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The groups are made/day 1

It was a bright and sunny day at Camp Wowinakwa, the birds chirped and flew about and the waves crashed along the beach. Sharks and other dangerous sea life swam about in the waves. A white human male with sleek black hair and a blue shirt and a sand colored pair of jeans, walked out onto the docks. The docks in question were falling apart and looked like it could fall down at any given moment. Just the the human spoke to a small group of camera men.

"Welcome to the next season of Total Drama Island!" He waved his arms in the air to show off the island.

"Todays season will be a bit different from the last time, mostly because we are using a brand new cast of contestants all the way from the....." He looked at a piece of paper. "Do I really have to say this."

The camera man nodded.

"The magical land of Equestria." The man groaned at the sentence he just said. "I can only imagine what these people will be like. Anyway my name is Chris Mclean."

Chris pointed to himself, "Taday we are going to take twenty....Really, do I have to say this."

The camera man shoved a contract into Chris' face.

"All right! We are going to take twenty......Ponies..." Chris burst out laughing, "Seriously ponies, why don't we just bring some magical knomes into the show."

He laughed some more before sighing and calming down.

"Sorry I just couldn't say that with a straight face." Chris wiped a tear from his eye. Just then a loud horn was heard, "And here is Chef Hatchet with the contestants now."

A large boat driven by a husky well built black man stopped by the dock a small hatch opened up at the side to reveal twenty different ponies of various colors. Chris' jaw dropped.

"Oh my god you weren't kidding." Chris mentally smaked himself and continued. "Anyway lets meet with our contestants."

He then started to call out names,

"We have the twin sisters of the sun and moon.....Really, is that what they do......*ahem* The twin sisters Celestia and Luna."

Two alicorns walked out of the boat and onto the dock, one was pure white with pastel colored hair, and the other was dark blue wit hair that looked like the night sky. The two sisters looked at each other then took their place beside Chris.

"Nice place you have hear." Celestia said. Chris jumped in surprise,

"Holy crap they can talk!" Luna just looked at him before saying,

"Of course we can talk." Luna said with some annoyance.

"Now now Luna dear, he hasn't even seen our species so don't snap." Celestia said.

"Anyway, We also have the....*Chuckles*.....The elements of harmony, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity....." Each pony came out as he called their name. "And....Pinkie Pie."

Just then a pink blob jumped out of the boat and ran right into the camera, "Ohhhhhhh, wow I'm on TV, whats that who are you hi my name is Pinkie......" Chris put his hand on the pink pony's mouth.

"Rule number one, don't ever cut me off like that again....Ever!" Pinkie nodded and went to join the group.

"I don't like that meanie bo beanie." She said.

"We also have the two Solar twins, Solar Flare and Solar Eclipse." Two pegasi came trotting out of the boat, one was black and had a green mane and tail, his cutie mark was that of a solar eclipse. He silently walked out and took his place with the rest of the group.

"Don't talk much do you." Chris teased. Another pegasus trotted to join the group.

"We're not brothers....." The pegasus said. He had golden eyes and golden brown fur. His main and tail were yellow and orange and looked like a flame, his cutie mark was a flame. His name was Solar Flare. He stopped by Fluttershy and said,

"Hey gorgeous...." Fluttershy just blushed and went to hide behind Rarity, but not before saying,

"Oh um......Thanks........." Chris shook his head in disbelief.

"Also we have Snowy, Shadow Foot, Thunder Tempest and Zephyr. Come on out guys."

Three unicorns and a pegasus trotted out onto the dock.

Shadow foot was a unicorn stallion with black stripes and a red coat with a black main and tail with a blue streak joined the group. His eyes were a blue-green color.

Snowy was a blue unicorn with a snowflake for a cutie mark and a blue main and tail with a matching blue coat and green eyes joined the group, right next to Shadow Foot.

Thunder Tempest, a unicorn stallion with a navy blue coat, and a main and tail that was brown with grey markes. He had golden brown eyes and no cutie mark, which was a bit odd, and Zephyr, a dark tanned pegasus stallion with royal blue hair that was spiked and a cutie mark of an arrow with wavey blue lines. He also had light green eyes and was well built.

Both stallions took their place near the group.

"Also joining us are Chromatic Joy, Golden Flame, Eagle Eye, Matrix and Poly Monochrome."

Matrix was a pegasus stallion, with a winged shield for a cutie mark and a black coat with yellow stripes and crimson eyes, and yellow hair with red stripes walked out and joined the group.

Eagle Eye, another pegasus stallion walked out onto the docks. He had blue-green fur, orange and green striped hair and a reticule for a cutie mark. He was shortly joined by Golden Flame, a unicorn mare with a red and yellow main and tail that looked like fire, and a purple coat with a red rose with flames on the petals for a cutie mark trotted beside another unicorn. His name was Chromatic Joy, he had headphones on and was listening to some music. He had a brown coat and a purple and black striped main and tail. His eyes were light blue and his cutie mark was that of some sound bars.

All of them continued to walk to the gruop, and soon after a strange black and white pony with a rainbow blob with shapes surrounding it came out. He had a poker face on and continued to the group.

"And this fine stallion...*Chuckles*... Is Poly Monochrome." Chris said, he was on the verge of laughing his butt off when a shout was heard from the boat.

