• Published 28th Jun 2015
  • 4,184 Views, 15 Comments

Is this Incest? - TheCrimsonDM

Pinkie and Maud are closer than anything in the universe. In fact they are so close that some ponies think they're weird. Pinkie Pie doesn't think so, or at least she didn't used to...

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Is this Incest?
Written by TheCrimsonDM

Today was the day and the pink little pony couldn’t be any more excited. It had been such a long time since Pinkie Pie had last seen her and so many questions were popping into her head. How has life been treating you? Did you really discover a race of sentient rock ponies? Do you want to eat cake with me? Yes she had so many questions.

Off in the distance a small black dot appeared along the train tracks. The closer the black dot approached the larger it got. Eventually Pinkie could even hear the sound of the train’s engines as they pushed the metal machine ever closer to Ponyville. When the train stopped Pinkie’s heart stopped with it, and when its doors opened she began shaking with anticipated excitement. Finally the gray earth pony wearing a plain blue dress walked out and met with the overly excited pony.

“Maud!” Pinkie shouted as she leapt forward wrapping both of her forelegs around her favorite sister. “I can’t believe that you’re actually here, again!”

With the monotone voice that Pinkie endeared so much, Maud asked, “Why? I told you that I was going to come and stay with you now that I’m done with school.”

“Oh, Maud, it’s not about whether or not I knew that you were coming, it’s about me being happy to see you again,” Pinkie Pie explained.

“Oh… okay.”

Pinkie quickly pulled away and began bouncing towards Sugarcube Corner with Maud following closely behind her. Yes Maud may have been here in Ponyville before, but those were just visits, today was special because Maud was finally moving back in with Pinkie Pie and after that they would never separate again. Pinkie’s heart swelled with love for her older sister, and she just knew that things were about to change for the best.

As per usual Ponyville was quiet and peaceful today, and everypony that saw Pinkie bouncing alongside her sister generally waved. A few of them let out noticeable sighs and covered their faces. Surely the ponies that had poor responses to seeing Pinkie were not thinking of how she recently covered half the town in cake batter in an attempt to make the largest cake in all of Equestria, yes surely nopony remembered that.

Without a second thought Pinkie bounced through the front door to the Sugarcube Corner. Maud followed behind her choosing to walk inside like a normal pony. Mr. and Misses Cake stood just behind the counter smiling brightly at the two sisters. Pinkie Pie was so overjoyed that they were letting Maud stay with Pinkie that she couldn’t help but to give each one of them a big hug.

“Thanks so much for letting Maud stay here, this means the entire world to me,” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully.

“Of course, Pinkie. There isn’t any reason that we wouldn’t want to have her here,” Mr. Cake replied.

“I’m sure that you two have plenty to catch up on. So go ahead and take the day off,” Misses Cake added.

“Really! Oh thank you so much. This is going to be AWESOME!” Pinkie screamed with joy as she bounced over to the stairs.

Maud looked flatly at the Cakes and said, “Thank you.”

“It’s no problem, Maud. Now go and enjoy some quality time with your sister,” Misses Cake replied.

With all that said and done Maud followed silently behind Pinkie as they made their way up the stairs and into Pinkie’s room. Inside Pinkie’s room the two quickly made their way to the bed where Maud sat down first. Pinkie looked over to the window to make sure that nopony was spying in from outside, then she checked her door to make sure that it was properly locked, and finally she stood in front of Maud and said, “You are the best sister ever, and I love you so very much.”

Maud gave the tiniest of smiles and replied in her dull tone of voice, “I’ve missed you a lot.”

For awhile they simply stood still and stared in complete silence at one another. Pinkie found herself transfixed by Maud’s stare and the longer she looked into Maud’s wonderful eyes the more she knew that she couldn’t ever be away from the gray pony again. With careful steps Pinkie walked forward and using her forelegs she climbed half way up the bed until she was at eye level with her older sister. It was a little awkward considering that Pinkie was actually a few inches shorter then Maud, and a whole lot rounder, but that didn’t stop the pink pony, it never did.

Carefully Pinkie leaned in and pressed her lips gently against Maud’s cheek, the warm fur tickled a little at the touch making the pink pony giggle. When Pinkie pulled back she saw the gray pony’s cheeks were beginning to turn into a shade of pink. Maud stared in silence at Pinkie leaving her to wonder what was on her quiet sister’s mind.

“Wow, it looks like you’re trying your best to become the new Pinkie,” Pinkie Pie said, as a joke about Maud’s blush.

