• Published 2nd Jun 2015
  • 985 Views, 15 Comments

Beyond Earthend - Brony For life 7

Earthend found, eternal content ensured. But what's that just past it. Are those....Ponies?

  • ...

Betrayal -Edited

--------Early Morning of Next day, Fluttershy's Backyard AKA: Temporary Patapolis--------

The Patapons were only just waking up when they heard a loud rumble in the camp.

"What was that?" Asked a Tatepon.

"Is something approaching?" Worried Hatapon.

"Why so early?" Moaned Ton.

Again the rumble was heard. All the Patapons turned to the source of the sound only to see Meden standing next to the cottage.

"Oh, I believe we've run out out our supplies already.." Said Meden with a bit of a blush.

This caused the tribe to begin mumbling to each other.

"What are we going to do without food?"

"I bet Meden snacked on most of it."

"Dose this mean we're going hunting?"

"Everyone settle down!" Meden yelled to get everyone attention.

"Yes we seem to have run out of supplies, but I'm not sure if we can go hunting here." Meden gestured to the cottage. "Fluttershy seemed rather protective about the animals here, and the ones we attacked were made of wood! We may have to settle on only vegetables for a while, or anything the locals eat."

From the first shout Fluttershy woke up and headed for the backyard, listening to what Meden was saying the whole time.

"Who knows, they may have things that taste even better than meat!" Someone in the crowd yelled out.

The Patapons so far had no reason to suspect otherwise so they hoped for the best and got ready for the day. Meden on the other hand was making her way for the door into the cottage to talk to Fluttershy when said pony bumped into her accidentally.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you alright." She began to help Meden up.

"I'm fine, you're just the one I wanted to talk to. You don't mind if I come in do you?"

She gave a small smile. "Of course not."

The two went in and sat, Fluttershy made some tea and poured a cup.

"Now what is it you wanted to talk about?"

Meden gave a sigh.

"Our tribe has already run out of food, and we need something to eat."

Fluttershy gave an understanding nod. "Well, what do you normally eat?"

"Usually meats, but we always enjoy some good veggies as well."

Fluttershy, with her experiences working with animals of all kinds, was happy to find out they were omnivores and willing to try different things.

"How about fish?"

That's when a Patapon. Know for being the bearer of bad news came bursting in.

"Meden, it's horrible!"

Another, more frustrated sigh. "What could it possibly be this time?"

"It's the wolves from the other day, their are more of them. As well as a giant creature of random beast parts!"

Fluttershy couldn't understand until Meden relayed the news. This both shocked and angered her.

"What! How could they? I told them as long as they don't bother you we'll avoid marching close to the forest."

Meden was visibly upset and angered upon hearing this as well.

"It looks like we have no choice but to battle, I'm sorry Fluttershy. This must be done, we'll try to frighten them off, but the tribe must be protected."

A look of defeat was on Fluttershy. "I suppose it's in self defense."

The sound of panicked shouts were audible inside.

"I must form the troops." Fluttershy gave no response and made for the stairs.

Meden rushed outside and started to work quickly. Fluttershy went upstairs to her room, not wanting to see the fighting.

"Hurry! Yaripons, Tatepon, Yumipons in order. Hatpon in the middle. Everyone else take shelter inside, watch through the windows and pray for the best."

Looking to the sky she could see Almighty looking down on them, watching over them.

"May the great Patapon protect us."

As the beast approached the beat started up and clouds formed overhead. Something that, to a Patapon, was perfectly normal, but to anyone else in Equestria was quite out of the ordinary.


The army, even as small as it was now, never was one to back down and they weren't about to start now.


Closer, the enemy was now in sight. The Patapons were angry, ready to strike.


Summoning all the energy they could, the Patapons were ready to charge.



The army let out every thing they had. The Tatepon rushed in like bulls, performing an uppercut slash once they reached their targets. Turning any unlucky Timberwolf in the way into nothing more than firewood. The Yaripon jumped high in the sky and tossed their spears, impaling the creatures, nailing then to the ground to make for easy targets.
The Yumipon shot four arrows each, making the animals look more like forgotten pincushions. Hatapon, as usual, was boldly standing his ground. Keeping the Patapon flag as well as their hope high.

As the battle was raging outside, each command sounding clearly through the home. Meden went upstairs to try and talk with Fluttershy, clam her if she can.

"Hello, Fluttershy?"

She took her face out of a pillow she was crying into.

*Sniff* "Yes?"

Meden sat herself next to Fluttershy on her bed.

