• Published 27th May 2012
  • 10,178 Views, 323 Comments

Two Weeks - Starlitomega

After Rainbow asks her out, Twilight decides to give her two weeks to see if they can make it work.

  • ...

Not a big deal

A chill ran down Twilight’s body. Her eyes slowly opened to find out what happened to her precious wing blanket, only to see a note in the spot where Rainbow had once laid upon her bed.

Her horn glowed with a red aura as she pulled the note closer to read:

Hey, sorry to leave you hanging, but I had to go early to help the weather team clear out the storm. Last night was pretty cool, I hope we can do it much more often.

Rainbow Dash

Next to Rainbow’s name, a little heart had been drawn. Not very neatly, but cute nonetheless.

Twilight gently placed the note on her nightstand and jumped off the bed while a replay of last night’s events rolled through her mind. Having another pony sleep with her through the night was equal parts exciting and comforting; addictive, even. Feeling Rainbow’s body heat near her, and listening to her soft heartbeat caused her emotions to bubble up all over again. She scarcely had time to react when Spike let out a sleepy groan.

“Morning, Twilight,” the baby dragon muttered through a yawn.

“Good morning, Spike. I was just about to step out for a bite to eat. You can sleep in if you want. I could pick you up something for lunch if-”

Twilight was interrupted before she could finish her sentence by Spike’s quiet snoring. She couldn’t help but smile at him, already out and deaf to the world. Twilight giggled and beelined for the bathroom to clean herself up a bit before walking out into Ponyville.

Save for a slightly smoky smell that lingered in the air, Ponyville appeared to be back to normal. Walking through the peaceful street, it seemed impossible that this town could have faced such a dire situation yesterday.

And yet, it did. The slight throbbing from the stitches on her head served as a constant reminder of the danger everyone face head-on. Literally, in Twilight’s case.

She scarcely made it halfway to Sugarcube Corner, where she intended to pick up some donuts, before somepony called out to her.

"Twilight! Yoohoo!”

She spotted Rarity and Fluttershy seated at a table in front of one of Ponyville's finer restaurants.

“Hey girls, what are you two doing?” she asked, walking over to meet them.

“Rarity and I were about to order some lunch. We just got back from the spa,” Fluttershy explained.

“Indeed. It was absolutely marvelous as usual, and dare I say necessary after that awful business yesterday. Why don’t you join us?“ Rarity suggested.

“Don’t mind if I do,” Twilight said, taking a seat.

“Oh waiter!” Rarity called out, flagging down their server who promptly trotted over to the table.

“Our friend will be joining us. Might we get another menu?”

“Certainly, madame,” the waiter replied, placing a menu on the table. He quickly produced a notepad as well. “And what would you like to drink?”

“Do you carry coconut milk?”

“Yes, madame.”

“Then that’ll do,” Twilight said with a smile.

The server nodded and took off.

Rarity took a dainty sip of her tea and cleared her throat. “So, Twilight, how are you feeling today?”

“Pretty good actually, aside from a minor headache,” Twilight said, pointing to her head.

Rarity dipped her head shamefully. “I’m so sorry. I should have kept watch on you like I was supposed to. I was just so focused on carrying the nest that I didn’t want to drop any of the eggs.”

“Oh, it's fine. Just a small bump on the head, that's all,” Twilight assured her.

“Featherfall wanted me to thank you, too. She’s so glad her nest is safe. In fact, she said if you ever get married, she’ll sing for you at your wedding,” Fluttershy chimed in.


Fluttershy blushed. “The bird whose nest you rescued...”

“Oh. I’m just glad everypony got out of there safely,” Twilight replied.

“Howdy y’all!”

All three ponies turned their attention to the cowpony strolling their way.

“Hey, Applejack. How’s business at the apple stand?” Twilight asked.

“It’s goin’ pretty good, Ah gotta say. What are y'all up to? Grabbin’ some lunch?”

Rarity nodded. “That's the idea. Care to join us?”

Applejack smiled and hopped in one of the chairs. “Well shoot, I’d love to! How’s that bump on yer head doin, Sugarcube?”

Twilight touched the spot gingerly, wincing as pain emanated to the surrounding areas. ”Are you worried about me or the bump?” she asked with a smile.

