• Published 23rd Apr 2015
  • 5,415 Views, 46 Comments

Autobiography for Twilight - Monochromatic

An initiative is made in Ponyville inviting ponies to write their autobiographies, but Rarity simply doesn't have the time to write one. Or she thought she didn't, until Twilight insisted on it, and... how could she say no to her adorable marefriend?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Autobiography for Twilight
by Monochromatic

“If your life was a book, what would it be about?”

It was lucky that Ponyville’s streets were empty, or else Rarity wouldn't have heard Twilight’s voice. She’d barely slept the previous night, staying up until six in the morning working on an order for a client, so her drowsy mind still had trouble processing sounds. It certainly didn’t help that it was a particularly chilly morning, and her scarf was doing absolutely nothing to alleviate the cold.

Twilight had stopped in front of a wall, curiously reading from the poster pasted on it. Rarity covered her mouth and yawned before making her way towards the alicorn. She took a minute to properly adjust Twilight's scarf — which she’d insisted Twilight put on — and then leaned against her, rubbing her eyes before looking at the poster.

The poster was announcing a writing contest; one of Mayor Mare’s several attempts to encourage reading and writing in Ponyville. Surprisingly, the mayor had taken initiative on the matter without any coaxing on Twilight’s part — or so Twilight insisted, but Rarity had her doubts about that.

“Sweetheart, it’s far too early for you to be asking me existential questions, don’t you think?” Rarity asked, closing her eyes and cuddling against Twilight for warmth. She yawned again and continued, “Why not try asking me a bit later, hmm?”

Twilight snorted, and Rarity didn’t need to look to know Twilight had rolled her eyes.

“You’re shivering, Rarity,” Twilight said in a stern voice, wrapping her wing around Rarity as a makeshift blanket, eliciting a delighted sigh from the unicorn. “I told you to bring your coat... You know, sometimes I wonder if you ‘forget’ it on purpose.”

Twilight,” Rarity whined softly, nuzzling against her marefriend and using her magic to tighten her wing-blanket. “Me? Purposefully wanting to use your delightfully warm and soft wings to shield myself from the bitter cold? Honestly, it’s too early to be accusing me of such sneaky behaviours!” she said indignantly.

Twilight playfully raised an eyebrow. “‘Too early’? It’s almost a quarter to eleven, Rarity."

Rarity looked up to offer the lethal pout she knew Twilight couldn’t resist. “Can’t you give me a break, darling? I went to bed at six in the morning!”

Twilight leaned down a bit. “Should I remind you who else went to bed at six in the morning because you asked that she stay over to help?” When Rarity replied with a blushing giggle, Twilight smirked at her. “Thought so.”

“Well, can you blame me for wanting you to spend the night when you’re so adorably huggable when you sleep?” Rarity leaned in to kiss Twilight, and then turned back to the poster and read aloud: "'Be a part of Ponyville's history! The town council invites you to write your autobiography, and submit it to Ponyville's creative writing group so as to have it included in our new library.'"

Twilight nodded effusively. "I set up a special bookcase in the castle, and some of the foals from Cheerilee's school already sent their books," she explained, her eyes lighting up in that adorable way Rarity loved. Twilight turned to other mare and clapped her hooves against the ground. "I know! Why don't you write one? Pinkie's going to write hers and so is Spike!"

Rarity mulled it over. "I don't know..."

Writing an autobiography, even if it would be the most enthralling and passionate one submitted to the contest, was quite the chore. She had several dozen dresses to finish, not to mention many important engagements such as visits to the spa with Fluttershy, lunch dates with Pinkie Pie and Applejack, a fitting with Rainbow Dash, and then several dates with Twilight. Writing implied sitting down, pondering about the universe, and then having to actually put all that into words. She simply had no time for that!

"Oh, come on! It'll be fun," Twilight insisted, nudging Rarity with her hoof. "I'll even help you! I can proof-read, and make critiques, and check for characterization, and fact check, and—"

Rarity laughed. "Twilight, I'm writing an autobiography, not the Manehattan Times' next best seller."

