• Published 26th Nov 2015
  • 8,048 Views, 165 Comments

Well, this is Awkward... - Masterweaver

Cadance and Shining Armor are finally married! There's just one problem...

  • ...
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Comments ( 33 )
Araw #1 · Feb 14th, 2016 · · ·

...I really can't help but laugh whenever I read this. It's like, I find it so unbelievable that someone could grow up without knowing about sex but at the same time it's not that unbelievable.

I love this.

Cadence, you need to murder your in-laws ASAP and then get to Twilight and help her before someone realizes she is likely as Clueless as Shining and takes advantage of it.

I wonder at what point she should be worried about Twilight. Twilight may understand what sex is but I doubt that she is even close to understanding it.

At this rate Shining is going to end broken after all those fetish.

I'm guessing Shining and Twilight both had sheltered childhoods, but the latter is due to her love of studying and being Celestia's student.

Oh poor clueless Shining. I'd love to see his reaction to some porn, that'd be hilarious. Maybe Caddy should see if she can find a Tijuana bible of herself to show him.

At this point I think Twilight might know more about sex than Cadænce does from all the reading the purple mare has done. She may have even done some field research on the subject.
It'd be a good counterpoint to her clueless brother and you know what they say about "How it's always the bookish ones that are the most freaky."

6935917 Yes, it is builded on some unbeleivable premise. But all the art is make it beleivable and hillarious enough that we don't care weither or not it is beleivable in the first place.

I worry for Shining's sanity.

Still, I suppose it could be worse: they don't have internet. Imagine how quickly Shining's mind would shatter if typed in "porn" and went from there.

6936320 Take that notion and make it worse. Shining misunderstands something at some point for some reason and types this line for an internet search:

"Shining Armor Rule 34"

We might even discover if you can actually hear someone's brain breaking like glass. That, or he completely misunderstands even that range of horrors. :rainbowlaugh:

Then Sex, No Sex Happened

...This story is adorably awkward

6935929 6935977 6936080

At this point I think Twilight might know more about sex than Cadænce does from all the reading the purple mare has done.

Oh, she's definitely done some reading on the subject. To quote from chapter 1:

"Well, Twilight did hide some pornography books under my bed once," Shining explained. "She said it would be more believable if it was under my bed, but she didn't want me to look at them. And, well, she was my little sister and she seemed so embarrassed, so I never asked. Of course Dad found them eventually, and when I tried to tell him they belonged to Twilight he just laughed. He said I was becoming a real stallion. Then he said I should never have the books in the house, and he tossed them out. Twilight was real upset when she learned about that, but she told me later that she was able to rescue the books and hide them in her room somewhere..."

I'm pretty sure she'll be k. :raritywink:

...I really needed a winking Twilight for that line, but since Imgur is being a special snowflake I'm reduced to using emojis...


I was taking that part as Twilight having read about it, that you stallions having that type of material and had noticed that her brother did not so put some there. She retrieved some of the material because she was trying to understand why a stallion would be interested in that. I see Twilight as being academic about sex with no practical experience. She may have a leg up on her brother but I see her as hopeless in the bed as she is on the dance floor.

To me, this chapter wasn't as funny as the last chapter. It was actually a little confusing.

I feel like the implication of that conversation--specifically that that was actually Twilight's porn stash and she used it for the exact reason anyone has a porn stash--was pretty clear, but that might just be me.

I know what else this talk could have lead to.

"For example, I maaaaaay have a teensy weensy fetish for white coats." After hearing this Shining turns to his wife with a concerned frown and says "Cadance, roughly 60% of the Royal guard AND Princess Celestia have White coats.......should i be concerned?"

But at last, the princess of love had made love to the pony she loved. And it felt... wonderful.

:heart:Such an eloquent way to explain it.:heart:

"I guess I'll go order some porn for us... we can look at it over lunch

Just like ordering a pizza. It arrives in thirty minutes or it's free!

6941852 Somepony had already posted it, hm, but, that's okay, it's still funny to see it again.:twilightblush:

"For example, I maaaaaay have a teensy weensy fetish for white coats."

Oh, Caddy, you've got a bit of an Oedipus complex about your auntie?



but I thought people hated it when the package comes too early

wait, the sexual part of that joke works, but not the regular part

7043623 We are still talking about some form of porn on demand right? :rainbowhuh:

What would be the non-sexual part about that? :trixieshiftright:


package being, in this case, the penis, and "arriving" too early would be the ejaculation, but if someone like shining heard that, they would be like "why would I want a package to come later on?" that would be the other part of the joke, essential for the double entendre, pretty sure that's why it's called a double


You really don't get the point of this fic do you.

7044417 Lol that's going a bit off a tangent; but that's still pretty funny.:rainbowkiss:

7044548 Now, now no need to be rude.:moustache:


to watch shining fumble with the concept of the process of reproduction?


This is somewhere between cute and hilarious, and I like it. :twilightsmile:

Please sir, I want some more.

Fifth cousins? Really? Did you just pull that number out of your ass? Who the hell can name even their third cousins? Besides, even first cousins are different enough to cause almost no increased risk of genetic disease.

A certain royal family that collapsed due to such inbreeding would like to call you upon that.


please continue this

It was by the end of the honeymoon that Cadance decided she should file for divorce on the grounds that she had married an idiot.

I would love to see more of this:ajsmug:

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