• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
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Wise Cracker

Just some guy, riding out his time.

Comments ( 52 )

Apple Bloom on Equestrian Rape Culture

Oh boy.

Here we go

Hrm. Quite interesting M-rated story. Although this story comes in the wake of the real-life sex scandal surrounding comedian Bill Cosby, it carries this disclaimer:

There are no references to real people in this story, however. Any resemblance found to real-life individuals is entirely coincidental and unintended.

NOTE: Bill Cosby is a real person.

This story may also be similar to The Accused, a 1988 film featuring Jodie Foster's Oscar-winning performance in its lead role.

Umm... Straight Lace is a mare, and white. Pretty sure Bill Cosby is neither. I also haven't followed that, honestly. Last I heard a bunch of women appeared in a newspaper or something. Has it gone to trial yet? Don't think it has any relation to the events in this story, though.

You, err... you did read the whole story, right?

It might be similar to that movie, actually, but if it is it wasn't intended. This line may have given you that idea, though:

That’s when they started touching me, and umm, by the time my sister got me out, I was covered, and I mean covered, head to hoof, in sticky stuff.

I dunno, I didn't want to be too graphic there. I feel like the rape segment speaks for itself.

I'm pissed at Straight Lace getting away with it, but happy for AB.


Exactly the response I was hoping for. It'd be too much of a cop-out to have the villain be taken down in a Deus Ex, but a depressing ending would've been too hamfisted, too. So the middle ground it was.

lol. Straight lace is like every wacko propaganda pushing jackass on the internet, but combined into one pony.

Magnificent. I was almost sure about the titular twist, shortly after AB was stopped the first time, but there were a lot of parts I was kept guessing on what would happen through the end just because it was hard to guage how much a filly like AB actually knew about the implications of her word choices and how laissez faire or unaware her responsible adults were about their use.

The ending message is almost... I don't know the right word, but "hyper-real" comes to mind and seems to fit. This story teaches a lesson that I've learned in a manner similar to Apple Bloom -- crucial for society and friendship in today's polarizing culture.

Much appreciated ^^ The ending, again, was something I sort of struggled on. Originally it was going to end on an uncertain note with Apple Bloom just getting her results, but that would've been sort of pointless.

I'm surprised no one's pointed out the other subtlety in the story, though. Maybe it was too subtle. Or it'll take more time.

6420451 I still can't figure out whether there's a meaning behind the summer class being held in the library instead of the school, and I don't know what the other book titles are referencing. I also suspect Spike might have something to do with the missing newer volumes.

The reason it's in the library is because it's technically a holiday, and school is closed. Besides that, the object of the lessons is to teach critical thinking and proper speaking. It's easier to get the kids in the right mindset if that's done in a place where they might go of their own accord, as well as a place where there are many, many books with messages that they might agree or disagree with. The other book titles aren't a reference to anything, just a way of saying that they'll be getting the tools to put propaganda into context when it comes their way.

Spike may have had something to do with the books, yes. Maybe. But let's not forget he is a dragon: he might object to the idea of kids in his town being taught that good or evil depends on how you're born. But the library will get replacements for anyone who wants to read them, that's important. There's no censoring of opinions, just not forcing them on anyone and instead focusing on the intended lessons.

I actually meant Snails being the other subtlety: the reason he comes in after the girls, even though he's clearly sympathetic enough to want to join in right from the start of class, is because he's in the same ballet recital as DT and Silver. He just loses time changing out of his costume, whereas the girls aren't embarrassed in running around like that. Seemed like a nice enough detail to leave implied.

6420530 Oh, nice! I did miss that. Thanks for the explanations. I did get that the purpose of the old replacement books was to give the students the right tools, and I'm glad for that. I like the reason behind the use of the library and didn't pick that up, but it does fit nicely with the message.


I still love and hate and despair you in equal measure

I can't believe this happened.

Question. Was Straight Lace's reaction to Button Mash Sexism? Or is she just being another Jack Thompson/Anita Sarkeesian?

Great topic great story....Agendas & propaganda governments tool for dividing a nation (follow the $$$$)



god dammit

I'm pretty sure there's no actual people who are quite as bad as Straight Lace is. That's why she's a cartoon fanfic character of a cartoon.

Well... I was kinda tempted to joke about how the story should be called "Apple Bloom vs Strawmare".

But then I remembered my primary school teacher, who'd asked for a special parent-teacher conference to address my supposedly rampant lying. I told everyone about how we'd been to Hong Kong and what a great trip it was. She didn't believe me.

Imagine her surprise when it turned out everything I said was true. She was so small-minded, she simply couldn't comprehend how anyone could actually take a trip to another country.