"Unhand me you filthy ape." Chef threw a black insect like mare with a twisted horn and wings with holes in them. Her legs also had holes in them. She had dark green eyes that were slit like a cats, and long flowing dark blue hair. Her fangs were showing and she looked pissed.

"Queen Chrysalis I presume." Chris said.

"Yes, and I would like to complain about the treatment I received by your assistant over there." She pointed a hoof at Chef Hatchet.

"Not my problem." Chris shrugged. Chrysalis' jaw dropped and she was about to answer back when Chef interupted her.

"Lets get a move on tiny..." He shoved her towards the group of ponies.

"Anyway, before I start to split you guys into two teams, let me show you around the island and tell you the rules." Chris said.

The group walked over to a small campground, a pedastool stood near a bunch of tree stumps.

"This is the where you decide who gets voted off at the end of each day. I will be giving away a marshmelloe to anyone who stays in the game. If you don't receive one then you must walk up to the catapult of shame, where we will fling your sorry ass off the island." Chris stated.

"That doesn't sound safe Chris. Isn't there another way we all can get off of this island thingy without killing ourselves in the process." Applejack said. Chris laughed and said,

"Nope, because I said so."

He then walked them to the cafeteria, "This is where you will eat. The food here will be provided by the cook Chef."

Chris pointed to Chef who was busy preparing some green slop. A cockroach walked past him and he slammed his fist on it, killing it. Fluttershy squeaked in surprise as he put the dead bug into the meal.

"Do you honostly expect us to eat that mess." Rarity said in disgust.

"As far as I'm concerned I serve three meals three times a day." Chef said.

"Well then I believe I will order out." Rarity said. She ducked quickly to avoid being hit by the knife Chef threw at her. It struck the wall and embedded itself into it.

"Right, I guess we won't be eating out then...." Rarity said sheepishly.

"Damn straight you won't!" Chef said.

Soon Chris brought them to the cabins.

"This is where you will be sleeping, girls on the right and boys on the left, now lets start making the teams." Chris said, "On the Magical Maggots we have, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Celestia, Thunder Tempest, Snowy, Solar Flare, Shadow Foot and Chromatic Joy, the rest of you are on the team called the Drunken Dragons."

"But don't we get a say......" Twilight said but was interupted by Chris.


"But" Twilight protested.

"I said no." Chris said. Twilight sighed and glared at him.

"Anyway, I expect you to join me at the top of mount Wowinakwa in one hour for your first challenge." He then left the groups to them selves.

"I really don't like him." Pinkie said.

A/N: Now for the first votes. I want you to tell me who you want to win the challenge and who you want voted off. Please leave your answer in the comments. I will give you two days to vote.

Comments ( 26 )


The Drunken Dragons will win this challenge since Flutter and Rarity will not be able to do it and vote of Thunder for not having a cutie mark

Damn it why didn't I think of this!

Magical Maggots win.
Vote off Zephyr.

Magical Maggots lose because of arguments between characters with conflicting nature (e.g. Snowy and Solar Flare)
Vote off Solar Eclipse.

I think this has been done already, but good effort!

My team should win the challenge (Make me help Fluttershy face her her fears in the challenges BTW cause I am a bit of a gentlemare) Oh and vote Chrysalis off

615016 Ok my bro has just recently become a brony and he only recently got an account on this site. He only made this fic because he thought it would be an original Idea. He probably hasn't even read said fic so either vote on who will win or don't comment at all.

615029 kk Sorry if I was a bit harsh their, I am just very protective of my family BTW ^^ and I always see people bashing him all the time so uh....yeah....Glad you agree though ^^

614992 So who are you voting off and what team would you like to see win the first challenge?

Oh you sonova!:twilightangry2:


Alright, about the voting:
Enemy team loses the first competition (why would I vote against my team?) and the one who leaves the game is.... Celestia! Yes, we don't need a troll.

I want Drunken Dragons to win, and vote off Chromatic Joy.

Maggots For the win! To compensate for having Rarity of course. Hmm... For that matter, she has my vote to be the first one gone. :raritydespair:

I don't think we can even ore yet lmao, first challenge hasn't even begun:P fort team to win: drunken dragons. Vote: rarity. No one needs a prep that'll hog 3 hours of bathroom time in the morning

I want that Zephyr to be voted off.
You Mad Bro?:trollestia:

The Drunken Dragons should win and I think Rarity should be voted off because she will refuse the challenge and most likely attack Chris for putting her through this, therefore an auto-out. I have nothing against Rarity in any way, I'm just being reasonable.

616123 I thought if your team wins, everypony on that team has immunity. Rarity is on the Magical Maggots.

i vote fluttershy

616147 i just really hate rarity. lol. but if that's the case, vote off matrix i s;pose. i dont know the other oc's period so i picked a name.

I say drunken dragons win, and vote off Solar Flare. And the next challenge involves them having a race in barrels down the slopes of Mount Wowinakwa.


Drunken Dragons to win, vote off Shadow Foot because... well why not.:trixieshiftright:

to many OCs. not gonna read it.

i think the druken dragons should win and the other team vote off soler flare :ajbemused:and for fans out there do know if any team votes a member they will com back later on you know that right

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