"So you will write it?" Twilight exclaimed, moving away and flapping her wings excitedly, leaving Rarity without her main source of heat. "There aren't many ponies sending in biographies, and if you enter, maybe the girls will too!"

Rarity adjusted her scarf, looking away. "I don't know, it's too cold to decide..."

Twilight got the hint quick enough and once more wrapped her marefriend in a warm winged hug, followed by a nuzzle. "Please?"

Rarity giggled. "Goodness, you're such a pampered princess, aren't you?" she asked before sighing theatrically. "I suppose I'll write it, but don't expect a novel, Twilight. I'll make it about ten pages and noth— No, don't give me that look! You know these next weeks will be very busy for me!" she clarified. "Now, shall we move… Oh, for ponyssake..."

Twilight was blinking at Rarity, her eyes wide and pleading, her hoof gently pawing at the unicorn. Rarity absolutely detested it when Twilight tried doing a puppy dog face, not only because it was Rarity's speciality, but because Twilight was so bad at it, she only made it even more adorable. Had Sweetie Belle been giving Twilight lessons on how to use cute expressions to get your way?

"Fine, fifteen pages, and nothing more."

“Girls, will you please be still for five minutes?”

Fidgeting around in the prototypes of what would become the new uniforms for Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, the usually adventurous Cutie Mark Crusaders looked anything but adventurous standing uncomfortably in the middle of Rarity's workshop. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom seemed to be getting used to the uniforms, but Scootaloo made no attempt to hide her discomfort. Rarity was well aware that there wasn’t really a need for a pegasi-style uniform since alicorn fillies were scarce, but one had to always be prepared!

"Rainbow, be a dear and pass me the measuring tape, will you?" Rarity asked, glancing over at the pegasus lying on her fainting couch, busy reading several sheets of paper.

Rainbow Dash looked away from the papers momentarily to throw Rarity the measuring tape before going back to her reading. "So tell me again why you're writing your autobiography?"

It had been an entire week since Twilight asked Rarity to write her autobiography, and the unicorn had barely made any progress. She had other things to attend to, but she had tried to write a few pages at least.

“Twilight asked her to write one for the library, and Rarity is doing it because her special somepony asked,” Sweetie replied in a teasing sing-song voice, fluttering her eyes at her sister. “Right, Sis?”

"Yes, but I'm afraid I'm not very inspired by the entire thing," Rarity admitted, unrolling the tape and measuring Sweetie's shirt.

Rainbow snorted. “Then why're you doing it? I mean, if you don't even want to do it.” Rainbow put down the papers and raised her eyebrow. “Didn't Twilight already rope Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Applejack into doing theirs?”

Rarity shrugged, putting down the measuring tape and floating over some sewing pins. "Twilight asked me to do it, and I thought I might as well give it a try since she seemed so excited by the idea. Writing and reading are two of her passions, and I should try to show interest in them too.” She looked over her shoulder and tilted her head, grinning. “I would hope you’d also try showing interest in your special somepony’s passions, Rainbow Dash.”

She received a big smirk in reply.

“Psh, that’s easy when my special somepony’s passion will be me,” Rainbow shot back, puffing out her chest and playfully scowling at Rarity when the unicorn let out a very loud and unladylike snort. "I bet you're just doing it because you’re so lovesick, your brain automatically says yes to anything she asks you to do,” Rainbow teased, Rarity's eye roll only feeding her smug smirk.

“See? Your reactions aren’t helping your case, Rares,” she continued, joining in with the giggling of the three younger ponies. "'Ohhh, Twiliiiight, I'd write you soooo many sappy novels if I could~!'"

Rarity rolled her eyes again. “Shall I remind everypony of the way you acted when the Wonderbolts came to town? How fast you agreed when Spitfire asked you to do all those boring chores for the event? Hmmmmm?” Rarity asked, turning to look at the pegasus and smiling when the latter’s giggles ceased almost immediately. “I thought so.”

