• Published 22nd Aug 2015
  • 528 Views, 10 Comments

Supernatural Ponies 2: Journey to Hell - SwiftStroke

Sam and Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, and Castiel and the Mane 6 go on a quest to find Hell, and it's king, Crowley.

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Out of the Fridge and into the Freezer

"Now before we head too deep into the blizzard, I will give you these." Bohr revealed 11 visor glasses. "These heat visors will allow you to see clearly in a raging blizzard. I decided to pick some up while gathering supplies. I already had a few, as all yaks must, but you, of course, needed some." The ponies all strapped them on while Bohr took out his own and did the same.

"So, let's take a look in this book." Twilight said while opening up the book found in the library. She read silently

"SOOooooo. Where do we go?"

"I'm still reading, Rainbow." More time passed. "Okay. So in a nutshell, there are two things we need before heading to the portal. These 'keys' must be used to enter Ponatory. As always, a riddle holds the secret of where to go."

"Why can't these ancient texts be more straightforward?" Dean grumbled

If the medallion is the key you seek, then search atop the mighty peak. If the crown is the path you wish to go, then search the aquatic heart below.

"Well, I'm not familiar with Equestria's geography, so someone else take care of it." Bobby said.

"I've got this." M said, snatching the book from Twilight. "Let's see here. . . so the keys are a medallion and a crown, that much is obvious. Atop the mighty peak . . . well, there are only three notable mountains in Equestria. There are the foal mountains, which could hardly be considered mighty. There's also the mountain where Canterlot resides, but that's too skinny, and not extremely tall either. The only mountain it could be is Mount Everhoof. That's one mystery solved. Now for the second one. Now, aquatic heart below. This one's easy. The Celestial Sea has a dangerous cave at it's heart. Now, Mount Everhoof is closer. Let's go, no time to waste."

"Alright well umm . . . thanks?" Twilight said nervously.

"I solved the riddles. What could possibly be the issue?"

"Well umm, you solved it all so quickly, it would be more fun if we solved it together and didn't give it our all all at once!"

"I honestly have no idea how you consider riddle solving "fun" but fun is also something we don't have time for. Now let's get going!" M started off out into the blizzard and the others followed.

The ponies had been walking through the mountain range towards Mount Everhoof for hours. The freezing cold was even worse here than the path to YakYakistan. Despite their appropriate wear, the ponies were still shivering. Mount Everhoof felt so close but was still so far away.

"It's getting dark out." Sam said. "We should find a cave or something to rest in."

"Definitely." Rarity said. "I need my beauty sleep." The ponies began searching for some shelter. Dean eventually found a cave and called the group over. They swarmed into the cave and Dean started a fire with some wood he collected and the matches Bohr brought along. The group then got under blankets Bohr brought. They all fell fast asleep.

Author's Note:

Alright I know at the end Bohr bringing stuff became a cop-out sort of, but hey. He knows the place.

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