• Published 1st Jun 2015
  • 11,471 Views, 1,112 Comments

Four Hooves - destinedjagold

A human was transported to Equestria and transformed into a pony. Unfortunately, he needs to get back home, and Equestria doesn't look the same as in the show.

  • ...

2 - 01

Act 2

Jay is a human who suddenly found himself as an Earth Pony in an alternate Equestria. He searches and finds Miss Cliché Twilight Sparkle, who, unfortunately, is just as clueless as he is.

Fortunately, Twilight has a plan. The other Twilight. Well, an idea, which may or may not help Jay get back home or fixes Twilight's Equestria back to normal, but it's better than nothing, right?

“Just to review...” Twilight says, her horn glowing with purple light. “You woke up outside a pasture where Pinkie Pie and Applejack live, asked them and some other ponies about me, Sienna escorted you through a forest, you two parted ways after you reached the edge of the forest, you went north to ‘Canterlot Mountain,’ got stoned, Reykan dragged and almost...killed you, asked said panther cub to lead you to me, saved Seri from Reykan, resumed following Reykan with my swan assistant, and then you met Sienna again right before you reached my tree.” She blinks at me. “Did I get all that correctly?”

“Er...” I er as I stare at the wound on my hind leg, enveloped by Miss Purple’s purple healing magic. “...yeah?” Wow. Leave it to Twilight to make a small, one paragraph summary of a three day long journey of mine that will probably take me twenty or so chapters if I get the chance to write it on some fanfiction website.

Anyway, Twilight and I are in the well-lit library’s main room, healing the wound she gave me during her little episode a few hours ago. Muffled sounds of howling wind gusts and splattering rainwater echoes around the library’s wooden walls. The air is cool and carries the stinky odor of old books. Shelves are standing by the walls, filled with books of different color and different thickness. There are also a few smaller tables and stools lying around for reading purposes. Unfortunately, the tables, the stools, the shelves, the books, and even the library look and smell are all just an illusion.

Oh, and there’s a pile of dormant gems of different colors sitting by the stairs.

Twilight was her ‘normal self’ when she woke up a few minutes ago, and she immediately wants to heal me. During the healing process, we decided to have a little talk just to pass the time.

She theorized that we are in an altered Equestria, where the Windigo incident in the past never happened. And the two of us are the only ponies, or creatures, to still have our original memories from the real Equestria.

After that, she asked me how I managed to find her. And here we are now.

“And all of that happened in the span of three days, correct?” Twilight asks, her eyes locked on my slowly-healing wound.

“Y-yeah,” I reply as I move my gaze on the longcase clock...thing standing in between two shelves. Other than the show and some old-themed movies, I’ve never really seen one in real life...real or illusionary. Hm... Nineteen minutes past six in the morning... It’s Thursday now... “That clock displays the correct time, right?” I ask as I stare at the clock’s swinging pendulum.

“Hm?” She blinks. “Oh. You mean the pendulum clock?”

“Yeah,” I nod my head. “Does it actually tell the actual time or no?”

“It does, actually,” she replies with a proud smile. “It’s still an illusion, but I added another spell on it that’ll show the current time,” she explains, her smile slowly fading. “We... Seri and I used that to know how long I can stay ‘normal’ and how long my episodes last...” She closes her eyes, takes a breath and sighs a sad sigh. “Before...after I fused with ‘her,’ my episodes last for a couple of minutes only, but now? It lasts for two hours, while I...” she glances at the clock in time for the minute hand to move. “...have ten more minutes to stay ‘normal.’” She sighs again as she closes her eyes.

I blink at her. Real Twilight only has thirty minutes while Alternate Twilight has two hours? That’s... “That’s kinda unfair...” I mutter.

“Hm?” She reopens her eyes and looks at me. “What is?”

“Time,” I say with a frown. “You only have half an hour while she has two full hours.”

She slightly shakes her head before giving me a small smile. “It’s all right, Jay. Don’t worry too much about it.” She looks back at the clock. “From what I see in her mind, I can tell that, well, after you gave her a goal of some sort, I’m willing to bet that she’ll help us in figuring out how to fix Equestria.” Her smile widens. “In fact, I don’t think she’ll be harming anyone any time soon, and I no longer need to cage myself inside the magic gems.” She blinks, her smile gone in an instant. “...I hope.”

“That’s...good to hear?” I say.

I remember clearly how the other Twilight explained to us her theory. And like a somewhat good story that abruptly ends for no apparent reason, the other Twilight was about to tell us her idea when she...suddenly dropped on the floor, fast asleep. With nothing else to do and nowhere else to go, we called it a night and went to sleep.

I slightly shake my head. “She mentioned a plan. Do you know what that plan is?”

She nods her head as the magical glow in her horn fades and disappears. “Yes. I know what her idea is. And honestly?”

She sounds like she’s smiling. I’m staring at my healed hind leg, smiling that it doesn’t hurt anymore.

“I think it’s a good idea. And I’m really surprised that she came up with it, too!” Twilight proudly says.

I turn my head and stare at her.

She’s staring at the ceiling. “I’m just somewhat surprised that I didn’t think of it first...”

“Actually, she’s still you.”

She looks at me. “Technically, not really.”

I roll my eyes. “Whatever you say, Twilight...” I look back at the clock and bite my lower lip. She has...eight more minutes left...

