• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 615 Views, 9 Comments

From the Stars - Teal

A group of strange new creatures fall from the night sky, in metal tubes, and lands on Equestria. They look weird and don't look peaceful, but are they the only hope against a far greater threat?

  • ...

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Twilight looked, with great interest, at the strange creatures in front of them. They were bipedal and wore some sort of armor, which was made of a thick metal that she was not familiar with. Their height made them slightly taller than Princess Luna, yet their bulky armor gave them the illusion of being bigger. It gave them the appearance of a medium sized bear or gorilla, that was wore dented and worn out armor.
Fascinated by them, Twilight decided to move closer, wanting to get a better look. It was really hard to see them, even with Princess Luna’s moon light beaming down. But as she got close, the strange creatures pulled out a weird weapon that looked like a small and fancy version of a canon.

“What are these things?” One of the creatures screamed, with obvious confusion and slight fear in its voice, as it pointed the weapon at her.

His hold was steady and fixed on Twilight, but she didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she was lost in her own thoughts and was too busy to notice the weapon pointed at her.

She was surprised at the fact that the creatures spoke Equestrian. Sure Griffons, Dragons, and many more creatures spoke Equestrian. But this was different. The reason why Griffons and other creatures spoke Equestrian was because of the close contact between their species.
After years and years of trading and meeting, the other species incorporated Equestrian to their own language.

But these creatures in front of them were new. Ponies have never met creatures like this before, at least to Twilights knowledge, giving them no time to incorporate Equestrian to their own tongue. So how is it possible that they were speaking the same language?

“I think we might have frightened them.” Luna said, looking at Twilight with a sad expression on her face.

“Yeah…” Twilight said, as she snapped back to reality. She then backed up, they’re weapons following her every movement, and stood next to Luna. “…we should have had taken another approach.”

“Hey, you didn’t scare us!” One of the creatures complained. “You merely caught us by surprise, that’s all. But you definitely did not scare us!”

“Then what do you draw you weapons at thou? We mean you no harm.” Princess Luna said, trying to calm the tension in the situation.

“Yeah, well how can we be sure that you’re not going to jump on us and eat our heads of as you use our dead bodies as dinner tables, huh?” Another one said, obviously not trusting them.

“First off, eww… Second, we’re vegetarians. Why would we want to eat you? Besides, do we look like we have weapons?” Twilight said.

Well, scans do show that they are not armed.” The one in the front said. “But I am getting a large energy spike in them. But it doesn’t seem to be deadly; at least I don’t think it is.”

“How can energy spikes not be deadly?” The one who previously accused them as a threat said. “I say we shoot them.”

“Hey, no one is shooting anyone here. This seems to be a first contact situation and the last thing we want is another race as an enemy. So let me do all the talking.” The one in the front said. By now, Twilight has identified him as their leader, so she placed all her attention on him, while keeping a wary eye on the others.

“Listen…” He said. “…my name is Lt. Blanco, commander of the 73rd Interstellar Infantry Company of the United Nations of Earth. We come here in peace and wish no harm on anyone.”

Luna nodded. “Greetings then, Lt. Blanco. We are Princess Luna, Guardian of the Night.” She said proudly, as she stood tall. She then moved her hoof to point at Twilight. “While this is Princess Twilight Sparkle, bearer of the Element of Magic. We would like to welcome thee to the Kingdom of Equestria.”

“Now before we move on with our greeting…” Luna added. “…we would like to repeat our earlier question. What are thee?”

“Well, Princess Luna.” Lt. Blanco said, as he lowered his weapon, although the others didn’t, still keeping their weapons trained on the ponies.

“I am a member of the species called Homo Sapiens, more specifically called Homo Sapiens Sapiens. But we are commonly known as humans.”

As the Lieutenant talked and explained all of this, Twilight made a mental note of everything that was said. This was a species never seen in Equestria before and she wanted to be able to document it later. This would be an important moment for Equestrian society, for this is the first encounter with another sentient species, since a hundred years! What made it even better was the fact that she was there to document it.

“So, Lt. Blanco…” Twilight said, wanting to gain additional information. “…which corner of Equestria do you and your companions come from?”

