• Published 1st Jun 2015
  • 11,472 Views, 1,112 Comments

Four Hooves - destinedjagold

A human was transported to Equestria and transformed into a pony. Unfortunately, he needs to get back home, and Equestria doesn't look the same as in the show.

  • ...

2 - 14

I pant for breath as I tiredly lean on a tree, feeling hot and sweaty all over.

...I blink. Wait. Ponies sweat? Huh... I actually thought they sweat through their nose and tongue like dogs. The more you know.

I close my eyes and just...concentrate on breathing through my open pony mouth.

...Who knew griffons could be so...so...freaking terrifying? Swans traded with griffons? Really? For silver ladybugs? Did the ‘extinction’ of those bugs drove the catbirds to prey on ponies and deer? If that was how griffons work in this world, then I shiver at the thought of dragons.

But, thankfully, I don’t have to find that out. I got all the ingredients now. Twilight will brew a potion, figure out what happened in the past, she fixes it, and boom! Equestria’s fixed, and I can finally drop the ‘I’m a human from another world’ revelation to her. Who knows? With her, her friends and the princesses, they can figure out a way to bring me back home. Or maybe Discord can help, too. He can easily open portals to another world, right?

...I wonder how many worlds are out there.

I slowly open my eyes, staring at Reykan’s unconscious form lying on the ground in front of me, and noticing the tired smile I have on my muzzle.

Heh... I can finally go back home after all of this. I can hardly believe it! Oh, the explanation I’m going to tell my mom and my bro when I return. They’ll...probably think I’m crazy and will throw me in a mental hospital or something.

...I might need to come up with a lie, but eh, I’ll figure something out later. Right now, I should focus on getting back to Twilight.

...huh, I just realized how quiet the forest is, aside from the occasional gentle breeze that rustles the leaves.

I take a deep, deep breath and exhale. With a smile and a nod, I bite Reykan’s tail—

Bleahk... Now that I’m no longer in danger, my pony tongue is now free to remind me that it doesn’t like the taste of dirty fur. I grumble in annoyance... Well, too bad, me! Man up and just go already!

After a little mental scolding to myself, I bite Reykan’s tail, lift him up, walk north...

...and hope that I won’t end up getting lost.

“Griffons? Huh...” Reykan says as he limply walks beside me. His ears and head droops. “Aw... I’ve never seen one before, and I missed my chance...”

“I think you were lucky not to meet them.”


Reykan woke up not too long ago and immediately cried how painful his everything was. We took a breather for a couple of minutes before he insisted that he was okay and that the pain had already faded, which was a big, fat lie.

“We can stop and rest if you want, you know,” I tell him, walking in a slow pace for his sake.

“I said I’m fine!” Reykan growls at me with piercing blue eyes. He winces. “Ow ow—I’m okay!”

I frown at him. “I hope you realize that you’re not fooling me with that.”

“I’m a strong panther! A little hurt wouldn’t stop me!” he says with a strained smile. “Your kicks were more painful that this. Ow...”

I let out a sigh.

“Say... Why is your...bahg-thing glowing?”

I blink. “Hm?” I stop and look at him.

He stops, sits, wince, and points at my saddlebag with a paw. “That one. It’s glowing.”

I take a look and eeyup, the bag where the gem is stored is glowing. “Huh... So it is.”

I swear, if it zaps me once again I’ll—

“It’s been glowing for a while,” Reykan says before licking a paw.

Huh... I wonder what this could mean.

There you are!” a familiar squeaky voice echoes from the trees.

Oh. I guess it means that it’s ‘owner’ is close by. I turn to where the voice had come from and see the tall Miss Roo in the distance, approaching us, with Mister Grumpy White Rat on her head.

“I actually thought you were a goner when you went back to get that—”

Both Miss Roo and Mister Rat stop from approaching and talking respectively.

I blink at them. “...Oh hi there.” I hear movement behind me. Blinking, I look over my shoulder and see Reykan hiding behind my hind legs.

And then I hear powerful thumps on the ground ahead of me.

“Don’t worry your crazy little head, pony!” Miss Roo exclaims, getting ready to...dash or something. “I’m gonna get that bastard off of ya quicker than you can say—” she stops when I suddenly grab the wincing cub with both hooves and drag him in front of me.

“Miss Roo, and Mister Grumpy Rat, this is Reykan. Reykan, meet Miss Roo and Mister Grumpy Rat.”

The trio blinks at each other.


Moon Gaze breaks the silence with: “...Okay, I give up. What’s going on?”

“He’s with me,” I say quickly.

Miss Roo blinks in confusion. “...You two are mates?”

NO!” Both pony and panther exclaim in unison.

“Eewww Jay!” Reykan scurries away from me, wincing. “We’re not mates!”

Ah, headache. How I’ve missed you. “No, Rey. We’re not!” I glare at Miss Tall and Mister Tiny. “Reykan’s a friend. That’s all there is to it.”

“Friends?” Moon Gaze asks. “Pffft! That’s the funniest joke I’ve ever heard. I could have laughed if there wasn’t a meat-eater around!” He narrows his tiny red eyes. “Good thing my gem’s still with you! We can easily scare that cub away!”

“Huh?” Reykan blinks, turning to me. “‘His’ gem?”

“Moon Gaze,” he slowly say, glaring at him. “Don’t you dare—”

“Zap that cub!”

