• Published 1st Jun 2015
  • 11,474 Views, 1,112 Comments

Four Hooves - destinedjagold

A human was transported to Equestria and transformed into a pony. Unfortunately, he needs to get back home, and Equestria doesn't look the same as in the show.

  • ...

1 - 12

“Take me to her.”

Reykan blinks at me. “Why?”

I push back a groan as I take a deep breath to calm myself down. “I need to see her. I need to talk to her!”

“But I’m hungry!”

My eye twitches. “You can eat on the way.”

Despite the darkness, and me only able to see his eyes and the faint frame of his body, I can feel him smiling at me. “Does that mean you’ll let me eat you?”

“No, I—”

He blinks at me. “But I think you’ll be dead before we get to her.”

I roll my eyes. “Then don’t eat me—”

“If I eat your hooves first, then you—”

“I won’t let you eat me!” I hiss. “So shut it, kid!”

“Or maybe I’ll eat you when we get there. And I told you, I’m not a k—”

“Whatever!” I blurt out. “Just...take me to her! Please...”

He blinks at me. “...Why?”

I blink at him. “...Are we really going to repeat each other again?”


“Never mind...” I fight the urge to shake my head as I glare at him. “Look, if you don’t want to take me there, then just tell me where she is and I’ll go there by myself—”

“I’ll take you there.”

“—and finally be...wait, what?” Oh, how I mentally cringe at how cliché that line is...

He shrugs. “She lives close to my home anyway. So why not? Maybe I can eat you after you see her?”

I blink at him. And I blink again. And again.

He blinks at me. “...Why are you staring at me like that?”

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Aside from feeling really ouchie all over, neck feeling kinda numb, stomach empty, and my head kinda dizzy, I take deep breaths to calm my senses down. Okay... Okay... I’m meeting Twilight soon...and probably won’t be eaten until then... I open my eyes again and look down at Reykan’s curious sapphire eyes. “...Okay... Okay...” I take another breath and sigh. “Lead the way.”

“What were you doing just now?”

“It’s not important,” I say with a small shake of my head. Right... Don’t be impatient now, me. Don’t blow this chance! “So... To Twilight?”

“Can I eat something first?”

I fail to stop a frown.

“I’m really hungry...”

I sigh and sit on my rump. “...Go and hunt something then...aside from me.”

“Cool!” Aaand he disappears in the tall grasses, creating a fading rustling noise. Seconds later, the rustling noises comes back and I can barely see him walking towards me again. “You want some?” he asks as he stops a few paces away from me.

I arch an eyebrow at him. “Uh... No.” I eat meat, back home when I was still a human at least. I don’t think my pony body would approve eating meat, especially if delicious meat is raw. “I’ll just...” another frown escapes me... “...eat...grass...”

“Eh,” he shrugs and turns around. “If you say so.”

The rustling noises he’s making is growing fainter and fainter as the seconds fly by. I look at my dark surroundings, shivering as a cool night breeze breezes by. I sigh and slowly eat some of the tall grass around me. I might as well refuel myself for the journey I’m about to take with...a panther.

A part of me is telling me that I shouldn’t trust him. Why? Because he’s a freaking predator! He will probably lead me to my demise...

But another part of me wants to trust him. Why? Because he mentioned Twilight’s name. I never told him that. Plus, he has this...child-like innocence that I can...manipulate? Is that the right word? I’m not manipulating the kid...am I? I sure hope not. Maybe taking advantage of the opportunity? Uh...that sounds so fucking wrong...

...Huh... Now that I think about it, this little scenario of mine is kinda similar to that dinosaur cartoon I loved watching when I was a kid. Ah, I remember the title. It was ‘Land Before Time.’

Right... I should get off the memory lane for now. Hm... I’m meeting Twilight soon. I should probably think of a proper way to talk to her. Pinkie and the cattle warned me about the unicorns’ behavior, but I didn’t listen, because I thought they wouldn’t hurt me because I have coughcoughprotagonitistcoughcough... So uh, yeah... I should stop thinking like that and think things through. Just because I’m a human, transported to Equestria and transformed into a pony, doesn’t mean that the world now revolves around me. In the eyes of the locals, I’m just an ordinary earth pony... A lone and weak pony... And hurt... And hungry... Yeah, I should keep eating before Reykan gets ba—


I blink, look back and see a dead and bloody rabbit lying near my tail and a young panther who’s giving me a proud yet bloody smile. Thankfully, the darkness masks the redness. “I brought you food! In case you change your mind. I’ll hunt another one for me if you want it.”