“I beg your pardon, but Equestria?” He asked, looking at her. She looked at his helmet, trying to see his face, but found it impossible to see anything through the heavily tinted visors.

“Yeah, what corner of Equestria do you come from? You must have come from somewhere and knowing where would be very informational.” Twilight said with eagerness in her voice.

“I’m sorry, but we’re not part of this place called Equestria. In fact, we’re not eve from this planet.” Lt. Blanco informed.

“So are you telling us that you came from beyond our world?” Luna asked, with raised eyebrows.

“Yes, yes we do. We come from a far off planet called Earth, in the Sol system.”

“Very interesting…” Luna said nodding. “So what bring you here to ours? Surely there is a reason why you’re here, unless you just decided to take a break in your journey across space, since the magic required to do teleportation spells across space takes a lot of energy. I know from past experience, getting back from the moon and all, that it is very tiring.”


“Yes, teleportation. How else would you have gotten here?”

“I am sorry Princess Luna, but we did not use any teleportation spells. I’m afraid that we don’t have the ability to do that.” Lt. Blanco said.

“No teleportation spells?” Twilight said. “So you must have sometimes like the Elements of Harmony.”

“Elements of Harmony?” Lt. Blanco asked, confusion obvious in his voice.

“Oh, I’m sorry…” Twilight apologized. “…maybe you have a different name for it. So let me just describe it instead. The Elements of Harmony are six artifacts that give off great magical abilities. Surely you have something like that.”

“I don’t think we have anything like that either and I can assure you that we didn’t use anything magical to get here.”

“No…magic? Twilight asked dumfounded. Those were the only things that she knew that were capable of transporting anyone through space.
Other than alicorn magic, like Luna’s ability to return from the moon (Which took a lot of energy), the Elements of Harmony (Or any artifact like it) were the only other things that could create enough magic for planetary transportation. So how did they get here without the use of magic?

“If you did not get here using magic, then how is it possible for you and you companions to get here, from another planet?” Luna asked, before waiting for the answer.

“We used a ship…” Lt. Blanco said, trying to explain it carefully. “…a ship that travels through space at speeds as fast, if not faster, than light.”

“A ship…” Luna said, imagining a wooden ship that somehow had the ability to fly through space. This was truly fascinating. How was it able to fly? Where did it get wind in space? There were so many questions she ad, but no answers as of yet. If these humans had the ability to create such a ship, then that would mean that they are more intelligent and advance than she first thought. She must inform he sister immediately.

They must talk over this situation and learn how to work with this new creatures. Maybe they would share their knowledge with them

“Lt. Blanco, would you like to hold an audience with my sister? The information you have shared with us is very valuable and a meeting with all the leaders of our nation would be important, if we want to have a positive diplomatic relationship between our races.”

Lt. Blanco stood there in silence, studying the situation in his head. He tried to think of the possibilities and benefits and how he should handle every detail. “Very well, Princess.” He said, finally breaking the silence. “Would you mind if I bring some of my men with me.”

“Not at all.” Luna said, as she wondered what the word ‘men’ meant. But seeing that he motioned to his armored companions, she concluded that he was pointing at them.

“Alright, Alvarez and Morgan, you two are with me. The rest of you, I want you guys to secure the perimeter. Sgt. Gilmore, you’re in command.
I want you to contact the Magsaysay and inform them of the current situation.”

With those orders given, the soldiers under his command immediately sprang into action, moving around and scanning the area. Two of them, one having tall and large armor while the other the other had smaller and slim frame for theirs, walked up and positioned themselves behind Lt. Blanco. Twilight guessed that these two were Alvarez and Morgan.

“Alright then…” Lt. Blanco said, satisfied at what his soldiers were doing. “…lead the way Princesses.”

Comments ( 2 )

Awesome chapter but found a few errors:

Well, scans do show that they are not armed.”

^May wanna move the " down a bit

“I’m sorry, but we’re not part of this place called Equestria. In fact, we’re not eve from this planet.”

“Alright, Alvarez and Morgan, you two are with me. The rest of you, I want you guys to secure the perimeter. Sgt. Gilmore, you’re in command.
I want you to contact the Magsaysay and inform them of the current situation.”

^lot of unneeded space there


Thanks for telling me :twilightsmile:

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