• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 1,360 Views, 29 Comments

What We Are In the Dark - StormkingArcana

An epic tale of adventure, friendship, and glory. (A MH3 // MLP:FiM crossover)

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Part 2, Chapter 5 - The Road We Must Walk

---Chapter 5 // The Road We Must Walk---

When the group reached the roof, Gaul stepped forward onto a small pedestal, right in the center of the circular roof.

“I’d like to introduce you to somebody. He’s a bit large, so don’t be startled.”

Gaul gave a shrill whistle, and the distant sound of wings could be heard. A red shape rose from a mountain on the horizon, and streaked towards the roof. As the shape got closer, Twilight could make out leathery wings and jagged talons.

“Is that a dragon?!”

At the word “dragon”, Fluttershy ducked behind Rainbow Dash, cowering. The dragon could now be seen clearly, and was the size of a large house. Fluttershy cringed as the dragon landed gracefully next to Gaul.

“This is Elahgrim, although I usually call him Grim for short. He’s a rathalos, which is a kind of fire wyvern. Don’t worry, he’s friendly! I saved his tail once, a long time ago, so he flies me places out of gratitude.”

Grim gave a snort, and a jet of fire burst out of his nostrils.

“Oh, I guess he wants to know your names first. Go ahead, introduce yourselves!”

Rainbow Dash was the first to step forward.

“Hello? It seems sort of strange to be talking to a creature that can’t talk back.”

A voice ran through Dash’s head, booming with stubborn pride.

*Who said I couldn’t talk? You just happen to be the first humans that Gaul brought back here. He usually tends to enjoy his solitude, so you must be important to him. Now, what is your name and prior profession?*

“I’m Rainbow Dash. I used to be able to clear the clouds from the sky in ten seconds flat, but I recently lost my wings.“

*A fine name indeed. It simply rolls off the tongue, ringing with hope and confidence, I’m sure you’ll make a fine Hunter someday. You don’t need wings to fly, only faith.*

Dash stepped back, thinking over Grim’s last statement.

Applejack was next to step up, emboldened by seeing Dash try.

“I’m Applejack, I used to be an apple farmer.”

*Caring for an orchard is no easy task, as I’m sure you know. Friendship is similar, in some respects. Before you can harvest the fruit, you have to till the soil, plant the seeds, and fertilize the trees to encourage growth. You seem very reliable, which is a trait few Hunters have.*

Applejack seemed to be milling over the concept of a “friendship orchard” in her head.

Pinkie hopped forward eagerly.

“I’m Pinkie Pie, and I used to be a baker.”

*A baker needs strong hands, and a benevolent heart. Feeding people is not easy, but it fills one’s heart with joy. In the same way, a Hunter needs to be kind as well as strong.*

Pinkie wondered why Grim had compared her to a Hunter. However, she agreed that feeding people made her happy, so she shrugged and left it at that.

Twilight was intrigued by the others’ reactions, so she took her turn next.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle, and I used to be a librarian.”

*A librarian is responsible for the preservation of knowledge, and must take utmost care with the books they work with. A meticulous person such as yourself would be well suited for life as a Hunter. You might want to look into field studies, as being cooped up in a building all day is not good for the spirit,*

Twilight wondered why anyone would go experience things for themselves when there was so much one could learn just from books. Regardless, she let Rarity pass by.

“I’m Rarity, and I used to be a tailor.”

*A tailor needs to be precise, as a single slip could ruin an entire project. In a comparable fashion, Hunters always need to be alert and ready. The slightest mistake could mean death for you and your companions.*

Rarity thought about the comparison, and stepped back.

Fluttershy had worked up the courage to step up by this point, and did so.

“I’m Fluttershy, and I used to be an animal caretaker. ....pleasedonteatme....eep.”

*I don’t eat humans, but that’s a story for another time. You seem very graceful, but lack courage. You should be more confident in your abilities. Be proud of who you are, and take on the world.*

With the introductions done, Grim took flight back towards his mountain. Fluttershy was visibly relieved.

“I don't know about you, but I think it’s slightly chilly up here. Anyone want to go back downstairs?

Fluttershy shakily made her way down the stairs, followed by the rest of the group.


When Fluttershy reached the bottom of the stairs, she stopped abruptly as a small cat walked by on it’s hind legs, carrying a basket of fish. The cat turned to Fluttershy and gave a startled yowl, dropping the basket. Then it ran into the kitchen, shutting the door after it. Fluttershy followed it into the kitchen, stepping around the fish strewn across the floor. When she opened the door, she was greeted with a thrown kitchen knife. The knife narrowly missed her, embedding itself in the door instead.

Gaul walked up behind the cat, gently grabbing it by the scruff of the neck.

“Relene, that’s no way to treat a guest!”

Relene’s eyes widened as she realized what she had almost done.

“I’m so sorry Gaul! You never bring guests here, so I assumed she was an intruder.”

Gaul chuckled a bit, then shook his head.

“This is Fluttershy, she’s a friend of mine. The other five guests are waiting in the main hall, and they look hungry.”

Relene dropped her head in shame,

“In that case, I’ll go get dinner started.”


After a short wait, Relene emerged from the kitchen carrying a platter larger than she was.

“Tonight’s menu is roasted fish, with a side of sweet potatoes. Our stores are running low, otherwise I would make something more impressive.”

Gaul thought over that for a minute.

“I’ll get some more food when I head into Loc Lac tomorrow, and I’ll also see if we can get these six registered as Hunters.”

“What?! “ Rarity spit out a mouthful of fish in a most unladylike manner. “You want us to fight something like that?” she gestured to the lagiacrus head mounted on the wall.

“No, nothing that large, at least not right away. There’s more to the life of a Hunter than fighting. Besides, if you plan on living here in Minegarde, you need to know how to take care of yourselves. “

The group nodded their heads in agreement.

“We’ll leave before dawn, as we have a long day ahead of us. Relene, could you see our guests to their rooms?”

Relene purred, happy to be of service.

“Certainly! Right this way please.”

---Chapter 5 // The Road We Must Walk // END---