> Supernatural Ponies 2: Journey to Hell > by SwiftStroke > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Morning Discussion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a standard, Saturday morning in Equestria. Nothing big happened. No hellhounds chasing after ponies. No forest made into a labyrinth. No vampires getting their heads chopped off. No ghosts being burned. No ponies getting ripped apart. This nice morning is what Sam, Dean, and Bobby woke up to. Not to mention the bearers of the elements of harmony. The first thing the Winchesters and Bobby noticed, was the absence of a certain Alicorn. "Okay. Where in the holy hell is that angel?" Dean inquired. "I dunno, but-" -Creeeaaaak- the door had opened, interrupting Bobby. Castiel came in. "Where were you Cass?" Dean asked. "I was talking to Twilight. I had been making a mind map of Ponyville when she told me she had some interesting findings on Hell. She had told me a little bit, then realized she should have all of us at her library. This leads me to what I need to say. Twilight said for us to meet at the library." Everypony nodded and set off to Twilights library. When they finally arrived, the other members of the Mane 6 were helping Twilight clean up the books all over the floor. "Hey! You guys made it! The others are here too. Can't have a gathering without absolutley everypony, right?" Twilight said gleefully, but clearly sleep deprived. "I was up studying nearly all night!" "I can see that." Dean said. "So, what'd you find?" "A lot of interesting stuff! I'll fill you in. I found out that the concept of an afterlife of punishment is prevelant in nearly every religion. Hell, specifically, dates back over a thousand years ago. Not all religions called this underworld Hell, but ones that did include Neighstianity, Zoodaism, Horslam, Bucka'i Faith, etcedera. The only problem is that these all speak of Hell as a place of punishment AFTER DEATH. We'd have to be horrible ponies and die just to get there. At least that's what I thought. Apparently, there's a portal hidden somewhere in Equestria that can transport you to Ponatory. There, you can find the entrance to Hell between three intertwining trees." "That's all fine and dandy, but how're we gonna find the portal?" Dean asked. "Good question. Unfortunately, it's one that I don't know the full answer to. However, I think I can start us on the right path. My books say that the yaks have delved themselves into the subject so much, they have a whole section of their cultural library dedicated to the matter. The books also say that only yaks have ever traveled to Ponatory. This leads me to believe that the yaks have the secret to finding the Portal to Ponatory. That's it's offical name in mythology. I'd also like to point out that this is possibly just a wild goose chase, and the Portal to Ponatory is simply a myth." "But it could be real?" Sam asked. "Yes." "Well, it's our best idea right now guys. What do you think?" Everyone agreed to Sam's proposal. "Alright, let's make a deal. How about we spend five days resting and preparing for the trip?"'Everyone agreed to this as well. "That's great!" Twilight said. "Alright everypony. We're going to need some supplies. Rarity, Fluttershy we're going up north so I'm going to need you two to prepare clothing. A.J., Pinkie, we'll need food. Rainbow, you, Sam, Dean, Bobby, and Cass are going to get some weapons in case we run into any monsters. I don't know where you'll find them, but I'm sure you can handle it. And I'll read up on Yak customs and culture. Good luck everypony. The days went by, and everyone completed the tasks assigned to them. Rarity finished the clothes for everyone. Sam, Dean, and Bobby got the shirts they ordered when they first arrived.. Sam, Dean, Bobby, Castiel and Rainbow Dash were able to figure out that the nearest weapon store was in Dodge Junction. They took a train there and purchased guns, bats, and daggers galore. Pinkie and A.J. made some delicious apple related foods. They also filled up a good amount of canteens with homemade apple cider. Twilight, of course, over-educated herself in Yak culture, finding things she didn't really need, or want to know. Such as mating habits. Let's just say yaks aren't as similar to ponies as Twilight originally thought. At 7:20 A.M. on the dot, Everypony met at the Ponyville Train Station for a second time. With