• Published 27th May 2012
  • 10,179 Views, 323 Comments

Two Weeks - Starlitomega

After Rainbow asks her out, Twilight decides to give her two weeks to see if they can make it work.

  • ...

Proud and pushy pegasus prognosticates about possible pairing

“Cut that out ‘fore somepony gets hurt! “ Applejack ducked just in time to dodge the antsy pegasus flying about the Apple Family’s barn..

“I can’t sit still when I’m nervous! I don’t think you understand how important this is!”

Applejack tipped the cart she had been hauling into the sorting bin. When she heard that Rainbow needed her help, she was more than happy to assist anyway she could until she found out what the Pegasus needed help with.

“Look Rainbow, ya know I’m not a romantic or anything so I’m not sure how much my opinion counts for, but I think you should fly right up and just tell her, just like a bandage, rip it off and get it over with.”


The cowpony rolled her eyes as the Pegasus crumpled to the ground having struck one of the beams in the barn. The prone pony shook off the hit as she always did, as durable as ever.

“Just tell her? Just tell her! Maybe it’s that easy for you, but I’m the most awesome pony in Ponyville! I have appearances to keep up, and what’s worse is that just being awesome won’t be enough!”

Applejack hopped out of the cart harness and trotted over to the Pegasus lying on the ground offering a reassuring smile and an outstretched hoof to her friend.

“Listen Rainbow, Twilight might be a bit of a bookworm, and a little bit of a shut in, but she loves watchin ya when you’re on one of your stunt show kicks. All ya gotta do is put some of that patented RD confidence to good use and she might go for it!”

The multicolored mare took the offered hoof and pulled herself up. “Might go for it? She has to go for it! What would everypony think if a nerd like Twilight turned me down?”

Applejack rolled her eyes, “Maybe you shouldn’t think about what your ‘fans' think and consider what Twilight might think.”

The earthpony locked her gaze on Rainbow’s wing. She gently brushed the exposed feathers on the very front. “Ya’ll been picking at yer contour feathers again haven’t ya?”

A blush broke out on the pegasus’ face. “Yeah, I have…”

Applejack whistled. “Wow, I didn’t realize this meant so much to ya. You ain’t picked your feathers since you were on bed rest after that bout of pneumonia. Sounds like you're really set on this.”

Rainbow pushed a hoof into the orange mare’s chest. “That's what I've been trying to tell you!”

“Hmmm. Well that settles it. Ya just need ta pony up and get it over with.”

Rainbow scoffed at her cowpoke friend. “Yeah, sure. I should just go to the library and say, ‘Oh, hey Twilight, I really like you, would you like to go out with me?”


Both ponies glanced to the open door and glared at the red stallion standing in the doorway until he walked away under their insistent eyes. Rainbow seemed to mull the earth pony’s advice for a moment. Applejack had only seen this level of concentration from the cyan mare before she launched into a spectacular trick, or before she started work on a massive storm. Clearly, she underestimated how intent the Pegasus was in getting the Twilight’s attention.

“No offense AJ, but you're about as subtle as a canon . As much as I hate to do this, I think I need to get with Rarity. She knows a thing or two about handling mushy junk like this.”

Applejack stuck her nose in the air, “Fine, but just you wait and see. Twilight ain’t gonna be easily turned by the tricks Rarity is used to using. Sooner or later you’re just gonna have to grab that unicorn by the horn and just tell her.”

“Yeah, yeah. Maybe I’ll give the direct approach a shot if nothing else works,” Rainbow said making for the open barn door. “Later, AJ!”

“Bye RD! I’ll be rootin for ya!”

“This might be the worst idea for a prank you’ve ever had. Matters of the heart are serious!”

“I’m not joking!” Rainbow protested.

Rarity kept her eyes trained on her work as she made subtle adjustments to the dress in front of her, “You and Twilight can’t possibly be compatible.”

“And just what is that supposed to mean?” Rainbow asked, cutting her eyes at the dress maker.

“Obviously a relationship calls for both parties to have something in common, some sort of chemistry for them to spark with.”

Rainbow put her hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Well… we do both like books...”

“There must be something more to a relationship than books. Just give it a few weeks dear. This is probably just a phase for you. Give it some time and I’m sure you’ll have forgotten all about this whole charade,” Rarity said.

“Yeah…I guess. Thanks anyway.”

Rarity lifted her razor-like gaze from her work and stared at the pegasus trudging away from her like a wounded puppy. The dramatic change in personality was enough to give the unicorn pause.

