• Published 2nd Jun 2015
  • 986 Views, 15 Comments

Beyond Earthend - Brony For life 7

Earthend found, eternal content ensured. But what's that just past it. Are those....Ponies?

  • ...

The Tides of War

Author's Note:


This was one of my quickest chapters yet, as well as the longest. I'm just so hyped to keep this going until the very end. Anyhow, just wanted to say thanks again for reading. Hope ya'll enjoy this chapter, it's going to be a doozy.


--------Back in the Ruins. Two Hours After the Takeover--------

"News seems to travel much faster that expected." Meden was looking over a map of Equestria that was in one of the houses in Dodge Junction. She just heard that a small force of pegisi was seen in the distance, approaching Dodge Junction. Said force was clad in golden armor and had only spears on them.

"I suppose it couldn't be helped, I just wish we had more time." So far they had been able to bring out the Mahopons and Robopons. They still had no idea how, or even if they could find a new Heropon. Not to mention the small amount of land they did have and the few resources they could manage to find. The only resource making Patapon they could bring back were Rah Gashapon and Ton Kampon. While it could give them all they want for a battle it lacked what they needed for a war. Unless they found more fertile land they would have no hope of staying in the war for long.

For now though, they had to focus on the upcoming fight. "Have Ton Kampon make some new weapons for our reborn Maho and Robopons. Let Rah Gashapon know we'll need another stew for them as well." The Patapon present gave a salute before heading out. Meden looked at the map for a few more minutes, thinking about the next place they should attack. When she began to head out to set up the ranks for battle. Before she got too far away for her hut she felt the presence of Kami, wanting to tell her something that only she could understand.

"R-really?" She was aw struck by what she was told. "Those three really have that kind of potential?" The wind blew as Kami 'told' her more. "Y-yes, of course Kami. I'll get them right away."

She dashed to the barracks. "Ton, Chin, Kan!" The three Yaripons dashed forward tripping over each other in the process and falling over just in front of Meden. "Get off me!" Shouted Ton. "Why don't you tell Kan?" Replied Chin. Meden gave a sigh as the three were sorting themselves out before standing at attention.

Meden began in a hushed tone. "I have a very important question to ask the three of you. What did you do when the rest of us were petrified?" The Yaripons tensed up at the mention of the adventure that the rest of the tribe was oblivious about. "Uh. Well you see, we did as Almighty told us to." Ton started. "Yea!" Chan went along. "Nothing more." Kan finished. Meden look annoyed, but was also confused on why they would try to hide something like what Kami told her. "And what did that include? After all it was only the three of you and Hatapon right?" They knew that Meden was told about something and decided that trying to dodge the question would be of no use.

"Yea. It was us, Hatapon, and the Heropon. But we were given a new power." Chan started. "A Silver Hoshipon picked us to be relied from the curse to help the Heropon." Ton continued. "And we became more then we are now! We could be so many things, we were the most helpfulest!" Kan finished. None of them mentioned that the Heropon was, in fact fused with Almighty, they figured that if she wanted to know she'd ask.

"Alright, then are you able to access those powers now?" The three looked to the ground. "Yes, if Almighty wishes it to be." Ton began. "We just missed all being a base." Chan went on. "It was like the older days." Kan concluded. Meden had a more sympathetic look. "I understad, but you must know that we are facing an entire nation. We need everything we can get to help us." She closed her eye. "I won't force any of you, but I would appreciate it if you would tap into your found powers."

None of them said anything, and after a few more moments Meden said. "When you decide on what you want to do meet me in my hut." Then she went pass them and began to sort the rest of the battle ready Patapon. "Mahopons, Robopons, Yumipons!" Eight Mahopons and Robopons were followed closely by twenty Yumipons. "We need you at you best, head to the feasting room and fill you bellies, new weapons should be ready not too long after. GO!"

With that the small army headed out. Meden left not long after, deciding to get back to her hut to plan their next attack.

--------Just outside of Dodge Junction. 10 minutes later--------

The force sent in to check on the situation in Dodge Junction was small relative to the amount of ponies an a town. It consisted of thirty pegisi flying in. Soon arriving would be the rest of the force consisting of thirty more unicorns, and earth ponies. Celestia warned that the enemy was not to be underestimated. When they approached the town they noticed the wooden wall, though a segment was out. Taking this as an entrance the pegisi began to move in half taking to the skies while the rest walked.

Then a strange beat was heard. It seemed battle worthy. Out of the forest drums struck with a resounding.


"Pata pata pata pon." Was followed, sung by a single being rather than a group.

