• Published 14th May 2012
  • 1,726 Views, 16 Comments

The conversion bureau: One last chance - Shadow Fury

when you have nothing to live for would you just give up?

  • ...

Fucks are given to the highest bidder

The Conversion Bureau: One Last Chance
By Shadow Fury

Chapter One: Fuck are given to the highest bidder
He sat there, blood on his hands. He looked down at the headless corpse that lay before him. The knife still lodged into his victim's chests and the arms that were torn from their bodies. He sat there holding the heads by their hair as blood dripped from the lifeless head every few seconds. They looked at him with empty clouded eyes at the blood soaked room, no part of it was spared from the blood as it covered him and the walls I called home.

In the silent room he hear the cries of a newborn baby coming from somewhere else in the house. He walked down the room, knife in hand searching for the baby so he could silence it as he did with the father of the child.

He walked into the room and spotted the crib from where the cries emanated from, he peeked into the white crib to see a small nine month old baby boy. Smiling like the madman he was he raised the knife and prepared to strike only to be halted by the voice of a woman.

“Honey, I’m home from work!” she yelled into the house,

The killer turned to the noise and approached it. The woman screamed but was quickly silenced as she choked on her own blood as the killer sliced her neck open. The killed kept her alive though and dragged her by the hair to the blood filed room to show her his handwork. Terror filled her eyes to see her husbands head on top of his own back, she tried to scream but she was silence for the final time as the killer slit her throat and then used the knife to saw off her head.

That child in the cradle was me, not even out of diapers and my life was turned upside down. I am now seventeen and I still live in that house. The blood may have been cleaned off the walls by nanites but the horror still remain within the walls. Even the seventeen years of living in the house I still had nightmares about that day. The year was 2053 now and humanity was entering its swan song as ponies have appeared out of a bubble and have begun to turn us into them. Life may have sucked for me being an only child and having bipolar disorder, social anxiety and having suicidal thoughts from time to time usually makes life really sucky.

These... ponies offered ponification which would promise to make life so much better. It seems too good to be true, but being poor and having nowhere else to turn to I may as well see if they are right. I’m heading out to a Conversion Bureau where they will teach me how to be a pony in ten days and then give me the potion and turn into one... fuck me, I’m going to turn into a four foot pastel colored pony, I don’t think I have even been so eager and nervous ever in my life before.

I awoke to the alarm on my phone that I has set this morning, it blared like an air raid siren. I reached over onto the small table I had next to my bed I fumbled around with it and turned it off. So I got up, had a shower and dressed myself, I maneuvered over to the front door of my house where a small duffle bag I had packed the night before laided. It had enough clothes for ten days but it being Australia it also had my trusty HK40 in its holster on top of the bag.

I picked it up and ejected the magazine, it had a full clip of .45 pistol rounds that I had bought with all the money I had saved. It wasn’t a good to thing to spend money on but I felt like spoiling myself. So I slid the magazine back in and put the holster on my thigh and headed out.

I needed that gun in case the Human Liberation Force found out what I was up to, and it being Melborn meant that their headquarters were located here to make sure that they had a strong foothold over Victoria, allowing them to ‘Fight the pony menace.’

I walked down the street until I saw the yellow cab, I ran up to the parked car and jumped inside to be greated by a tanned man with light blond hair with blue eyes and a thick Magnum P.I mustache.

“G’day mate. Reckon you can drive me to the new Conversion Bureau that’s outside of town?” I asked, in my Australian accent.

“Sure thing mate. It’s going to be an hour or so, but if I could ask... why the one thats all the way out in the bush?” He asked, in his whiny Australian accent.

“I hear it’s less crowded than the other ones around town.”

“Right.” He responded as he turned the meter on and pulled away from the curb.

“Is it alright if I can grab some shut eye?” I asked, as I let out a big yawn, “I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

“Sure thing. I’ll be sure to slam on the brakes when we're there to wake you up.” He said chuckling.

“Thanks mate.” I said, as I put my head on the window and let the vibrations of the car put me to sleep.

“Wakey, wakey mate. We’re here?” Said the cab driver, as he slammed on the brakes that made my face have a quick and painful introduction to the drivers seat.

“Owww,” I moaned, as I rubbed my eyes, “What was that for?”

“I woke you up didn’t I, but that will be thirty credits.” he said, holding out his hand.

“Fine.” I whined, as I handed him the small plastic chip.

I exited the car to be met with a scene out of a movie. The sky was blue instead of a smog colored green, white fluffy clouds dotted the sky above and there was actually grass and green healthy trees around the building. I stood there dumbstruck by the sheer beauty that lay before me, never in my life had I seen anything like it... I don’t even think Australia has had trees or even grass in the longest time let alone a real tree!

“Have fun mate! I hear that most people that go in there get converted with in the first four days! So have fun in hooves mate!” The cab driver yelled, before speeding off.

Standing there taking in the nature that was in front of me I gripped onto my mother’s necklace in my hand. The building was in the middle of the nature giving the effect that the building itself was terraforming the land around it. Being no where else to go I approached the building.

I entered the Bureau to be met with a security grid that was made to detect any weapons or any IEDs that people could bring in with them. The grid felt like passing through a thin layer of jelly as it pushed against me almost preventing me from letting me into the building itself.

I passed through it with ease to only be met with a short stocky man wearing a dark blue suit and a thick kevlar vest over it. He had short brown hair that was nearly a buzz cut and dark hazel eyes, he also had a wire running from his left eye to the back of his head, everything about him screamed ex-military.

He walked up to me in a fashion that said he was up to no good.