copious amounts of supplies in tow, the ten ponies set hoof on the train bound for the Frozen North. > One Hell of a Ride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam and Dean Winchester, along with the angel Castiel, Bobby Singer, and the Mane 6 were sitting in the train bound for the Frozen North. As it was somewhat of a desolate location, not many ponies boarded the train. Everypony was waiting for the train to depart, when something caught Sam's eye. A mysterious looking pony in a slightly dirty, maroon cloak. "Hey, guys? Look over at the front" The ten ponies shifted their gaze to the front of the train where the mysterious pony was chatting with the conductor. "Doesn't that pegasus look wierd?" "Yeah, I suppose." Twilight said. "Kinda suspicous. You know, in the generic sort of way. Why do you think that pony's wearing that shabby old thing. It's too cold to go out there in a delapidated old cloak." Everyone gave her the 'yeah, you've got a point' look and nodded their heads a bit. The pegasus began trotting towards the back, and eventually sat down near the group of ten. Twilight decided to help him or her out. "Hello?" Twilight said. The pony direced her attention towards Twilight. "Yes?" The pegasus said. "So you're a mare." Twilight thought. "Hi ma'am, um, are you wearing that to the Frozen North?" "Yes. I am." The mare replied. " Why do you ask?" "Well, that cloak do=esn't look like it'll get you through the place. The Frozen North is extremely cold." "Hmm. I suppose you're right." "Okay. Would you , umm, like a . . . coat? We have an extra or two?" "Mmmm, no. I don't really get cold." "Are you sure? We'd be more than happy to-" "I'll be fine. Just sit down, and enjoy the ride." With this, Twilight returned to her friends, baffled at her conversation with the odd mare. "So how'd it go?" Applejack asked. "She said she'd be fine. I'm just confused." "Why?" "Well, it felt like I was being nudged back. Like she didn't wan't me over there, and was pushing me over here." "Huh. Odd. I wonder why? A pegasus can't use magic." "I know. So what was going on? Was there a unicorn friend of hers pushing me away?" "Sugarcube, there was no magic aura surroundin' ya. I don't know what you were feelin' but it's sure soundin' like a big load a' hooey. If I didn't trust you with bein' honest, and typically right 'bout what yer feelin', mah bs detector'd be goin' off. Let's just wait. We might be able to see somethin' peculiar goin' on durin' the train ride. Just stay calm, and keep a close eye on that mare." "Alright." The train eventually departed for it's chilly destination. For a long time, everypony just kept a solid eye on the mystery mare. She just sat there. But then . . . *flit* *flit* *flit* *flit* *flit* *flit* The other six ponies on the train stood up. "Huh?" Rainbow looked over to see the six ponies on four hooves. They had menacing frowns, but what was most distinct about them were their pitch black eyes. "Demons!" Dean yelled when he saw them. "Cass! Get the knife!" "I'm on it!" Castiel replied. The demons we're getting closer. "I can't find it!" Castiel said. "Look harder!" The demons were about to pounce "Hold on fellas, I've got this. "The mystery mare then picked up the knife from one of the bags." "Dammit Cass." Dean facehoofed. The mystery mare swung her head, therefore the knife, at one of the demons. She stabbed him, then yanked the weapon out. She continued to kill all of the demons in a matter of minutes. "And that's how it's done motha fu- Hey, stop staring. It's rude you know." "Well excuse us for being confused at what the hell just happened!" Bobby said. "Do you expect us to not ask questions when you just grab that demon-killing knife with your mouth, and expertly kill six demons in less than ten minutes?!" "A mare can hope, right?" Everyone just raised an eyebrow. "Ugh. Fine. I used to be a part of the Mares of Letters. When the shit hit the fan, I had no choice but to stoop down to the lowly hunter. Alright? Alright. Just sit your asses back down and enjoy the train ride." "Hold o-" Twilight began. "I said, just sit your asses back down and enjoy the train ride." Twilight reluctantly did so. The train was silent for a bit. "Wha- Ho- Wh- I have so many questions!!" Twilight raged. "Yeah, I know. Just hold on. If this mare is going to the Frozen North, she's probably going to YakYakistan. We'll keep on keeping