• Member Since 16th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen May 4th, 2018


On and off.


Diamond Tiara was a perfectly normal pony, but when she has to go to the Everfree Forest for some school project, she finds a strange machine with an even stranger creature inside that might turn her life upside-down!

Based on the anime 'Yo-Kai Watch!" (mostly the English dub).

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

well have it stick to cannon and have them meet our fave cat yokai

I like Yo-kai Watch But you using Diamond Tiara as the main character if I was writing this story I would used Spike or Dinky Doo as the main character.


I can see why you'd choose those two. I just like Diamond better.:twilightsheepish:



Make her meet Blazion next! (that over-competitive Yo-kai)

6704823 yeah but what about scootaloo and the CMCs hmm

6854335 I believe that the CMC would make more branches, then Apple bloom would work on her family's farm for a bit, as for Sweetie Belle will be on a tour and Scootaloo will be on a tour as well Showing off her skills on her scooter then try out for the Wonderbolts, after being apart the three young mares would come be together to create the Friendship Guards.

6704823 I would have used Spike, but still a great story so far. I'm actually planning to write a yo-watch story featuring Spike, but I'm gonna hold off on it until I finish my current, My Little Nights: Journey of Dreams.

6867911 Good luck with your stories and thank you for not asking about why would the CMC create the Friendship Guards.

When are you gonna release the next chapter of this story?

6888077 cant wait any longer. oh how about the mane six mostly twilight and rainbow dash

OH! perhaps Jibannyan or perhaps Dazzabel possessing someone with her bizarre taste in fashion.

My little sister watches yokai and it is annoying as hell

7430392 Good thing my brothers think the same thing.

Mayhaps an update is in order, my good Lord Hater...

Please update this story. I update mine, y'know...

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