“Rainbow, wait!” The unicorn tossed her glasses to the side and trotted over to the dejected pony. The despondent pegasus refused to lock eyes with the seamstress, but she didn’t have to get a good look to tell that the anxiety the pony was suffering was genuine. With a gentle hoof she raised the multicolored mare’s head to make eye contact. “Perhaps I was a bit too hasty to dismiss your feelings, but, why Twilight of all ponies? She seems completely antithetical to an athletic pony as yourself.”

Rainbow looked at her questioningly, “Anti- what now? Look, I know we aren’t exactly on the same wavelength and sure she’s boring sometimes, but she’s also smart and nice. All my life I’ve had to be the coolest pony ever, and sometimes I just want to be with somepony where I can put that away, and she’s the pony who started me on the path to reading for Celestia’s sake! I tried telling myself over and over again that this is stupid, but some days I follow her all day just to see her crack a smile.”

“Oh my… Now I know you’re serious. You would gag before admitting that under normal circumstances.”

Rainbow shrugged and gave a goofy grin, “I know, right?”

Rarity stamped her hoof determinedly, “Very well then. If you truly do desire her, I owe it to true love to help out anyway I can.”

The pegasus’s eyes lit up, “Really? Thanks Rarity! Now, how would somepony like me go about asking a pony like Twilight out anyway?”

“That’s easy. There are certain things a pony likes to hear. We like to know that we look good, that our manes look nice and well cared for,” Rarity explained, bouncing her hair with her off-hoof for emphasis.

“Sooooo, you’re saying I should tell her she looks nice?”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Do try to be a bit more creative than that dear, but yes. Proper mares such as Twilight and I like to know we smell appropriately as well, that our perfume adds an extra dimension to match our show stopping looks and personalities. In general, let Twilight know that she is every bit as stunning as you think she is.”

Rainbow nodded vigorously. “Smells good, looks good, stunning, got it. Next?”

“Well, our lovely librarian is quite a practical pony as well. You should try doing something nice for her. I’m sure she would appreciate a delightful snack from Sugarcube Corner. “

“Great idea! I see her chewing on those Devil’s Food cupcakes now and then. I bet they would make the perfect gift! What else?”

Rarity prodded the Pegasus in the chest with a brush using her magic, “Confidence, darling. I know it can be difficult to display your normal bravado when in the presence of one’s crush, but be confident. Ponies pick up on that confidence and it’s bound to rub off on her.”

“Confidence, I think I can swing that one. Got anymore hot tips for me before I go?” Rainbow asked. She cut her eyes at the unicorn in annoyance as a magically manipulated brush swiped through her mane straightening out a few tangles.

“One more thing, treat our little librarian right. She’s probably a bit more fragile than anypony else in the love department. I get the feeling she’s not especially well versed in that area being cooped up in a library for so long.”

Rainbow pushed the prodding brush away from her and flashed her friend a grateful smile. “Thanks Rarity, you don’t have to worry though, I’ll treat her right.” And with that final reassurance Rainbow flew out the boutique’s open skylight leaving the seamstress to her duties.

Rainbow stood outside the large oak door of the library with a box of Devil’s Food cupcakes and a nervous disposition. Gathering her courage she knocked on the door. She heard what sounded like several small objects clattering to the ground mixed with the scampering of hooves. The pegasus’ smile brightened as the door opened to reveal Twilight on the other side smiling back at her.

“Oh, hey Rainbow, I was just organizing the library. What’s up?”

“Organizing huh? I was just gonna see if you wanted to hang out for a bit, but I can help with the books if you want,” Rainbow offered.

“That would be great! Hey, what’s in the box?” Twilight asked.

“These? They’re just some cupcakes I picked up. I thought you might want to share some, ” the Pegasus said, offering her the box. She watched as the unicorn flipped it open with her magic affording her a look at the treats inside.

“Oohhhh, Devil’s Food cupcakes, that’s my favorite! I don’t think these will last long.” Twilight opened the door. “Come on in.”

Rainbow followed her purple friend into the library, she saw piles of books scattered all over the floor in heaps. Stepping over the tomes on the ground, she made her way to a table as her friend disappeared into the kitchen with the cupcakes. Looking around the library she saw holes in almost every bookshelf in the library and came to the sad realization that the job she signed herself up for was not going to be easy or short. She pulled out of her thoughts as the unicorn returned to the main area of the library.

