• Published 7th Oct 2015
  • 487 Views, 2 Comments

The Infinity Quest - Supersteve1927

My name is Spud McCain (Arcturus). I'm your average college student trying to get a degree in electronics/computer science. Instead of that, I get thrown into a land of ridiculous technicolor ponies.

  • ...

Prologue: My Friends and Chapter 1: College Life

The Infinity Quest

Achievement Get: "Once upon a time..."

Write and publish your first chapter

Prologue: My Friends

Yet another boring day, walking to my next college class along with my friends: Austin Floyd, Wade Petershmit, and Amber Lindeman. Your probably wondering who they are, well to start Austin is one of the smartest kids I know. He built and coded a C# robot when he was 6. Built a Rail-gun when he was 9 and blew up a car from his apartment window. After his parents paid the fine He graduated 12th grade when he was 13, he was offered a scholarship at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and got enrolled MIT college (my collage) when he was 14. Not to my surprise, he currently holds the title 'highest grades' and 'honor roll'.

As for Wade he isn't the brightest of bulbs, when it comes to video games he's the damn sun. Every game he owns says 100% completion and has earned every achievement.(at the same time somehow he manages to find enough time to study and get passing grades on his exams.) He once gave me 2 entire moving boxes of games he's beaten and related products like toys, tee shirts, hats, and jackets for my birthday (and he's surprisingly buff for a gamer).

As for Amber, she can be quite unpredictable. She's like Luna from Hairy Potter. The reason I like her... I MEAN call her a friend is because it's always a guessing game to see what happens next. Also because she kinda reads my mind and always seems to know what needs to be done in any situation, even if it doesn't make sense. But above all, she looks pretty... those gleaming emerald eyes... that golden hair... Holy Crap! NO! STOP IT BRAIN! I don't want this to be 'that' kind of relationship... or at least not yet... (Awkward moment). Any ways as for her grades and classes I'm not sure.

Back to me most people would describe me as that guy that you call a 'Average Joe', a guy that isn't really noted for anything too special. But, I also like to hang with Wade in my free time and play guinea pig for Austin's experiments (he hasn't managed to kill me... yet.) Some people even say I have the mind of a strategist (or that I have a overly active imagination. Sadly, thanks to Wade, all of my clothing is game related so I look like a weirdo.) Now enough about me, onto the story about my average daily life...

Chapter 1: Collage Life

"Hey Spud?"

"Yes Amber?"

"I'm heading of to my grandparents next weekend. Is there anything cool that your doing in the coming future?" Amber asked.

"Not really, besides staying up all night studying for the semester test next month," I say sarcastically.

"Oh. That's too bad I was hoping that you could help me test out one of my latest gadgets," She Said with a moan.

"Hey! I helped too!" Austin accused.
"Anyway what is it?" I asked.

"Its a paranormal detector we wanted to go inspect the campus to see if anyone has died here on campus or here in past." Amber replied

"That's kind of dark."

"But we can still talk to ghosts."

"So how does it work?" I turn to Austin guessing because he made it.

"Well it records any noise that it receives then uses the direction of the noise to track where the ghost is when he started talking and where he moved while talking" Austin says with joy.

"So basically you want to chill with some dead people, and ask some questions, but also track where they are simultaneously." I say with disbelief.

"Not considering the "chill" running down your back as you talk." wade jokes while playing on his phone.

"Basically, but we want to know the secrets of the school and the history of the land beneath, because they haunt the hallways, rooms and courtyards. They see everything and know everything." He says with a mischievous smile.

I cocked an eyebrow "So what do you plan to get off of this." I ask suspecting trouble.

"Oh, just for fun and knowledge." Amber says with a smile.

Wade takes a break from his game on his phone "Yeah! So we're going to be ghost busters?"

"Who said you where coming?" I say with my smart alic tone.

Wade deadpans "Fine! You can come too." I say like I'm doing him a favor.

"Yes!" Wade fist pumps "Watch out King Boo, Luigi is going to clear this mansion...err...campus!" he said in a prideful way.

"We do not wish to harm them we simply wish to talk." Amber says casually.

Wade seems to droop in disappointment "So what time do you plan to use this machine of yours?"

"On March 14 at 1:00 A.M." says Austin with a groan "I was planning to use that time to study the lunar eclipse, but it's apparently the time when ghosts are most active according to Amber. He said while glaring at Amber, still probably mad over not being able to study the lunar eclipse.

