• Published 1st Jun 2015
  • 11,472 Views, 1,112 Comments

Four Hooves - destinedjagold

A human was transported to Equestria and transformed into a pony. Unfortunately, he needs to get back home, and Equestria doesn't look the same as in the show.

  • ...

1 - 11

I regain my consciousness and manage to slowly open my eyes after I feel my ass being pulled, dragging my painful self on the ground. I let out a quiet hiss as the dragging stops and as my tired brain registers how ouchie my everything is...

“Phew...” I hear a young male’s voice from behind me. “This pony’s heavy... Nngggh!” And he drags me on the ground again for a few seconds and stops. “Hah...” I hear him pant for breath.

I’m still surrounded by tall grass, but it’s kinda dark though. Up above, from the gaps on the grass, I see the sky in a scarlet hue. The sun’s probably already halfway down the horizon...

Aaand I’m being dragged again.


... ...

... ... ...wait...

Holy shit! It’s already sunset?! I kick my hooves on the ground—

“Wah!” Thud!

—and bring myself on four hooves, my head poking out from the tall grass. “Twil—! ...ooohhh...” aaand I suddenly feel dizzy and fall back down on the ground, wincing from the pain as I lie on my side, the sudden jolt of energy draining away from me...

And then something slightly heavy lands on me, trying to pin me down as I hiss from the sudden jolt of added pain. “Wow! I didn’t think you’re still alive!” he says in a rather cheerful tone. “Well, not for long!”

And then I feel sharp, pointed teeth stabbing my neck! He’s biting me?! “Aaaahhh!” and all that drained energy comes back to me as I thrash around. I’ve seen enough Discovery Channel documentaries to know what’s happening to me! I’m starting to get dizzy again and my flailing is doing nothing but helping me die more. I stop and try to calm myself down a notch—which is really difficult given the situation I’m in—and, seeing that my growling predator’s standing right in front of me, I move my hooves between his legs and under his underbelly until I feel where his “prized possession” is located. I pull my hoof back, put every ounce of strength I have left on said hoof, and punch his pen fifteen.

As quickly as my hoof connects, my killer opens his fanged mouth as wide as he can and lets out a long and painful howl. I push him away from me, scramble back on my hooves and shake the dizziness off of me, which only made even dizzier... Poking my head out of the grass, I take quick breaths in hopes to fight the dizziness as I hear him collapse on the ground. I ignore the many birds flying away in panic and ignore the throbbing pain in my everything as I stupidly and dizzily look back at my attacker instead of running away.

It’s a freaking panther! A young panther, maybe? It’s...not quite as big as I thought what panthers might be. Then again, I’ve never seen one in real life before, until now. It’s fur is black, which makes him kinda difficult to see in the growing darkness.

And then I feel how painful my neck is. Ow... I hiss as I bring a hoof to rub my aching and maybe bleeding neck. My jaw still hurts, and as well as my everything, but my neck’s kinda hurting the more at the moment. I feel a short amount of hot and thick liquid on it. Damn it, I really am bleeding!

As for the panther, he’s no longer howling in pain, but hissing and shivering while curling into a ball.

Right, I should get the hell outta here—I can’t... I still need to find Twilight! And it’s already sundown! Gah! My mom...! She...she’s going to freak out when she finds out I’m not home! Well, judging from the time, I’d say she already knew I’m not there and maybe she already panicked and called the police or even my brother, but hell, that’s not the point!

The panther slowly pulls his head up to give me a tearful glare, hissing through his clenched, fanged teeth, his glaring sapphire eyes reflecting the small amounts of light poking through the tall grasses.

I ignore him. I... I... I failed to reach the deadline... I failed to get back home on time... Darn it... Darn it...! I...why did those stupid unicorns threw rocks at me?! I didn’t do anything, for Pete’s sake! I just want to know where Twilight is! Is that too much to ask?!

“I-I’ll kill you for that, pony...!”

And then this fucking piece of shit wants to kill and eat me! “Fuck you,” I say hoarsely (pun not intended) as I raise both my front hooves up and slam them down on his face, hoping it’ll knock him out.

No movement... I hold my breath... D-did I kill it? ...No. I’m yet to remove my hooves on his face and I feel some warm breath from him. He’s still alive, but unconscious...phew... I...I’m not sure what I’d do if I accidentally killed him... I like cats, but I like dogs more.