Rarity took a few steps back and admired her hoofwork, taking off her glasses and putting them on a nearby table. “Right, I think that’s enough for today,” she said, clapping her hoof against the floor. “There’s some pastries in the kitchen I bought for you as thanks for helping me, so you can all take off the costumes and — carefully take them off! The cupcakes aren’t going anywhere, for heaven’s sake!” She barely managed to catch the uniforms as the fillies threw them off their bodies before running out of the room and towards the kitchen.

While Rarity busied herself with folding the uniforms, Rainbow took another section of paper and looked through it. “So is she writing one too? I bet you’re both gonna fill them with sappy stories about each other." She looked towards Rarity's pages. "Almost half of those are literally just about Twilight."

A pink tinge decorated Rarity’s cheeks. She cleared her throat and waved her hoof in a dismissive motion. “Yes, well, it's still not finished, as you'll remember. Nevertheless, I do plan on writing about something that isn't Twilight."

"Right. You'll write about how miserable life is without Twilight. You do know that an autobiography has to be about you, right, Rares?" she asked, catching the pillow the flustered unicorn threw at her and then laughing at Rarity's scowl. "Okay, okay, I'll stop!"

Rarity's reply was cut off by the distant chimes of the entrance bell. Odd, she thought, putting down the sewing pins and taking a few steps towards the room’s exit. I wasn’t expecting any clients today. Had she perhaps forgotten to schedule an appointment? She had only marked down Rainbow’s visit during tea time, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders stopping by to help with the last few uniforms.

“Hello? Rarity? Anypony?” a voice called. A voice that belonged to somepony who was more than welcome to trot into Rarity’s boutique whenever she desired.

“We’re in the workroom, sweetheart!” Rarity called.

Moments later, Ponyville’s very own Princess of Friendship stepped into the room, a saddlebag hanging around her and a medium sized rolled up poster floating behind.

“Hi, Rainbow Dash!” she greeted, smiling at the pegasus. Afterwards, she trotted over to Rarity and gently nuzzled her, drawing out a delighted hum from the unicorn.

"If you're here to take the girls to their lesson, they're in the kitchen," Rarity said when Twilight pulled away.

"Okay..." Twilight replied absentmindedly, her attention drawn towards something else in the room. She trotted away from the unicorn and towards the papers next to Dash. "Is that…?" She put down her rolled-up poster on a table and started reaching for the auto-biography, only for the papers to quickly levitate away "Rarity!" She turned around, frowning at the unicorn and the papers floating behind her. "Oh, come on, why can't I read it yet?"

"It's not ready yet!" Rarity replied, placing her biography on a table. "I told you I'd show it when it's perfect."

Twilight's ears dropped. "All right..."

"Yeah, Twi," Rainbow said suddenly, grinning at the alicorn. "It's better you wait, anyway. Some parts are pretty weak."

"You read it?! How come Rainbow gets to read it, and I don't?" Twilight exclaimed, throwing Rarity an offended look.

Rarity contemplated Twilight for a minute before relenting, "Oh, all right. I promise I'll let you read it on our date Thursday night, just because somepony felt the need to brag. Now, hurry along or else your class with the girls will start late."

Satisfied with Rarity's promise, Twilight nodded and then turned to Rainbow. She levitated her poster and unfurled it to reveal it was about the writing contest.

"So! Rainbo—"

"It ain't happening, egghead," Rainbow replied immediately. "I'm too busy with my own awesome novel about the awesome leader of the Wonderbolts, and Spike is already too busy writing his to write mine."

Twilight rolled back her poster. "Fine..." She trotted off and out the room, calling out to the fillies. "Girls! Come on, we're going to learn about alchemy today!"

"Oh, wait! Those squirts better not have eaten all the cupcakes," Rainbow said, trotting out of the room right after Twilight. "Hey, leave some for us, will you?!"

Fifteen minutes or so later, after having organized a bit of the mess in the room, Rarity left her workroom to join the others. Stepping into the entrance room, she found Twilight idly petting Opalescence while she waited for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The feline was lying on her back, purring contently as Twilight's hoof traced circles on her white stomach.