"Wait, that's tonight isn't it?" I check my watch...dang it's tonight.

"So what? do you have any other plans?" Amber asks

"No, it's just that that's a really early or late time to wake up at." I say with a sigh. I guess Amber is right. There isn't an easy way out of this so I guess I'll have to go weather I like it or not. "Fine I'll come too...but only because you're my friends." I admit with disappointment. "Oh, and by the way that makes this lunar eclipse so cool can't you wait until the next one?"

"This eclipse is special because this side of the moon hasn't been seen for 1,000 years. It's also said that the craters on this side will resemble a unicorn." Austin says as if it were obvious.

"So does this mean that we can stay up until it's time to leave?" I ask

"Awww yeah party at ma place tonight." Wade said with a goofy smile.

"No, if you want to do good tomorrow and not fall asleep in class I suggest setting your clock to 12:45 A.M. then meet over at the announcement bill board." Austin says while rubbing his neck from stress. "Sound good?" Austin asked with a grumble

We all show different signs of acknowledgement and head off to our classes.

1/2 a class later...

"...Who here knows how many transistors this computer has?" Mrs.Dalquist points to a school provided old Dell desktop. Yes, this is the kind of questions you are asked in this class. You don't need to be a genius to just look down at the page about transistors to know the answer. "One billion." I say as if to were obvious (because it is.)

"Very good! Now can someone tell me..."

Same old questions that everyone knows, but is to lazy too answer.

"...Excellent! Now head over to the laptops and begin your research on how the CPU functions." She said with a smile

Yeah...NO. Instead of using the crapy school provided laptops, I pull out my MacBook pro. earning a glare from most of the people using the Dell computers. After copy-paste researching I mail myself the results to save then print at the printer room later. Great! My work here is done as I proceeded to play Minecraft server Mclegends Factions.

* * *

After a while of blowing up enemy bases and looting, the bell rings and students rush out the door as if they have somewhere to be. Now my day of school is over and it's time to pack up. I noticed as I put my MacBook in my leather satchel bag along with its charger, my phone buzzed. Wade texted me it said "clear your schedule for tonight and drop by my place for a present." (one of his traits that makes me call him a friend. Yet more proof that I'm a jerk.) Welp, he has presents so I can't refuse. Wait a minute...why does he want to give me a present? Then it but me like a train. He wants me to stay up and play games with him...not...cool...man.

One walk to my dorm later...

"Yo Spud!" Yells Connor from his bed

You also probably don't know who Connor is well, he's my roommate and is a military fan. He only plays like 4 games: 1. Command and Conquer 2. World of tanks 3. Call of Duty and 4. Halo. He also collects knives wether they be Swiss or knives in general. Sadly that's all he focuses on and could care less about college.

"What's up Connor?" I say in an uninterested tone

"Well.." he starts and then continues to ramble about his game. "...and that's about it." He finishes.

"Cool story bro. Now if you don't mind I need to take care of my homework. OK?" I lie

"Got it! Oh and when you're done come play with me." Motioning towards the Xbox one he recently bought.

"Ok, Cya later!" As I go to grab my water bottle I hit my arm on the leg of the table, sending Connor's knife collection everywhere "Ow! I hit my elbow!" I shout in pain

"Awww man, you messed up my collection. (Sigh) But it's ok. Any way put your water bottle on it, it will make you feel better." He groans. Still probably mad about his collection being all over the table and floor.

"Thanks" I grunt with a hurt elbow. "I'm heading over to Wade's room to work on a report I'll be back later tonight." I lie yet again.

"Ok, see you tonight...I guess."

As I leave the room I mutter "No you won't." under my breath so he can't hear me. I'm such a jerk sometimes.

* * *

"Here it is room 137, it's 6:30 p.m. and 5 hours to go. This is going to be a very long night.

I walk up to the door and "Knock knock knock."

"It's open!" Calls a voice from inside

As I open the door I greet the owner "Good evening Wade, I guess you want to party until it's time to meet Austin?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Well yeah, how did you know?" Wade asked completely dumbfounded

"You said no to Austin and I'm the only guy that is willing to stay up into the wee hours of the night playing video games." This is yet another example of Wade not being the brightest of bulbs.

"You guessed it." Wade says then start we both start chuckling. The level of oblivion is astounding

5 hours of Minecraft, call of duty, and plants vs zombies garden warfare later...

"YAWN! Is it time yet?" I ask extremely tired

"Let me check." Wade pulls out his phone "I'm afraid so, Let's go." He says like he's a zombie.

