. But sadly things didn’t turn out well as he begins to have second thoughts in consideration of his family if the Umbrum were unleashed. While the disaster was averted & he got out from the confusion, now the guy wanders about with his spirit shot down.

“This is a problem, a problem so BIG, that Iron Will is stumped.” Iron Will stated off in not believing what he has come across.

A White Goat makes a sound in stating something in his own tongue.

“Yes, I know…Iron Will got easily suckered into helping a bunch of villains. YOU THINK I DON’T KNOW THAT!?” Iron Will rolled his eyes at first speaking calmly, before yelling it off from being angry.

A Gray Goat also stated off to say something in his own tongue of the subject.

“How does that feel? I’ll tell you…” Iron Will exclaimed before glaring at the one that asked him that. “IT MAKES IRON WILL FEEL WORSE THAN EVER!” He yells it off at the other goat for not knowing how terrible he’s feeling.

Now both goats just ‘baa’ from having heard this while they & Iron Will continue to move.

“What is Iron Will to do, Iron Will was hoping to regain lost charisma, & instead, Iron Will has just been JACKED!?” Iron Will slapped his forehead in not knowing what he’s gonna be doing here.

The goats made another ‘baa’ noises in hearing this while they all continue to move.

“Ugh, Iron Will should never have participated in such an event, worse, Iron Will did that in front of Fluttershy, the one who helped Iron Will out with his family problems.” Iron Will complains off in feeling that what he did, it will never fade from his memory.

The White Goat spoke off in stating something about that.

“Go talk to her, talking won’t get us nowhere!” Iron Will exclaimed off to protest the very idea from being helpful.

The Gray Goat soon spoke up in asking a ‘why’ in his native ‘baa’ tongue.

“Why….I’ll TELL YOU WHY! Because….” Iron Will was yelling this top in about to say why so… “Because…Because…” But it seem that the guy was a bit lost o the thought for some reason.

Iron Will stopped from realizing the answer was as clear as day, even for a blockhead like him. He can’t get Fluttershy because of what he did, the pony might still not forgive him for what he did during the Crystal Empire Invasion. Which means that the minotaur has to solve this problem by himself, without asking Fluttershy for help, but how can he make things right, what can he do to atone for his rash action. He stops near a river to see his face & sees how much that boast-ego of himself has slip away in the river bed.

“Hugh, look at me, Iron Will has lost his gloriest mojo that made Iron Will be who Iron Will is today.” Iron Will sighs in feeling so depressed over having lost what made him be him. “How can Iron Will regain his lost mojo, how can Iron Will try to be a better Minotaur for his family?” He was asking these puzzling questions, wondering how an answer may come to him.

The goats made a response to which the Minotaur heard to glare at them.

“No! Iron Will does not feel useless! While Iron Will’s other teammates, Lightning Dust & the Flam-Flam Brothers ran off without trying from realizing the threat of Umbrums when we were tricked!” Iron Will protest off to say this in having something to say about that other comment. “Iron Will can think to himself about how Lightning and the Flim Flams ran off without even trying to help fight the Umbrums after they realized they were tricked. At least *I* actually TRIED to help Fluttershy and her friends in the fight from afar & unseen, even if I wasn't able to be MUCH of a help." At this moment, Iron Will has a flashback that shows Iron Will slamming two of the Umbrums' heads together, tossing both said Umbrums into others, rolling a couple of good sized boulders like bowling balls at other Umbrums before he got swatted away unconscious by a much bigger Umbrum which popped his bubble cloud of thought. “Ugh, if not for that last Bigger Umbrum, Iron Will would have tried to consult with Fluttershy that he helped, but now what can Iron Will do now?” He asked this off in not knowing what to do, he helped out, but how can he prove it.

Just then as the Minotaur was passing by a quiet town, there was some noise coming from a shop nearby that Iron Will & his goats came over to have a peek inside of what was going on. Some Earth stallion, who was dress like a Shop Owner, was in a difficult situation of being pushed around, by some three tough-looking ponies wielding chain iron-maces, iron-spike chunks, & wearing some kind of street gang black leather outfits with spiky shoulder pads & knee & hoof-boots, giving off the presence of Street Gangsters robbing a poor store owner.