“Cupcakes are in the kitchen if we get hungry. Are you ready?”

“You know me, I’m always ready, and by the way, I, uhh, I wanted to say you smelled nice today.”

Twilight’s eyebrows rose questioningly for a moment before returning to normal. “Oh, well uhhh, thanks Rainbow. You smell pretty good yourself,” the purple pony replied with a smile.

Once Twilight turned away from her, Rainbow pushed her face into her open hoof in awe of the awkwardness she was able to squeeze into such a small period of time.

“And this one is Equestrian Social Antiquities, It should go right before Equestrian Social Statements.” Twilight rattled off from her checklist. Rainbow snatched the book from the magical aura holding it aloft and flew to the bookcase placing the tome in its proper spot.

“Got it! What’s next?”

“That’s the last one! We’re done. Thanks Rainbow, you’ve been such a big help!”

“Awww, it’s nothing, really,” Rainbow said as a blush came to her face. Staring at the broad smile on Twilight’s face reminded her why she was there in the first place. She bolstered her courage and decided to dip back into the well of advice Rarity filled for her earlier.

“Your mane looks pretty cool today, Twi!”

Twilight’s eyes widened considerably. “Oh no, I thought I brushed earlier, I’m quite sure I did! I don’t have a Mohawk up there do I?” she asked dashing around for a mirror.

Rainbow shook her head and hooves frantically. “No no! It’s pretty much normal for you! I’ve always thought your mane looked cool with that stripe going right down the middle. Kinda reminds me of your's truly.”

“Oh! OK, well, thanks! I don’t know about you, but I’ve worked up an appetite. I’ll go fetch those cupcakes you brought.”

Rainbow sighed as soon as Twilight stepped into the kitchen. She didn’t want to club the unicorn over the head with her feelings, but with every hint she dropped, she became more and more worried that Applejack’s advice had been spot on. She pulled herself together as the door leading to the kitchen swung open and Twilight returned carrying the cupcakes and two glasses of milk.

“Let’s see, I’ve got napkins, cupcakes, and two glasses of milk, Is that everything?”

Rainbow landed next to the table rubbing her hooves together in anticipation, “Sounds good to me, I’m starving!”

Both ponies pulled a few of the treats out and started eating. As she munched on her cupcake, Rainbow couldn't help but feel unsatisfied with her progress thus far. She decided to give subtlety one more try, “You know what would make this perfect?”


“If this were a picnic. Just me and you hanging out under a shady tree… together,” Rainbow hinted.

“We could take this outside if you’d like,” Twilight suggested.

Rainbow’s head hit the table in frustration, “I don’t believe it…”

“Are you OK? You don’t look too good.”

Rainbow finally gave up. She knew that when everything was said and done that Applejack would have a field day with the "I told you so's", but now something more important was on the line.

“I’ve been dropping hints all day, but I guess I just have to come out with it. I’ve got a crush on you Twilight, and I wanna take you out on a date.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide in shock. “A date? Me and you?”

“That’s what i said.”

Twilight tapped her hoof to her chin. “Wow, I never expected you of all ponies to ask me out… why me?”

Rainbow shrugged, “Why not you?”

“I asked you first!” Twilight demanded.

Rainbow finally had the conversation to the point she had been hoping and rehearsing for, so it came as a surprise to her that she was delaying, “To tell the truth, I’ve always had a crush on you. I’ve just been… Well… too afraid to ask.”

“Why now? What changed?”

“I guess it was the whole reading thing. I’ve always thought about you, but I figured we were just too different to be together. Ever since you showed me that being smart isn't only for ponies like you, I started thinking that maybe we could make something work. I know it’s weird and all, but I would like to at least give it a shot. If it all falls apart, I’ll at least know I tried.”

“Rainbow, I’m flattered, really. But this is something I’m not that interested in yet. Studying eats up a lot of time and I can’t really waste it on a relationship right now.”

“Waste it?”

Twilight nodded, “Yeah, one day I might be interested in that sort of thing, but for now I’d rather just focus on my studies.”

Rainbow felt her heart sink with every word Twilight piled on top of the rejection. Wordlessly, she pushed herself away from the table and headed for the door.

“Uhhh, Rainbow… you only ate one of your cupcakes. I thought you were hungry.”

“I had a big lunch.”

“But you said earlier that you were starv-“

“See you later, Twilight.” Rainbow said, closing the door behind her.