Maud swiftly covered her eyes with her hooves. This only made Pinkie giggle, it was always so cute when Maud would get embarrassed by something. Pinkie crawled onto the bed next to her older sister. With both legs Pinkie quickly brought Maud into a tight loving embrace and leaned her head against the taller pony’s shoulder. It had been so long since Pinkie had somepony she loved so much be so close. She just wanted to hang onto Maud and never let go.

“I have a secret, do you wanna hear it?” Pinkie said quietly.

“Sure,” Maud replied flatly, her face still covered by her hooves.

Pinkie pressed her muzzle right up to Maud’s ear and whispered so quietly that even Fluttershy would be jealous, “I love you.”

This made Maud’s face turn an even brighter shade of pink. It was so lovely to have her sister back like this, it was unfortunate that she had to go all this time alone, but no longer. Now that Maud was here they would be together forever and nopony would get in there way. It didn’t matter if Pinkie’s parents had sent her to live with the Cakes in order to try and separate her from her sister, because now that they were adults they could do whatever they wanted.

With her nose so close to Maud’s fur, Pinkie really had no choice but to smell her sister's scent. It was like heaven for Pinkie’s nostrils, the scent was so uniquely Maud with a hint of dirt thrown in for good measure. Nopony smelled this good, not even when they tried.

Unexpectedly Maud let out a yawn and her hooves dropped to her sides. She leaned over and began to teeter from side to side. Pinkie wasn’t strong enough to hold her sister up, but she could direct her fall. Making sure that Maud carefully fell onto the bed wasn’t hard, and after that Pinkie laid a pillow underneath her sister’s head.

“You okay?” Pinkie asked.

“I was up late last night. I was too excited to see you again and couldn’t go to sleep,” Maud said admitted.

Sliding right next to her sister, Pinkie helped Maud remove the dress before tossing it onto the floor. For a moment Pinkie’s eyes sized up Maud’s strong form, it was clear that Maud was used to physical labor from the toned muscles and the fit form of her body. Pinkie on the other hoof was a little round in the middle and soft and squishy everywhere else. For a moment Pinkie’s eyes lingered on Maud’s bare flanks, a fire raced in her heart and her face began heating up quickly. She forced herself to look away just in time to notice Maud staring at her with a blank expression.

“You were staring,” Maud accused.

“No I wasn’t, I was just looking at your cutie mark,” Pinkie Pie lied.

“You can’t lie to me, I know you too well.”

Shamefully Pinkie turned her head and looked away from her sister. Pinkie hadn’t meant to stare at her like that, it was just an accident. A gently placed hoof on Pinkie’s lap reassured the pink pony that the mistake was easily forgiven.

“It’s okay, Pinkie,” Maud said flatly. “I kinda like it when you stare at me.”

There was no way that Pinkie could do anything other than scream internally now. Yes she loved her sister, and yes she might be closer then anypony should rightfully be with her, but this was new territory. Dangerous, scary, exciting, and wonderful territory, that Pinkie was not even close to being ready to cross. There was a line here, and it scared Pinkie to death.

“Maud, you… I mean, you’re my sister,” Pinkie attempted to explain.

With a single leg Maud grabbed the blanket and tossed it over the two of them. She then rolled over and with a strong foreleg forced Pinkie down and snuggled up to her side while saying, “Of course I am, and you find me attractive, I like it. Now it’s been a long day and I need to sleep, so you can stare at me later.”

This was more than a little awkward for Pinkie Pie, but she did enjoy cuddling her sister. It didn’t take long before the two ponies fell asleep in each other’s embrace. Sure there relationship might be weird, strange, or even wrong, but to Pinkie it was the only thing she knew from her sister.


It wasn’t until later that evening before these two woke up. At first Pinkie Pie could easily enjoy lying in her sister's embrace, but the comments that Maud had made earlier were beginning to weigh heavily on her mind. When she finally couldn’t push the thoughts away any longer she instead pushed her sister away and sat up.

“Maud, we have to talk about this, don’t we?” Pinkie Pie asked, but she already knew the answer.

Maud looked at Pinkie Pie with flat expressionless eyes and said, “Yes.”

“What did you mean when you said that you liked it when I looked at you?” Pinkie Pie asked, her heart was racing and she could feel the fear creeping up her spine.

“I meant what exactly I said,” Maud stated.

“No,” Pinkie countered, “You couldn’t have because that would imply that you… that I…”

“That we’re in love with each other. I already know that, Pinkie. The question is, do you?”

Pinkie shook her head and jumped out of the bed. She looked around nervously and said quietly, “I don’t know anything.”

“We’re sisters, Pinkie. Does it have to matter if we’re related?” Maud asked.

Pinkie turned on her sister and nearly shouted, “Yes it does! Of course it does! How could this not matter? You are my sister, I can’t have feelings for you.”

“Why not?”