The one leading was some dark gray unicorn with a bald head & a bare color tail, yellow eyes, & with a rat sign cutie mark.

The other was an Earth stallion with dark light green color fur, dark emerald/turquoise spiky mane & tail with yellow with small inner red oval eyes & a crocodile sign cutie mark.

Last seen was a Pegasus with brown tar fur, tan mane & tail, blue eyes with an opossum sign cutie mark.

“Alright gramps, give us all yer money & goods!” A snappy unicorn issued off in demanding the gramps give all the goods.

“Boss wants as everything you got!” A Pegasus pony with a British accent stated about what their leader demands.

“And no funny business? Got-it!” The earth stallion spoke off in sounding like he’s from the Human World of Chicago in making this as simple as can be.

“Oh, does the Snaptrap Gang always try to rob my store every Tuesday?” Store Owner sighs to say this in getting out his money & placing them in bags to hand over to the robbers.

“Hey, it’s the only day in which you have a sale on Freezy-Pops! Which reminds me, put them all in here!” The lead member stated off in a snappy & kiddy tone while having another sack for his ice cream pops.

As a crime was happening, Iron Will & his goats watched to observe everything those crooked ponies were doing in getting what they want without being told otherwise.

“Hugh, those ponies sure are being assertive to take that store owner’s stuff.” Iron Will stated off in seeing how things were going here.

Then the goats made a call out in saying something about the situation.

“Well of course Iron Will knows that’s wrong, what you take Iron Will for….CLUELESS!” Iron Will snapped off to tell this to his goat assistants. “Hum, what could Iron Will do here? What was it that Fluttershy said about keeping Iron Will’s emotions in check for certain moments & timely places?” He was in deep thought about this, trying to figure out, what would be the best course to take.

The Gray Goat made a call about what the minotaur can do, which made an idea pop in.

“Of Course! This is what Iron Will can do to regain Iron Will’s old mojo!” Iron Will proudly exclaimed in realizing that the answer was in front of his face. “Iron Will Shall STOP a Robbery!” He declared off in seeing that this could be what will get him back his lost charisma.

The White Goat also spoke off in asking about how they can do that.

“You two, get whatever equipment setup & find ‘Mucho Music’ that will befit Iron Will’s entrance on the spot!” Iron Will pointed to the goats in giving orders in what they need to do to prepare here.

The goats replied off to quickly get moving as they got some work to setup for Iron Will. Meanwhile in the shop, the Snaptrap Gang was pretty much having obtain many things in sacks from cash & the store’s profits & items.

“How’s your side Ollie?” The leader asked off with a happy smile in how their stealing was going.

“All clear boss!” The Pegasus named Ollie saluted to his leader that they got everything.

“Francisco! Is the coast clear?” Then the guy turn to the other pony in wondering if all was good on their escape route.

“You got it boss, nobody’s out there!” The one earth stallion called Francisco also replied in saying they are in the good clear to get out with no one stopping them.

“Hey Snaptrap!” Then coming up was some short unicorn stallion that looked like a colt’s size with gray fur, clown white mane & short puff tail & wore glasses over the yellow eyes with a small rat sign cutie mark.

“Ugh, Larry, I thought I told you to wait outside while baiting away the authorities!” Snaptrap groans to say in addressing the guy that was also a part of the gang.

“I did, I lost them, so I came back to help. And look what I got!” Larry replied off to show what he managed to get his hooves on, tasty lollipops.

“Oh, Lollipops!” Snaptrap exclaimed in liking this little surprise treat, but then did a double take of there being 25. “Wait, this number count is uneven!” He pointed off in noticing that one lollipop is missing.

“Well I was hungry & so I eat one.” Larry nervously responded off to say this about him eating one & then… “Thosuhvmm…/Bamfruvhmmm…./Gaaaugh!” Without warning, Snaptrap used his horn to blast at Larry, making him yelp.