“At least it ain’t affected your sense of humor. Didn’t see Rainbow Dash go home yesterday. I don’t suppose you know where she was last night, do ya?” Applejack teased playfully.

“Maybe...” Twilight said, letting her voice trail off.

“Oh look!” Fluttershy pointed upwards.

A multi colored blur sped through the sky, pulled a few loops and headed straight for their table. Everypony braced for impact.

A moment later, Rainbow gently touched down next to them.

“Geez, I understand Fluttershy being antsy, but the rest of you have no excuse. I don’t crash that often... do I?”

“Just a force of habit, my dear.” Rarity laughed nervously.

“Hey there, Rainbow. You wanna join us for lunch?” Applejack offered. “Ah mean, if that’s alright with the girls here.”

The other three ponies each nodded in agreement. Rainbow smiled and took a seat across from Twilight.

“So, how about that fire yesterday? Did we stomp that thing out or what?” Rainbow said, exchanging a hoofbump with Applejack.”

“Darn tootin!”

“So Rainbow Dash... you and Twilight seem to be getting along fairly well,” Rarity prodded.

A slight blush crossed the blue pegasus' face. “You could say that. She’s pretty cool.”

Twilight blushed as well.

“Are y’all plannin’ on goin to another fancy restaurant or something anytime soon?”

“Well... I dunno about a fancy restaurant or anything, but I do have a little something planned,” Rainbow said with a sly grin.

“Oh? Maybe that cozy little diner behind the stadium in Cloudsdale?” Rarity suggested.

“You mean The Feathered Mane? How do you know about that place?” Rainbow asked

“I read all about it in a magazine article detailing the fifty most romantic places to dine in Equestria,” Rarity explained.

“Sounds like you two really hit it off,” Applejack said.

Twilight felt self-conscious. The doubts she had been harboring bubbled up to the surface making her nervous. “Girls, you’re making this into a bigger thing than it is. Rainbow and I are just very good friends right now.”

Rainbow seemed momentarily taken aback. “Well, very, very good friends,” she added.

“No offense, Twilight, but somepony saw you and Rainbow together at the festival and it seemed a bit more than ‘very good friends’.”

“It’s really not a big deal, girls. We’ve just been spending some time together.”

Rainbows eyes narrowed. “Not a big deal? Last night was kind of important, I’d say...”

“Last night?” Rarity asked.

“Just what did y’all get up to?” Applejack asked suggestively.

Twilight sighed. “You guys, it’s no big deal! I just preened Rainbow’s wings, that's all.”

Fluttershy squealed in terror as her own wings locked up.

Two hooves slammed onto the table. Their owner bore a furious scowl. Everypony present shrank back, except Applejack.

“Not a big deal? Not, a big, deal!” Rainbow's hooves moved under the table.

“Rainbow Dash! She ain’t the only pony at this here table, so you better think before you go flippin’ it!” Applejack warned.

Rainbow thought it over. She placed her shaking hooves back on top of the table. “How in the hay could you say that wasn’t a big deal, or the kiss at the festival, or the flower on my door?” Rainbow demanded.

“Th-the flower?” Twilight asked.

“Darnit, Rainbow. The flower... the flower wasn’t from Twilight. It was from Pinkie Pie,” Applejack explained.

Rainbow's face fell into genuine shock. “Pink… Pinkie Pie? Huh? What do you mean?”

“She showed up at my door last night and explained the whole thing. She’s had a crush on ya for a while now. It’s why she’s been actin’ so funny lately, seeing you and Twi here together.”

Rainbow seemed to visibly falter at Applejack’s information. Her eyes quickly flew back to Twilight.

“No big deal, huh? So that’s what you think of us?”

“No, that's not what I meant...” Twilight pleaded.

“Well it’s what you said! I let you work on my wings! You were just stringing me along the whole time, weren’t you?

Fluttershy looked at Twilight with sheer, abject horror. “That’s awful!”

Rainbow shook her head. “No, Fluttershy, this is my fault. You were right, Applejack. I shouldn’t have pushed so hard for this in the first place. I’m outta here.”

“Rainbow, wait!” Twilight called out to her, but the pegasus took off like a shot. She stared as the rainbow blur disappeared into the sky. Her eyes fell back to the table as an orange hoof slipped around her foreleg.

“You and me, missy, at the library. Now!

Twilight nodded and numbly followed Applejack away from the table, and her shocked friends.

