• Published 7th Mar 2015
  • 1,561 Views, 117 Comments

Superiority - Black_Heart

“You’re hesitant because you can’t believe the possibility. Tell me though, wouldn’t you like to take the chance to discover the thrill of true power?”

Comments ( 25 )
Comment posted by Oneyearwarpilot deleted Mar 23rd, 2015

Now that's a twist... and even the horrible consequences coming down the line, for the next generation to have to deal with without the benefit of Equestrian magic, won't dampen the good mood of the ending. Spike is happy, Rarity is... probably still awful, but it seems like there's a tiny glimmer of hope in Rarity's condition.

This story kept me with rapt attention the whole time, and this ending both wrapped up everything in this story nicely, and didn't betray the dark feelings the story evoked by suggesting that things couldn't have gone a different way or have somehow become perfect.

Pretty darn good.

This is actually a good ending, Spike gets happy in the end, Human Sombra is gone, Rarity allegiance is still in doubt, as we dont if she is being controlled or not, and the endign matches the whole theme of Destiny, is not hard to assume that perhaps Sweetie and Spike child will be the new dragon and Raritys baby will be the new Sombra. Black_Heart if you ever make a sequel i thnik you gonna explore the many universes thing, it would be cool to see many different Spikes interancting and fighting against Sombra(if its you thing). anyway good fic.

P.S.: BTW, i serached ManiacPaint deviantart but didnt found the pics you used.

Another interesting note: Part of the effect of the weakness voodoo doll was having on Spike was making him not be able to move past events he would normally be able to. Making him obsessed with Rarity even beyond what he normally felt, and unable to step away and actually look at what she did and how she was acting and re evaluate her based on her new behavior.

I am pleased with that, both because it implies that Spike with his full faculties is capable of getting over it, and because it's a mature presentation of strength and weakness.

5769940 i think is more like influenced beyond the point of control, its stated the the love she has for sweetie belle prevented him from fully controlling her. Comparing to Spike´s situation, is probable that if Sombra never showed up, Rarity and Spike might have Divorced on good terms, but Sombra made her stay with Spike so he could get as much as negative energy as possible.

5770005 im betting on a sequel that will either explore the babies grown up life or the multi-universes thing.

Perhaps you couldn't find them because all of them are skecthes. And not even complete sketches, but fragments of them.
Rarity: https://derpibooru.org/85814?scope=scpe3c413b83fd98b6ced2a5e24818f6a3b20b87c424
Sombra: https://derpibooru.org/152087?scope=scpef13bcb97d63e39dcb074c5550ed1f7e068007d18
Sweetie Belle: https://derpibooru.org/189167?scope=scpe9b63daf09672d297b47c1e14070c5e9093a9e090
There was a reason to use such "on progress drawings". I will upload soon a blog post with all the covers of this story, and a couple of covers that were never used, and talk a little about what each of them meant.
More blog posts might also deal with other elements from this fic.

I don't think I can give you all guys enough thanks for reading this story right to the bitter end and commenting here. In fact, you guys and your reaction inspired more than one line in the final chapter. Still, a couple of readers asked a few times in the past that they wished to do an alternate ending to this story. There would be no problem with me at all...though perhaps you no longer hold such wishes.

As for what comes next...there are still 5 mane characters...and I already have some very sinister ideas for everypony. I can't tell you when I will tackle the next character, but rest assured, I will do, this is no the last you see from me.

This was painful to read, as a whole, seeing Sombre finally get what was coming was nice. Still, I really do hate to see Rarity so blatantly a bitch. The twist at the end though, truly no happy endings to be found here.

Well done. One of the most impressive pieces in a long time.


In other ways, one could see the true superiority of a person is not how one's fate works, but rather how one learns to know that he/she is superior to whatever ever could throw itself at him/her and that he controls what happens to him, and to just take care of what he controls, and damn everything else.......I think ::rainbowderp::rainbowhuh:.

And just like in the show, Spike inadvertably defeated Sombra. When Spike finally realized that the whole destiny thing was bullshit and that only he can change things in his life, he finally got what he wanted for so long---love and acceptance.

I still have to know what happened to Rarity though. I know that she's pregnant with Sombra's soul, and apparently she has some of the slaves from before, but was there something more concrete that happened other than Spike and Sweetie Belle got together and Rarity sees that her former husband is in a much better place with someone that love him fully as opposed to someone like her (Rarity)? Like, if she and Spike formally divorced, for one.

Well, this is one interesting ending. While this story made me sick throughout most of it I'm happy to stick with it. Spike is free of his destiny and is happy with another worthy of him. Rarity isn't a complete bitch, still hopes she dies in a ditch. Though it looks like Sombra's plan came to fruition after all, even if king died in the process.

Applauds for the amazing story, because of the amazing writing that made me to feel emotion(even if it was hate for Rarity and Sombre). even if I hate how Rarity treat Spike, the writing is so good.

if people don't like how Rarity get out then they can make a revenge fic.

but ones again a good story.

I was more talking about the personalities of the characters, rather than their destiny.

While the personality of Spike "destines" him to love Rarity, it was the weakness the doll was giving him that was making him so weak that he was not able to reconsider it. It was making him emotionally dependent on Rarity in an unhealthy way, when apparently normally he would have the strength to not be dependent on her when he realized she wasn't good for him, instead of being unable to take any actions to make his life better.

