• Member Since 9th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 21st, 2020

Sir lightning blade


Comments ( 7 )

How can two stories be a sequel to each other? One of them had to come before the other.

6502970 Technically there happening at the same time, it's like that episode of my Little pony where Spike was teamed up with the animals. Or the last sister social episode. For a rough example.

6503326 Then you should provide a link to the stories and not call them sequels. It's confusing.

6504814 Well there's not an option for that! If there is option to detail if it's a sequel or not, beyond the two in the typing link and you guys might be missing that particular linking system. Because a lot of people tend to forget to read the descriptions.

6505150 You can add links to your description just like any other text box.

I'm really sorry to say it man, but this is down right awful. The description of what you wanted to write shows that you have some excellent ideas but you need major practice in writing to a higher standard. Reading this I feel as if english may not be your first language. I would suggest finding someone to proof read your fics for you. Good luck with your writing in the future.

Castlevania reference

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