• Member Since 16th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen March 20th


To me there is humor and seriousness to every action and word said... All that matters is YOUR perspective

Comments ( 25 )

I don't see why this has 3 dislikes I don't see anything wrong so far.

I like this, but you should really get someone to edit this.

5834162 I don't have anyone to do that...

why is hte update so late? good story, chapters could be longer, cant wait to see where this goes

I like the story so far. There are no blaring grammatical errors, and the characters have some depth to them. I look forward to seeing how you develop the relationship between celestia and sun-light.
You may want to consider haveing luna 'test his worth' or something similar that lead to hijinks.

I stood there as the last 10 names were read and only 7 were accepted. "SunLight..." I immediately turned my head to Celestia. "Please tell me how many did I say no to today."
"I believe you said no to 4 today..." I reply after a moment of thought.

He got it wrong.... It was 3...

6002255 actually no he got it right. Pay closer attention.

6001360 I will definitely have a chapter like that soon.

ITS ALIVE¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I hope to see more soon

8005421 yeah I got on and was like I haven't updated in forever... TIME TO FIX THAT

I can't wait for the next chapter... if only I wasn't reading this close to midnight when I have work tomarrow -_-

YAY a new chapter!!!!

Hey there Tank,
Yup, new chapter! Hope you liked it if you've read it that is.

I can’t tell if this is dead or not

Can’t wait for the next chapter :) this is like my 5th reread of the story

Wow talk about dedication Thanks so much for the support! I really appreciate it. While you're waiting for the next chapter, there are other stories I'm working on Give them a look. I'm still working on the next chapter of this one. Writing comes slow to me sometimes and extremely quick other times. My inspiration fluctuates at a alarmingly difficult to control rate. But worry not my friend it will be done soon.

I love the creepyness when someone follows you. “Silverstream is watching you” XD

Yay! New chapter, also someone got rejected in court and is making some mischief I see :P

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