"You know, this isn't the first time we had to fight someone we didn't want to just to protect ourselves."

She wiped the few tears out of her eyes.


"Yes." Meden looked down as she stared to retell the story. "Back in the beginning of our quest and before the return of the Almighty, their was another tribe known as the Zigotons who had a prophecy that states. 'If the Patapons reach Earthend, the Zigoton empire would be destroyed'. So they drove us back to our home, raged war against us and kept us away from our destiny.."

Meden closed her one eye as a tear was shed.

"We couldn't do anything, we could not go beyond Patapolis. Not many of us anyways, so we sent our strongest troops we had. Ton, Chin, Kan, and the last Hatpon. It was Hatapon who found Almighty on the groups last leg. Allowing us to fight back the Zigoton, and have us reach Earthend, but not without sacrifice.."

Suddenly an enormous, "ROAR!!" was heard.

Shocked out of her memory Meden got up. "What was that!?"

Both rushing to the window they saw the huge beast the Patapon mentioned.

"That's a Manticore." Fluttershy stated, fear clear in her voice. "Why is he here?"

This made both Meden and Fluttershy worry.

"They can't handle that with the few forces we have!"

She rushed downstairs, Fluttershy right behind her. The Patapons that were watching the battle to this point were beginning to panic again.

"What will we do if the troops die, if Hatapon dies without Mater here..." Then someone shouted"Were doomed!"

Both the battling Patapons as well as the Almighty knew too well they would all die if nothing was done.


Defense did little against the raging beast as he tore through the Tatepon with ease, reducing them to mush leaving only their wood caps on the floor. Almighty new what had to be done. In a seemingly random, blinding flash of lightning the basic units that were standing near Hatapon only a moment ago were transformed to their advanced and elite versions. Giant Dekapon, musical Megapon and wand wielding Mahopo. Each with stronger equipment as well as restored stamina.


While the Manticore was blinded the Patapons once more charged up for a full attack.


It wan an attack to remember. The Dakapon charged in but crushed the feet of the mighty beast rather than go for and uppercut, this caused the earth itself to shake from the force. This was followed by the Megapon blowing into their horns having a sort of sleep effect on the Manticore making it lose focus, only for bolts of lightning from the Mahopo the wake it up in a violent manner.

The shear force of the attack made not only the Manticore retreat but the remaining Tmberwolves as well, but Almighty wasn't about to let them leave without justice being served. Besides his beloved Patapons need food.


They chased the fleeing beast, now their pry.

"What? They left. Why are they still chasing them?"

Before Fluttershy could be happy for the Patapons she was worried for the other animals.

"I thought you said it was only self-defense!"

Meden was just as confused.

"It was, I don't know what's happening."


Another march, it seemed the Patapons would chase them forever if given the chance.

"Stop!" Fluttershy tried to shout from the window. When she received no response she ran outside "Stop!"

Another shout, another order.


Fluttershy was on the verge of tears as she tried once more.


Still nothing but another,


She tried one last time, but only managed a wimpering "Please. Stop." When the next order was given she gave up and broke down on the spot. Sobbing that here attempt to stop the march was in vain. Then the music was silenced. Another flash of light returned the Patapons to their original forms. Moments later it began to rain, starting with droplets, soon turning into a downpour.

Meden rushed to Fluttershy's side as the rest of the Patapons were looking to the sky.

"I've never seen this before.."

"It's not a miracle, at least not that I know of.."

*Sniff* "Wha-what happened?" Fluttershy was shaking from the tears she shed.

Meden was also looking to the sky, her one eye dilated in shock.

"I think that The Almighty...Is crying.

Every Patapon gasped at hearing this, never in history or myth has the Mighty Patapon cried. Even when all hope seemed lost, and many Patapons fell, did he ever cry.

"It seems he couldn't go on seeing you so upset.."

As the rain continued to pour Twilight along with the rest of the girls burst into the backyard.

"Fluttershy are you alright, Rainbow Dash said she heard a loud roar and felt the ground rumbling." She looked to the sky. "Why is it raining?"

Thankfully the rain was hiding any of Fluttershy's tears.

"Yes I'm fine." She managed to recover, with a very small smile on her face. "It's just been a long morning."

Getting up she went to open the door as the rain stopped.

"I'll tell you about it inside."

The other Patapons went to work fixing the area they called home for the time being, but Meden only looked to the sky.

"Thank you for showing restraint and compassion Mighty Patapon."

Then she to went inside with everyone else.