“First rule, all snack valuable tasting must be done by me! Remind me to bait you later into my Shark Tank when we get home!” Snaptrap issued off in stating this off to the guy for doing such a thing as taking a free lollipop before him. “Come on boys, let’s make our dynamic escape!” He declared forth in announcing that they shall go forth into the world.

“Right boss!” The others along with an injured Larry replied off in getting ready.

“Ugh, will I ever be free of being robbed?” The Store Owner complained in seeing that he’ll never have a normal business with street gangs robbing him.

Soon lights began to flash around as smokescreen from the goats pulling off special effects cut off the Snaptrap Gang from making their way out of town. That’s when from the smoky cloud, the shadow image of a muscular Minotaur is seen, signaling something was happening that the gang were not aware of what’s going on.

“Ugh, Francisco, I thought you said all was clear!” Snaptrap stated off in being puzzled by what they are seeing here.

“I did boss, clear of crowds.” Francisco replied off to say that there was no crowd around.

“What the heck is that?” Ollie asked off in not knowing what it was that was here before them.

“It looks like something I seen supermodels do. Oh, I wonder if any hot models are showing up.” Snaptrap stated off in what he was thinking of this & was thinking of what this might be.

“Somehow, I doubt it.” Larry rolled his eyes in remotely guessing this is not what it is.

“Listen up you vandals! I Am Iron Will!” The Minotaur behind the smokescreen issued off in demanding those here listen up good. “If you take what you stole, you will be pummel before your foe!” He issued off to say while flexing his muscles here.

“Hugh? What the heck does that mean?” Snaptrap raised an eyebrow in not getting the big picture.

“I think he’s talking about us stealing, Snaptrap.” Larry pointed this out for the guy to know.

“Silence!/Powfruvhm…/Bamfruvhmm…” Snaptrap said as he fired another magic beam at Larry which exploded.

“Gaaaughhh!” Larry screamed off in being in pain, poor guy.

“If you know what’s good, give in now, or face the wrath of what comes!” Iron Will issued forth in wanting the villains to give up here, or face the consequences.

“Ugh, boss, should we worry?” Francisco stated in in thinking this was bad.

“Yeah, he’s got a lot of assertive sayings.” Ollie nods off in thinking the Minotaur had ways with rhyming words.

“Hah! What can he do when we got him out number?” Snaptrap laughs off to say this in stating they have numbers.

“You laugh at me, I wrath at you!” Iron Will asserted off to say this.

“What are you gonna do, keep asserting us?” Snaptrap taunts doff to say this as the gang were laughing at this moment.

“Iron Will will now demonstrate what happens when bullies are bad, need to be justified in the lessons of getting schooled!” Iron Will issued off to say this off in what will need to be done here.

When it looks like the Snaptrap Gang were not about to give up peacefully, that was when things began to take effect when one of the goats press a play button on the surround sound speakers that were setup around the area; amazing that they set it up in such short amount of time. And soon some tech-no beat rock mix music is heard as if something was beginning. As the Minotaur behind the smokescreen began to make an impress walk-the-walk motion like some superstar about to make a grand entrance.

Iron Will: I’m Iron! I’m pumped!
I Grove to the Move
From the Distance, Came Your Distance
Cause I Like to Stay & Pump
Yes I’m Iron! I’m pumped!

As Iron Will moved out onto the main stage of his live show, the Snaptrap Gang watched in puzzlement as the Minotaur was flexing out his muscles in showing what he’s made of. Then what happened next was he lifted up some heavy girders from a construction zone as if making it look easy.

Iron Will: Got Nerves of Steel
Grease Runs through My Veins
Don’t Show Fatigue,
I Don’t Ache & No Pain!

Next Iron Will was throwing them girders up in the air from one arm side, as he was catching them with ease & from one arm each while showing that he was not aching from the impacts as he was finely made of tough stuff. This display made the Snaptrap Gang watch in ‘wow’ motion.