Rarity's position still a little vague, but I think it's more important to know what's happening with Rarity's personality, instead of whether or not she filed for divorce or not. She stopped talking about Spike as if she loved to hurt him, but was that because her sadism faded, because she grew bored with focusing on how hurt he was, or because she was just not trying to betray her sadism to her slaves? Is Sombra affecting her from in her womb, or because he's now becoming her son, is she free of his effect and will grow into a queen that more matches her personality without the darkness... and how dark? Is she going to be a weirdly caring, but still leaning on the dark side queen, arrogant and sadistic, but also bizarrely caring? Or is she so dark she'll only care for her family? Or is it going to go all the way back and she's going to heal?

All open questions, and I do care, but I also am fine without the answers. What's a horror story without open ended questions, after all?


I see the whole issue of Rarity is creating confusion, I did a blog post with a couple of explanations.

Wow this was very unexpected

Should king sombra worry about spike's child. I have a feeling that history will repeat itself but thats my opinion

For the people curious about the previous covers of this story and the changes between them, they can find them in this blog post


Wow. Didn't realize that roughly 4 weeks ago, I started reading this story, and came up with the motion that there has to be a divorce in the future according to the way Spike and Rarity interacted with each other.

Looking at how everything turned out (Spike and Rarity divorced, Sweetie Belle is Spike's new (and genuine) lover, Rarity is saddled with a new Sombra spirit in her womb with the indication that she's been controlled), we should have seen that coming, but I think we(and Spike also) were blinded by the rampant cheating and obvious deviousness of Rarity while she was fucking that pawn claiming to be the real King Sombra, basically we couldn't believe it and yet it was going on right under our noses.

It's simply amazing how emotions can dull our logic and sense.

There is a little loose end though, or it might just be my mind tricking me. But did Sweetie Belle actually confront Rarity about all those things that lead to the divorce with Spike, or his almost-suicidal rants when he came to her the first time? Sister or not, I would think that she at least MAJOR BITCHED on Rarity for her actions, not stay somewhat silent. Hell, even a disownment would be appropriate, but nothing.

I made some changes to the last section of the last chapter, in order to properly tie it with the new info we have about King Sombra past thanks to the comic books. Nothing too drastic, just a little of additions and references, including an extra tidbit/easter egg at the author notes (I know the author notes are not for that, but I didn't wanted to add another chapter just for a few sentences). :unsuresweetie:

As I see it, Sweetie Belle and Spike just went to completely ignore and remove Rarity fro their lives. Rarity was left alone, forgotten by her friends and family, Spike not wanting to deal anymore in his past, and not wanting to soil too much the memory of her sister to Sweetie Belle eyes. So there was no conflict, no big fight, bitching or disowning, everyone just moved on. You could say that the separation was so great, that if the daughter of Sweetie Belle with Spike and the son of Rarity met one day, they are not going to know that they are blood related at all.


So in another way, this was an analogy: a format of Spike's hard drive, because that drive was corrupted by Rarity (and just like some computers, the corruption is gradual process). The thing is now wiped---all files and memory deleted, though there will be a few images on the physical hard drive itself. Basically a new start, I got ya.

Interesting you already are kinda implying that Sweetie and Spike have a daughter, and there is no mention at all of it, they just got together and 'tied the knot' so to speak. Maybe it's a bit of a little :raritywink: as a bit of a Easter egg. Other than that, it makes it a neat bow to finally conclude the story. Thanks for that. :twilightsmile:

I'm not a fan of Netorare, not by a longshot (I don't really hate it either because, let's face it, the situations are quite exaggerated and ridiculous), but your style is solid and quite impressive. Also, this is one of the best Netorare fics I've ever read on any fandom; I'd give it the number 3 spot. Number 2 is "Lies and Heartache" from Naruto and number 1 is "Toy" from Pokemon (seriously).

And I swear to all that is good and holy that about two months ago I read a Netorare doujinshi/manga depicting this scenerios almost to near perfection.

An ancient dark wizard hell-bent on conquering the world is stopped by a shining knight hero and his princess. Before he dies he cast a spell to allow his spirit to live until they are reborn and the wizard will live again; what's his revenge? Steal the girl of course! The wizard curses the knight with a not so prodigal penis and with a weak personality, then almost everything in this fics comes to act in 12 chapters of said doujinshi/manga (even the chapter about the concert and a good portion of the dialogue is almost the same) except the ending. In the doujinshi/manga the knight hero becomes corrupted and joins the wizard in his conquest to dominate the world.

Even so, I can't like it but also I will not dislike it. Nevertheless, good show man. Good show.

Never before have I read a fic that made me despise one of the mane six so much. The story was well written, heart wrenching, depressing, and I loved every minute of it. I feel so bad for SPike that I felt myself starting to cry. As for Rarity... She can go fuck herself. :raritydespair: I was honestly hoping that in the end, she would come crawling back to Spike, just so he could close the door on her and push her away. Sadly, I won't get that satisfaction. Over all, I give this one a solid A. I can't say for everyone else, but I thought it was good. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to go to the corner and cry.

I'm confused as to why this story has so many thumbs down. This fic was wonderful

Jesus, dude, don't make a sticky white mess in your pants.

This ending is kinda half-assed and could have been written better, but I can feel you tried. RadicalDishonesty's point about you putting down something interesting about the nature of weakness was pretty accurate, so good job there. This ending still really feels like it came from the same place and person who wrote that awful stuff with the limo earlier, so my advice is to not just write on the spur of the moment with the first idea that comes into your head, take time to consider alternatives and plot things out a bit better.

I'm just frustrated because you really wrote something compelling in the middle and it's bookended by lazy writing on both sides.

So does Spikes and Sweeties daughter reform or kill Sombra when he’s reincarnated or something?

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