• Published 19th Nov 2011
  • 1,114 Views, 1 Comments

The Unfortunate Go Time - protractror

Go Time isn't careful what he wishes for and ends up getting a less than satisfactory cutie mark.

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Beat it

"Go Time! Its Go Time!" Go Time's mom chuckled as she yelled up the stairs, making the same joke she did every morning. His parents were real comedians he thought, because no one else could even attempt to make the same joke work everyday for 10 years. Of course the joke had stopped working years ago for him, but he wasn't really the intended audience anymore. His Mom and Dad still got a kick out of it every morning, and he wasn't going to object because today he had more important things to do. Today was the day that he was finally going to make his move on Cheerilee, and maybe in the process get his cutie mark.

Go Time hated the fact that he still didn't have his cutie mark. Unlike some of the colts in his class he wasn't super excited for it, or ashamed that he didn't have one yet. He knew that every pony had their own special talent and he was in no rush to find his because it would come when the time was right. What Go Time hated was the name Cutie Mark. It was just so feminine, and he wanted his mark to be the most masculine thing ever! He'd seen ponies with weightlifting marks and with basketball marks, and he knew when he got his it would be just like that, and Cheerilee would totally flip over it. In fact, Go Time would probably show it off to everyone he could find if he didn't have to start the story off by calling it his Cutie Mark. Still, there has to be a downside to a 3:1 ratio of mares to stallions and if this was it Go Time was willing to live with it.

As Go Time slowly got up, his head was slowly waking up out of its slumber as well. His thoughts gradually shifted to wondering why he was chased by a giant frog through his living room, to realizing that was probably a dream, to remembering that today was the big day. Today was just the day for Go Time to ask Cheerilee out to the dance. The sun was shining, and everybody would be extra happy because today was Friday. Add in the strong westerly wind and the 156th anniversary of the founding of Ponyville and today was perfect in so many ways. It could be fair to say that Go Time had over planned for the situation, but that was just who he was. He might not get everything he wanted, but he'd be damned if that was because he didn't think in advance. Because when the right time finally came, it would be Go Time. "It's too easy.." Go Time thought to himself with a smile on his face and a head full of dreams.

Go Time finished checking himself out in the mirror and went downstairs for breakfast. Go Time had a dark, chocolate brown coat with a similar dark green mane. It was funny that this pegasus was so earthly coloured, as he would soon be using his wings to fly through the air more than walk on the ground. In fact he could already fly for about 3 minutes without stopping! Maybe he would fly over to Cheerilee, she would have to go to the dance with him then.His blue eyes were glossed over with the idea. Flying was another thing he wouldn't mind branded onto his flank. Really anything masculine would work. After a filling breakfast, Go Time left for school just like a normal day. However, it was going to be anything but.

As Go Time was walking to school, he unfortunately ran into Bruiser. Bruiser was a big colt, almost the size of an average fully grown stallion, and predictably the school bully. Go Time wasn't sure if he was named Bruiser or if it was his nickname, but he wasn't about to ask. His conversations with Bruiser were rare, and always started with a scream and ended with a cry of uncle. I'll give you one guess who said both those things, and it wasn't Bruiser. Still, Bruiser usually just ignored Go Time as he had a lot of kids to terrorize. But unbeknown to Go Time, Bruiser had had a crush on Cheerilee for almost a year. His courtship may have been composed of pulling her mane and calling her names, but he still had a crush on her. And he was willing to crush anyone who felt the same way. Luckily for Go Time, Bruiser wasn't exactly perceptive and didn't notice how Go Time had been acting around Cheerilee let alone see Go Time on the walk to school. Go Time sneaked past him into the school and waited for the end of the day. Even Bruiser wouldn't spoil his plan for the day.

Go Time knew just how today was going to end to the minute. The bell would ring and Cheerilee would go to her locker for exactly 3 minutes. At 3 minutes her friends would have dispersed, but Cheerilee would take an extra 15 seconds to double check everything before catching up with her friends. In this time Go Time would have collected his bouquet from his own locker and approach her from behind. When she turns around he would present her with the flowers (yellow, just like her new cutie mark) and ask her to the dance. She would smile, say yes and than... Go Time hadn't thought that far ahead. He needed to stay focused on the now first.