I don't know whether to be disappointed or relieved that this isn't more popular. It does mark another fic down on my non-featured list, but at the same time I'd feel bad knowing the fandom is so... uptight. I'll probably blog on the topic soon, there's some stuff going on in the background that might explain a few things.

Your God can't help you now, senpai.

At least you didn't get knocked into the hospital, then abandoned there by the very teacher who was supposed to be keeping an eye on the playground, leaving the doctors (and you) thinking you passed out instead of being knocked out.

Seriously, though, 'Strawmare'? Maybe in a Power Pony parody, as a villain. By day a propaganda artist, by night a supervillain made partially of straw and hay strands. And if she force-feeds that straw to someone, they fall under her control. Might work, but not in this story. I wanted Straight Lace to have the look and feel of actual antagonists on the show, like Flim and Flam. Very much over the top, but still part of the world.

Well, sexism is discriminating based on gender, and her thought process is that boys are naturally violent, and gamers even more so, despite not having anything on his permanent record. So she thinks these things based on sexism and what other ponies may have spoon-fed her. After all, she is well-educated in these matters.


And her evil goal is to infiltrate positive social movements in order to make them look bad! Which, okay, is kinda evil.

Maybe the margarine of evil. The Diet Coke of evil. Just one calorie, not evil enough to warrant superheroes stopping her.

I though this was going to be a clofic.

Then it would have necessitated the 'Sex' tag, wouldn't it?

6424226 One never knows about this place. Like the story by the way.

I suppose so. I do prefer to play by the rules, though. And thanks!

I was VERY hesitant to read this. Given the title, it was understandable. You picked one hell of a touchy subject after all, which I suspect was entirely the point. However I'm DELIGHTED that I did read it. Apple Bloom's report was not just through, but extraordinarily well thought out, and honestly I fee she was the perfect character to use for the subject. Even the image choice was perfect in my opinion. However it truly saddens me that those downvotes are almost certainly from people who simply glanced at the title, and immediately started to bitch in their mind about it. This is without a doubt one of the best social issue fics I have ever read. Even if I hadn't already been a follower from previous, less serious stories, this fic would still be an instant fave and follow. This villain tips his hat to you, for an amazingly well done speech.

And the best part of it is: if anyone ever looks up 'rape culture' on this site, they'll get this fic thanks to the way search engines work. I'll take that as a victory anyday.

As for the downvotes, meh, my current record is on 55 downvotes. This thing isn't even close to that. So it's all good. It was conceived during a time when I was getting weary of the news, and it shows, but at the same time it really helped to get it off my chest. And the story isn't that bad, for what it turned out as. Could've been a lot worse.

Thanks for the feedback, I shall endeavour to surprise and delight in the future also.

While this was funny and the twists were good, it made me extremely uncomfortable to read. The character of Straight Lace felt like a strawman feminist trope. I know you mentioned in the comments that you wanted her to be over-the-top, but her hatred of males being mentioned at every possible opportunity felt... forced. It could have been interesting to flesh it out a bit, but her character just wasn't doing it for me. Still, well-written in the other aspects, and an interesting topic.

While I won't say the repetition can't come off as forced, the idea is that Lace is very rigid in her thinking, and as such repeats certain patterns frequently.

As for it being a feminist strawmare... the story, nor the author's notes, made any mention of 'feminism'. Lace herself never contemplates any form of equality, just superiority of one gender over the other, and treating even children differently because of how they were born. She's a cartoonish antagonist, like Flim and Flam were. If that sort of thing associates her with feminism, regardless of her never even thinking of the word, well... can't really help that, now, can I? :raritywink:


If that sort of thing associates her with feminism, regardless of her never even thinking of the word, well... can't really help that, now, can I?

You can, actually, even if you didn't mean to. "Stop oppressing me" is a trope anti-feminists use in order to mock feminism, and that's your cover image. "Rape culture doesn't exist and/or is a joke" is another one. "Feminism is just a ridiculously-powerful female who hates males" is yet another. "Patriarchy is bullshit propaganga!" All of these appear in your story very prominently.

I once began writing a story about a genocide of Earth ponies that happened about seventy years ago due to a dictator deciding to put undesirables in camps, and then deleted it because I realized how it would be associated with Nazis, regardless of me 'never even thinking of the word'. It is entirely possible to imply things via text. The fact that someone in the comments felt the need to mention Anita Sarkeestian, the Ultimate Symbol of Online Feminism, should tell you that you have at least implied feminism in this tale.

The fact that someone sees that in a story does not mean I imply it. Reader interpretation and authorial intent are two very different things.

Your mentioning a case of self-censorship doesn't mean anything to this current story. Someone mentioned Sarkeesian in the comments. So what? They mention Jack Thompson in the same sentence. And someone else mentioned Bill Cosby. Does that mean I've implied something or that the readers just draw their own conclusions based on their own experiences? If I make a story about bullying, and the bullies happen to be pegasi/unicorns while the victim is an Earth pony, and I make solely about the bullying, no racial tensions at all... does someone commenting on the racial matter or being reminded of racial matters mean I imply anything racist?