Honestly, how could she not be expected to spend so much time writing about Twilight when the alicorn was so adorable?

Rarity watched for a moment before quietly trotting towards Twilight. "Mmm, what a lucky, lucky kitten," she murmured, nuzzling lovingly against Twilight and leaving a kiss on the alicorn's jawline. She then looked down at the pampered cat and sighed theatrically. "How come you never treat me like that? I never get free tummy massages!"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Because you would never lie down on the floor in the first place," she replied with a giggle, extending a wing and wrapping it around Rarity. She put her chin on top of Rarity's head, let out a content sigh, and held Rarity like that for about a minute until a groan escaped her mouth.

"What's wrong, sweetheart? Do you want me to go hurry up the girls?"

Twilight shook her head. “No, it’s not that. It’s just…” She drifted off and giggled slightly. "I wish you'd let me read your autobiography already..."

Rarity moved back to look at Twilight. “Now now, my darling, a princess must learn to be patient. A writer can't be rushed!” she insisted, using her hoof to brush back Twilight’s fringe. “I must admit I'm surprised by how much you want to read it, though! I feel like you think I'm publishing the next Daring Do!”

Twilight blushed. “I…” She faltered slightly. “I'm sorry if I'm pressuring you... It's just that I like reading biographies, I guess? I can stop asking about it if you wa—"

“Hush, sweetheart,” Rarity interrupted, tapping Twilight’s nose with her forehoof. “Your interest in my silly autobiography is what keeps me going. Now, why don’t you start heading to the castle, and I’ll go see what’s keeping those fillies, hm?”

“Okay." Twilight nodded, opening the door and trotting outside. She was about to head off before stopping and turning to look at Rarity. “So, dinner on Thursday?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Rarity replied. "And I'll be sure to bring my thrilling tale on my life thus far."

Twilight smiled. “See you soon!” she said, turning around and trotting off towards the castle in the distance.

Rarity closed the door and trotted towards the kitchen. I better try and write a few more pages before Thursday, then. I doubt she'll be very excited if I arrive with my four lonely pages. Oh, maybe I'll decorate it! I can add illustrations!

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when she heard three knocks at the door. Who could that be?

She trotted back to the door and opened it, to her surprise finding a familiar alicorn. “Twilight!” she exclaimed, blinking at the mare. “Back so soon? I didn’t even have time to fetch the girls!”

“Oh, uhm, I didn’t come for that… I just forgot something?”

Rarity frowned, thinking back to some time ago. “I… don’t remember you leaving anything in the workroom.” She had cleaned up shortly after Rainbow and Twilight left, and she would have found anything that didn’t belong to her. “What did you forget?”

Twilight giggled, her flush intensifying as she trotted over and kissed Rarity. “I forgot a goodbye kiss,” she elaborated, leaning in to quickly nuzzle the blushing unicorn. "Okay, now I really have to go." She then turned around and cantered off. “Don’t forget to get the girls!”

Once again, Rarity closed the door to her boutique, but rather than going to the kitchen, she pressed her forehead against the door and let out a string of foalish giggles. Heavens, she’s adorable, she thought with a smitten smile.

A minute later, she finally straightened herself up and turned around to find three fillies and a mare peeking out from the kitchen door, the four of them looking at Rarity with very teasing smiles.

“What are you looking at me like that for?” Rarity asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Awwwwww,” replied Sweetie and Apple Bloom, inadvertently increasing Rarity’s already noticeable blush.

“Oh Celestia, you've brainwashed Twilight into being just as sappy as you are!"

“Oh, do grow up, Rainbow Dash.”

By the time Thursday night arrived, Rarity had finished her fabulous autobiography. Twenty-three pages bound in a beautiful cover she had designed herself, filled with enough details about her life to satisfy anypony who'd be curious about her life. She could have written much, much more, but a lady never reveals too much about herself — she reveals enough to give a small taste of her life, but only enough so as to keep them wanting more.