“Nice necklace kid... why don’t you let me have a look at it.” He said, as he grabbed my arm hard.

I drew my gun and placed the barrel underneath his jaw.

“Do it and I’ll blow your fucking brains out.” I threatened him,

He then pulled from behind him a compact shotgun that ran off of plasma rounds. “By all means be my guest.”

Knowing that I would not win the fight I put the gun back in my holster, as he did with his weapon. He then began to laugh like a madman, or if someone had told a funny joke.

“You should've seen the look on your face kid.” he said, slapping his knee, “Cheer up mate, it was a joke.”

“Sorry, I just hate it when people want to steal something off me.”

“Right... anyhow I guess you’re here to sign up for conversion?” he asked, as I nodded my head in response, “Well then the mail reception area and sign-up is down the hall, you can’t miss it, but you’re also going to have to leave your bag and pistol with me. The pistol will be destroyed any your items looked through because of that stunted we pulled.”

“Great just what I need.” I said, pulling out the pistol for the last time and handing over my duffle bag, “I’ll be back for it.”

“Don’t worry, once you sign-up you’ll be given a room we’ll put your bag in there waiting for you. Now run along kid, I got to look through your bag for bombs and stuff.” he said, trying to get me out of his way, “Go on, get!”

“I better get it back.” I said, wondering down the hall only to be assaulted by a rabbit that flying kicked me in the chest.

“Bloody mongrel!” I yelled at it, while getting up holding it in one hand ready to snap its neck, only to be stopped by a yellow and pink pony.

“Wait!” She cried, as she snacked the rabit out of my hand,

“Sorry, he thought you were going to hurt us... he was only trying to protect me.” she said, before backing up a bit and pawing at the ground. She had a bright yellow coat and a pink love heart styled mane, she also had three butterflies on her butt as a tattoo.

“Sorry, I’m a bit paranoid these days. That and he tried to take my mothers necklace.”

“Well you did give everypony a scare, because you did hold a gun to his face.” She said, backing away more.

“Yeah,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck, “Sorry about that.”

“Well...” She said, pawing at the ground a bit.

“Sorry I haven’t introduced myself,” I said, extending my hand, “My name is Josh Burkitt.”

“Nice to meet you.” She said, pawing at the ground again.

“So what’s your name?”

“I’m, flutter...” She mumbled,

“I couldn’t hear that, could you say it again?” I asked, leaning in closer to her.

“I’m Flut...” She whimpered,

“One more time.”

“I’m Flut-” She said, before running away crying.

“Great job Josh. Go to a Conversion Bureau, nearly blow the brains out of someones head and scare a pony... what a great start.” I said to myself as I walked towards the desk.
A/N: sorry bit premature on the last one here it is, sorry again, Da Bunanan King helped editing and rewriting it because he is a cool like that.

Comments ( 16 )

This is probably the first time I've ever actually seen someone use the word 'fuck' in the story summary.

i am sure i read a story very similar to this...
but still it was good
(also this guy seems a bit on the fucked up side of things)

A/N: thanks to DaBunnanaKing for reading and editing for me could not have made it any better cheers man


He could have done a lot more. Your spelling and grammar is terrible, your character is a Sympathy Sue, your premise is terribly cliche, and TCB fics are incredibly overdone. I'm sorry, but this is quite bad.

Good day.

What was exactly the whole reason for that scenario? Oh, so we can establish that he's somehow trained with weapon disarming (and more I reckon) at the age of 17 and is a deeply troubled soul.

I don't mean to be picky, and my knowledge of TCB is extremely thin, but this isn't some wasteland-ish Earth where you need you learn combat skills to survive. Just correct me if I'm wrong.

Wait, what did you want to tell me, Shadow, on the other story?

Everything i said earlier is improved
Now you just need a better quality story

I'll be hoping for another chapter sir.:ajsmug:

The Father of Time, seems intrested in this.:moustache:

Okay I'm going to keep this short...

1. The killer looked at a corpse and it then said he/she held the heads up by their hair...(Corpse is one dead person so where did the others come from, you need to describe the deaths beforehand like how the killer did this to each family member)

A women suddenly comes home, screams and somehow chokes on her own blood? WTF How?

Does she scream so loudly that her throat just bleeds from the inside?

2. This really needs an editor and the author needs to consider revising grammar and spell checking
I can't read this story anymore because...its unreadable to me and it doesn't deserve my thumbs up or a track.

I'm just being honest:ajbemused::facehoof:

Lol, you think that's young? You should read my story, you will probubly scream at me. :twilightoops:

Not as bad as other fan fics but I digress, that's not saying its good. No character or setting development, numerous mistakes, a obvious contradiction (you're poor, but you have the cash to buy a gun with a full clip?), the clichéd renegade badboy character (more specific: I'm a badass, foul mouth person, with a pointless dark past teenager blah, blah, blah, that has been done to death). I'm not the best writer but this from my knowledge, this looks like something I'd find in a Hollywood movie; something not to be proud of.

I'm tempted to just clean slate TCB stories, though I'm pretty sure people have had enough of TBC do to the amount of venting into the stories that happens.:facehoof:

You know it hasn't been finished.

591770 Thats because it's not done.

592083 no it is not waste land-ish but if you had your parents murdered you would like to make sure you could survive :twilightsmile:

Honestly, I like most TCB fics, as overdone as people say they are.

But this one...was well:


591282 594289 592574 592485 592255 592083 591770 Sorry about all that guys I was told to be less hasty with the uploading and it has been redone, the gore is still there but the editing has been done, please feel free to re-read and have a more pleasant read - I must go now my people need me>>594858

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