• Published 2nd Jun 2015
  • 986 Views, 15 Comments

Beyond Earthend - Brony For life 7

Earthend found, eternal content ensured. But what's that just past it. Are those....Ponies?

  • ...

A Brewing Storm

--------A Few Weeks After Where We Left Off--------

"Oh I hope they're alright."

Fluttershy was pacing around her living room. Unable to stop her instinct she arranged for a weekly message to be sent from the Patapons. With Twilight's help some translation scrolls was created, enough for a few months, so Fluttershy could make sure everything was fine with them.

This week however the Tatepon that usually brings it was about two days late. The first day she was only slightly worried, but thought they had just forgotten about it. The next morning she awoke to her usual routine of feeding her animal friends to find the Tatepon still missing. It is now late evening as she walks back and forth, wondering what is happening to cause such a delay.

"If it's something serious they might need my help, and if it's not then it would be a nice visit anyways..."

She thought on the idea for a little bit before making her decision.

"I have to at least check on them. Angel you're in charge while I'm away." The bunny gave a salute as Fluttershy went out the back door and into the Everfree.


It didn't take too long for Fluttershy to find the trail to the Patapon's base, on the way she found something on the ground. A scroll, the same kind that would be carried by a Tatepon, only there was no Tatepon in sight. Only a nearly transparent hat next to the scroll.

Fluttershy gasped in shock, realizing what this meant.

"Who would do such a thing?" She quickly picked up both the scroll and hat, reading the scroll to see if it could shed any light on the situation. The only thing it did, however, was make her panic.

'If you are reading this than the Tatepon has fallen in combat, and has most likely been lost to the ether. I am sad to say that we have been attacked, not by the local inhabitants of the forest, but rather by the ones we believed to be our friends. Our progress, all of it, was wiped out. Our food stolen, and many of our warriors killed. And it is with great reluctance to say that we must declare war upon Equestria.

Don't try to find us, for we have moved out days ago. I send this to you Fluttershy because I still believe that I can trust you, as does Kami. I recommend you find a safe place to hide, and if we see you, we will not fight you on sight.

For the last time, Meden.'

Tears began to form in Fluttershy's eyes as she read.

"What kind of pony would do this, attack an innocent tribe?"

She needed to tell the others, warn them. Try to prevent a war.

--------An Hour Later, Fluttershy's Cottage--------

Fluttershy asked all the girls to gather at her home, as well as Celestia. All but the princess was present.

"So what is it you needed Fluttershy?" Twilight asked.

"I have some news, I'll let everyone know once the princess is here."

So it went silent again. Only the sound of Fluttershy's animals outside. Suddenly their was a knock on the door.

"That must be her, i'll get it." Opening the door and inviting Celestia in, Fluttershy told them about the letter. There were many different reactions.

Rainbow looked like she wanted to punish whoever attacked them, Twilight was in total shock, Applejack looked to the floor. Pinkie's mane deflated as her eyes began to water as well as Rarity's. Celestia let out a sigh as she thought about what she knew.

"They declare a war upon Equestria?"

Fluttershy gave a nod.

"Then we must prepare to defend. Do you know where they might be?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "They moved somewhere else, The whole area is cleared. The only thing left from there move is this."

She took out the hat she picked up on the way.

Twilight recognized it from what Meden had told them.

"Isn't that one of their caps? The same ones they bury next to Matter to bring back a Patapon?"

Everyone had the same idea, to bring it back and get a first hand account of what happened.

--------Meanwhile In The Castle Ruins--------

"Yes, this will do nicely. I only hope that Fluttershy got the letter." Meden mumbled to herself. She then turned to face her tribe.

"We have successfully relocated. Tonight we rest, tomorrow we attack!"

Several Patapon cheered for revenge while a few were going to miss having peace for a time.

As the moon began to rise a pre-battle feast began with fresh stew being made as well as new weapons and armor. In the morning to come the Patapon would begin to attack, starting in Dodge Junction.

--------To Be Continued--------

Author's Note:

Sorry that this chapter is so short, it's going to get longer as we go further along the story. Also I'm a bit lazy so I type whenever I type. Sorry.