a close eye on her." Sam said. Twilight nodded and everypony was silent the whole rest of the train ride. > M > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The train had finally arrived at it's destination. Here, The Winchesters, Bobby, Castiel, and the Mane Six would make their way to YakYakistan. The ponies donned their clothing and stepped off the train onto the snow. The wind was strong, and everypony struggled to keep their eyes forward. Twilight tucked her small map under her foreleg at just the right reading angle. She led the group, while the mystery mare led the party. She was ahead of them. The ponies just hiked for a while, until hearing slight growling. "Did you guys hear that?" Rainbow asked. "Yeah." Twilight agreed "Same." Dean also agreed. "It sounds like a dog. Oh God, did Crowley send a hellhound after us?" "I don't know." Twilight said. "We'd better stay alert." With this, Everypony just continued on. The growling was getting closer, and they could hardly see in front of themselves because of the blizzard. "AAAHHH!!!" Rainbow, with her quick reflexes, dodged a white blur. "The hell was that?" The blur flew across the ponies' peripheral once again, this time, leaving a large gash on Rainbow's left foreleg. She squealed in surprise and fell to the ground. "Oh Celestia, Rainbow! Are you alright?" Twilight worried. "I'll be fine Twi. You should be more worried about whatever's attacking us!" Everypony looked around, dazed and confused at the current events. They stayed stationary for a minute or two. Maybe three. Nothing was happening. When Twilight calmed down, she used a healing spell to treat Rainbow's leg. Soon, a figure stepped into view. It was the mystery mare. "Holy shit guys! How many times am I gonna have to save your lives! I shouldn't even be caring about anyone other than myself at the moment, but you ten just had to run into a pack of White Wolves. Didn't ya? I really should keep an eye or two on you. Yeah. You know what? I'm gonna stick with you guys. I'm not goin' ahead, I'm not fallin' behind. I'm just taggin' along." "Why are you going to YakYakistan? How did you know we were following you?" Twilight inquired in a stern tone. "The same reason everyone goes to YakYakistan. To find the Portal to Ponatory. Also, it's not difficult to figure out you're being followed by ten ponies. Even in a snowstorm." "Why do you want to find the Portal to Ponatory?" "Because I'm curious. It's a border between Equestria and Hell. It's practically begging everyone to try." "Alright . . ." Twilight accepted. She was definitely still skeptical about this mare though. "So what's your name?" "Just call me M." "M?" "M." "What's your real name?" "Dunno. M is all I was ever called." "Mhm . . ." The Winchesters, Bobby, Castiel, the Mane 6, and their new companion, M, continued towards YakYakistan. The ponies had been walking for about a day. They'd rarely stop and rest. The ponies could hardly see in front of themselves the whole time. It was a long time before the ponies saw anything but snow. The snowstorm began to let up, and they could make out something at the top of a hill. It was an open gate. With new enthusiasm, the ponies bolted up the hill past a strange cave. Who knows what lives in it. Pinkie hoped to meet it someday. In case she needed a party animal. "Finally ,we're here!" Dean said in relief. "Yeah, finally!" Rainbow exclaimed happily. "Let's head in!" > Through the Gates > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The excided ponies stepped through the enormous gates. They were greeted with a wonderful, snowy land full of happy families and somewhat primitive architecture. The group was mesmerized by the happiness of the folk, perfectly content with their traditional lives. "This place is more Nordic than Scandinavia." Sam remarked. "Oh . . . Sweet . . . CELESTIA!!!!" Twilight yelled a humongous grin plastered across her face. "LOOK AT THAT THING!!! IT'S ENORMOUS!!!!!" "It sure is, but what is it?" Applejack inquired. "It's the place we've been searching for! THE UNIVERSE LIBRARY!!!!" Twilight then began squealing like a little kid about to go in a candy store. "Does she always get this hyped over libraries?" M asked. "She gets this hyped over books." Rainbow answered. "Speaking of books . . . hey Twilight! Do you think they have any Daring Do books in there? I'm still missing the last one, and