“That no good stinkin’ egghead!” Rainbow fumed. She kicked through three clouds hanging high above Ponyville.

“Of all of the rotten, sleazy, horrible things she could’ve done, she had to go and string me along!”

Four more clouds fell to Rainbow’s vicious kicks.

“I’m Rainbow Dash! I don’t need some nerd who doesn’t know the difference between a inverse loop and an immelman!” she ranted as she tore through three other clouds.

No matter how hard she tried though, she couldn’t keep the anger flowing. Her energy faded, forcing her to find a cloud to rest on.

The flapping of another pegasus' wings caught her ear.

“Yeah, what is it?” she snapped without looking toward the pony.

“I-I saw you busting clouds boss. I th-thought maybe you forgot there's supposed to be a thunderstorm tonight,” Cloudkicker stuttered.

“I... I just got carried away. We'll have it ready later. Anything else you wanted to pester me with?”

“N-no boss, I’ll be on my way.”

Rainbow’s head hit the cloud pathetically. She felt her eyes watering against her will. She suddenly realized any pegasus like Cloudkicker flying by could catch her like this and decided to slink into the cloud beneath her.

“Like I ever had a chance with somepony like her...”

“Are ya naive, or just plain stupid?” Applejack exclaimed slamming the library door behind her.

Twilight bristled. “Try neither! You want to tell me why I’m the villain here? I’m not the one who pestered somepony into forcing them to go out with Rainbow in the first place!”

“No, but y’all certainly are the one who just trampled all over her heart like a buckin’ bronco! She may be a bit thick at times and none the least modest, but she’s got a heart, Twilight! T’aint fair you go stompin’ all over it!”

Twilight scoffed. “Oh right, because I didn’t give her a flower for some festival designed for foals and lovesick ponies, I’m automatically the bad pony here.”

Applejack put her hoof to her face. “Consarn it, Twilight. This ain’t bout no stupid flower! This is about foolin’ with her wings and spittin’ on her in front of everypony!”

“Her... her wings?”

Applejack glared at the unicorn and slammed her hooves on the table, causing Twilight to jump. “Yes, her wings! If y'all didn’t like her ta begin with, why’d ya go fooling with her wings?”

Twilight slammed her hooves down as well and returned Applejack’s glare. “She said they needed to be worked on, I worked on them. End. Of. Story!”

Applejack eyed Twilight suspiciously. “Y'all mean to tell me that Rainbow Dash just sat down and asked you ta work on her wings, just like that?”

“W-well, it didn’t go exactly like that,” the unicorn stuttered.

“Well how did it go?” Applejack urged.

Twilight mentally dug through last night’s events. “Rainbow said she needed to work on her wings. I offered to work on them. She seemed afraid I would mess them up, but I’ve read lots of books on pegasus anatomy. I promised I wouldn’t hurt her and she let me work on them.”

Applejack smashed her head on the table. “Twilight, only you could be so smart, and yet so stupid all at the same time. You’ve read books on pegasus anatomy, but have you read a single one about pegasus relationships?”

Twilight’s eyes grew wide. “Ummm, no...”

Applejack took a heavy breath. “Well, iff’n ya had, you’d know that pegasi don’t let just anypony preen their wings. They only let ponies they could see living a life with fool with their wings!”

Rainbow’s reluctance, the horror on Fluttershy’s face when she first said it; everything made sense now. “Oh, by Luna’s moon, what have I done?”

Applejack seated herself at the table opposite of Twilight. “Not much, just implied that Rainbow is easy in public, accidentally made yerself look like a heartless mare, and possibly made an enemy of the Element of Loyalty.”

Twilight’s head hit the table sadly. “Applejack, please…”

Applejack sighed. “I’m... I’m sorry. That was a bit harsh, wasn’t it?”

“She’s right, Applejack. I was sort of stringing her along. I figured she would see how boring I was and just... lose interest,” Twilight explained

“Didn’t turn out that way, did it?”

Twilight shook her head. “She really did like me. Me of all ponies. Why would she like me?”

“She liked you, but are ya really tellin’ me ya don’t feel nothing for her, either?”

Twilight stared at the table numbly, trying to put aside the truth her heart kept trying to make her see. “Having somepony around who likes you for who you are, somepony who wanted to spend time with me... it was... nice.”

