• Published 22nd Aug 2015
  • 528 Views, 10 Comments

Supernatural Ponies 2: Journey to Hell - SwiftStroke

Sam and Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, and Castiel and the Mane 6 go on a quest to find Hell, and it's king, Crowley.

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Morning Discussion

Author's Note:

The religions I made horse puns out of are Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Baha'i Faith(ba-hi-ee fayth).

It was a standard, Saturday morning in Equestria. Nothing big happened. No hellhounds chasing after ponies. No forest made into a labyrinth. No vampires getting their heads chopped off. No ghosts being burned. No ponies getting ripped apart. This nice morning is what Sam, Dean, and Bobby woke up to. Not to mention the bearers of the elements of harmony. The first thing the Winchesters and Bobby noticed, was the absence of a certain Alicorn.

"Okay. Where in the holy hell is that angel?" Dean inquired.

"I dunno, but-" -Creeeaaaak- the door had opened, interrupting Bobby. Castiel came in.

"Where were you Cass?" Dean asked.

"I was talking to Twilight. I had been making a mind map of Ponyville when she told me she had some interesting findings on Hell. She had told me a little bit, then realized she should have all of us at her library. This leads me to what I need to say. Twilight said for us to meet at the library." Everypony nodded and set off to Twilights library.

When they finally arrived, the other members of the Mane 6 were helping Twilight clean up the books all over the floor.

"Hey! You guys made it! The others are here too. Can't have a gathering without absolutley everypony, right?" Twilight said gleefully, but clearly sleep deprived. "I was up studying nearly all night!"

"I can see that." Dean said. "So, what'd you find?"

"A lot of interesting stuff! I'll fill you in. I found out that the concept of an afterlife of punishment is prevelant in nearly every religion. Hell, specifically, dates back over a thousand years ago. Not all religions called this underworld Hell, but ones that did include Neighstianity, Zoodaism, Horslam, Bucka'i Faith, etcedera. The only problem is that these all speak of Hell as a place of punishment AFTER DEATH. We'd have to be horrible ponies and die just to get there. At least that's what I thought. Apparently, there's a portal hidden somewhere in Equestria that can transport you to Ponatory. There, you can find the entrance to Hell between three intertwining trees."

"That's all fine and dandy, but how're we gonna find the portal?" Dean asked.

"Good question. Unfortunately, it's one that I don't know the full answer to. However, I think I can start us on the right path. My books say that the yaks have delved themselves into the subject so much, they have a whole section of their cultural library dedicated to the matter. The books also say that only yaks have ever traveled to Ponatory. This leads me to believe that the yaks have the secret to finding the Portal to Ponatory. That's it's offical name in mythology. I'd also like to point out that this is possibly just a wild goose chase, and the Portal to Ponatory is simply a myth."

"But it could be real?" Sam asked.


"Well, it's our best idea right now guys. What do you think?" Everyone agreed to Sam's proposal. "Alright, let's make a deal. How about we spend five days resting and preparing for the trip?"'Everyone agreed to this as well.

"That's great!" Twilight said. "Alright everypony. We're going to need some supplies. Rarity, Fluttershy we're going up north so I'm going to need you two to prepare clothing. A.J., Pinkie, we'll need food. Rainbow, you, Sam, Dean, Bobby, and Cass are going to get some weapons in case we run into any monsters. I don't know where you'll find them, but I'm sure you can handle it. And I'll read up on Yak customs and culture. Good luck everypony.

The days went by, and everyone completed the tasks assigned to them. Rarity finished the clothes for everyone. Sam, Dean, and Bobby got the shirts they ordered when they first arrived.. Sam, Dean, Bobby, Castiel and Rainbow Dash were able to figure out that the nearest weapon store was in Dodge Junction. They took a train there and purchased guns, bats, and daggers galore. Pinkie and A.J. made some delicious apple related foods. They also filled up a good amount of canteens with homemade apple cider. Twilight, of course, over-educated herself in Yak culture, finding things she didn't really need, or want to know. Such as mating habits. Let's just say yaks aren't as similar to ponies as Twilight originally thought. At 7:20 A.M. on the dot, Everypony met at the Ponyville Train Station for a second time. With copious amounts of supplies in tow, the ten ponies set hoof on the train bound for the Frozen North.