The day went by like any day. Miss Bookaloo taught the class about frogs and butterflies and how they go through many stages of their lives. That was sort of interesting to Go Time, but what he found much cooler was Vinyl's new boom box. She had on her CD the complete collection of the new rising star, Michael Jackson. He had a weird name, but that was what you got out of HollyHoof. Really, Go Time didn't care much about his name because his music was, Thrilling. With Vinyl's music to help, Go Time waited the day out. When the bell rang he counted the movements out inside in his head. at 1 minute he looked over to see if the scene was the same as his head. Cheerilee was at her locker, check. Her friends were there, but they seemed to be moving faster than her just like he planned. In fact the only variable was that Vinyl had started playing "Billy Jean" in the background. Not what he had expected, but Go Time figured it was still good.

However at the three minute mark, the scenario jumped the rails. With flowers in mouth, Go Time turned around to find out that he wasn't alone with Cheerilee. Bruiser had stayed behind too and he appeared to be putting on his moves on Cheerilee! Cheerilee even turned away to leave, but Bruiser blocked her from leaving. He wasn't going to take no for an answer that easily, and Cheerilee was getting scared. For a moment, terror was flowing through Go Time's veins. He couldn't stop Bruiser, he'd be dead three times before he hit the ground.Go Time was just as frozen in fear as Cheerilee. But before he could run away in fear, Cheerilee saw him. "Go Time! Help me!"

Bruiser instantly turned around and laughed, because Go Time was quite possibly the least intimidating pony in existence right now. With a bouquet of flowers in his mouth and a look of pants changing fear in his eyes, Bruiser's only worry was that he might hurt his ears when Go Time screamed in fear. "Who, this wimp?" asked Bruiser with a chuckle.

However, before the inevitable beating could happen, fate intervened. Billy Jean stopped playing, and "Beat it" started. Golden adrenaline flowed through Go Time's veins. He appeared to grow a foot in stature and he now shot daggers through his eyes. Go Time didn't really understand why, but with Beat it in the background he felt invincible. With a flap of his wings he lifted into the air so he was on eye level with Bruiser, and looked straight into his soul. "Its Go Time" He said correcting his earlier comment as he showed him how funky strong his fight was.

The spectacle that followed could only be described as awe inspiring. Bruiser never landed a hit, while Go Time kicked and punched him for 3 straight minutes to the beat of "Beat it". It was made all the more impressive by Go Time's spontaneous dance twirls and jazz squares, occasional punching with a dramatic fist pump or point to the music. Go Time might not of been the most powerful of ponies, but three minutes of humiliation alone was enough to make Bruiser leave him and Cheerilee alone. Go Time was on such a high that he didn't even notice when Cheerilee ran and hugged him. He floated through the rest of the day, as everything had gone better than he could have ever hoped for. While that statement was a little off.

As he sat alone in his room that night wondering what he should wear to the dance with his obvious date Cheerilee, he realized that the day hadn't gone better than he could have imagined. In fact, right before the fight had started, before the music was playing Go Time had actually wished for this too happen. He saw the day that he had planned for weeks spiral down the drain and he had wished that everything could go perfectly from then on. He actually remembered praying to anyone who could listen to help him. But, that was ridiculous wasn't it? More ridiculous than winning a fight against Bruiser? A bead of sweat rolled down Go Time's back.

Instantly thoughts crossed his head of who had the power to listen to his prayers. Only three thoughts crossed his mind. One was asleep, one was in Canterlot and one was in stone. If it was one of the first two, he had nothing to worry about. If it was the third, then... deals with him were never good. But there was always proof of deals with him, that's what Go Time remembered from the stories his father had told him to scare him. Go Time sighed with relief as there was no proof to prove this compact. Then, all the blood drained from his face as he rushed to the mirror.

His worst fears were realized, for he had just earned his Cutie Mark today. On his flank was not boxing gloves or basketballs, or dumbbells or dragons. Instead was a boom box and tap shoes. His special talent, was dance fighting. The one skill he had in life, was fighting people to the tune of Michael Jackson songs. He didn't know if this was karmic justice for today or just dumb luck but only one word crossed his mind.


Comments ( 1 )

I don't think that's how Cutie Marks work...

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