Pinkie Pie opened her mouth, but Maud’s question had struck a cord in her. Why not? That’s what she asks me, how am I supposed to defend against that? She should just know, shouldn’t she?

Pinkie took a moment and attempted to explain it to her older sister. “It’s wrong.”


“Because we are related.”

“So what?”

“So that means we can’t do this.”


Pinkie had enough of this argument. It was now clear to her that she wasn’t going to be able to convince her sister that this was not okay. She turned towards the door and said quietly, “I’m going out for a walk.”

As she walked away, she caught the look that Maud gave her. Maud was heartbroken, and somehow Pinkie Pie felt like it was all her fault. I’m only trying to do the right thing… right?


Pinkie Pie walked down the dirt roads of Ponyville with the setting sun to her back. She had no real destination, and no real purpose for this walk, other than to get away and clear her head for a while. Most ponies were sitting down with their families having dinner right now so Ponyville felt very empty right now.

She’s sitting at home all alone right now, and you know whose fault that is? Yours Pinkie!

“I know,” Pinkie told herself. “But what can I do about it? What she wants is wrong, it’s so… different.”

You just never noticed it before. But in the end hasn’t your relationship to her been like this since the beginning. I mean your parents separated you two for a reason.

“They just didn’t understand. Nopony understands us.”

No, I think it’s just you who doesn’t understand. She loves you more than life itself and you just shattered her fragile heart. Way to go Pinkie Pie, you really know how to cheer a pony up, don’t cha?

“Shut up brain!” Pinkie scolded herself. “I’m not taking this any longer. I just wanted a nice quiet walk, so that I could figure things out. I don’t need a guilt trip.”

Well we don’t always get what we wish for, do we? Take a look at Maud. All she wanted from life was a sister who would love her in every since of the word, but I guess you just couldn’t live up to her expectations.

Pinkie Pie dropped to her knees shaking. The voice in her head was right, she had hurt Maud. All Pinkie could do was disappoint her older sister. The tears began running down her face as she tried to desperately to hold herself together. All she ever wanted to do was make Maud happy, but it wasn’t fair that what Maud wanted now was so complicated.

You know what to do, Pinkie. You know what the right choice is. The only question that remains is, are you willing to do it?

Her inner voice was right, Pinkie Pie could still fix this. Still shaking a little Pinkie managed to stand up and turn towards the setting sun. The light glistened on her wet cheeks she smiled softly.

You see, this is the way it was meant to be.

Pinkie Pie couldn’t help but nod in agreement. “You’re right, but I got scared and made a big mistake. Right now I can only do one thing, I’m going to fix this.”

“Uh…” Rainbow Dash said from just above Pinkie Pie. Pinkie looked up and saw the pegasus staring at Pinkie Pie with the oddest of expressions. “Who are you talking to?”

“Myself, of course,” Pinkie Pie replied while trotting back towards Sugarcube Corner. “But I’m too busy to continue doing that. See ya later, Rainbow.”

As Pinkie Pie disappeared, Rainbow Dash was left scratching her head and asking, “Do I really want to know?”


Back at the Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie found Maud sitting in her room upstairs. Maud was looking out the window and silently watching the sunset from the balcony. With timid steps Pinkie walked over to Maud and sat beside her.

“Maud,” Pinkie said in as gentle of a voice as she could muster, “I’m sorry for earlier.”

“You don’t need to apologize, I must have messed up somehow,” Maud replied. Maud’s monotone voice showed no indication of her emotional state, but as her sister, Pinkie could easily pick up on the miniscule cues and knew just how badly Maud had been hurt by her earlier words.

“You didn’t mess up at all,” Pinkie said. “I was just scared, and I made a big mistake in pushing you away like that. I swear that I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

Maud looked at Pinkie Pie, and that’s when Pinkie saw the tears that had been running down her older sister's cheeks. The sight made Pinkie’s heart sink lower than ever, and all she could do was think about how horrible of a sister she had been. Maud came here to live with her, to have a nice loving relationship, and the second she got here, Pinkie broke her heart.

“I’m sorry,” Maud said.

Pinkie couldn’t handle seeing her sister so sad. She reached over and hugged Maud while saying, “You don’t need to apologize. I’m the one who hurt you. Maud… can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” Maud replied while returning the embrace.

“Do you really love me? Like… as more than sisters?”

Maud was quiet for a moment prompting Pinkie to fear that she wouldn’t receive an answer. When Maud replied it made Pinkie’s worry go away. “I love you, as both a sister, and something else.”

“You know that it’s… weird to have romantic feelings for your sibling, right?” Pinkie asked.

“It’s weird for other ponies, but for us it’s all I want, it’s all I know.”