Well, whatever... At least he’s not dead. I need to trouble myself with more troubling matters now... I pull my hooves off of the feline as I think of a way to patch myself up.


... ... ...

... ... ...how in blazes am I supposed to do that? Well, maybe the unicorns might show pity on me if I show up all banged up. I hope... I think I look amazingly miserable anyway, so maybe they’ll pity me and...oh who am I kidding? I sigh as I turn and walk towards the lone mountain far away... Maybe there’s a unicorn or two who are away from their, uh, rock homes, then maybe I can have a one on one conversation... It’s worth a shot, I guess? I have nowhere else to go anyway... No leads... Nothing...

I wince every step that I make, but I try to man up and walk on.

...Damn... “Canterlot” Mountain is so freaking far away! Has that panther been dragging me after the unicorns knocked me out cold? Ungh... Things are not making themselves easy for me... My entire body’s still aching, especially my hooves and my nec—

“Oof!” Something is grabbing and pulling my tail back. I stop, look back and frown at the young panther who’s growling and tugging my tail as if he can drag me now that I’m standing up and fully awake. While I’m slightly thankful to see him well, he’s annoyingly getting on my nerves. I raise a hind leg and buck him off, wincing as he pulls a few strands of hair from my tail. It’s a freaking weird feeling, actually, that something is attached on your ass, not to mention it getting pulled and tugged by a persistent panther. “Go away!” I holler as I continue my quick pace towards Mount Canterlot.

“Rrraaaarrr!” aaand he goes back to pulling my tail.

I...no longer care if I hurt him or not. With a twitching eye, I stop, lift a hind leg and kick him off before I continue on my way.

“Don’t you have anything better to do?” I say as I kick the annoying feline back for the umpteenth time.

He stumbles but quickly gets back on his four paws. “Yeah! I’m trying to bring you back home so I could eat you!” And he bites my tail again, trying but failing to pull me back.

I take a deep breath, sigh, stop walking and turn my head to give him an annoyed look. “Pulling my tail won’t kill me.”

He spits my tail out of his mouth to blink at me. “I’m bringing you back home, not killing you! Wait...” He blinks. “Maybe I should kill you first before I take you back home. ...I should maybe bite your hoof instead, since you’re too tall when you’re standing and I can’t reach your neck if you want me to kill you right now...”

My eye twitches. “Do that and I’ll kick you.”

He shrugs. “You’ve been doing that to me for a while now.”


He shrugs again. How the hell does shrugging work for quadrupeds? “Should I be afraid? Yeah, your kicks hurt, especially that one when I was biting you, but I can handle it.” He eyes my hanging tail, bites it and tries to pull me back.

I let out a sigh. “Whatever. I don’t have time for this.” I look ahead and continue walking towards the lone mountain, dragging the panther along. Ignoring him will save me more time than kicking him every time... Maybe if I hurry, I can get back home and do some damage control. My bro‘s not usually home during the weekdays, but I know that when my mom calls him, he‘ll calm her down.

I suddenly feel my tail free. “Where are you going anyway that is so important than dying and be eaten by me?” the panther asks in the most innocent child-like tone before biting my tail again.

I roll my eyes with a groan. “That’s a stupid question.” Aaand it just dawns on me that I’ve been hitting a child. ...Should I apologize? Oh god! I touched his—

He spits my tail out of his mouth and walks after me. “Nuh uh! Killing and eating is important!” And he bites my tail and lets me drag him again.

Derp... What was I thinking about again? Eh... “Killing is important? For you, maybe. You’re a predator while I’m a hu...a pony.” It’s kinda weird for predators to be able to talk. Kinda a scary thought though, but I am thankful that my pathetic story’s bound-to-be predator’s not a fully-grown adult, or a manticore, or else I'd be dead a long time ago...

“Well, yeah!” the panther says after he spits my tail—yeah, I’ll stop now since it’s quite obvious already. “I need to eat you since I’m a preydey...predoy...you know.”

As weird as it is to be able to talk with your potential predator, maybe I can talk and convince him to kill something else? “Why don’t you just go away and hunt...rabbits instead?”

“Well I was!” he exclaims as he decides to walk beside me, looking up at me with his slightly glowy sapphiry eyes. “I really was hunting rabbits a moon ago until I saw you and that deer back in the forest, so—”

I blink. “What?”