I have a tougher stomach than other people though. I’ve seen a lot of dogs and cats getting hit by passing cars. Some of which were my pets back in my younger years. I gulp down the grass I’m eating. “Uh...thanks?” I slightly shake my head. “But uh...ponies don’t eat meat.” ...I think. No, I’m pretty sure they don’t.

Reykan blinks at me, his smile fading. “...Oh.”

Aaand I made him feel sad. I should say something. “Look, I—”

“Oh well,” he shrugs before diving his open and fanged jaws towards the lifeless bunny and starts—

Remember when I said I have a tougher stomach? I take it back. I can handle seeing animals getting hit or getting killed, but getting ripped? Nope! I quickly shot both my front hooves on my mouth to stop the contents of my stomach from exiting through the wrong exit as I turn around so I won’t see him...eat. But unfortunately, the sounds he’s making is making my brain paint a clearer image of what’s going on behind me.

“Mm... You sure you don’t want any?”


And just like any other feline, he finishes his meal by licking his paws clean before he licks said paws to wipe his head and mouth clean. And then he lets out a burp.

“Ahhh...” he says as he continues grooming himself. “I don’t know about you, but I’m stuffed.”

I still have my back on him. I groan before I continue munching on some grass. Hey, I still have a strong but kinda weak stomach, so I still have some appetite after all of that.

“So ponies only eat grass?”

I nod my head.

“Weird... Do ponies always have belly aches?”

I arch an eyebrow. Oh yeah, I remember reading something about dogs and cats eating grass to help clean their stomachs. ...Or whatever. I forgot the specific details...

“Must be sad to live your whole lives with stomach aches all the time. No wonder that Twilight pony cries all the time...”

I gulp down what I’m eating before I turn to face him. Ouch... Yeah, my pony body’s still ouchie... “Look, we ponies don’t always have stomach aches. Grass is what we eat. Fruits, too, because we’re herbivores.”

“Fruits?” He blinks at me. “Well, no wonder many ponies get eaten by Timberwolves!”

No idea how to respond to that.

“What does hairbeevore mean?”

“They’re animals who only eat plants.”

“Oh,” he nods. “Just like you?”

I nod my head. “Yeah. Just like me.”

“And rabbits?”

“And rabbits.”

“And deer? And moles? And fishes? And—”

Any animal that eats plants,” I say with an annoyed glare. I blink. “...Not sure about the moles,” I mutter under my breath. I think they eat earthworms, too?

He blinks at me. “...But I eat grass sometimes when—”

“Who only eats plants...” I let out a frustrated sigh. Damn, kids are annoyingly curious sometimes...

“Oh... Okay.” He then pulls himself up on his four paws and stretches. “Nnnnggggg—aaahhh...” He stands up straight, smiles at me and then he turns to face a direction. A few seconds later he turns his head over his shoulder to look at me. “Well, I’m still up for more hunting tonight, so we should go and see that pony Twilight Spa...Spo...” His eyes cross. “...Sporkal?”

So he knows her full name? “Sparkle.”

“Right! That! The sooner we get to her, the sooner I get to hunting again.” He blinks at me. “Well, I won’t hunt you yet because I think you still need to talk to Sparkle pony after we get there, right?”


“Right. ” He then frowns at me. “Do ponies always have weird names? Oh hey, that reminds me—”


He blinks. “...Huh?”

“My name’s Jay.” I slowly rise on my four hooves—ow—and take a deep breath to ease my aching body. Damn, I need a rest...

“Jay? Jay what?”

I frown. Here we go again. “Just Jay.”

“Ah,” he nods at me.

Well, that was faster that expected.

“Can I call you Just? Or do you want me to call you Jay?”

...Or not. I groan as I slowly bring a hoof to my face. “What I mean is... Ah, whatever. Just call me Jay.”

He blinks at me again. “...Just or Jay?”

Eye twitch... “Jay.”

He nods his head with a smile. “Alright. Weird name, though...”

“Thanks, I guess...” I sigh through my nostrils as I follow Reykan leading me towards...a direction. I didn’t see the moon rise yet, or maybe it’s a new moon tonight?

I stop and look back at “Canterlot” Mountain in the distance. Hm... I shift my gaze left and see the faint frames of the rolling hills. I look right and also see more rolling hills. Uh... I’m either heading east or west?


I blink and look ahead, seeing Reykan’s blue eyes staring at me through the tall grasses.

“Oh wait, I mean Jay. Why are you just standing there?”

“Sorry,” I say as I follow him, trying not to wince with each step I make...

“And why are you walking so slow?” he asks as he walks beside me after I reach him. “I’ve seen a lot of ponies before, and they don’t walk as slow as you.”