Twilight looks at the clock as well, frowning a sad frown.

I take a breath and exhale through my nostrils as I turn back to her. “...So... What’s her plan?” I slightly shake my head as she looks at me. “No offence to her, but I’d rather hear the plan from you.”

She shakes her head. “No, Jay. That would be rude. She came up with the idea, so it’s only fair that she’ll be the one who’ll explain it to you and your friends.”

Friends.... Right. I made some friends here during my three day journey. Well, actually, I still think of them as acquaintances to be perfectly honest. Seri, a white swan, is in the kitchen, washing the dishes...er...bowls, and is also cooking some breakfast. Reykan, a black panther cub, is busy inside Miss Purple’s illusionary toilet on the second floor, emptying his upset stomach. Sienna, a brown deer, is still fast asleep on one of the steps on the stairs to the second floor of the library.

Twilight sighs, catching my attention. She’s staring at the clock for a few moments before she looks back to me with a sad smile. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, Jay, but where did you say you were from?”

I...ah...er... Canterlot? No, she’s from Canterlot. Uh... “M-Manehattan?”

She blinks at me. “Really? No offence, but you don’t really...talk and act like one...”


“Then again...” She chuckles. “I spent most of my time inside our hotel room when my friends I were there, making dresses for one of my friend’s Fashion Week performance, so...I haven’t really had the chance to mingle with the ponies in the city...”

“Ahh...hahahah...” I chuckle with her, albeit nervously. “I-I see...”

What Twilight didn’t know is that I am...or was a human, from a completely different world. Unfortunately, I can’t...find a way to tell her that because...when I first met Miss Purple, she was having a hard time trying to understand what happened and was trying to figure out a solution on fixing Equestria while fearing for what her ‘other self’ might do during her episodes. She still is. So...I might as well keep that little secret of mine for now and just let her...fix Equestria. And then after that, I can ask for her to help me get back...home.

“Urrrgh...” Twilight and I hear a low groan from upstairs. Looking up, we see Reykan slowly working his way down on the stairs with a tired and painful look on his face. “W-why do I feel so...so hurt? Urgh...”

Twilight chuckles a nervous chuckle. “Eheheh... It’s...my fault... S-sorry about that, Reykan. I...gave you too much soup last night, momentarily forgetting that you were a carnivore...”

“That,” I say, “or it was Seri’s fault for making him eat a lot more in the kitchen.”

Twilight blinks and turns to me. “She did?”



Reykan steps on Sienna’s back, startling the latter and throwing the former down the steps. Purple magic surrounds the falling feline before he hits the last few steps. Twilight gently sets the suffering feline down on the floor.

Sienna, now standing, shakes the sleep off of her. Blinking her emerald eyes, she looks around, her brown ears twitching. She blankly stares at me from the stairs. “What was that just now?”

I roll my eyes as Reykan approaches me. “Good morning to you, too.”

“Oh!” a cheerful voice echoes from the kitchen. A white swan’s head pokes out from the kitchen’s entryway, smiling at us. “Is everyone awake already?” Before anyone could answer, she lets out a surprised gasp. “Oddete’s feathers, Reykan!” She wobble-rushes toward Reykan and grabs both the cub’s cheeks with both her wings, forcing him to look at her. “You look horrible! Uncute! What happened?!” She blinks and glances at Twilight. “Oh, and you only have a minute left, Twilight.”

Twilight frowns a sad frown.

“I...feel so woozy...” Reykan says, weakly blinking his sapphire eyes at the swan. “...Why do you have three heads? No... Two heads... It’s three again...”

Ignoring Reykan for a moment, I turn and frown a concerned frown at Miss Purple’s frowning face. “So... No red glowy gems of doom this time?”

Closing her eyes, Twilight shakes her head as she takes a deep breath. She exhales, eyes still closed. “I... She already deactivated the spell on the gems.”

“Should we hide inside the key chin again?” Sienna asks as she walks down the stairs.

But Twilight didn’t have the time to reply anymore. On the corner of my eyes, I see the minute hand just moved, now pointing at the number six. I hold my breath and brace myself, since I’m sitting right in front of her.

Silence... Save for the muffled sounds of rainwater. No more howling winds though.

...I blink and slowly turn my head, my gaze locking on Sienna’s slightly scared emerald eyes. I then turn to look at Seri’s blank amber eyes. And then I stare at Reykan’s weak sapphire eyes.

Gulping, I turn my head back and stare at Twilight. She’s...still sitting there, breathing, eyes closed, an ear slightly twitching. Suddenly, she slowly opens her eyes, making me flinch. She stares and blinks blankly at me. She turns her head, staring at the longcase clock just in time to see the minute hand move once again. Blinking blankly once again, she stares at each and every one of us, before her gaze settles on me.

“...Huh...” Twilight says quietly. “...I guess she doesn’t want to...come out?”

Author's Note:

Alright. So a lot of you pipz didn't like the fact that I ended the fic. While I was honestly planning for a sequel, many of you pointed out that ending the fic like that was not good. In all honesty, I was simply trying to be different, but I guess it was a bad kind of different, so instead of publishing the sequel, I decided to continue publishing chapters in this here story.

Sorry for those who didn't like how I treated this story. I was simply trying to be different, y'know? Aw well. In any case, I hope you guys will enjoy the story. :pinkiehappy: