• Published 27th May 2012
  • 10,178 Views, 323 Comments

Two Weeks - Starlitomega

After Rainbow asks her out, Twilight decides to give her two weeks to see if they can make it work.

  • ...

The United Hearts Festival

“Gaaah!” Rainbow’s eyes snapped open to Twilight’s shocked face.

“Oh my goodness! I didn’t shake you that hard, did I?”

Rainbow’s heart pounded in her chest as she fought to regain her composure. She knew telling the truth would only lead to a lengthy conversation she didn’t care for at the moment.

“I just... had a weird dream is all.”

“If you say so.” Twilight didn’t seem convinced, but accepted Rainbow’s explanation, nonetheless. “You sure you’re okay? Do you need a minute before we go?”

Rainbow stretched her legs and rose to her hooves. “Nah, I’m good. Can’t let the other ponies beat us to all the good stuff. I heard the Cakes are making their lemon meringue pies this year.”

“They didn’t make any last year?” Twilight asked.

“They did, but nopony got a chance at them.”

Twilight looked confused. “That doesn’t make any sense. Didn’t they make enough?”

“Enough for one pony,” grumbled the pegasus.


Rainbow turned her head stubbornly. “All I can say is I made a Pinkie Promise.”


Pinkie. Promise,” Rainbow said flatly. “Ready to go?”

“Uh, sure!”

In the scant few hours she had to prepare for her move to Ponyville, Twilight had done some research on the rustic location and found it to be pretty much what she had expected: a small, yet charming town where most ponies knew each other.

Even the smallest occasions in Ponyville were considered an excuse to throw festive celebrations, which usually engulfed the entire town. Ribbons decorated the various trees, and banners stretched across the humble town in honor of The United Hearts Festival.

“Why is there a fair, festival, carnival, feast, or whatever, every time Ponyville has a holiday?” Twilight asked, rolling her eyes as she walked past several food stalls with delicious smells wafting from them.

“Yeah... it's kind of a Ponyville thing. If there’s some chance to throw a party or eat a lot, you can bet somepony will take it,” Rainbow explained.

“In Canterlot, they hold a ball for the United Hearts Festival. On Hearths Warming Eve, they have the annual play," Twilight explained, waiting patiently as Rainbow stopped by a food stand. "Here in Ponyville, it doesn’t seem to matter what the holiday is. Everypony just seems to make an excuse to eat a lot.”

“That’s not true. On Nightmare Night, we do the annual candy offering. Actually, now that I think about it, that’s just an excuse to eat candy, isn’t it?” Rainbow asked, holding a fresh fritter from the pony tending the stand..

"Pretty much."

“What the hay, I’ll take what I can get!” Rainbow said, jamming the warm fritter into her mouth. “I bef dis food is a bith diffrenth than tha food from Cantherlot.” Rainbow said with her mouth full sending crumbs flying.

Twilight giggled at Rainbow’s lack of etiquette. “You could say that. The first month I started living here, I gained ten pounds easily. I had to start watching my diet very closely.” Twilight’s eyes jumped to a line of several colts and fillies. She followed the trail to a platform, where two fillies were being strapped into a harness worn by two pegasus ponies.

“Hey, look. Pegasus rides!”

Rainbow's gaze followed hers to the attraction.

“Yeah... they have to make sure they strap them in real tight. Pegasus rides are about safety first and foremost. Nopony wants an accident or anything.”

“I’d love to know what it’s like to fly one day,” Twilight mused.

“Don’t you have that flight spell?” Rainbow asked.

“I lost it again, I’ll probably never find it without inviting Pinkie back to the library. Besides, its not the same,” Twilight said, her eyes drifting up.

“What do you mean?”

“The wings are different. Butterflies use rapid flaps of their wings to stay airborne. Pegasi glide over long distances, only flapping when they need to gain altitude or hover." Twilight blushed slightly. "One day I’d love to fly with you in the sky.”

“Heh heh.... is, uhh, is that so? Oh, look! Applejack set up her apple toss stand. We should go play!” the blue pegasus exclaimed, tugging at Twilight.

“Apple toss?”

