• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 1,359 Views, 29 Comments

What We Are In the Dark - StormkingArcana

An epic tale of adventure, friendship, and glory. (A MH3 // MLP:FiM crossover)

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Part 2, Chapter 6 - Morning Ascension

---Chapter 6 // Morning Ascension---

The light of the morning sun illuminated the forest, lending an unearthly glow to the leaves and branches in the canopy. Gaul rolled over in his bed, fighting for that last minute of tranquility before he woke. The melodic sound of wind chimes could be heard outside his window.

“Ugh... I guess I should get up.”

Stretching his arms over his head languidly, Gaul sat up and started to pull his boots on.

“Oh! I completely forgot about the hot springs! I’m finally home again.”

Kicking off his boots, Gaul instead donned a rich blue robe and a pair of sandals. Gaul stepped out of his room, walking past the guest bedrooms without even a second glance. Ascending the stairs to the hot spring, Gaul’s muscles relaxed in anticipation of the soothing water. Upon reaching the door, he noticed that there was only one towel left on the rack. Gaul shrugged, figuring that Relene must have stored the others away someplace. Stepping into a small rounded room that was worn and familiar with years of use, Gaul hung his robe up on a peg. It was the same peg he had used for years, and even had to replace once or twice. Gaul opened the door to the springs, and was greeted by a rush of warm air. Gaul stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. As he approached the pool, he felt the presence of someone else in the room. Six someones, in fact. Startled, Gaul gave a slight jump.

“W-what are you doing here?” he stammered, almost tripping over his own words.

Pinkie laughed, “What does it look like? We’re taking a bath!”

“ ’What does it look like’ indeed! “Dash laughed.

Gaul had left his robe in the dressing room, and was wearing nothing but his sandals. Fluttershy averted her eyes, studying a potted plant intensely. Rarity blushed, and tried not to stare overtly. Meanwhile, Applejack stared unabashedly.

“So much for a relaxing soak...” Gaul said, turning to leave.

Pinkie tackled him from behind, dropping Gaul to the floor with a thud.

“No, don’t leave! I know you’re embarrassed, so we’ll try not to make you uncomfortable. We really didn’t mean to ruin your bath or anything...”

Giving a sharp look to Applejack, Pinkie helped Gaul up.

“Alright, fine. I never could resist a good soak, even with other people. I mean, at least I know you guys, right?”

Stepping into the water until it was up to his armpits, Gaul leaned back against the edge, sighing loudly. His knotted muscles immediately began to relax, the warmth seeping in from the water.


Gaul and company finished washing, and Gaul went back to his room to dress and get his travel gear. He donned a pair of dark brown trousers, and a sleeveless tan shirt. He went to his closet, and took out a brown leather vest. Putting the vest on, he went to the dresser to get his blindfold. When he reached for the strip of black cloth, his fingers brushed across a hard claw, cold to the touch even in the middle of the summer.

“Oh! How could I forget about my totem? I guess the water might have been a little too relaxing...”

Grabbing the claw necklace, Gaul tied his blindfold on, and put the totem around his neck. He walked out the door and called for Relene. The felyne appeared within seconds, saluting as she approached.

“Good morning Gaul! Elahgrim is saddled and ready up above, so don’t keep him waiting.”

“Thanks Relene! Do you mind checking in on the guests? You know, see if they’re ready and all that.”

“Not at all, I’ll go do that now.”


A short while later, Relene returned with the rest of the group in tow.

“You folks ready to fly?” Gaul asked excitedly.

“You bet!” said Pinkie and Applejack in unison.

The group climbed up the stairs to the roof, and saw Grim standing with what looked like a row of benches strapped to his back.

*Climb on and strap in, we might have a rough takeoff.*

The group did so, with Rarity having to help Fluttershy up. Grim ambled over to the edge, and stopped for a minute. The sudden arrest made the contraption lurch forward perilously.

“You sure this thing is safe?” asked Rarity, putting a protective arm around Fluttershy.

Before Gaul could respond, Grim jumped off the roof, taking flight towards the south. Grim beat his mighty wings, and within minutes they had cleared the forest canopy. The sun was high in the sky by this time, and kept the group warm despite the wind.

“Wow, I can see everything from up here!” Pinkie exclaimed, holding her hand against her forehead to shield her eyes from the sun.


“Gaul, what’s that flat place up ahead?” Twilight asked quizzically, pointing to a enormous swath of sand just past the treeline.

“That’s the Great Desert. See that large mound off to the right? That’s where we’re landing. Grim can’t go any closer to the town than that without being seen. Even among Hunters, riding a rathalos into town is considered odd.” he responded, chuckling a bit at the last part.

Grim banked to the right, tilting the litter at an odd angle. The seats leaned perilously to the side, but the straps held fast. As Grim landed, his feet left a lengthy trail in the warm sand behind him. Gaul unstrapped himself, and motioned for the others to do the same.

After they had disembarked, Grim flew back to the house, leaving the group in the sandy desert alone. Gaul’s “vision” was diminished by the sameness of his surroundings, leaving him no way to locate the city.

“Twilight, which way is the city? I can’t see it anymore...”

“It’s over to the southeast, Gaul. You seemed to be able to see fine earlier, are you alright?”

“Yeah, it’s nothing...”

The group pressed forward, heads drooping under the blazing sun.

---Chapter 6 // Morning Ascension // END---

Comments ( 5 )

Boy, it's been a while, hasn't? Glad to see you're still writing though. Ha, I keep forgetting Gaul is blind--you'll mention it in the story, and I'll be like "oh yeah!" Wonder what city they're headed to? Anyway, keep it up!

if it's near the great desert, then it's probably Loc-Lac

I'm glad there's a good Mh crossover, I can't find many


Ha, that's what happens when you know nothing about the crossover material.

I'm just gonna put this on hiatus for now. Don't worry, I'm just taking a break from this story until I become more skilled. I'll definitely pick this back up later.

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