After a lovely dinner, Twilight and Rarity had settled themselves in the library to do some reading. Large cushions were littered all over the place, big enough for two ponies to comfortably lie down on one. Nevertheless, Rarity had settled herself on a cushion all for herself, right next to the one where Twilight was lying.

“Goodness, I never would have imagined Mayor Mare to have been so… enthusiastic about gothic fashion in her youth,” Rarity said, turning the page of the mayor’s autobiography. After all, she had to set the example if she hoped for other to follow suit. “Maybe I can get somepony to model the gothic designs I’ve been toying with, after all.”


Rarity looked up and found Twilight engrossed in reading Rarity’s book. A quill was floating next to her, red ink dripping from the tip. To Rarity’s disappointment, Twilight’s expression was impassive. Usually, the alicorn would be so entranced in her reading, always reacting to it in some way.

Does this mean she doesn’t like it? Rarity thought, biting down on her lip. What wasn’t there to like, though? It wasn’t a fictional novel, it was a completely one-hundred percent true autobiography. Well… Maybe it was ninety-six percent true… All right, maybe ninety percent true.

Rarity shook her head.

No, Twilight wouldn’t be upset about a few embellishments here and there, would she? Then again, hadn’t she mentioned she’d be doing fact checking? What would she think of the entire Sonic Rainboom disaster? She’d only modified it slightly to… make her seem a bit less of—

Actually, she didn’t even want to think of that particular event.

“I’m done,” Twilight announced suddenly, putting the book down and pulling Rarity back from cloud cuckooland. Just like before, she remained completely expressionless. She then took a nearby purple notebook and made some annotations before looking back to Rarity's book with a furrowed brow.

Oh Princesses, she hates it, Rarity thought, ears pressing against her head. She sighed inwardly, trying not to dwell too much on the matter. Not everypony would always be able to see her perfection, and she supposed Twilight was included in there. It was still sad that her special somepony apparently didn't like… Rarity's life thus far, though.

“I liked it.”

Rarity blinked, awoken from her thoughts. That’s it? No ‘loved it’ or ‘hated it’; she just ‘liked’ it.

“I.. I’m glad to hear that, darling!” Rarity said, clearing her throat. “Er, anything in specific you’d like to say?”

Twilight picked up the book and opened it up, leafing through its pages. “You have very good grammar and syntax, though you seem to get a bit carried away with commas and underlining words.” She stopped at a page and squinted her eyes. “The addition of illustrations makes it a much nicer read, and the text flows very well for the most part. You do use some technical terms when describing your dresses, though. I would suggest adding an annex page explaining the terms, or to at least do so in the footers. Content wise...”

“Yes…?” Rarity prompted after Twilight fell silent.

“I liked it. Even though you seem to remember certain events incorrectly, it was interesting to see your point of view on them, like on the whole ordeal with Tirek, or…” She faltered, a blush creeping up on her cheeks. “My Canterlot birthday party from a few years ago…”

“Birthday party?” asked Rarity, her lips curving into a sly smile. “I assume you’re referring to the one where I confessed my feelings towards you by kissing you in front of—”

“Yes, that one,” Twilight quickly interrupted, her face flushing. “Anyway, I liked it in general…” She drifted off, almost as if having cut herself off on purpose. She closed the book and put it back down, crossing her forehooves in a way Rarity had come to learn meant that Twilight was holding back.

“But…?” Rarity prompted again.

Twilight looked up at Rarity, her ears lowering. She opened and closed her mouth several times, apparently undecided on what to say. “I… Well, I mean, it’s not that I didn’t like it but… All the other autobiographies submitted so far have been at least forty pages long. But yours...” She picked up the book and rifled through the pages. “It’s so short! There’s some events you refer to that sound very interesting, but you just mention them in passing or skim them over! And you barely wrote anything about your foalhood! It’s kinda frustrating…” she admitted, putting the book back down and crossing her forelegs again.