After the words escape his snout—


—a beam of electric light dances out of the bag and dives towards the confused panther cub in a split of a second.

Reykan didn’t even get the chance to shout the pain before he’s zapped to a tree, slamming into it. “Oof—!” He drops on a small bush that grew around the tree, creating a rustling noise.

“And while the bastard’s out!” Miss Roo rushes towards him. “I’mma break his skull so he wouldn’t bother the pony ever again!”

“Goddammit you two!” I shout as I shot myself towards Reykan, but the roo is too damn fast.

Skidding to a stop, she grabs him, slams him down on the ground and quickly jumps up, preparing her two mighty feet to slam them on him.

“Grrr—!” Still running, I jump and tackle her before her feet connects, pushing and slamming her against a tree.

“Oof!” Miss Roo breathes out as the tree shakes, its leaves rustling above us.

“Aaaiiiyyyeee—!” Moon Gaze yelps and falls off of her as I quickly move away from them.

“Guh!” Miss Roo shakes her head and glares at me, countering my own. “What in the stinkin’ poophole did ya do that for?!”

“He’s out of his mind!” Moon Gaze shouts as he scurries back to the kangaroo’s head.

I stand my ground as Miss Roo turns to properly glare at me. “Damn it you two! Don’t hurt him!”

“We kinda already did,” Miss Roo counters.

“And why not, pony?” Moon Gaze asks, glaring at me. “You risked your life to save him from those damn birds of prey! And now you’re trying to stop us from...from...” he trails off, tearing his gaze off of me.

“Killing him?” I finish for him.

He shudders violently. “D-don’t say that word,” he squeaks quietly.

I raise an eyebrow.

Miss Roo takes a step forward, almost making me jump. “The question remains, pony.” She gestures at Reykan behind me. “Why are ya protecting the bastard? He’s a meat-eating predator!”

I keep my glare and stance up as I formulate a response. I gather the reasons in my head and prepare to blast them with my reasoning.

...But there’s none. I can’t even formulate lies, and I’m supposed to be somewhat good at making up lies on the spot!

Sienna asked me the same thing. I never gave her an answer, probably because I never had one. Seri and Twilight didn’t really asked me why. At least, I don’t remember them asking me why I bring Reykan along. Heck, why did I even chose Reykan over Sienna back in Swan Lake?


My ears twitch after hearing Reykan’s weak voice. I turn around, my glare fading as I see him too weak to even wince as he lie on the ground.

“...I’m...I think...I n-need to rest...ow...”

He closes his weak, blue eyes, and exhale.




He’s still breathing, thankfully. Tough dude, this one is.

“Don’t tell me you feel sorry for him!” I hear Moon Gaze shouts from behind me.

My eye twitch. With a grunt, I open my saddlebag and push the gem out by pushing the bag against the ground. I kick the gem towards them. “There’s your gem. Good bye.” I bite the fur behind Rey’s neck and walk away.

“What?” Moon Gaze says. “Oi!”

“You can’t be serious, pony!” I hear Miss Roo say as I turn around a tree, hopefully blocking them from seeing me, and hopefully they’ll leave me alone.

I groan as my ears twitch to the sounds of bird chirps echoing from above. “...Remind me again why you two are following me.”

“I’m starting to think that you’re crazier than that Twilight mare!” Moon Gaze exclaims from Miss Roo’s head.

As for Miss Roo, she’s...walking...or at least she looks like she’s walking, on all five, including her tail. Do kangaroos...walk like this? It’s weird, but at least it wouldn’t...rock Reykan up and down while he’s unconscious in her pouch.

“And do I really need to tell it again?” Moon Gaze asks.

“Humor me.”


I sigh.

He shakes his tiny head. “I turned into a rat, sheesh. How many times do I have to repeat it?”


“You said you know a mare who can change me back, and you’re gonna lead me to her, because me turning into a rat is your fault!”

I’m not gonna enter that argument again.

“Hm...” Miss Roo hm’s as she awkwardly walks beside me. “How strange of a pony...who can tame predators and turn others into mice.”

“Miss Roo,” I say, glancing at her. “I...”

Huh... Did I tame Reykan? Really? Is that why I stood up for him back there?

...No, that is definitely not the reason why. “...am one hundred percent certain that I don’t have form-changing powers that can turn stupid pegasus ponies into stupid rats.”

“Watch your tongue, pony,” Moon Gaze glares at me. “Or you’ll be—”

“—dancing with lightning. Whatever,” I say as I feel the gem inside my saddlebag. Miss Roo carried it and placed it back inside as soon as they caught up with me.

Speaking of, I hear her chuckle.

I arch an eyebrow at her.

“‘Miss Roo’?” She shakes her head in amusement. “Lamest name someroo has ever called me. Call me Xana.”

“Jay,” I say with a slow nod. Xana? Weird name for a kangaroo. “I’ll stick to Miss Roo. It rolls easier on the tongue.”

She frowns at me. “I’d rather you don’t, Jay.”


“Weird that the mare lives in this forest,” Moon Gaze says. “Are you sure you know where you’re going, Jay?”

I glare at him as I nod my head.

He shrugs. “If you say so.”

Author's Note:

The griffons from the previous chapter weren't supposed to be there. I dunno why that idea sprang into my head, but it did while I wrote this chapter. After I added that ‘birds of prey’ scene, I rewrote this entire chapter to fit the events happened there. Aw well~