• Published 7th Oct 2015
  • 487 Views, 2 Comments

The Infinity Quest - Supersteve1927

My name is Spud McCain (Arcturus). I'm your average college student trying to get a degree in electronics/computer science. Instead of that, I get thrown into a land of ridiculous technicolor ponies.

  • ...

Chapter 2 The ''Night-mare''

Author's Note:

WARNING!!! Lots of transitions are in this chapter so here is the key:
(* * *) = Some time later. (o.O.o) = Swiching POV (point of view).

Achievement get: Where I Belong (1,2,3,4)

Appear on the <1,000/<5,000/>1,000/>5,000 Words list

Chapter 2 The ''Night-mare''

"Ow! My head hurts, and what the heck is tha- AHHH!" In front of me is a: tall, scary, evil looking... what is it again?..whatever. "What are you?!" I demand from the figure.

"We are the princess of the night, Nightmare Moon. We hath summoned thee the assist us in war against our sister, Celestia." Princess Nightmare Moon says in a booming voice that scares the absolute crap out of me.

Wait a moment, what dose she mean by: "war with our sister Celestia?" Did I get warped back in time? Well, just gently tell her: no "Whoa whoa whoa, hold on there partner. You are not going to draft me into war against an entire other kingdom like some Chinese king. Your also not going to keep me here, so send me back home now." That didn't come out how I had planned. So now I just yelled at... Nightmare Moon? Oh titles be damned, I'm calling her Nightmare.

"Silence!" Nightmare yells in my face. "Thou shalt not speak to royalty in such a manner, and make demands from royalty!" She scolds like I'm her child.

Royalty? That sort of explains the Old English but why can't I really see anything? Am I blind? "I can speak to royalty how ever I please. Now, if you don't mind I would like to leave this retarded place and go home." After stating that, I look around and see... craters, stars, and... a planet... Earth? Well that answers the blindness question. Wait a minute... there is only one place that I know of with these traits. I'M ON THE MOON!!!

"How dare thee insult us in such manner! If thee makes one more derogatory remark, thee shall pay!" Still ignoring her, I'm awe struck by the view and... wait a minute... If I'm ON the moon so that means... (almost) 0 GRAVITY FLIPS! The next thing I do is I massive leap into the air, and do at least 6 consecutive flips in a row, laughing the entire time. You know what, this is fun and all but... hold the iPhone... if I'm on the moon and don't have a space suit then that means... no heat and no oxygen? Oh geez. "Ummm excuse me, how am I still breathing?" I ask, looking at my body to see why I'm not exploding or freezing.

"A atmospheric bubble curse and a tad of plants." She answers, a little bit confused about my sudden mood change or fact that I was laughing and literally flipping out. "If thee is stuck on the moon for 999 years by thee curse-ed sister, thee finds things to do in that time. For instance: single handedly building a castle, melting moon soil to materials for gardens and castle bricks, growing gardens out of changed materials,... " and Nightmare continues to ramble about the things she has made out of manipulated moon soil...

Encyclopedia Enchantica> ma·nip·u·la·tion v. [trans.] The process in which a material's electrons are transferred from one atom to another atom formula. Example> The common unicorn can manipulate air/O2 into parchment paper, ink, and a feather.

...So apparently Miss Nightmare here, has built an entire kingdom with farms and a castle by herself. I don't know how such a task is accomplished, even if she is the great and powerful wizard she claims she is. (I still haven't seen her yet because how little light I have. I can only see the shadows of the craters, castles, houses, and silos.)

"That's amazing how you can do all of this construction, lunar farming, and all of that jazz but... why am I here again?"

"To help assassinate thy sister." whoa, that's pretty dark.

Just play the game. The sooner she thinks we're done and I'm incapable, the sooner I can go home. "And why me?"

"Thee was chosen by one of our statues, during a lunar eclipse-- (apparently that's when she sees the most people active, during the night). --They exist throughout space time and one thought thine would be the best for the according task."