“Yeah! You have to throw the apples through hoops. C’mon, thats an old school carnival game. Didn’t you have those in Canterlot?”

“I never really went...” Twilight trailed off. Her ears drooped in embarrassment.

“There are only two rules: stay behind the line, and no magic!” Rainbow iterated, poking the unicorn’s horn for effect.

“I think I can handle that,” Twilight said smugly.

Fluttershy slowly eeked through the crowd, doing her best to get to the refreshment table without bumping into anypony else. The pony behind the stand looked toward her. He wore an elaborate suit and a warm smile to go with it.

“And what can I get for you, my lady?”

Fluttershy shrank slightly at the well-dressed pony’s beckoning smile. “Oh, uhh, I would just like a cup of orange juice please.”

“One cup of orange juice for the beautiful young pegasus, coming right up!” The server announced with a wink.

Fluttershy blushed at the compliment, feeling as if everyone’s eyes were upon her. She watched as the pony expertly poured the orange juice and placed it in front of her.

“There you are, my dear. One glass of orange juice made from Foalrida’s finest!”

“Thank you, sir,” Fluttershy said, taking the cup in her hooves.

“And how can I help you?” the stand owner said, looking to Fluttershy’s side.

“Two glasses of cider. One of them is for a friend.”

Fluttershy recognized the voice and spun around. “Oh, Rainbow Dash! Isn’t it such a wonderful day?” she asked.

“Hey Fluttershy. Yeah it’s pretty cool.” Rainbow’s eyes kept darting upward and she seemed distracted.

“Is something wrong?”

“Huh? No, not at all! Me and Twi are having a great time. How ‘bout you?” Rainbow asked.

“I’m having a wonderful time. I just got out of the bouncy castle. It really feels like you’re flying,” Fluttershy said with a satisfied smile.

“But Fluttershy, you’re a pega- ah, forget it.”

“Hey, Madame Pinkie set up her booth. Maybe you should take Twilight with you and have your fortunes told,” Fluttershy suggested.

Rainbow cocked her head to the side, seemingly in deep thought. “Uhhh, I dunno. Last time I went, she just told me I’d get a Wonderbolts poster for my birthday.”

“Isn’t that what Pinkie got you for your birthday?”

“No! She got me a one-of-a-kind, limited edition signed placard of their Manehattan performance where Spitfire performed her famous death-defying ‘Cloud Dive’!”

“Oh... my mistake,” Fluttershy mumbled.

“Two cups of cider for the dashing pegasus!” the stand keeper said, placing the drinks in front of Rainbow. “Who’s next in line?”

Rainbow grabbed the cups and hovered in the air. “I’ll catch you later, Fluttershy!” she said, taking off above the crowd of ponies.

Fluttershy stared as Rainbow’s colorful tail disappeared over the crowd of ponies. Her eyes went skyward, trying to find out what it was Rainbow had been looking at it, but saw only the pegasi giving rides to the young ponies.

Rainbow Dash and Twilight walked through the crowd of ponies, trading small talk. Niether of them actually managed to win a prize at any of the game stands, but it didn't detract from their carefree mood.

“So get this. Applejack parks the wagon of fireworks on the hill, right? Meanwhile, Pinkie sneaks up behind her and waits for the perfect moment and... bam!" Rainbow shouted, clopping her hooves together. “Pinkie pops her balloon right in AJ's ear, AJ freaks out and kicks the wagon and dumps all of the fireworks into the fire!”

Twilight giggled. “Oh my gosh! All of them?” she asked incredulously.

All of them! It was hilarious! We were dodging bottle rockets and roman candles for what felt like an hour! We all had singe marks on our flanks after that!” Rainbow cackled.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “You know, when you prank somepony, usually it’s better if they’re the ones that end up pranked.”

Rainbow shrugged. “Sometimes even the best pranks turn on you. Pinkie and I learned that the hard way.” Rainbow jumped into the air and hovered, scanning over the crowd of ponies. “Hey Twilight, Fluttershy said that Madame Pinkie set up her booth today. We should have her read our compatibility.”

Twilight rolled her eyes.

Rainbow blushed for a moment. “Yeah, I know it’s corny, but it’s all for fun.”