Turning around the force saw something coming, they prepared themselves. Again the drums went.


"Pata Pata Pata Pon!" Louder, closer. The beings were easier to see now. They were small, the largest things on them being the weapons they held and the flag in the middle. The weapons themselves were intimidating. They held several types bows most of which were glowing red or blue, a few of them yellow. They gave off a felling of powerful magic. The most prominent thing was the flag. The way it was held showed it's importance. It was high above the rest of the ranks, and would be over the head of anypony near.


"FEVER!!" The Patapon were so excited to fight an army again. They only wished that it wasn't the army of previous friends. Still they never showed any regret or fear. They had a reputation to uphold after all. 'No foe too mighty, no treasure out of reach and no land unconquerable.'


So they continued, ready to take down anyone that dared to stand in their way.


The pegisi sent in had no idea what was coming. The moment the command was given a quick moving shade of arrows shot from the Yuripons made their way to the pegisi targets along with it, huge boulders tossed by the Robopons. In the same moment the Mahopons cast spells the send blasts of ice to go with the very heavy rain that was to befall the opposing force.

Not much could be done about the incoming projectiles. The most they could do was run for the wall. Those who didn't make in were pierced or had been smashed by the incoming rocks. While no one was fatally wounded, they wouldn't last for another attack like that. Once the Barrage landed the remaining pegisi went to work quickly. Some went to the skies, attempting to find some clouds to use, others brought the wounded behind what was left of the wall. Everyone else prepared to swap if needed.


Another attack, not as powerful this time. Arrows still came from above, but in fewer numbers, dodgeable. The Robopons ran up to the grounded pegisi and delivered a powerful punch to any unlucky enough to get caught. The ones that took off to evade the blow were struck down by the Mahopons magic attacks.

At the rate the battle was going the Patapon would wipe out every last solder, or at least until they surrender. As the quickly dwindling group began to lose hope someone shouted. "Look, the reinforcements arrived!" To the ponies relief, the words were true. Coming in full gallop was the sixty pony force. As the Patapon saw this the next order was given.


Another attack, the same as the last. Arrows came flying down with magic bolts not far behind. Before any could land though a few of the unicorns teleported and cast a magic barrier to shield everyone out of cover. As the Robopons came to smash the shield the earth ponies made it to buck them back to the group. As this was happening the pegisi made it back with a few storm clouds. Giving them a good kick lightning struck the front line Robopons that didn't get a hoof to the eye.

It looked as though the tides have turned. The next order was given.


The Robopons had no shields, instead they used their huge fists to block blows and punch anyone who would get too close. The Yumipons shot higher into the air than usual, aiming for the high flying pegisi. The Mahopons cast a defensive spell, giving every Patapon a small personal shield.

Many of the arrows struck their targets, some were caught by the clouds. Seeing the army on the defense gave the rest of the non shielding unicorns time to prepare powerful blasts of magic. It seemed that Almighty was able to read the ponies as the next order was given.


Just as the unicorns sent their magic for the army, the Patapons gave a huge leap, reaching higher then the pegisi. The magic sent hit several trees, scorching the areas affected and in some cases bringing the trees down.

As they landed, the earth ponies began to attack, kicking several of the Yumipon, turning them into puddles of goop before disappearing to leave nothing but their caps. The next order was given.


Then the army gave a swift retreat into the forest. The ponies gave bewildered looks as the army dashed. They believed they won, that the Patapons realized they were out numbered. They began to regroup and check on everyone. No one noticed that the music was still going.

Just as quickly as they left the Patapon returned, clustered just as they arrived. No one had time react before the next order was given.


The fever was ended.

Out of nowhere the earth began to tremble violently. The wall was shaking, about ready to collapse, that went for many of the building in town as well. The ones felling it the most though were the ponies, none of them could stay standing. One the other hand, the Patapon were all too familiar with this and were ready to reset the song.


"Pon pon chaka chaka!" They sang along.

While the unicorns and earth ponies didn't know what would happen the pegisi knew that if this next attack landed then their numbers would be cut down drastically. As the quake was happening the few still airborne pegisi began to attack, though due the the shaking of the earth, it was difficult to get direct hits. Still a few bolts hit some more Robopons, a few being reduced to caps. They didn't have time to attack again as the next command was given.