"So a magical statue, saw me and thought that a average person like me, is better than everyone else they have seen over a course of 1 million years." I ask.

61,056 years and 164 days to be precise. Thine estimate was off by over 900,000 years." Corrects nightmare. Hold on, how could she possibly know the exact date of the creation of Earth? I decide rather not to ask because, we have more oppressing matters.

"Yeah? Well, whatever. Anyways, how will I even sneak past the outer walls? Not to mention the courtyard, the inner walls, the castle walls, the guards, and if all goes well overthrow the princess?" I ask incredulously. "Not to mention my clothing, even the dullest blade could easily harm me." After I said that my body starts to shine, then after a while the light fades and... I have some armor (sadly I can't see how it looks right now). I look at the shadows of my armor and it appears to be some kinda spikey demonic armor, just wearing it makes me feel evil. I feel under my chest plate I still have my creeper jacket on, and my satchel bag is still over my shoulder.

"Now thee shall not be easily harmed now. thee will assist us in war efforts. We will lead thee into the castle and thee will fight alongside us."
"Whoa whoa whoa. You are still not going to draft me into a war like a Chinese King. I don't want to go to war, and possibly die in the process. So Excuse me if I want to see my family at the end of this. Sorry princess, I just want to go home and see my friends. So, no. Sorry, but no." I state at the end rather flatly. "Besides, you even said yourself that you have nobody on the moon besides you. Unless you have some kind of spell that can create life from dust like God from the Bible. That means you have no army or help or anything. So I find this whole idea or even the thought, of a war moronic!" After saying that, I realize what I just said and get almost blasted by a laser beam. To my advantage, thanks to my video gamer reflexes I was able to jump to the side just in time.

"THOU HATH INSULTED OUR HOME, OUR PLAN, AND US, NOW thee SHALL PAY!" Nightmare yells at the top of her lungs. (And please turn off the caps lock.)

* * *

Dear God! Nightmare is shooting lasers at me like I'm at a rave party and Damn, she's furious. I've been dodging them for a while now, and my energy is running out. Right now I ne-- my thoughts were interrupted by a shot to the chest. Upon impact it explodes and sends me off the moon. I leave the air bubble and the world starts to fade away... I (think I) died.


(Meanwhile in Canterlot...)

"So exactly what did you see?" Asked Shining Armor Captain of the Royal Guard.

"Some dark blue flashes come from the moon followed by fireball falling from the moon." Answered Flash Sentry the Surveillance Tower Guard.

"Are you sure you saw a fireball fall from the moon? Why do I find this hard to believe?"

"I saw it with my own eyes. I was up on one a surveillance tower and saw the moon flashing, then the fireball."

"Where did you see the fireball land?" Shining asked with a hint of growing curiosity.

"The everfree forest."

Shining armor sighs and says "Flash, do you know how hard it is to explore the everfree for--"

"It landed near the edge the forest, in the: "Old Pony Sisters" quadrant." Flash quickly answers before the question is even finished being asked.

"Hmm... well, that isn't too bad... I'll call up a (no pun intended) wing of my Pegasi guard to fly out there and have a look."

"Thank you commander. Uh... do you mind if I come too?"

"Your one of the only guards posted at this time of night and the only one who saw where it landed, so I don't see why not. Better yet, why don't you be the commander. Lead them to the crash site and investigate what happened."

"(Squee) Oooh this is going to be so much fun, I mean, thank you sir."

"I will alert the princess, and find another guard to fill in for you tonight, you need to rest up for tomorrow."

"But... " Flash starts but is quickly cut off, "Flash, dismissed!"

"Sir, yes sir!" Flash salutes and gallops out the door. After Flash is gone Shining chuckles and said to himself, "Flash is such a colt sometimes." Then he resumes to filing paperwork.


(Back with our surprisingly-not-so-dead Spud...)