Well... okay, I guess it can’t hurt,” Twilight relented. She trotted over to the tent with Rainbow following closely behind her and stood in line. Luckily, there were only two ponies ahead of them.

“Hey Twi?”


Rainbow’s eyes went up in her head, “I’ve been to the United Hearts Festival every year, but never bothered to actually do anything other than eat and play. You're the nerdy one, what’s it about?”

“You remember the story of Hearth’s Warming Eve and the three types of ponies finally coming together?” Twilight asked.


“Well, after all the ponies came together as one, it still wasn’t really socially acceptable to be with each other romantically. Each race of pony stuck to their own and if, say, a pegasus was caught with an earth pony, both were publicly shamed and humiliated.

Rainbow scowled in anger. “What? That’s dumb!”

Twilight nodded. “The story goes that every night, the unicorn princess, Azure Dusk, would sit on her balcony and stare at the pegasus ponies who worked the night shift. One of them in particular caught her eye; a pegasus named Night Chaser. It wasn’t long before Night Chaser noticed her admirer, as well. Soon enough, they started talking and trading stories after Night Chaser’s shift ended.

“That’s the best part of working the night shift,” Rainbow interrupted. “You can sneak off once you’re done and not have to worry about ponies gossiping when you visit another pony’s house in the middle of the night.”

Twilight looked at the pegasus suspiciously.

“Heheh... guilty,” Rainbow admitted.

“Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me. Anyway, apparently while out with her closest friends she told them about her crush on the pegasus. Her friends at first were shocked, but soon admitted that they, too, liked ponies other than unicorns. Princess Azure decided that they all should give lotus blossoms to their secret crushes.”

Rainbow scratched her head. “Why lotus blossoms?”

Twilight shrugged. “I don’t know. Nopony knows, in fact. Princess Azure never said why she chose lotus blossoms. Maybe she just liked how they looked. Either way, before long their little gifts spread outside of the inner circle of friends. Pretty soon afterwards, ponies who liked other ponies outside of their races began giving their crushes lotus blossoms too. Eventually, the ponies who opposed these pairings caught wind of this, but by the time they did, they were no longer in the majority. Mixed couples everywhere started standing up for each other, and before long, the only ponies who thought it was wrong were now the outcasts.”

“Hah! Serves them right!” Rainbow said. “Wait a minute. If they didn’t leave a note, how in Equestria did they know who left the flower?”

Twilight gave a sly smile. “That’s the trick. Both ponies are supposed to know each other well enough to know who the lotus blossom was from.”

“Oh, right. Have you ever given one to somepony else?”

Twilight’s ears lowered a bit and the beginnings of a blush broke out on her face. “I always thought it was silly. Part of me always wanted to get one, but nopony ever did. Now though, it just seems kind of foalish.”

“Next!” came a voice from the tent.

Both ponies meandered into the mystically designed attraction. It had been a little while since Twilight had been to Madame Pinkie’s, but the eccentric decorations would feel right at home for someone like Zecora. Everything from the dreamcatcher on the wall, to the lucky horseshoe served to deepen the ominous atmosphere.

“Step forward to me, and your future we shall soon see!” Madame Pinkie beckoned from the other side of the table.

“Hey, do you do compatibility readings?” Rainbow asked. Madame Pinkie’s brow furrowed momentarily in response.

“Worry not, for a future together is just one of the many things Madame Pinkie can see.”

“Cool. Let’s do that, then,” Rainbow replied.

Madame Pinkie swirled her arms extravagantly around the crystal ball. Rainbow leaned closer looking for Celestia knows what in its glassy void. Twilight sat back in her seat feigning disinterest, But as Madame Pinkie’s swirling movements intensified around the see-through sphere, she too leaned closer.

“Aha!” Madame Pinkie exclaimed, causing both ponies to jump. “I see it! Yes! I see you, Twilight! I see you at a show! You are running backstage and in a hurry, perhaps chasing after a giant cupcake!”


“And now... now you stand before a large crowd! Ponies everywhere have their eyes upon you. Yes... and now I see...”

Madame Pinkie stopped suddenly, her face blanched and her eyebrows raised in what Twilight could only guess was shock.