Iron Will: Can Ever Lift,
I Bounce & I Play
And I Load & Unload
That I Grab & I Play

Then what happened next was Iron Will was soon juggling those metal girders around before he was soon using his fist to punch them across the field as they imbedded into the ground.

Iron Will: I’m Not a Sentimental Fool

Now Iron Will grabs an iron dumbbell as he was bouncing it around like a basketball. Then as he was yelling out the next stuff, he was pointing across to the Snaptrap Gang in looking bewildered.

Iron Will: I’M A POWER-TOOL!

Then what he does next, was he was running off in a charging motion as he plowed against the Street Gangsters with the iron ball like bowling pins.

“WAAAAUGH!” The Snaptrap Gang screamed out from being knocked into the air to be scattered around.

Iron Will: OH, I’M A POWER-TOOL!

As the Snaptrap Gang were getting up, Iron Will was seen standing across the open spot while looking his best.

“Hah-Hah, Hah!” Iron Will laughs off in having shown his stuff to the gang as they are getting up while the Minotaur kept singing.

Iron Will: No Running Low
No Cold Feet Ever

As Iron Will sang, he was showing his hooves digging into the ground as if showing he is not running low on fuel & he ain’t afraid.

Iron Will: No Aching Muscle,
After a Hard Day’s Work
I’m A Bundle Of Steel
And You’ll Never Regret
I Got The Mucho Appeal
And Don’t You Ever Forget!

As Iron Will sang, he grabbed more metal girders to start throwing them up around while the Snaptrap Gang watches more puzzled in what this guy was gonna do. As the minotaur sang while spinning them heavy metal girders on his index fingers one on top another, it was making Snaptrap & his guys yelp in surprise, that was so…mucho!

Iron Will: I’m Not a Sentimental Fool

As Iron Will continued to sing, he was throwing them girder bars off as that made the Snaptrap Gang yelped to duck & dodge when those things were thrown or falling too close to them, sometimes knocking into each other by mistake.

Iron Will: I’M A POWER-TOOL!

Now Iron Will was doing the moon walk dance, as he was getting himself ready for another finish…


Then Iron Will charges to leap forward across a long gap as the others watch before his heavy body impacted the ground to make it shake & rattle the Snaptrap Gang to drop their stolen merchandise.

Iron Will: I’m A POWER-TOOL!

The Snaptrap Gang seem worried as they were slowly backing away from the Minotaur, he seemed more dangerous than given credit for.

Iron Will: And If You Let Me Do My Thing!
I Don’t Huff! I Don’t Puff!
And The Nastiest Jobs!
Ain’t TOUGH Enough!

As Iron Will was making some cool poses, he was flexing his muscles a bit that was intimidating the street gangsters. Then without warning, he steps on a plank board that the Snaptrap Gang was on which soon….shot them in the air.

“Aaaaahhhhh!” Snaptrap & his guys were screaming as they were launched into the air…

“Ahhhhh-Hah-Hah, Hah-Hah-Hah-Hah, Haaahhhh!” Iron Will laughs off in boosting self-confidence with a large smile in seeing that takes care of that.

“Clopfruvhmm…..” Soon the Snaptrap Gang fell right into what was a scattered surrounding of metal girder bars that acted like a prison bars. And next came falling magic & strength proof chains that tied up the lot, as they were not caught. And just as the show stopping performance & song was over too.

“Wow! That guy is GOOD! He beat us with that song & dance number while setting this up without us knowing!” Snaptrap stated off in seeing how good Iron Will took care of them.

“And he also caught us with our pants down!” Larry remotely stated in how this thing really turn their crime spree against them.

“We don’t even own a pair of pants Larry, honestly, was are yah, a MORON!” Snaptrap snapped off to say this in making a remark over such a thing.

“Oh thank you Mr. Minotaur, you saved my store from those street gangsters!” The Store Owner came out to approaching thanking Iron Will.