"Ugh, what happened?" I groan and try to rub my head only to realise, I can't. I start to regain more of my vision to see I'm wearing some dented and scratched (no holes/rips in the armor) armor that is black as night. I try to think back to when I put this on but everything goes fuzzy back to wade punching down the gate. Heh heh, that was pretty funny. I take in my surroundings only to see, I'm in... a massive meteor crater? Ok, now I seriously need to know what happened. This amnesia is killing me, not being able to know how all of this happened is going to drive me insane.
I try my best to stand up, but my mussels won't have it. I try to at least move my arm but still, NOPE! AUGGG! Great now I have amnesia, failing muscles, restrictive armor, and it looks like I fell from space. (You kinda did.) What am I going to do now? Well, it's night time and I'm tired so I'm going to try to sleep and hopefully when I wake up my body might be able to move. Good night strange world. ZZzzZZzz...



"Wake up Flash Sentry, get ready for the expedition!" the voice of a Pegasus guard calls.

"Yawn!" I start to wake up. "Five more minutes. Wait, did you say expedition?"

"Yes I did. We are leaving in about an hour, so hurry up!" Then the guard trots down the barrack hallways.

"An hour?! What was Shining Armor thinking?!" I fall out of bed. "Oof!" Note to self: Falling off of the top bunk bed hurts. I quickly sprint off to the shower room to get clean and ready for the adventure, err... expedition.


(In a Halo-like crash scene...)

"...Ow! That won't work either." I been fumbling around now for the last half hour, trying to get off my back. (It turns out that weak muscles didn't help the situation.) As I've found out, that this armor wasn't made to be light or maneuverable. (It was, your too weak to notice that.) After about 15 more minutes of struggle I finally roll over on my chest and push myself onto my knees. A little bit later, I gather enough strength to stand on my feet. "Now, enough fooling around. I'm going to start to dehydrate if I don't find some water. Wait... what? Why am I here in the first place?" I look around again and see, I'm in some kind of foggy forest. how did I even get in a forest? Did I wonder off? No, that wouldn't explain this armor. Did I join the military? No, the military doesn't ware armor like this. Am I high?! Well, I don't know. Just look around and forget about what happened. Ok, so my... burned satchel bag? Is on the ground along with... a beat up MacBook pro? Hmmm... well at least the charger is here. I also see... my phone charger. (that is surprisingly not harmed). My roommate's Damascus steel jackknife? Score! It's one of his good ones too, shame it's mine now. Hold on... his knife?... Oh yeah, I knocked over the display case and one must have fallen into my satchel bag. Another knife. Didn't Connor say something about this one being illegal in every country except Russia? My night vision goggles. Lastly a notebook and pen. I quickly gather the shreds of everything else I had in by bag and store them in my satchel bag. I clip my new knifes onto my pockets, put the chargers in the bag, tie my water bottle to my pack, tuck my night vision goggles away in my satchel bag, and store my notebook and pen. I also pick up some more random miscellaneous items. Now properly equipped, I start to hike into the forest, in search of civilization.


(On the launch strip of Canterlot castle...)

About five more minutes until we leave toward the everfree forest. We have loaded the unicorn guards, the research team, and their equipment onto the carriages. Once we confirm that the area is safe, we can send the researchers to find more information. As for me... well... I'm the leader of this entire operation. All of this responsibility and accountability for just doing my job. At least I know it will pay off when we see the... something that fell from the moon.

"Flash!" yells a guard. I look over to acknowledge the guard, instead I see Shining armor. "What's up Armor?" I ask in a tired tone. "You in a moment." Armor replies with a grin. "Haha, I see what you did there. Now, as you were saying?"

"The princess told me to ask you, are you ready to take on the role of Project Manager?" Shining armor asks, completely dropping the smile and returning to all seriousness. Am I ready? Well I have already been doing that already. Do I want to mange all of the teams for the research into the "thing" that fell from the moon? "It would be my honor to take role, and serve the princess while doing it." Armor smiles at my response and says, "Thank you, and good luck with that." Armor trots off toward the castle, leaving me with a team to order around. "(Sigh) And I thought being a royal guard was hard."