“A crowd of ponies? Is Twilight putting on a show? What is it? What do you see?” Rainbow asked, practically pounding the table in excitement.

“I... uh... I uhhh, a cool birthday gift! Yup, that’s all! A cool birthday gift.” Madame Pinkie shot to her hooves and started pushing Twilight and Rainbow toward the entrance.

“A birthday present? That can’t be it! You were talking about a crowd of ponies!” Twilight protested.

“Cool birthday gift!” Madame Pinkie repeated as she pushed them out of the tent.

Rainbow and Twilight shared a quick glance at the tent flap that shut abruptly in their face.

“Well that was sudden,” Twilight said out loud.

“Yeah, I wonder what that was all about. Hmmm, maybe we should go find something else to do,” Rainbow said, grabbing Twilight’s hoof and pulling her past the ponies in line for the tent.

“Hey guys,” a friendly voice greeted them.

“Hey Pinkie Pie,” Rainbow replied.

Twilight stared incredulously at the pink pony in line and back at the tent.

“But, you were just... I mean... what in Equestria?” Twilight paused for a moment and shook her head. The pink pony was still standing there smiling at her. “You know what? I’m not even going to ask.” Twilight followed Rainbow away from the tent, anxious to try and forget what she had just seen.

Twilight threw her candy apple core into the trash can next to her while she chewed the remaining bits left. “The Ponyville version of United Hearts Day is so much better than Canterlot’s,” Twilight admitted.

She and Rainbow shared a seat on a park bench while the other townsponies walked by, some of whom clearly showing signs of fatigue after such a hectic day filled with friendly fun, and weighty food.

“Who needs all of those fancy schmancy unicorns at a party when you’ve got ponies like us around?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight giggled. “Yeah... I just wonder if the ponies who started this tradition back then had any idea it would become something like... well, this.”

“Maybe...” Rainbow trailed off. Her eyes stared off into the evening sun, which had just begun to lower.

“I just hope one day, ponies will remember me.”

Twilight looked back at her date questioningly. “What do you mean?”

“I guess I just want to know something of me will be here once I’m gone.”

For the first time in a long time, Twilight had nothing to say. Surprisingly, Rainbow had said something that even gave her pause. She, too, thought of the future in a similar way. She never realised until this moment that Rainbow’s showing off and bravado were really a way to form a legacy. She leaned into Rainbow’s side instinctively. Twilight enjoyed the feeling of another pony being with her like this. Just having someone close to her. It was something she’d been without since her days of reading bedtime stories with her brother.

“I’ll make sure nopony ever forgets us, Rainbow.”


“I’ll write a book. I’ll write everything about each of our friends. Everything I know and more. I don’t know when, but I’ll write it and make sure ponies know about us in the future.”

Rainbow sat there silent for a moment.

“I’d like to read it one day.”

Time passed as they sat on the park bench, enjoying each other’s company. Ponies walked past them in their own world. More and more of them walked by, carrying lotus blossoms as they made their way toward the flowers’ intended destinations. Twilight felt her partner stir, and she reluctantly lifted her head, allowing the pegasus to move.

“Everypony else is leaving, so I guess I’ll be headed out too. I’ve got to help the night shift,” Rainbow explained.

Twilight reluctantly nodded. “Yeah... I’m supposed to help the other ponies put everything away. Magic, ya know?”

Without warning, Rainbow leaned in and dropped a kiss on Twilight’s cheek.

The unicorn sat there in stunned silence, not so much because Rainbow had done it, but that Twilight had actually enjoyed it. Twilight saw the blush on Rainbow’s face as she pulled away. She wondered how long the pegasus sat there before acting on her impulse.

“I had fun today. I’ll catch you tomorrow Twi,” Rainbow said.

The librarian stared in utter silence as the pegasus took off into the evening sky. She didn’t even get a chance to return the heartfelt gesture before Rainbow left. She simply sat on the bench, watching as her friend’s prismatic tail disappeared from sight. Twilight couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that Rainbow wouldn’t be spending the night with her, but she knew things were getting out of hoof very quickly. She touched her cheek softly, feeling the moisture left behind from Rainbow’s kiss. Twilight had never been so torn between two things in her life than she was at this very moment.