“No need to thank Iron Will. Iron Will was all too happy to help. And, speaking of helping, Iron Will would like to teach you how to handle yourself, so bullies like these won't think you are an easy target ever again.” Iron Will waved off to mention this to the nice stallion while offering him one of his books. “If you’re not 100 percent Satisfactory, you pay Iron Will nothing. But for not, we’re having a discount, so enjoy this.” He issued off in doing his job of stopping the crooks.

“Thank you.” The Store Owner replied off in thanking the Minotaur for this.

“What happens to us now?” Francisco asked off in what happens to them next.

“I think we’re off to jail.” Ollie stated in having a good guess of things to come.

“Don’t worry boys, I have a plan for our escape when we get to jail.” Snaptrap issued off in having everything under control with a plan to escape from jail.

“Really, you do?” Larry asked doff hopefully in thinking that doesn’t sound too bad.

“Of course, it’s simple. All I’ll do is call my mom & get her to break us out of jail, simple, yes?” Snaptrap stated off in explaining a rather…foolish & ridiculous scheme of their escape by getting his MOM in on it; not too bright. “Now, any of you guys got some spare change, cause I’m broke?” He asked this off all of a sudden without warning that to get his mom for the breakout, they need change for a free call.

“Nope!” Ollie shook his head i not having any spare change.

“Got me!” Francisco shrug off to say that he don’t have the change either.

“You took my last change to buy that cotton candy this morning.” Larry stated off that he had some, but Snaptrap took it & spent it on Cotton Candy.

“Hah-hah, yeah, that was good too!” Snaptrap laughed off in finding that happy moment memorable; until he did a double take on the situation. “Uh-oh; that means if we don’t have any change, then our escape plan might be delayed for a bit.” He stated off in realizing the jailbreak plan might take longer than he thought.

“Until next time good citizen, spread the word of Iron Will’s deed!” Iron Will waved off to the Store Owner as he & his goats were going off towards the setting sunset.

“I will!” The Store Owner replied off to say this while he was reading the book the Minotaur gave him to be better off against bullies.

“Okay, see yah around Mr. Will! Or is it Mr. Iron? It’s so confusing!” Snaptrap was also saying farewell to the Minotaur while being confused.

“NO TALKING, YOU RUFFIANS!” The Store Owner yelled at the Snaptrap Gang that silenced them good before he did a double take of himself. “Wow, this assertive guidelines against bullies DO work.” He stated off in finding that what he learn, does help him out.

“Yeah, it’s got me convince your no pushover!” Snaptrap exclaimed off in also agreeing to the Store Owner’s change attitude from before.

“Come on boys, our work here is done!” Iron Will spoke off as he & his goats were moving along from here.

And with that, the song from before continues to play in an interment version to make a MUCHO moment of the situation. As the scene fads out, we can tell that Iron Will might still have a shot of being a better Minotaur as long as he does good than does things for villains. How will the guy’s future be from here on out, well…that’s another story for another time. Until then….this story comes to a closure: ‘so don’t delay, stay near where the action makes you want more to partake, & not miss out on another show display’ as spoken by Iron Will. Yep, now it’s over.

The End

Author's Note:

Cast list
Trevor Devall: Iron Will
Matthew W. Taylor: Snaptrap
Jeff Glen Bennett: Larry, Ollie
Daran Norris: Francisco
Brian Drummond: Store Owner

The Snaptrap Gang are based on villains from D.O.O.M. from T.U.F.F. Puppy TV Series.

The song performed is called Powertool, owned by Warner Bros. & seen in the animated film: The Fearsome Four (which is a base version of a fairy tale: Town Musicians Of Bremen)

There we go, enjoy folks, & look forward to more stories to come. We are one more story away from the Season 5 finale remake!

"The Flim-Flam's report (set at the exact same time as "Griffon a Good Talking To" and "What Will Will Do"): After the failed takeover of the Crystal Empire, the Flim Flam Brothers report to the rest of the Brotherhood. Needless to say, most of the Brotherhood will not be taking it well.
Villains: The Brotherhood (the Flim-Flam Brothers in particular)"

All right, almost there! Until next time, read, review and suggest!

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