Pinkie Pie nuzzled herself deeply into Maud’s chest. The scent of sweat and dirt filled Pinkie’s nostrils and she giggled a little as she realized just how much she enjoyed it. “Maud, I love you too. And even if it’s weird, being with you is all that I could ever want.”

Gently Maud pushed Pinkie’s face up and stared deeply into the pink ponies blue eyes. “Pinkie, I don’t ever want to leave your side.”

“Me neither,” Pinkie replied.

Maud leaned in and with a gentle touch, her lips met Pinkie’s. Fire raced through Pinkie’s face, and her heart sped up. The kiss, for one blissful moment, was the most wonderful thing that Pinkie had ever felt. When Maud finally pulled away, Pinkie Pie felt her entire body go limp and she fell into Maud’s embrace.

“Heh, cute,” Maud said flatly.

Pinkie Pie couldn’t argue, heck she couldn’t even think right now. Instead she just chose to enjoy this moment for as long as she could. Together the two of them could watch the sunset in perfect harmony. No words need be spoken at this point, for Pinkie and Maud were both content simply being together.


Comments ( 15 )

It's only incest if you look at each other when you do it.

Huh. Well, to each their own I guess.

“Heh, cute,”

My reaction, pretty much.

Couple of small spelling and grammar mistakes, but it's an interesting take on this type of story.

I really like the idea, and Pinkie-Maud has been my main Pinkie ship for awhile now. But you really, really, really need to get your 'there-their-they're' problem fixed.

QWERTY #6 · Jun 29th, 2015 · · 1 ·

Oh sillly, silly Pinkie Pie. There is one reason above all others that justifies a relationship with your sister: It's Hawt, and makes me hard like a rock.

Maud leaned in and with a gentle touch, her lips met Pinkie’s.


Congratulations gays! I look forward to crashing your weddings! Prepared to be pelted with Skittles during the rice toss.

The family that lays together stays together

Damn it Carlos!

Nice story, but there's several times were you wrote "sisters" when you should have written "sister's".

With her nose so close to Maud’s fur, Pinkie really had no choice but to smell her sisters scent.

It wasn’t until later that evening before these two woke up. At first Pinkie Pie could easily enjoy lying in her sisters embrace, but the comments that Maud had made earlier were beginning to weigh heavily on her mind.

Maud looked at Pinkie Pie, and that’s when Pinkie saw the tears that had been running down her older sisters cheeks.

You know what? I accept this. I really like these two, and my new head canon is these two are lesbians for each other. They're just too cute together.

Ahh, old incest trick, never gets old. That out of the way, this is a pretty interesting concept, kind of, ( I don't know how love works, god, still single forever. )

The shipping is fine, IMO. What bugs me is how you wrote Pinkie's character. Her thing is spreading happiness, so why would she reject Maud like that because of social laws? Hell, Pinkie breaks the laws of reality on a regular basis.

Comment posted by crowscrowcrow deleted Jul 1st, 2015

This was cute. :rainbowkiss:

I actually liked this little background detail the most.

You just never noticed it before. But in the end hasn’t your relationship to her been like this since the beginning. I mean your parents separated you two for a reason.

Just a whole sad story in and of it self in a single sentence.

It was also interesting to see Maud and Pinkie argue about why their love would be wrong, and Pinkie is only able to argue in a circle, drawing total blanks as to actual reasons. Yet it is totally understandable, because Pinkie is right in saying that these are things everyone knows and accepts, so naturally she wouldn't have an understanding of why they are considered wrong.

Even when you do, it is difficult to argue against Maud. What is Pinkie supposed to say?
"But our foals might have genetic defects!"
"Pinkie, we're both mares."
"That's never stopped the internet!" :pinkiegasp:

Now as for something I didn't like...

I did not like the 'internal argument' Pinkie Pie was supposedly having with herself. It did not read at all like she was talking to herself. Instead from the very first word it felt like the voice of the author was trying to talk Pinkie Pie into something she wasn't comfortable with. Just a disembodied voice of something higher that was not Pinkie's own, trying to convince her. It honestly was kind of creepy.

That is not to say I dislike the 'Character argues with themselves in two voices' thing as a concept. I just feel it was poorly executed in this case, because it did not feel at all like Pinkie's voice.

Heck, I don't even strictly object to having it be the author's voice. This is Pinkie, you could have had her literally argue with the writer and it might have worked. But then Pinkie probably needs more agency than 'disembodied voice easily convinces her with arguments and omniscience.'

It's difficult to pin point how to do it. Perhaps that the other voice should never convince Pinkie, but merely get her thinking, and allow her to reach a conclusion and reaction on her own. I'm not sure.

Why roam, when you can get some at home?:trollestia:

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