“Okay Cloudchaser, that should be it. You and your team look ready so I’m headed for home.”

“Don’t worry, Rainbow. We'll have everything done and we’ll be home by midnight,” the gray pegasus replied.

“That’s what I like to hear! See ya later!”

“Bye Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow took off into the night sky. She headed straight for home eager to get a bit of sleep in before the morning when her shift started up again. She reached her door and alighted on the front step.

There on her front door, as plain as day, was a lotus blossom.

She stared at it for a while, not believing it was actually there. She glanced around to make sure nopony else was looking before approaching it. She stepped forward and gingerly pulled it off, careful not to damage it by yanking it too hard. She left the tape on the door, and with the flower in her mouth, she went inside and headed straight for her bedroom. Rainbow softly placed the blossom on her nightstand next to her signed picture of the Wonderbolts.

Rainbow never cared much for flowers, or cards or any of that mushy stuff, but this was different. In the past, she had never gotten gifts from ponies she actually liked. This time it meant something to her. Mustering the motivation to hop up from her bed, she decided to make herself a bowl of cereal before she went to bed. Rainbow smiled to herself and wondered what the unicorn was doing at this very moment.

She kissed you... Rainbow Dash kissed you.

Tired from using her magic extensively and the trek back to her library, Twilight’s mind raced through that moment over and over. It hit her like a falling piano that she had just received her first kiss. Now she knew why so many books made such a big deal out of what she thought was a tiny thing.

The physics of a kiss, a simple pressing of lips upon another pony's face. The act itself was nothing. In fact, it might run the risk of being gross or unsanitary. Actually getting a kiss, a real, honest to goodness kiss... it felt life changing. Her mental murmuring allowed the time to escape her, and before she knew it, she stood in front of the library.

On the library’s door sat a pristine lotus blossom. Feeling self conscious, she glanced around to make sure no one else was watching. Satisfied she was alone, she pulled the lotus blossom off the door and held it aloft using her magic. She walked into the library and closed the door behind her.

“Hey Twilight, whatcha got there?”

The unicorn nearly fainted in shock. She quickly hid the flower behind her. “Nothing! Nothing at all!”

Spike gave her a suspicious look. “Right... by the way, I think you lost that copy of ‘Comets for Casuals’.”

Twilight felt her heart jump in her throat. “You’ve gotta be kidding me! I was sure I put it up this morning!” she yelled, dropping the flower and dashing towards the bookcase.

“Aha! You did get a flower today!” Spike announced triumphantly.

Twilight groaned at herself for being so predictable. “Yes Spike, I did get a flower.”

“You wouldn’t happen to know who it-”

“It’s from Rainbow, okay?” Twilight muttered.

“Woah, you guys seem to be getting pretty close. It won’t be long until you two are kissing,” Spike taunted playfully.

Twilight felt her face redden against her will.


The librarian managed only a nod.

Spike fell into a laughing fit, leaving the unicorn to sit there with a sour look on her face.

Ha ha ha, have your laughs now Spike, go ahead and get them out of your system, I’m off to write a letter.

“No you’re not, you’re going to go sit on your bed and daydream. ‘Oh Rainbow Dash, I really like your mane!” Spike taunted, taking on an approximation of Twilight’s voice.

“Yeah yeah, laugh it up, mister. I have a whole list of chores that need to be done,” Twilight threatened, retreating to her bedroom.

The door closed behind the librarian with a soft click. Using her magic, she pulled a quill and scroll to her. She placed the lotus blossom and writing supplies on the desk and stared at the paper for what seemed an interminable amount of time.

No matter how much she tried, she just couldn’t find a way to give justice to the feelings roiling in her heart. She dropped the quill, walked to her bed, and jumped in. She didn’t even bother to climb underneath her covers. Instead, the librarian wrapped her front legs around her pillow. Part of her wished it was the rainbow-maned pony who occupied her mind. Despite its decidedly unhealthy qualities, one good thing about the home cooked food here in Ponyville was the side effect of knocking a pony out. She barely had time to recount the events of the day as sleep overtook her.