Perhaps I should clarify my earlier statement.

If a vile and antagonistic character reminds people of feminists, even though there are no clear indicators that she is a feminist, then this is a problem with feminism, not with my story. The correct label that I put on that mare is 'female supremacist', but other people use other labels. I can't help that people associate boy-hating with feminism. I didn't start that association, nor do I propagate it. I never have Straight Lace identify as a feminist, just as a 'well-educated' individual. You are the one who made the link to feminism, not me. Case in point:

"Feminism is just a ridiculously-powerful female who hates males"

I only ever identified my antagonist as a boy-hater. You then decided that this must represent feminism in some way. If you're going to do that even if I deliberately do not use that label anywhere in my story, then there's nothing I can do about that. Every boy-hating character I'd write and every rigid thinker in that discriminatory supremacist ideology would be associated with feminism. The label is in the eye of the beholder.

It's also worth pointing out that the central conflict of the story has nothing to do with discrimination, at its core. It's propaganda vs critical thinking and a 'We are right, you are oppressive' attitude vs 'Let's hear both sides and meet in the middle'. So while I do agree the repetition can be a little excessive, the whole 'it's feminist' question is on the reader entirely, not me. I wash my hands in innocence on that one.


*sigh* Okay, I usually don't get in long debates on fimfic comments, so this may be one of the last ones I'll post. I didn't want to reply at first, but I had to clarify a few things.

Your mentioning a case of self-censorship doesn't mean anything to this current story.

It was a parallel. I was pointing out how things can be implied by text.

They mention Jack Thompson in the same sentence. And someone else mentioned Bill Cosby.

Jack Thompson was mentioned because he and A.S. are often mentioned together as flip sides of the same coin. Bill Cosby was mentioned because of current affairs. There are reasons why these people were mentioned. The were mentioned because of things you implied in your story. Mentioning more than one person doesn't invalidate the mention of another.

If I make a story about bullying, and the bullies happen to be pegasi/unicorns while the victim is an Earth pony, and I make solely about the bullying, no racial tensions at all...

Then that wouldn't be like this story. If the bully mentioned "I hate Earth ponies" about three times every paragraph, it would, and it would very heavily imply racism.

If a vile and antagonistic character reminds people of feminists, even though there are no clear indicators that she is a feminist, then this is a problem with feminism, not with my story

No, it's a problem with how people misinterpret feminism. And then you go on to use the term 'female supremacist', which is yet another term anti-feminists use. Look, you pretty much hit most recognizable talking points of anti-feminists, almost verbatim in some cases. It could have been a huge coincidence, but it felt intentional.

I want you to guess what animal I'm thinking of. (Hint: 'My Little Pony"). It has four hooves, a long tail, it's equine, it eats grass. What, did you guess a horse? I have no idea how you could have arrived at that. I never said 'horse'. I was thinking of a zebra. I did not in any way imply a horse.

Just a side note: the person who coined "I wash my hands of this" did so when he allowed a man he knew was innocent to be condemned to death, because he couldn't be bothered to face an angry crowd and properly do his job. He received feedback he didn't like, so he said "I wash my hands of this" and walked away. I'm not implying anything, though :raritywink:

I was going to write another long reply, but honestly, it's easier to boil it down:

I wrote a character who is a boy-hater and a female supremacist. I wrote that because I wanted to. As such, she has the thoughts of a boy-hater and a female supremacist. She performs the actions of one. Both are exaggerated to cartoonish proportions.

Some people, apparently you included, will associate that with feminists. And if they do, there's nothing I could have done to stop that. Not without writing a different character.

Other people won't see the association with feminism and instead only see the propaganda vs critical thinking aspect of the story. Again, I have no power over who sees what or who focuses on what. Different people, different experiences, different interpretations. And truth be told, I was thinking of an Eohippus, because I'm a nerd like that.


You know what? I like you. You've proven yourself to be smart, and captured my attention. I'm not being sarcastic, either! While I can't "like" this story, I'll check out some of your other works. :twilightsmile:

Haven't read anything from you for a long time, but I don't regret reading this. I was hesitant due to the strange name, but when I got what kind of rape culture it was about, I could not help but smile. Excellent message. Never give up on your voice even if you're ostracised and silenced. In a way there is a peculiar metahumour in this story, case it is judged by it's name and ostracised the same way Straight Lace judged Apple Bloom.