“—I thought, hey, why am I still hunting small food? I should try hunting bigger food! Because I’m a big preydey now!”

“The word is ‘predator.’ And you were that annoying shit who keeps on rustling the leaves?”

“Preh...dator...” he says, repeating the word a few more times until he get it right. “And that was a bush. And it was really itchy! I mean, what kind of a bush was that?! It was like it was full of thorns and stuff! Maybe it was a timberwolf bush? That would explain the thorns, I think... But it didn’t attack me, so maybe it wasn’t a timberwolf bush... And what does ‘shit’ mean?”

I blink and look down at him, which is a bit difficult now that the sky has little sunlight left, but aside from his eyes, at least I can still see his frame, faintly though it is. He’s still walking next to me, strangely enough. “Uh...how old are you?”

He growls at me. “I’m not old! I’m still a cub! Well,” he blinks, “...kinda still a cub. I’m still fifteen moons young. Turning sixteen soon!”

What the hell does “moons” mean?

“That’s the age where I start hunting on my own!” he says brightly as he looks ahead. Seconds later, he looks back at me again, probably because he can’t see anything other than grass. “I started when I turned twelve! Anyway, back to the story. I was hiding in that bush until you suddenly started shouting. I was really surprised that you were able to attack me from a distance! I didn’t know food could do that!”

Riiight... “I’m not food. So you ran away?”

“I didn’t run away!” he growls at me. “I... I decided to hunt smaller food. Yeah! Because I was hungry!”

...He’s really talkative... At least it makes me pay less attention to my ouchie self and to the chilly night air.

“And then I slept most of the day. Woke up and went back where I found you, but you and that deer weren’t there anymore. So I followed your scent, since yours is kinda strong. I was having a hard time picking up the deer’s scent...”

My neck feels kinda numb... I hope my neck wound stopped bleeding already.

“So I followed your scent and found you bleeding! At first, I thought you were dead. Can you imagine how sad I was to see you lying there?”

A predator feels sadness?

“I mean, I wasn’t the one who took you down!”

I take it back...

“I mean, I wanted to be the one who takes you down, so I’ll know if I can take down bigger prey yet or not. But hey, whoever the loser was who tried to kill you but didn’t kill you and eat you is a loser! Anyway, I can’t just turn down a fresh and free food! So I started dragging you back home so no one else will eat you but me! But wow, did you surprise me when you suddenly stand back up! It was like you suddenly became alive again after you died!”

Yeah, imagine that...

“And here we are now! So can I kill you now? Maybe I can claw my way up to your neck like how I climb trees. Think that will work?”

I sigh. “Kid, you shou—”

“Yeah, I don’t think it’ll work, since you’re not a tree. Also, I’m not a kid,” he frowns at me. “I don’t look like a goat, or a kid. And goats don’t eat ponies...I think?” He blinks. “They don’t eat ponies, right?”

“No,” I grumble. “They eat butterflies and fart rainbows.”

“Oh. That’s nice. Except for farts.” He nods his head. “...what’s a rainbow?”

“It’s a powerful beam of multi-colored light that will turn you to stone.”

He suddenly stops, but I sure won’t stop for his sake. “Really?! Just like a cockatrice?!”

...Wat? Those things exist here?!

“I should avoid goats then... And kids...” He runs after me and settles on walking alongside me again. “Good thing hunting goats had never crossed my mind before! Anyway, what’s a beam?”

I groan. “Ki—er... Panther, I don—“

“My name’s Reykan.”

I blink. “Riiight... Reykan. Anyw—”

“So what’s your name?”

I arch an eyebrow at him. “Why do you even want to know, anyway?”

He shrugs. “I just want to remember the name of the first big meal I’ve hunted!”

I roll my eyes. “I’m not telling you.”

“Aw, come on. Tell me! I know ponies have names, too! Just like that weird purple pony in the forest. I think her name was Twilight or something... I’m not sure. She keeps talking to herself that—hey! Why did you suddenly stop walking? Oh! Does this mean you want me to kill you now? Well, can you lie down? I still can’t reach your neck. Hey. Hey! Hello? Uh... Pony? Are you okay? Pony? Hm... Maybe I can try biting his hoof now... Or claw my way up?”