• Published 2nd Jun 2015
  • 986 Views, 15 Comments

Beyond Earthend - Brony For life 7

Earthend found, eternal content ensured. But what's that just past it. Are those....Ponies?

  • ...

A New Hope

"Yes, a few scouts found the Mater Sprout near the forest entrance!"

Meden was happily hopping in place, overjoyed that the tribe can now, once again, grow to it's full potential.

"Come out and see!"

Everyone was looking at the backyard, that now looked a lot like Applejack's barn did when the Patapons first arrived. With the same festival as before.

To the right of the sparing Patapon there was a small curved sprout, inside of a pot. Both were black as the Patapon themselves.

"Once the tree has fully grown we can make more forces to better defend ourselves, and get ready for the journey ahead of us!"

Meden then turned to Celestia. "That is why your here right? To give us somewhere to begin our search."

Even with the legends, and history of the Patapon. Celestia couldn't help but think they were only trying to search for their destiny, much like a few certain fillies she knew. She also knew that if the legends still held true then the growth of the Patapon could be a serious threat to everyone. She had to think fast because now all eyes were on her.

"Yes." She began, her tone the same as usual.

"That was the plan, but because the Canterlot Library is filled with countless books on history, legend, and myth alike I was unable to find anything. I'm here now to introduce myself to you and your kind in hopes of making you feel welcomed to our land."

She of course said this with a small smile. Meden looked a little disappointed at hearing nothing on 'IT' but was more than happy to make a proper introduction of herself and her tribe.

"In that case, you chose a good day to visit. We can show you just what a Patapon festival is all about!"

Getting closer the music was much more audible.

"In the center platform we usually would put whatever our hunters got, as well as where we have our traditional sparing. They use blunt staves, and never really hit one another but it helps for keeping pace with a rhythm."

They moved to the right of the main stage to the sprout.

"Here is where we would usually have Mater, and the offerings to the great Patapon next to it so that he may chose which units to rebirth, or which ones to evolve."

"Offerings, like what?" Twilight asked.

"Things like food, stone, and wood. So that the Patapon born can be strong and have endurance. Though if we use more delectable food, stronger metals or rarer woods, the Patapon born will become Raripons, Patapon with more resistance, and greater strength."

Meden gestured to the left of the stage.

"Over there is where we would have our specialist Patapon, like Fah Zakpon our farmer, able to turn a field from dead brown to lively green in a mater of minutes. Or Rah Gashapon the master chef, making a delicious stew to feed the tribe or strengthen the troops to fight on."

She then looked over to the sprout.

"But now that we have this sprout we will soon be able to bring them back!"

Oh, how so?" Celestia asked, missing how the Patapons use Mater.

"The same way we bring back all fallen Patapon, through mementos, in this case their caps."

She went to a nearby box and pulled out Kon Kimpon's cap.

"We bury it next to the fully grown Mater tree and in moments the Patapon will be brought back to us, tools and all."

She put the cap back in the box and went back to the center stage, looking up the the sky.

"Thank you Almighty, for helping us through this new land."

She noticed that the group that went fishing was coming back with a bag full of fish. They then put it on the stage, still tied up.

"And for bestowing us a meal, everyone give the Mighty Patapon praise!" The other Patapons were once again making sounds, presumably saying their thanks as Meden has.

Meden went back to the group of ponies.

"I know you have done so much for us already, giving us shelter, allowing us to hunt, and setting communication. But we need somewhere the plant Mater, do you know of any clear fields we can use for the Mater sprout?"

Applejack immediately stepped up.

"We have plenty of room for another tree at the farm, plus it's not all that far off from here."

"That sounds wonderful! Thank you Applejack, I'll get a small group together to bring the sprout."

A few moments later, Hatapon along with two Tatepon were grouped with Applejack. Hatapon carrying the sprout.

"We'll head out now, should be back soon."

Applejack said, as the group headed for the door.

"Thank you again!"

The small team was out the door and on their way, Meden knew that Almighty was watching them from the drums as they went off into the distance.

"I hope you don't mind but I have a few questions myself. After our interview I've been thinking of some things to ask about you and your history."

Meden was curious about her new friends.

"Of course, it's only natural for you to have some questions as well."

Everyone took a seat as Meden asked her first question.

--------About 30 Minutes Later--------

"So you and your sister raise and lower the sun and moon? You must both be extremely powerful to do that!"

Meden has been asking many casual questions to start, like what each equestrian has for a profession, noting Pinkie being a cook. Hobbies, likes and dislikes. She continued by asking about dangers in and enemies of Equestria. She learned of the dangerous beast that lie in the Everfree, and around Equestria, as for enemies, the only ones that were mentions were a race known as changelings. Shape shifting insect like creatures that feed off of emotions. Her most recent question was about Celestia and her royal duties. That's when a knock came from the door.

"I'll get that." Fluttershy went to the door and let Applejack with the Patapon come in. Meden hopped out of her seat to greet her.

"Welcome back Applejack! I take it that the Matter sprout has been planted?"

Applejack gave a nod.

"Yep, and boy did it grow fast. At the rate it's goin' I recon it'll be fully grown by tomorrow."

Meden was very happy with the news, but now she knew what needed to be done.

"Fluttershy, we once again thank you for everything you have done for us, but we cannot stay here if we are to grow and expand. We must move on and find a new home, make a new village, create Pataopolis."

At the last word Meden had a glimmer in her eye as she remembered their old homes.

"I understand, but where will you go?"

At this she pointed to the forest past Fluttershy's backyard.

"I had a few scouts look for a clearing, that;s how they came across the Matter sprout. Although it's clear the land isn't fertile enough to plant the sprout in. Speaking of, thank you again Applejack. If you don't mind we would like to visit your farm tomorrow to bring our Patapons back to us."

"Uh..sure, I guess. The ones that came with me know where it is."

"Fantastic! You may all feel free to visit anytime, and if you need us all you need to o is ask. If no one is around then you may ask Almighty, he tends to see it."

"About that, I've been meaning to ask." Twilight interrupted. "Dose the Almighty Patapon have a name, you say 'he' often. A gender usually comes with a name."

"Of course he dose, it's...Oh dear."


"It seems that I have forgotten..."

Meden rushed outside, the door closing behind her. Through the window they could see a panic induced motions. After a minute of this she seemed relived as she headed back for the home.

"Kami, his name is Kami."

Everypony glanced at one another, concerned for Meden.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Just needless worry. It's late, we should get going. I'm happy I had this chance to chat with all of you. Thank you once more."

Meden and her assistant went to the backyard. Through the window they could see Meden call for the attention of all the Patapons. Her announcement made, the tribe burst with excitement for a place they may call home yet again.

"She's right, we should get going. Thanks for having us over Fluttershy."

"Thank you for coming."

As everypony left for the night Celestia stayed behind for a moment longer.

"If you notice something off about the Patapons, please, let me know."

"Y-yes princess."

Her tone frightened Fluttershy, if only a little. Giving a nod she to left.

Alone Fluttershy thought about how the Patapon would do by themselves, her protective nature kicking in. She worried though not entirely for them, but for any animal that threatened their home.

--------To Be Continued!--------