P.S. Do you realize that Straight Lace is still a feministic bitch? You just wrote her that way, and it doesn't really matter what do you call her. I mean, hatred of boys can come in different forms, but what you described sounded exactly like a radical feminism. Just to clarify things, I have no problems with that character or that she is associated with feminism, she is on the right place in this story.

Like I said before, some people make that association, and that's fine. If that's your view on them, that's on you. Just remember, Lace never openly preaches anything like that. She's just repeating, without criticism, what others have taught her.

The metahumour hadn't occurred to me yet, but that's mainly because I was distracted by how close it is to current events. It is a neat little thought, though, I must say. Fic-ception, or something. :twilightsheepish:

There's always an agenda nowadays, and the truth is somewhere in between the extremes. But that's a different story.


I wrote a character who is a boy-hater and a female supremacist. I wrote that because I wanted to. As such, she has the thoughts of a boy-hater and a female supremacist. She performs the actions of one. Both are exaggerated to cartoonish proportions.
Some people, apparently you included, will associate that with feminists.

Last comment I'm gonna make here...But there's a reason the term Feminazi, was coined. Look up Christina Hoff sommers...Feminist. Anita Sarkeesian? FemiNAZI. The term exists because we all know feminism isn't the problem, it's the crazies using feminism as a shield that are the problem.

PS. In short, you weren't too far off.

6442699 Yup. No one sees the damage these "Follow or Die" types cause. In their world there is only two types of people. Those who believe their way is the right way, and those who don't know how wrong they are and must be taught the right way to think.

No one takes the few minutes it takes to ask a few basic, simple questions and act like an individual. They get lost in the crowd and get swept up in their rallying. So much so they often don't see they're being used by those who pray on the gullible minds of the masses to help them achieve their single-minded and often hate crusade against anything that can be exploited to fan the flames of their agenda, no matter how small. Often times they pray exactly on that. Those smaller them are the easiest to rout.

Meanwhile, as a crowd dissipates, the person who rallied the crowd goes and reaps the rewards on the suffering of those who may not even have anything to do with the cause, much as your story shows. One person's fight for 'justice' is another person's easy access to gain money, influence, and in this case someone's land.

No one will ever look twice to see the mess they've made of peoples lives that were ruined all in the name of some exploited belief in some individual(s) who wanted to spread 'justice' on those who 'oppress' us. Abusing the trust of others who believe them to be fighting for this justice, but instead, raking in millions without giving much back to their believers.

Great story. Sorry, didn't catch this one having been released sooner. I was in hiatus for a few weeks just around the time this was gonna be released.

Also, dat ending. Wish we had fanart of them in their ballerina getups. hehe.

A couple of heads in class went up and down, even Diamond Tiara’s and Silver Spoon’s.

Um, a couple is two. So either couple is the wrong word or the 'even' is superfluous.

Sorry, just one of those things that yanks one out of a story.

Anyway, nice story and really nice misdirection of not only the title but also on the targets.

Yeah, that kind of depends. The word 'couple' does mean two, literally, that I know. But I was under the impression it could also mean 'a few', and didn't always refer to a set number.

Then again, that may be because I'm not a native speaker of English. It's not often, but it shows occasionally (like thinking 'mane' should be in plural). Our word for 'couple' does get mixed for 'a few'.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll see how I can patch up that sentence.





Wish we had fanart of them in their ballerina getups. hehe.

Any colour or perspective/pose preferences? I've got sort of a foal base going for animation , and will be trying to make some more characters this week. The getups should be feasible once the girls are done...

It takes itself seriously up until the halfway point, I think, then it just goes full-on South Park parody, with a mixed emotions ending and a heavy helping of heart-warming solidarity.

You're going to hate the villain in this, though, there's no easy way around it.

This story speaks to my heart. I struggle with how to be logical in an illogical world. In addition to faving and upvoting I am going to make a new folder and put it in there too so it does not get lost among my hundred's of faves.

In fact this gets you a follow despite my trying to set a higher bar for who I follow than I believe I have in the past.

Well, that's not adding any pressure is it? :twilightsheepish:

Seriously, though, glad you enjoyed this little brainfart, hope I shan't disappoint in the future. At the very least, I don't spam out stories, so I've got that going.

Hey there. I stumbled across this nugget of news, and was reminded of your story. Maybe you'll enjoy(?) it.

In short: A bakery decided, without asking, to censor the middle word in "Summa Cum Laude" on a graduation cake.

News of that had reached my ears, yes, but thank you for putting it on this story.

So I don't have to :trollestia:

In all seriousness, I thought no one could top wanting to censor the paint name 'rape yellow' but the world just keeps finding new ways to make me laugh :rainbowlaugh:

I love that this story completely subverted my expectations. I had clicked on the story thinking Applebloom was the victim of a violent sexual assault and victim blaming, instead it was her talking about the plant used to make certain cooking oils and straw brooms.

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