it's making me crazy!" "Oh, of course not! The Universe Library contains only classic literature and Equestrian history!" "Oh, great." Rainbow groaned. "But . . . they should have plenty of history on Airheart, the fastest flyer to ever grace this world!" Rainbow was immediately hooked on the idea. "I can't wait any longer! Let's goooooo" Twilight looked around to see that a large number of yaks had crowded around the eleven ponies to witness her little moment. The Winchesters, Bobby, and Castiel found themselves feeling a little awkward, and the mane 6 were flustered. M just had her hoof to her face and was shaking her head. The yaks had many questions, that they all asked simultaneously after Twilight quieted down. Most were inaudible, but some included "Why are there ponies in YakYakistan?!", "What are they here for?!", and "What's wrong with the purple one?!". "Quiet down, quiet down! All your questions can be answered!" M said. The yaks did as she said, with the exception of a few calfs. "We're only here to visit your library." "Why?" One of the yaks asked. "Because we're interested in classic literature." The yaks accepted this. "Any more questions?" None. The yaks just went off to tend to their business. All except for one yak, the one who asked the question of why. He was staring at the group. "Yeah?" M got his attention. "Whad'ya need?" "I have a feeling you're not just here because you're intersted in literature. You're looking for information on the Portal to Ponatory aren't you?" "Pfft. What's that?" Rainbow asked, trying her best to lie. "There's no need to lie to me, and there's no sense in it either. What am I going to do about it? Plus, ponies come here approximately every month looking for something about it." "Then why were they so freaked out by us?" Dean asked. "Ponies normally come here in twos or threes." "Alright, well what do you need? You're telling us stuff we don't need to know, what about something we do?" M inquired. "Well, I have special access into the more secret parts of the Universe Library. I'm a student of Prince Rutherford." "Alrighty then. Now what's yer name?" "I'm Bohr. What about you ponies?" They introduced themselves to Bohr. "I'll show you all to the library, and we'll go from there. > Secret Literature > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bohr led the ponies to the library. They recieved many odd looks from the yaks. Once they arrived, Bohr showed his ID to a librarian. The yak inspected it, and sighed. "Come on, Bohr! Another group of ponies?!" He grumbled. "I assume they're lookin' for info on the portal?" "Yes, they are." Bohr responded. "Figures. Ugh. Y'know, I don't mind ponies checking out the library. In fact, I encourage it. The problem is, the only reason ponies ever come here is to find information on the Portal to Ponatory. They should come here to admire the library, and indulge in it's massive collection of knowledge. Why do you even help every pony that comes in here Bohr? What's the purpose?" "I just feel it would be rude. These aren't crystal ponies, which means they've come a long way here to look for this. Denying them of this knowledge they seek would be rude and frankly dickish. Pardon my language." "Fair enough, but I still feel like you're wasting your time. Ponatory is dangerous. My great-great grandfather went through the portal. He escaped, but died in the hospital just two hours after getting him to the place. His wounds were too severe." "Excuse me," Applejack said. " I think we'll do just fine. We have the bearers of the elements of harmony, an alicorn, and three supernatural hunters on our side. I'm pretty sure everything's under control." "Point taken, but be warned. Ponatory is insane. My grandad wrote about it. The dangers are all in this book." The yak then handed them the book he spoke of. Twilight took it with her magic. "Thanks!" She said. "This will certainly help prepare for what's inside!" "It's no trouble. Just return safely. I don't feel like being responsible for the death of eleven ponies. Return this book to me once your journey is over if you'd please." "Of course." Twilight assured him. He looked around to make sure no one was in the area. "Alright. Follow me." The librarian motioned for them to come behind his desk. He unlocked a door and walked in as the others followed. They were met with a shelf that held a single brown, dilapidated