"Wade you forgot about something." I say as I start to get up.

"What?" He asks, as I motion towards my phone

"Yeah give me a sec." He walks over to his dresser and opens the bottom drawer and pulls out a green jacket. "Think fast." He throws it at me, as I catch it I notice it has checkers and... it's a creeper jacket. "Hey Spud check out the zipper." I go to inspect the zipper and it's one of those special jackets that zips up past the hoody to give you kind of a mask.

"Thanks!" I say trying on my new jacket.

"Your going to need that extra feature of a mask." As he pulls a similar one out for himself.

"What do you mean NEED?" I ask while zipping up the mask.

"Students and teachers sleep but security cameras don't. Remember were not supposed to be up at this time." As he finishes zipping up his skeleton face on the hoody

"You ready to go." Wade asked opening the door.

"Yep!" I sling on my satchel and we leave the dorm.

* * *

"There's Austin at the announcement board." Wade said as we walked over to them. Austin and Amber seemed surprised by our masks but quickly realized it was us.

"Your 2 minutes late." Austin stated flatly.

"And? It's still not full yet, we have time." Wade said blithely

"(Sigh) I guess so, come on let's go." Austin pulls out his machine from a nearby bush and...hahaha it looks like the one that the Ghostbusters use. The machine appears to have a big satellite instead of the ghost gun. Ha! He even looks like a Ghostbuster with it on.

"I think we're ready to go." Amber says holding a flashlight

"Oh and you might need these because flashlights attract attention." As Austin hands out night vision goggles from a bag on the back of the machine.

"Where did you get these?" I ask inspecting the goggles.

"I Made them, they even have a button on the side that allows you to see the ghost." Austin says testing them out.

"Great job! I can see my dorm from here flashlight-free!" I complement Austin and his hard work.

"Now we're set! Only 20 minutes until the eclipse is at its peek." Amber says looking up at the moon.

"Let's go" Austin says powering up his backpack machine.

"Let's go over to the storage area of the school. Plenty of things to haunt there." Amber says confidently.

Everyone equips their goggles and we all follow Amber to the storage area.

* * *

"Welp, we're here." Amber announces. We all take a moment to look at the wooden gate and fence then wonder, how are we going to get in? We walk up to the gate. "Locked!" Austin says with disappointment. We started to walk back to the dorms when we noticed, Wade wasn't coming."Wade, what are you doing?" Wade rolls back his sleeves and starts counting.




"No stop!"



Wade pulls his fist back, then thrust it forward which ends up blowing the door to splinters, he looks back at us. "The doors open." We all face palm and sigh at the absolute mess he made. "You know Wade, it's times like this that makes me not know what to think of you." I say while still facepalming. "Come on, what are you waiting for? It's time to go explore!" Wade says as if nothing was wrong. "Let's just go and get this over with." Austin ends, still wondering how Wade demolished the door as if it weren't even there.

"The eclipse is almost at its peak. Only about 2-3 more minutes until...(Amber mumbles something)" We all look up at the moon and, sure enough. The moon is red with only a white sliver on the side, and the unicorn starting to become noticeable. Now that I look at it, I'm starting to notice 4 stars slowly closing in on the moon.

"Only about 2-3 minutes until what?" I ask Amber, concerned about what she might say.

"Ummm...uhh...Nothing." Amber responds a little too fast.

"Uh huh, sure. Anyways where should we start investigating?" Austin perks up and points over to the pile of wood storage crates "Over there should work. Come on, let's go." We start to walk over to the boxes when I notice something weird in the corner of my eye. I look over and due to the darkness I can't really see what it is, so I go to get a closer look. I look at it and still can't make out what it is, but I do know: it's a statute, tall, scary, and has armor. I give it another glance then get out my night vision goggles to see what it really is. As I reach to my bag I caught something shining out of the corner of my eye, I look back up and..."OH MY GOD!" The statue has come to life, looking at my with it's terrifying glowing red eyes. I stand there frozen in fear, then the statue of...whatever it is pounces me and I black out.

Author's Note:

#first chapter! Hey everypony, how's it going. Sorry for the slightly confusing begining. Just tring to build some characters, thats all. So as you can see, this is my first chapter and so... yay. I need reviews! Tell me what you think! Chapter 2 will come in about 1 week and after that things may slow down a bit. (p.s. The chapter after the next will be the start on a lot of fun!)