The prjectile storm came in again, slightly lessened from the slew units, but still too heavy to even attempt to evade. The pegisi in the sky stood no chance as they were hit with a hail of arrows. The unicons tried their best to conjure a barrier to shield everyone, but could only manage personal shields, even those were no match for the massive stones catapulted from the Robopons. Their armor protected their necks, heads, and most all of their bodies from the top, this didn't stop the arrows from hitting legs or magic to the face. Many felt their legs burning from the flame arrow, while other couldn't feel anything at all due to the freezing effects of the ice arrows. Those who met with the ice magic were frozen solid in a case if ice, eventually they were released, only to collapse the the floor unconscious. The next order was given.



The quake ended, leaving several ponies wounded. They couldn't take another attack like the last one. The ponies were considering a surrender when something astonishing happened. In a bright flash of light Luna had appeared before everyone. She looked as though she didn't want to fight, at least she did until she looked at the surrounding ponies. Then she shouted.


Her voice almost muted the music, and caused the flag Hatapon was holding to whip as though it were in a storm. The next order was given.


Everything froze around Luna, the Patapon, the ponies, even the song was paused. Luna didn't know what was happening, but she found she couldn't move her feet, her wings could flap but she would get no lift. Her magic wouldn't respond either. This annoyed her to no end. She then 'heard' something, or someone.

"RETREAT" The being 'said' to her.

"What?" She had no idea what was happening.


Luna remembered that Celestia told her about the tribes god, the Almighty. Now she understood why the world stopped around her, or at least who was responsible.

"So you're the Patapons leader, Kami I believe? I cannot simply abandon those in the settlement, or belittle the hardships our ponies went though to reclaim this land!" She attempted to stomp her hoof, only to be reminded it was in place.

A long moment of nothing, then.


Following this Kami gave Luna a vision, the sight of three alarmingly powerful Patapon making their way to the battle. One was riding a chariot, somehow moving without anything pulling, with it an ax that should of been far too large for it to lift. Another was a massive Patapon carrying an equally huge hammer. The last one held with it a staff, it was easily the smallest and least menacing, yet held the promise keeping his companions alive until it's own death.

They were close, they would arrive just in time for the next command. Luna had to make a choice: Stay, fight and risk the lives of ninety celestial guards as well as her own. Or leave and have the town continue to be in the hands of the Patapons.

She looked the the number of Patapon remaining, they had six Mahopons, three Robopons, and around Ten Yumipons remaining. Luna had about nine pegisi, fifteen unicorns, and eleven earth ponies that could still fight. They had the numbers, and with Luna they might be able to win. The only thing keeping Luna from being sure on the matter was the incoming units, she had no idea what would happen when they arrived. She took a good ten minutes to think on the choice before giving a sigh.


She couldn't bring herself to look forward, rather she stared at the ground. "We will retreat, no more blood needs to be shed this day."

As much as she would be alright with fighting them herself, she knew that the group set in wouldn't be able to handle anymore attacks like what they had already faced.

"Know that this is not the last you will see of us." She said this looking to the skies, assuming that if it were truly a god she was talking to they would be above her.

She got no response as the world resumed. The Patapons went on defensive when the pause ended, they were disappointed when no further commands were given and the song went back to a beat. Luna turned to the still standing ponies.

"Quickly, gather your brothers in arms and get to the train. We must return to Canterlot at once!"

Not ones to argue with the princesses the solders did as they were instructed. Gathering those too weak to walk, the unicorns did their best to make magic stretchers to carry them while the earth ponies and pegisi carried wounded on their backs. It was truly a miracle that their were no casualties for the ponies. Once everyone was ready, they began to walk back the the train.

Looking at the still staring Patapons, Luna saw the three Kami showed her. They were even more menacing in the flesh, even from the distance she was, the strength they gave off was both inspiring and terrifying. She would never show it but she was glad she didn't have to fight them, yet. When the last pony in the line was a fair distance Luna began to follow, mentally preparing herself for when she next sees the Patapon.

--------A Half-Hour After the Battle--------

A celebration was being held in the center of the ruins, the same one held after every victory. A stew was being made for every Patapon the enjoy as the fallen were being brought back to life. Ton, Chin, and Kan were back to their Yaripon forms and enjoying the party. Meden was in her hut putting her last thoughts into their next attack. After another minute she walked out, satisfied with her plan.

Walking to the middle of the usual spar Meden interrupted with an announcement.

"Listen up! Our next location with be Appleloosa. We'll be heading out in two days. Get yourselves ready to move out, were going to make another camp there!"

The tribe gave a cheer at the thought of expanding their borders. Soon they will have all they need to become just as powerful as they once were. They will need to be for the challenges that face them.

--------To Be Continued--------