book. Twilight levitated it over to her and began skimming through the first few pages. "This is perfect!" Twilight gasped. "It has detailed instructions on how to get to the portal, how to activate it, and even how to get to Hell through it! Thank you so much Bohr! I don't know how I could repay you!" "I might know one way." Bohr said. The entire group of ponies shifted their focus towards him. "I would like to join you on your journey. I believe a journey to hell and back would make on hell of a tale so to speak. Recording this adventure would do wonders for the world. Ponies, yaks, griffons, zebras, the entire world would benefit from more extensive knowledge on unfamiliar realms." "Now Bohr." Sam began. "This journey is not for the feint of heart. You could easily die on this journey, or return from it mentally damaged. It is for sure that you won't come out of this as the same you. If you embark on this journey with us, you will be leaving behind this current you. Now . . . are you still willing to come with us?" Bohr stood in deep thought for a moment. "Yes. For the sake of knowledge, I will go." "Are you sure?" "Sam, he is clearly sure." Castiel remarked. "Alright then. Let us go to the gates." Bohr said. The group arrived at the gates. Bohr had stocked up on food, water, and clothing to add to their current supply. They all took a deep breath and stepped outside e YakYakistan gates. The real journey begins. > Out of the Fridge and into the Freezer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now before we head too deep into the blizzard, I will give you these." Bohr revealed 11 visor glasses. "These heat visors will allow you to see clearly in a raging blizzard. I decided to pick some up while gathering supplies. I already had a few, as all yaks must, but you, of course, needed some." The ponies all strapped them on while Bohr took out his own and did the same. "So, let's take a look in this book." Twilight said while opening up the book found in the library. She read silently "SOOooooo. Where do we go?" "I'm still reading, Rainbow." More time passed. "Okay. So in a nutshell, there are two things we need before heading to the portal. These 'keys' must be used to enter Ponatory. As always, a riddle holds the secret of where to go." "Why can't these ancient texts be more straightforward?" Dean grumbled If the medallion is the key you seek, then search atop the mighty peak. If the crown is the path you wish to go, then search the aquatic heart below. "Well, I'm not familiar with Equestria's geography, so someone else take care of it." Bobby said. "I've got this." M said, snatching the book from Twilight. "Let's see here. . . so the keys are a medallion and a crown, that much is obvious. Atop the mighty peak . . . well, there are only three notable mountains in Equestria. There are the foal mountains, which could hardly be considered mighty. There's also the mountain where Canterlot resides, but that's too skinny, and not extremely tall either. The only mountain it could be is Mount Everhoof. That's one mystery solved. Now for the second one. Now, aquatic heart below. This one's easy. The Celestial Sea has a dangerous cave at it's heart. Now, Mount Everhoof is closer. Let's go, no time to waste." "Alright well umm . . . thanks?" Twilight said nervously. "I solved the riddles. What could possibly be the issue?" "Well umm, you solved it all so quickly, it would be more fun if we solved it together and didn't give it our all all at once!" "I honestly have no idea how you consider riddle solving "fun" but fun is also something we don't have time for. Now let's get going!" M started off out into the blizzard and the others followed. The ponies had been walking through the mountain range towards Mount Everhoof for hours. The freezing cold was even worse here than the path to YakYakistan. Despite their appropriate wear, the ponies were still shivering. Mount Everhoof felt so close but was still so far away. "It's getting dark out." Sam said. "We should find a cave or something to rest in." "Definitely." Rarity said. "I need my beauty sleep." The ponies began searching for some shelter. Dean eventually found a cave and called the group over. They swarmed into the cave and Dean started a fire with some wood he collected and the matches Bohr brought along. The group then got under blankets Bohr brought. They all fell fast asleep.