A wave of relief washed over Rarity. “Oh, darling, I thought it was something serious!” she said, shaking her head and taking back Mayor Mare’s biography. She could continue with her reading now that she knew her relationship wasn’t in jeopardy. “I did tell you I didn’t have time to write anything lengthier than that, Twilight.”

“I know that, but you could have added a bit more on your foalhood,” Twilight replied. “It feels like you practically only talk about what happened after Nightmare Moon’s defeat.”

Rarity considered Twilight’s statement for a minute. “Well… An autobiography is supposed to be about my life, isn’t it?” She suddenly got up from the cushion and plopped herself down next to Twilight, making sure to intertwine their tails. “But my life wasn't interesting until I met you, Twilight.”

Second later, Rarity wished she had a camera with her just to have a way to remember Twilight’s expression for the rest of her life. The alicorn’s face was completely flushed, and her expression kept switching between frustration and embarrassed pleasure.

“Rarity, I mean it,” Twilight said, the stern effect she was trying to achieve completely nullified by the smile she couldn’t hold back. “This isn’t an autobiography! It’s a.. a.. summary! An abridged version!”

“Twilight, darling, I told you I didn’t have time for anything lengthier than that,” Rarity reminded.

Twilight looked down at the book. “I know, but…” Her voice fell to a whisper, and she half-heartedly rubbed her hoof against the cover. “I want to know more about you…”

Silence settled itself in the room, broken moments later when Rarity cuddled up to Twilight. “Awwwwwwwww, Twilight! I can hardly blame you, though,” she said haughtily, flipping her mane back. “Even I want to know more about my wonderful self!” she exclaimed, giggling when Twilight threw her a playfully annoyed look.

“Gosh, you’re so full of yourself, Rarity.”

Rarity giggled innocently “Am I?” She leaned over, her lips inches away from Twilight’s, and brushed Twilight’s cheek with her hoof.. “And yet you can’t seem to get enough of me, now can you?”

Rather than using words, Twilight replied with actions. She closed the distance between their lips, allowing Rarity to step into a small moment of bliss. When they pulled away, Rarity sighed and leaned against Twilight, admiring her book.

“Since you really want me to do it,” she began to say, reaching out and flipping the book open, “I suppose I can try and write a few more pages for you to peruse. I’ll start tomorrow—” She’d barely finished her sentence when several sheets of blank paper and a quill appeared in front of her. “... Or right this instant, Miss No-Patience-Whatsoever.”

“Look, I’ll even help you write it,” Twilight said eagerly, taking the quill in her magical grasp, dipping it in ink and awaiting Rarity’s dictation.

“Let’s see…” Rarity closed her eyes, relishing the feel of Twilight’s coat against her. “Some time ago in the town of Ponyville, the single most beautiful and perfect unicorn in all of Equestria graced the kingdom with her birth.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "'The most beautiful and perfect unicorn in all of Equestria'?"

Rarity nodded, nuzzling against her marefriend. "Don't you agree?"

Twilight was quiet for a moment before enveloping Rarity with her wing and returning the affectionate gesture. "Yeah, I do."


Author's Note:

It's been a while since I wrote a cute fluff story, hasn't it?

Admittedly, it's been several times now that I've been really close to stop writing RariTwi because it's so discouraging how unpopular it is, but then I think of the few Rarilight fans who are starved for content, and I decide that maybe I shouldn't quit yet.

This is for all the RariLighters who will go down with this ship raft.

Special thanks to Annuska for proof-reading!

Comments ( 46 )

You know, I was never a fan of the "RariTwi" ship,

...that is until I found this author, which made the ship from a small dingy boat to a full-sized battle cruiser in terms of I liking the ship.

Story was adorable, fitting the tags quite well, hope you see more stuff from you! especially that RariTwi stuff

Qué lindo regalo de cumpleaños. Gracias, chika.

RariTwi! Just what I was about to run out of!

Thanks, Monochromatic!

I'll just go ahead and drop my like right off. Reading comes shortly.

Oh my gosh, thank you,,, I hope the fic will be worth the pre-like!

You're very welcome!


