• Published 22nd Aug 2015
  • 528 Views, 10 Comments

Supernatural Ponies 2: Journey to Hell - SwiftStroke

Sam and Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, and Castiel and the Mane 6 go on a quest to find Hell, and it's king, Crowley.

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The train had finally arrived at it's destination. Here, The Winchesters, Bobby, Castiel, and the Mane Six would make their way to YakYakistan. The ponies donned their clothing and stepped off the train onto the snow. The wind was strong, and everypony struggled to keep their eyes forward. Twilight tucked her small map under her foreleg at just the right reading angle. She led the group, while the mystery mare led the party. She was ahead of them.

The ponies just hiked for a while, until hearing slight growling.

"Did you guys hear that?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah." Twilight agreed

"Same." Dean also agreed. "It sounds like a dog. Oh God, did Crowley send a hellhound after us?"

"I don't know." Twilight said. "We'd better stay alert." With this, Everypony just continued on. The growling was getting closer, and they could hardly see in front of themselves because of the blizzard.

"AAAHHH!!!" Rainbow, with her quick reflexes, dodged a white blur. "The hell was that?" The blur flew across the ponies' peripheral once again, this time, leaving a large gash on Rainbow's left foreleg. She squealed in surprise and fell to the ground.

"Oh Celestia, Rainbow! Are you alright?" Twilight worried.

"I'll be fine Twi. You should be more worried about whatever's attacking us!" Everypony looked around, dazed and confused at the current events. They stayed stationary for a minute or two. Maybe three. Nothing was happening. When Twilight calmed down, she used a healing spell to treat Rainbow's leg. Soon, a figure stepped into view. It was the mystery mare.

"Holy shit guys! How many times am I gonna have to save your lives! I shouldn't even be caring about anyone other than myself at the moment, but you ten just had to run into a pack of White Wolves. Didn't ya? I really should keep an eye or two on you. Yeah. You know what? I'm gonna stick with you guys. I'm not goin' ahead, I'm not fallin' behind. I'm just taggin' along."

"Why are you going to YakYakistan? How did you know we were following you?" Twilight inquired in a stern tone.

"The same reason everyone goes to YakYakistan. To find the Portal to Ponatory. Also, it's not difficult to figure out you're being followed by ten ponies. Even in a snowstorm."

"Why do you want to find the Portal to Ponatory?"

"Because I'm curious. It's a border between Equestria and Hell. It's practically begging everyone to try."

"Alright . . ." Twilight accepted. She was definitely still skeptical about this mare though. "So what's your name?"

"Just call me M."



"What's your real name?"

"Dunno. M is all I was ever called."

"Mhm . . ." The Winchesters, Bobby, Castiel, the Mane 6, and their new companion, M, continued towards YakYakistan.

The ponies had been walking for about a day. They'd rarely stop and rest. The ponies could hardly see in front of themselves the whole time. It was a long time before the ponies saw anything but snow. The snowstorm began to let up, and they could make out something at the top of a hill. It was an open gate. With new enthusiasm, the ponies bolted up the hill past a strange cave. Who knows what lives in it. Pinkie hoped to meet it someday. In case she needed a party animal.

"Finally ,we're here!" Dean said in relief.

"Yeah, finally!" Rainbow exclaimed happily. "Let's head in!"

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long! School just started a couple weeks ago, and I honestly forgot I had this story going on. Sorry again!:twilightblush: