• Published 2nd Jun 2015
  • 986 Views, 15 Comments

Beyond Earthend - Brony For life 7

Earthend found, eternal content ensured. But what's that just past it. Are those....Ponies?

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The Interrogation

--------Sweet Apple Acres: An hour before the last chapter--------

Everyone was getting ready to bring the Patapon back for questions. Many of the ponies present were very tired from traveling around to help warn as many towns as possible on a possible attack. The exceptions being Pinkie and Applejack, both being used to staying up for hours on end.

"Why did we have to do this so early?" Rainbow whined, eyes closed with the lack of sleep.

"It's almost noon Dash" Applejack deadpanned.

The pegasus in question gave a tired yawn, not really paying attention.

Everyone was waiting for Twilight to show up, she was running unusually late. Five more minutes of waiting and resisting the call on sleep went before the studious unicorn made her way to the group.

"I'm so sorry for being late, I was busy doing research on the Patapons. I learned so much about them, but I'll tell you all about it *Yawn* later."

At that Fluttershy took out the cap she's been holding on to. Applejack brought a shovel and stared to dig, the spot she started was the same as the Patapons. Once the shallow hole was dug the hat was placed at the bottom. As soon as it was covered with dirt the tree came to life. Lights started from both branches of the tree, slowly moving until they went to the trunk. In a bright flash the Tatepon that wore the cap popped out with a cheerful sound. When it took stock of it's location it panicked and started to run. Twilight quickly teleported it next to Applejack who grabbed the eyeball. Out of options the Tatepon gave up.

Giving a second, calmer look around the Tatepon notice that Fluttershy was among the group, this relaxed it. Allowing the group to ask some questions.

"We don't want to hurt you, we just need some answers."

The Patapon gave an answer that no one could understand. Then Twilight facehoofed.

"I can't believe I forgot about the language barrier between us." looking to her friends Twilight continued. "What are we going to do now?"

"Why don't you just use that universal language spell you did on Meden?" Asked Rarity.

"That's for two reasons. One: It takes quiet a lot of magic to allow somepony the ability to talk to everyone and everything they want. And two:" She pointed at the Tatepon "We need Meden here to transfer the ability over to another creature, the caster can only use it on one person at a time."

"Then simply allow me to cast the spell." The looks Rarity got from her friends were worrying. "What? It can't be THAT difficult." She looked to Twilight "Can it?"

"Well." Twilight began. "The difficulty is not in the complexity of casting the spell, but rather the amount of magic it consumes." She gestured to the Tatepon "After all you're giving a creature the ability to speak and understand all languages, past, present, and future."

A moment passed before someone spoke. "Why do you just use a spell that let's them speak Equestrian?" It was a simple, yet very obvious question and it was from Pinkie. "What?" Was the reply she got from Twilight. "Why not just give the little guy a way to speak to us, he doesn't need to speak EVERY language."

Another moment of silence, then a loud SMACK! as Twilight facehoofed. "Of course! Why didn't I think of it before. The Local Language spell allows for the subject to speak the casters native tongue! Pinkie you're a genius!"

Pinkie shook her head stating "No I'm not, I'm a pony."

Before anyone could react to what she said Twilight left with a Pop! Not long after did she re-appear with her copy of 'Learning Local Lingo'

"I'll just cast the spell. It should be right about..." She flipped through her surprisingly thick book. "Here!" She looked to the Tatepon. "Now this shouldn't hurt a bit, just hold still and we can have a proper conversation."

Focusing her magic into the spell her horn began to glow. It wasn't as blinding as the universal translation spell, but it was still bright enough to force the Tatepon to squint. As and just as quickly as it began, the spell was cast. Though the Tatepon felt no different then before.

"Now let's see if it worked. What happened to your tribe?"

Still a bit nervous the Tatepon began. "W-well, it was hardly dawn when they attacked." The voice was strange. It was genderless. Nevertheless it shakely continued to recount the story of what led to the declaration of war.

"No one was r-ready, we didn't even get to e-eat before they attacked." It was clear that the memories were affecting it, tears were beginning to form in it's eye. "T-their numbers were few, but so were our fighters. They were vicious, sparing no one they came across. One by one Patapons were being killed. In no time at all half the camp was filled with caps of the fallen." Then it changed, the tears were gone and a look of pride was in it's place.

"Then Almighty saw what happened. He poured down upon them, and brought energy to the warriors still standing!" It stopped for a moment, seemingly entranced at it's own words. It caught itself however as it continued on. "That's when Meden began to write the document. I don't really know what happened after that, all I remember was being tasked to bring Fluttershy the letter, but they were sneaky and cowardly. As I was making the run I was ambushed." Then it got sad again, looking to the floor in shame. "I did all I could to fight them, but they were too strong, and I didn't even get anything to eat that day. After I fell I have no memory of what happened, up until now it was as though I didn't exist."

That seemed to be the end of the story. After a minute of quiet to take the information in, and for Twilight to scribble down her last few notes, another question was asked. "I know I'll regret this but. You said 'they' the whole time. Who are 'they'?"

The look in the eye of the Tatepon could only be described as pure rage. It was the rage of being betrayed by those you care about, and the confusion that goes with it.

"Ponies. None that we recognized, but ponies still! The unicorns blasted those who tried to escape from the swooping attacks of the pegisi. Those who tried to fight without Almighty's guidance were kicked into oblivion by the earth ponies!" To say the group were in total shock would be an understatement. Those not in shock were felling outrage. The most prominent of them being, surprising, Fluttershy.

"How could they?!" The anger she felt was the same as the Tatepon's. "What kind of ponies would go out of their way to attack a tribe that were in the middle of the Everfree!?"

It was then that Twilight put the pieces together. "What if it wasn't ponies at all?"

The though was followed by angry memories for the six friends. It was also followed by a confused Tatepon.

"What else could they be? It may of been early, but I'm certain of what I and the rest of the tribe saw!"

Twilight put a hoof on the top of the Patapon, much like how a parent would a child that was angry for the wrong reasons.

"Let me clarify. You see their's a race of equestrians known as changelings. They have the ability to change their appearance to anypony they want. They can take the appearance of pegisi, earth ponies, and unicorns." The Tatepon didn't really know how to take the information. If it should believe what they say. It did the only thing it could think of and looked to Fluttershy, the only one in really trusted.

With a nod she confirmed Twilight words. "They tricked us before, during Twilight's brother's wedding." If the annoyance and anger of the event wasn't clear on everyone's faces before, it was now.

"They feed on love" Twilight continued. "So the queen disguised herself as the bride and brainwashed my brother so she could become stronger then even Celestia." While it wasn't their to see her, when asked, Meden said she could feel a power similar to Almighty's presence. The idea of someone stronger that Almighty frightened it. "I don't know why they would attack you, but I can tell you that they are the type to attack while you back is turned."

The information spun in it's head for a while before it spoke. "What I saw I know were ponies. But I have a hard time believing that the same type of ponies that would welcome us so warmly, and lend us aid, would also attack us for no reason. If what you say about the changeling is true. Then we have a common enemy now.' The Tatepon looked more relaxed now. "I'm so happy that our allies never really betrayed us!"

Everyone was relived that they found the truth, the only question now was how to tell the other Patapons. "I know that Almighty has left me to watch over the tribe. I don't know where they are either. And I need to return to them." Everyone looked the Tatepon as it turned away from them. "Their is only one way I can return now. If I do my memories will be gone."

The relief was now replaced with worry. "What do ya mean? Ya had your memories when re brought ya back right?" It was a bit hard to make out, but it nodded. "The difference will be that it won't be with my cap. I will spare you the details, you are a peaceful race after all. I'm just happy knowing that you never attack us. I recommend you look away."

Out of respect, or squeamish nature, several turned their heads away. Only Fluttershy and Twilight watch on. The Tatepon grabbed it's hat from the top of it's head and began to put the sides to tear the cap in half. Once split the Tatepon was not long to follow beginning from the tip of it's head down to the bottom. Much like a butterfly from it's cocoon the Tatepon's spirit began to fly away from it's rapidly disintegrating body. The spirit itself showing to be a combination of a Patapon with a butterfly, slowly fluttering into the the sky and vanishing, but not before saying. "Goodbye my friends. Until we meet again!"

And with that it was gone leaving a very teary eyed Fluttershy as well as her friends to find out about Dodge Junction not too long after. It seemed like another battle would be had before the day was out.

Author's Note:

Hey all! I know I've been WAY behind on the chapters but I've got some things going on in life right now. I got some more free time on my hands now though and should be able to get some more chapters out at least slightly faster than ever before. I want to thank everyone who enjoys the story and supports it, even those who don't show it and just read it through. Just happy that people enjoy my work, really get me going. Speaking of, feel free to leave a comment if something bugs you too. I want to improve in any way I can and can't do it without some feedback. Anyhow expect the next chapter to be a fight! Until the song begins again and the drums are struck once more!