Ehe, I try my best :P

jajajaj de nada :P

5896697 Just finished and mmmm.... Boy was it worth it. I'm very fond of the reoccurring "Gosh, you're so full of yourself." line and response. It makes me giggle every time.

Every ship is seaworthy, it just needs the right capt'n :raritywink: (and you make for a mighty fine one).

never stop the raritwi

it's so beautiful and unicorny

Upvoted for the premise and Donald. Maybe a bit for the story as well. :twilightsmile:

My god that art is just...wow. I believe you are personally leading the ship of these two now. I still think my favorite fluff was the Twilight being Rarity's guard, but stories like these are always great too.


I feel compelled to ask why Donny has compelled you to give this a like? xD Are you perhaps a fan of the comics?

I'm more of a Rarijacker, but Raritwi is my second best Rarity ship and second best Twilight#Mane6 ship, and sixth after Twilestia, Twixie, Twiluna, Sunlight, and Twijack overall, barring multi-ships involving Twixiluna or Twilunestia.

This was absolutely adorable, dying from how snuggly this story is.

Very good. I like your use of Rainbow Dash. Her relationship with Rarity is underused in my opinion.

I admire how you are able to keep your characters in line with the show. It just makes your stories all the more enjoyable to read! Gah, take my like and favorite!

This was adorable. I certainly hope you continue writing RariTwi, because I don't much of it anywhere else.

Small error:

"I know! Why don't you write one? Pinkie's going to write hers and so is Spike!""

Aaugh I'm drowning in marshmallow fluff :raritydespair:

5897466 I learned to read from the Donald Duck magazine (Or Aku Ankka as he's known as here) when I was five. I used to lay on the bed with my mum and she read it out loud, but then once I made the mistake of correcting what she read and got busted. :twilightsmile: I read it happily for something like ten years after that too. Every week.

Donald Duck is one of the most iconic magazines here. Everybody knows it and almost everyone read it as a kid. Or as an adult. There's even a joke about new fathers always subscribing to it the moment their new kid is born, just so they can read it themself.

Also Don Rosa > every other Duck artist.

I'm a huge fan of the comics, as well. They weren't very popular here where I live, but my Dad had a huge collection from when he visited Spain as a kid, so that's how it started with me. Donald is my absolute favorite character ever because of those comics.

To be honest.... I may or may not have a MLP/Scrooge McDuck Universe crossover that I work on when I'm bored... Pinkie trying endlessly to make Donald less grumpy? Yes, please...

Ah, thank you! I'll correct it right now! And I'm glad you liked it!! And yes, I'll try to stay aboard the ship as long as I can.

Ah, that's really great to hear! I'm always stressing out a lot about characterization so it's good to know I'm not failing terribly at it :P

Thanks! And honestly, I really really REALLY love exploring their dynamics. I had a lot of fun with that scene, and I'm planning on writing a Rarity/Dash fic because there's so much to explore there.

Despite what it looks like, I ship a lot of things in the fandom. I have a really soft spot for RariDash and Fluttercord, as well as Rarishimmer (honestly, I intensely ship almost every Rarity ship pft). I just tend to keep to RariTwi because, as others have mentioned, there's barely any of it anywhere...

And thank you!! I'm glad you liked it!!

I KNOW, ISN'T IT ADORABLE. King had originally done the lineart, and I colored it in because I needed it as wallpaper to screech at forever. :P

I must persevere for the ship...

Ah, thank you... I do hope my silly fics have somehow changed the perspective on the ship. What kind of captain am I if I'm not getting anyone to join my crew?

Good. :trollestia:


I'm always stressing out a lot about characterization so it's good to know I'm not failing terribly at it :P

You have, no joke, the single best handle on Rarity's character I've seen.

This is the second story I read on this site, and it made me sign up to Fimfiction because I enjoyed it that much. Thank you! :twilightsmile:

I love the writing style btw. I needed the fluff, and the way you portray Twilight and Rarity in a relationship where they are loving and playful is awesome! I'm still exploring this fandom, but this is a pairing I really like so far! :twilightsmile:

I thank you for writing this! I too shall go down with this ship!