(With our very confused forest hiker...)

So many questions fill my mind as I hike through the dark forest. "How did I get here? Why am I wearing armor? Will I ever get home? Why is my phone poking me from my pocket? Wait... phone?" Remembering that I have my phone in my pocket, I take it out and power it on. (Apple Logo) Ok, where getting some where. (No Service 10:26 A.M. 72%) <slide to unlock Well, at least there's that. Better conserve energy, (slide to power off) and slide. I put it along with my other items in my satchel. Welp, just keep following the trail and I'll find my way home. Don't panic, just keep swimming. (walk walk walk walk walk) It's been a while now that I've been walking and I've only found a break in the trees. I thought I saw part of a castle on a mountain but, that can't possibly happen... *rustle* *rustle* I hear something moving in some bushes nearby, And a dark figure emerges...


(Back on the moon)

"We do not understand. Why did our statue pick such a dunce?" Nightmare thought most strenuously. "Luckily we only have to wait 6 more Moons until, our sweet revenge on our sister." Nightmare grinned darkly. "Although, the nuisance of a creature does have a valid point. We are greatly outnumbered. How will we fight against: Our sister, Sister's guards, and soldiers? (Sigh) No good." Nightmare frowned and walked back into her moon castle for dinner, then bed.


(With Mr.Project Manager in our hero's crash site)

"Nothing?! What do you mean nothing?!" Flash slams down his coffee mug, and looks venomously at the guard.

"The Research Team has confirmed: That there is nothing in the impact zone other than traces of: carbon, highly refined iron, copper, singe-ed skin of some sort, and... "

"And what?"

''...Darkerite.'' (Dark-eh-rite)

''We only know one pony that knows how to make that anymore... Nightmare Moon has returned earlier than expected... I must alert the princess!"

"No! You should stay here and supervise the rest of the team, or even join them yourself. In the meantime, I will alert her for you."

"Thanks!" The Guard and Flash leave the tent in search of Nightmare moon/Spud. Heh heh, looks like that armor that he was given is only hurting, him now! (Rather than protecting him.)

* * *

I've wondered off the site onto a nearby clearing with a road that, if I recall right, leads to the Old Pony Sister Castle. Since I'm still on duty I have to look around for clues. (Now I'm a Detective. Who knew that a simple flash in the sky could lead to this?) After looking around, I notice some... Foot prints? And they're fresh all right. They don't seem to be anything too recognizable... and they also lead away from the crater...(Gasp!) Maybe Nightmare transformed into a different animal to disguise herself. "Well, looks like a job for, Flash Sentry!" as Flash follows the tracks.

* * *

Looks like the prints lead past these bushes...*rustle rustle*... then a bipedal animal, clad in Darkerite appears in the clearing...

(Oooh... looks like were in for a confrontation. Between: Human, and Pony. Stick around untill next chapter! And a clarification, for all of you who liked Doug and Frederica... you won't be seeing them again. Or at least until about chapter 60. Also, everypony, don't forget to slap that like button (if you haven't already) and leave a reveiw! Tell me whether or not I'm slacking and if you have a suggestion/comment make sure to voice it, I love to hear it! And they give me encouragement to write faster!)

-Pony on my friends.

Comments ( 2 )

*sees cliffhanger* FFFFFFFFFFFFF------ WHYYYYYYYYYYYY *throws phone over previously mentioned cliffhanger* Gosh f:yay:ucking damn it. I needed a new phone anyways

Don't worry, stuff happened IRL and writers block hit me like a 18 wheeler. I need to finish ch.3 where we make some friends/enemies? And spoiler: If you miss Spud's friends later, around ch.60 or so they'll be back. And Pinkie will be driving a flying train in ch.34 or so... SENBONZAKURA!!!... Oh wait, this isn't time to write that... MY BAD!

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