I roll my eyes. “...Probably because I’m hurt.”

“You’re more than hurt.”

Gee, if you already knew, then why...sigh... Whatever.

“But at least we’re moving. ...Slowly...” He groans before looking up at me. “Can’t you walk any faster?”

I glare at him. “...Wanna pull my tail and drag me to Twilight?”

“Sure! If you let me eat you afterwards,” he says oh so cheerfully...

I roll my eyes and slightly shake my head. Hm... Maybe I should ask him about Twilight before he starts bombarding me with words... “Rey...”

“Hm?” he looks up at me.

“What’s Twilight like?”

“Oh! Well, she’s a pony! Just like you.”

I roll my eyes. “I would have never guessed...” Hm... Despite the darkness, I can see a wavy dark horizon up ahead where there are no stars. Oh, right... That must be a forest, where Reykan probably lives.

...Where other predators probably live.

“Uh...” I uh as I try to control myself. “You live—”

“She’s purple.”

I blink. Oh, right... We’re talking about Twilight...

“She has a horn on her head and—”


“—and she—uh, what?” He looks at me and probably is arching an eyebrow. “Um...no?”

“Oh...okay.” She’s a unicorn, then. And why is everything getting darker? I close my eyes and slightly shake my head. Huh...

“Anyway,” he looks ahead, despite not being able to see anything other than the dark grass. “She lives inside this big, dead and scary-looking tree that—”

So I guess Twilight still lives inside a tree house. Um...dead tree house, I guess?

“—but I haven’t seen her go outside her tree home for a loooong time now. At first, I thought she was already dead—”

Aaand he’s talking fast again...

“—I still hear her talking and crying and laughing from there, so I guess she’s still alive.”

That’s reassuring, I guess...

“Hm... Now that I think about it, I wonder how she’s still alive?” He looks up at me. “You said you ponies only eat fruits and grass, right?”

I blink at him. “Uh...yes?”

“Well...” he looks ahead. “...there are no fruits or grass around her tree home, and like I said, I didn’t see her come out of her home for a long time now, so...she should be dead, right?”


He shakes his head. “But I don’t smell a dead smell from there, and I can still hear her sometimes. So that means she’s still alive... Wow... Maybe she’s dead and alive at the same time?” He looks up at me with those curious sapphire eyes of his. “...can ponies be dead and alive at the same time?”

“Uh... No?” I shake my head. “At least, I don’t think so...”

“Huh...” he says quietly. “Weird...”

In before Twilight’s a zombie pony. Who’s probably gonna kill me the moment we see each other... Yey... Sigh... Oh, that reminds me... “Hey, Rey...”

“Hm? What?”

“Are there other panthers over there?”

“Over where?”

I stifle a groan. “Your home.”


Well, he’s quick to answer that. ...I almost lose my balance... What’s going on...?

“At least, I don’t think so,” he says with a shrug.

Whatever... At least I’m still up and moving...slowly... “...Other predators?”

“Hm...” He shrugs. “Maybe in the deeper parts. I live close to the edge anyway. Easy to spot moving food while I’m lying on my tree. Heheheh...”

I’m getting tired already... Really? We haven’t been walking that long yet!

“Sometimes, a cockatrice or two shows up, but they don’t really mind me as long as I don’t mind them.” He shakes his head. “I don’t think I will, anyway. I kinda don’t wanna become stone. That’d be lame...”

I’m taking slow and deep breaths, hoping that stimulating my blood flow would help me feel not-so-tired...

“...I wonder why they turn prey to stone and just...leave them like that. I can’t eat rock prey. Nopanther can, I think? And I bet the cockatrice can’t eat stoned prey, either. And why are you slowing down?”

I need to see Twilight... Come on, me! We just ate grass to refuel!


Goddamnit...! No! I need to keep moving! I-I can’t risk blacking out with a panther! “Nnnggg...!” I grit my teeth as I continue forcing myself to walk, but damn, do these hooves suddenly feel so freaking heavy! I’m no longer lifting them, but dragging them on the ground just to continue movi— “Oof!” ...I feel the ground on my side. I collapsed?

I feel two clawed paws on my side... I hear Reykan say something but I can’t understand him from how jumbly my mind is...

“N-no...” I hiss... Damn it, even talking is freaking hard to do! My tired mind is racing a million thoughts and commands but my damn pony body’s just freaking unresponsive...! “I... I...” And the darkness is already consuming me... “Pl-please...” I...hate begging... “...d...don’t...”

Author's Note:

And Jay was eaten by Reykan...literally. The end~ Fin~
You all can go away now~ Meep!