Applejack scoffed. “Nice? Nice is when somepony holds a door open for ya, or shares an umbrella with ya. That sounds a heckuva a lot more than ‘nice.’”

“I guess it was... but I just can’t start a serious relationship. I have a duty to the Princess, to Equestria. I can’t just drop my responsibilities for my own selfish reasons,” Twilight said out loud, trying to convince herself more than Applejack.

“I just have one question for ya, Sugarcube.”


“Have ya ever asked the Princess if she was okay with ya havin a life?”

Twilight sat in silence for a moment. “It’s not that simple. Relationships are a distraction. Before I came to Ponyville, I spent all of my time studying, going through various books, and compiling data. Now if I had somepony else there, I would never have figured out that Nightmare Moon would return! We would have been caught unprepared and without a hope, instead of unprepared and a tiny bit of information to chase.

"So what yer saying is, you comin' to Ponyville, your finding the Elements of Harmony, and us all being friends instead of living in an eternal night is all your doin'?"

“Uh, well, I, uh...” Twilight stammered.

“And you don’t think fer one second, that the Princess didn’t have this planned from the get-go?”

The unicorn thought back to that day. It all seemed a bit of a blur, not helped much by the fact it had been so long ago.

“I guess they did have the chariot prepared rather quickly...”

Applejack wrapped a reassuring foreleg around the unicorn’s neck. ”We’re your friends. Trust that we’ll have yer back. Like you told me, you can’t do everything on your own.”

Twilight pushed Applejack away gently. “No. I was the only one who saw through Chrysalis' disguise. I’m sorry, but it’s better this way. I can’t let something as trivial as a relationship endanger the entirety of Equestria.”

Applejack let out a heavy sigh. “Well, if that's what you want... I’ll go see if I can calm Rainbow down a bit and explain that ya didn’t know what you were doin.”

Twilight smiled briefly. “Thanks, Applejack, but I can’t exactly blame her for being mad right now. Just... let her know how sorry I am, alright?”

"Will do, Twi," Applejack said, walking to the door.

Twilight’s mind raced as the earth pony left shutting the door behind her. It seemed like this whole dating thing had just started, and she had already found a way to ruin it. The gears started turning in her head, and Twilight knew exactly what she needed to do. In a fashion that might seem random to anypony else, books from all over the library flew toward her, collecting in a orderly pile before her.

“Uh, Twilight?”

“Yeah, Spike?” She asked without turning around.

“Is everything... okay between you and Rainbow Dash?” he asked, dodging a book flying past him.

“I... I don’t know, Spike. I just don’t know.”

The last cupcake of the day left the display case by means of a pink hoof. Pinkie tossed the treat into the air and caught it in her mouth. Her tongue quickly separated the paper from the cupcake and spat it out in a split second.

“Mmmmm! Bubblegum flavor!”

The earth pony quickly set her mind back at the task at hoof, wiping the display case clean. She scrubbed and scrubbed the windows until they made that unmistakably squeaky-clean sound she loved so much. The sound of a job well done. Outside, the rain fell in thick sheets, punctuated only by the occasional roll of thunder.

Pinkie dropped her cloth at the sudden knocking on the front door. She was sure she flipped the sign to closed before she started cleaning, but who in their right mind would be out in the middle of a thunderstorm at this time of night?

Maybe I shouldn’t answer it. It could be a timberwolf that’s lived with ponies for all it’s life and suddenly decided it wants to eat them instead, and it’s chosen me as it’s first victim!

The knocking came again.

Or maybe it’s some poor pony lost in the rain who needs help...

Pinkie opened the door cautiously, revealing a very wet pegasus with a lotus blossom.

“Rainbow Dash?”

The pegasus seemed upset, not her usual self. It was easy to tell something was off.

“Hey, Pinkie... Applejack told me what you did, about the flower... about how you feel...”

Pinkie played with her hoof nervously. “She... she did?”

Rainbow slowly nodded. “I’d like to talk with you... if you don’t mind, that is...”

“Hold on a minute, Rainbow!”

Pinkie slammed the door abruptly and grabbed a nearby picture.

“Yes, yes, yes! Thank you so so so so so so much Applejack! You are the greatest!” she said, hugging a picture of the earth pony for all she was worth. She tossed it to the side and opened the door again.

“C’mon in Rainbow! We can talk as long as you want!”