5898013 CMC x Nephews?

I was hoping this was indeed you. I like your RariTwi, and I wasn't disappointed by this. :pinkiehappy:

Don't ya worry, Rainbow, there's somepony out there that's got it for ya~ :ajsmug:

Sweet celesta that was freaking aadorables!

Dude. That was adorable.

I really don't think that your ship being not-so-popular should discourage you from writing it. I'm a devout TwiLuna shipper - and I do mean devout - but you write very well, and make the pairing work so wonderfully that I enjoy reading your work regardless. Keep up the great work; I look forward to the next update for the Twilight Library Spirit story :D

That was so cute! :heart: You're really good at writing Rarity and Twilight, extra particularly Rarity; they always feel so much like themselves--the thems I know and love from the show :heart: That's one of the best things about your writing :pinkiehappy:

Don't stop writing RariLight, Caye! Our ship is modest; it doesn't need the flood of AppleDash or the quirks of RariJack! It's perfectly fine subsiding on outstanding pieces like this one that you tend to put out, and the subtle nuances of the ship that you always highlight in your stories.:twilightsmile:

All I can say is D'aaaaaaaawwwwwwww >///////< This is so fluffy I could die!!!


Admittedly, it's been several times now that I've been really close to stop writing RariTwi because it's so discouraging how unpopular it is, but then I think of the few Rarilight fans who are starved for content, and I decide that maybe I shouldn't quit yet.

No please never stop. Every story you release is utter brilliance and this was no different, I always find my self grinning like a maniac when I read your work.

Adorable :twilightsmile:

I hope you do keeping writing RariTwi. I got into the RariTwi ship from some of your fanfics & they also got me to join Fimfiction.

Darling, RariLight will always be the glorious ship-of-the-line, the flagship to which all others aspire to. Oh, my Captain :raritywink:

One of these days, the sheer adorableness of stories just like this is going to kill me.

Now I was never a big Rarilight fan, but your stories are starting to change my perspective on that. Granted, I've only read two other stories that shipped Rarilight, but they were both written poorly. I just want you to know for whenever you lose faith in the Rarilighters that you not only keep it going, you increase the ship size.

“Well… An autobiography is supposed to be about my life, isn’t it?” She suddenly got up from the cushion and plopped herself down next to Twilight, making sure to intertwine their tails. “But my life wasn't interesting until I met you, Twilight.”

Umngh, a critical hit! :pinkiehappy:

I'm all aboard this ship! I love your stories. Your rarilight fics are some of, if not, the best here. I hope you continue to write them:twilightsmile:


Second later,

It's either "A second later" or "Seconds later."

It's really weird to learn that Mono EVER considered giving this ship up. That just seems so... blasphemous to me.

A lot of people who are incredibly devoted to a rare pair feel discouraged in the face of a popular, lauded pairing, or even many. A lot of people tent just to consume the popular content because it is popular. (I've known many similar feelings with Lunbra against Twiluna and other stuff). This can lead to an absolute lack of variety in many ways, and people can just give up. People who consume said content almost just refuse to be creative a lot, too. People like Mono go above and beyond to have something uncommon get to shine in the spotlight too.

This story is so cute and sweet it brought tears to my eyes and cavities to my teeth.

Just reread this story in the Monologues. Somehow their dynamic in that first scene where Twilight convinces Rarity to write the autobiography really reminded me of C3PO and R2D2 :rainbowlaugh:

She could have written much, much more, but a lady never reveals too much about herself — she reveals enough to give a small taste of her life, but only enough so as to keep them wanting more.

Funny how this idea comes up in today's Crimson chapter as well.

This one gets really meta at times, and I love it. When Rarity's motivation for writing is Twilight's interest. When Twilight demands moar. Dang is this stuff good. I should read more often. I wonder why my reaction all those years ago was more meh. I guess it is even more fun when you have some internal Rarity voice in your head saying her lines than with a less clear picture of the characters. Man these two are so much fun.

That was a good story.

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